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PAGE EIGHTEEN XJLT -riJ.V.L . lti-1 UiUlVjili, ULMix jiuiu.iu, This and this is only one of them. We are ,n"oin to reduce our lare stock of vehicles, and for a limit ed time, are making large discounts on certain lines discounts that make it worth while to in vestigate. We are now breaking ground for the construction of our new building, and must move these vehicles and close out certain lines before4 changing to our new location. These are positively the best vehicle values ever offered in Phoenix. Call and let us demonstrate this fact. i Up-to-Date RunaiJoutX. FOR all If ni u y&y r r- fid I II New Tod&j "Give me 1000 shares of A. S. & I. slock" said one of our popular me chanics one day last week. '"I'm buying them for my daughter, he continued, and it's my intention to buy a thousand shares for each of my children. "I'd would'nt have a dollar to my name if there had'nt been something like this presented to me years ago. Bought my home through a building and loan as sociation and cut out paying rent. I read your ORGANIZED DOLLARS and told my wife that your plan was the best one ever presented in Arizona and as he pocketed his receipt and certifi cate, he added "I see a bright future for OUR company. And we like the way he intonated that word OUR. o Pratt-Gil bert YOU can buy a thousand shares of this sttxk today for $10 cash and $10 per month for nine months. Can you spare $10 a month from your salary. If you can do this and invest it in this stock IT WILL bp: THE BEST INVEST- I M EXT THAT YOU EVER MADE. o NOW" FOR THE REAL ESTATE. Here is an exceptional good buy. 10 acres all in cultivation partially in alfalfa 41,miles from the center of Phoenix in the RIGHT direction, too fenced on main highway young or chard immense lot of grapes and ber ries plenty of shade (and when we say plenty we mean PLENTY) shrub bery flowers NEW. 5 ROOM HOUSE barn poultry houses well wind- 1 mill. Price $3675 handles. . . . o Mr. Put-It-Off: After having read "Organized Dollars", EVERY DAYS DELAY IN PURCHAS ING STOCK MEANS A LOSS OF MONEY TO YOU. CLASSIflED WANT ADVERTISING One Cent a Word The Republican is the best advertising medium in Ari zona. Don't wait for your ship to come in go out and meet it. Bring it in. Do it through the Want Adv. columns of The Arizona Republican, Corner Second St. and Adams. Phone 422. Auctions I ! Auctions AUCTION SALE Monday, July 14th Three miles north of Five Points on Seventh avenue. Commencing at 1:30 sharp I will sell at auction all of my : personal property 4 head horses, 2 milk cows, 8 rooms of high grade furniture. O. A. Speakman, owner. C. O. McMurtry, auctioneer. tf AUCTION SALE Three miles north of Phoenix, on Cave Crook road, Monday, July 21. 1013. 10:30 a. m.: 35 head good dairy cows, Durhams and Holsteins; 12 head horses; 150 laying hens: all of my implements and household and kitchen furniture; see large bills; watch this paper for further notice. J. II. Schick, owner; Taylor, the auctioneer. tf publican office. A Want Ad will see Hire a little Salesman at The Re more customers than you can. AUCTION Will pay you to visit the Bargain Auction House before buying furniture. J. F. BIEHL, Auctioneer. 24 W. Jefferson. Phone 2607 tf Its Our mission To promote cleanliness. The world has become a better place to live in be cause of the power laun dry. W'i'll save you both work and worry if you will turn over to us your laundry problems. ARIZONA LAUNDRY it White Wagons For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Watch Phoenix Grow. G room modern brick house, close in, shade, lawn, $2300, $400 cash, balance $25 a month, for a few days only. 4 room new house, shade, fruit and lawn, $950, $400 cash, balance $10 a month, this place is one block from library. 2 houses furnished on East Washington St., $1700, $500 cash, balance, 15 a month. New store room with 6 living rooms, modern, $3250, $1250 cash, bal ance $25 a month. M. H. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. tf FOR SALE Fine twenty acres; in Olendale country; all ready for plow; only $100 per acre, and good terms, tin's is a snap; best of soil. See Hen ry or Thompson. 15 North First ave. tf For Sale Real Estate EIGHTY ACRES Excellent alfalfa, good location for sale on easy terms. A bargain in 5-acre chicken ranch, 2V2 miles from Phoenix. Walker Realty Co., 317 W. Washington. tf TEN YEARS TIME SO acre ranch, near Glendale, A water, fine soil, 70 al falfa, small orchard, fine improvements ideal for dairy. 10 per cent down, bal ance like rent. Box 4709 Republican. tf TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Per acre made by buying this 20 acres now, all in alfalfa, fine location, mile west Center street. Price and terms easy. See Johnston, 17 W. Adams. tf LOOK THIS UP 100 acres, 2V miles Phoenix, partly cultivated, finest soil, improvements, lovely shade, take $60 acre. Your best opportunity. We need money. If you have $1500 cash, investigate this. Nunneley, Eoard Trade with Dick Erdmans. bd WE HAVE A CLIENT Who wishes to exchange a fine house in El Paso, Texas, for a nice home in Phoenix. Here is a description of the El Paso property: 7 room modern white pressed brick house. 7 blocks from school and main business center large lot beautiful home. "What you got" says Bigley. o LOADED TO THE GUARDS with luscoius fruit are the trees on this 5 acre suburban tract. Very close in acreage in Phoenix's most beautiful suburban district. S room brick house fold) spacious lawn berries and grapes galore close in just off Cen tral Ave. Price $5000. $3750 will handle and remember bare, unim proved, treeless, acreage is selling in this vicinity for $1000 per acre. Bigley says "Tel 'em we've got a room modern house brick for $1C50. $150 cash, bal ance like rent at $20 per month. Tell 'em we can furnish other buys 'just as good". Bigley has the reputation of knowing what's what in city property. OUR FARM LAND MAN not to lie outdone says "if you want a 20 40 60 SO 160 YES even a 320 acre ranch improved or UNirnproved we've got just as good values as the little 5 and 10 acre ranches that you've been advertising and quoting for the past two weeks, he KNOWS, too. o FOR SALE 15 acres, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, good well, alfalfa and family orchard, peaches, apricots, grapes, strawberries; good location. Price $3250. Acre and quarter, N. Cen ter St, close in. very cheap. McCabe & Burns, 130 X. Center St. Phone 746. tf " WK ARE AUT I fOR I Z ED by M r. Boyer to make a discount of $40.00 on each lot on the 1st 10 lots sold frorr. the Dullon & Cashion tract. Mr. Boy er having purchased the entire interest. Who will be the lucky 10. This tract is well known, side walks, shade and fine location. Call at Healey Conrad & Co., 37 S. Center St. tf BUY A 70x145 LOT IN KENIL WORTII. WALKING DISTANCE. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 WEST ADAMS STREET. tf ai - ..k The Exclusive Residential District Ke rail worth Where dreams come true. All city conveniences; walking distance; street car through tract. Lots 70x145. Better get in before the advance. Southwestern Building & Investment Co. ill Real Estate. Xo. 17 W. Adams, liome-IUakers. SB ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LAND? If so, don't buy until you have seen the famous CHANDLER RANCH LANDS, the cream of the Salt River Valley. Unimproved, $100 per acre, im proved $150. ten years time, interest 6 per cent. Come in and get our literature and talk it over with us. CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO C. W. Morath, General Sales Agent. 8 West Adams St. It GRAND VIEW ADDITION Offers best investment in lots. 10 per cent cash, $5 per month. Xo taxes. Xo in terest. Ask Galpin fc Hart, 33 X. 1st LEST WE FORGET don't forget to stop at the office for that free copy of "Organized Dollars." It's yours. Get it. THE ARIZOXA SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT CO., Inc. 107 X. Center Street. Phone 1755. bk For Sale Real Estate 5 ACRES on Glendale car line, cor ner, south and east fronts. Leveled and bordered! $1050. 7-room brick on North 2nd St. close in, new and modern, good shade, lawn and out-buildings, cheap for $5000, $2000 cash. Several small residence properties at a bargain just now, call and we will show you. See us for good business properties. Improved or unimproved. We have several good trades for you, both in city and ranch property. T. M. BURROUGHS. 14 West Adams. tf BARGAINS in residences. Ranch and business property, improved or unimproved. Houses to rent. W. K. JAMES, 27 N. Center St. tf DON'T BUY REAL ESTATE in Phoenix until you see Hollywood Heights. Building lots 50x140; only $25 down ami $5 per month. See H. C. THOMAS R. E. & INV. C, 43 W. Adams St. tf Ave. tf I IN BUY GOV'T LAND At $3.00 to $4.50 per acre. Water rights and plenty for irrigation guaranteed. No filing rights necessary. Xo other ex pense for patent with bona-fide scrip. Ideal soil, location. Many varieties, and sizes of bargain investments. E. R. C. Hicky, Box 806, City. Phone 1798. 203 Fleming Building. tf BEST REAL ESTATE INVEST MENTS on the Pacific coast now off ered in San Diego City lots. New Sub division of choice lots at $200.00 each. Sold on easy terms. Reliable man or woman wanted as agent in Phoenix. Send for literature at once. Frank L. Xorton, 616 Spreckles BIdg. San Diego, Cal. 7-dr Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. CHICKEN RaTTcH One acre just utsitle the city limits, nicely located for chicken ranch or gardening, good soil, can be made self-supporting; price only $000, $25 cash, balance $10 per month. See us exclusively for this. II. C. THOMAS R. E & INV. CO., 43 W. Adams St. t TR, lXIA TRACT FACING Central Avenue JUST this side Osborn School TWO blocks Indian Schule car 2 LOTS 90x200 feet each LOTS of fully matured shade WATER mains in BRICK or cement building restrictions BEST buys on Central Avenue EASY" terms SEE Grindstaff with J. S. GRIFFIN (Alone) 4 West Adams, Tel 1093. bk SNAP, SNAP 20 acres, all in good alfalfa, soil sandy loam, good new bun galow and well, this is the best buy in the valley as owner is leaving here and must sell. Located on Tempe road, your own price and terms. Fred Jac obs Empress Theater Bid., 40 E. Adams, tf For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Watch Phoenix Grow The Phoenix spirit beats the world, it's the kind that makes everything a suc cess, the spirit is getting very strong for municipal ownership for every pro duct that really concerns the general public, here is some buys that would even do for Uncle Sam to set his gold in on 7 1-3 acres, 6-room modern block house, granite walks, mixed fruit, fenced in four field.". 150 chickens, 2 cows, piano, 1 mile from high school, ai this for $7000, $2000 cash, balance from 5 to 10 years, this is a good buy at $10,000. 4-room house, 4 lots, $1600, $900 cash, will take a work team in as part pay. 8 lot 50x250, 5-room house, 1 screen house, fruit, shade, on proposed national highway $3200, $500 cash, bal ance $20 a month. 2' tract in Mon mouth park, $1250, $50 cash, $10 a month. 6 acres, 4-room house, 40 ft. cel lar, barn, chicken corral, close in, $3500, will take some trade, terms $350 cash, balance in S years. 1 snap 10 lots on Tempe road, $1800, $900 cash, balance to suit. Open Sunday. M. H. Shelton, 215 West Washington. tf Eliminate the Risk Remember that there is as much danger of lire from without as within. Some folks think that because they use every available precaution to avoid fire starting inside, they can afford to economize in the matter of insuiance. But th. y forget that a blaze in the house next door might easily reach them and that the incendiary is ever abroad. Eliminate the risk entirely. Why take any chances at all when insurance costs so little? E. J. BENNITT CO. 1618 N. Center Sfreel For Sale Houses FOR SALE Cool, completely mod- ! ern cottage, garden specially arranged , for fancy chicken raising, fruit and , shade trees, 15 minutes walk from P. O. $2000, $9o0 cash, balance like rent. J W rite P. O. Box 649 City. 8-bb FOR SALE Modern- brick cot ta ge, five room, $2C50. Call at S26 X. Sth Ave. bl For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALIC 6 tons loose oat has. Ohas. Harned, 1 mile east, mile south Wilson School. bk FOR S ALE ClarkT JewelFga sra nS", fine condition. 1620 W. Jefferson. It ROADSTIOR AUTOMOBILE A snap 'seventeen hundred 'dollar machine, run less than four thousand miles, at a red bargain. Only Ten Acres But it shows on City Map And is in one half mile of city limits Close to Car shops. Fine soil 2 brick houses, Good shade Well At Tank Only $5,000. Terms or We might trade it for city property. Three modern six room brick houses on 7th Ave., only $6500. CASH. 60 acres X. E. Glendale, 25 in alfalfa only S95 per acre. Terms. 20 acres on Glendale car line, $150 per acre, terms. Ten acres just west of Capitol, to ex change' for city property. $S50o elegant modern home in Los Oli vos to trade. What have you? I nsu ra nee Loa ns. Ask Oakes with J. S. GRIFFIX (alone) 4 West Adams Street. bk Call Sunday or Mondav IXTO ' Arizona Motor Co., garage for A. YOU CAN MOVE RIGHT one of the prettiest brand new bunga- j Johnson, ovn r lows in Phoenix for only $50 cash, and pay off the balance on monthly pay ments. Strictly modern, built in feat ures, hardwood floors, gas, electric lights, sewer connection, on car line, at A. It For Sale Live Stock THOROUGHBRED ONE OF THE CITY'S PRETTIEST C-room modern residences, close in on avenue, $3600 cash or terms. Want 1 to 10 acres close in or auto. Write or call Nunneley, Board of Trade, with Dick Erdrnan. will give good trade anxious to sell. It SIX ROOM Modern brick house and 125 ft. frontage on W. Adams for $4350.00, only $1250 cash. For trade 5 acres near Los Angeles, actual cash value $5000.00, wants SO or 160 acres, mostly alfalfa, near Phoenix. 5-room brick, close in on North 1st street, wants to trade for property far ther out. See us for bargains. The Arizona Investment 129-131 X". 1st & Land Ave. Co. tf TWENTY ACRES 4 miles north east of Phoenix, only $200 per acre, a great bargain at that price. 10 acres, 3' miles from Phoenix, improved, only $2000. J. B. Heyne Realty Co., IS W. Adams. tf For Sale Houses BRAND NEW BRICK UP-TO-DATE NEVER occupied house only 5 minutes ride to First and Wash ington. See owner, 1006 E. McKinley, ! Phone 2605. bg , ! LOOK THIS OVER A 6-room brick ! with 181 ft, facing on McDowell road, ; good well, fruit, shade, etc. Price $2800.00. Good terms. Thomson, Mc- ; Candliss Co., 11 E. Adams. Tel. 1010. ' tf , Four months old. Inquire at 13"7 Scotch Collie Perfec t mark. North Central II pup. ings. avenue. WANTED, HORSES AND MARKS -wanted another ear load from Sun to 1000 lbs, all ages, must be fat, will be at Higley Horse and Mule market on Jefferson St. Monday and Tuesday. J. I). 1-augiit. ,K For Sale Miscellaneous f FOR SALE 85 milch cows. Fields & Hammels. FOR SALE Nice cheap. Osborn road, 7th St. uaier melons, j FOR SALE One span of large mules 2 nine east ol and new Bain wagon and new harness. ''k slightly used. Enquire at 1034 W. Tay lor St. Ste wat t bk PIGS FOR SALE Catnelback road and Seventh Ave. Wight. i,k FOR SALE New $450.00 piano at sacrifice for cash. Phone 2586 or call 122 N. 3rd St. It l.k BUYING AND SELLING HORSES OUR BUSINESS See us first. Fields Fairbanks- i& Morrison, 426 W. Washington. and one ' Phone 42.. s-g FOR SALE 3-horse Morse engine, pump jack nororoii r i in- loer Ti ip x : I - ! , -. . . . . ... . . . . - ruii Hli.V 1 l)t !S A I . h. or twvmi. dress p. o. Box s2, Glendale, or phone ; 75 perserino buck.- or less. Address JAl A 1 " '2 i Pomeroy Realty Co. Mesa for SA Lh Grapes lor jelly or jam Munger, Phone 3J3. br ! I Ariz. tf BLATCH FORDS calf meal, keeps calves healthy and growing at Stur- WICKSON PLUMS At the Bailey ; ges Hay & Grain Co., 125 E. Jefferson ranch, 3 cts. per pound. X. E. Indian j St. tf School, Camel Back road. Phone 2R3. . bk FOR SALE Scholarship in the Arizona School of Music, vocal or instrumental. For information ad dress W. M. II.. Republican. dg For Sale Eggs and Poultry FOR SALE A scholarship at Lam son's Business College. For further particulars write Mrs. Geo. R. Yorke, Ask Fork, Ariz. tf FOR SALE 70 E. Moreland St. nice chickens. FANCY dressed poultry. A FANCY dressed poultry. -Schreck's Poultry Farm. 751 bill hre A. bm I FOR SALE 124 bank safety deposit j boxes in cabinets, very cheap, must be j sold at once. Lightning Delivery. bg j BXJ Y the FOR SALE Tomatoes; ranch, 4' miles north of Asylum; $2.00 per hundred. Phone 2J4; R. F. I). 2. John McDonald, bg i. eJYOUR PLUMS, PLUMS 2 good canning plums. Hall Bros. ;c to 4c for Phone 124R2 dk FOR SALE Fine, healthy parrot, good talker, Arizona Seed Co., 137 X. Center. bg NORTH 4th and Roosevelt Streets WILL be sold on RENTAL payments 8 MINUTES walk to P. O. ALL city improvements in SEE Grindstaff with J. S. GRIFFIN, (Alone) 4 West Adams. Tel 1093. bk FOR SALE New modern brick, splatter dash, east front on car line, party leaving city and must sell, can be bought, furnished or unfurnished. Ring 1160 and rail for Win. M. Costley, or call at 17 W- Adams St. bl JULY Plant This Month Milo Maize Pumpkin Sweet Corn Millet Squashes Cowpeas Sorghum Shallu Melons Kaffir Corn Field Corn Soybeans ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. gb FRESH SUMMER STURGES HAY & E. JEFFERSON, tf ALL KINDS FIELD SEEDS. GRAIN CO., 125 FOR SALE 100 shares Republic Trust Co., of Phoenix at $10.50 share paying 8 per cent dividends, book value over $12.00, total assets over one and a half million. Address Post office Box 1233, Phoenix. tf SEASON Fruits for canning and tomatoes, all kinds of produce. Lowest prices in town. Phoenix Fruit & Pro duce Co., 119 W. Jefferson St. Phone 1402. tf iff1 FEED From Sturges Hay and Grain Co. 125 -Cast Jefferson St. Prompt Delivery. Phone 1067. tf For Sale or Exchange I HAVE 21 LOTS In Mays landing. N. J., in a good location what have you to trade. Address Republican Box 4715. bl TO TRADE For Phoenix property, 52', acres of choicest river bottom (2ml bottom) land. Located in Doviess Co, Mo., on Grand River. 2. miles of Jam ison, 5 miles of Gallatin, county seat. This land never overflows, will raise loo bushels corn per acre, good house, barn, 2 chick houses, 2 wells, etc. See us if you want anything in Real Estate T. M. Burroughs, 14 West Adams St. tf FOR SALE Several second-hand i motorcycles at prices to suit. Phoe nix Cycle Co., 133 N. Central Ave. tf CITY BARGAIN FOR ftALE $1300. 917 E. McKinley St., small 6 room frame house and screen porch. Not modern. Gas, elec tricity and city water ready to con nect up. Insured $1000, paid up 3 years. Rents $15 month. Lot 50x137'-, facing north. Price $1300, terms $600 rash or installments, balance payable $10.40 monthly in cluding interest. See Mr. FRINGE at DWIGHT If. .iEARD'S bk FOR SALE New modern bungalow; very complete with 10 or 20 acres of improved land. Fine country home. Very cheap. Phoenix Trust Company, 16 West Adams St. tf FOR SALE 10 room house, pebble dashed, $3650; fine bungalow, $3650; 5-room brick, new $2200. 7-room cement house two and one-half acres on McDowell Road, $5000. Bar gains in furnished houses and rooms for rent. 314 Fleming blk. tf FOR SALE Almost new, modern, five-room house on large corner lot, near car line and Osborn school on easy terms, would consider one or two vacant lots as part pay. Box 4712 Re publican, bp TENTS, AWNINGS Hay roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, ! tate, loans sleeping porch curtains, anything in canvass. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. ! 130 E. Monroe, both phones 411. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Phoenix property, a choice residence property on Mill avenue in Tempe. 100 foot front. Apply to A. Nielson, Tem pe. bl WE CAN MATCH anything you have to offer anywhere in the United States. We are connected with the strongest Co-operative Realty Co. in America Agents everywhere. Bring us your trades. Southwestern Build- covers ! ing it Investment comcanv. Real es- 17 West Adams street, tf ! IT DOES NOT MATTER what state you are from; we can "SHOW YOU" the best building lots in Phoe nix; ask us about Hollywood Heights; lot 50x140, only $25 cash and $5 monthly H. C. THOMAS R. E. & INV. CO.. 43 AV. Adams St. tf FOR S ALE $20,000 AI morfgage, se curities. N. A- Morford, 15 E. Adams St. For Rent Houses FOR RENT Modern six-room brick, on corner of Woodland avenue. Shade and lawn. A. D. Crabb, 911 N. First St. bk FOR RENT 5 room house, $18. (oT a month, good neighborhood. Apply 616 N. 7th Ave. bl TEXAS GROWN Pure dwarf milo maize seed, sorghum, millet, kaffir corn, field corn, new era and whippur will cow peas. Sturges Hay & Grain Co., 125 E. Jefferson St. tf 525 EAST MORELAND STREET for tf j rent, August first. 5 rooms, bath and screen porches. Phone SS55. bk FOR RENT Small brick cottage, electric lights, bath, screen sleenins room, kitchen. Enquire 1106 E. Mc Kinley, Brill car line. 7-bm ITorcedl to Sell I NO. 1. FAILURE IN BUSINESS has compelled the owner of a fine well planned five room brick to sacrifice his home and leave town. The property is a large deep coiner lot on the car line and has been held at $4200. For a quick sale on terms to suit it can be had for $3400. Good size barn on rear. Bargain for some one. NO. 2. OWNER LEFT TOWN some months ago and threw up his contract thereby sacrificing his interest in two lots which goes with new and pretty story and a half brick bungalow a mile north of town. To some one wanting a close in suburban home, modern and with water connection, this should sell at sight. Price, on your own terms, $3250. GREENE & GRIFFIN, 127 North Center St. HHaHBHBSBBaB pi 9