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FOR SALE. Twenty acres of alfalfa, three miles from postofflce. S2330.00 E. E. Pasoce, 110 North Center Street. FOR SALE; Five room bouse, near library. Two lots; fine shade. 81050.00 Cash. t E. E. Pasco, 110 North Center Street. ABE , - EE NINETEENTH YEAR.., .... 1G PAGES phoenix, Arizona sun day morning, September 20 1908 16 pages VOL XIX. NO 132 HE PUBMCAW ZONA 7 THOSE LETTERS DISTURB1 REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN They Have lhe Effect tor On His Own Motion Ho Cancels an Arrangement to Take Fart In 1 lie National League of nepuhli ean 1 iils Kail v. Cincinnati. Sept. IV -Senator J. j;. Korakcr t nun: 1 eliminated himself from particip: I inn with Judg:; Taft in the polite :ii. rally it the lea:, re if 1 i'Iu'Ii' uau clubs to '" held lu re next i'lUM' iy. 1 I ;icti '.1 was Made Known ;o J'.dge Taft i.i,J!c following lei'.ei-, adlnised to Mr. Ta:t today and was i .latle ullio by tlic senator t'jniT'i': Cinein t;-ti, i)., -pt. 19, 'My Pear' "1 have r-id in the newspapers that snmi' Jf your frit-nils and nil .ire in doubt is to lhe proprict v of my speaking wit:i you in Music H.-tll next Tuesday ni-r'nt :.nrt I h:ve con cluded net to a.t.'iu the niceti.i.. I take this actio! 'mt Itiause 1 deem tlie answers I have made to Mr. Hearst's charges insufficient, nor he cause of any lack of loyalty to your cause, hut only I do not wish to do un thing that might injure your cause or embarrass you personally. J. Ii. KOUAKKtt." To John Hays Hammond, president of the national league of republican clubs. Mr. Foraker sent a letter. Senator Foraker said on giving nut the orre.-.po!ideiH e that his action entirely voluntary and he had received no direct communication froit Judge Taft regarding tlie situa tion. The publicity of the letters followed a series of conferences hold here yes terday ami today. Senator Dick and Mr. Voryd were the intermediaries yesterday. Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts reached the city today and went at once to Charles I. Tuffs residence where Judge Taft remained he entire day. After an confer, nee Mr. Craiie returned ti the Sintoii hotel where he was met by "COJART" ON A TANK IS A GUARANTEE We are always busy because we do It right. GOSART PLUMBING COMPANY 28 to 30 North Second Ave. Phoenix, Arizona. Phone Maine 285. WE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE Chandeliers Bank and Office Railing THE E. THOMA M'F'G. CO., S. Seventh Avenue, Artistic Chandelier Work Phoenix, Arizona. PHONE MAIN 212. a Specialty. POOL ROOM FOR RENT Phone or Write W. J. KINGSBURY, . Tempe, - - Ariz. H$-W"W"H Dairymen, Keep up New prices, courteous and fair treatment of all, open and honest methods, please the people. Ou patrons are increasing every day, but we still invite more. New and up-to-date machinery, handled by competent men, results in a product, which with the same con scientious methods constantly increases demand. If you want the lest possible prices, and a fair square deal, we want your butter fat, wherever in the valley you are. Come with the crowd to The Maricopa Creamery, F. H. MOGNETT, Pres. PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK PHOENIX, ARIZONA CAPITAL S100.000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS - S150.000.0O E. B. GAGE, President IL J. McCLUNG, Vice President. K. 11. BUHMISTER, Cashier. II. M. riALLIVER, AflsL Cashier. 1 DIRECTORS. E. R Gage F. M. Murphy D. M. Ferry The Prescott National Bank, Prescott, Ariz. Capital paid In - - - - 9100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 155,000 F. M. MUIlPHY, President MORRIS GOLD WATER, VIce-Pres'L It N. FREDERICKS, Cashier. H. A. CHEVERTON, G. E. MEANT, Assistant Cashiers. We Pay Highest Cash Prices "For Old Gold and Silver and Precious Stones SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON W ATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. RT T7PTETYiT ATVT 1 l 1 J.J. lt IS LV 11 XJ of Eliminating Sena; Senators Foraker and Pick. The three lunched together in the hotel and then repaired to Senator Fora ker's office in the Traction building, where the conference was protracted j until late in the afternoon. after i which Senators Crane and Dick again ; saw Judge Taft. .Wither Judge Taft, Senator Fora ker, Senator Cre, Senator Dick nor Mr. Vorys wouluVtdd anything to the information contained in the letters which were made public with the execution of Mr. Foraker's remarks ' that the action was voluntary. I Judge Taft tonight addressed an enthusiastic gathering of citizens of Norwood, Ohio, in the assembly room of the Sinton hotel. His remarks were confined to a discussion of the Philippine Islands question which he declared would be an issue of the campaign lK-cause of the position taken by the democratic platform. He reviewed the alternative present ed to the I'nited States with refer ence to the Philippine Islands at ths close of the Spanish war and asserted in conclusion that there was no other cour-ie but to assume the resxinsi hility and he added: "Mr. Bryan and his followers were responsible for the cost and suffering aiM Joss of life on both sides whiclr arose during an unnecessary year of war." OUT OF THE 6AMFAIGN. The Availability of Mr. Foraker Be lieved to Be at an End. New York, Sept. 19. of whether Senator Foraker's deTense of his r latiuns with tlie Standard oil company, as evidenced by letters made public by Win. U. Hearst, is T Res. Main 320. with the Procession $ E. KAYS, Mgr. A W. A. Drake L. H. Chalmerav Ceo. N. Gage F. T. Alkire V. F. Staunton H. J. M:Clun Safe Deposit Boxei For Rent. Manufacturing Jeweler to 33 W. Waahinflton Streat deemed sufficient to clear him of suspicion of an impropriety, there is a distinct feeling here tonight that he will be eliminated from consid eration as a speaker for the republi can national ticket. Indications that such a move is on foot appeared In an Announcement from the headquarters-" of Herlwrt Parsons, chairman of the New York county committee, that . Governor Hughes had been selected to make the sieech at a meeting to be held in Camp Taft in this city October 1. It had been announced previously that Senator Foraker had accepted an invitation to be the principal speaker of the meeting. In giving out the fact that Governor Hughes would address the meeting on Octo lwr 1st, no mention was made of Senator Foraker and in reply to di rect questioning it was said at the county headquarters that it was not known whether Foraker would ap pear with Governor Hughes. In . republican and democratic po litical circles today no subject has been discussed with the avidity that characterized the consideration of the Foraker-Archbold letters. Republi cans of high standing and many dem ocrats as well, had no hesitancy in saying that they believed Senator Foraker had not had any connec tion with the Standard Oil company which he believed to be improper. At the same time it was said that the publication of the letters during the heat of a presidential campaign was unfortunate for him and his political associates. It was declared that his availability as an effective campaign worker is at an end, even if his appearance on the stump would not proVe damaging to the cause he un dertook to champion. Chairman Hitchcock of the repuh lican " lational committee was asked many questions respecting the prob able course of the Taft managers concerning Senator Foraker. He de clined to express his opinion and in fact declined to answer questions. o COLLAPSING MARKET AT THE WEEK'S END The Recovery of Friday Was All Lost In Heavy Selling. New York, Sept. I'.i. Stocks failed to hold the recovery which they en- Joyed vest onlay, although there was some early extension of the recovery today. Later in the session the most active and prominent stocks sold at the lowest prices of the week. Selling was in full force, when the market closed, at the lowest price of the week. Bonds were firm. - STOCKS New York. Sept. I'J. Amalgamated copicr, 73; Smelting, KS'.i: Atchison, Sfi"4; St. Paul. New York Cen tral, 1114: Pennsylvania, l.'Hi; Head ing, lili'Vi: Southern Pacific, In:!";: Fnion Pacific, 1T.K: V. S. Steel, 44 ': V. S. Steel pfd lyTVi. METALS New York, Sept. I'J. Tire metals markets ware quiet and unchanged In the absence of cables, i Tin was easy at Jl'S.30f $l! Copper continued weak with lake tn.31'itn.62,,i; electrolytic, $1 3 L'"ii $13.37 ; and cast ing $lC.0fi $13.12. Lead was quiet $4.47 $4.50 and spelter dull $4.7S(i $4. SO. Iron was un changed. Silver, f2; Mexican dollars, 45. CATTLE AND SHEEP. Chicago, Sept. 1. Cattle receipts COO. Market steady. Iteeves $3.60(ff 7.60; Texans $3.5'Ki 5.00; eastern steers $3.2(lfi 5.80; stocktrs and feeders $2.70 1(4.35: cows and heifers $1.65Ti 5.60; calves $6.0dfi 8.25. Sheep receipts 2.000. Market steady. Western $2.25i4.25; yearlings $4.15 5.25. Western lambs $9 25i 5. SO. GRAIN Vmi- York. Sent. 19. Wheat prices were the highest today. December corn up c. The -rash market was firm. December oats closed cent higher. o ARRANGING A ROYAL MARRIAGE. Lisbon, Sept. 19, The newspapers of Lisbon declared today that King Man uel is arranging to contract a marriage with an English princes. ELECTRIC THEATRE PROGRAM SUNDAY NIGHT. X 1. The Outlaw. V 2. Picnickers Disturbed. 3! 3. Loie Fuller. T 4. Prince and Peasant. ILLUSTRATED SONGS. "When the Moon Is Shining Bright," and "The Garden of Dreams." Come Quick For sale, the best 160 acres in tlie valley at a very low price If taken at once. Fourth Arizona Fair, Phoe nix, Nov. 9-14, 1908. Attrac tions extraordinary. ii HENRY & COSTLET 15 NORTH FIRST AVENUE SLAUGHTERER IDENTIFIED A Woman Who Knew Mur derer Dunham Recognized tlie Sherman Tex. Suspect and Was Recognized by Him. Sherman, Texas, Sept. 19. Mrs. Mary Zimmerman of San Francisco this afternoon positively' identified Hatfield in Jail here as. James C. Dunham, who is wanted at San Jose, California, for the murder of six per sons. Mrs. R. T. McGlincy, Mrs. Hat tie 1!. Dunham, Mrs. Minnie Sylvester, Col. R. H- McGlincy, James K. Wells and Robert A. Pisco, near San Jose. At the time of the murder, Mrs. Zimmerman lived Just outside the city of San Jose, and Just a mile from the place where the wholesale slaughter took place. At the Jail Hatfield was brought Into the sitting room where Mrs. Zimmerman was sitting. He showed every sign of recognizing her. Mrs. Zimmerman, after a careful look at Hatfield told United States Marshal McAfee that he was undoubtedly Dun ham. OFFICERS START AFTER HIM San Jose, Calif., Sept. 19. Sheriff Langford. who went to Sacramento to procure requisition papers for Wm. Hatfield, the Texas suspect, believed to be James C Jlunham, who murdered six ieople near Campbell, this county, twelve years ago, returned thi3 even ing and tomorrow he and Deputy Sher iff Huffington will start for Sherman, Texas, to bring the suspect here for trial. The sheriff and Dunham's acquain tances are fully convinced that the suspect is the right man, holding it is almost ImiMissible for two different men to so closely resemble each other in height, features and other points and both have similar scars on th left foot and similar unusual depres sions at the Junction of the nose and forehead. Two witnesses of the shooting are still living here, the hired man at a ninth whom Dunham also attempted to murder and an orchardist on an ad joining farm. A man who saw Dun ham riding away after the murders, is also residing here. THE THIRD AVENUE IHEA1ER OPENING Monday Night Will Witness a Fine ..Presentation of Heart of Maryland. It H announced that all preparations will be completed for a" grand opening of the New Third Avenue theater Mon day night. September 21. the curtain rising at 8:15 o'clock. Tire play to be presented is Heart of Maryland and the players will be the Raymonds, streng thened and better equipped than ever, JUST IN All kinds of Smoked and Pick eted Fish, the best of Herring and Hilabut, Salmon and Sar dines, Mackerel, Bloaters and Blind Robins. All kinds of fresh goods. Prices are correct Yours for Bargains Krouskdp's At 5 Points Our Solicitor will call on Notice Phone Main 270 We deliver to all Phoenix with new costumes received by express yesterday, especially for this produc tion. In the Interest of better specialties particular efforts have been made. A new Edison moving picture machine of the best model, absolutely fireproof and with a one pin movement, thus reducing the flicker to a minimum, has been secured and with it will be pre sented the best moving pictures and pictures accompanying the illustrated songs. Walter Mainland, the operat or, has been running similar machines on the coast and is an expert in the business. Ernest P. Wilson, a local vocalist will be heard between the sec ond and third acts. Other specialties have been provided for to be announc ed later. The painters and decorators will fin ish their work today on the Interior which will be illuminated by double the number of electric lights used be fore. That the entire building may be sweet and clean and the public may be assured that it is so, it will be closed up tight and thoroughly fumi gated tonight. Messrs. Henry Myers and W. E. Jacquith, the lessees of the theater will personally guarantee that this production will be just as advertised and all it is advertised to be. Elegant scenery has been painted fori this particular play and in addition thereto the theater has been supplied with a handsome new scenic curtain, the most attractive that hag yet been seen In these parts. The Myrtle orchestra which is a fix ture of the playhouse nuw will furn ish its usual pleasing music. It Is de signed to keep the program moving and eliminate all tiresome waits for the changing of scenery between acts, ending the perfonrtance at a season able hour. Patrons may order carri ages for 10:45. The chart is now at Larson's drug store and the admission fees are 20 cents, 35 cents and 50 cents. With all these preparations the management assures the public tiiat the theater opening Is certain to be an event long to be remembered by all Who attend. o ' BRYAN ARRESTED FOR OVERSPEEDINQ His Pace Was Too Swift For the Staid Rhode Islanders. Providence, R. I, Sept . 19. Cam paigning through Connecticut and Rhode Island, William J. Bryan today in this city concluded his first in vasion of the ea-st in his political cam paign. "The day was not without its incidents, particularly after Rhode Is land territory was reached where Bry an and his jiarty at one point were ar rested for over-speeding their auto mobile. After certain details, such as the taking of names, etc.. had been gone through with the party was al lowd to proceed. The address at Infantry hall was -much in line with his addresses dur ing tlie past few days. He denounced Mr. Taft for his attitude on the labor question and again challenged him to put himself on record us to his posi tion on that issue. Colonel Bryan and party left on a late train for New York whence the itinerary" tomorrow includes a trip to Esopus, the home of Judge Alton B. Parker, and to "Wolfert's Roost." the homo of former Senator David B. Hill. Grocery t fr-M-H-'H-I-fr-W-M-'I' ii Hill 1-Hr Store SOARED PASSENGERS OF A FLOATING PALACE . The Swift Steamer Trouble in In the Midst of a Terrific Storm a Broken Propeller Blade Was Flung Against the Ship With a Force That Threatened Destruction. New York, Sept. 19. For more than half hour last Wednesday the great turbine steamer Mauretanla, with all her cabins filled with frightened pass engers, rolled and pitched helplessly in ("mid-ocean, with waves constantly breaking over her decks. She had run into a storm hours before, but had been kept under headway until one of her propeller blades flew off with a crash that alarmed every one on board. So tremendous was the force of the blow which the lossened propeller dealt the ship that the whole middle section seemed to rise, and the flooring buc kled until tacks from carpet were hurled against the ceilings and passen gers were thrown about the cabins. The engines were stopped at once and MATCH ON THE WATER MADE AN EXPLOSION Investigation of the Disaster at Mare Island Navy Yard. Vallejo, Sept. 19. An Inquiry hoard has been appointed to investigate the gasoline explosion which occurred at the Mare Island navy yards yester day, resulting in the death or Ma chinist Theodore May and the injury of several men employed about the submarine boats, Grampus and Pike. It did not complete its work today and the hearing was adjourned until Monday. As far as could be ascertained from the witnesses examined the ex plosion resulted from the throwing of a lighted match into the water, which Was covered with a film of gasoline, leakage and waste from the filling of the tanks of the submarines. This took fire and the flames spread quickly to the store of gasoline on the lighter alongside the vessels; causing the explosion. May sprang into the water to es cape the flames but was drowned as he could not swim. Another per son, Fred Martin, a young peddler, is missing, and it is thought he may have been killed. All of the injured are doing well and no further fa talities are liable to result. H. S. Griswold & Co. HAS REMOVED TO 25 East Adams St. where he is offering great reductions in bicycle tires, sundries and bicyles. 5- v-i-.i - r i S1 A'GOOOFARM UNDERPRICED worth J100 per acre but PRICED AT 85 PER ACRE because owner must raise some money DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. Sixty acres In alfalfa, sixty acres in grain, all .fenced and cross-fenced into eight fields, frame house, well, shade trees and fruit. Soil Maricopa sandy loam and Glendale loess. Been in cultivation for years and is a bargain at the price. PHOENIX TRUST COMPANY 16 WEST ADAMS STREET. Phone Main 194. GILA MONSTERS Will pay $1.00 each, for good size live Gila R. L. BALKE U. S. INDIAN TRADER Poprietor of the Curio Store en Adams 8treet. Mauretania Got Ipto Mid0cean the big ship, losing her way, began to wallow in tlie trough of the sea w hile the passengers besieged the captain, imploring him to tell the nature of the accident. Every effort was made to quiet the frightened ones, but intense e.tcitement did not subside until the steamer had started once more on her way. The compartment adjoining the propeller joints, filled with water. It is believ ed that the propeller drove a hole in the steamer's bottom. Severe weather continued through out the voyage and yesterday when Sandy Hook, at the gateway of New York harbor was reached, tlie steam er ran into' a fog bank which compelled her to lie at anchor la hours. She came in today, y BOTH CANDIDATES WILLING TO QUIT A Certain Settlement of the West Vir ginia Republican Quarrel. Charleston. W. Va. Sept.' 19. Carter W. Sw isher, nominee for .governor on the regular republican ticket today au thorized the Associated Press to an nounce that he would riext Monday tender his resignation as candidate, for governor. Chairman Grant of the Lin coln republican party which bolted the regular convention said this afternoon that the bolting candidate for gov ernor, Arnold C. Sherr, would with draw from the contest if Swislier, the republican liarty nominee would meet him in a spirit of fairness. MnH"H'H"i"H"H'r-'H' H t H I 11 i j Orange Land 10 ACRES CLOSE TO CLAYSON'S. THE PRICE IS $75 PER ACRE. 20 ACRE BEARING ORANGE GROVE AT NINE DOLLARS PER TREE. I DWIGHT B. HEARD ii . . . Corner Center and Adams, City. . i i.,ii ii I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 Phoenix Academy and Business College GRADE, HIGH SCHOOL AND BUSI NESS COURSES. Enter any Day. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING are thoroughly taught at The Lamson Business College PHOENIX. ARIZONA. BICYCLES FOR LADIES, MEN, GIRLS AND BOYS, BOTH NEW AND SECOND HAND. HARTFORD BICYCLE TIRES, KELLEY BUGGY TIRES, EXPERT REPAIR ING. PHOENIX CYCLE CO., 133 N. Center St. Phone Wain 84 ii Monsters . I