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PAGE TWELVE !THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1913 Forks IS ' 9 6?. A Jj IP n ATT-GILBERT COMPANY ft f?T A TAT rr A T TT YJ J IX 1 ii. JJ V ne Cent The Republican is the best advertising medium in. Ari zona. Don't wait for your ship to come in go out and meet it. Bring it in. Do it through the Want Adv. columns of The Arizona Republican, Corner Second St. and Adams. Phone 422. Auctions TAYLOR THE AUCTIONEER Has been selling stock at auction fcr twenty years; a good talker, a Judge of stock, and knows his business. He wants good sales. See him. 47 W. Jefferson Phone 1349. tf AUCTION Will pay you to visit the Bargain Auction House before buying furniture. J. F. BIEHL, Auctioneer. 24 W. Jefferson. Phone 267 tf Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. Its Our Mission To promote cleanliness. The work has become a better ploe to live in be cause of ';he power laun drv. W' '11 save you both work and worry if you will turn over to us your laundry problems. ARIZONA LAUNDRY " White Wagons 99 Mr. Landlord builds houses because thev pa v.' You can pay for your home with the money you' iay for rent. Let us "explain our plan so easv to become vour own landlord. Southwestern Building & Investment Company "The Company That Does Things" Home Makers. Insurance. Real Estate No. 17 W. Adam St. I i rr ! MclIURTRY ' 'Vs.' Keen Kutter Header Forks not only look like they will give good service but they do so. The tines are made of highest prade crucible steel with the correct and bend. Handles are of best selected second growth ash and are s shaped and set that Keen Kutter forks "work with you." The name Keen Kutter is a guarantee of quality. TT TK T f 1" TT f JC xv i 1 O 1 1M T a Word For Sale Real Estate BUT A 70x145 LOT IN KENIL WORTH. WALKING DISTANCE. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 WEST ADAMS STREET. tf FOR SALE. 10 acres, northeast of city, unim proved, but the best of soil. Good investment and home place. Cheap at $1500. Good terms. See Henry or Thompson, 15 N. 1st Ave. tf TWENTY ACRES in fine stand of alfalfa for $3500. On Glendale car line, 'inly 2V2 miles west of Center Ave. This is u bargain and can be handled on good terms. Forty acres, just 's mile from Glen dale car line, all solid alfalfa. Will make one of the finest dairy farms in the valley. The 40 beside it can be leased also, a dairyman can get a good thing on this. Price $150.00 per acre. We have a few small 10 acre tracts that are bargains. One at $3150.00, good house, well, orchard of 2V2 acres, rest in alfalfa on Glendale car line. One for $2000.00, only 4'i miles north west of the city, good well, small house and leveled and bordered for al falfa. Look this over, you can raise 15 tons of milo maize on this and sow it to alfalfa in the fall. An ideal poul try ranch. One for $2000, all in alfalfa and fruit, northeast of town. Good well, house, etc. A bargain at the figure. One for $1750.00, 5 acres in alfalfa balance ought to be planted to maize, a fine small ranch for dairy and poultry. Also, 20 acres at $2S00. Only 4V2 miles northeast. Best, of fruit and al falfa land. Good terms. GREENE & GRIFFIN. g FOR SALE 14 acres, on trolley, near beet factory, in alfalfa, $200 an acre. 10 acres at Orangewood, $250, terms. 6-room house, cement, modern, $2650. 5-room house, new. modern, $2200. 314 Fleming Blk. tf WE A II E AUTHORIZED by Mr. Boyer to make a discount of $40.00 on each lot on the 1st 10 lots sold from the Dullon & Cashion tract. Mr. P.oy er having purchased the entire interest. Who will be the lucky 10. This tract is well known, side walks, shade and fine location. Call at Healey Conrad & Co., 37 S. Center St. tf CHICKEN RANCH One acre just outside the city limits, nicely located for chicken ranch or gardening, good soil, can be made self-supporting; price only $600, $25 cash, balance $10 per month. See us exclusively for this. H. C. THOMAS R. E & INV. CO.. 43 W. Adams St. tf LOTS Near Capitol, $10.00 per month. Phone Owner, 1296. m DON'T BUY REAL ESTATE in Phoenix until you see Hollywood Heights. Building lots 50x140; only $25 down and $5 per month. See H. C. THOMAS R. E. & INV. C 43 W. Adams St. tf BARGAINS In residences. Ranch and business property, improved or unimproved. Houses to rent. W. K. JAMES, 27 N. Center St. tf FOR SALE 5 acres, 200 bearing fruit trees, peaches, grape, plums, ap ricots and blackberries, with a dandy 5-room house, water tank and wind mill, new barn, 16x24. Close to Mc Dowell on Park Road. Price $3600.00. Worth $4500. Small payment, balance monthly. McCabe & Burns, Union Realty Co., 130 N. Center St. tf FOR SALE Lots east next Wash ington St., near railroad shops. $25 payment. $10 per month. 335 East Washington St. b LOOK THEM OVER. " 12 lots near Capitol, sewer and city water, $25 down and $10 per month, price $175 and $250 each. 1 Jot near Five Points, $300. 5 acres close to car line, all In .alfalfa, $1375. 20 acres with house and well, all in alfalfa, close in $5500. Will trade for city property. For these and other good buys in real estate ring up 1160 and call for Wm. M. Costley. 17 W. Adams St. b For Sale Real Estate BEST REAL ESTATE INVEST MENTS on the Pacific coast now off ered in San Diego City lots. New Sub division of choice lots at $200.00 each. Sold on easy terms. Reliable man or woman wanted as agent in Phoenix. Send for literature at once. Frank L. Norton, 646 Spreckles Bldg. San Diego, Cal. "-dr WATER, SUNSHINE, SOIL Is the three things that makes alfalfa. We haw it all on North 7 Ave. 10 acres lirst-class alfalfa, no Johnson, think of the location and look at the price, $225 per acre. Fred Jacobs, Empress Theater Bid., 40 E. Adams. tf BUY GOV'T LAND At $3.00 to $4.50 per acre. Water rights and plenty for irrigation guaranteed. No filing rights necessary. No other ex pense for patent with bona-flde scrip. Ideal soil, location. Many varieties, and sizes of bargain Investments. E. R. C. Hickey, Box 806, City. Phone 1798. 203 Fleming Building. tf 5 ACRES on Glendale car line, cor ner, south and east fronts. Leveled and bordered, $1050. 7-room brick on North 2nd St. close in, new and modern, good shade, lawn and out-buildings, cheap for $5000, $2000 cash. Several small residence properties at a bargain just now, call and we will show you. See us for good business properties. Improved or unimproved. We have several good trades for you, both in city and ranch property. T. M. BURROUGHS. 14 West Adams. tf FOR SALE. Warehouse lot with house Fine lo cation, $2500. 8 acre well improved ranch, house, barn, well. $1800. 5 room new house, good location, $2200. J. L. IRVIN. 11 N. 1st Ave. tf WEST OF COUNTRY CLUB 10 acres fine shade, part in alfalfa, house, etc. $500 cash, balance long time. Price $2000. See Johnston, 17 West Adams. tf LOT 4 minute walk from Five Points. P. O. Box 42 b For Sale Houses FOR SALE CHEAP Four room frame, must sell, roses, grapes, fruit trees started. Terms given. See owner 1148 East McKinley. Geo. Siervogel. K NEW 5-room block house on West Madison, built-in effects, modern, price $2500.00, $300.00 cash. Scottsdale town site is open and we are now ready to do business, call for particulars, lots on easy terms. Ariz. Investment Land Co., 131 N. First Ave. We have choice office space for rent. . tf FOR SALE Modern house, 5-rooms. screen room with bath, small payment down. 742 E. Van Buren. b FOR SALE 6 room frame house 75x249, 925 East Polk St., on easy pay ments, fruit trees, rose bushes, lots of shade, ideal place. See Chas. Deubel, 230 East Monroe. b SUMMER BUYS. NOW is the time to BUY and quit paying RENT. 6-room NEW modern brick, near Capitol, $3200, $500 cash. 5-room modern brick, built-in feat ures, hardwood floors, solar heater, $350 will handle, QUIT RENTING. 5-room brick, on North 4th St., close in, owner needs the money, $2650, $850 cash. 6-room NEW modern home. Lot 70x190, $4000, $1000 cash. NOW is the time to buy this. 5-room Frame on West Adams, fine location, old shade; a BARGAIN for $2200. QUICK if you want THIS. These prices GUARANTEE you profit. DO IT NOW. GALPIN & HART. 33 North 1st Ave. Ask us about GRAND VIEW ADDI TION, dp FO R SALE Watch Phoenix Grovv. 3 room house, $775, $50 cash, balance $15 a month. 5 room house, modern, brick, garden, fruit .chicken corral, $2200, $150 cash, balance $25 a month. 6 room house, lot 50x200 ft., fruit, shade, and flowers, $1850, $100 cash, balance $25 a month. 4 room house, modern, brick, close in, $1800, $200 cash balance $20 a month. M. II. Shelton. 215 West Washington, 495. tf FOR SALE New modern bungalow; very complete with 10 or 20 acres of improved land. Fine country home. Very cheap. Phoenix Trust Company, 16 West Adams St. tf FOR SALE I must sell my six-room brick house at 710 No. 1st street, east face. Beautiful tall shade trees, rear screen sleeping house. It is close in and located where there is rapid in crease in value In sight. Price now $3900. Address "The Owner" "S" Re publican, tf FOR SALE Brand new cottage, stucco finish. This consists of 5 rooms, bath and screen sleeping room. Built in features, wide porches, etc. This is close in and a bargain at $2400, $150 cash. Balance $25.00 per month with out interest. Bright's Realty, 237 W. Monroe St. b BUSINESS MEN. When your stenographer goes away on her vacation. Phone 13S9 for a sub stitute. We furnish efficient office help without cost to you. You'll get better service through the McCausland Busi ness Exchange. 8 West Adams St. tf New Todaj HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A PARTNER OF THE BANK? o You can form a partnership, today, with Arizona's strongest and most pro gressive Securities and Investment Company on the installment plan. We can show you today: 80 acres between the Indian school and Inglcside 55 acres in cultivation on survey of trolley line. Price $200 per acre. One-third cash. Balance long time if desired. o CO-OPERATION IS FOUNDATION ON WHICH THE SUPERSTRUC TURE OF ALL SOCIAL INTERESTS IS BUILT o We will show you today:: 10 acres y2 mile off Central Ave. in the proven citrus belt all in alfalfa 3 miles from Phoenix, city subdivisions choice acreage. Price $225 per acre. $1050 cash handles this. Balance any time. o Allow us to show you: 40 acres 5 miles from Phoenix all in alfalfa fine stand clean as a wnisrle fenced small house shed good well. Price $145 per acre. $2000 will handle. Balance 5 years fii) 7 per cent. o "ORGANIZED DOLLARS" will inform you how we can make your IDLE DOL LARS WORK OVERTIME. Get your copy free to you. o $30,000 to loan in one block. 7 per cent interest 1st mortgage security. u Why have you allowed valuable oppor tunities to pass? Simply because you did not have cash enough to swing the deal. Link your $ with our $$$$ and permit us to do the swinging. o THE ARIZONA SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT CO., Inc. 107 N. Center Street. Phone 1755. Phoenix Arizona. b For Sale Houses LOOK THIS OVER A 6-room brick with 181 ft, facing on McDowell road, good well, fruit, shade, etc. Price $2800.00. Good terms. Thomson, Mc Candliss Co., 11 E. Adams. Tel. 1010. tf For Sale Miscellaneous FURNITURE FOR SALE Leaving town and have oak, mission style and other furniture to sell cheap. Call Wednesday or Saturday afternoon. Been no sick in house. 114 N. 10th Ave. JULY Plant this month. Milo maize, millet, sorghum, pumpkin, squashes, shallu, field corn, sweet corn, kaffir corn, cowpeas, melons, soybeans. Arizona Seed Company. 137 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix. Arizona. gb FOR SALE Motion picture machine new, strongest portable light known, S reels film, will sell at sacrifice. W. L. Kemp. 320 West Madison St. d FOR SALE MeOormick mower and rake, buckrake. stacker, $100. Charles Harned, old Wilson Ranch, Route No. 1. b TEXAS GROWN Pure dwarf milo maize seed, sorghum, millet, kaffir corn, field corn, new era and whippur will cow peas. Sturges Hay & Grain Co., 125 E. Jefferson St. tf BLATCHFORDS cair meal, keeps calves healthy and growing at Stur ges Hay & Grain Co., 125 E. Jefferson St. tf STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILE 20 horse power, five-passenger, newly painted, oversize casings, new carbur ator, top windshield, all in good shape. A big bargain, owner must sell. See Guarantee Auto Repair Shop, rear 219 N. First St. b FOR SALE Rock crusher, good condition. Job completed. Want avoid expense shipment. Sell at bar gain. Chandler Improvement Co., Chandler, Ariz. tl GOOD GALLERY FIXTURES 6'i by 8V2; 17-20 camera, all in fine shape. 335 East Washington St. b FOR SALE 100 shares Republic Trust Co., of Phoenix at $10.50 share paying 8 per cent dividends, book value over $12.00, total assets over one and a half million. Address Post office Box 1233, Phoenix. tf FOR SALE 50 acres of choice pas ture, alfalfa and sorghum, plenty of water, cheap. T. M. Burroughs, 14 West Adams. tf FOR SALE $20,000 Al mortgage, se curities. N. A. Morford, 15 E. Adams St. tf THE LATEST and finest bungalow book ever published, full of classy up to date plans and exteriors. From the heart of bungalow land. Price 25c. Bradley Bungalow Co., Bryson Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. d For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, A.l. condition. Tandem and Presto light, complete. 921 E. Pierce St. d ALL KINDS FRESH SUMMER FIELD SEEDS. STURGES HAY & GRAIN CO.. 125 E. JEFFERSON, tf FOR SALE. HIGH CLASS TAILORING BUSI NESS WITH FINE TRADE. LOUIS J. GASS. TAILOR. 20 WEST ADAMS ST. tf APRICOTS Cheap; wholesale and retail: apricots for canning; all fruits in season. Phoenix Fruit & Produce Co. 119 West Jefferson Street. tf PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY 19 lbs. sugar $100; coffee Hill's 3 lb. blue $1; breakfast bacon 22c; 3 lbs. head rice 25c; 7 bars soap 25c. Capi tal City Grocery, 7th Avenue and West Washington. tf FOR SALE Several second-hand motorcycles at prices to suit. Phoe nix Cycle Co., 133 N. Central Ave. tf TENTS, AWNINGS Hay covers roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, sleeping porch curtains, anything in canvass. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. 130 E. Monroe, both phones 411. tf ""IT DOES NOT MATTER what state you are from; we can "SHOW YOU" the best building lots in Phoe nix; ask: us auout iioiiywooa Heights; lot 50x140, only $25 cash and $5 monthly H. C. THOMAS R. E. & INV. CO., 4 3 W. Adams St. tf For Sale Live Stock TWENTY-FIVE COWS ami heifers, Ifolsteins, fresh and coming soon. L. Kohl, 3 miles west of Six Points and north. n A GOOD all around horse, cheap, at Van Buren Corral. Hi CATTLE FOR SALE. I have twelve head of very fine Dur ham dairy cows, all milking and one four-year-old Holstein bull as good as there is in the valley. These cows are at my place one mile south on Center street and three quarters of a mile east. Captain Norton's Place. Phone 123R2. b FOR SALE 15 head of fine Hol stein, two-year-old heifers, one year ling past bull, registered; must be sold at once. Phone 1708. b HORSE TRADING OUR BUSI NESS We buy and sell. See us first Fields-Morrison, 426 W. Washington. Phone 427. 7-ds FOR RENT OR SALE or service: 75 Perserino buck." or less. Address Pomeroy Realty Co. Mesa Ariz. tf For Sale Eggs and Poultry FOR SALE About 400 six and nino months old thoroughbred White Leg horn pullets. J. W. Branch, Tempe. R. D. No. 1, Box 15A. b For Sale or Exchange WILL EXCHANGE For city prop erty and some cash, an excellent ten acre ranch, 4 miles northwest of town. All in heavy alfalfa, 175 young fruit trees growing, six-room frame house, finest garden soil anil clean from ob noxious growth. Ask Oakes, with J. S. Griffin (alone) 4 West Adams. d FOR SALE By owner, f- acres fruit land located 3li miles from city of North Yakima, Washington, fine deep soil, plenty of water, or will trade. Address Republican Box 4673. m FOR SALE Modern 5-room house, practically new, best location, price $5,000. or will trade for modern 7 room house. No agents. Address 4671 Republican Box. b WANTED Your equity in a house for a good automobile. C. C. Stewart, 21 N. 1st, Ave. b WE CAN MATCH anything you have to offer anywhere in the United States. We are connected with the strongest Co-operative Realty Co. in America Ag'-nts everywhere. Bring us your trades. Southwestern Build ing & Investment company. Real es tate, loans. 17 West Adams street, tf EXCHANGE Your Arizona property for California where its cool. My loss your gain, or; account of ill health will exchange 16) acres level, brown silt land, 1 mile to depot, P. O. Hotel, summer and winter resort. Water, live stock and implements, auto, household goods, chickens, ducks, cows. hogs, etc. Near state asphalt highway J near San Diego. Equity in land $12, 000, stock and tools $2S0O, will sacri fice and trade for anything of value. Address Box 13, Del Mar, California, tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE In Alameda, Calif., for Phoenix property, 2V2 lots with large grocery and extra storehouse and also a 7-room residence on second floor, can be divided into 2 apartments, 's block to Grand Station, 1 block to car, cement walks and ma cadamized streets. Price $12,000, mtg. $4000 at 6 per cent for 3 years, let us know what you have to offer. J. B. Heyne Realty Co.. 18 W. Adams. tf For Rent Houses THREE COOL Well furnished rooms, $15.00 per month, bath and screen sleeping room, no sick or child ren taken. 219 E. Van Buren. g FOR RENT 5-room modern house. $15.00 per month for July and August, $17.50 from September. M. F. DeWitt, 30 N. 2nd Ave. tf FOR RENT 5-room modern brick house, screen sleeping porch, every convenience. 819 North 3rd Ave. Tel ephone 517. tf FOR RENT Small brick cottage, electric lights, bath, screen sleeping room, kitchen. Enquire 1106 E. Mc Kinley, Brill car line. 7-bm HOUSES TO RENT Kinney. 15 E. Adams. tf FOR RENT 8-room house $20 fur nished or unfurnished. Groom 21 N. 1st Ave. tf " FOR RENT The largest list of furn ished and unfurnished houses in town. Capitol City R. Co., 7th Ave. & Wash ington, tf Per Acre That priced land is getting mighty scarce just now but we have a quarter listed in the famous Peoria district at that figure. Four miles from Glendale and two and a half miles from Peoria, Fine sandy soil and we really consider it the best buy in that district to day. Tli terms can be made satisfactory. E. J. BENNITT & CO. For Rent Furnished Houses FURNISHED HOUSE Strictly modern, 4 rooms, nicely furnished, large yard, good shade. 127 N. 9th Ave. n FOR RENT One first-class furn ished flat, $20. One 6-room furnished bungalow, hardwood floors, deep porch es, splendid place to summer, $25. Also a fine house to make your rent in. Two 3-room apartments and large hall, $30. New house and barn, $25.00. Bright's Realty Co., 237 W. Monroe St. b FOR RENT 6-room modern brick, completely furnished, fine shade, gar age, roses, etc. $35 per month. See Johnston, 17 .W Adams. tf Rooms and Board THE IVON New, sleeping porches. Board. No sick. Sixth Ave. and Mc Kinley. tf For Rent Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Rooms. $2.00 and $2.50 per week, close in, pleasant location. 1037 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. n O N eTfRO N T ROOM $3.00 per week One screen room, $2.00 per week. 610 North First St. d t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, walking distance. Call 519 N. 3rd St. tf THE ANNEX HOTEL 509-515 North Central Ave., COOL rooms, thor oughly modern, single or en suite, with or without private bath, hot and cold water, scret-ned sleeping porches, b"St location, reasonable rates. tf WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 No. lt ! street, new, modern, no sick taken, tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Furnished rooms, housekeeping and sleeping room at reasonable rates. 444 E. Adams. g FURNISHED Housekeeping apart ments, cool and desirable. 376 N. 4th Ave. g NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Modern, sleeping porch, etc. 421 No. 6 St. m FOR RENT 4-room suite with screen sleeping room, nicely furnished for housekeeping. 705 N. First St. d FOUR Beautiful rooms, completely furnished private bath. 368 N. First Ave. tf FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms, close in, modern house, on car line. 522 North First St. d THREE MODERN Furnished rooms at 511 No. 2 St. Rent very reasonable. Phone 2391. b NICELY FURNISHED Housekeep ing rooms, good shade. 376 N. 3rd Ave. 7-bk For Rent Lands FOR RENT SO acres for milo maize, ten "miles west of Phoenix on Buckeye Road. See N. R. Gooney at J. S. Grif fin's office, 4 West Adams St., or Phone 4J3. g FOR RENT Stock ranch, dairy, 160 to 320 acres, for rent on lease, part al falfa. 80 acres good alfalfa for sale, easy terms. Walker Realty Co., 317 W. Washington. tf DAIRYMEN I have an excellent proposition to make to responsible man with cows. Will give a long term lease on a large tract of alfalfa land within easy reach of the new creameiy at Glendale. Address Republican Box 3402. tf Wanted Situations Male WANTED Place for boy of 13 to work for board to get mm off the streets. Address Republican Box 4670. ss CHAUFFEUR AND MECHANIC Can do own repair work, wants posi tion with garage or as private driver. Address Republican Box 4657. gs EXPERT TYPIST Wants work evenings only, rapid and reliable. Es pecially good on dictation direct to machine. Can furnish own typewrit er. Address Box 14. Republican. tf Sacrificed HALF BLOCK 300 FEET TWO GOOD BRICK HOUSES Owner must have money. Best bargain offered this year. ' $3250 GREENE & GRIFFIN, 127 N. Center St. 1618 N. Center Street Wanted Situations Female WANTED By reliable German p. r son housework, town or ranch. Would teach small children. Mrs. Best, Brown wood, Texas. jt WANTED Position first-class cook, for men preferred, out of the city, ref erences Box 46S3 Republican. " d Wanted Miscellaneous YOUNG MAX Wishes desirable room with sleeping p., nb In refund neighborhood. Box -jtlM Republican. g WANTED Second hand ladies bi cycle. Phone S901. 1, ""HIRE YOUR WASHING and ironing don eby the Afro-American Laundry, Ruff Dry Laundry, 5 cents per pound. 915 W. Buchanan. Phone 8901. k WANT Any kind of contract ork such as, clearing, leveling, making ditches, road work, etc. Address Loran Dana, Mesa, Arizona. 7-dr WANTED Two or three horse gas oline engine or will trade electric mo tor for same. Groom & Stewart, 21 N. 1st Ave. y MONEY WANTED Wanted $2.oo'j on 160 acre ranch. Hill & Claflin. Cen ter St., cor. Washington. (Down stairs) tf WANT TO BUY Poland China male pig about 5 months old. B. P. Walter. Aguila, Arizona. jt WANTED To rent furnished house would consider rooming house proposi tion. Box 46S3 Republican. d STRAXGER Who would locate here desires to purchase interest in estab lished business. All replies considered strictly confidential. Box 46S0, Repub lican, d YOUNG MAN Who has been sick but now rapidly regaining health, wants to interest himself in ranch life. Dairy farm preferred. Must be near Phoenix. Screen room, use of con veyance and good wholesome board de sired. Address Box W. J. S. care Re publican giving all particulars. tf WANTED A $2000 first mortgage loan on Income property worth more than double. Phone 1566. tf 1 WANTED Commercial and society job printing. The Hammer Printing Co., 505 N. First St. Phone 80S2. 7-dd WANTED 100 men to buy lots in Hollywood Heights; beautifully lo cated and you only have to pay $25 down and $5 per month. H. C. Thomas R. E. & In v. Co., 43 W. Adams St. tf $10 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front yardi THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. tf WANTED Money to loan on gilt edge mortgages. No. 17 West Adams. t PAINTING Papering, frescoing, graining, guaranteed. We don't smear. V. II. Williamson Co., 121 X. 5th St. Phone 730. tf WANTED Empty grain sacks. Sturges Hay and Grain Co.. 125 E. Jefferson St. tf Wanted Help Male WANTED A ranch hand, one handy with tools. Leave name and address. Box 4679 Republican. h A GOOD POSITION Offered to a competent all-around rancli hand w'u can milk. Married man desired, good wages and comfortable cottage. Plruie Walter P. Smith. b WANTED First-class milker, r.kk- lilker. r.kk- t th of Five J nell Dairy, V2 mile nortl Points. h WANTED Young man on ranch. Permanent position. Box 15, R. F. D 1 Tempe. WANTED Experienced milker. Feleh, 14 mile west of Indian School WANTED A man tc plaivt fort acres of beans on shares. Call at the office of Roy S. Goodrich, 402 Good rich Building. S WANTED Milker. H. Renaud, Al hambra. K LIVE MAN To sell brushes from factory. Good commission. H. I' Hicks. 407 N. 1st St. d - V iMuW!iWWtfWJlWiiii' ii tm iJiWCTlWBgiHWi,!ij l,m