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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1909. J 4 A. m I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I H I I I I I 1 I NM I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f ""! LIGHT IN SKY PUZZLES EXCURSION I OLDESTlIMiJS q fMMN4ilUStd j 1 V 51 I0WEH45IUSUI ) Remarkable Phenomenon Observed Last Night Northeast of Phoenix, i Winkleman and Gila Canyon Phoenix & Eastern R. R. i Sunday, March 14:1 From Phoenix, Tempo and Mesa to Florence and back $1.00 Kelvin and back $1.25 Winkelman and back $1.50 Train leaves Phoenix 9:30 a.m. (city time), returning early in the L. H. LANDIS, General Agent, Phoenix. M. O. BICKNELL, Gen. Pas. Agt, Tucson. Much ciymnent and many, varied theories were evoked last night by 'j the appearance in the fcky to the .northeast of Phoenix of a peculiar light about the size of a ten-cent piece held at arms length. The light , swayed to and fro and then remained stationary. It was too high in the heavens to be- the light from a fire on Camelback or one of the other peaks. The light was first seen at 14 minutes of eight and blazed up for about six minutes. The oldest inhabitants were called out to give their theories of the strange light in the sky. The comet theory was cast aside after an ex amination of Hostotter's almanac. . One of the oldest inhabitants gave his opinion that the ball of fire held suspended between heaven and earth was a meteor or an asteroid that had become entangled,' as it were, in the earth's atmosphere, very much the same as a fly becomes en meshed in the strands of a cob- , web. The Star of Bethlehem' .theory had I its su importers, but others argued that Bethlehem was not in that direction and that the star, when it appeared, would not be seen perching on the top of Camelback. Others of the younger generation were of the opinion that it was the lantern of some marooned aeronaut who had anchored sky boat to a cactus on account of the high wind. ; The attention of' the police was called to the phenomenon and the ' entire force climbed to the top of the ' city hall. The light was plainly visi ble but none of the learned ones could explain satisfactorily its pres ence. It was not visible from the Sam Webb ranch. fj MRS. TEAL DENIED FREEDOM. Xew York, March 9. The applica tion of Mrs. lien Teal for a certificate of reasonable doubt following her con-, viction of attempted subornation of perjury In connection with the Frank J. Gould divorce case was denied by Supreme Court Justice O'C.onnon to-dav. Get a box of - Stearns' Electrio RAT and RO A CH Paste Guaranteed to exterminate cockroaches, rats, mice, waterbuus, etc or money refunded, f ot. box : 1 ot bor tl 00. Sold fTfrrwhere or wat pru rpW on receipt ot price. STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE CO.. CHICAGO. ILL. ! I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I ! M I '1 I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I f '1 X" I'-'jr ft ii n n n rap n n n j u ti i E 3 i ij t! u fc .a m 'j vi v iir s Luiviuircu if- ...iv .v. .;.. jviJC.'s-.j'j ti J-V . , 'it r- - , . -V . . . .jrf 'V.-r- jr-i r and House Drainage Problems, Cesspools, Boilers, Water Backs and Hot Water Heat ing. 25 years ex perience. Let us solve your problem. -ft,'.:V.. ; '; PROOF in the We tell you about how good you'll feel after taking a CASCARET that millions of people buy, use and recommend them But that's talk you buy a box now take as directed to-night and get the proof in the morning After you know CASCARETS you'll never be without them, SI3 CASCARETS loe box for weekt treatment, all droKirUti. Biggeat aeller . la the world. MiLUan boxes a mouth. OF Local Officer Are Appointed in Each State Col. L. W. Powell of Bisbee Is Vice-President for Arizona. Denver, Colo., March 7. (Special Correspondence of The Republican) The effectiveness of the American Mining congress is to be greately in creased by a plan, as announced by the board of directors, of having local officers and subsidiary organizations in each of the mining centers, where no active associations are now in ex istence. Heretofore the congress has been exclusively rLtional In its scope, giving little attention to the locaJ problems that vex the camps individu ally, but Its growing strength In all the mining states, with now a large membership in each, has suggested a new arrangement under which each state will have its own local branch organization, with local officers and committees in charge. The national organization will thus be brought in to close contact with the small opera tor as well as the large one, and the entire strength of the national body will, if necessary, be thrown behind any local movement from conditions generally oppressive to the industry. Besides having a vice-president for each state, who will preside over all local meetings, and look after the local- affairs of the mining congress, standing committees will be appointed by the congress for each state for the purpose of ascertaining how the in dustry is locally affected by such luestions as the forest reserves, smel ter rates, transportation rates, labor conditions, etc. Col. L. W. Powell of Bisbee has been selected as the vice-president for Ari zona, and mining men throughout Ari zona are highly gratified over this appointment. Col. Powell Is now the president of the Arizona-Sonora branch of the congress. Clifford Plnchot. head of the forestry department of the government, and more or less completely in control of the. administration of America's mill ions of acres of public forests, is com ing to Denver on March 15 to meet the members of the Colorado legislature, and to confer with the forestry com mittee of the mining congress in rela tion to the grievances of mining men against' the forest policy. It was at the suggestion of Mr. Pinchot, early in last October, that the mining con gress appointed a committee to make investigations concerning the effect of the forest policy upon the rights of mining men, and the committee has j meanw hile gathrred much data rela tive to prospn-ting on public lands and patents to claims within the forest reserves, the uso of timber, water rights, etc. Numerous specific com plaints have come into the hands of the committee which will be carefully considered. Mr. Pinchot feels, as do the officers of the mining congress, that a full re view, of the differences would place most of them In the way of satisfac tory settlement, but the mining con gress is determined to fight for the removal of all restrictions which hin der the development of mining. o There are masv people who "suffer from Backache, Rheumatism, Lumba go and similar ailments who are not aware' these are symptoms of Kidney trouble. Pineules for tue Kidneys act as a tonic and regulator to Kidneys and Bladder. They tone and invigor ate the entire system, relieve the pain. 30 days' trial $1.00. LARSONS DRUG CO. I perience. Let us I Hii j' - ' I. II solve your problem. jl ISv The Geo. Hageman Co m r x .-- .v 7 - ; 1. --v' '. . THE MAKING OF Jl HE Work continues unabated on the properties of the Arizona-House Cop per Company at Bouse. Since our last announcement the force of men at work has been increased and a Fairbanks-Morse gasoline hoist has been purchasd and is now installed on the Little Butte shaft. This shaft is being sunk rapidly and drifting continues In both directions. The fHll face of the drifts and the bottom of the shaft are in ore so that no waste rock need be handled. The ore Is being piled up on the dump and as it averages 10 to 13 per cent copper, and $S to J10 gold, it will yield a handsome return to the company in a short time. The cars already shipped have netted over $700, after paying the freight and smelter charges. HOW TO GET INTO COPPER. The time to make money in copper is between organization and dividends. Before dividends are declared the price of stock is invariably below par after dividends, usually much above par. The man who has a million to invest can afford to buy a mine after it has become a dividend payer and often waits until then. The man of moderate means can not afford to buy at the top-notch price. He CAN af ford to buy stock at the organization price. His enterprise, his judgment and his faith count for as much as his subscription. For a few days the price of the Arizona-Bouse Copper Company stock re mains at 15 cents. It will be to your advantage to secure the bPien: f the pre-organlzation price as the stotK will certainly advance rapidly. Write us today. Terms still the same, one-fourth cash, balance three equal monthly payments. Remit by Wells-Fargo, P. O.- Money Order or Check. Address all communications to J. B. MEYER & CO., Agents, , ARIZONA-BOUSE COPPER CO., 202 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Re: 21 2E SOMETHING FINE "We have been tiven exclusive sale of one of the finest homes, close in, ;ii Central avenue, consisting of a 10-room thor oughly modern residence (east front), good barn and out build ings; wind mill and tank. Beautiful grounds in lawn, trees and shrubbery in front yard, with two large pasture lots in rear (5 acres in all), all handsomely fenced and cross fenced. See us for price and terms. 80 acres of finest orange land, with water; location and soil the very best; all in cultivation; groves in full bearing adjoining. Will cut up in twenty-acre tracts. Price $185 per acre. Half cash. The H. I. Latham Co. Eeal Estate Investments. 115 No. Center St. In Hotel Adams. Ironwood, Mich., March 1, 1909. To the Stockholders of the Harqua Hala Mining Company: You are hereby notifed that the an nual meeting of Tha Harqua-Hala Mining Company will be held in the parlors of the Adams Hotel in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday the fixth day of April, A D. 1909, (said date being thi first Tuesday of April), at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon, pursuant to the by-laws of the Company, and in pursuance of a call therefor by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of transacting any and all such business as may come before the meeting. The Board of Directors have also deemed advisable to give specific notice that the following propositions will be voted on at said meeting and that said meeting is called for the fol low ing purposes, viz.: 1st. To elect -a board of seven di rectors. 2nd. To adopt by-laws for said cor poration. 3rd. To amend paragraph six "of the Articles of Incorporation so as to au thorize said corporation to incur in debtedness or liability to the amount of $660,000 and so that the highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed the sum of J660.000. 4th. To amend paragraph three of the Articles of Incorporation so as to increase the capital stock of said cor poration from Jl.000.000 to $1,500,000 divided into 150,000 chares of the par value of $10 each; and in the event that sueh increase is voted, then 5th. To amend paragraph six of the Articles of Incorporation so as to au thorize said corporation to incur in debtedness or liability to the amount of $950,000 so that the highest amount of indebtedness or liability to. which said corporation shall at any time sub ject itself shall not exceed the sura of $950,000. 6th. To ratify the issuance of $400, 000 of first mortgage bonds of said cor poration, dated July second. 1906, and the issuance and delivery of the trust mortgage securing said bonds. 7th. To consider the proposition of offering to the holders of said bonds an exchange therefor. 8th. To raitfy the acts of the offi cers and directors of the corporation and to approve the minutes of all meetings of the stockholders and di rectors from the date of the execution of the Articles of Incorporation. 9th. To consider a proposition of The Harqda-Hala Reduction Company, an Arizona corporation, with a capital stock of $1,500,000 divided into 150,000 shares of the par value of $10 each, to take over all the assets and assume the lease and all Indebtedness of The Harqua-Hala Mining Company, and for the latter company upon the following basis, viz.: r For every share .if stock of The Harqua-Hala Mining Company the holder thereof will receive one and one lialf share (seventy-five per cent paid) of the stock of The Harqua-Hala Re duction Company. For every bond (or the par value of $100) of the Harqua-Hala Mining Com pany the holder thereof will receive fifteen share (seventy-five per cent paid )of The Harqua-Hala Reduction Company. For every bond (of the par value of $5(0) of The Harqua-Hala Mining Company the holder thereof will re ceive seventy-five shares (seventy-five per cent paid) of the stock of the Harqua-Hala Reduction Company; and For every bond (of the par value of $1,000) of the Harqua-Hala Mining Company the holder thereof will re ceive one hundred and fifty shares (seventy-five per cent paid )of the stock of the Harqua-Hala Reduction Company. The stock of the Harqua-Hala Re duction Company to be issued $7.50 paid and an assesment of twenty-five per cent to be called as follows: May 1st, 1909, Fifty Cents. July 1st, 1909, Fifty Cents. Sept. 1st, 1909, Fifty Cents. Nov. 1st, 1909, Fifty Cents. Feb. 1st, 1910, Fifty Certs. The unpaid coupon of The Harqua Hala Mining Company bonds including the coupons due January 1st, 1910, will be received as cash toward the pay ment of the assessment due Feb. 1st, 1910. Where an exchange on the above basis will give a stockholder a frac tional number of shares. The Harqua- Hala Reduction Company will either purchase from, or sell to. the stock holder, a half share (on the basis of par) at the option of the stockholder. 10th. To taks any and all action that may be necessary to carry into effect the vote upon any of the foregoing propositions, and tuch further action as may be deemed advisable. The stock transfer books of The Harqua-Hala Mining Company will be closed until May first. 1909. In the event that you are not able to be personally present at the meet ing, please sign the enclosed proxy and mail at once to The Harqua-Hala Min ing Company, Ironwood. Michigan. H. T. LARSON, President. CHARLES M. BUMPHREY, See'y. o NOTICE. All Elks must be at the Elks' club Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock to take part in the parade. All Elks having silk hats or linen dusters will please wear them. By order Chairman Parade Committee. FOR SALE A 50-foot lot on W. Washington St.; fine shade, palm trees in front, city water on lot. This lot is wny below cost, owner must leave town and must have ready money. A great snap at $550. 80 acres in alfalfa, 4'4 miles out, for quick sale. Per acre $95. COLE BROTHERS Real Estate and Rental Agency. 210 W. Wash. St. Phone Blk. 26SL I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. A, MARSHALL Real Estate and Mort gage Investments. : Rooms 2 and 3, Lewis Bldg., 7 W. Adams St. Phone Red 9221. :: 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 l-r MONTE VISTA FIVE ACRES "Fire Acres" don't that sound might good to you folks living on a 50x137 foot city lot? Maybe you're renting your house, too. And would 'nt "Five Acres" sound a whole lot better to you if you owned that much land ? Especially if it was a Monte Vista Five Acres? We'll sell you a lot out there on very easy terms: "We will help you build, too. Tliink it over. ". DWIGHTB. HEARD S.E. Corner Center and Adams Sts. R.