Newspaper Page Text
1 t THE 'ARIZONA' REPUBLICAN", TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1913 v MRS. W0RRY All Singns Point to a Good Rest for John PAGE NINE elc , i. Just py (.Ucv OM THE "TRAiKt FOR TM COUNTRY AMD NOW WOMt HtTftT3 Akiv" ' 1 VI -J I X Vm)'r?P wahyiX- -1 1 ur. , T--". . I o(-a r-. . N I XLTUm i o Kif Wn?RV kips. "W 1 1 V 1 " ll f H nn AXwu,.rS jTS SOUr-vimvpok.-t- Ves- M FOUR PAPK-NAMNORE V U 7- FEgDTHg - II V 7 n -'I I III -JWwukwk iskcAK- nxc- I DOLlAI?s IHAW AVOUAR-Siy V . - v : XT i C iWfe- 1 VmLVOlJ ' LrllL the court-piasteS' S VVn Opening aSavings Account There is no red tape connected with t li o opening of a savings account in this bank. Yon simply bring your money to the bank, sign your name for identification "when you wish to make withdrawals, and you Avill then receive a pass book credited with tin; amount of your deposit. 4 comnound in terest paid on regular Savings Accounts. The Phoenix Savings Bank & Trust Co. Borrow Money $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. Nothing: re- . moved. Quick, courteous, confidential. ' THE MUTUAL LOAN CO. ! Lewis Bldg. Central and Adams D. D. HORNING ! For Sale Lands In small or largt ! acreage. j INSURANCE AND LOANS j RENTALS, COLLECTIONS ! Office 411 West Monroe St. Cor. 4th Ave. Phoeni ) Special Notices YOUR CARPETS cleaned on the floor. Phone 733. s-1 $1.25 PER WORD Inserts Clasal fied Ads in 3C leading papers In U. S. Send for list. The Dake Advertising Agency. 427 S. Main St., Los Angeles, or 12 Geary St.. San Francisco. Calif. tf Auto Livery. Lost and Found LOST Scotch collie pup light brown color, answers to "Teddy." Notify Adams, care Republican. tf LOST Bay mare, white mark on face, light weight with saddle, bridle and lasso rope. Return to C. E. Con nor's ranch or Phone 205J3. p PHOENIX TO GLOBE, $11.90. via Ray Junction on Arizona Eastern R. R. autos meet all trains from Phoe nix at Ray Junction for Globe daily. Leave Phoenix S a. m., arrive Globe 6 p. m. For further information call at or Phone Hoffman Cigar Stand. Tel. 1118, street number 21 North Central Ave. TV". P. Kelsey, Mgr., Globe Ariz. tf LOST Check for $25.00. Given by C. 11. Johnson to A. Johnson, one legged man. Return to Republican, p ( . I j HATTER& Business Chances WANTED Partner with small amount of money and first class refer ence to engage in new business that ! offers excellent profit. Address Box i 4704 Republican. r FOR SALE Good business. Box C Tempe, Arizona. p FOR SALE Pool hall. softlrink and cigar counter at Glendale. For i sale account sickness. Good proposi- j lion. Address P. O. Box 82 Glendale j Phone 1704 or Glendale Phone 291. J. M. 1IOTCH- - KISS. p PANAMA HATS $3.00 just a few left. 24 North 2nd St. Phone 456. tf PHOENIX HAT M'FG CO- Professional and Businesi Cards .. CHIROPODIST n Corns removed 60c. tM each. Bunions, Moles, j I Warts, etc., removed by electricity. 39 E. Adams. FRANK SHIRLEY. Personals WANTED To make acquaintance' of widow, middle age. German Catho lic preferreil, object matrimony. P. O. Box 920, City. tj Veterinary Colleges S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE be gins Sept. 15. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalog free. C. Peane. president, 181$ Market street. San Francisco. 9bk Special Notices FOR STYLISH GOWNS and dainty house dresses, come to 376 North Third Ave. bd TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. S5 E. Adams Overland 70- tf U N I DERTAKI NQ t EMBAkWI NO, EASTERLING AND WHITNEY Un dertakers and Embalmers. 213 West Washington St. Phoenix. Arizona, tf Mohn, Driscoll & Maus, Uudertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors, 118 N. Central Ave.. Phoenix. tf STORK-.Your household goods, niture, automobiles, etc., in our fur-new ctncjrete fire proof warehouse for the surjimer. Lightning Delivery Co. Phones 94; 1756. V IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD see me at once for free estimates; cash or installments. C. H. Johnson, Building Contractor. 507 N. 3rd St. Phone 1566. tf $10 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front yards of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. tf 1 V! ii ! , THE FRANKLIN Finest rooms in city, single or ensuite, strictly modern and high class. Centrally located. Cor. 2nd and Washington. 1-bk WHY COOK these farm days. First Ave. and Jefferson Barbecue stand has choice meats always. Phone 1349. Saves you time and money 7bn Lodge Notices Phoenix Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias, meets 7:30 p. m. every Friday. Vis iting members invited. C. L. MADDOX, C. C. Phone Overland 8S90 W. C. POWELL. K. R. & 3. PHOENIX LODGE No. 708. Loyal Order of Moose. Meetings every Tuesday. I. O. O. F. invited. Walter J. Hayt uictaior; vvaiier n. van Tyne, Secretary. COH3ETiERn. NU BONE CORSET Designed and fitted according to the individual needs of the figure. Comfortable, hy gienic and stylish. Helen Jennings, 7J5 W. Washington: phon 8689 tf Stables and Corrals GOOD HORSES AND RIGS For hire and for sale at Corral prices. Commercial Corral, E. A. Starr & Co., Props. Thone 1708. tf "What's daughter doing?"' "Making shrimp salad." "I didn't know we had any shrimp in the house." "We haven't; but there is one going to call on her this evening." Houston Post. Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see iuo:e customers than you can. RESOLUTION NO. 604 First : That the following KSie5uie amount 01 inoeoteu- M-itV Jiecoriler of the ,t- of rW..,;. A resolution ordering an election tojsition be, and the same is hereby ; nePS of tne Citv of Phoenix- in the I shall , . ' the issuance of bonds for j submitted to the qualified electors 1 '"""J "i -wauojpa, relate ol An- pioceeuings ot the Common Council zona, now being in excess of four!01 lm City of Phoenix the authorize the issuance of bonds funding the floating indebtedness of the City of Phoenix up to July 1, 19i:j. for purchasing two tracts of land for park purposes and for street im provements. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF and property tax payers subject to taxation within the corporate limits within the Citv of Phoenix 1 mount of Maricopa, State of Arizona, to be j voted upon by them at an election I called for tlie purpose to be held on PHOENIX DO RESOLVE AS FOL-ithe :jjst day of July, A. D. 1!H.:, in County ; l,f r ,,f ntiim of the value of the tax- auie property in said City, as is as certained by the last assessment of taxable property in said City fur City purposes, made previous to incurring LOWS: isaid City, County ami State, viz: COMMUNITY OPINION HELPS TAX ASSESSOR (This is the second of a series of articles by Walter W. Pollock of Cleveland, O., on scientific tax valu ations of real estate. It shows how the people of any community may assist the assessor in his task of analysis of the value of street usefulness.) Any twenty men who live in a given city or village will find upon comparing opinions, that they will practically agree upon a few funda mental points affecting the value of the land in their home town, and their opinions may be easily tabu lated by use of the Somers method. These points are: 1. The best street (meaning there by the most used street). 2. That this best street is not best in all parts that is there are some parts of this street better-than other : parts. j 3. The best cross street. 4. The part of. the best street that is the best of that street. ! The disagreements in opinion upon these points will be found to be neg ligible, and can be easily harmonized. Yet the same twenty people who have in any given town agreed in their opinion as to the value of the use of the -treets are likely to vary widely in their judgment of value expressed in terms of price for any given lot or parcel of land fronting or. any one jf the streets or parts of streets that they had before agreed upon. It is this ignoring of what people know most about, and fai'ure to utilize the ki-.owledge of the mem bers of the community concerning what they lave mcst to do with in tl eir activities in a community, that constitute the tremendous lack of efficiency in the assessment of land values in centers of population. And jn addition to this waste, there is an attempt to carry out the impossible, in attempting to appiaie particular fites, over which there is constant pr.d substantial disagreement, as in I he ca?e ?f the twenty persms who rannct agve about the vaiue of any particular site or. any street in their town. Origin of Land Values. An analysis of the origin of what is usually called "land value" as ap- jplied to city sites, is absolutely necessary for the proper solution of any land appraisal problem. With out access to the life and business of the community through the high ways, a t.lot of ground in any com munity vo:ld be without use it would not be "worth" anything, as it would be expressed in common talk. It must be apparent that whatever "'value" a plot of ground may be said to have come3 entirely from the accessibility or possibility of ac cessibility that it has or may have in prospect throueh some stteet or public highway. This "value" varies ts between plots because the streets or highways through which various plots obtain their usefulness and therefore their value, vary in im portance and in use; but be the "value" high or low, it comes en tirely from the streets. Now let us analyze the effect of the streets upon the plots, varying as they do in size and shape. We know first that z. large plot, is worth more than a small plot on the same street due entirely to the difference in area. W3 find that two plots of the same area are sometimes of dif ferent value if they are of differing shapes. The one with the greatest accessibility to the street will be worth more than the one with l?ss accessibility. liut whatever the value is. it may be traceat le back to thp usefulness of the streat. When we coma to corner lots and near-corner lots we find that the :same street effects are to be found, j only in a more complicated way. One corner lot Is better than an other when the streets making the corner are better in their ccmbi.ied !cffect than 13 a corner lot where the ; streets forming the corn?r are not so good in their combined effect Consider Street Values. Having analyzed this street effect ithns far, it would appear to be the 'natural thing to do to consider the ivalue of streets, regardless of the sites that are contiguous thereto. In every co.nmtmity there is more knowledge about the usefulness of streets Lhar there is ahojt particu lar Htes. As in the illustration of ithe twenty perrons, most neopla in !a community haveyery well-defined. TO ANALYSIS OF REAL ESTATE VALUES , S Cost of faopo Eon filter . it- qmpte 3 x. 5TBA.fc MIXToej- lb -J HS- frWAVVZti IT. I I V .. fj JAT 1 but Trti s Aiv;cftj THAT TMiS MtccE.TY' V.'SRT1 'iTtfcH THOOSAND Everybody I-jtcept the Assessor Analyzes His Work. : notions or opinions of the relative ! therefore if one has a unit of nuan- I usefulness cf the streets that make tity that is the same for all places !up thir town. The variations of he has under consideration he can j opinion among them whn all of the make a comparison of the usefulness streets are considered will be found o the streets in terms of percentage I in the last analysis to ba of very or of price that conveys to another I narrow -range so narrow in fact his opinions of difference in that (that those differences may easily and usefulness, i satisfactorily be compromised and Q jj-,Jt Qf Quality. I 3 the value of anything is dependent As at present operated the real cr.tirely upon the cinion of those at ; esiaie ousinecB ol every cuy is coii interest. This is as true when we ducted without a unit of quantity speak of market value, as of the "thatjs standard throughout the corn market value of wheat, as it is of j munity. because of this fact there the value of Innd in cities, which i1! necessarily confusion of expres has no market value. When we are 1 s:orJ of opinions, because in giving to attempt to cot at the values 0f , one s opinion of the value of a street sites in cities we ought to attempt to hV stating how much a lot frontmg obtain the widest opinion possible. ; ?n. that street is worth, one must This opinion of the value of specific ; brin into the expression some refer plots of ground cannot in the very ! "ce th,e d.ePth f th? ,lot lteel.f neture of things be very wide, be- ! Te difficulty is most acutely seen in cause few people in any community : attempting 10 express opinions ot know exactly all of the facts con cerning any one plot: and as opin ions are formed by comparisons, the people of a community have no well developed method of making com parisons of the values of various and differing sites. Mathematical Relation Exists. the value of two sides of the same ; street, where deep lots are upon one side and shallow lots upon another. The street opportunity miht be just the same on the two sides, and if ; the expression of the street value were made on the basis of the same depth of lots on each side, the prices 1 used to express the value of the two One of the rules that all persons ; sides of the street would be the who attempt to appraise land values same. Being the same for the same follow either consciously or uncon- i assumed quantity, it would bo known sciously is: There is a mathematical : at once that the opinion thus ex relation between the value of any pressed was that one side of the two sites affected by the same street ! street was rs good, "other things be infiuences. ling equal," as the other side. This rule of itself brings us back Whether thia is so in the opinion of to the influence of the street, the ithe community may be easily dia mcasure of accessibility that each cussed by all members of the corn site possesses th rough its own street I munity, because they all have knowl frontage or street frontages. It j edge, and therefore opinions.' How would seem 'therefore that if our ever, when the community under idea3 of the value of sites comes : takes to discuss the relative usefal from our ideas of the usefulness of ness of the two sides of this street streets, and that if we know more ion the basis of not only the osefnl about the streets than we do about , ness itself, but the area available the specific sites, it would be wise ; for such use, two factors are corn to go back to the streets and ap- ' bined and in a way that produces oraise them before we attempt to i confusion of thought and expression, get at values of unknown quantities, ! This confusion is the underlying such as particular and specific plots j trouble with assessments as thev are contiguous to the streets. I now made, and it is the underlying And all of this is exactly what the j cause of the wide differences of orin Komers System provides for an ap-jion among experts who are called praisal of the streets, their useful-j upon to make valuations under old ness, the effect of the iife and busi- methods. ness of the community upon the use- I Land in cities is the only property fulness and value of the streets. We ithat is used by man and bought and often hear a merchant say: "I wish sol J by man for which there is no my store were located on the other1 unit of quantity, and it is the first side of the street," or "1 would pay 50 per cent more rent for this store if it were on such-and-such a streeV or "1 prefer to live on this street rather than on that." These are common expressions in every com munity, and for each comparison thus made the speaker sets up for the time being a unit of quantity of his own, namely the lot that his store or his residence is on. fie is simply comparing one location with another, assuming that :n each loca tion the sizes and shapes of the lots are exactly the same. Jt will be seen requisite foi: the buyins and selling cf anything: it is the first thing that the Somers System of Realty Valua tion brings into existence in any community where it is used for as sessment purposes, while in some cities where the Somers System has not yet been actually used the real estate dealers have decided to use the Scmers foot as the basis for the expression of all opinions of value. How this expression of opinion is used under the Somers System for actual lot valuations will be described, in the next article. . - - of the indebtedness contemplated bv ! this resolution, shall The Common j Council of the City of Phoenix, in said j County and State, issue bonds of thi I City of Phoenix in the amount of one Hundred and Seventy-five Thou-I sand Dollars ( 1 7,",,0no.(;0) for the pur sold, their numbers and of bonds dates. Second: That said election shall be held on the ::ist day of July A. I . 15) l.'l between the hours of C o'cloek in the forenoon ;yid 0 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the regular voting places within the limits of s;,id City of Phoenix to be hereafter d-sis,--nated by The- Common Council af'or-- ! -i 11 L.,t..i-. i. ..i, . . l..v. u4iv. .inv ii r-iv-k ii ru,iu ie con- 1.. 1 , ..... ii u mi u.y null eiecuon oliicers o pose of funding its floating indebted-1 dlu '-u 01 J "oenix to he hereafter na tin I i : ness up to July 1st, 1013, amounting!'1"""011 ,J' s;ua Common Council and to approximately One Hundred andllIle "auols used ;it said election shall Twenty-five Thousand Hollars t$HT.,-! ,Jf substantially in form and have 0(10,0(10), and to provide funds to the ! printf'11 ,lu'r,'uU the words and figure of Tivontv-Hvn Tliri,onT,,l as 10110WS: I amount Dollars flfll) ()IU 1.r- (),,i ni,r,.,lt.. ,.r.''1 -NlJIACi purchasing two or more tracts of land to be hereafter selec ted by The Com mon Council of the City of Phoenix, said land to be used by uid City of Phoenix and the inhabitants there of as public parks, and further to; provide funds to the amount of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($2.". 000. 00) ' for the purpose of street improve ments, and particularly the widening of Van Buren Street by condemna tion, or otherwise, from the west line of Central Avenue to ihe east line of Second Avenue, in said City to an approximate width of fiftv-seven PAItK AND STRRKT ral- I u o-.. I UP -0 so widened t .e f,.r ,.t.i,,. proximately public use Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each. I.Ml'IIOVKMnXT HON" D KI.KCTlnN CITY OF PHOKNIX. To vote for the issuance of bond.--, place an X in the square under the word "Yes." To vote against the issuance of bonds, place an X in the square under the word "So." The indebtedness of the City of Phoenix now being in excess of four per centum of its taxable property, shall bonds be issued in the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Thou sand Dollars ($17r.,O00.O0) for the pur pose of funding floating indebtedness July 1, 1 11 :t, amounting ai- to One Hundred and Said bonds to be in denominations of i " ,u 1"""-J" i'-nars (?!-...- uuu.uim, lor providing a fund to the the date of their issuance i f"nt of Twenty-five Thousand Dol- al to be duel. : "V -JUUUl late then of I in the Clty r,f Pli0f"nix. and for pro non Council fhn? 't fu"(. ' tho am"ut shall l. and be numbered consecutively from j lars -"'"0, 0" purchasing two or One unwards. the nrincioal to 'be due!more lraLts tr land for P'lic "arks in twenty years Troni dr provided that the Comm: of the City of Phoenix reserves the right to pay off such bonds in their numerical order at the rate of Seven-i teen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars:. '. ($17,500.00) thereof per annum from j ' ' ' and after the expiration of ten 10)i I j years i enty-l ive t housand Dollars ($2.7 ! 00(1.00) for street improvements Yes X,i from their all of said uatr, an 'L Adiii , ; tiontis to oear interest at the rate ot I per cent per annum; inter - I f-st thereon shall be paid semi-annual- j j ly on the first day of January andj j July of each year after their issuance, i Third. The City Recorder shall, at i least twelve (12) days prior to the date of said election, to-wit, July i:u.i, post at least live .,) copies or this resolution ordering said election paid':'11 rubIi0 I1:l(,es within the corporate in o.r.l.-l ir ihn I'nitn.) Ctr.c ,lf-i"""l- MOHH1 lile SI Kl ll.V Ol fllOC- Principal and interest shall be America in the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, or at such Hank in the City of Phoe nix, in said State and County, or in the Citv of Xew Y'ork. in the State of Xew York, or such place as may be designated by the Common Coun cil of the City of Phoenix, at the j option of the holder of said bonds; place of payment to be mentioned in said bonds and shall be made payable to bearer, and said bonds to be signed by the Mayor of said City of Phoenix and attested by the City Recorder thereof and have the seal of the said City of Phoenix attached thereto, and each bond shall have interest coupons attached thereto so that the same may be removed therefrom without mutilat ing the bonds for the semi-annual in- i terest to accrue therein, which cou pons shall have a fac-simile of the signatures of the Mayor and Recorder of said or printed thereon, provided, that it shall not be necessary to impress upon such coupons the seal of said City of Phoenix. Said bonds to be sold j by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix at a regular or special meet- ing called for that purpose after caus ing to be entered upon the record of i said the Common Council of the City j of Phoenix an order directing the ; sale of said bonds and the date and hour of said sale and shall cause a copy of said order to be published j lor at least lour consecutive weeks before said sale in such daily or weekly newspapers as may be desig nated by said Common Council of the City of Phoenix, together with a Notice that sealed proposals will bo j received by it for the purchase of said bonds on the date and hour named in said order. Said The Common Council of the City of Phoenix shall, at said time, and at a meeting to be held for such purpose, open all sealed proposals received by them and shall award the purchase of said bonds to the highest and best responsible bid der, provided that none of said bonds shall be sold for less amount than par with accrued interest, and all bids or proposals received for the purchase of said bonds or other evidences of in debtedness shall be accompanied by a certified check not less than five per cent (5) of the total amount of J said bid and the Common Council of! the City of Phoenix shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and all such certified checks accompany ing bids which are not accepted and which are rejected, shall be returned to the parties rendering the same. Certified check so deposited by suc cessful bidder shall be retained by said Common Council of the City of Phoenix and shall be forfeited in the event that such bidder shall not carry out the terms of the contract, provid ed herein to be entered into. The sa l nix and shall post a copy of said Notice or Order calling said election at each polling place within the said City of Phoenix, provided that in ad dition to the posting of such notice publication of a copy thereof shall be 'J made in the Arizona Republican, a Phoenix. County of Maricopa. State of Arizona, for at least thirty (,':o) days prior to the date of such elec tion. That said election shall be con ducted and returns thereon made in I conformity with the provisions of general election laws of the state of Arizona, and in conformity with Chap ter 29 of the Regular Session of the First legislature of the State of Ari zona entitled "An Act Enabling Coun ties, School Districts, Cities, Towns and other Municipal Corporations to become indebted in an amount exceed ing Four Percent urn of the taxable property therein, etc.," and the Com- City of Phoenix lithographed "'" ""'" ' . 1 1 "w" first Monday succeeding the twelfth (12th) day from the date of such elec tion for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast at said election, and they shall immediately thereafter declare the result of said election in conform ity with Chap. 29 of the Regular Ses sion aforesaid. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix, on the Oth day of June, A. D. mi 3. I.L.OYD B. CHRISTY. Mayor. Attest: FRANK THOMAS, Citv Recorder. GilaVaiSeyAuto Transfer Go's TIME TABLE via Tempt, Mesa, Rooaevelt & Glob Leaves Phoenix, (Commercial Hotei) 8:30 a. m. Arrlvei Globe (Dominion Htel) 4 30 p. m. Leave Globe (Dominion HotI) 8:30 a. m. Arrives Phoenix (Commercial Hotel) 4:30 p. m. WANTED Good second hand grain sacks. Phoenix Wood & Coal Co. The only Market In Phoenix re ceiving fish fresh dally. California Fish and Oyster Market 119 N. First Ave. Overland 1109. war. ......