Newspaper Page Text
THE AT'JTZONTA T; IJPQBLICAN, .MONDAY MOUXiXn. ATTiUST I, EAGE FOUH Arizona Republican Editorial Page The Arizona Kcpublk:an l'lihlishcl by AIM.oXA T1'.!.1SI1IX; niMI'ANT. Th- Only J ;i j .-1- in Arizona I 'ul.i i sh.-.l Kv.-ry Day in the Vear imJv Mi.riiiuir 1 a p. r m I'hoehix. Imight H. Il-ai1. 'ha l I. :-' A . Sla M '! a . . . larth U I -at- .1. U. ar Ira 1 1 . S. Huggett .. 1 'it si.l. -m an. I Manager Hiisities.g Manager .Assistant 1 aisiiioss .Manager i -Mi lor Citv I-;. liter i'.K' I us i v.- Moiniiig Assoi iat.-il I' 1 lispatcht-s. (Hl'ir.-. ('orii' i Second anil Adams Sticcts. Khtir.ii at tla- ) "ostoffi. .- .it I'hoenix, Arizona, as Mail Mattel of tla- Sc. end Class. Address all coiiihnihi. aliens to TIIK A Ul.ON'A liKI'I'li I.H'AN. I'h. ifii ix . A i iy.oiia . '1 Kl.KIIK .Ni:S: Hiisiiit-sH iffiee 4" 1'ily K.iiror SI'HSrmi"lln.N KATKS: Iiaily, one month, in advaine ."' Jiany. Iluee moiitlis. in advance U.uo I tally, six months, in advance 4. no liailv. mi.' year, in advance S.) Sundays only, mail ll.r.U miay -i ii:.i. ;. .i'.;isr i. km::. I iH'iriilt ies are meant. 1t rniisc, not ilisnMirauf. ('hannim;'. The Future Phoenix W't- n inl. rst a n. 1 that 111.- inatl.-r of city plan ning will he brought before iht- city council tonight in ili- i - i .i i.-- hi t-i'a I it ti i of a roc-nt it-sola I i. n adopted bv the In. ar.) of trade rcc. niiin. hd i tig tin- emi'l".v-mi-iii of a i :l y isii'il It is ii. iv generally agreed I'ho.nix is going to I..- a largo city. Those who recently pi. nod its t n: i X i 1 1 1 1 1 in at pi. nun haw- raised it to liiii.iicii atnl others who ha.- witnessed the marvelous i It-'. . 1-i .tllili I s ..! 111.- last two yens have taken the limit !! :,lt..;;illi.'i' Hut. at a n v rat.- thole is a growing - . v i -1 i 1 1 that v. e :'l,..ul, Leg in planning lor a t.c'n ,.f lr-iin 7".. ii"" to 1"". ' aii, I if tin- 1 I i ft-- at.- siicht i! lei ll' 1-1. (.are. I. it will not hial .- an . ! 1 1 1 . i a i . l.-.w l.nge tli.- town glows, it u ill flow iH'O'iiiiii:; to those pla lis. Kp.-rt planning sh .iil.l not only to the l.t i ut i! i'a 1 1--n ..I' tli.- city hut lo its I'll ill-,- la. 'Is. Aiiiil- as our t : 1 1 1 1 i - ii t iii t i.-s ar.- now, in a few . cars, uiil.-s vv e limy ,- nloiii; definite liii-s f..r their enlargement w will suddenly find them inadequate. In th. growth of tli- city wliil.- there ar. com paratively few wast.- spaces. We have l.ft ourselves plenty ;' loom. The grounds al.oiit most of the (muses within tin- last few years ar.- ample. We aie i ..'.i-!ili.:; a .leal ..I I'louml lor ot:r pop" la 1 1' .i: la this i r.-1 1 ms t a no... He future piob lems in r lation to sew.-r p the water wank.:; s.r- ice ami to pill. lie utilitv :-t I c. - goiietall,. Tin' water piohl.-m though tea now .i.stiiia, wii! some time have to ).,. met . I'h'i.iiix a!re.i.l u:..-'. it is laiil, m"-e water thin .any other p. v. n ,.f I1.".. una. W In n ''mi is ail.l.,1 to I!,., populitoti we will hayf a wat.r which h h.-iim anticipate.! tun'. Ity a cit plan expeit. can 1..- more easily s..l.-,l later. We hay.- en lie. 1 attention lief,.!-.- to 1 1 i , - expen sive tearing out oi expensie puiilic work to ,1,, sum. necessary thiiiRS that oiiiht to Lave l.e.n tliniit'.lit of hef. ne the original work was 'lone. A city plan until. I have thought of these things ainl tie' I hoiisa nils of dollars spent within the last year or I Wu, Uollld ll.lVe been s.l t-i to a sorely pressed treasury. V.'.- are imw r.ipiuur in th.- dark with an-. th.-r prol.lem, the disposition ,,f th.- Salt Iii.r canal. W'e ar.- consider i nv; whether w,. had h.-lter fill it up arid dispose of the ritfht of was or whether ue had letur coii.-rt it into an elongated park. W'e do not know what either the effect or the cost of such an improvement would he. It is time for us to lie-in knowing and quit Kiiessin. 'JTimih ur have lie.ii loi innate ill the past in let tine; things take their course I'ho.-iiix is ln-cmim complex and must Im- v.ivcn a scientific, intelligent dire.tioii We have mad.- a K"o.l start in the civic center movement. We must pursue it ami include in it plans tor all future improvements. The parking problem cannot he delay.. 1. It mi::t he solved soiin- time and every year makes the solu tion more difficult and expensive. It is not possible, and not desirable that every thing should be done at once, but we should know as .soon as possible what w .- ih:l;Ih to do when the time comes to do it. "i wo Tests There are two ways to determining the menu of the proposed .-ity charter, a positive way ami :i negative way. Tin- positive way is a careful study of its excellent provisions, of the probable effect of their application to the citv business, the saving of the public money and the greater efficiency of -ernnieiit they jpi. i r. a n 1 1 e. Then then is the oilier way. That is to ask every politician Kv"i'y man who has been connect ed closely with the machinery of any political party, what tie thinks of the charter. lie will at once condemn it directing his denunciation at the city manager feature of it. The politician doesn't want a city manager. He doesn't want any efficiency ex cept efficiency in KttiiiK out voles. He doesn't want the application of business principles to the public business. He doesn't want any form of gov ernment which would bar the incompetent office holder for thereby a very competent vote-K'tter might be barred. Hut the interests of (he taxpayer, the interests of any man whether a taxpayer or not, who is genuinely interested in l'hoenix, are not identical with those of the politician. In tact, their interests are entirely contrary. Then-Co--,. if the politician correctly thinks that the charter is a bail thiiu? for him, it must be considered a Rood tiling for those if us who are not politicians. Entirely New Matter The extraordinary argument is made against the proposed charter, that the voters of IMioenix by ten to one voted for another (barter. True, wo did. We also voted for provisions which were held to be in conflict with the constitution and had to tie eliminated. Our action at that time was not binding on the board of freeholders except as to the matters which we then approved. The question Ik i Around the (amp l ire, a Iypical Sc;t:t and N ly ; au":n. of a city manager was let th.-n li.-f..i.- u -. i;ouId express ourselves neither for i, or' a- .in t : Jt is imw presented to us for tl . fir i trs. The freeholilii-s have pi.-sii'V.d in ii.- !:.'. . barter !! the things whi.-h the people ha I .-.'r.-acy .-, p, u--I and they have .-nlih-.l m:itiv others v lb. h lln-y !.- lit-Ved would give IIS, a better fo.-lll of ;. . e'T. o. 1:1. It is now for the p. -.pi. y,,v il.. in..; t,!,,.- -. say whether th.-y approve this i. yy tti it:.-r ::id Whether, if they do not, it is so , ,1 , j,- I i. ,.ia I 1 warrant the rejection of the c'i,i.r an. I ..':r c.n-ti'iiiMii't- under th.- a nl iq ua t ed h i n-1 ic i p, .i ic; torm " government w- now have and have had s in .- lis incorporation of the village of I'ito. tiix in a by --.'one g- tiera t i' ill. THE GREAT MOWING A'ToS.S tile qlliet. III a 1 1 - - .- h a , . I I'.i.hI. til' Upi.'lei load lar from highways that v. i i 1 1 I I '. m i -, mo. tors, stretch.:-; far and wide the l;.-aulitul I ,.-!.' Ib-ii. where iin ii work- with Natni'.- I"! in r I. .1 . they call it. prettily, th.- ' Hi'i-il M . ,' in g It a- 1. of softly rolling surface ale b...ii.l in r. i.y a double low of giant maples, th. iv h. o.d by l'"i. -ets of flowering elder. Tile deep rose of feathery lie. .p. the - i I i r of the gray-green calkins. 1 he 'hat 1 I 1 hinu 'lo-iaM of the flags in tin- moist ;..l..v. : This ..! .r 1 I ' . lovely, glorious, in the golden light of iaio.ia.' In the misty daw 11. in the slow - fa di ug a ii t rg !'.'. of : .11 Set, and in the soft dusk, heavenly 00..I in ll -v ision of night that steals dow n from i he dark piin-s on the western hill, there i another beaut In the full pink marvelous Ight of on.- I ingi-rii.'.'. sunset, a wandering deer leaped unafraid I hi ;li tin- still grasses in the bush of tin- h! .wing 111. oin -nt . and in the sheltering thick) t oi a ppea r- .1. )V)-r the )iark)-ning hills into a sHv.r si-, y )': aes. in its time, the round-d pale moon, turning, to gold as it sails up the deepening sky. 'Ph.- grasses of the fifld bend again in its mystic eld !i.-l.t. a : tin little soft winds of night come astir. All this tonight, today, last night. Tomorrow the cruel whirr of moving knives. w ;;i l-r. 1!. il .- : va t stillness and the marvel of rose and go'd. of gray and green, will be no more, and tla- sad breath ' its passing will fill the joyous air. Willi machines they will gather the warm, sweet g ro-.v th qiot cop -Veiiielit and orderly little mounds-, cud I in-- will carry it away to barns. The I It , a 1 : 1 1 ' 1 1 1 lidd las shorn and still. ' No fairy shimmer and flash ,,t color in the while moonshine, the m v : i cry gro.vlh laid bare in the brown stubbie and d.. ;i lying I i t 1 i e rivulets. Motionless is the place of qui germ .. h. .111 tiful life -)tf movement imTlaiiie. dr. amine, . pii iiuil Hartford Times. "We njoyed your visit so mu -h " "Say, Central, I've been wa it im; twenty momi.-s" "My wife and I never had a word with each other." "I never wot' :i that cost hss than ?s.V "I've only had one drink today." "I never put myself out for company." "We did not have a fly in tin- house till .-n muter." "I've got to meet a ciistonnr tonight " "We never have trouble keeping servants." "I was reared in hiNiiry and refinement." "When the baby came their happiness was. com plete.'' Smart Set. GIRL SCOUT MOVEMENT BIDS FAIR TO SWEEP NATION JUST LIKE SIMILAR MOVEMENT FOR TRAINING OF BOYS 6t- S vfft X " v. yt i - -.-30, .-v.-.-. 'S3. 'VijpJ1"'. f. r - - f:r -" - : i f , s x i$vse&toi . 3 - - i i - -- Now the (liil Scouts have t!ic i'.(-hl. The movc-mctit ix'A its start at .Savannah and bids fair to extend all over the nation, just as the 1-uy Scout movement did. Ik adtjuai ters for national work have been establish ed in Wahine-tua. Exclusive Styles By HOWARD L. R AN N ! 'a-.-' g 1 1' 1"-. 'A g a cal; , i In. US : i. ; P hp: :l: I.-: t ..a 1 , .; half ii yard .. 1 1 til glal i;a , lor .- c. ,' gg'. lei: an-1 ad.- : . . i I 1 1 s: ,. , ;. -. . I .. at. c.a lie. ! i, p 1 11 ' 1 pig tl ' I' .- ig I i .( ! 1 ! ! 1 I !g; . . i 'on. "iti.- .11 all. ho'Ai.i !'. Ann rna do, -a not j 1 1' ' 1 I ' e ..,.. , 1 '. ' . h . , leg hi! S Pi 1 III oort .: I I . i ! ! 1 ' lii I a 1 ! .' i all- i y app a I . I 1. I I le p.' - I - e! ! I M IS -a I I ! .' col-Ill f.V W . I . I I I i coll: jlb-rt d il -leal i ,!' ' ' l.t ' . . ' f a l v ! y.lne'i V.ii-i V...." ll gal "''I by g 1 no fol . I'.'.) I. o. lisle v. ho !- . . -i , : , g , I s p. e 1 , ! 1 g o , 1 a..ii p. r a 1. 1 . ait. r :' .... in .' lb.- p: ' ivha.-i r t 1 pa'' tin- cli.-q tt as ilia'g-g. ...-.,1, fr-eigiit. a'lv et ; :sji,g i-ii!', ami tl.- g . . ': - ... a . : .-, i 1 1 a I I w I ' . . j 1 : c '- 1 . I : I p a I "l iirll . ci g ! at the "M la 1 ? t i 1 - ill Vol i.iolil Tie-re l;.l be. -n liiii. nl ,.!is iilltinpla in 1 iiitg-.o I'M'b's,,,. St V I. . got i. II lip ill til!.- e..t! f.V for J ' consllll.p- i i..n. I . I all have fait. .1. "i," of I In- . aril- t lie so atl.mpis wag Ili-.i of l-r. Ala ry Waii-.r. a p.o:ee- ill lilt- I'eal -II ' I 1 lie spilt s! It. '.i o 1 i o I .'.., i in i- id. as ..I ,ir."-s from ill .- nban of Turkey . ! ; . like!- did liol I Vet y lar V. itii lar hia un- pr.'- i. i -.. . 1 1 I : I . but she 'lii-; I , . I 1 i I I I: It icillpfl el i he V ' I . 1 I I ili I a I pli oi her refo! 111. I . ' 1 i .- I i s t . 1 1 S ;! e always pat op tin- mii's. I carle. , n aiiiple lim for friends of lla- v. c.-.a to h..' up i's :- i i n t III'. s a lid l . V e : 'l . i a i , I i i i ii ..-a i , lii'.;.' by III" tillt" (be gel-oil up. ! . The . Veiaje Ip'. o 11 f. .ll M I l.'.l '. e .- t ie IS aleet 1 ll i ce VV. I l.S by llie Step lyglcli, aft. r which it is !:i.i away for t a! .ire : n -. I a i ions to V. "hi ar .it. THE YOUNGER NOVELISTS I. ll.g V. I,. I 'oil! I 111". ill the Xo.gll A.tiePtc.l.l KeVi-'W I 1-iVei'y publishing season br'ng-g, il : . top ., no b . stabli- lied l-U ofite,: and r. pf t .. I n .11:; already 1 1 ii 1 1 1.- a.ivan'-e. n id. and mark I .nit- I a 1 1 1 1 w , . ; a i ;i .t , - rist ic o i the s pri it--'. ill o' i ;i l :, a in I v ii ppi a ' pri. 1 1 1 -. thai it mark. ! a very !:: I 'ti. I :nl .an in lite case of some I "p1 1 a I i-'lis ind so se-eiir.-lv e. labl'she.l. II. (I. Wills gild .Maurice g.i'e i,- th. ir yo,'i; in I be aui .mm : : i I tic I e v.ii. 1 1 t i t - Vt-rv It v. t t say about il. A.'nold I.. mi.-ll ha s be n resting on hi-- .: a mi t 1 1 r 1 1 i ,-i v his :iti. ut ion t 1 d r: i 1 1 gi t i .. . i i on . I '. . ; i il i. i m p.a i . 1 i e in - co; 1 1 .1 'si as I lilb.-rl ' 'a una n a lei Ibi'pi !gie ho n fating ale-ad and ! odiii-ing vvo. 'g. yy io. ii from many points oi v h w Is ni i h.-r rem i r!-.a hie. l-iisl we aol:- tie f ' s 1 1 : o : i ..r ll;.- long ti.. .1 tracing the In ro from pi:; cradle to his grave silll holds. It is difficult to say v. Im be-;. in it. Tin re was I i. -Morgan, of course, hat be was more of a suivivai .-'ml ''ll g n.iclii-. ,n i am h:'ti a pioti. . r. lie bad gi iidu.i led in the school oi Ihckins and Thack eray, iiinl .b.iieph Vance was merely the late pcr minition of s. .-d sown in boyhood. T'.f 1 1 1 g : i v --!!" ,s a i . g, ..a ' : g app. ,l.i!;..a j '. 1 1 1 I 1 v, II :. clot I. eg. '.' : , : '. . r ., V 1 'tl 111 . ' 1 ; h I . . - - : ' 1 1 g , ! ; a ! ; g ; g. . 1 s : , ' i a ;' g . ;' I ! g i I . , 1 : I .1 -in 1 -.' I ..-':'. S g I '. -Ii'' a U a . ". ' the .-. 1 : 1 ; . 1 . 'g.g of .e. ! ii,--, 1: .-. r .''.nil -, . !":.n . , 1.. :,,,.!. : 11-.: bl .in' ':' v it:, t.qe .in- i like n. i i -. - . . -I p- ': h 1 :.' 1 1 - pi .-1 I .:.' - -ma' .-I .- ,v Sj,. ale ' '.i ' i :: ! i i I I I I I o 1 I 1 , 1 I 1 -1 1 a lie!' a 1 ! i b i 1 :. I .- a la I allow e i I j,. pro- ti. :!::. v. Iii h in er "rr, d 1 anle..i-, in his la. -j,! i,..-r.!!s. "Ir. i e- oiggii i - .- -I '-v Rest at Last By WALT MASON Kin". !' tii's ii who puts tin end to ail .mi- v i. n i ml. avor. th.- beastly grind is left behind r and io,.v.r. Ieath ends the pain, the si: '". ii." .-tia'ti. tin- "tasping and the giving; when h ad. ti i moi,. y,- worrv o'er tin- grievous cost of I:, iiug Th. d";nl lueii sle.-p while planets keep .. iaii. en h op its axis, they do not break their .g- ill to in iia- i-ll"i;; to pay their tilXeS. They do poi g. i a i i.'ir ih'ii and debt they have no hop,- of e.shing. ..r lend i h.-ir Ii a i f in black despair, or keep lb- Ir molar.-- gnashing. A man might write like t.-ii- i-:i iddit .and prove thiit death's ;1 .laisy, but ii w. im slink life's c it'e and Work are timid, cheap and iai.y. Tin- men who sigh and wish to die should ha --te and kick -. the bucket; if life's a fake that gg a tla ill .ache, Ihey slll'cly ought to cllUck it. '1 i e i, in who's sa ne does not complain when trui hi' logt I iiini gather; he bkes in show his grit and o h. g nips h. yy hole blamed slather. He lives his ii''-. 'Lie ' tin- strife, and wh.-ii it's time to travel. b. da - .. while m flossy sty,-, and sleeps In neath I he : i .. y . I. R I LEY AT HOME n i ml ;.i na p .) i: I.,y-.r. wiih a friend, motored 'I . n t" i Ii . . pi iehi. in.l . th.- birthplace ,of .lam.-s V. !.;(. l.'iley, the I lousier poet They had dinner lb.- ii leg and liioiighi they would like to see tin h"i. y. h. r., lived. So they asked the hotel man : "W'la'e I ' i he Kiley bolls.-?" "I 'i g, r know .any hotel by that name," he re 1'b' d; ;iio;i... il,, I-,, may be some such boarding hoiia. - I,,.. , " "I iis-.u the lames Whitcomb Riley house," said the ia y, , r. thinking bis host had misunderstood. "I don't know- him; you may be able to find his h.'lile iii the city directory." I -ui . .- b.e's moved." said the lawyer as he a mi le -sly ihiimbed the directory." I'lobiiblv." the hotel keeper commented. 'Some of them lush don't say long in a place." Saturday lw,'iiiii:r I 'ost. Things Do Not World Until Somebody Turns Them Up" l'lotii and dividend from any business is conditioned upon how well business lias been conducted. If you would turn up a profitable balance at the end of vour vear, vour best aid would be to operate voiir financial matters with the check account system of this bank. W'e will gladly lalk the matter over with you. The Phoenix National Bank Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent When you need real banking: service remember THE VALLEY BANK The fourteenth ronst'cutive iiar tel ly dividends just mailed ly Home Builders Did YOU receive ONE ? Thr best evidence that careful, conservative methods p.'iy. Home Builders om.'i's Cil-i-ciif .V il il'l'iii C.t. 127 North ( V-iih-.-il A v emu: When You Make Your Will Do It The Safe Way All such matters are attended to carefully and in the lest possible manner by the leual department of this modern trust company. Phoenix Title and Trust Co. 18 North First Ave. No Demand Liabilities BUSINESS HEAD ( ip. n the window, waiter. I am roasting." ,1 who h id just dined at a I'.n is cu: n.mei .-.m.-ioo. I'i st il lira 111 'Shut it up. waiter, I am frozen," protested i man who had just sat down. The waiter hesitated. The proprietor settled the dispute at once. '( Ibey the Cllst'trnier who lias not Vet dltled." he said. London Iiaily .Mail. FOND OF NOVELTIES HaiiKS I see your son has n"iie to work. Wangs Yes. Hangs Mow is he getting along? Wangs-oh. line. Anything in the way ( -l novelty always appeals to him. Host on Adv rtis.-r. Turn Up In This