Newspaper Page Text
PAGE BrS THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 1913 I '. OUR BEST Advert isements are never printed they are neat satisfying glasses your friends wear. SWIGERT BROS. OPTICA 1. SPKCTA LISTS 9 JCast Adams St. We grind our own lenses THE VACUUM WASHER washes cleaner, quicker and with less work. Let us jdiow yiiu how. McKEE'S Hilderbran's Jeweler A Opticians SHAMPOOING PASTE and HAIR TONIC Used regularly, you will al ways have a luxu riant growth of hair. L Regular Pharmacists 2 .Motorcycles PROMPT DELIVERY Owl Drug Co. Phonos ;'. -f;)2 PHONE 1381 and give your order for COLONIAL "QUALITY" ICE CREAM Manufactured in rear 327 West Washington St. Cavileer & Co. will hang paper at 2."c per bolt. See us at once for the best in the painting and tinting line. 123 N. 1st St.. Ph..n 1 W. R. WAYLAND, Mgr. GOODRICH BLOCK, Center and Washington. Open till midnight. Telephone 591 Fairbanks Morse Engines Nestor Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, etc. We have the stock. Arizona Hardware Supply Co. THIRD AVE. & JACKSON PHOENIX Garden City Restaurant . v New Location 21-23 East Adams St. nLJl teapitl S f I J For Picture Framing so to BALKE'S The Big Curio on Adams Street Of Local Interest r -i , STORED WATER SUPPLY "Water service department report for July 14: Klovation nf water in reservoir. 115.12 Contents of reservoir, acre f t.3Ci,77' Loss preceding 24 hours, acre f.-ot H.TSS Klevation of water in reservoir (no year ago today, left 1 G G . 4 " Contents of reservoir, one year :iKo to. lay, acre feet "(00,491 Normal flow Salt and Verde: rivers, at Granite Reef dam M. J S.S4T, Amount of water used for irri gation, math side, M. I TiM.SSr. Amount of water used for irri gation, s.uth side. .i . 1 2S.721 113 to S LOCAL WEATHER YESTERDAY C a.m. C p.m. SO !i; 70 73 ft 3 SK N 6 i Temperature, degrees Sensible temperature Humidity per cent . . Wind direction Wind velocity, miles Rainfall 0 0 Weather Cloudy Cloudy Highest temperature 100 Lowest temperature 7!' Mean relative humidiiy 4S Total rainfall 0 Deficiency in temperature yesterday 0 degrees. Kveess in temperature since first of month 20 degrees. Accumulaled deficiency in tempera ture since January 1, 315 degrees. Deficiency in rainfall yesterday .0." inch. Deficiency in rainfall since first of month ."7 inch. Accumulated deficiency in rainfall since January 1, -31 inch. Data for Tucson. Highest temperature yesterday Lowest temperature yesterday Rainfall yesterday . . .AS . .To . . . o KKXNKTIT M KAKKU, Temporarily in charge. 113 to S BOARD OF CONTROL MEETS The state ni-" ting y office of board of control held a esterday afWrnoon in the the secretary for the pur- pose of attending to routine matters, among selection of ft times for the governors that are a number of which was the the pictures of being painted by 'William Vincent IJesser. the artist. BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS The next meeting of the board of free holders, now engaged in framing a city chat ter f ,r Phoenix along the lines of a commission form of gov ernment, is scheduled for Friday eve ning at the city hall in the recorder's court room on the second floor. GEORGE A. OLNEY BACK George A. Olney. hading spirit in the man agement of the Democrat, leturned to the city yesterday after a trip to Globe where he went to attend a meeting of the directors of the Gila Valley Rank and Trust company. WATERMELON FEED The annual watermelon feed of the Kmpire State society will be held tomorrow evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKean. 230 West Jefferson street, weather permitting. All members of the society are urged to lie present and a cordial invitation is extended to every New Yorker visiting in Ari zona to take part in the festivities. AT THE COMMERCIAL D. Rob erts, city; J. A. fashion, Dos An geles; W. F. Clarke. New York City; .1. XX Thomhile, P.lythe Junction, Cal.: F. McNamara, Chicago; H. S. Dolly. Providence, R I.; J. D. Jacobs, Ros Angeles; J. F.. Drown, Prescott; Mar ion 15. Clark and wife, McDowell: John W. Shafer. French Oilman and wife. Sacaton: P. J. McKinney, city: A. Ts'akten. city; J. M. Hackett; S J. Smith, Doming, X. M; D. X. 11ns lon, Globe; Kdgar Faweett, Alham bra. Cal. WRIT IS DENIED J. W. Canning leturned late last evening from Tucson where he went as a witness before Judge Cooper in the application of W. II. Finley for the release of his daughter, Kthel Finley, from the re form school at Renson under a writ of habeas corpus. The hearing was held yesterday and was denied that a writ was not for the purpose asked. The commitment, the judge said, was regular and issued after a hearing in the presence of all concerned. There was no new reason for the re lease of the girl. Ethel Finley was in court in the custody of an officer of the school and was returned to that institution immediately after the con clusion of the hearing before Judge C toper. VISITS HER SON Mrs. Malcolm Duncan, aged seventy-four years, has come all the way from Cloqueto. Minnesota, to spend several weeks the guest of her son, J. A. Duncan, a member of the Phoenix police force. She is now comfortably installed at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Duncan. South Third avenue. She was ac companied to Arizona by her daught er, Mrs. W. S Holland, of Mesa-, who had been visiting at her old home and induced her mother to make the trip to the southwest. This is the first time Mrs. Duncan has ever been in Phoenix and she is more than pleased with this section. 113 to S Pinney &. Robinson, Guns for Rent. Advertisement. PIIONR 1389 FOR Stenogra pliers, Bookkeepers, tigraph Job Work. M'CAUSLAND Business Exchange 8 West Adams St. Mul- I CIVIC LEAGUE MEETS There ! will be a meeting of the Civic League this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. 1". A. Ueane, "! North Fourth avenue. All members are ured to be present. SOUGHT COOLING BREEZES Judge K AW. Wells and Judge John Hawkins, of Prescott, arrived in the city yesterday partly on business and as both gentlemen stated, partly for the purpose of cooling' off. SOME TRAVELLER P. M. Jewett, of this city, is making an extensive trip by automobile. In addition to making !i visit to Prescott, he is also takir.g in various sections of Northern Arizona, including the Grand Canyon. HERE FROM EL PASO Nick l)e pedcr, a prominent saloon man of Kl Paso who likes the looks of Phoenix very much, is visiting the city for a few days. Nick says Kl Paso is still a hummer, but that Phoenix is coming strong. GOVERNOR HUNT RETURNS Governor Hunt accompanied by Peter Clarke MacFarlane and Secretary Har ry Welch of the board of trade have returned from their trip to Florence where they went as the guests of Gov ernor Hunt to inspect the prison and the prison system. PROUD AND HAPPY FATHER Nobody had anything on Koo::o K. Scull yesterday for chest iie-ss. At 12 :.!" p. m. lie became tin- father .f a seven-pound j'.irl. Heavier babies have been born, but a matter of a few pounds cuts no ice with Mr. Scull. He is in charge of the Pho -nix Wood anil Coal Company's stole .it Saea'on Siding. APPROVAL OF SURVEYS Min. r al Survey No. 3040, embracing the San Diego and San lienito Mining claims, and Sur. No. 3043, Copper Glance Fraction Mining Claim, have been ap proved by the Surveyor-General. These claims, locate,) in the Globe Mining district, Gila county, Ai izona are claim ed by the inspiration Consolidated Cop per company. AT THE ADAMS Ge. S. lb.s- kings, San Dieg. Douglas; M. Toy, Shaw, Ph i la del li i c r, l.os Angeles Pivscolt; D. P. : III.; . A. Pease, J. W. Douglass. New Yoik; Y.. M. , Pa.; Chas. Fish J udge 1 la . kins, clntosh, OiggSA ille, I !( use ; Colin Con - ai-ruy and wif ard, l.os Atifj , Tucson; S. K. Loon ies; H. McPiee. l.os Angeles; K. I.. Pake:-, San Francis co; Lewis A. Duinham, New York; H. A. Prosser, Greer,; L. geles: I.. Gibson. BY AUTO TO I. A. Hughe.', at.. esen'ay i.iorning '"tanklin nut. mob They will f-pei-d New York; P. P. M ess in r, l.os A ti -l.os Angeles. THE COAST ; r. I .Mrs. I I .:: .:' let! at ..'clock ia a ile f r the ccart ix v. . 1 s i r m. .re touring' the souther p.nt of Hie slate The i !oi tor is an r ' having learned niote ways of the a u t o m. bih . rt niotoi i- i . f the i l l ioll-. than he 1 new in his call. . days w h-ii be; f.rst ma -to climb t '.-. a tc i when address it in tiie reprov .ui aging t rtiis which he earlier to apply t ., . chine used he tiled to invc or enc had learned SHEDD IS HAPPY- terious way w ord wa In some tnys lVoeivod es- teld.-iy at the office of CretHe ,V Griffin, that Frank Shed.l. connected w ith that i-oncei ii. will be obliged :poii l.js return to this city from Min neapolis, to distribute cigars gelier msly. A!I because an eight-p. i r-.d hoy arrived in Minneapolis. whin Mrs. She. id has been visiting, and iniiiiimrol that he had made up hi'' mind to accompany the Lack 'o Arizona at an early date. Chat lie McKll'o.v induced the mayor of China town yesterday to indite a con gratulatory telegram couched in the '.est celestial language and allow' it to be sent to Frank. What Shedd will find possible to say in reply is an interesting problem. Perhaps he will wait until his return before at tempting to express himself. DR. DUN LAP TO WED Card! have been received in Phoenix announcing the wedding to take place today in Chicago, of Dr. Robert M. Dimlap. j.ii of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunlap, f this city, to "Miss Sylvia Rose Tom 'ins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Tomkins. of Chicago. Dr. Dunlap is a truly Phoenix boy. having gradu ated from the Phoenix High school before entering the Northwestern Col 'ege of Dentistry. For a time after graduation he practiced in Winslow. but is now engaged in practice in Chicago. He expects to resume his nractiee in Arizona this fall and will '.ring his bride to the southwest. Miss Tomkins is said to be a most charm- :ng young woman and will make friends here as the wif readily of the popular young dentist. 1 1 3 to R CARD OF THANKS TO TIIK RF.V. K. X. PHI DRIPS and all the kind friends who so kindly as sisted in the funeral of rnv brother. I take this means t express my most sincere thanks, C. M. Johnson. It 113 to 8 TOO PRACTICAL. "Never count vour chickens before they are hatched." "(If course!" sneered Mr. V osslot "You're another those people who want to take the chief pleasure out of the poultry business. " Washington Star. 113 to S DARK TIMES. "How "oh! water." "H'm, if it."- are you getting n?" just keeping my neck above so I should think by the color Rondon Mail. 113 to 8 AMUSEMENTS The Lion "Forgetful Flossie," "A Joke on the Sheriff," "The Kvil Genius," and "Noise Dike a Fortune," compose the new The Most Sanitary Eating Place in Southwest Open Day and Night 19 North Central Ave. program opening at the Lion today tot a two day run. "The Evil Genius," one of the fea tures of the new program is in two parts. Jean Xorbel, a toy manufactur er, and Ron is Delval, an explorer, both love Helene Derys. She marries the manufacturer. Several years later at a theater, Xorbel meets Relvai and a reunion takes place. Delval tries to force his attentions on Mrs. Xorbel. He fails and then sets fire to Xorbel's fac tory. An insurance company alleges that Xorbel himself set the building on fire to collect the insurance. Just as the jury is about to give a verdict of guilty the old watchman's conscience is stirred and he makes a confession. Xorbel is liberated and returns home to his happy fireside with his wife and child. The Lamara In a splendidly staged Vitagraph film showing at the Lamara today and to night, is told a story of "The Omens of the Desert" showing how supersti titous some of the men, who have made the desert yield them a liveli hood, really are. For instance the buz zard is regarded as an omen of death. Its shadow e;ist across the path of the outlaw in the story spells to him fail ure. Another picture well worth while shows the manufacture of plaster of pari. It follows the gypsum rock from the time it is mined until it is used for decorative and utilitarian pur poses. The picture has an educational value. Remember the Lamara, the theater comfortable. Coliseum. It .takes more than a rainstorm to di:a the enthusiasm of the first nighters among the patrons of this house, as was demonstrated last nlgnt when the v v vaudeville bill was re ceived bv a crowded house. Ami those who braved the elements were not, for the bill is strict- y up to the minute. Rernard Fck ort starts things moving in a re fined musical act which is all class. II.. is a finished musician and uses l : n : Ih. pel I". rma nee t he I rom- iioi.e, xylophone aiul chime'. lb' is master of them all. Fspecially wel! received Was hi;' Selection rendered n the xlyophone comprising the beautiful 1 o.t and Peasant overture. The overture was rendered in its en tiri ty, making one of the best nnist i vents that has been heard here for a long time. The lliokvilb- pair are "The Nettleton" PACIFIC MODEL A PROFESSIONAL MAN'S SHOE The footwear taste of the average professional man is best served by a simple unobtrusive style best expressed by the "Pacific" model of the NKTTRF.ToN make. We illustrate the Pacific in a glazed kid blocker, with a light single sole. It is a shoe of ex cellent finality and lasting good a pp-ara nee. We also show the Pacific in a glazed kid oxford. K. A. DIEHL SHOE GO. up second in a scream in rube spe cialty work. Rube .-ketches are as a rule troubled with a large degree of sameness, but this team has gotten far aw.'v fioni the beaten path, and the result speaks for itself. The house was kei.t in roars of laughter during the entire act. It is a clean Comedy sketch ir. wh;ch the principals ar--comedians, pure and -simple. Closing the bill the Gilmorc girls appear. This team is known in Phoenix, hav ing appeared here before. They have l st none of their popularity nor abil ity. The act is song and dance of the higher order, closing with a cow hoy song which brings down the house. The two-reel Selig picture. Wanda, was Ihe feature of the movies pro- Avoid it, and if you have it, overcome it by using our PRICKLY HEAT LOTION BOEHMER'S The Busy Drug Store Phoenix Drug Co., Inc. Phones: Overland 550 and 660 4? f. u J Prickly Heat Don't Swat Mosquito's AND LOSE YOUR TEMPER Iltilett's Mosquito Knocker 27c. Will do the trick. Money back if not satisfactory. Elvey & Hulelt Quality Drugglatu 27 East Washington St., Phoenix Never substitute Parcel post orders go out every day gram. It is a realistic jungle picture in which wild animals play no small part. The Empress. Happy Hooligan in the hands of Jimmie Gibson, continues to please large audiences. Jimmie's portraal of the popular star of the comic sec tion of the newspapers never fails I" get a round of applause. He follows in his make-up so closely to the car toons that it seems the newspaper picture animated. The song numbers are all good. Dp to date and snappy, they are bound to go. Miss Reatrice Goiu-.ales wins her a host of friends in her numbers. She is a -sweet sin ger, and as graceful a dancer as we "nave had with us lor months. Miss Wanda Rowker, singing "The Golden West," the hit of "The Passing Show ,"' with the chorus in cowgirl cos- tunic. Little alulit v presents a very clever iiiimoei. l'.illie Stanley demonst ra t ed her on her opening night and does not Tat disappoint in anything she does, -n all in all, the H.,wker Tabloid i m ica 1 i 'omed v Phoenix the best of any aggregate lale years. 11- Company is giving run f.r the money n appearing lici in -3 to S- IR'N SPRINGS, Aii., July 14. Miss Sue Leonard came up Friday moining. She will I' the guest oi Miss KH. n Conway for a fortnight. Mrs. 11. R. Wilkinson, Mrs. .1. M. Dennett and two sons spent Friday ;lt.:noon shopping in pre-iott. Mrs. Leo Goldman returned to Phoenix Friday. She has b.-on the guest of the Aaron and David Gohl h.igs lor the past week. She will It. la:. in in l'lio.-nix till the first I Aegm t. win n .-he i xpe. ts to go to Ca lil'i -rnia. i n Friday evening a delightful pic tiic supi-ei' was givt n on the rocks by the laihoad tra k, in honor of Miss Sue Leonard. Alter the supper tiny Watched the SHI. Set. Tho-e in the :.:.r1v were Mbs Kll n Conway. Miss Leonard. Miss Helen Laird. Miss Su Liny Tollesi-n, Miss Mrs. Webb Griffin, Cover, Mrs. Frank Sclma Goldberg. Mrs. Raymond Hildebran. Mrs. Roy Parson: , M r. Pyron Hildebran. Mr. A. G. Huh tt returned to Phoe nix Wednesday night. .Mrs. Maiblox spent Friday after noon shopping in Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ci tsinger and sons, Roman and Renjamin, motored over from Prescott Saturday and spent the day with V. G. Tollesons. Mrs. McMillan and daughter. Mrs. Hammond, of Salt I 'I'lilay morning, the l'icka.s cottage Lake City, arrived They will occupy for the rest of the season. Tuesday a bunch of the girls in the younger set sp nt the day picnicing at Flat Rack, near Alto. Those win went were Miss Ruth Goldberg. Miss Ruth P.uitis, Miss Helen O'Mall.y, Miss Mary Josephine Ceilings, Mis. Kleanor Huletts, Miss Lima Tolleson Among those who arrived Friday io spend the heated months were Mr. end Mrs. J. G. Van Ler en and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Re.ker. They will occupy the Lloyd Christy cottage. Mrs. David Goldberg and Miss S lina Goldberg spent Saturday after no. .n shopping in Pnscott. Mr. and Mrs. Joe liradfoid came over from Prescott for the dance Sat urday nigh. While here they were the guests of their sister. Mrs. Ma-.l-dox. Tin y left on the midnight train for Ash Fork, where tiny will meet Mrs. I'radford. who is coming out front Mississippi to visit her son. Donald Goodman passed through from Prescott Saturday. He is spend ing a few days in Phoenix with his parents on their ranch northeast of Phoenix. Mrs. Frank Hildebran went to Phoenix Saturday night, where she will spend a few days. While there they will move into their new home in Chelsea Place. Saturday evening the David Gold bergs and Aaron Goldbergs and Jo seph MelCKe-rs had a most enjoyabh picnic at picnic rock, near the tennis court. After the -picnic supper they ill Went to the dance. Mr. Joseph Melczer came up Friday night and is spending the week-end in camp. Mr. H. R. Wilkinson was among those hn came up Friday night. After the dance Saturday nigh' Miss Ruth Goldberg and Mr. Harold Goldberg entertained with a water mellon feist. Those invited were Miss Mary Josephine Collins, Miss Helen O'Mallev, Miss Matie Roster, Miss F.'oia Tolleson, Miss Ruth Rur tis, Mr. Kenneth Comstock. Walter Tolleson, Walter Martin. Harry Ken nedy, Jr., Dick Ileflin, Miss Kleanor Unlet!. Mrs. Ravmond Coyer and little daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Rlma Tolleson went to Prescott Sunday morning on account of the illness of little Dorothy. They returned Sun day evening. Among those who came up Satur day night were Mr. Webb Griffin Mr, Roy Parsons. Mr. Clarence Hef bn. Mr. Ed. (CMalley. Mrs. J. C. Reed and two daughters. Ruth and Mildred, spent Saturday afternoon shopping in Prescott. Iron Springs FUNDAMENTAL RULE OF SUC CESS One of the fundamental rules of all financial sac- cess is saving aim ii is oesi accompustieil iy care ful economy and regular bank dt p .sits. Your account (large or smali) is cordiaaly invited. 4 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. . UNION BANK & TUUST CO., Phoenix, Ariz. Supply the Wife With Travelers' Cheeks They are convenient, reliable and sai'cr lli.-ni j currency. pi We furnish them. Ilf The National Bank of Arizona (The Old Reliable) iwnimTT win iimni ii hi in ifii i ill 'Mrriiii i i pokier- j'law'aBwjk.'-vnf 3.i.-iii ;;,?'-si-s'K:v.:-&i 3335B253SEESS5BB LUIV1 fen- See Us for Prices Phone 1204 O'M ALLEY LUMBER CO. GEO. W. McCLARTY Electrical Contractor ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 208-210 West Wash. St. Phones 407 F. H. ALBERT Kxpert Swiss Watchmaker Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry 87 West Adams Street Phoenix, Arizona 1 1"-1 IT. Xorth Center St. ..THE.- IEDEWILL Everything Musical MACHINE MADE That's the why oC our Ce ment Pipes' superiority. Let us figure with von. CEMENT PIPE CO., 545 East Jackson Phone 1312 Flagstaff, Ariz. Points of Interest Near Flagstaff Grand Canyon r- miles Kxtinct volcanoes IS miles Lava beds 1C miles Ice caves 10 miles Prehistoric cliff dwellings .. 1 0 miles Cave dwellings 10 miles Dak Creek trout stream.. IS miles Montezuma's well '.it miles San Praneiseo peaks 1- miles (Klevation l.'i.OOii ft." Altitude of Flagstaff C007 feet Prehistoric ruins 3T miles Natural I'.ridge 75 miles WHEN IN FLAGSTAFF Stop at the Chas. Proclmow, Mgr. Hates $1 up Mr. David Coidberg came in Sun day morning to be with his family for the week. Mr. IM. ti'Malley came up Saturday night. lie will be with his fami!) for a few iias before leaving f. ' Denver, Col., where he will go to See his daughter, P.rniie. Among those who returned to Phoenix Sunday night were Mrs. Den nett. Aaron Coidberg. Webb Ci'il'tin. Harry dev. Joseph Melczer Sr.. liny Parsons, II. 1. Wilkinson. Mr. I. eon Tolleson is expected in camp in a few days. He will spend a fortnight with his parents. A delightful coterie of the younger set spent Sunday afternoon (ramping near Alto. Those in the party were Miss Uutli Goldberg. Miss Mary Jo sephine Colling. Miss Helen O'Mal lev, Miss Kleanor Iltilett, Miss Until Purtis. Mr. Harold Coidberg. Ken neth Comstock and Chester Goldberg. 0 orcitii Hotel Coiicct. Wit Is THAT SEWER. Let our expert do the job, cheap and quick. D. H. BURTIS SALT RIVER VALLEY MONUMEN- TAL WORKS. j Call and see our designs In finished i monuments, gravestones, statuary, etc. ! b fore pelf-ills' your order. I VERNON E. LINDSAY. Prop. 40'J V. Washington St. j Phone Overland 13H7. FORD AUTO REPAIRING ELKS GARAGE, No. 7 X. 3rd Ave. make a specialty of repairing Ford aut-.s. Phone 1213. EVANS & CRESSWELL Do your teeth sm.-i:o? If so consult Ir. Pelt, the New System Dentist. All work absolutely painless. Ivs Angeles prices. DR. BELT Phone, 11 M.,nihon Hldg Sue's Mosquito Lotion KSEPS 'EM AWAY J. HAliiiY CT.UCKER, Mgr. Free Motorcycle Delivery Phone 1650 j HAIR GOODS FOR SALE I. .-lilies' Toilet Parlor, Shampooing, Manicuring and Facial Massage. Hair 1 )ie.-siiig; Kxpert Chiropodists, ail loot troubles removed. Moles and warts removed by electricity. SHIRLEY & SHIRLEY Phone 1704 33 East Adams Street n (A370 On At Massie and Sons 112-114 .Y. Washington i On