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THE AKIZONA REPUBLICAN SECTION TWO? SIX PAGES I: WEATHER TODAY: PHOENIX, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1911. VOL. XXII. NO. 165. COMMITTEE IN WORKING TRIM FINAL NOTICE TO THOSE IN ARREARS Republi cans Select P. H. Hayes and Celora M. Stoddard to Manage Campaign Unpleasant Step Finance Committee of Y. M. C. A. Has Found Necessary. WEATHER TODAY: FAIR. i f 4 The newly elected members of the republican county central committer met yesterday afternoon at head quarters in the Fleming block and or ganized by the selection of p. II. Hayes for county chairman and Celora M. Stoddard for secretary. That was the primary business of the lny but it was followed by a general l discussion of the situation and a con- erence as to plans for conducting the campaign. There was a good attend ance at the meeting, from the outside precincts as well from the four Phoe nix wards and the enthusiasm wit'i The following is a copy of a final notice sent out by the finance commit tee of the Y. M. C. A. to those sub scribers who are in arrears in their payments and have made no provision for squaring up or maintaining the lives of their contracts. The notice is an announcement that suit is to be filed against all delinquents, not in spite or aimosity. but only as a busi ness protectio the committee finds it. necessary to take in guarding the re sources of the association for which it is responsible. It is hoped that all who receive the notice will understand which .prevailed indicated a confidence its motive and the necessity of prompt on the part of those who rre to have .action. If they get to the committee charge of the battle, that should in spire candidates to effective and win nings work. The selection of the new committee officers is regarded as a fine start to ward victory. Mr. Hayes though nar rowly defeated in the recent primary 'Dear Sir before he suits ar filed, some arrange ments may yet be made but the hour of grace is almost gone: The Young Men's Christian Assn. Final Notice Phoenix. Ariz., Oct. 18. '11 nns lost no zeal in party success. He is young and energetic and has de monstrated his efficiency even in his Because of unpaid subscriptions to the building fund of the Phoenix Young Men's Christian Association. own losing campaign. A comparatively long past due. we are burdened with new man in the country precincts heavy semi-annual interest payments which he had no opportunity to visit, .for borrowed money. Then. too. a con and with little organized work, he.siderable portion of said subscriptions made a splendid showing. Mr. Stod- will outlaw Nvember 10. 1911. lnrd, the new secretary is one of the I'nder these circumstances, it is im- younger men of the city, is active and ( perative that the finance committee ambitious and is endowed with an , take all necessary action to protect the energy that should aid materially in interests of the Association the success of the ticket. TO BREAK UP COLD Some Advice That Will Save Time and Money. Strong drink and quinine may re lieve a cold, but it usually does more Iwrm than good. To break up a hard cold in either bend or chest thousands are using this sensible treatment. First of all look after your bowels; if they need attention use any relia ble cathartic. Then pour a scant tea spoonful of HYOMEI into a bowl of lKwling water, cover head and bowl witli a towel and breathe for 5 or 10 , minutes the pleasant, soothing, heal ing vapor. Do this just before going to bed; your Head will feet fine and clear i I Accordingly, unless cash payment is 'made, or a shorttime note with Inter 'est. given, on or before November 1st, next, suit must be brought for balance still clue from you. Will you not co-operate with us and make payment at once to H. J. Mc Clung. treasurer Y. M. C. A. Building Fund, Phoenix National Bank. L. B. CHRISTY. Chairman. S. H. MITCHELL. H. B. WILKINSON, C T. HIRST. R. B. BURMISTER, B. A. FOWLER, ex officio. Finance Committee of the Phoenix Young Men's Christian Association. c- WILD WEST SHOW The word "real" has been incorpor ated in the title of the 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show in order that it may not &e confused with other so-called (western shows that have periodically and you'll awake from a refreshing' , V 11 naVC nen0lHcaJ' sleep minus a cold in the ' thC For colds, coughs, catarrh, asthmL "J""JlC and croup HYOMEI Is guaranteed. A ::"" " XV . ,a a" u,lure fifty cent bottle is all vou need to ftramfr- Unscrupulous showmen hrmk ..r. n,i ,hi- inave become possessed of the idea that j- mio -11 J U V 1 JJ tained at Lovett Drug Co. and drug gists everywhere. 1 i I AT THE CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING WORKS 19 East Adams Street. Our work In this line cannot be ex celled. Repairing, cleaning and press ing. Work called for and delivered. BOTH PHONES Moved to t 19 EAST ADAMS STREET, Across from Adams Hotel. KALSMAN THE TAILOR. FOR SALE. Do You Want To Make Money? Buy a large, level lot between Los Angeles and the sea, and double your money before it is paid for. Right on electric car line. Prices $40 up to ?150. Terms, 52.00 cash. $1.00 per month. No interest or taxes. Write us for particulars. The H. Barclay Brown Go. 1034 Central Building LOS ANGELES, CAL. Members Los Angeles Board. Realty any show with pistol shots and In dian whoops is a wild west portrayal One show in particular with a title combining many shows has had the audacity to bid for (patronage by ad vertising a wild west show in con nection with a circus performance and this same show has not the moral courage to advertise the circus. It has ( neither and seeks to hide its deception ( under a conglomeration of meaning less titles and in no one way offers tanything. The 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show has but one title and that is the one to which it is justly and honora I bly entitled. It is not a circus. It does not offer the old time circus acts. It is not the vaudeville show that clr cuses have degenerated into. It is Simon pure wild west show and comes direct from the largest ranch in the world the 101 Ranch at Bliss. Oklaho ma. The performance it gives is one o truthfulness and realism. It has west em depictions that are historical and I the participants in these reproductions oie in many instances tnose who have made them historical. There is no wild west show in the world that could equip itself as has the 101 Ranch be cause the equipment could not be pro cured from any other source than the home of this colossal aggregation. The many hundreds of Indians, cowboys cowgirls, cattlemen, iplainsmen, pio neers and general western people are western to whom the east is a new country and which they are seeing for the first time. It is the genuineness of the exhibition given by the' 101 Ranch show that recommends it. It is the truthfulness of its depictions that has made its reputation and the hon esty of its advertising that has made it worth oi patronage. Titc leputation of this show is universal and when compared with the others who have so unsuccessfully tried to imitate it. it is then that it appears to the very best advantage. This show will appear here November 5. COUGHING AT NIGHT Means loss of sleep which is bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once, relieves the tickling and dryness In the throat and heals the inflammed membranes. Prevents a cold develop ing into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always In the house. Refuse substitutes. For coughing, dryness and tickling in the throat, hoarseness and all I coughs and colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no opiates. Elvey & Hulett. o CITY HAD FAILED. Agua Prieta, through neglect of some of its officials, will have to stand for the loss of five thousand dollars Mexican money. The treas urer of the municipality was not un- 'der bond when he made his escane. Jin spite of a most diligent search, the officers are still ln the dark as to the 'present whereabouts of Antonio Her (rera, the official accused of abscond ing without leaving, notice of his des tination and with five thousand pesos I The Envoy Suit The Master Suit A dist vogue, shorter inct "Society Brand adaptation of the new 'British" Shoulders, sleeves and trousers narrower. Coat Shaped at waist. The leader of all styles for the Younf American Gentle man. Cut on anatomically correct lines. Full chest, trim f waist; also contains 27 useful features. J Si'- FOR YOUNG 3133?: A.VD 31US 'llO STA1" YOUNG ' Ask us to let you try on an "Envoy ' ' or a "Master ' ' suit. THE McDOUGALL & CASSOU CO. r Copyright 1011 Alfred Decker i Coha of the city funds in his pockets. Local officers consider it most prob able that he is now in El Paso, as his relatives reside there. Prior to leaving, Herrera Is said to have visit ed a local bank, where he purchased a draft for 300 pesos to be sent to his sister. At the time he made this pur chase he exhibited a large amount of currency, it is stated by persons who saw him In the bank. To Mexican officials who know that he had a large sum of money in his possession, he is said to have exhibit ed the roll of bills, stating that he was on his way to the bank. He even told several of them goodbye, saying that he was called to Cananea on business. BALKED AT COLD STEEL. 'I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, although a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. Instead I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Burns, Boils, Sores. Bruises, Eczema. Pimples, Corns. Surest Pile cure 25c at all druggists. o ILLUMINATING PISTOLS. During the recent extended man euvers of the German army there were many night attacks, in which use was made of the newly intro duced illuminating pistols. According to the new regulations, these are to be employed wherever the configu ration of the land makes their usi preferable to that of the ordinary searchlight. The machinery pecessary for the use of the latter device is very inconvenient, and especially in rolling and otherwise difficult coun try, where the main maneuvers take place, It cannot be used to advan tage. The illuminating pistols have not this disadvantage, as they are easily transported. Further, the searchlight is useless in valleys and deep lying plains, as their rays shoot over tehse and leave them apparently in still deeper shadow. For this reason such valleys serve as exvellent covers at night against the search ligths. The Illuminating pistols have done away with this advantage of shelter as the cartridges which they throw light up the deepest and dark ets gulleys. There are two different sorts of cartridges, producing respectively white and red light. The white ones serve exclusively for illuminating the country, the red ones for signaling purposes between widely separated commands or divisions, even where the distance between them is several kilometers. The illuminating cart ridges develop a light that makes everything within 200 meters (Gofi feet) visible, and lasts eight to ten seconds. Scientific American. s : A FATHER'S. VENGEANCE would have fallen on any one who at tacked the son of Peter Bondy. of South Rockwood. Mich., but he was powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, "so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he improved wonderfully from taking six bottles. It's the best kidney medicine I ever saw." Backache. Tired reeling. Ner vousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in drop sy, diabetes or Brlght's disease. Be ware: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c at all druggists. ' o BIG REWARD OFFERED. (power, dynamite on the Southern Pa cific t nicks at Elwood last week. Several railroad detectives are here in vestigating. So far there is no clue. A" special, patrol is now being main tained, along the tracks in the north ern part of the county. o CARD OF THANKS. Appreciating the many kindnesses of friends and neighbors during the weeks of suffering of our deceased son. Arthur, we desire to take this method of acknowledgment, hoping tliat sim ilar sorrows may not be thrust upon any of those who have been so good to us. b MR. & MRS. J. W. FRALEY. o THE ANGUISHED OTTOMANS. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Oct. 30. Five thousand dollars reward was of fered today by. E. E. Calvin for infor mation leading to the arrest of the" parties who placed 75 sticks of low stnntinople Tanln, Translated in the Orient. This fury that the Ottomans nour ish while they are condemned to suf fer, is not the fruit of the state of war which now commences between us and the Italians; it is that of the caged Hon, .Mwerless to defend himself against the insults and attacks of wolves. Oh, of we only had a common boundary with Italy, were it but one foot long, what a burst of vengeance would come from the anguished breast of all the Ottomans! From the Con- IN THE PROBATE COURT OP THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA, .TER RITORY OF ARIZONA. In the Matter of the Estate of Clar. ence E. Justus, Deceased. Notice of Hearing Petition. Notice is hereby given that Sarah J. Justus, administratrix of the estate of Clarence B. Justus, deceased, has filed in this Court her petition prat ing that final distribution of the es tate of said deceased be made, and that she be discharged as such, .ad; minlstratrix and her bondsmcnbere leased from further liability aild that the same will be heard- on Monday, the Cth day of November A. D. lSlL at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of ssjld. day, at the courtroom of said Cour. in the City of Phoenix. County- of- Maricopa. Territory of Arizona,' and all persons interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they havi why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated October 30th. 1911, CARL CTiARKr m Clerfc. ' f