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PAUE NINE THE PROPER CARE OF HUMAN TEETH sVJ.W 1L BJ., vV THE ARIZONA UHPUIiLICAN, WKDXIvSI AY .MOUWIXCJ, JUNK l.,. H)i:j a. -Mrr i i is a a a & J 47! 1 ifcWJ i "V Fifth floor 1 lamhui 'wr SUMMER SCHOOL ii year, l.'nti r any time . II 11 Jl!aTlirIiri1iSl ur standard is high the expense l 'JL v rM 1 1 1 hri.i k is low. All 15. oks and Supplies . 1 --.L JL22 jjrii Tl2 TT TT Free. Typewriter at Home Free. J? f C V"C- TX TS?- ("cTfS Every Graduate placed in flood '" . .c:. V.''Ta777f ; .r;J1.r',i position. Write for catalog today. V Ml LOS ANGELES LONG LONG BEACH, CAL. hi'' Mori; from the ocean. Iioof ( I anion Cafe in oon-m-'-tion. IiNmiids .1.H) per day and ii). Alsolntelv Fire ln..f. P. F. 1ri?KKE, Mixv. HflTFI llll IAfJ u'irll-v American plan Board and I1UILL JULIHII joc)in. K'easonahle rates. Opj. park; noar Long Beach, Cal. beach. Mr. and Mrs. (J. T. Ihitterfiold. HOTEL : LEANLINESS 1"- ial rates by v. e- Efecfrica MUNN Licensed Contractors in Phoenix GEO. W. McCLARTY Electrical Contractor, Electrical Supplie 208-210 V. Wash. St. Plionc -107 ELE.CTRIC FANS If you ware a fan that will last a lifetime get oi e of our General Klectric fans. We Do Wiring Hot-Point Irons NEW STATE ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND FIXTURE CO. Phone 43S Tc do wiring 223 Trunk- that stand Also cases, bags, j Phone 1360 Sales-room now it-r-i Ef t The Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company We are in the market for all kinds of Gold, Silver, Copper ores and concentrates and Copper Matte, making prompt payments in full. Our sampling operations are open to the inspection of shippers. Write us for prices and treatment rates, giving approximate assay and analysis. , Address Copper Queen Con solidated Mining Co. REDUCTION WORKS Douglas Try a Republican Want Ad. Illtr.. Los Angeles, Cal. now in progress. Cool rooms 100 foot above tlio street. Abundant teaching force, regular and special courses. Lca lor since 1SS4. Write Now. if ready. 1 ay cmirsi's in electricity, plumbing, mining, assaying, chemistry, automobile, surveying, machine shop practice, bookkeeping, short hand, grammar grade, high school, commercial art. Write todav. RATES, 75c to $2.00 COURTESY k. No better location in the city. Bei renccs in your home city. Fifth a.- olive Streets, bos Angeles Cal. Corner West Washington Street Hot Point Irons tin - wear at right prices. Guaranteed. etc. Call at Phoenix Trunk Factory 433 West Washington '.VI X. 1st St. Phono 148!) Arizona Children Should Be Taught To Mas ticate Thoroughly At a recent dental meeting, held in Indiana, a speaker made this statement: "The education of the average man, woman and child has boon sadly neglected. They have boon taught to oat, but have not been taught to use their teeth. Winn U o bolt our food e ignore ,,;ie of the most important ferments, ptya lin, in our saliva, that has much to t' do in the process of digestion. Hut the American habit is to spit, and the Americans are the greatest spitters in the world. 1 let u cell mea Is they spit out the invaluable saliva: then when they chew, they wash down every unehewed mouthful of food with copious draughts of wat'-r, coffee or in summer, ieed tea. What a foolish, disgusting habit it is, and more than foolish, more than dis gusting, it is killing in its hurrful ness. A habitual spitter at middle age will have a broken down diges tive apparatus of an old man at seventy-five. Men who bolt their food, who put their saliva out of business, are drug shop ehascrs and slow suicides."' In answer to iniuirios addressed to one hundred and fifty leading physieians in this country, !s per cent of these physicians said that chewing of food was an important factor towards good health, and that the bolting of food f re. i ueii 1 1' caused cancer, catarrh of the stomach ;uid gastric ulcers. If f 1 is not thor oughly chewed and is permitted to reach the stomach in large lumps or masses, there is no question that it must injure the soft lining of that organ, producing many of the eases of ulcer and catarrh thai need care ful and consistent medical attention It has been said that fully 7."i per cent of the people of country bolt their food. This habit is usual ly acquired during the early years of childhood, and carried on during one's who!.- life. In many of the homes the early moininir hours a ! given to preparing the childrtn for school. Very frequently they are permitted to sleep late, and then in the hurry and bustle to g. i them to school on time. th- breakfast is hop ed., same conditions of ?tur- ried meals apply to the lunch hour and ai supper time. l-'rom day to day this is permitted, until the hal bit is firmly established, carried up to manhood and then down through Id age. We have a h-sson cvrry ay of tlie bolting of food. Walk into the (flick lunch room of the .ities and see these "'hustlers'" at woik. I '.ok dwn the Ii.hl- row ot tables. see the raj. id movement of the eating contest, for which pri.e.s afe offered to tie fellow that Sets through first. .Many of these lunch rooi,;;! advertise h"w quickly you may be filled from tin ir larder, and take pride in the number that can be filled in a given time. It should be the duty of all par ents to snake their children eat slowly, and chew their f 1 proper ly. Nature has placed the teeth in our mouth for a very valuable pur pose. If we neglect to keep tleta in shape ami to properly use them, we are inviting condition- that ser iously threaten our health and gen eral welfare. Copyright. Western Newspaper rni'Ui ) o POLO AS GAME IS YOUNG IN AMERICA And Engbshers Found no Team to Practice Against. Following the defeat of the Knglish polo cup challenging team by the American four in the ripening game of the series the visitors explained the upset, in part, by the statement that .since their arrival in this country they had boon unable to obtain continuous practice against fast playing, high cal fours. This statement was true, but the fault lay not with either polo association or any of its individual members, but the game itself. Polo in the Cnited States is of comparatively recent origin and polo p layers capable of trying out the Knglish four to the limit, are few and far between. Whor as thousands play the game in Kngland and the various British possessions, there are but few in comparison who participate in polo in the states. The very fact that the few players of sufficient strength to give the chal lengers a thorough tryout were needed for the American team and reserve, placed an unintentional handicap upon the invading players. Occasionally one American reservist practiced against of the Meadow Brook "Pig Four" or an American reservist practiced against the Knglish, but this was avoided a far as possible in order that the charge might not be made later that the de fenders were familiar with the Knglish style of attack and defense. In years to come perhaps polo will reach a point of popularity in this country whore in numrtcr of followers it will compare favorably with Kngland. Until such time, however, the conditions of which the Knglish players sirjkc must con tinue. o BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are espec ially good for the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Re commended by all druggists. Advertisement- Charles Frohman has engaged If. V. Ksnn.nd and Miss Kva Moore for an American and Canadian tour in "Kliza. Comes to Stay." The play will be given its first American produc tion in Xew York some time in December. 'A I .. ! ifmm.-.. j j 4 ojfwiMHii iiiiiii inioni -1 iPii nil imiimii 111 1 1 ii mitt liniiiriTinrTiaBTTrMWTirniiiiT Miimiii utir-i -. - - . fi ' 7 & ""ne HOTEL I10SSLYH FRFE AUTO BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS KI'KOI'KAN", 7e to W.'.SO iLltUICA., 1.75 to t.S.M LOS ANGELES, Hollenbeck Hotel and Cafe Los Angeles. John S. Mitchell, Prop. PHOENIX HEADQUARTERS Moderate Prices. Kxcellent Service. Ladies and Children Welcome. hote:l yormhire 710 South Broadway, LOS ANGELES. KATES: $1 per day and up; with bath, $1.50 and up. HEADQUARTERS FOR PHOENIX PEOPLE LA NEPTUNE APARTMENTS HOTEL ARMONDALE Los Anel. s. Cab Ju.-t op. d. stoles. T." lal'U'e. I I" 'ili : V v. ratida. Public !,. . r baths. for sp 1 1 nanar 1 :. A. E. Alexander. Mgr. j, HAVE YOU HAD TYPHOID 7 T-.-;,h .!! e ii..- in.. -t i .:'...! - I"f.. !.-r- 1 f i, .ai- ' w ). -:.iy a i r:.". ! r T !. a . "f r.l-.o r .:...! rti!.. Ir.e tl-.::. I;-it t'.U '1'' 4.1 ! iik. f. ar.'.I. army : l-1 ; n t.'.c alnri t inlr.i.Mi ! . : . ri.-.i. v .. AIC v.-'ir t i ir. ..r a-.. riri.r.til.t. "I! iv. .:i h.- iii .'-1 .!:..'.-k--- i -. I i-Ko-rv i- 1 i'v:!.''il v.i'-.'ir'.ia' ;i'. a w. n i i '.i i' THE CUTTER LABORATORY. HCHKELtY. CAL. o;mtc.i g u:. i-r t'.. S. . I.i.-- t. - ' AN INTERNATIONAL A. C. TO BE FORMED Plans for Forming Sports Organiza tion of Whole World That t,,. p...p..s. d National Inter s' holastie Athl. tic i.SSo. i.ili 'II '.'. ili 1 come in due . ..ipse of tune ,, real ity appears probable. The !rtt.-r v as t'lilly i!;scu-.--e. a! the r- .lit n.i -championships held utid.-r tic auspices of tile XeV York Athletic 'lull at Travers island II y, . . tli. cnanimous opinion that t'-n- .ith'e of til.- preparatory and hi.;': s.-hools of this country had reached a stage Of athletic ,e eloj.melit i M '! ' tlle'i welfare demanded a national gov.-tn-inir body. In all j ... it of the .-tat.-s tin -re are srl limy tra-k and f'.-ld erformeis, whose leei.rds ('". V ears back would have been con sidered unbelievable by tia- average !( llovver of amateur turf and cind. r f em pet it ion. The of training' virtually from childhood under di iection of skilled trainers i -" in part r sponsible for this remarkable prog ress and the constantly im r. asing opportunities for living "ut in meet-; is also an important factor. At tlu- present time there is no body whose duty it is to see that suitable eligibility rules govern the various games in all parts of the country or to put the seal of authen ticity upon these the startling times and instances credited to these school boy phenomenon's. This is the pro posed dutv of the organization which is being formed at present. -V tenta tive constitution, bvlaws and gam" regulations are being drawn up and when completed will be forwarded 1" the athletic association of every col lege in the country. These organiz i linns will be asked to pass upon the. tame and return with such amend ments as will ensure their support. When this stage has been reached the National I nterschi .last ic A. A. will be incorporated and launched to cover a field not now occupied by either the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. o: the Amateur Athletic Fnioii. o MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS Many mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, head ache, nervousness, weakness, oostive ness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ail ments worms. Peevish, iil-temper-ed. fretful children, who toss ami grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all. the symp toms of having worms, . and should be given Kiekapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which ex pels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up tlie system, and makes children well and happy. Kiekapoo Worm Killer is guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Price 2."ic. Kiekapoo Indian Medicine Co, Phil adelphia and St. Louis. Advertisement. filwing announcements of California y an easy and ready solution of your vacation problem. They admirably and quickly an swer the question: "How and Where shall I spend my summer outing?" Literature and information desired will be gladly furnished FREE by our Information Bureau Be sure to ask us. fATIGIC HQUSE Kl ROPKAN, fUtc to 2.HI AMtKlC.VM.Sl .GO to 8i.W CALIFORNIA REDONDO BEACH, Cat, F.eautifully situat ed, overlooking ili" oce.m. Strictly modern, ' hi::h class Ii and room apartments, with telephone, steam heat and private- bath in i v. ry ap irtiiK tit. Prices reasonable. W. F. Fit z -a trick. Prop., Formerly of Ihshee. o. Flow, r St.. e..s. to all theaters and iv modern e.u , . ; ; ; . r , Wide. 1 is lobby. AM ho::!., comforts. Write l : h Cat I .in.-'. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Hotel Alexandria LOS ANGELES SPECIAL SUMMER RATES NOW IN EFFECT FOR ONE loo poems, Toilet and Lava tory J2.00 1'") Pooms, With Hath L'.r.O -im P.ooms, Witii p.ath 3 00 loo Booms, With Path 4.00 loo Booms, with Path 5.00 FOR TWO loo Looms, Toilet and Path .J ;j .00 and $3.a0 loo Booms, With Hath $1.00 -'00 Boe-ns, With Bath 4 00 and 5.00 loo Booms, With P.ath 5 00 and 6.00 ion Looms, With Path r,.oo and 7.00 Im) Booms, Willi Path, Knsuite, on which special summer rates v ill be made. Special Rates By the Month FRANCE MAY SOON HAVE ATHLETICS MINISTERS ("able dispatches from France in timating that there is a possibility of the French cabinet requesting par liament to create an office, the occu pant of which shall devote his time I iiial talent to the direction and culti vation of athletics and sport, is but anotler illustration of the lengths to which Kuropean countries are going in their desire to foster amateur ath letic competition. It has been repeatedly stated by Ameri. an athletic authorities that Kuropean countries are advancing so lapidly in athletics that by the time the i liympie games of P'L'u are held, the Cnited States team will no long er be an overwhelming favoiite for the iir-t place in the point score tables. Incidentally, those same students of amateur and professional sport in America have already predicted that eventually there will be a place in the president's cabinet for a ""sec retary of reel ea t ion." This Is riot so absurd as it may appear on fir.-t sight. Almost every city of any size in the Fnited States today has a playground commission, or some sim -ilar body or individual whose duty it is t. prepare for and govern the activities of the children in the city parks and playgrounds. The recre ative center idol is rapidly spread- Hotels, Sanitariums, and Summer Resorts afford The Baker Apartment Hotel, Los Angeles Corner of Tenth and Francisco streets, a half block west of Figueroa. Kasy walking distance, convenient to all car lines. Contains fifty-four, two and three room apartments, all rooms, including baths and kitchen, outside and airy. Apartments handsomely and tastefully furnished in mahogany. Beau tiful court, electric fountain, elegantly furnished lobby, ball room, billiard room, electric elevator, steam heat. One of the most beautiful and home like apartment houses on the Tacific coast. Service unexcelled. Both phones, all night service. C. W. Raker, owner and proprietor. Seminole Apartments f.1'0 South Flower St., Los Angeles. SUMMER RATES. Lobby, large and beautiful, social hall, billiard and pe.ol room; modern, homelike, Single roi m f iv ms, two and three loom apart- uts; private bath. Close in only blocks J 5 road way. Hotel Cordova j Kighth Vv Figueroa Sts., Los Angeles j European plan; brand new, elegantly furnish, d within five minutes' walk rf rentres. Special attractive! rates by week or month. Transient from H-00 per day up. Ceo. F. Wells, Manager. -I . -.-i i i lV:.;A'.- ., 'i -I k FRANK S. W1SF, MAN AC KB. The Most Ideal Spots or. the Pacific Coast NEWPORT EAST NEWPORT BALBOA All on Beautiful Newport Bay Still water on one side, the sounding surf on the other. Boating, bathing, fishing. Many social diversions. Plenty of cottages, apartments and hotels. For infot motion, write Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Newport Beach, California. Laurie Apartments J Louvre Apartments Los Angeles Two and ,1-room suites; private Large light and cool rooms. Con- baths; hot water; private phones; venient ear service to citv and beach- I garage; roof garden; modern. Special ( s clove to parks 1 'rices reason- j rates to Hot Bolt people. Well-be-;,bio Correspondence solicited. VIZ?. haved children allowed. Write for Klden Ave., Pic. Heights car. Phones terms. 603 East Washington St.. Los West r.::i T-r.r,3ir'. i Angeles. ipg. and more space is being devote.; to child!', n and pastime work each year. Who shall sav that in l'.'tl. "ministers of athletics" representing perhaps a dozen countries, may not meet at tile Hague tribunal to con sider n.-'.v t'iiies for the international GUARANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY The constant itching, burning, red ness rash and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating dvin eruptions can be readily cured and i lear and smooth Eczema Ointment, land, of Path, 111. zema twenty-five tried everything. the skin made with Dr. Hobson's Mr. J. C. Eve says: "I had oc years and had All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint-nn-nt I found a cure." This oint ment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. AH druggists, or by mail. Price 30c. Pfoiffer Chemi cal Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Advertisement. o HAD HIS ANSWER An Irishman with a vary thick head of hair was one day the center of a ring of English farmers, who were endeavoring to crack jokes at his expense. "Why." exclaimed one of theni. "You've got a head of hair like a stack of hay." "Ah!" returned Pat. unruffled, "that's Just what 1 myslf was think ing. That accounts for my having so many asses around me." What is a don? A den is when The broken chairs. The rugs with tears. The pictures cracked, Th" table hacked, A tiekiess clock. Desk that won't lock. Are gathered in a heap by ma, And put into a room for pa. Houston Post. o Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want A el will see more customers than vou can. New; absolutely fireproof; modern; 250 rooms BALTIMORE HOTEL Fifth near Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Rates, $1.00 to $1.50; with bath. $1.50 to $3.00 Free Auto bus. HESS & COLOPY Hotel Congress Corner Eighth & Flower, Los Angeles, Meet your Arizona friends here; ele gantly furnished rooms; with or with out bath; large lobby; billiard room; j Close to shopping district. A. M. CROW, PROP. Wilshire Vista Apartments Exclusive and Delightful Family Apartment House, beautifully situat ed among elegant homes; large bright rooms; fine air and view. 615 South Virgil Ave., jut off Wilshire Boule vard, Los Angeles. Rex Arms Apartments 945 Orange Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Absolutely the finest equipped apartments west of New York. Strictly Fireproof Two and three room apartments, all with private tile and shower baths, both phones, etc. Ball Boom, Billiard Boom, Large, Elegant Lobby. Hotel Service Given with Weekly and Monthly Bates. Correspondence Solicited. F. O. ENG STRUM, Owner When you COME to Les Angeles you are invited to CALL on J. P. DELANY, Optician, Here 18 years. Artificial eye3? YES 436 S. Broadway. 1000 Modern housekeeping apartments Jio to $20 monthly, all furnished, well ventilated; quiet, homelike; large grounds. Conservative Investment Co., 303 Cit izens Nat'l Bank Bldg., 3rd & Main Sts., Los Angeles, Fhones A 201.1, Main 2013. t The Spier Apartments 916 Georgia St., Los Angeles Close in, walking distance new bn'ck building, ho-iutifully planned 2 ami C-room apartments; large sunny kitchen, private baths, phones, every convenience; rates from $23. W. 9th St. Car on Spring St. Home phejno 33226. High Class Low Rate NEW SCHUH APARTMENTS 1663 Winfield St. Los Angeles Cool, Clean and First Class West 11th St. car to Burlington Special Summer Bates Wilshire 3S3. Home 536300 When you come to Los Angeles stop at HOTEL MIDLAND 424 fi East 7th street, 3 minutes from Spring St. Just opened everything new and convenient. Steam heat, running water, free bath. Rates: 50c to $1.00 per night, $2.50 to $4 per week. Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can.