Newspaper Page Text
TIIE ARIZONA BErUBtlCAN SATIT1JDAY .MORXIXO, SEr-TEMBI-It 10, 1908. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN Published Every Day in the Year By THE ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPANY. GEO. W. VICKER8. Pre, and Gen. Mgr. Exclusive Morning Associated Frees Dispatches. Publication offices Corner Second and Adams strets. Telephone Main 47. Entered at the postorflce at Phoenix. Arizona, aa mail matter of the aecond clasa. ' BTJBRCRIPTION RATES. By mail, daily, one year 4J W Veekly, one year ..... Caah In ad ranee. BY CARRIER. Dally, per month .TI eta. The Arizona Republican la on sale at all of Amoa' street news stand wagons In Los Angeles, 8aa Diego and Long beach. For President, , . WILLIAM H. TAFT. For Vice-President JAMES S. SHERMAN. For Delegate to Congress RALPH. H. CAMERON (UMO'.i CJl AijTL 1'HOENIX, ARIZONA, SEPT. 19. 190S. FQ9 XO TIME FOR ETHICS. Some of the democratic newspapers of Arizona and the friends of Hon. Marcus A. Smith persist in viewing the present statehood situation from a purely moral and ethical stand point. They dwell upon the circum stance that Mr. Smith and the dem ocrats in congress have always been for statehood and claim that com mon gratitude to both, dictates the return of Mr. Smith. They pretend to assume that the republicans in congress are bound by the statehood plank of the national platform to grant us immediate statehood any how; that it would be immoral not to do so. As to Mr. Smith's attitude on state hood there is no dispute. Xeither does any one deny that the demo crats in congress have always, since tne Cleveland administration, been in favor of the admission of Arizona. Rut since Cleveland's time there have never been enough of them to do us any good. There are not enough of them now and there cannot be enough in the next session of con gress. As to the assumption that the re publicans in congress, especially the present congress, are bound by the statehood or any other plank of the national platform, that is illogical and false. We are free to confess that the mere insertion of that plank in the platform brought us no ela tion or made statehood seem any nearer. But we hailed the adoption of it as a good sign of a changing sentiment in men who had hitherto been sternly against admission. It was that, rather than the words of the plank that gave us hope of early statehood. We believe we will get It and . we believe that if Arizona elects Ralph Cameron delegate to congress this fall, showing that Arizona has at least a fighting chance of becoming a republican state, we will get it at the rapidly approaching short session. We believe that if Mr. Smith is re elected, that the subject will natur ally go over, at least to the next congress and we feel certain that if Xew Mexico should go democratic, as seems probable, the whole statehood question will be set aside for an in definite period. Even if we might agree with our democratic friends as to the moral duty of the republican congress we would still be unable to see how we could be benefited by shutting our yes to the possibility or probability of an immoral act. We want state hood and it is our part to make it easier for congress to redeem what Mr. Smith's friends persist in regard ing as a pledge. We would be fool ish to tempt congress to violate it. Whatever may be the duty of con gress, our duty is plain. The end of the registration season is not far off. This observation is made to the end that those who think they are full fledjred American citizens may not find on election day that their rights and privileges have been abridged. Notwithstanding the feverish build ing of residences which has been go ing on since the beginning of the year, houses in Phoenix are harder to find than ever before. We are now entering upon that eight months' period which gives Phoenix the reputation of having the finest climate on earth. It seems that William H. Hearst is unable to distinguish between an at torney's fee and a bribe. M1r RATf.S tfFECHVE FOR IERRIIORIAL FAIR As Announced by Santa Fo Tariff Issued September 10th. Local passenger tariff No. 65 which was issued by the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix September 10, announced the excursion rates from all points on the S. F. P. & P. and leased lines to Phoenix and return, on account of the Fourth Territorial Fair. These rates are to be effective X'ovember 6 to 14. The rate from Prescott is $4 for the round trip, or 11 cents less than IVi cents per mile. Rates from other points which may be of interest are as follows: Ashfork, $",.83; Bouse, J4.2H-, Crown King, $".95; Cedar Glade, $5.20; Cherry Creek. $4.75; Congress Junction,- $3.60; -lendale, 50c; Hillside, $3.20; Hot - Springs Junction, $2.20; Humboldt,' $4.80; Kirkland, $3.20; Mayer. $5.10; Parker, $4.95; Poland. $5.15; Peoria. 75c; Sa lome, $3.30; Wickenburg, $2.75; Wen den. $$3.10. The final limit will be Xovember 16, except that tickets sold at Po land will provide for a final limit of Xovember 17. THE NEED OF GINGER Felt in the Republican Campaign in the East. Xew York, Sent. IS. All the mem bers of the executive and advisory committees of the republic-tin national committee met with Chairman Hitch cock today and gave attention to some means of arousing greater enthusiasm in the campaign in the east. The impression that the battleground is entirely in the western states is de plored by the managers of the eastern campaign. o Beware of Ointments for Ca tarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tne whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be usd except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in loiedo. Uhio. by t . J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. I'rire 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. GREAT COMPANY OF CLOWNS. Barnum and Bailc Circus Rich in Comedy Features. There is a grtat band of comedians with the Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Farth this .'.eas-in. Aside from those famous in America, there are a scre or ninie from European arenas, and from start to finisli the great per formance is tempered with delightful comely. One of the tbinss that has made the Barnum and Bailey circus famous for fifty-four years has been its clowns. Xever have they resorted to th;ie-vorn devices to enrn a laugh. They tre this season, as ther always have ben, the originators of their profession. The audience is kett in constant good bu rner, the children are delighted and their elders relish the three hours of clever nonsense. During the several weeks' engage ment at the beginning of this season in the Madison Square Garden, all Xew York had a h'ughinr spell h-ought on by the dro!! antics of these excellent clowns. Many ec- pantomimes, tra vesties and grotesque stunts have been introduced into the performance and every one who visits the great arena leaves on better terms with himself and the world for having laughed till his sides pained him. The Cup That Protects PURIFOLD Aseptic Paper Drinking Cup A necessity and a protection in the school, the theatre, the railroad car, the park, wherever jmblic valer it drunk. One drink from a Public Drinking Cup may cost yon endless misery. The Purifold Aseptic Paper Drink ing Cup protecis you. It cosbj little and lasts long, folds Hat and may be carried in the vest pocket or purse. Ask your dealer for them and if he hadn't th-m send us his name and we will f upply you direct. 8 for 25c. iuo for $.'.5i postpaid. Bumitol MTtf. Company Mnufw-tar.r, ft Pmpw Lf r-K.1 uiutn rise,., Sputum rii .ml Br,nlSt..CnbHdtf,Mu. Quifcherkickin If you are dissatisfied for any reason, list your proierty with us and let us sell it for ; you and then sell YOU what you want. JUST NOW We have especially good bar gain in 40-aere alfalfa ranch, with fine feed just the place for a dairy; $:;200 ca-sh will handle it. Also in 10-acre ranch with good house, close in. Also BARGAINS in city lots und all kinds of city property. Six-room brick house for $1500. - Fourth Annual Fair will be held in Phoenix, November 8th to 14th, 1908. Spaulding-Rinard Co, We are at the old stand. 200 W. Washington St. Opposite Ford Hotel MR. HOMESEEKER Don't Look Any Farther FIVE ACRES on . Central Avenuo with modern six-room brick house, toilet, wind-mill and tank and good barn. All In alfalfa. An Ideal home tor $5,000. EIGHT AXD A HALF ACP.ES. one and a half miles from center of city. A snap for $1200. TEX ACRES, five miles out, for $1,000. On easy terms. TEX ACRES, nine acres in alfalfa, half an acre in orchard. Good barn and fair house. $3500. ELEVEX ACRES with six-room brick house and cellar, good barn and j corral, wind-mill and tank. One and a half miles from city. On good terms $$5,000. SEVEXTY ACRES of alfalfa, two and a half miles from center of city,' eight-room house with, modern toilet and bath, good barn, wind mill and tank, half an acre in or chard, also all farming tools, four brood mares, two colts, five mules and sixty head of cattle. For price and terms, call at our office. OXE HUNDRED AXD SIXTY ACRES to and a half miles from Glen dale with four-room frame house, twenty acres of fine alfalfa, bal ance grain land. A snap for $90 per acre, on easy terms. Greens & Griffin Real Estaste and Investment Co. DURING House-Gleaning REMEMBER WE CLEAN RUGS, QUILTS, PILLOWS. LACE CURTAINS, NAVAJO BLANKETS, ALL WORK DONE SATIS TORILY. Arizona Laundry Adams and Third St. You Must Stop FOR A COOL ROOM AND A QUIET NIGHT'S REST THE WILLIAMS HOUSE MARICOPA. ARIZONA. lHHtMlIMMIMMM :: Rough Dry ii . . washing cheaper than any 1 other way. ' ' try it. ' All flat pieces Ironed other ' 1 1 articles starched and prepared , . for Ironing. , , GET OUR PRICES. ', We have the only system. J ' I TROY LAUNDRY ii iniininiiiiti.uiiii FLORAL STAND AND RACKS For Funerals. Big Shipments in. . Phoenix Flower House Chas Burroughs LOOK! We have listed for a short time the cheapest 40-aere ranch in the valley. Five miles from the center of town. Old water rights. This is in the Isaac District and can be bought- for $25. less than any similar tract in the district. Good house, well and shade; fenced and Cross fenced. This Is a snap. Look it up. I The Rogers Auction Co, 24 West Jefferson St, Phone Red-207L ! 1 'K -H-H- t-M--l i i i 1 1 1-V DROP YOUR MONEY into the purchase of a sack of Per fect flour and you'll get its value back again in better bread and more of it Between two bags of flour there may be little or no difference in appearance. But use revals that one is far superior to the other. The Perfect flour always gains by com parison with other brands. Order a sack and see for yourself. VALLEY FLOUR MILLS. FOR SALE NEW CENTER STREET 5-ROOM RESIDENCE. Just completed. In 1000 block; modern in every respect; oien for inspection. For terms and price seo THOMAS at end of Indian School car line. Phone County 19. Phone Main 113 Whisk With m i Strong, durable, well made whisk broom for any use, all sizes, 15c up to 50c. See front window. Shipment just in of Cornell Benzoin soap which makes your skin velvety, white, soft and smooth and removes tan and freckles.. 25c a cake; 65c box. SPECIAL SALE Strong Ajax Combs, reduced from 35c to 25c A. L. BOEHMER, PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY. Cor. Center and Washington Sts. Phoenix, Arizona. Rural Deliv ery Promptly Attended. ALWAYS CLEAN. HAVE The California W buy only tha best in tha market THE ENGLISH KITCHEN RESTAURANT , i . 44-45 EA8T ADAMS STREET, varythlng Naw, Nica and CUan. Private Family Olnlag ItaanaV CHARLIE. LING & CO, Propa. Garden City Restaurant Cooleat and Cleanest piaca In Town to Eat. Nlca prWabs rooma for partial and families. Short orders at all hours. REGULAR MEALS 25c Noa. tl and 24 East Washington Straat. MARK LAND, Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL PATENT ATTORSET S Patents, copyrights, trademarks American and foreign. JAMES R. TOWN SEND, 4::0 Bradbury building, Los Angeles, Cal. E. E. PASCOE, Notary Public, Con veyancing a specialty. Acknowledg ments taken. 110 North Center St. DR. W. S. LOWE, Veterinarian. Of fice 17 N. 1st Ave. Office Phone Red 1223. Res. Phone County 44. J. Q. A. King, Assayer and Metallur gist, Mining, Milling, Smelting and Irrigation Machinery. 18 N. Second Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. BARNETT E. MARKS, Attorney and Counsellor. Office 411 Fleming Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz. Patents ae cured. J. W. CRENSHAW. Attorney at Law, General practice in all the courts. Office, 211 Fleming Bldg., Phoenix, Arizona. MASSAGE G. A. Roberts, expert Scientific service. Treatment fciven In your home. Phone black 885'. Yosemite Valley Open All Year There Is no season In Yosem ite more delightful than the fall months, when clothed In its autumn hues and over It spreads the beautiful Indian summer. Trails and roads op en to points of interest. Daily train service. Write for descrip tive folder. For tickets or further Infor mation see Southern Pacific or Santa Fe agent. Address O. W. Lehmer, Traf fice Mgr., Yosemite Valley Railroad Company MERCED, CAL. DID YOU EVER Examine your hens for lice? They have them and the best thing for you to do is to get rid of them now. We have what you need. :-: :-: Hill's Seed House NEW LOCATION, 126 North Canter Street CHIROPODIST. Painless removal or '.' Corns, 60 cents each. Bunions, Moles and Warts, removed by electricity. Ingrow ing Toenails a spe Ladies and Children cialty. Men. treated day First and Center Sts. Phone Red 8072 Moore & McLellan Undertakers and Embalmsrs. Lady Assistant, tl West Adama S'rest Telephone Main 121. Mail Orders Solicited Brooms Life Free Delivery PROMPT SERVICE. YOU TRIED Restaurant 33 N. 1st. Are. and our cooking spaaks for itsalf. Alfalfa Hay Per ton SI 1.00 oat Hay. per ton $10.50 Rolled Barley S1.30 Oats S2.00 Bran 05 Sorghum Seed, per lb Wheat S2.23 Free City Delivery. A. WHARTON Phone Main 224 117 E Jeff. St. GOLD HOTEL ANTON GOLD, Proa. Ird and Washington Sts. Hot and Cold Baths free for reg ular roomers. Nice cool rooms $7.00 per month and upwards. Summer rates. Come and look at them. M III II IIIJ IIHUTHUI 1'iMffTV" We Give You A Square Deal No matter whether you come in person, send no of your children, or phone us your or der, you get a SQUARE DEAL, at the Ford Hotel Pharmacy 13S West Washington St. Don't forget the dates: Nov. 9-14, 'OK, Fourth Territorial Fair, Phoenix. ' 'i. 4 - THE HOTEL AT HOLLYWOOD. An Heal family re.iort where the Arizona people are spending their summel vacation. Situated mid-way between the City and Sea, Rates S12.E0 tip. t-W'H"M"M "i "1-H"!' I I I H"M - W - Capital $100,000.00 The National Bank of Arizona, AT PHOENIX. ' Solicits the deposits and general business of farmers, merchants and ' individuals, who may rely upon courteous consideration and the very ' best terms that are consistent with good business methods. EMIL GANZ, President. 8. OBERFELDER, Cashier. SOL LEWIS, Vice. President J. J. SWEENEY, Assist. Cashier. HnHnHLinH 1 1 1 I M"W"H' W. F. NICHOLS. President. UNION BANK & TRUST OO. 30 NORTH CENTER ST. GENERAL BANKING PROMPTNESS. COURTESY AND ACCOMMODATION. FOR B0 FEET IN TWO 40 FOOT LENGTHS STEAM HOSE. A RARE BARGAIN. Kunz Bros. MACHINE Phone Red S2S. YEE SING'S AMERICAN HITCH EN Partiea aarvad with extra fin real Chinaaa China diahea.. Private rtiml and family atyla whan deeired. 8ing d oea all hie own pastry. Far a gooa dinner on apeci'4 occasions or at ord inary timea com ta Sing's naw Amtr. ican kitchen. Regular meals 25c; short orders all night. S3 North Center Street, Phoenix, Arizona. 11111 IIHI1II1MHIIHIII JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Stock of J Hearsey Tires at "Bike Hospital" 2 doors south of postoffice. Phone Black 3291. 1 Stewart & Tempin HfH Hill I I HI I M 1 1 H I I v THE MISSION A resort for gentlemen. The original BUDWEISER BEER on draught. FRANK CONNELLEY, Pre. fejaaai '- r GREER -STARK PLUMBING CO. II 217 W. Wash. Street Phone Red 33G1 WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTION. LET VS FIG URE ON YOUR PLUMBING SEND IN Y'OUR REPAIRS. THEY WILL GET OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. GILLETTE The Tailor Carries the Largest Stock of Goods in Arizona 17 W. ADAMS ST. H. O. RAMSEY VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate Ontario Veterinary Collage. Gentle horses and nice rigs for hire. Office and stable corner Tlrst av enue and Jefferson SBL Fhane llask Stt. PtiMalu, Aria, H"M''M H I 1 HI! H"H"M"M'i I V Surplus $100,000.00 Mil IWMI 1 1 HI 111 t No wonder he laughs Every man with a fat bank account can afford to lough. Also take a 'smile" once In a while. Put your money In the bank now, where It will be drawing Interest that you can spend latter on. We will be glad to have your ac count, and talk to you about oar method of paying yoa Interest. The Valley Bank OF PHOENIX. J. M. SWETNAM. GEO. H. LTJTGERDINO, Vice-President Casaler. SALE & Messinger WORKS. Corner Second and Adama Sts. PHOENIX, ARIZ. K I Hi-MWfjMI H 1 1 1 IHI h Hello, Sally. Where are you going? You are in a big hurry. (Jond Lord! I am going to the PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET. That is where you can get a nice juicy steak, chop or any kind of finest meat on the Phoenix market. Fancy spiced corned beef for family use. Roast beef, roast 1 pirk. boiled ham and tongue. ! PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET and workingman's friend, PETER SEEGER, Prop. ; 39 W. Wash. Phone Black 3391. 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 ! 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 Freight and Baggage carefully and quickly Bandied. Btotv age'at reasonable rates. Pioneer and Consolidated Transfer and Storage Go. ! Baggage office. 111 North Center Mi. Telephone Main 142. General office, 42 South Center It "Telephone Main 74. THE PALACE PRESCOTT, ARIZONA Strictly on the European plan. Rooma I by th6 day. week or month. Fines i bar and club rooms In tha Southwest. BROW, SMITIi & BELCHER t PROPRIETORS. CALIFORNIA WINE & LIQUOR CO. i Port $1.00 Claret S pi. 75 Riesling a 1.2'i " " Jl.ce SHiiterne l.M Zaiifandel l.i" 'hasseiaa : xix 1.7S Hureundv l..Vi Uutedel ixxx 2 uo (irenaWie 1.7.'. Semillon lAnRclica 1.5o i 'artx-oret i (Hi Cresla Blanra buerry 1.50 Spl oriee bv bl. Hpk. Burgundy J. F. Cutter Whisky, Hermitage, Old Taylor. Ambassador, King of Ken tucky and a hundred more of the best quality, and a full line of Cordials. Special price for barre. Hot Lunch at Richelieu Salooa. 19-21 South Center St. .Iiiniiiiii;i;iiiiiitiiniiiiii:iiiiiHiimi!iiuij UJ aa I Indian Baskets and Blankets, Native Gems, Curios I ARIZONA SADDLERY GO. f 45 N. Center, Phoenix E luiiiiiiiiaiuiuKiiiuiiuiiiiuuiruuuuuiT