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PAGE TWO THE 'ARIZONA REPUBLICAN", WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1913 I ?:fjL?:?iA:L:L I STANDING OF THE CLUBS Club Xciv York I 'li i l:iri'-Iit!i;i Jinioklyn .. 'li icago . . . . I'ittsblll g . . il'iSlull ... . Sr. Louis . . , 'inci ri n:t 1 1 i . National League V. 11 :,4 L'X L. '': t-'S .;" Pet. .Ml .01':? . T.4S; .455 .41'!' .41;s ORVIE. &s A 2 , American League r : i i i. . i F-i j ,1 1 i;i 'Ihvi'!:i lid . . I 'hicago . . . Washington I istfin . . . Detroit St . I. nil is . . . - v York . . Club LoS Al-(-lrS . . Sari ,; rancisi -o Portland Sacra tiu riti . . Veldt e O.t'sland 41 . :5ss ague W. L. Pet. 4 H 17 .711' 4 "s ". tjoo .542 3s ?,i .54:: ::4 ::i .5:::; 11 ,.;:i7 i's A; . :;7s lit 47 .I'ss ye V. L. Pet. 4:t :!7 .r,7i 41; 14 .5 11 4 2 41 .5' n't 42 -4S1 42 47 .472 10 4 7 .4 ill I WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY National League ostoii at Rrooklyn New York at 1 'hiladolphia St . 1 .1 hi is a I ' 'i ii' inna I i Pittsburg at Chicago American League 'levela nd at St. Louis Chicago at. Detroit Philadelphia at Xew York U ashimvio.a at Rifoii ..SSsZ; 1 mmzz. i mm I m8m v., ; Assess Cnn 1 ,?i-SFVi4f "fV I fill i Juf Coast League S.ii't .i ai.-nto at 1 ( (i t !:uil Los .iipt-ii-s a: San Crancisro la l:ln nd at Venice National League At Chicago ( rvie Overall is trying to dispute that much-mooted and popular belief "they can't come back." Alter two seasons of quietude be lias once more limbered up his pitching arm and is doing his best to aid Johnny Kvers in j the hitter's el forts to .solve the serious j piol.leni of a pile-bins' staff that is j. sadly wanting in efficient material. I overall lias been slow in rounding I into form, but he candidly believes that I ere long he will prove of as much 1 V. "I HI ((' UK IlI(.itO v itir ,i ne Vi(S ihcfure he ele ete.l t,i .Olit ",. life" At Mrooklyn R. II. K. ,.' ' '. ' . ' 3 S 1 ! Host 011 r, S 1 1 latteries : Curtis, YiiiKlinK and Mil ler; Kudolph and Hariden. n. h. k. Chicago Z ! 1 1'ittsbur- 2 7 1 lialteries: ("heiie. Archer: ltobin-j son. lleatliix an. 'olcman, Keliy. alter the world's series of 19 in. 'Afespw-;.-ifi i ..... T 5 ! Hatteries: i I '.lackburn, fir At l!osin- ! i:ost(tn Washington I',:itteri. s: ? ?ff SI .-.-t- l d I Sweei: 1 5 The" ! 1 Surest I Purest I Method I of sealing jellies 1 and preserves is j by the use of j gj (Pure Refined Paraffin) II j I I I At Philadelphia R. II. K. Philadelphia 0 4 2 Xew York 10 17 0 Patteiies: Alexander, Rixey, Mayer, Marshal! and Kiilifer, Howl.v; Mar- si n. yt, M .(i.iiMiiiu ;m:ii istimei, y -' V I piard and Mevers, wi'ls. At f'incinnatti " la inna tt i mis R. II. TO. 11 15 2 4 P 0 iritr, Steel :u:d McLean. American League At Xow Yoi'k Xew York S : Philadelphia ... . R. II. TO. 1 5 4 2 5 1 Hat'.cries: Kisher, McConneil and Hush, Houck and Schanu. i I I -a I p. ; At Detroit R. II. 10. i Detroit 2 H 4 Chicago 3 r, 1 Patteries: Willett and McKee; 'i coite. Scott and Schalk. R. II. 10. 4 7 1 7 12 n Hedient. Leonard. Hall, I ; :iiil 'arriK;n; Knel, Mulliti, Hnsbes and Henry, Williams. St. T.ouis-f'leveland postponed, wet grounds. Iioiible header tomorrow. Coast League It's so easy. T . 1 I Just melt and I! .i pour over tiie cooled preserves. Seals absolutely air tight. Guaranteed under the Pure Pood and Drug3 Act. Dealers Everywhere Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Tigers Scratch Oaks LOS AXCIOLKS, July 1. The hrill iant pitching of Jack Killilay. Oakland's erstwhi'ie .star twirler, failed to win today's game for his team, Venice 1, Oakland 0. was tli- final accounting. Killilay allowed only ?, safeties, but two of them were bunched in the Xth, petting- the Southerners the only tally Roy I litt also pitched a Rood same, keeping his ten hits well scattered throughout the X innings. Ilitt brought in the Tigers only run with a drive to right after Litschi doubled. Xot a Venice player reached second base un til t'ue seventh. Sensational catches by the Venice outfielders undoubtedly saved the game for the homo club. It. II. TO. Venice l 3 n Oakland 0 10 0 Ratteries: Ilitt and Klliott; Killilay and Mitse. Seals Flop Away SAX FRANCISCO, July 1 San Francisco took the opening game of the series from I,os Angeles today by a score of 9 to 1. Los Angeles used three pitchers to stem the tide. Tozor was taken out in the second, Jackson who took his place was forced to give way to "Dutche" Ruether, the former St. Tgnatus College twirler who took the mound in the seventh. Jess Raker pitched the entire game for the Seals, j striking out three men and allowing only six hits. R. II. 10. San Francisco 0 12 2 I. os Angeles l fi C Ratteries: Raker, Schmidt and To zer; Reuther and Brooks. PREPARATIONS FOR 3 FIGHTS Mcmsir-Kane Bout Prom ises to Be 80111c . Scrap Both Men Working (hit. Two Corking Curtain Kaisers Arranged Early yesterday morning old George. Memsie wriggled into a heavy sweater got out a pair of old trousers, and with a pair of light shoes beat it out east of town for a five mile jog of road work. George in short is in train ing still, for his fight with Walter (Ruddy') Kane of Yuma, here on the afternoon of July 4th. George is also some old head at the game, probably the best trial horse in his division of pugs ever produced. Always a clever scrapper, always a willing mixer, with, a kick in either mit, he has fought all the top notchers, has been many times close to the championship of the lightweight division, but has always barely missed it. A miss being gener ally as good as a mile, George Memsie is still a mile away from the top of liis class. All this does not mean however that George is not there with both fists, on the contrary, any youngster that can put the old master away is among the coiners in his division. It was for the purpose of obviating any possi bility of being put away in the dis card by a younger man. that Old George started doing the 'old faithful' training stunt as soon as he was matched with Ruddy Kane. He real izes that a youngster sometimes gets over a 'wild pitch' which lands on the sleep point with direful results. There fore it behooves him to take no such chances. Kane is a scrappy youngster, and showed so well in a recent go here with Pete Daley, that Manager Gor cister choose him as the opponent of George Memsie to assist in celebrating the Fourth of July. Kane will put up a gritty there every minute scrap, unless dopesters are much mistaken. Kane has been doing faithful work training for the mill, realizing that it is a chance for him. If he can get the better of Memsie, even at catch weights it means recognition for him with the leaders of his business. He will be a scrapper pretty generally needed to be an attraction at big fights. The manager of the afternoon goes has arranged for a number of good preliminaries which will work up the biood of the fans even if the afternoon is sorter warm. These two events are for four spaces only. Kid Acuna and Jail; Williams will go first, and Jimmy Ruins and Jack Lyons will follow. The main event will come thereafter. MAROONS WANT GAME Manager Castle's Team Out of Work For July Fourth Wants Game Telephone messages to this city yes terday cancelled the expected baseball game at I'rescott between the Maroons of this city and the I'rescott team. Manager Castle therefore was getting busy last evening trying to hook up with some team in the vicinity for a game. Having heard of the organization of a new team out Mesa way he imme diately expressed a preference for that team. Today will likely tell the story. If arrangements can be made for a game the Maroons will play, other wise they will be spectators for some body's else game. o PAY-AS-YOU-LEAVE STREETCARS Cleveland Adopts a New System for the Rush Hours. A combination of the pay-as--you-enter and pay-as-you-leave systems is in effect in the street car service of Cleveland, O, where peculiar traffic conditions prevail. Cars from all sec tions of the city come into the down town district to the public square and loop hack, and it w.''s for the purpose of relieving the rush hour congestion at that point that the combination sys tem was adopted. In the morning, when the passengers are picked up all along the line and unloaded practically all at once down town, the car iii operated pay-as-you-enter. In the evening, when this con dition is reversed, the car is operated pay-as-you-leave. It is found that a car can be loaded with one hundred people in seventy seconds by loading from both ends, if the collection of fares is postponed until passengers alight at various points along the line. From Popular Mechanics. Western League Wichita 4; Denver 2. Topeka 6; Lincoln 2. St. Joseph 1 ; Des Moines Sioux City C; Omaha 0. 3. BASE BALL GOODS Catalogue Free PINNEY & ROBINSON 17 South Center Beavers Bite Solons PORTLAND, July 1. Portland and Sacramento played a fast nip and tuck baseball for the opening game of the series today. The Reavers won 2 to 0. L'oth Klavvitter and Ilagerman pitched well. Ilagerman struck out 7 and Klavvitter 3, of his former team mates. R. H. E. Portland 2 5 0 Sacramento 0 5 2 Ratteries: Ilagerman and Fisher; Kla witter and Rliss. American Association Minneapolis ',; St. Paul 11. Toledo 3: Louisville 7. Milwaukee r; Kansas City 1.1; innings). Indianapolis-Columbus postponed ao count rain. (1.1 A BLOOMING NOSE Loses Fifteen Round Go for Canadian Lightweight Champion "Don't Yer Know" VANCOUVER. July 1. Frenchy Vaise, of Seattle was given the de cision over Joe Rayley, the Canadian light-weight champion in a 15-round bout at the Rrighthouse arena today. In the first five rounds Bayley made Vaise look like a novice, but in the sixth the Seattle boy landed a right cross to the nose apparently breaking1 it, causing the blood to flow during the remainder of the fight, the loss causing Rayley to weaken. At the end of the bout Vaise had a sufficient lead to gain the decision. RITCHIE HAS BETTER OF BETTING ODDS NOW 3S5E But Indications Point to Even Money at Ringside of Championship Bout.. Both Boys Fit Tassooiated prkss dtspatch! RAN. FRANCISCO, July 1. Willie Ritchie, the light-weight champion of the world and Joe Rivers, the Mexican of Los Angeles, finished hard training today for their 20 round match on July 4. Roth are within easy striking dis tance of the weight, which is 134 three hours before gong. Roth will 'do only light work from now on. Ritchie is the favorite, but the pre diction is even money will rule at ring side. Roth men are in the pink of condition. A comparison of the meas urements shows Ritchie has slight ad vantage in height and reach, but Rivers is more solidly built about the neck, chest, arms, shoulders, though trim mer in the wrists and ankles. A close watch of the training camps seem to show Rivers is faster on his feet, packs a much heavier punch and shoots in more blows. On the other hand he seemed to show, a more vul nerable defense and less accurrate of fense. Expert opinion has about reached the conclusion that the finish will depend on the relative courage of each and the ability to assimilate punishment. o WILSON ON "VACATION" fASSIVIATEIi PRXBS rISPATCH WASHINGTON. July 1. Off for a real holiday of 72 hours. President Wilson is aboard the yacht Mayflower tonight somewhere in lower Chespeake Ray. X'o attempt will be made to keep the yacht in touch with Washington by wireless and even the White House officials do not know the executive's whereabouts. The last word was re ceived this afternoon when the May flower was reported "steaming down the Raw" "Modern Times Demand Modern Methods" Equip Your FJew Home With The Santo-Duplex Vacuum Gleaner! With the Santo-Duplex the cleaning of a room, or an entire floor, becomes a very simple operation. The light hose and renovators are brought to the room, attached to the inlet fitting, the electric switch turned on, and the cleaning thoroughly, easily and quickly accomplished. The clean, sanitary, twentieth century way. Efficient, attract ive, economical. The SANTO -DUPLEX offers simplicity of construction, with low cost of operation, easy installation with no sewer, water or chimney connections ; no large piping or clumsy renovators. Can be used on regular lighting circuits. Portable Santo-Duplex Vacuum Cleaners always in stock, and special stationary systems a specialty with the ARIZON HARDWARE SUPPLY COMPANY Corner Third Avenue and Jackson WRITE FOR A CATALOG Phone 1231 SULZER IS NAMED Governor of New York Is Defendant In Breach of Promise Suit r VTKP I'ltKSS DISPATCH 1 PI II LA DKRPIIIA. July 1. Governor William Sulzer of Xew York was nam ed as defendant in a breach of prom ise suit when the summons in tres pass was issued today according to plaintiff's attorney, the defendant, Wil liam Sulzer was in Xew York. The plaintiff is Miss Mignon Hopkins an attractive woman of ?,' who formerly lived in Rrooklyn but is now employed in a department store in this cit;.". Xo papers were filed except the pre cipe giving the nanus of the plaintiff and the defendant. "Nothing to It" AI.RAXY. July 1. "Nothing to it. merely a story started by my enemies." This is Sulzer' s reply today when questioned concerning the suit brought I by Mignon Hopkins of Philadelphia. The governor refused to further dis cus.; the case. o Ancient dope shows that Yale did not make an intercollegiate record bv winning seventeen straight games. The Princeton nine of lS'.ti vent.een straight and the varsity nine of 'ST. put over straight victories o dramas ever shown on the local screen, and is sure to find favor in the hearts of all lovers of leal mov ing pictures. EMPRESS. This weeks bill at the Well balanced line 0 Rmpress i; vau.levilb 1 and is proving quite a drawing card ! in as much as each act is a feature ; in itself. The show is opened by j !;ryce llowatson Co, Mr. Howatson j bears an enviable reputation as an 1 aeiur ,,f ability as is shown by j the manner in which lie handles the I I the act. The Kckart Family Trio en- joyed much favor from the opening night, and well is it deserved as their work bespeaks talent and lots of it on the part of each member. From a standpoint of harmony the work of the trio has not been duplicated in . )atious comic situations throughout 1 ibis any other house in the cit Fro North and South Join to Celebrate Arizona's First resco Si H M rT 3 K 6T R E.1 I won se I larvard n ineteen AMUSEMENTS AT THE LION. "A Cir'. Spv in Mexico." a Rubin: "One llundre-d Dollar Klopemelit," an Hdisoii; "Discipling Daisy" and "Que bec Palace." Yitagraph. compose the brand new program opening at the Lion Theatre last night for three days only. It will be iepeate.1 today and tomorow. "A Girl Spy in Mexico" is the fea ture (,f the program. 11 is in two parts and taken in the hills of old Mexico. Lieut. Hlanco's sweetheart, the S noi ita Armaje, having heard no word from him, go s to his camp, finds him, and -determines to work for her lovers side of the question. Sre dons the garb of a red cross nurse and enters the federal lines and conveys to Rlanco from time to time important informat'on. She is finally discovered and placed under placed under arrest, the officers marching them onward to the end. COLISEUM. Comedy is the order of the tlay in the vaudeville acts which opened the week at this popular playhouse last night, and the management has discovered a sure cure for the blues and the "ill effects" of the hot wea ther. Labella Cuillermo opens the bill with a litle song and dance of fering that pleases from the start Reynolds fc Lewis follow and put over a class; corned v singing and jodeling act in which Reynolds proves not only his versality but his distinct ability as a yodler. His imi tations include several musical in struments, in fact be plays an entire band from the snare drum to the trombone with his voice. Kspecially truthful was his imitation of the electric chime whistle found on inter urban railways. This is no natural that one can almost see the car start. He brought the house down wit it. Closing the bill. Young Manning present the greatest comedy act that has visited the city in many months. The net is a scream and they take advantage of every opportunity for furnishing a laugh with the result that the audience is kept In a roar during the entire time they are on the stage. Mr. Young proved beyond all question of a doubt that he ' is one of the most clever black face artists in the business. His work is finished in every . particular and shows careful preparation. A very laughable feature of the act Is the introduction of a chicken fight, in duced by Young, which furnishes fun by the bushel. The movies were new. The two-reel Vitagraph feature "The Web" proved one of the strongest n o ni e tiling Different iti Wild West Sports Cash Prizes Over $2000 Covboys from everywhere will compete in $600 Bucking Contest. New Features, never shown before an Arizona audience. Wild Horse Race Vaquercs will speed broncs that never felt leather in a half-mile whirl. Potato Race Teams of four horsemen each will struggle to transfer spuds, spiked on laths, across the field, against devilish interference. You'll die laughing! Mounted Tug-of-War . Goat .oping more difficult and ten times as funny as steer-deviling. Automobile & Motorcycle Races Around Yavapai's famous Loop of 43 miles. Two Bands Maricopa Auto Club Eand, Prescott Military Band. . Masked Carnival Free dancing in Plaza, on specially built platform. See your railroad agent one fare for the round trip all Arizona points. Ask for Program Boehmer's Dru, Store, Board of Trade, Adams, Ford and Commercial Hotels. K Come He Auhile EESL2ci