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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN SATURDAY MORNIXO, 8ErTE3IBER 19, 190S. flM'llirBBII Frill fill iri7Aiii P-!-- Plmattiv VAimmttAn All 'flQ H ' ATTRACTIONS EXTRAORDINARY r Come in today as our Safe will ciose very shortly. Bigger Bargains than ever uJ nJ linn Hit I n i Y -m-iihA ' J.. . Jr m:-LTC.-Jj"J.g!;f!JrjiiiiiiijMmwii.iTlMi;in i ii .iiii, I mi ...I - in inmiMiiiii EMyilluJ y i&M mm i iiiii nrrnr m hmm Fourth Arizona Fair, Phoenix, November 9U, '08, ATTRACTIONS EXTRAORDINARY r This Sale will last but a short time, as we are to move to new quarters soon K J In a short time this Sale will come to a close, as we will move to our new building. Tf von have not invests! nnrl i laied m your supply at this sale, you had better do so. There are still to be found piles upon piles of the choicest goods (all genuine 1 bargains.) We are sacrificing everything as we must dispose of as much merchandise as possible. It will be our loss, your gain. uuu i wmi ur nusuaie, come anu lane auvanuige 01 securing goous less man regular purcnase price. Kemember sale closes shortly. lere's Some of the Greatly Reduced Values. Are not these Sufficient to Convince You? i 2 Off on Ladies' Suits Reversible Suitings REVERSIBLE SUITINGS in the nest up-to-d.ite patterns, chocks, stripes :unl plaids. l.nik like the finest .f u.H.l. ii fabric. Will make up neat and KuitaMe fur women's, misses' and chil dren's wear. Kspccially suita f"r children s school wear. Ni'Vi-r sul. I for l.iss t'rin ;.". a yar.l. Sal- pri.e. yd 1 '2C Table Damask 64 INCH WIDE BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK .Nice as sorted patterns, 4)c anil 4."c quality. Sale price, yd 22' Fancy Ginghams ONE BIG LOT OF FANCY GINGHAMS Suitable for chil dren's wear. Would be cheap at 13c yard. Sale price, per jard f French Percales ONE NICE LOT OF FRENCH PERCALES Positively the best oualitv: folk v.-trd wide, most- protinds ly li stripe 1 :.? yard ;ht most- ;iii t... .t anil figures. " Reirular quality. Sale price 10d COMFORTS AND BLANKETS Going at Greatly Reduced Prices MEN S SOFT SHIRTS A Rig Saving on Men's Soft Shirts $1.00 quality, sale price, each 75c $1.2-" quality, sale price each .: ...... 90c $1.45 $2.00 and $2..0 quality, sale price, each 3 Off on Men's Clothing Men's "Porosknit" Underwear ONE LOT OF "POROSKNIT" UNDERWEAR Well made, neatly finished, always sells at 50c a garment. Sale price, per garment 39 Bed Sheets FULL SIZED BED SHEETS Well made, seamed, ready for use. Usual value 65c. Sale priee, each -13 3r-xTO-s-j- y-waf.-rTP" Men's Underwear ONE BIG LOT OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR IN THE BAL BRIGGAN AND FANCY RIB BED Well made, all sizes. Worth 4."c and 5'jc a garment. Sale price, garment 2o Bed Sheets BEST QUALITY BED SHEETS Seamless, wide hem. an extra good sheet at 7."c. Sale price, o!)C Ford Hotel Grill Open every night until 12 o'clock, i Merchants Lunch H'30 to 1:30 Short orders from f a-m. to S p.m. DUTCH LUNCHES ALL HOURS. Private room for ladies or parties. ; IJANQL'ETS or -SPREADS for all occasions. FOR SALE. 5 Acre Tract Tn alfalfa one-half mile fijm Indian School car line Jl'1"1 See THOMAS: fit end of Indian School car line. phone County IS. THE HEART OF MARYLAND. Mr. Raymond Whitaker has received a t -li L'rani from his new specialty peo ple stating that they will arrive in Phoenix Sunday morning. This will he pleasing news to theater-goers a.-i good vaudeville arts have b--en very scarce in Phoenix for a long time, .p pn priate new costumes for the opening production are now on the wav and with several ntw people in the cast, a handsome new curtain, brand new scenery, moving pictures, illustrated sorgs, and excellent music by the Myr tle orchestra, everyone may attend the opi ;i:ng of the Third Avenue theater ! Monday night feeling sure that he will I get his money's worth "and then some." t'hiirt pens at Larson'.-' phar macy this morning. ..... , .... . if I The Weekly News Of The Valley V miBAi oniiTc COFFEE """ Cheap for those that won't pay for good; Schil ling's Best for those who won't have poor. Tour rrocer return row moccf if jtm a1 !U it; w pi him t kin 4 x-5-x-!-!-:-;--x--:x--x-x-x--X"Xi- CREIGH1 Creighton. Sejit. ls. ened Monday with a The Week was spent Frank J. O'Brien BROKER. Tucson. Pranches in Phoenix and Xogales. Stocks, Bonds and Produce. Private leased Wire to all Exchanges. R. D. HIGHTOWER, Manager. Phoenix Office. Plioue Main 22. 40 N. 1st St A WONDER TO EVERYONE. You :!ioi.ld see the new phce cop-site tfi ? court In use. I. ol;s like a palace the prettiest place je I'm n. They have just got a car of :n w ' furniture. Nice heavy mission rock ers, in : sioa oak dining tal les and, chairs, golih-n oak heavy flake (iicr-ter-sawed die: s.'r buffet--, leaded glass fronts, princess dressers, chif-foi.ien-s, kitchen safes, kitchen cabi net:, the finest axuiinster !xl2 rugs in the town for the money; sold six list week. New linoleum, spring , 1 inatres: es, pillows. Can furnish your house with any grade of goods you desire, and our prices are in your reach. See our He. 10c and l"c coun ters. Nothing over L'.'c. The place where you can get an arm load for a dollar. See us before you buy and you are our customer. Come in and rest. Look around. Get a drink of ice water and if you have anything to sell i, t us know. Will buy every thing. MASSIE & SONS, J 111-16 West Washington Street, j Phone Main 257. I h Tomatoes Tomatoes 9 O cans Quail Brand 25c per case $1.95 D.W. Williams Grocery Co 42 NORTH FIRST AVE. Phone Main 173 see , roN. j ( Uir s, hool op good attendance, by teachers and pupils In getting used to school hours. , n Monday all will git down to their regular work and a most profitable year is predicted by all. j ( iur people are 1-eginning ti think i and talk- of the fair; hut while wc are ; doing this we should also con.-i.ier how we can add to its interests. While the I live slock interests of this district were fairly well r presented by exhibits last year few real products of the soil wero i shown. There is scarcely a farmer who ; has not raised some product worthy I of a place in the exhibit and, to i, 'ilile the article should be rjally excellent '.Vet wc. must remember "that it is the I i . ,shoW we make, the number of the ex hinits as well as the extra quality tha helps to advertise the valley or com munity to the outside world. So if you haven't the longest ear of corn or the - mammoth pumpkin! bring alcn lest von have and let the woH !wluit we can do along the various ! !n '""'l,i lir. u Tl..i'r lii'in. it to tic l:iri'i. iilf growers of grain or to the big cream eries, etc., to make the whole show but each do his part. Itev. John Creighton and family moved into their new home Wcdnes j day. Airs. McConnell has disposed of her raaih and lent sanitorium, bettr known as Lee's ranch, to W. !'.. Hick man of the f-Viborn district. Mr. Hick , man has taken possession. Mrs. Mc i'Connell has moved into town where shc will reside for the present. Mrs. Mary r.raslioar has sold her ranch on the North park road to .1. W. i Kithugh, the price received being $210 J per acre. Mrs. Mrashear has removed : to a house on the Homew I tract j w here she will reside for the present I or until she can buy auotlnr ranch, : for she says she has not lost faith in Salt river valley real estate. Henry l-'oltz was a business visitor , in this district Thursday. Miss Helen Itedman who has been staving with Mrs. Wagoner the past ' few weeks, returned to le-r home in the I isborn district Monday, i M. Ktter is cutting and baling his ! fifth crop of hay. ; Mr. and Mrs. I'ierson nnd family vis 1 ited at the Mathers' home Friday even ing. ! 1 he principal of the school. Miss Pearl lioemer. will stay at the Mall tt ; home this winter. I Our people seem to be rather slow to take up the telephone proposition as ! presented by the independent company. i At any rate there was not a single person turned out for the meeting Wednesday night. Frank State spent Friday night with II. AV. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Justus Ooi bel and Jus tus C-. ibel. Jr., and Miss Mavme fiib hoiisy returned Saturday from their summer outing. The summer w:'s spent in the White mountains which Mr. tloebcl declares is the finest summer resort in the world, not equaled even by the Adirondacks or his own native Kentucky hills. All report a splendid time. 1J. A- Mulford and family who spent the summer at the Lee's ranch, moved into town Tuesday. John Keiber and family were visitors in the neighborhood Friday. Jay Kyer returned from a two months' stay at the coast the first of tlie week. Among those of our district who are attending t lit-. high school this year are the following: Allen Creighton, Ruth f'reighton. (iertrude I'.ivens. Fred Hiv ens. Josophine Mollett. Taul Mollett, i Mary Mollett, Mary Perkins, Abide ! Smith, Marion Mathers, Verne Ia. Tourrette, Rena La Toum tte and Ju lius Irion. Remember the Sunday school at the school house Sunday afternoon Jit 3 o'clock. f...i IT. ....... l..t. the I .."-.- . i w no took i m examination tor corporal iny H, N. C A.. Tuesday even- ranch four and a half miles southeast . a- ii... : . ... i. At:-. I. r ..... hi i noenix li) jaton iur i'", with $7'i additional for the stock and i farm implements. Mr. Minch came ! here from Kansas six months ago and j will take possession of the ranch Oc tober 1, moving on w ith his family. It is a well improved farm but he pro- I poses to add still other conveniences. WILSON DISTRICT. Wilson Iustrict, Sept. IS". The sum mer tourists are slowly returning. Those to come in during the past week are: Mamie King, who spent the sum mer at Jerome Junction; Fred Tait and family from Long Beach; T. Malay and family from Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Sai re from Iowa; W. K. Barry and family from Flagstaff, and Miss White from Oregon. Kach and every one spent a pleasant and profitable summer and were delighted with their Mrs. Susie Williams of nlobc is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Agner. George Connelly moved his family onto the Solie place where he will try his hand at raising strawberries. The cantaloupe growers having re ceived their returns are busy trying to j figure out just w here they are at and wondering what their acreage will be next lar. Mr. Hoskins has sold his belongings on the Tempe road, consisting of two ranches to a Mr. Cooley. Alex Hargrave has bought a ranch near the Indian school and moved to it a short time ago. Kveryone is sorry to loose them from amongst us. Mrs. Hurley and children of Jerome Junction are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Tom Kins. Friends if Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cray will be very sorry to learn of the death of their little daughter, Helen, which happened in Present on Friday last. .., ..v,.t-t luit for hump sweet h ,,e the',- ail declare there is not a ! Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the place like Phoenix and more especially the Wilson district. Urj Ti.m Vint whrt Inns been finite t....,',Lle ill w In'.nruvin, nnd able to I neighborhood be around again. C. M. Moore has sold his forty acre Mrs. Curtis and little daughter Mary are spending a few weeks in New Mex ico. The Wilson district will soon have cause to complain of the city robbing us of so many of our best inhabitants. The last to desert us is J. H. Williams who has trailed his ranch for a corral near Five Points and has moved with his family to Phoenix. Will Chambers and family spent Sunday with C. C. Chambers. Mrs. Arthur who spent the summer at Oswego, Kansas, has returned and is stopping with Mrs. W. E. Barry. pa rents Mrs. Johnson was out north of town ranch hunting on Wednesday. The is indebted to The Re- j publican tor still anotner iavor anu ithat is the delivery of their paper by 'special carrier early each morning. .The ranchers are thus permitted to en Ijoy the news of the day together with ' their breakfast. Quite a number of young folks from ithis neighborhood enjoyed the concert !at the citv hall pin .a Sunday evening. Miss -Kvelyn Williams entertained Miss Winnie Pritchett, Porter Nalle, Otho Dorset t. Richard Osmundson. Win. Pritchett, Win. Doner and broth er Sunday afternoon. Marvin Williams has accepted a po sition at the asiluni as war.l attend ant. Mrs. S. A. Echlin of the Airdome vis ited with her mother. Mrs. Wiison, of this place on Wednesday. Mrs. Kchlin says it seems like old times to get back and cat fried chicken at home after being away so long. She also en joyes a visit on the farm as life in the city gets tiresome. Miss Ada Osmundson, Miss Lena Scl re k( Victor Hcsiin. Richard Os mundson, Ado!.ih Sehreck and Toni Bromley were pleasant visitors at the Pritchett home last Monday evening. our school opens in the Wilson school house the lst of this month. The children will soon be traveling the dusty roads going to and from school as of old. Mrs. I. F. Johnson was shopping in the city Wednesday. J. McGuyer, J. D. Pritchett and W. T. Cagt are fencing their lateral through Mr. I.ogue's field from the de stiuction of tcck this w-ek. M's.s Kvelj n Williams spent the for mer part of this week in town with her sister. Mrs. L. W. Greer. The Peoples' Independent Telephone company held a meeting in the Creigh ton district Wednesday evening. They expect to be building linos in that di rection soon. W. T. Cage purchased thirteen hea l of fine thoroughbred Iiolst. i- h, iters at tile big public sale Tuesday. Miss R.:th Prit.'hett and Miss V:va Johnson visited with Miss Fmma Cur tis, Thursday afternoon. , Miss Curtis expects her mother home from the east in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ci llins have moved on the old Taylor Campbell place. (Continued on page S.) ! i aF"tttTaffTf y LJ J 1m!Ji r "H5r -mini i. m gT' """W-t'iZZ - T-t?'- '-nV-Vay:Fyi'''' ft Jtt" f ,y!m- -r? v?v ml m i'n imt 1 Nfi lf iii-ramil-ir-TM-nJiiithri lCft-r Weak Women suffer greatly from their nerves. They twitch, pull, ache and throb and keep things all wrought up. What is needed is a gentle tonic like Cardui, to soothe the nerves into forgetfulness and repose. Of course the reason you need Cardui it that it is a woman's medicine, that acts on womanly troub les, hence helps womanly nerves. Cardui has been so wonderfully successful in relieving or curing other women's ailments, that we are pretty safe in saying it will surely help you. Experience counts. Read the ex perience of Mrs. Alta Hanes, of Grif- fithville, Ark., She says: "Before , I took Cardui for my female troubles, I suffered death a thousand times. I Used to have nervous spells until some times I didn't want to live another,. minute. after taking well woman." V4TITnPTT7 Writ fgf 64-pie niastrated Book. "ITomt Trtatmtnt fur W iXLixJn Dljr W .ii,tiesc--ibin'- ymptorr.t of Female Diseases and fir- BOOK FREE The first bottle helped me, andlM-5 king ten bottles I am today a Iry Cardui n fng valuable hints on health, hygiene, diet, medicine, etc, for women. Sent free, postpaid. Address: ZmJu AJvuory JMpt The Chattanooga Medicine Qq Chattanooga, Trnn. i witch , - n pi US. 1UA HAJilS. I -' l 1 S C Q rtrtntitl . ;!t . -it-- su3i: G 1S3 5 1