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Till-: AKMZOXA RKIUJBLIOAX, SIXDAY MO!iMX(;, .Jl.'NK 2!), 1!1:J. PAGE TllUKE - ' -i iliri Tinii we continue with hundreds of wonderful ow i and timely bargains of reliable summer goods the lowest prices and the most extraordinary economies ever offered on Summer Merchandise during our I -A ESS im i Ml ilgat 'f anr13 i u)SllCS f-3 I' S 4 "7 O 4 ,.: ill .,! nr.r WOMEN'S COATS, DRESSES, TAILORED SUITS. PETTICOATS, HOUSE DRESSES AND WAISTS. A !isi oiint i-ovcrs, niir entire stock f Ti;;te w n ! i "s Milliliter a J : lei, consist iwix !' t!ic very licwcsi se;is ia I )!c ratine eoats, in i icliy ; ri Ii!a-k and w hite cheeks, nmire -; I , a i m i h i' ea les. I ): I Wllilr "l!e, crrlii' lingerie, inessa- m hi: iTrjr nieteur, white an! all lending shales Ail Go in This Great Mill Outlet Sale at issuer n a B n a ires ff : ywOW'i HRWkL Hosiery and Knit Underwear 14c WHITE GAUZE LISLE HOSE --l-"ir women ; extra fine, double iiiuil spliced heel, u:iltcl' I 1 Z 'if :i I He ; l'"i.1 CHILD'S SOX hi whit.-. hla I. tan. etc.; inlnrnl ami !ain t..p: .Mra k-hkI lisle 1 - Uireail : 2 .f 'inality sik-C. 1 faV WOMEN'S SILK HOSE In l'lai!: wiiiti-. tan ani liam-paL:!i.-; ri-uhtr ii"c- in TT.c stll- ,ilii,,.,::r..:,.".,:.r:r: 39c CHILDREN'S HOSE In -hh.i lan i.i- k; sia-s ." to 1i; i -I ra uouil bar.eain iliia-ct I'r.jin tl:- n.ills; iiniin- I'm- a 1 i h s ; .-1 n- aa I . . . WOMEN'S HOSE 1. isle thread in larU . .is only, siuii as ox iilooil, ete., vorth 4.".i- a pair: lose o I II ii -e 9c I2kc WOMEN'S HOSE Pure eotton l Mi' .Ml in tan color on l ; m! sizes aiai w .rth l.'.e a pair; s pe.-ia I jiri e ... WOMEN'S VESTS Wi.le and narrow rid, low riei k. sleeveless, eo.. ami -oim 1'orta bl", extra inality, worth ".' to 1'ik ; -ah- price WOMEN'S UNION SUITS !'a tnoiis "Set Sni;n" low nci i;. lai c- ni i ' hrella kii'e, or plain tihl i-:n.-e: s. lis everywhere i"i T'.c; sal.- price . . LADIES' UNION SUITS All !ZeS. Well lllaiie, U!ll!. fella knee. taped neck, lace trimmed l...t- totiis. values to A'f, special WOMEN'S .VESTS l.ow sleeveless, tain-. neck atal arm holes : vah:es n- and a splendid vest: a .ale -pru e f C ..8c IOC 43c 19c 'J IS ISS AN STEM THIS G R AT A S ORTMENT FOR THEY ARE ALL MONEY SAVERS -NOTE THE FOLLOWING EXTRAORDINARILY REDUCED PRICES ri PILLOW CASES r ;1 -ie. I ::.::: ':. 9c 6M BEST CALICOES .iard Auieri.-.-tn kl "v::;.:;::- 5c i MOSQUITO BAR !n r.l pie.-, s. - ..LI Pie -e. ! i:;i 1. a-;!!. CHEESE CLOTH 1 ;! ..n.. yard -i--'::-: ::::':r: 5c 40-INCH CANVAS DUCK I -m t.-nts. wfi , . l -'e1-',.:"e . ! 22c f4 NATURAL LINEN SUITING S S a i - MEN. THI r,V---4 ?t5s-- i $ 4'e5 GENUINE LINEN SHEETING !"' in. In s wide, ahi.-s $ and S ! Tliis I:i:i- is in 1 1. -h in ili'lua ltd 1 -i- skirts. SIHIS. etc . sale. . . . FLOWERED CRETONNES I ". a i i ra p. i 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 i t y YARD WIDE SILKOLINES Values to l'.i-; lain. ire. Is ,,; pli-U . lioral d.-- mi s and oriental ,-el. as LINEN FINISH SUITINGS All ih. !i--w solid cl-rs. such as pink, liuh: hi ue. ( '. .pen a a u c ; !. ia ender. tan. l.roAii. of r.mev aripes: w.rtli ai i JAPANESE CREPE licp . rie !. solid r !'loei"e,j de.sii p.--: u-.-d :..r kimo- t;es, leaise and Street urcsse-; !.-eiil.r '.". and '-'-'n- a!ues; 69c 8c 9c 12Jrfc 18c BUNGALOW SCRIM All n.'.v. l..-m-t::-a! pa:te:-i,-: all o'.ei- ll-jvanil m U-il:'y GENUINE SOISETTE All the new ..lots. . n a . n . j r. c L I .1 I 1 e FIGURED SERPENTINE CREPES!.!. Jot- kimono. I'-m;!.,!- i'iic; 1 ..- :,;:-!! el i.i 1 a la 1 I . .-... . 16H,c ?EPES L'Hc; a !23-:c FEATHER PI LLO WS I "nr. all I . 1 1 hers : i; .. ! lick cov er.,!, v.i.rth 7 " c a i wa y- ; .-a i DRESS GINGHAMS :1 ! i- s uinpJiaii.s. s 1 ". I ' . Toiie ii,, X..1 !. 1 h d Si'.l, A m. ,s - I-. :ti ail ti e ;.! UK ti- :- .i n ,ta r'.y 59c . r U ' ii as A 9c POPLIN Solid e..l,.r.s. ,!ity very inn. in -leu and ..r women's .and i h.!. hen's skil ls, siiit. 5res- J e; .,lii.-s sal.- li-TjC OIL CLOTH The v.rv I. est si .taiaid id i lot h. .Ii Imlh while a I id i . dot s : Sells e . 1 W hoi e lof r.c I9c TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES. ONE FOURTH OFF It v.c, an- -oiau n,v.,y llli- r.lllllier, Iio., is Mill!' chalice to l.: tf.i . I. n; . , a i ! t a . 1 : t We ..fl.-r tie I.mmo'.s Drucker Trunks and a com plete ii;;.- oi Bags, Leather and Wick er Suit Cases, Steamer trunks, etc. A . 1 1 1 I . i 1 a - 1 1 : 1 1 1 o : p.-r . . :. t a p - pl.e- ' , ... v o.,e ,:i o ii sto, k Ihi-. la. w While I I'll 1 : . t ,., J.I i,,-i- -je--. all i i ;a i (ne-1 mid : t i :: i., j,, EXTRA FINE LONG CLOTH Finest i.':amu finish Jonj;- cloth, soft and plialia; l,sn;, value S:'..nll a holt : sal. price YARD WIDE LONSDALE CAMBRIC iu-yaid limit to a customer: t-peeial, VilVil FINE SATIN-FINISH MARSEILLES BED SPREADS I'.eautilullv finish.-, Hid extra larae six..; 1 ..!'! ; sal-- pj-ice . . . NEW SASHES AND GIRDLES Wry aiuch iti vouue. w..rn ).;.- ev.rv well dress,., woman : lancy and plain: hl.iek. whit.-, colors and 1 h i u: ri:i n f- ees. 1'lic s e! moderate. ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL OUR HANDBAGS la: ii r. crochet an. 1 a . - i i . l.ate.- ! -. to choose from $1.98 JRIC 9c LES Shed S2.69 27-INCH EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING -In .e,et work, all new patents, nice .-he,.- .piality. Sold at .':.", and 4"c a said Sin.-ial, per yard BED SHEETS F.xtra law sie. scam less. '.X'.ei. medium of I:ne;i fitlish. the kind that usually sells for inn- and i on Sale pric. note -ixe , LADIES' S1K KIMONOS. $3.45 All silk kimonos made of fhumced silks, raw patterns and extra Well made. suitahlo for traveling and house wear Special NEW BARRETTES .lu-t arrive.; l.tiest assortments and n w shape-, in u lilil'.-.i kali!.- haltettes. ii.-w oln-s i - in if your 1 .,-tt r.-t t r. ai--s pri.-e Emm wis N V 'IN v - Vtie'-l"' l'i& FSs'-.teiA BUY A lj Mem Suit The Mill Outlet Sale is our greatest sale event, and for this Fifth Annual Sale we offer by far the greatest collection of bargains in men's wear ever quoted in Phoenix. Both clothes and furnishings come in for their share of the price-cutting, and don't forget the famous clothes made by L. Abt & Sons are included. STOCK UP ON FURNISHINGS AT THESE PRICES 59c MEN'S BELTS In ueh col ors as black, tan m icv ; nmd leather and worth ( )c : sitecia I i MEN'S UNDERWEAR I ial-bri'-vgan shirts and drawers : either white or ecru; 1 worth '.' to-lOc; special . 1 V MEN'S SOX In black and tan or grey : regular values 11" ( to l.V ; sale price MEN'S SHIRTS Made of white madras, no collar, laun dered cnt'l's, pockets; A worth 7"c ; special t:OL MEN'S SILK SOX Inblaek and all colors : these are the regular K)c and 50c val ues ; Mill Outlet Sale. . , 8c 24c 59c MEN'S SUSPENDERS with leather ends : stronu' web, in different colors ; :;.V and 10c value : special Mill -j r Outlet Sale IOC MEN'S UNION SUITS Swiss ribbed, bleached white. short sleees and knee length ; .")( to .)() values : special ELASTIC SEAM DRAWERS Made of genuine iVperell .leans ; double stitched : worth elsewhere 7c ; sale O price O J L BOYS' UNION SUITS Open niesh, white or ecru: summer weight and worth ;!,")( to 40c : special 22c .$4.19 WHITE SERGE PANTS And also line flannels in cream with pm stripes: very stylish and values up to ,(;.."(); special . . . . BOYS' PANTS A big lot oi; all kinds and sizes of knee pants that o!d up to T-V ; take your choice now 39C PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS Standard ()- suspenders the world over; choice of differ ent colors ; special MEN'S TIES In four-in-hand and club styles : come in crochet and all silk" : all colors and worth o5c to "0c ; 1 Q special A 7t 25c MEN'S PAJAMAS Made o splendid material. trimmed with frog's : regular selling ju ice is sl.."( : special QQ- sale price OOL MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Made of good muslin with or without collars: all J Q sizes at special price . . i-s MEN'S SHIRTS Made of white and cream soisettine, collar and cuffs attach- Q- ed : (ioc values; special MEN'S UNDERWEAR Fine balbriggan shirts and drawers ; short or long sleeves; double seat drawers; (.V to T-V values ; Qp sj.ecial r7t AT THESE PRICES $13.50 TO S15.00 SUITS $ 9.35 $20.00 TO $25.00 SUITS $14.65 $27.50 TO $35.00 SUITS $18.75 $16.85 $25 All-wool Blue Serge Suits . Here's an absolutely all wool W ashington blue serge in a cor recl model for young men, and a more conservative style for older men. Positively the great est value offered. Men's Odd Pants liar sto.-k the largest and Lest assorted in The Mill Otitl. t Sale I 'rices aiake lh.. ,u in-; easy for y.ill. .Vote these. $4.50 PANTS NOW $3.37 $5.00 PANTS NOW $3.75 $r.b0 PANTS NOW $4.13 $G00 PANTS NOW S4.50 $6.50 PANTS NOW $4.83 $7.00 PANTS NOW $5.25 $7.50 PANTS NOW $5.62 Ghoioe of All Shoes One-Fourth Off EXCEPT "RED CROSS" AND W. L. DOUGLAS OFF Shoes of Every Kind for Men, Women and Children This reduction applies to every shoe in this store with the exception of W. I,. D.mlas shoes for men. and K.d ('loss shoes for uom.-n. Our stock of shoes is complete, embracing every new style for men. women and children. -Vote the extra shoe specials. CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS In tan nnly; all now on hand. Sizes .". to s 59c pair Sizes Sh to 11 65c pair Sizes 1 1 y-:. to ! 75c pair I-'ornier values !i(ic to WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BAREFOOT SANDALS Very soft anil pliable; the best quality made; sizes to ' sale price i I'ormer values $ i!..""j(i MmWr mi 1 SI. 49 ind $lMHi) A Great Variety of Men's Serviceable Work Shoes OFF 19c 69c $3.45 25c p EmiI FOR YOU c mm $ Mm, ,..,,..W. I I MEN'S FINE m N. Dafhond & Bro. Pjoenx-tfrjoa 201 129 East Washingtongt SHIRT- ONE-FOURTH OFF choice of all fine shirts in our stock, which includes new stylish nelii;ee and dress shirts of the highest character NOW ONE-FOURTH OFF. AN UNUSUALLY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S NEGLIGEE GOLF SHIRTS in the latest patterns and fabrics, with and without l-'niK-h cuffs, former price $1.-"i anil $1.7.".; all must go now at. each 98c MEN'S MEDIUM AND LIGHT WEIGHT MIXED WORK SOX Seamless, worth 1'ic; sale price, pair 3C BOYS' BLUE AND BLUE PIN CHECKED BIBBED OVERALLS .lust the tiling for hot weather play, in sizes from t; to 14 25c Women's Corsets Most up-to-date line of corsets we are jilacini;- on sale at fiS cents each: regular value .Sl.'iO. and made of batiste trimmed with lace, heavy hose supporters; deep 1U and medium bust; sale price 63 Cents p. n tli ?lw si"."