Newspaper Page Text
7 . H ; I -I THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10,. 1913 PAGE SEVEN n. X BENNETT LUMBER COMPANY Everything in Lumber WILBUR REALTY CO. Everything in Real Estate Mesa The Gem City Arizona ffi. Ellingson & Sons Dealers in Hay and Grain, Seed Grain, Seed Oats, Feed Oats, Rolled Barley, Alfalfa Seed, Grain Bags, etc. TEMPE Prescription work Is a specialty with us that places our store A class. EVERYBODY'S DRUG STORE Mesa, Arizona YOU SHOULD Call and see the Racycle, the best wheel made. I carry a large line of Racycles, Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies. Repairing quickly done. Griswold THE BICYCLE MAN 25-27 East Adam THE RACYCLE STORE Hire a little Salesman art "The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. TOM & SING'S AMERICAN KITCHEN Regular Meals, 35 Cents. Short Orders All Night. 26 North Center St., Phoenix TOM'S FRENCH KITCHEN The best the market affords. 11 West Washington St. Conboy Drug Company Everything in Drugs Corner Adams and First Streets lrVSrVVSArVSrWSirVNArVSAAAArVSrVVV1 JOSEPH T. TROTTER General Brokerage and Commisslo Hay, Grain, Live Stock Prompt and efficient attention fflven to all commissions Overland Phone 115 14 North First Ave., Phoenix. ENGLISH KITCHEN RESTAURANT DHORT ORDERS Open Day and Nighfi LEE FAT. Prop. We male the kind it pays t buy, N. PORTER SADDLE AND HAR. NESS COMPANY. WHEN YOU HAVE ANY DONE, SEE THAT THIS la on It, or that It la dona by ona of tho firma below, wha ara antittad to uaa it ARIZONA REPUBLICAN ARIZONA DEMOCRAT ARIZONA GAZETTE ARIZONA STATE PRESS MESA FREE PRESS R. A. WATKIN8 THE QUALITY PRESS (Signed) Label Committaa) HARNESS ! The rancher, miner or resident of !; !; Phoenix can get the best of treat- ! !; ment and prompt service at ' FRANK GRIEBEL ;i ! Grocer ' A1?, ?Y-1 yjt:s?'inKton- Phone 1508 !; TEMPE ! Horace IV Griffen, agent for I i Tempe will care for news, sub- --criptions ami advertising in ! the Temr.e department. Office I with A. Nielson & Co. BICH HAUL MADE BY BURGLARS IN TEMPE Felonious Entry of Casa Loma and Olive Hotels Results in Big Haul Burglars entered both the Cast Loma and Olive hotels in this city early yes terday morning and made a rich haul of cash, jewelry and wearing apparel. The greater part of the plunder was taken from the room of Romeo and Hatiy in the Olive hotel, while but about $1,". was the extent of the loss in the Casa Loma. During the summer months the guests and regular residents of the hotel use the screened porches for sleeping purposes, leaving their rooms open. This gave the burglars an open sesame in both instances, so that they, if more than one was engaged, were able to gain an easy entrance and make their get-away with equal lack of disturbance. The first thing that was known of the felonious entry was at 7 o'clock yesterday morning when the two young men who are the greatest los ers noticed that their personals had been rifled. Kroin the Olive hotel two dress suits, three pairs of trousers, two hats, a dozen shirts, and a suit or two of soiled overalls, a gold watch, sev eral stick pins, cuff links and gold col lar buttons were taken. All the small change was taken out of the pockets of the men. Shortly after this alarm was given, the loss at the Casa Loma was also discovered, which consisted mostly of women's clothing. This clothing had been recently washed .and was hung out on the line to dry. As soon as the robbery was made known, Marshal Browning and Consta ble Estrada went on the trail, but up to a late hour last night had not suc ceeded in finding any clue. The two young men who suffered mostly by rea son of the burglary are Romeo Haby, employed by the Arizona Eastern rail way cm the new Tempe bridge, and Carrol Belknap, who is employed by Martin and Gillis. Tf you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beau tiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawl ing into bed tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day r.nd keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should be ccme both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. o VACATION ON COAST Kelly Hyder, local manager of Hy der Bros, men's furnishing store, left Monday night for Los Angeles to en joy his annual summer vacation, last ing this year until the 1st of August. In his absence John Hyder, manager Bad Stomach? ONE DOSE OF Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy Should Convi nee You That Your Suffering is Unnecessary Recommended for Chronic Indigestion and Stomach, Liver and Intes tinal Ailments Thousands of people, some right in jour own locality, have taken Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy for Sto mach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas Around the Heart, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eating, Nervousness, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Sick Headaches, Con stipation, Torpid Liver, etc., and are praising and recommending it highly to others so that they may also know the joys of living. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is the best and most widely known Remedy for the above, ailments. Ask your druggist for a bottle today. Put it to a test one -dose should convince. It is mar velous in its healing properties and its effects are quite natural as it acts on the source ami foundation of stomach ailments and in most cases brings quick relief and permanent results. This highly successful rem edy has been taken by the most prominent people, and those in all walks of life, among them members cf congress, justice of the supreme court, educators, lawyers, merchants, bankers, doctors, druggists, nurses, manufacturers, priests, ministers, farmers, with lasting benefit should be equally successful in your case. Send for free valuable booklet on stomach ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiting street, Chicago, 111. For Sale in Phoenix by The Busy Drug Store (Phoenix Drug Co., Inc.) northeast corner Central avenue and Washington street. (Advertisement.) SOUTH SIDE How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Hewnrd for ny caoe of otrrb that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY CO.. To'.rdo. O. TV. the underslcned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon orable r all business transactions ano financially ible to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Wald:no, Kinnan A Marvin. Wholesale DriiEglsts. Toledo. . Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. .Price '.6 cxa'M j bottle. Sold by all Drusslsts. TaXe Hall's Family rills for eonntlpetVjn. of the Phoenix store, is spending the afternoons in Tcrapc. o For soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or injury, there is nothing better i than Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains, l'or sale by all dealers. Ad vertisement. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETING Woj'k in the rank of esquire, the de gree being conferred upon Abe Lukin, was the special program at the regular meeting of the Knights of Pythias lodge, held Tuesday night. The lodge session lasted until a late hour and was followed by a social time during which ice cream and cake was served. o Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over Buy it now and bo prepared for such an emergency. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement, o THEIR SUMMER VACATION Bound on an overland trip to northern Arizona where their summer is to be spent, V. E. Mullen and J. O. Mullen, the latter postmaster of Tempe, left here yesterday morning. The route through the Black Canyon district and Camp Verde is being fol lowed instead of the road by way of Roosevelt and Payson over which both members of the party have been many times. At Flagstaff where headquarters will be made the party j will be joined by relatives and from j there they will take up camp life in a body at Mormon Lake. About the j first of the month the party will be joined by six friends from Ray, Ariz. At that time the postmaster will re turn by rail to resume his duties here. In his absence Miss Mary Mor row, assistant postmaster, is offi ciating. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. LADIES' AID MEETS The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold their regular meeting this afternoon on the church lawn. All members are urged to be present. o Dysentery is always serious and of ten a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement o ATTEND THREE CONVENTIONS As delegates from Arizona and Tempe the Rev. W. H. Salyer. Ari zona state secretary for the Christian church with headquarters at Tempe. and Miss Bertrand Hendrix. an active member of the local church and Christian Endeavor, left Tuesday night for California where they will spend the next three weeks attending Christian church conventions, three in numbt-r. Mr. Salyer goes to the con vention as an Arizona representative. Miss Hendrix as a special representa tive of the Christian Endeavor soci ety of the local church. The National Christian Endeavor convention, the first of the three, came into session at Los Angeles yesterday morning, and will last until the fourteenth. On the following day the annual meeting of the California State Christian church workers takes place at Santa Cruz. Arizona will also be represent ed there. From there Miss Hendrix goes to Watsonville where she will spend the remainder of the summer. Rev. Salyer will return to Long Beach and there attend another meeting of the Christian church workers which last.s Irom July 21 to August 4. CO. C. WILL DRILL The last regular drill of Company C, National Guard of Arizona, pre liminary to the annual 1913 tour of camp duty will be held this evening at the armory. Practice drill for the recruits continues to be in order but at intermittent times members are busily engaged in arranging their equipment for the tour of camp which will be held this year at Prescott, starting on the seventeenth of the month. CASE DISMISSED A controversy between two Mex ican residents of the gentle sex was before Justice of the Peace E. P. Carr here Tuesday afternoon. And while the war waged for a couple of hours or more, after all kinds of evidence had been produced the judge proclaimed the whole thing a fake and threw it out of court. o SURPRISED HER The stout party had been in the boot shop for over an hour and the patient shop assistant had had half the shop down for her inspection. She found fault with them all, until his patience became quite exhausted. "These should suit you." he said, taking another pair down as a last resource. Still the lady was not satisfied. "I don't like this sort," she said: "they have a tendency to get wider when they are a bit old." "Well, madam," retorted the ex asperated assistant, politely, "didn't you ?" Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph NEWS I MESA I Mr. Gibbons at Everybody's Drug j store will care for subscriptions. advertising, and news, of the , Mesa department. Phone 291 and I 22 R. MESAS CONTRIBUTION 10 IHE NEWS OF THE DAY MORE WELLS FOR THE DESERT Crow, Barry & Chronister, the well known well drillers have just com pleted a well for L. X. Butler who came here a short time ago from Pasadena and bought eighty acres of land just inside the Eastern canal. Part of Mr. Butler's land is out side the canal and it is on this land that the well was dug. The well is 100 feet deep and has an unlimited flow of water. Messrs. Barry and Crow will commence at once on a well on each of their places south of Higley. These wells will be drilled for irrigation purposes and will be or large capacity. Thus it is that the hand of man is gradually wrest ing from the desert, one of the finest sections of farming land to be found in the west. While there has never been a well drilled in this sec tion that has ' not showed an un limited supply of water, these new wells will still further develop the field and demonstrate beyond a doubt that the supply of underground wa ter is sufficient for every purpose needed to the future development of the land in the Queen Creek-Higley country. SOCIETY WEDDING Mexican society in Mesa was all agog, yesterday over the marriage of Senorita Rita Maril of Mesa and Senor Mariano Bojorques of Chand ler The young couple belong to the leading families of their respec tive cities, and are well known among the Spanish residents of both Chandler and Mesa. The ceremony was performed at the Catholic church in Mesa. They will reside in Chandler. OVER FROM PHOENIX Joe D. Robinson, the well known saloon man of Phoenix was shaking bands with friends on the streets of Mesa yesterday. THE CANTALOUPE SPECIAL The Arizona Eastern railroad has put on an extra train to accommo date the cantaloupe shippers. Melons are coming in now very fast and the extra train was a necessity. The John Nix company shipped cut ten cars vesterd.iy and the Weaver com- lany four. If nothing happens to the crop shipments will continue througn out the month, and will be one of the best seasons had by the melon growers of Mesa for several years. AFTER WILD HORSES Den Kleinman and a bunch of cow boy: left yesterday for the foot hills above the Kleinman ranch with the Intention of rounding up a big buncn of wild horses known to be ranging in that section. These men are all old hands at the business and it is safe to say that there will be a bunch of saddle horses for sale in the near future. HERE FROM BUCKEYE Mrt Mark Stowe and daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Greggory of Buckeye arrived in Mesa yesterday. They will spend several days visiting Mrs. Siowe's sister, Mrs. Gordon Hun srkcr, and other relatives. CITY COUNCIL RECINDS PRE VIOUS WORK At a meeting of the city council Tuesday night, it was ordered that there be no election held to deter mine as to whether or not the city uitc bonds to purchase its own light ing plant or not. until such time as the- state commission passes on the rate allowed such companies. A Petition signed by citizens asking for such action was presented and the resolution was passed accordingly. CUBS'. FOOD They Thrive on Grape-Nuts Healthy babies don't cry and the well-nourished baby that is fed on Grape-Nuts is never a crying baby. Many babies who cannot take any other food relish the perfect food, Grape-Nuts, and get well. "My baby' was given up by three doctors who said that the condensed milk on which I had fed her had ruined the child's stomach. One of the doctors told me that the only thing to do would be to try Grape Nuts, so I got some and prepared it as follows: I soaked IVi tablespoon fub in one pint of cold water for half an hour, then I strained off the liquid and mixed 12 teaspoonfuls of this strained Grape-Nuts juice with six teaspoonfuls of rich milk, put in a pinch of salt and gave it to baby every two hours. "In this simple, easy way I' saved baby's life and have built her up to a strong, healthy child, rosy and laughing. The food must certainly be perfect to have such a wonderful effect as this. I can truthfully say I think it is the best food in the world to raise delicate babies on and is also a delicious healthful food for grown-ups as we have discovered in our family." Grape-Nuts is equally valuable to the strong, healthy man or woman. It stands for the true theory of health. "There's a reason," and it is explained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. (Advertisement). To Stop Scaling of Psoriasis r This Troublesome Skin Disease Promptly Checkes by a very Simple Attention. A lady In Lexington, Ky., says that before she began using S. S. S. psoriasis broke out at frequent intervals where she thought it cured. But by getting her blood under con trol by the Influence of S. S. S., the disease entirely disappeared and there was never again the slightest sign of it. There Is "one Ingredient In S. S. S. which peculiarly stimulates cellular or glandular activity to select from the blood or from the fine network of blood vessels In the skin, those ele ments which, it requires for regenera tion. Thus pimples, acne, eczema, lupus, or any other blood condition tfcat at tacks the skin or seeks ft outlet through the skin, is met with, the an tidotal effect of S. S. S. This is why skin troubles vanish! so readily and why they do not return. You can get S. S. S. In any arug store, but insist upon having it. The creat Swift Laboratory in Atlanta, Ga., prepares this famous blood puri fier, and you should take no chance by permitting anyone to recommend a substitute." And if your blood condi tion is such that you would like to consult a specialist freely, address the Medical Dept.. The Swift Specific Com pany, 182 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ua, MOVING TO NEW QUARTFRS The Burrows Jewelry company were busy yesterday moving from their place of business on Main s'reet to their new quarters on South Macdonald street. They will at (.nee open up a new line of jew elry of every description and will also carry a complete line of jiiusic and musical instruments. THREATENED WITH POISON BLOOD 15d Tway was in Mesa y?sterday consulting with physicians about his hands. He was working with his baler Tuesday and accidentally smashed his finger, the woun 1 be coming infected in some manner and he now has a bad looking hand. BELIEVES IN DIVERSIFICATION Dock Long is farming the Gee. Hall ranch in Lehi. and is soni3 ci versificationist He has six acres of cotton which he says cannot be beat in the valley. He is expecting f.t least, a yield of two bales to the ocre, but that is not his only '.Top. he has two acres of peanuts and two acres ot sweet potatoes, mis is me proper system. Cotton is Avell known as a money crop, and two acres each of potatoes and peanuts will furnish provisions for several months, so with plenty to eat and plenty of money Dock seems to be on ths iiign road to success. WILL HUNT COOLER WEATHER L. A. Smith and family, pro prietors of the Falm House wi'l leave today for Prescott where they will spend the summer enjoyiiig the cool breezes and reading of the hot sultrv weather in the other states o Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. o BRIEF NOTES FROM THE REALM OF FASHION The vogue of the double skirt seems to be increasing. A new silk crepe has embroidered snritrs of flowers unon it. Small leghorn hats are being veiled with printed chiffon. Handbags are like hats and shoes in being as small as possible. New York shops are showing some new blouse suits with pleated peplums. Decorative sashes and belts are playing a bif part in summer fashions. Bayadere and Roman stripes are to be used this fall for girdles and sashes. Broche crepes and brocade char mouse in monotone colorings are among the fashionable silks. The latest word from Paris is that tulle has quite displaced chiffon for drapery purposes. The favorite shoe in Paris is the "cothurne" a low shoe laced with ribbons high on the ankle. Hawthorn, sweet peas and hedge roses are reported as being in favor in Paris for summer millinery. One of the prettiest summer frocks seen lately was yellow voile with a white cotton velour 'stripe. Among the attractive automobile caps seen this summer is one of two thicknesses of chiffon made like a sunbonnet. For simple morning costumes many of the coats have martingale straps unl linc-erie collars and revers. hem stitched and laid on those of the ma terial. A novelty in parasols has a ferrule end which is an exact reproduction of the top of the directoire walking sticks carried by the beauties of that period. Boleros. blazers, Etons, Russian blouse coats and Norfolk jackets all are seen on the summer suits of linen and coton, silk and even lace. A pocket is a feature of many of the new white skirts. Most of the pockets are fastened over one of the hip seams, but a more convenient ar rangement is to have it fastened over on one side of the front. Ratine, so much used for summer frocks, can be effectively buttonholed. A frock of ratine needs no other trimming than buttonholed collar and cuffs, buttonholed front closing on waist and skirt and a suede belt. A dainty finish for net and lace blouses is a banding of tiny roses r.-,r.reri in a fold of net to edge the sleeves, neck and fronts of the blouse. Th roses should be the little silk ones that are sold by the yard. a cnsihle bathing suit tor a nine insists of mohair bloomers and L-r,ittoo woolen sweater matching in color. The sweaters worn for bathing are made with sailor collars ana ,tu a tie. For the smaller child the most comfortable and dur- j able is the Knuieu wwivu c....."0 - suit, made in one piece and buttoned on the shoulders. A Paris letter says that cloaks are very numerous, presumably owing to the vogue for the thinnest materials for bodices. The cloaks do not reach below the knee, and are drawn togeth er to the front, where they are joined by a silk rope ending in tassels. The cost of one of them equals or sur passes that of the whole gown. The material is generally rich, soft bro cade, with cream, pastel, blue, or black insertions. The collar is either cut low or higher at the back in the directoire style. A white cotton crepe, embroidered with little flowers, in colors, may be made to simply fasten down the front with snaii-catches, with the front edge piped in a solid-colored crepe. A flat collar and turn-back cuffs should be in the plain color. Another pretty blouse has a white foundation sprink led with tiny pink rosebuds, ,with green leaves, and the trimming is in plain green crepe. Some novelties in wedding rings are being shown in the jewelry trade. One contains diamonds. It is very narrow, with close set diamonds around the circle. The stones are set. in even with the mounting, which is made of platinum, with hand-carved edges. These rings cannot be en larged, and unless the finger on which it is to be worn is of stock size the ring must be made to order. Another new bridal ring is a hand -carved gold band about one-sixteenth of an inch in width. o A SOFT BED KEPT HIM AWAKE Morgan Wright, sent to prison in 1893 from Cowley county, Kansas, for complicity in the murder of a con stable and released on parole by Gov ernor Hodges, found that a free bed was so soft he was unable to sleep his first night out of prison. Wright came to Topeka to thank the gov ernor. He is on his way to see his father in Shawnee, Okla., and then will go to California to begin life anew. "I didn't sleep well last night," said AVright, to the governor. "It was the first real bed I have slept in for nearly twenty years, you know." Kansas City Star. Phoenix Directory Automobiles, Garages and Accessories APPERSON & BUICK CARS Arizona Motor Company, Inc. Arizona Vulcan izing Works Carr Motor Company CASE Collings Vehicle Columbus Electric; FRANKLIN Ford IMr Cars tor Supply Co. Overland Car Wesley A. Hill Always Air Reo Motor Trucks Williams Rubber dard tires. Now they cost but an Mo MOTORCY CLES Harley-Davidson Try a Republican Want Ad. CRAMPS, HEADACHE, . BACKACHE, Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. " I was alway tired and weak and my housework was - a drag. I was irreg ular, had cramps so bad that I would have to lie down, al so a distressed feel ing in lower part of back, and headache. My abdomen wan sore and I know I had organic inflam mation. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Furifier have helped me wonderfully. I don't have those pains any more and I am all right now. There are a great many women here who take your remedies and I havo told others what they have done for me." Mrs. Chas. McKin.non, 1013 N. 5th St. W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these fact3 or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. There are probably hundreds of thou sands, perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over 30 years ago by a woman to relieve wo man's suffering. If you are sick and need such a medicine, why don't you try it? If you want special adTice write fa Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a wa.v.-.j- ind held in strict confidence. Southwestern Motor Co. Exclusive Distributors for Arizona 309-11-13 North Central Av. STUDEBAKER, E. M. F., and FLANDERS. Every thing for the automobile car ried in stock. First and Van Buren Sts. Vulcanizing of all kinds don promptly, work guaranteed out of town work solicited. 210 West Washington Street Overland Phone 62 I I HUDSON, MIGHTY MICHIGAN "40" AND REO THE FIFTH AGENCY Successors to Arizona Motor Co. and Transcontinental Auto Co. Repairing, machine work, supplies, and storage. 108-110 North Second Ave. Telephone 1581 2 Models 30 and 40 All Stvlcs of Bodies CHARLES H. McARTHUR Phoenix Garage, 319 O-Jlral Avenue Co. Agents for the I. H. C. Com. mercial Truck, Next te Hotel Adams. MARICOPA ELECTRIC AUTO CO. Agents for Columbus Electric, Coil nd Magneto repairing and battery .-charging a specialty. R. J. Jones, 313 North Central Ave. THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Distributor for Arizona Corner Second and Adams Street 5-passenger. $675. Runabout. $600. EDWARD RUDOLPH 308-310 E. Adams St. Agent for Maricopa county agent for Firestone Tires Goodrich Tires and Tubes. Mono gram Oils and Greases. Tires nn1 tubes vulcanized. Overland 1103 Cons. Main 461. 315-317 North Central Avenue The best car on earth OVERLAND AUTO CO. Ovor. 686. 24 South Third Ave. Agent for KISSEL KAR, FEDERAL TRUCK REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AUTO HIRE. Garage 233-235 W. Washington Street, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. Pioneer Cycle Co., Distributor. GUS'IBEN, Agent, 39 S. 1st. AVE. Makes punctures harmless. Adds 60 per cent tire service. Absolutely guaranteed. TON, 850; 2'2-TON, $2200; Complete, delivered in Phoenix, WALTER HILL CO., Ariz. Agents. Second Ave. and Jefferson Street Co. Goodyear. No Rim Cut Tires These 10 per cent oversize tires cost, until lately, one fifth more than other stan- equal price. Accessories and Supplies. MOTORCYCLE Rides Like a Pull man. The silent gray fellow. PHOENIX CYCLE CO, 13J N. Center