Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT HE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MOIJXIXCi, AU(iUST 1 1, V.)V. For Sale Houses 1 For Rent Lands ma THE BEST 1 PRATT-QILBERT CO. WANT ADVERTISING ne Cent Don't vi.iit l'or 1 1 1' t om' in o out and meet it. I'.iin. it in. Do it throiiuli iic: Want Adv. columns of! Tin1 Arizona Ri'ulli-an, ('miu-r Second St. and Adams. I hone The Repuhlie.-m is the hi st advertising medium in Arizona. Auction: Tin: i ! p : a : a .: .. .. :. ;;i i . ) . : '. . - I a : r t . . i :, : -t W'a i - Till" AI'i'-lT' N'KK-:ii ll:is In rn si-liin:T frto.-i: :it aurtjon f..r twi.nty yfiir.c; a -. 1 talker, u jmlup of si. -i. k. am! kii'-ws his P-i ain-ss. lie wants pr 1 sulcs. St-i- lii in. 4 7 AV. J. ffi-rson Pliain- 1310 tf liAKCAIXS-U'.- Lave porno P' 1 i 1 1 i-. i : ns in r al --t:ite. (-- int is Po lo -. Pi t n- s'no'.v i '.. So.- Pattoii a- K i a f-r. 1 1 West A. lams St Parioii.niis lP-al Kstat.- ultico. T. AI. ; 1 U PALI-i -T w-.-n t y :ati-s. 1 , miies fl.'in M -a. ;;..o.l l ra me i.n:.e, plaee all ! ni.ii with v. ov.-n vv it... y 17.. p-r iele, l I Pril"'. S'-o Walker Ileapy Co, "17 A'. Wasliim;! 1 1 ! nil API.ow-.l! l,o-i- ,c I : PS .- a i -I. which is i,..'.v heins; veil, fine tcj atld PlIL'l- f. II, y t.-ims. Sid ", North !' I Mill: S X A 1 ' - n a " i : n . w it ; i , . .' 1. .:' !..t: iiia la o, i ii y ir.'; in . e a- -1 - r .. n faille ::'! a la i !-.-.. IP Ft Tti I a 1 1 . t ' n IP: i n i a - , . I " ': ' -i i ' ; 1 .-. ; i .. me I ;:iil'i. li. I -1 l e APS !', it,: st'M l"i. ,; pi . :;i...i. T.-i i: :: c.,.. Fi.-m io; I. X. I ', ! !! 1 1 j , . I K T ::! in Pl.,.-k 1 Kas Paiinas :i 1 .ti'.n term;. M . I". I Witt. ::n-i Ave. tf Pi" PA VI Xi ; HKNT .a ta I n i . o iii! i ii m w r. . ' ( a h ' pehhle !, mod.-: n Pan . in P,--t lo.-.u ion. 'in. 'Pa,!.- i ml s , i e a . 1 1 1- s in; PalniH-i T ''. oi tiioiith in. Pniiti interest, 'iili i A! S.i i X - AP i 'A X I Kl SS CO, 1 i I'-.t Sl I1IIS .". I Tel. loin tfj 4s H T?T!nTTf!T! ONF. -A. .4- -A- -a- 9 A linv i hiundrv coupon I hook lor c'ish and iet ."i woidi of laundry for .r' 1.7-"). 1-A'c ry little hit helps. j y McMURTRY BEST EVER Foot-Lift PLOW LVER PLOW . .1 in "Pest ; . , 1 1 ; i 1 . . II; ill ; .: 1 in- t'. .. a !. . ,1 .m- . it' t w . 11 I Ail" i . in . : !!. Tin- ' 1 ' .it! :iiiv t !.! I 1 : : , ..1 id.- ; 1 .1 ! ' 1 a w 1 i 1 " I -a i . . r ; 1 .- -., th a or For Sale Real Estate PAHO.XIXS In re-Pf tiiieB. Uma.-h mid Liisini's3 pruif-rty, iniprovtMl or a n i m proved. llousvs lu rent. W. K. JAM RS, 27 N. Center St. tf e, ivt I.AX'D und ilifi.-nlt if-J. ami lit. nt ri. s; iiat. nte.l wiili P. .ti.-i fiile ! s. fit. $?. mi i. ..r :i-r.'. M.-:il lainis '.isi .,! P. ntv of war.-r for irrigation, nlats i 9 r rfc i W jl mi in S-'l.iMi. K. u. C. ili. key, uun 'i iM-ii;-; .r ami J-.- ylin.l.-r lmliati m.,-l-i.-miii P.I.ltr. tf j or Mi.-. P. i lix.-. -t,k. Apply at - -- . itiii- ' P .oilma ti - APi phv llav Co, ! TKN YKAKS TIM F". SO titrc ranon, XVi . , 1 . ra-ar i i ienila le, A water, fine soi!. 7 (I al- j ". . . . .. . .. ' f.P.f.-i.! oieiiiii-.l, fin.- improvements I WHY i'PdK TIIKSF. AVAIiM PAYS iip-al for dairy, la per cen: down, bal- i-'irst Avi-. an.l ,!!" f.-rs. n lPirPi-i-ne :iii..a pi-.i' rent, l'.ox 47''.' Itei.ul.lie.'in. s-taml, li.-is i-hoi. meats :iiw.p s. I'lione tf , ; i 'XT. IIPXI )in:i) f'H 'I''!: I.i iTS In j i.Xorih Past, part of the it.., r at ri. t . -. 1 ' lii.-'ti.-t. at i-iii-.-s i-iin'inu' all the way fr.-ui i". a. i t' r.'in oi. They are Par tsans. I'l-me in am! lit i;s show ..!. Tl.- Ar iona Invesftneiit Ac I-iiml i 'o. X. Kst Ave. tf i'IIP'KKN' )PX''H on,. ;-r,. just mtsjile the eit lunit--, n-oely I. I. -at,-. 1 ..r i l.ii kiii ruie-ii or pai r I -1 1 i 1 1 . kh.hI o;!. ear. P.- I'linli- .-a-l f -s'i .jiot t i nr' : ri--,. only $.'....'.. ca-h. Pa!anee J 10 Si e ns exviusi-.y for this. Jl. '. THOMAS 11. i: A- I XV. CO, i.i V. Adams ST. t. HIV A TOxl-tr, LOT IN KKNIK- J U'OIITH. WAI.KIXr; I1ISTANCE. soi'TinvKSTKiiN' Hnr.niNo & in- Vi:STMMNT CO. 17 WEST ADAMS STREET. tf 1't'Ii SAKE r.-t... .hi modern frame; 'iioase, .'", "i. (Pr.., an ri:. p. -1 .i.i e ' ,;.,sli, :pj:,n. 1 int. .",'xlpi. e-t Adams j 1 ,t 7,11X1 ',11. West Jeff.-I S. Ul St. iPmii. 1 l,,t 7.",1 Pi We-! .leffei.a.n St. ; IP-alty Co.. It Ea.-t Adams St. XS t iiliXMi; I.i .T IN KEN I KV P.TH iSoFTll l-Ki.T, PIC 1 '.A PC, A IX. j SI :i7 JM NST .N, 1 17 V. A DA. MS. tf i i 'i : sai.i. , , .. i Si v p a . , 1 n : 'i-l -. ! . i T, - nth a v. lo . -a si i . I i-i la I , . - t '.'a t . -h Pin i. - n i V Oi,. -,- II. PL ' li !a- l ie. ( l.i.l, J.a a. I. a ! .-.ll Pa,-- 1 a u: . . in. ., ! ; n. on in. ii '."" e "". i-l .a" l-;t; si- in Ii i.i i., ! m- '.-rn. . i (a. .. in, 1 1 1 1 i , . . t : : ; 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 on . or month; 1- i . i m I -i lii.-i . mod. : n. ilea r Fi e Point,-. ?' 1 ' . 1 "at e i-h. Pa!.-, lie- ? I ; -n i.e- m.,ni!i: a,.. l-r. iioiise I . ; I a l , 1 a e . f 1 11 n is! i.i 1. I 7 e ' ' 1 ' ' . i en . . a h. Pa 1. 1 r e .pa . a. i oor month. Al II. Sh.-it-. n. .:K, , t W'a.hiimtoii (f I P'ip SAKE I i i ! i n i p 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 e n t Pi ..r R0 J in r.-s. pumping prop. :ot ion. ipi ft. liit. in..m-- ta Pe used on adjoining land, i 4 "",i; 1 P pii i .I ic.a n. l.n Foil SAKE Pelimptishment on P10 I acres. $ir,iui improvements, water in""'' four months. other seventeen a bti hcan. Sacrifice. p,x CO nepub- br I'op SAKE Very nicest building lot in Phoenix for one who wants somc thimr. out of the ordinary. 2ti0x'l!o0 fin,, tropical shade and fruit trees, chicken yards, house, small Put adaptable and v.-ry exclusive nei.ic.hbni haad. l'.ox -1 7. 7,7 IP-publican br Foli SAI.II -hup Pefole y.,n Pny .see (Pilpin A- Hart about Grand Yi.-v addition. Ik! Xofth I-'irst :ivo tf For Sale Houses urn CITY'S P.EST On a choice I corner lot. this side of our Capitol bldir.. ' is a six-room modern brick house that must be sold to someone; it is practi cally new and is up to date, but de parture from city forces it at $1T,t); pleasure to show this. Xunnelev, Foard of Trade Did; Erdman's office For appointment, phone C,2. bl For SAFE "Mil, 1 . . 1 1 1 1 I . t ! mod- in 1 'tti tg. , garden .v.i-.-i,i!ly arranged f,,r fam-v chi.k.n raising, fruit and j ! 1. ! 1 1( t l i t s, F7 it: '. 11 :i 1 1 -s u;ill; f r m I '. . jjuiiii, .v'H'O ll, l.iiliiini' iil;i- ri-iit. Wi it.- p. ( . ; 4 f it v . lip 1 HAVE F.F1ET many homos in Pllot-IliX illnl .'ill hilVo ln'-Il Sold be fore i 1 1 1 1 p'i t ( I. till.-; is inn' reason why j.nll Silo III, I Sic Illl' about ViillfS. C. II. j J. ill lis. ill Puihlillg 'nil! i;t- tor. Phono j 1 tf FOR SA1.K -New modern bu ngabnv ; very -iiiiipl -to with lo or Ho acres f I improved land. Fine country home. I 'i rv , heap. Phoenix Trust Company, It; West Adams St. tf 1 'i IK SA I .11 "In :ip. for cash. :i Fl 1 1 ii ii ri - s iili in i with two 1 1 ii li t s it ml 1 1 nc Path; -hi;. iti-. I ..n pin-loot I ri .nt ,i go I iv 1 ,il .i! j. i i :i I.. I. i 1 1 1 1 ili k "I S . o. I I' I i III : ..i I i- l II. A 1 il l- S. Si .unit. l:: Si-n.inl St., S.uit.i Mi.n -i :i . '. i P ' ' l 1 1 j I . Pill For Sale Miscellaneous pi ! : S A PI i. t n- l!-w iii. .ii.1. -.' I I . i -i ! . ! -. :i 1 1 tii-W ; ! i i llii h l- P .1 n . !.-. A f il.v Pi .. .1 t h l"i I si "i:T ill :i: s .... I I . r I . i-S nil l;.-W illl.! l.-'l-.i In .!!-' I li I'll i - I I , II US, St"'.i-S. . I . . . : I W:ish ; !iu t. .ii st . !Ps A I ' I I "ST. ri:nt Tls Muiitli. I',. us l'..-:ms ( ';t Pliai'i- St til A'iii.-t .-.ri-i.ts ('..wi-.-iis i;.-ts P.. tiit. .is f-lt-r- S--il I'auli! li.'A i-r I..-ttin t' Cucutiilji-i's K;i.;i!ypti:s. aijizi na si:nrj company 137 X. I'inti'i.l Aviiuh-, I'liiit-nix, Ariz Pull S A .V. - I'm.! Piill. Soft ilriiik und ci-rar oniiiti-r at 1 a-tn la If. IP-c.-ipts j.,im ?:,iia,iiii to Js.iii int p.-r montli. pr-ipi .-- it ion, will sarrifii. o J.'uii.imi to si-i!. ; 1 i-.-a--.,ns for F'Pir.K AiPir. - s P. u. l'.ox ( a.-mlali! i.r Hhtiiiaie Piion L'.'l J. M. Iloti hkiss. tf po:; SAI.I-. S. .ii.' s.-i -om; -1 -i ri. t I t:otoi r: i 'P. -" i i: at p S t. .,, ' ! ( '.. . 1 X. ''.-nt-a! A . tf 1 X . ' '.-nt -a 1 A . Pr ,. n.-.v :Al.i ii ; isiit.- p " il -.. Pat n.-s-Pi-pn!)!:- 11 P. i! ; s lit : li it iin.i. A.! !t . - C.v .p-,:,j pt-i .i i !j! , ,mi. tf i l''"'i '-M fi or trail.- Pi li. 1 lil-f'.i. S.ii-.s yuii time ami money. 8-br PIP('HPS ppm,.. to ?, at the ranelv. Hall Prop. tf run SAT.r-P Hi0 shares Itepuhlic Trust Co.. of Phoenix at $10.7.0 .share paviipr s per rent dividends, hook value over JlL' on, total arrets over one ami a half million. Address Post office Box PX.?.. Phoenix. tf KM AS uN Fruits Tor earning ami tomatoes, all kinds of product". Lowest priees in town. Phoenix Fruit & Pro line,? Co., Ill V. Jefferson St. Phone 14 0. tf I' )U SAI.M -Hots,., harness and 1,1; - "!'' intr wai'on at l'at's Corral J ! M A T ' 1 1 Ft 1 1 il S CALF A1MAK P'O pounds make fm piiiuns perfect milk .-ill -st i 1 1 1 1 e, p'uii r a n t e.l Py SturKes Hay Ac Orain Co., KT. M. Jefferson St. tf Fop SAKE Thompson p Hess 'a ra s, i' if--. ,r joitnd on vim-s. I i .1 it Iluna-r, 41C-'. hi j I'oii SAKE New Hudson ?,7 auto- iiioPile; latest model, electric lights and '.'-tarter, $ir.o(ni cash. M. T. Nelson. p; V. Adams St. tf TENTS. AW X1NCS Hay rovers roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, sleeping porch curtain-j, anything In canvas'-t. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. 1?0 E. Monroe, hoth phones 411. tf For Sale Live Stock I'op SAKE one six year old paclnur mare hy hfliiiiil D. Address P. ). Ilnx (; or phone Clendiilu 201, J M. Hotchkiss. tf EUIi KENT OK SAKE or service; 75 I'erserlno buckp or less. Address I'liftM-riiy Kealty Co. Mepa Arl7.. tf Toppy liriiiiif; fielding; stamlard Pri.l; LCooil - peed and action; can n-e on sniriy; dri'.e; also ; Pi irtr;y .and harm-r-s. Address Pox I .".'..". Pa-publican. If P.KOOD MAKE; steady worker: bred to best jack in valley; also two mule coit.s from above mare and jack. months. Address Pox 4.,:,:i, Repub lican, (f For Sale Eggs and Poultry BUY YOUR FEED 1 SEED From St'.rges Hay and Grain Co. 127. .East Jefferson St. Prompt Delivery. l'hone 1067. tf FOP, SAKE P.arred rock hens and pullets at 744 E. Poll; St. bk PorirnY Alive or dressed to or der, ready for tin- oven; guaranteed fresh crks, one day old; we deliver to all Phoenix. phone 10U3. Poultry Iheeders' SuppPv House. tf H l' R SA I .1 : N.i. ; Rotary N'i-ii- S ! -. !i i itii. ! ti- ! as I ! .'. 3 i'..:! -:;hi.i.; ... !,l s. II :-". 1 1 . 1 1 1 N J ' ! . i l- 1 1 - -1 1 I '. i , i '. 1 1 m -; Pin ' PI.".. Inn ll APT. i i'lii: S I I'i' i - i..i--.-iiL-ir i 1 " i i . . ::... i ; n I: i 1 :g i.i.l, 1 '! ,. .n. i 3 aimasfred i:v tiii; yard TirK V A 1 .1 T 1 ! E ft 1 1 .! ) I X 1 ; !.ew i,!sii.i;s r earai axd ti'liv pip pei:t v i:r.' aiihpt p INi'llliS T Till-: VAIIO. . i . s ii. ,i i- i , . .i ;.i . i-is.- t . i . 1 1 . i -1 s t 1 1 :-1 i : i . I i . I . t i i - i.i .1 i 1 1 1 - . .1 1 li. riinnii .ii 1 ii .i . l is n, in ! 1 1: i I. 1 ,i . 1 ail, pi-' !..!!. iill iili. I .'..iiiiil; ..illi'r.l Mnaii I i ' ' i I -. a Ii' I P.i III ii.-' I:i- ". ii.-. I A li.iii4.iin. l'riii- s-'l-". I'i .'' .H ii-. .piT.'i llilllill. s. a iiomk iili: riii: aiost pas TI I 'P l S I : .-nil il'ul ' 1 ... ii l i .-.!.- l' . i I y limits lim li-Jtin t i; i. l.ii. i. li .1 ! t P. in ,. iii , 1 y 1 1 . i .1 1 1 -1 1 1 i i-l I.i ! I i : I ii. i. P. i li 1 1 .- ,' i in i 1 1 .'ii.l i i s :i iii-. .. I'li. .- liuiiii i;.i'H-s Sii- Mr. :i;:ii.y. : i'ozv :. i:n'.M I :i .' p l .i . . '' in. nt P...-. in. nt . ..ini-i int 11" 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 J . i t i i . 1 1 1 - n i . . i . i 1 1 i i in. tit siilrwiilks all ai . hp! I'i i..- : !"."ii T. iiiis i t i i-1 a-.-,..iii. i 1 1 ii.i.i x ;su i.itTi i h as a.x i ' i i a x i ; i : ll" il..s .1 i.i..-. . I .t t.l L-i- h. .m. w a a i i s J""" .Par of .ill i m i n i -Plan..-- '.'.lli! to i- . 1 1. 1 n ; . I'm 1 ' ' :-. li- I t li :i in I .-.ill 1 1. 1 ;. I I a i p ! !.i. la i - 1 - i .1 . , ,. i t . W'ii.ii lias. .- ..ii. S. ,- Air 1 lolliim - -v. ..! t h. .. i i :si ip i :i.i -: i i: r i : i: t v t l.KA.-'K '- P.i '. p I i -1 1 1 It ' i ..S 111 .'.I'I li a i for 1 1 riii of y.-ii i ... 1 1 ; I.. !;" --iiital.l.- f.. a l i j i . . i : . ii p a !! in' lit iloll-a:'. 'aiiiaP!i- i ! . ' i !!.. I t . S. - 1 P -1 1 1 n;;:- oft h A X Y I 1 1 iV I : it i .it-. or- i . . ; ii 1 1'. a . j .. : t that - oil want V' .1 ' : a- ,i .in in.t . i i - AKIZ.i'XA SI : ' P U1TI 1 :s AX'O IX i:si aii:xt oi.mi'a.w, in. . P'7 X. 'i-ii t .-! St i .- t . I'll.. i ni. Arizona 1.1 For Sale or Exchange To KX( 'H AX'i ', 1-X lA.r pin.. -nix i-ily property, -Pi urn s, 1 mile north of Jl. si i'it P. ink. A' i. .n $."mn. title vl.-ar. A. K. Jpifi, Arlington, Ari.-nfi. iili Mil I TIM I.I.' - . . - . , ,.-....,- C ....... i . : i 1 1 I -.-! ii-nic, v.. .riii j.;. .mi, (nar, ior or p. a. r.-s. j It pays t- s.-o XanneP-.v, P.oard of Trad.- Pldii;. Dick Kriiuinns oltic.-. I'lioin- i;.".J. l'mu .-;-. ha i; - ot t . i s f . '! . a i. PI For Rent Houses l' !: KKNT T.vo late.- front ! '"or- two m-ii t I.i i i.-n. a eli. 7' ! Fa st A da ms. Pm "jIOFSMS run I:I:NT Kinney- '& Ti.rift. I". Adams. tf I"iili liEXT 3-rnntn cottage with Pi'1'i-i.ii sleeping jion ii, with i.r without l'. acres of land. Inquire Southwest cortn-r Ushorn road and Indian School car line. tf 1'FHXISH Ml) and unfurnished houses for si nt. See p. ion ahout it. lii E. Adams. tf Ft Ii P. EXT New Prick Puntpilow. ;"., S. L'lid St, $1". On. Keys at C. 1 . Pk DESJIIAPKE -Screen house, Huit:ih!e for ..tie or two nun, iiiki.I io.-ation for v. oi kiiiL; men. Jmpairi- !' North 12nd Avenue. l.k For Rent I urnifhed Houses ' iThTeTxToT tyTTy i'lfJLh?iut, modern c n en ietu es. sl.-.-pin porch by week or month. 71i) l-kist Portland. 0-1. s MAKSH FKATS- Fnrnish.-d. no sick and n,i . ti taken. ::t7 X". 4th Ave. ft -1 1 Frr.NISHED HOC SI-: .".-roam brick north side, close in, rent reasonable. Se J. p. Heynti l'calty Co, IS Vv". Adiims. tf I'll: N I S I I E I Apartment. :; looms sarei-n porch, hath. t;.is. electric li.u'nts ..lie block- from car 7ol X. 11th St. EAST SIDE of double house, furn ished, -with screen sleepim?; room, close to car line, plenty of shade. KU7 East Adams. Phone owner S0SI. tf For Rent Furnished Rooms DESIPAPKE room with bath and : leepini? porch. i'.Ol North Fiist. ave P! TWO NICIIKYI'FnXISHED rooms suitable for two gentlemen; very cool. 1.7 E. Polk St. bp KAPGE Wt II furnished room, in private family on car line with bath, f.r one or two Kentlem.ii, call after ;:?. at Ul'J N. 1st St. bm IMP RENT Nicely furnished room, adjoiniiiL?; bath with or without board, rent, reasonable. r."7 East Monroe. "VA S 1 1 1 X( I T( X HOT Mb- c2S No. 1st street, new, modern, no sick taken, tf TI I E I VOX "First clasaT ciiolest morns in city, summer rates. Corner 6 Ave. and McKinley. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, walking distance. Call 519 N. 3rd St. tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms THREE neatly-furiiis!ieil rooms; reasonable. l.'ll East Washington st. bm FOR RENT Furnished bedroom and housekeeping rooms. 117, North First st. bn IloFSEKEEPING f.r single room. P,70 X. r.rd Ave. bl rop RENT Housekeeping apart ment. Sepaiate front entrance, bath with hot and cold water. Close in. X. 1 Ave. tt 1 'i iK i;i:XT Pi m il- rain h, j p.. a.-. :, :n las s t ia ! -I iii s. J 1 'Si .. tii of i ... : I otl loUll.l Ilo'.Y, lit ti'.illl.. or P. try. Also tin it. rainii, .-a,-,!l tr.iisc iili. I w. -11, a li. I !'iv- a.t.- taii-i., four room'. wall iiial Pain, . i i. ir lov. :;. S. .1 W P.:. . -k, I m ; ! . ;- . . 1 1 ; i . iii.-..i.- .!.- . :::!). l.m Wanted Situations Male i :. pi :i:ii-:x- t:i p: tin. .- ; l i . n on I 1 1 1 A , 1 1 1 1 1 .' 1 1 j .a t ; i i ; i a r A i i i i s s ; '7 :i man. 1 1 -. t -rtii i ' ; i r 1 n Pm i:xi'i:i:n:x'f n a i i " 1; W'iillls ( hi:-a t ii .11. J'hoiii- lii.lj . .) ;i. i.i 1. . 11. .J. 1 -i h IP ut. J. l,k Wanted Situations Female .lAl'AXPSi: 'l.l'i: - AP.: t r. iiiihli; api-n.-y lot iiny In lp. 17sk-i iu"ks iin.i wait. rs. zir s. Ave. I'li.iiio tf Wanted Miscellaneous A Ti:i. in-: Hi . :: p. 1 i.-ln . .' .--. a i s '-. 1 ' A XT i .i ' T'i i ,a !,..,i.--e-- lor nn: i- . " ii !,. - ,- . -- ... iih ,; ll.nt. ''; X . a ; h i ', r t " XT! I i AP.t.a a i , , a . i i a i . . i i . i ; P. tla T. PI ,ud I..--1 u A I a I al, WAXTED Tu poPKoW .?.",n on 1 1 a I late, no . on 1 1 1 1 i s i i .ti F . K. i i i -'.r. I :; . T W. Fiiiuioie St. b! POAPDFPS A'AX'J i:D At. ipo X. j ."it!i A'.','. bk IF VoF HAVE CHICKENS ,,, o,.;l P ...lie 7- 7'a We pav cash tr PH'.Ni: 17:;7-For :ill kinds f-f bar-be.-iie.J llleiits. l-'r-e'.eiv. Also serv ed in lunch room at -K'', East J. f - fel.o.,11 St. eniKPPEN CAP Ml Fop. week or month, phone S1SP S-iltn I av, S-br P. H. AVIKKIA AISUN- Piiintin;:. old anil r, air w,.rk ti sjecialty. I'hoiie 7:;o. u'i x. sr. tf MuNllV WANT!"!) Wanted $L'.oui) on J.;.. acre ranch. Ilill ,V- Cl.ifiin. 'en ter St., cor. Washington. (Down stairs tf tJO 1 1 EAV A RD for the arreflt mnd conviction of anyone stealing tho Ari zona Kcpublican from the front yard of any of our subscribers. Til E ARIZONA RKl'l'HIJCAN. ti lioFCH I 1 1 1 V K A F X DP A" ac p"d. AH hand w..rk Call.-d f..r and d.-iiver.-.l. !il.', W. Fueh. Phone S'.,"l. i'-b HUKSFS A X I ) WHS of aH kinds, bought and sold. S.-e Fields and Mor rison care "UK" Corral at rivo Points. WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE EA ST El IN AND CA K"i i". - i ; X i A peo ple have sent me mi-m-y to invest. If you want P. sell submit to me any pro position you have. As this nion.-y must be invested in property h'le. J. W. Sim ey. J i-.t X". 1st Ave. tf WANTED T.v.. 1 tde'S ill ptlV.Pl .k in::; I e: i smi -Adams Sl. t! 1 art ii!y able I i horn.- -: i;i4 Wanted Help Male WA NT El i First 'la-.: p.,t i,.r. p. w oil; Sa t a id;. - and Son.!. iv, 1 ; .-i-l.isl W.c I. inset. .?i t . bin Tll'iki F;iIKY Ci iM PETIIXT Pookkeip.;- and st . i..y i a p!n r of ea i a experience. ip-:it''S ;t f,..v suiii! sets of nooks. P...-; 4,".7' R.-publi. an. bi WAXTED', man !,,r assistant in olli.a. M us? P.- st . iio.i; i a ph. r. Asic for W. J. l.'i! W. Adam--. bl WANTED - Yonnic ..n taii.-h. P.t'm.aneiit position. P..x 17, R. F. D. I Temp.. 1.1 FIRST CEASS.M MAT t ' FTT I II ill ml all aiouml butcher, -a 1 opportunity for rioit man. Wiite pox 4 Winlol man, Arizona. Pm W IIITI-I W' ".MAX to cook and d, !r his'. w I't'k for fa m i I v Pe fil.t e!-liS. See IP- D'.'.ialil P. H.-ard'- ..if,, t . r and Adams St . : t a , . : must E Killey iit coim r C. n -bl Al IDDKI-I-A" il-ili woman; mut be colllp. tent llollSekel per. 0 1J N 1 t ! 1 Second a vi . bm AVANTMD Family cook and Kcncral la uiseh.)!,! help f..r small family in Je rome; in. washing; faro paid; apply mornings to ::i;.", North 1st Ave. tf Money to Loan tkexty or money to loan. RANCH OR CITY 5 YEARS OR LESS. south western uriKDiNO & in vestment CO. 17 West Adiims Street, Insurance. Loans. Real Estate. tf MONEY TO LOAN On good im proved real estate at lowest rates. E. E. I 'ascot.. 110 North Center street, tf punnuw money $n t.. $100 .m your salary, furniture, pianos, etc. confidential; nothing removed. Mut ual Koan Co., Lewi's I'ldg., Central and Adams. Phone KIOO. tf Hire a little Salesman at The R. publican office. A Want Ad will ;i mote customers than .von can. 1 1 p ; 1 1 i :st p i : p 'i-:s i a .! i Pa in.- : . ! a i : 1 1 . i i.. i - !.... .- Till I a -i. A- .Pa lain.. I I a 1 1 Ken. n. i:.. 1"!. I ' i i . i . i 1 North Central Avenue Property For Sale A . l-! lilii.l i. .III. I .11 X'.a'ta ('!!''.: P.i J- : : I ! I oil I a -a- . ! I I' II' iv. : 1 .1. n . i i. 1 : . t ! . -1 I .. : : I a : a ; l : r t Pi v .-oi tn-r mi : I . p. i j A. - ll V. ill talk Pi i i ' IP;, I.i . . E. J. BENNITT & CO. Phone Lost and Found T-.,. s ' P- "T -, . i . 1 1 .'1: ; ..i.i ; n 1 1 .a ii I 'i ap -I'll . ' 1 . 1 i Ii t T mi. A a I 1. . r o . n. t P iST i . no o i h K' iST, STKA Vi-ili o; S'l'.il.liX -j Two lows; .-in- I i:ih:. in an.! m- .P I' ll. -y; iP In .m. .J. Pr. i.k M arr, l;..ut.' 1. pi l 'i . ; i piic !i P.- had at c,ii '.ayiii.: 'or lap..-:' I.i iS I - Ail-'.lie i:ni 1 iii.l' i ,ml trill, i IP .'.aid. 1 .-I.. : i : ;. I 'i i P X D A a I , , i , Main', . a at p: , i ,i i. -a n I i .. m .an i , a .- !i.. pa -. i n : tor t i : is ad. j I . I.--T 1 Pi a a a a ' - .mo o , a ii. ... ital.f J.i.iis P. k's A i , t , a i le I i . . ; . , , i i, a' AlaMin Mo Shop, Fee p.,, I Business Chances ' c. nt t J'.KST k'MiMlN'i; HOFSE pi,,;,o-i tion in Phoenix. See owner, i,r, West Adorns St. S-';.i EST A I : PISH El ia :.n. Ad'il. P...X -F IP Personals N i iTIi ' 1 1 is la t-.-by ;p n thai li-.t P. ! p. .n i i . i- i .f any iii-:.: 1 1 a. : e, I , iioiv. is.: than hy m ;' i-:. puff. 1 v. ;:i i " n - if. A. bp Special Notices PAT1P 'XIX a- ! I '. 1 S iS lie oo ttl.le: A'i .-it th; . . it.-r I 1 i . m p. ..,--t : . X". s;., ! I .m-:..'o-t 17 I'i. i - ! 1 o , 1 . . :' ... , V i ,111 CAS A CKANDil l'.-r r tai rd in;?; tills ra p. id 'y riP.rmii'. i..n y i-r.iwin- pro gressive So, :i..n of a.Pir. ss IP:!!, tin PuPIi. ity 'o , Cnsa pratide. Ariz. tf SToRl-I Your houseliold goods, fur- niture, automobiles, etc., in our n.nv coiicrete lire .to,u w:irem,use ;or ine siimnier. I.Ic.lit ninic: Delivery Co. Phonas .-.04: 17MV V" J p. REWARD for tile arrest, and ; ..'ir- i. t i '?i :' in-.otie st -.'ili ii A Tin- i Ari.oni P.-;. ,i P i i.-a n : ?..m the f , yard- of any of .mr subs. -fibers. Tllil ' ARIXoNA TiMPFPKH'AN. tf! llklii "T R I( ' CARPET C KE A X I X( I A''RKS - Now pr, pared t" cleiin your carpets. Delivery, Phone 7;;:1 Works 6 IS So. Center. Stables and Corrals i GOOD liuRSES AND RIGS For hire and for sale at Corral prices., C.immwial Corral. E. A. Stnrr & J Co , Props. Phone 170S. tf i Soecial Notices INDIAN SNAKE DA NC 17 Kca ve I Flagstaff August eiuh t e.-n 1 h. J'.at.s j are si doll. n s a day pi r person, in- j luding board and all expenses except ; bedding. S. v en days for round iri. Write ot- w ire. D. S. HiPben. Flagsta f !'. i A r i.oiii? bk Jl.L'r. PER WuP.D inserts classi-; fie.l Ails in thirty-six leading papers ' in Fnited States-; send for list. The! Duke .Vi vert iing Agency, 4'7 South Main St., I.os Angeles, or 12 Ge.ary st . j San I'rancisco. C;il. tf ' "PIIoNE f X. A Morfoid, real es- j tilte is io:m. tf F di SAKE - 1" mi Pandi. ! .. in , y i iik ! e" .i pr. .fit I .-r m. ..a ! i ' i . . t i No. '!".': Pk j i i t Ml SA P' i Tr..- P.-io.-mx !.: .-- W:l. ' Em; ..: -a. nt A;:, n, . No :.7 S i ' ! Am-. I" ... m 7"J o , I ;i v. r 1 -' -. ia. !1 ly V. n T' in-, S- i l e h..e m i. Kin.- P. .em'.. : 3 'y "to in A-P'on.i v...i i i 1 a , : : i v. p. ., Pa X .. .' P a - ' h t X Im.ik a, .: a, , , . - ..,.:;. !',..: . c .iila; Met,,- .-h-..--- and Pf; a- ": i.c ted. iii- 'ii. T'..;;:;.' y.M's a j Mi?:; i c. E. MAD! .V C. C. ..: "ti'.i.Xol !.), rn-; V 1",.,-. ,,i s,;a.i s !:. - ty tia- on;,,,, ; i ,",,.?. ,t'j V. tA P- .'.'. I IKK. IC IP . S ! 1 . :a " i i p. r- t: t a c . .,; u . , ; . : !'' and 1 a i . a i. ' i !: i irin E NO. 1 CAPITAL ADDITION SNAP w t i tunity to secure fine mod. ft nt la street. Price SL'.'. o". T.t ins X'.',a o ,w :i NO. 2 CHOICE CORNER. Cl..s- to Fi , r,;ip .,u the Gi loo feet frontage $toi..i. Terms gi 1. NO. 3 FINE Gth AVE. HOME bargain oil the market . IT'S A III .MM. ?.7.nii down NO. 4 TWO BIG LOTS and t school. .fiK'nii. Very easy GREENE & GRIFFIN, 16 IS N. Center Street Auto Livery. : 1 ! .' -1 1 1 ,v HATTIHr 1 I ATS :i..".' v.. i'i 'i ! I ' iiia I Pis lit- . I r J. t x. i : typ t'.vr: ITERS !:i.hl' , I '. 'St ,' Professional and Business Cardc p p :i pr TV FIST I til! X A . v ;, : , r : : ..1" N ',!, .. -rs A . . i ' '. P :. :--!. in a! 'i P.- p. .'. .an! A.i v.a.i -.-1 1 a n 'oi ch!hopode;t .11..' . 1 . e.i 1 ' LPl East Adims i!;. NK SillP.KEV j P 17' '4 Lc-ige Notices pi!. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 1' STl'i:i.!X 1 A- WillTNEV -Fn .!. it. '.. r. a nd Kribalm. i -'. .. I I W.- t W.--- hlnctP.n s . i'i:.'. niv. A-. -na. ti Aii EX. PklSi'ol.k A MAPs. 1 u '"a Kn-b-o'i ,-rs j. i - - ii . PLANS SCHOOLTOE SUFFRAGE .WORKERS 1 4 ft- S fa fc t?lx-z& il i Mrs. Carrie Chapman Calt i a e is '!'!' j oil W. :-t A ::7. p. r m.-nt -only p:,... Th IPr - .. is I i.rii. I i . o : i n -1 Ilis f n.- s h. ! will bm- it. fine m v, me . lose P lirms on tins. II Pol 127 North Central Avenue U fi i:ni i.od. a. s... ", !.";. - , i . o'a.-r ... yMl?Ffl !...'... M. -.-lines eve-. UU'lMr Wpv. ! o. o. F XA Vi '-rata. i