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PAGE TWO THE ARIZONA REEUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1913 SS S WANT FOR A MATCH THEIR PLACE j B:A:S:E:B:A:L:L J BOXER IGN MAROON STANDING OF THE CLUBS National League Club XV. 1j. Tct. New York . . 58 11 G .690 I'hiladelphia 4S 32 -.600 Pittsburg 44 40 .524 Chicago 45 41 .523 Brooklyn .. .. 38 42 .475 Boston 2tJ 47 .434 frU. Ioni.s .. 34 53 .391 Cincinnati .. ...33 55 .375 American League Club ... V. I,. Pet. Philadelphia 63 116 .708 Cleveland 53 37 .590 AVashington 51 38 .573 Chicago.. 50 44 .532 Boston .. L. ' 42 44 . 4SS Detroit 3S 57 .400 JSt. Louis 37 5S .389 Kew York 28 58 .326 Coast League ' Club .V. L.. Tct. Portland 54 4i .540 Sacriimonto . .-. 52 49 .515 l.os Angeles 55 52 .514 Venice 53 f.H .4 86 Oakland 52 57 .477 San Francisco 52 58 .473 WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY National League Cincinnati at Boston. St. Iouis at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at New York. Chicago at Philadelphia American League Washington at Chicago Philadelphia at St. Louis Now York at Detroit Boston at Cleveland. Coast League. Portland at Sacramento. Venice at Oakland. San Francisco at Los Angeles. Western League. ' Denver at Lincoln. AVichita at Topeka. f Sioux City at Des Moines. Saint Joseph at Omaha. I NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston R. II. E. Boston 2 S 0 Chicago 6 10 2 Batteries Rudolph and Raridan; Overall and Ncedliam. "At Philadelphia Philadelphia Cincinnati Batteries Sea ton R. II. E. 3 9 1 1 5 0 and Killifer; Suggs, Brown and Kling. tj Now York R. II. E. New York 8 9 3 St. Louis 4 5 0 Batteries Wiltse, Crandall and Mey ers; Harmon, Burk, Geyer, Doak and AVingo, Hartley. At Brooklyn R. II. E. Brooklyn 13 15 1 Pittsburg 6 8 5 Batteries Ragan, Allen and Miller, Fischer; Hendrix, Robinson, Cooper and Simon, Coleman. t I I I .J. AMERICAN LEAGUE. I At Cleveland R. II. E. Cleveland 6 10 1 Boston 1 5 0 Batteries Blanding and O'Neil; Mosely, Hall and Thomas. At Chicago Chicago . ; .Washington . R. . 1 H. 4 11 E. Why Wait Longer? To make that trip to v the Seashore '? The Fast Train Leaves Phoenix (:00 p. m. Arrives Los Angeles 7:15 a. m. Several Others All of them eqnixped With Electric. Lights and Fans Maximum Comfort Minimum Fxpense VENICE QOA OCEAN PAUK SANTA MONICA Round Trip SEE AGENTS Arizona Eastern Batteries Russell, Bcnz, C-icotte and Schalk .Kasterley; Johnson and. Ain-Kiiiith. At Detroit R. II. E. Detroit .6 .9 1 New York 1 3 6 Batteries AVillett and ilcKec; Jlc ConnelJ, Caldwell and Gossett. At St. Bouis R. II. E. St. Louis S 11 1 Philadelphia 11 IS 0 Batteries -Weihnan, Stone and Alex ander; Shawkey, Bush and Sehang, Smith. COAST LEAGUE. Moving lay No games played. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha 11, St. Joseph 3. Topeka 5, AVichita 0. Des Aloines 1, Sioux City Denver 4, Lincoln 1. 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City 2, Indianapolis 3. Minneapolis 1, Louisville 3. St. Paul 4, Columbus 6. Milwaukee 1, Toledo 6. TEMPE TOPPLES SERIES 3-2 Bears Win Departing Agony and Now Stand 3 Won and 2 Lost, Both to Globe. (Special to Tlie Republican.) CL.OBK, Ariz., July 21. Spikes of Tempe officiated as hillbilly for the visitors here in the game against Miami today and succeeded in get ting home with the bacon in the truly Spikeserian manner. He allowed -six hits, and would have had fewer runs seored against him but for the three bobbles made by the visitors behind his delivery. At that, however, the game was a very good one, one of the best exhibitions of the pastime that has been seen here this year. The heavy hitters of Tempo pounced on Eaton's delivery for ten telling hits, but only succeeded in getting over with four tall tallies. l'l to the eighth Miami looked like a winning combination, but the score was tied by the visitors in that frame, and won in the next. The spasms are now ended and the team is on its way back to Tempe. Score Tempe Miami Batteries Eaton Spikes and Nutt. R 1 1. E. 4 10 3 3 6 3 Robertson; and Nov. 3 to 8 BASE BALL GOODS Catalogue Free PUTNEY & ROBINSON 17 South Center Memsie and Daly Affix Names to Articles of Agreement in Republican Office Last Night An other Meet Todav By placing their names to articles of agreement last night, Memsie and Daly, the local cards in the fistic world, bound themselves 1 box tin rounds before the Phoenix Athletic club on the night of August 1. The negotiations which led to the signing of articles of agreement have been long and tedious, but, like everything difficult to secure, the Memsic-1 aly bout will be a good one. It is already so iiim li the talk of the town that it needs practically no ad vertising further than a reminder to the fans uf the date. Daly and Memsie will weigh ll." pounds the afternoon of the bout. The fait that there was no discus sion as to weight was one of the things that made the arranging easy for the promoters. They had to lose a lot of sleep over monetary consid erations, and it was well they did not have to become grayer settling the matter of heft. There remains but two things to he done before the bout can be called all arranged selecting a referee and posting forfeits. These two matters will be attended to at the final meeting between the fighters at The Republican office at .':"') o'clock this afternoon. The sum of $100 will be deposited with the sport editor of this paper by each principal, and tin third man in the ling settled upon at the same session. Memsie, in his capacity as instruc tor t the Phoenix AthoUie club, gets daily practice, and Daly is putting in his time man-handling the punch ing bags, ounding the road and putting away large gobs of grub and sleep. With little to fear over mak ing weight, each fighter can give his major consideration to the matti r of eding up his physical condition, and when they step into the ring a week from next Friday night they will be two classy specimens of genus pugo. Herb ercister, president of the club, will set about immediately se lecting preliminaries proper to so important a bout as that of the 1st of August. It is not likely that he will have a card for next Friday night, but will give all his attention to per fecting arrangements for the go a week after. Daly said shortly after signing the articles: "I can't predict what I'm going to do. but I will make Memsie remember the night he got in fla ring with in'." Memsie was also reticent on that predicting business. Said he: "A sport writer in Denver once asked me before a bout. 'Are you going to win'." ami I told him, 'Sure'.' Then when I licked the guy in the tenth, he came out with a big holler about 'Memsie framed the fight. He knew he was going to win. But you can't expect a guy to say, 'Oh, sure, I will get licked, all right!" It is a fact that both boxers realize they have a serious proposition to face, and each is going to enter the ring with all the goods he has to give the public a. run for their money. GOASllAGE STILL CLOSE Many Shifts May He Look ed for in Line-up But Seven (James Separate Leaders and Last Past Week's Changes f ASSor-TATEfi Cia.SS PtSPATCHl SAX I'KANCISi'i), July 21. The past week's baseball in the Coast Beague has seen Portland advance from the ranks to top place. Bos Angeles has slumped from first to third place and San Francisco has dropped from second to the bottom. It is .still anybody's contest, however, for only nevcn games separate the leaders and tail enders. The Portland club tops the list with tin- best club batting record of .2012 with San Francisco second at .258 and Sacramento third, .2.j7. The Sacramento and Portland clubs are tied for first place, in the fielding division, each with .000, and Bos An geles is in second place but one point behind. Karl Maggert, of Bos An geles, is still the leading batter with .31.S, and Ty Bobert, an outfielder whom the Angels trailed to Portland lias jumped to second place among the batsmen with a. record of .317. Mundorff, of San Francisco, is in third place. Klawitter, of Sacramento, lias won five out of seven games, and is the lending pitcher with a percentage of .714. Of the regulars who have been in the game all season Jack Byan, of Bos Angeles, is leader with fourteen games won and seven lost. His per centage is .(67. Jess Baker, of San Francisco, has the same mark with six won and three lost, ami Fanning of San Francisco, has a mark of .609, having won fourteen games and lost nine. o THE LURE "You're wanted at home, father." "Who says so?" "Mother." "Did he sav rnything else?" "She said if you didn't come at once she'd come and fetch you." "Come on, boy, let's go." Fliegende Blatter. tn the League Tiy Keason of Victories Over Locals, Mexican Team Asks for Position in Schedule to Le Arranged Standing of the Clubs Club Won. Bost. Pet. Maroons 2 0 loon Tempe 2 1 .f.t',7 Phoenix .1 4 .42! .Mesa 1 :! .250 By their victory over Phoenix Thursday, the Maroons judge they have, a right to play in the schedule of games to be arranged shortly be tween Mesa. Tempe, Phoenix, Globe, Tucson and other state teams, and with the transfer yesterday of the management of the Maroons to P. A. Venue, that judgment was made known to tin- general public by means of the l'itid plaint of a business agent working a spelt writer for space. Vcnno, who is football, baseball, band and a lot of other things at the t'nited States Indian school, in his leisure hours receives full charge of the Maroon fortunes with the re tirement of the composite uiauagi nieiit of Castle, (lomez, Quiros et al. The return of Manager l'.aum of the Tempo team from Globe today will permit of a meeting among the leaders of all the teams some time this week. The meeting has been vaguely forecasted by a number of persons connected with the clubs, but no one has gone so f;tr as to call it. lt is mentioned lure that The Be publican ofil'ce is open to such ath- erings any time between noon and 'I o'clock any day in the week. Reference to the uho- printed standing shows the Maroons in the lead. This is rather a deceptive p -sition, as the team has played but two games. Hut each of these con tests has been won from good teams and by good margins. Globe, Miami and Tucson might be placed in the st tndmg but for the fact that but two of the local teams have ever played them. So until a definite schedule is arranged with games with these outside teams, no reference will be made to tin in in the standings. o " STATE DEPOTEliT (Continued from Page One) visions. A Vera Ciuz newspaper has been suspended by Uiicrta. The wrecking of an iron bridge on the National railroad near Monterey has interrupted transportation to the northward. New Commander at Guaymas NoGAI.FS, July 21. The report that General Bravo has succeeded General Ojedn as commander at Guaymas was confirmed today. The insurgents are still massed at Maytorena, and are reported moving artillery to the front above Guaymas. Trevino Wants No Office BOS ANCKI.FS, J'dy 2 1. Central Oeronimo Trevino arrived here today. He declared he would not accept the candidacy for the Mexican presidency. Trevino said he had no knowledge of the reported visit here of General Fe lix Diaz on his way to Japan. Obregon Lingers at Border N'OOABBS July 2 1 . Frederick Sim pich, consular agent at Nog. ties S" nora, communicated today with the state department on behalf of General Alfaro Obregon. The constitutionalist commander remained on the border here insisting that he would not cross the international line, until assured safe from arrest. Military authorities yesterday gave MUI BUSTERS ALL OVER BODY Itched and Hurt So Could Not Rest Day or ;Night. Nearly Tortured to Death. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Cured. Ilollenc. New Mexico. "Our little boy first broke out in little yellow blisters about the size of pin beads and they itched and hurt so badly lio could not rest day nor night. In a few days they were running sores anil kept spreading until they wore, as large as a dollar. Ho had them all over his Ivxly and was nearly tortured to death, as tlicy hurt mm so badly ho could hardly bleep. He would scratch and causo great sores all over his face and legs. "We tried several highly recommended remedies but they didn't Feem to help him a bit. Nothing seemed to do any good until we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Wo hadn't used the Cuticura Soap and Oint ment but a short time beforo ho was com pletely cured without a scar.'! (Signed) Mrs. J. H. Northcutt. Nov. 22, 1912. Not only are Cuticura Soap and Ointment most valuable la the treatment of eczemas and other distressing eruptions of skin and scalp, but they aro also most effective in the treatment of pimples, blackheads, rod, rough skins, itching, scaly scalps, dandrufT. dry, thin and falling hair; chapped hands and shapeless nails. A single cake of Cuti cura Soap (25c.) and box of Cuticura Oint ment (50c.) are often sufficient whon all else has failed. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere!- - liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura; Dept. T, Boston." jSMen who shave and shampoo with Cu-, .ticura Soap will And it bost for skia and scalp. ! I -mm- : : 'mBmm&0m- m m : af JzL::" fevSviA i Ilia, " I pf Arizona Mercantile Co. laVwMff- 8 f Telephone Main 63. SMm mi Center and Adams Streets Phoenix, Ariz, f B i ,li-rtMfi. -iiini i mil iloi- in CI T n ' -m..Ji1.i'" bTc;;oji jn-rnii:-.-"ion t" be tri.itid ;;t :i 1 1 - i t: 1 1 in -re, i-x i; i i ti i n it inal bis return to Mexico would -ome mid'-r the jorisilictioii ol' tie- t:!e lip:irt-mi-tit. Tin- Sonora insuri-nt .-t iti troop lirrlil- inti'-lldid -isitile.; I.'is . utiles I'or two wci-ks. If i- said lii win be opiiatii! i J I i for an : ( 1 More Federals Tor Juarez. f as.--.oi -t -!:i i-t:i:ss .i.-rAT-ii 1 KI. l'ASA, Jiii-y 1. !": ral re-in-forci-itM ms for the J-iar.-r. K.-rri-oii a fe at Mocti-v.uuia, lit iiiihs south of the bord.-r on the .b-:ican National Ila)i way, Hi-c.rdit! to tni ssasvs r.-eeived by f'ii in ral 1'ra nc-is-o f'astra befoi-c t!a-ti-li;T.i b v, ires communicating wish Clulniahua win- fday. 'astro says a eoluaiu in--idi -d by (bni.ral Pasi-ual ( trozeo is (be.' to reai-h ('hiliuahua to morrow from tin- ..oiiiii at'd a detach ment u ill be sent to reinforce the ua ard en a Work train niovitr.; north from 8t p 1 ti'i E"t Visit the big OVERLAND repair and machine shop, and you'll see the largest and best equipped machine expert mechanics can handle anything in the auto equipped for all kinds of gear cutting. Overland Garage $11G0 Buys Cliff Moit' zoma r pairing the track. .Mexican rebels under Maximo Cas tillo's command who are not affiliated with the lVderals or constitutionalists shot and killed Wans Clm. a Chinese r--staurant la 1" r in the lumber town of IVarsori last Friday, because the Chinese failed to pay them ."00 pesos aeeoriiins to ,i'a-riean employes of the Maiaro company who ri-a'-'ned here irom IN-arson tl;iv. After killing the Chln-iman the rebels looted the res taurant. Tuxpan Captured. MF.XICO. July 'Jl. Taxpau. a mari- ! iina town 11. " miles northwest of Vera jt'ru:. was captured by rebels under ! ,bseih Ve.Uu on Saturday after a hard finht. In answer to an appeal from the liritish consular representative, the i t'nited States battleship Louisiana j witli Roar Admiral Frank V. Fletcher 'aboard, sailed for that port. f ...... LookI GASOLINE HOW WE DO IT We issue 40-gallon coupon books, for $9.C9 cash in advance. You can get clean, filtered gasoline night or day here, from our Eovser system, fill at sidewalk. We buy our gasoline in 6500-gallon car load lots and give our customers the benefit of the saving. Smaller quanti ties than 40 gallons at 25c. Coupon books may be used in quantities of five gallons and up. J. L. HOLMES, Manager 328 N. Center an Overland 69T. World's Greatest Value. TY COBB DISSATISFIED. f APSOCIATKO IT.KSS ritSIWTCHl IIOSTON, July -1. Despite his $111, -salary, Ty Cobb is dissatisfied, lb; would "welcome a change" to make him a iiii mber of smno team other than Detroit, he wrote to a friend in a let ter which was received here today. Discussing the report tln:t he was to lie traded for Speaki r of the Hasten Ked Sox, Cobb said he would like very much piay with lioston but did not think lioston would part with Speaker. 'There are two other American l,eac;u5 cities for which 1 would like to pla with" lie lidded. o GUITE THE THING "Small ln.ts are r,oin nut ihi: yr;il'.'' "Will, you know, few p- .pie do out 11 in on to wear in the house."- -I : , 1 1 1 i more ."- n lerica n. a second floor our garage, shop in the state. Our repair line. Especially m Listen s Gallon 1