Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORXIXG, AUGUST 21, 1913 WILBUR REALTY CO. Everything in Real Estate Mesa The Gem City Arizona M. Ellingson & Sons Dealers in Hay and Grain, Seed Grain, Seed Oats, Feed Oats, Rolled Bailey, Alfalfa Seed,. Grain Bags, etc. TEMPE Prescription work la a specialty with ua that place our store A class. EVERYBODY'S DRUG STORE Mesa, Arizona YOU SHOULD Call and see the Racycle, the beat wheel made. I carry a larp:e line of Racycles, Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies. Repairing quickly done. risvvo THE BICYCLE MAN 25-27 East Adam THE RACYCLE STORE Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. TOM'S FRENCH KITCHEN The best the market affords. 11 West Washington St. Conboy Drug Company Everything in Drugs Corner Adams and First Streets JOSEPH T. TROTTER Qeieral Brokerage and Commission Hay. Grain, Live Btock Pronipt and efficient attention given to all commissions Overland Phone 115 114 North First Ave.. Phoenix. TOM & SING'S AMERICAN KITCHEN Regular Meals, 35 Cents. Short Orders All Night. 26 North Center St.. Phoenix ENGLISH KITCHEN RESTAURANT SHORT 0RDEE3 Optn Day and Nig&a LEE FAT, Prop. We make the kind It pmy te feuy. N, PORTER SADDLE AND HAR. NEIS COMPANY. The only Market In phoenix re ceiving f iah fresh daily. California Fish and Oyster Market 119 N. First Ave. Overland 1109 38353 WHEN YOU HAVE ANY DONE, SEE THAT THIS COUNCILb .1 i ti la en It, or that It Is int by j on of the firms .below, who are entitled to use It I ARIZONA REPUBLICAN ARIZONA DEMOCRAT ARIZONA GAZETTE ARIZONA STATE PRESS MESA FREE PRESS R. A. WATKINS THE QUALITY PRESS (Signed) Label Committee)" Garden City Restaurant New Location 21-23 East Adams St. HARNESS MESA i Mr. Gibbons at Kverybody's Drug store will care for subscriptions1. advertising, and news of the j Mesa department. Phone 291 and j I 22 P.. I RE LAND OPENED UP FOB IRRIGATION sine,- ; in- .pen i ii !''. Iain t I ) -1" has In ii" tin- .-'ilt Kivci- !! i.i' ii st'Vt-l t in. olf in S IlVU'll iir in o I .! in t- :i- ;!; new ' rvi.L;: 1 1 : 1111 ! 1-. 'US ii i:iiine;le.! 1V .1. V. Ua'a..! am. II. 1.. (Mi. mill.-!- ;in! ..i.ii. T!i.-v-Ill lem.-n .il l- pi'tim-t in -V ;i sala-nia t. i.l te .ibollt tH'clV" t 'a -i " .'-a 11 1 acre i.l la l Ml :;c ill t i' -a si "f 1 ' h a in 1 ; r. This lain! sen.. ; ilie !';est in t h- valley and is especially ada.t-d l. I Mia I .; ! ! 1 tt I 1 !1 Hi' Hull. illeli le' and trail, as it is a sandy 1 n ' ' nth and I'ertiii-y II lies jn-t n;n ..'' the il'i ii.yi 1 .-.eti-n of the val!ea and innnul lie nM.-iinl !v ; anal I rem the -cvr't dam ti -m any nthrr sm.ric ;u juvat cxp.-iisc. It is ptepesed hy ilie ;:' iiieiers tn install pumping ;.laats nf !al ffe caiiaeitx'. niakinu :ieii p'anl ' unit and tile land watered l.y it to be a unit, and in n way i, neat ei I with the .iliier plants unless by special ay i', emeiit. The land ladders of eaeh '. ill "V.'n and eontr..! the plan! I", .r that unii. When iinisind an1 t lil'lied :V. 1' I'l 1' land hidde! eatal j anil will oe I 1 1 a '' i 1 1 1 i . I 1 1 it i o . 1...1, to tti.. I ..... iv on, ha- 1. i i aeh a l'e ' latnl arrii:"; a share of :'. For tlair pa y p: . anoi .-rs I .. ;-i t..v-.. i o ..r ta.. 1 i , 1 . ..." ' ' land v ill Li ; at in cultivation I ' ral s,,kl 1" parth o.i.l Ift'lli: s that a man wiih. 'er." i itle na-a!; s and a " ""1 wi'l t" v. em I..- abb ;.. secure a home i 'a ." 'a':1.', -v. nt i i.i ' 1 y make him indepeia 1. nt . The po ver tor rnnsiinif tl.ose aa:: s Mid be s. car, ii ii'i'tii th" 1 : 'se ' i dam or ft o:n a e-ntial p.. .: p! " What t'lis w:!! mean t a!"-' ap,i the sin r. .a n.l i n a t oxns ,a ''haiu'or. (dib.-rt and 1 1 i 1 - ' : " "b'e be aon- j, ,-iiir. d Tie- i l- .;b:. thousand acres , j' hi-h in f a Ivc ; ibivaicd I land is i raet a -a 1 1 y oe ;. . a;. an at.. and it will a'i pass t!iro'b;'ii ci-ar.nais ';' trade in n.- v the (;' tbesa , itics, ;,nd this is O'd if i- ;-- f a:nd tha' this srln m 1 i''t ie.'ll. Which it '.vi!' be. t!l"fe thousands of i, 'hi: a, f. s jo, tla- that will so !:.! or !.;t.-r b" j.) 1; a l'e ih .c.-i in def th. i.ami inu -'stim T'.,..... are u'diniiled poss i 1 -il i' b'S of p-.v.-.'" t'nilcr the llni'.-i'Vr't ilam sy-a, :n, .and with this power used t" feriher im prove the vail, v. Mari. ot.a county v. u'b soon be the ric' st eotiimen- I aric't I !? .-a ;:,, w. alth. in siathA.'Ft. .ni fact s j t.- to Ian h. t. are b; ilia .:::...! a- rapidly ; s is-a a-.- '. ! his family, s.b!" I.y tla- laiid and i' i-jia.n i.- ail a. , !iech. said ilvit M'..rk on th, proi'.t -ilie!""- ': na n w !i" La.M aiitnviiri' within tlibtx- d i's j t i '. '. ' aa t i . i .-acb a-- pi b-.i . MESA GIN PROGRESSING NICELY Work n the .I".-a a.;r is pr..e. incr iiii el' tinoef the '-;,: i.)m. ,d .i,ii!ii", r (luv Attawjiy. Th" frani" worl; of the building is alread;.' in place and the placir-j of the ma chin. i'v will c naaeic e as f.,n ti; luiildins' is finished. The -in wi'l iei l'laily in amb'e time h.aiidh- ti-. earliest cotton, if there is no hit' h in j the arrival of tin machinMy. vicl n mniinl of il! bealtb t (loo t to impairet diseslion. When the stomal li fails to 1 erfarrn its filiations properly the whole system becomes deranged. A few doses of Mi:ur herlain's Tablets is all you neel. They will -strengthen your digest i"ii. invi fT.rate your li'er. and regulate your Iiowels, entirely doinpr nv.ay 'ith thai miserahle feeling due t" fau'ty diges tion. Try it. Many othirs have been permanently cured why rad you'' For ,' iile by .'.11 Dru'ist s. Ailver tisemer.t. Q"ITE SICK Mrs. I b Cilliert is confined to her home with a bad cold. VISITINC": AT HOME A. McQueen is visitins; his home folks and lookinjr v r his ram h. .alter tin extended trip over the San ta Fe road, hy ivli'm he is employed LEFT FOR CALIFORNIA W. W. Mitchell left last nitiht for a week's business trip to las An pelep in the interest of the Mesa. Produce company, of which, he is one of the owners. GONE TO LOS ANGELES M. W. Jieaeh left on the evening triiin yesterday for I-ais Angeles wlnTe ho will remain for seer;il days. No More Freckles THIS SALVE MAKES THEM GO. Don't let your skin bo ruined by us ing worthless preparations that only ruin your complexion. Remember that your face is your birth-right. You have just as much right to keep your face free from freckles as you have to keep your clothes clean. If you have a gr iwtli of unsightly freckles on your face, shoulders, neck, arms, or any othar part of the body you are entitled to have tlifm removed, so you won't need suffer embarrass ment. Through all generations praises have been bestowed upon the beauti ful face. Artists have depicted it, poets have sung its virtues. Ile.auty in woman is a gift divine. The crowning beauty is the face, but alas, not the face covered with freckles. Let me send you something that will banish them ijuickly. Send 1 O Money Order of one dollar to The 1 Mail Order Home, f.r.ft Kohler St., ILs Angeles, Calif. (Advertisement.) SOUTH SIDE NEWS WHOLE FACE IN Face and Neck Covered with Pim ples. Nearly Crazy With Itch ing and Burning. Cuiicura Soap and Ointment Cured. Tandsay, Mom. "I started i '.een hit; Nut alics mum! my n.rk ;u a! ! old nor think very much alma; i' ai Mr-;!, hat they -i-i:me:e'.l e,.(tjn; worse all til" time and sm-ii an in i ens.- iti-hir.n. it. inner kvc me n, inmate's re.-.t . The pimples v.T.' re 1 and v.oai 1 s-.vell. Fruni i;eitia. ;.ad scratching thi-in so it eaus.-d I haio !a s;re:::l; there would he S'.n's from raie'iiim them so intense! v. ' M v !':;-e an.l net i. .e'"-' tosered wi'U pimpled. It look'."! as it" ;,iy whole j face was in oae solid rash or sura, a id 1 ua ; I nearly era.y wit : i Itching nil 1 l'isrr.t. At j ni'.-ht tiiey would In" v.v bad so 1 hardly eould sleep. .My l":i'e v.i. I mast say, in J oae raw sara. I nearly f ia' ua ail 'Hopes of j ai r rrcMinii like nisa;r. "1 1 mi mh t a few Lot ties (.f so: ue aod Lloo 1 Ul"ilieine hut without helo. !y poor lace did not tret any Letter. I had In-ard so niiii-h I about Oni.-ara Soap and ointment, 1 i t!ioii"ht I wo aid try them. So 1 bought, oil" j r;i ke of ( 'in iaura So.ip an 1 oae bo. i'Cuti- J riini (lin'aieat and slart - l to u-e ihem and j followed ' he direei ions us t io-, ly as 1 c.iuld. ! To my surprise only a f"W applications j j stopped the ita'ai: and s."ialehi:u: and in I , a eosiple of weeks' time my face was neariy . well. 1 kept on ii-im; the ("iitieurt Soa, and ointment, and in twa months' time I I was eomp'.et.-iy eund." .siaa-d) .Mrs. ! Oust Nelson, lire. 1, l ( 'ut ictira Soap "Joe. and 'in iciiim oint men 1 j r.Oe. are sold every where J.P'era! sample f cach maik'd rree. with :;'-;. Skiii Itoak. .a!- ilress post-i-ard ''Cut ii ura. I ept T. 1. .-ton." j '.Mi'ii w lio slai a and s'n icipao v i; ii ( 'ii- j t ii'tir:. Son I. w i 1 1 li . ti I ir 1 h si fo:' skii i aad sci.l a. I PACK PROM PRE3COTT !,. A. Saa'Ii ana family ..! 1. nnc ') m an x b n h.l ...a ; ! , , li. T'b el. ' ,'...: -a i : ....its a vi ; . , a a s. i n! . a : ; ! a: . eioasj at ; I ,.',iai 'cent- ! d." i "We ail 1 1 , I : a I , ' a I ' ! , ' e mat a ia t v i.l;' a ! , , na a'I'.al 1 i a-o i a"o :; s-iu ! a "ii T, nip'a . i n, Find.-ay, o a'. b ad dr:a Ia.h i t -Ad v. r i t is ::t. MAY oO TO PHOENiX FOR WAMT OF A HCU3E Tin r- : ec. 1 1 'y a nie t . . bill rati and " : u . - n - a i i -: of tin i a n. i ' w ef . :.' .' a ! ' i i ' i i . . or. d !!.. V.a;. rday t! eland la Wil .- ' n.l b i 1 ouse in M.'.si, and -,i : ',. Me-. i a .l: r . !; : left in aid b,. fatla-r to I'eld e Wold, I s f. .!'.-! aid tat I M.'.-M " bialla i:a lia : I . ' t r fine of the most coma... a aiini.p.t. ih;it hard working people are aifiie; ed with is lanic 'nack. Apply ("num ber";! ill's Finim.'t twice a day and ma - -a-io the talis ih. r ui'-ihlv" at i aeh application an.l you will t-et qui., k relief. For sab- by All Oiaie. fists. PERSONAL MENTION ( ' II. I low .!; ;,n,i . h da 1 ,;: Mi ei.'e visit ii.!4 in I'aoiibx .st,:div. I". '"lull: and family va-o op .:! s en tin. morning tra in i..r 1 aoi-nix o-uri!ay, wnere ihey s; If. day .-.hopping and i.h ing Mrs. A. J. liov. P. uet.t to t'i;.i"iii ,-e..:day wbee sin- '.'.ill '. i -it friends u'dil this .afternoon. T! bT. Macdonald v. as a business isitor to I'liot nix yesterday. W. 11. Kenke, of Hial.y. was a .a.--.-enger on the rnorni.'ig tiain for I licenix vi s tenia y. Hon. Don (. Ik.bbitt ; .ad business i;i the capital city cstei'day. Prof. II. '. Ib. hi rtson attended the ii'' ill tile t.oarii oi examiners ;u 1 'i: . eaix cs, erda y. Hai'.ay lla.rpir. of le-hl. ;s isii ib'4 his :-'oj. liaia'ey .It., and his wife, in Clobe. ( ). K. '"hai'man. I'ne ji wa lef, left Tuesday for Mirage, f'olo., where he was call. by a teleirram aiinoiini in;; tie d.eatii of his mother. The Mesa I'urn i l u : . eonipiiny re-eeivi-il a of new furniture Tt'i'Sday. Mana.ecr Hraehett of the Mesa base ball team has issuel no ultimatum, as it is said the manager of the rhoohix. team has ib-ne, but he ex pects to add two Karnes to the credit of the Mesa team tomorrow and Sun day. Miss Kva I'iiKfiin?, who has been visitin.-;' her brother, K. Itiur;.',ins. f.e k vera I days. r turned to t'.iendale Tiicsda y. Hon. Thus, r.iylnn, city clerk of Mesa, was a passenger on the Fike auto stase for Phoenix yesterihiy. ' I " V. Stillwell. cashier of the Kali River Valley bank, was in Phoenix on business yostenhiy. .Tiubre- Kir.i-hnry was ;i Phoenix visitor yesterday. lie made the trip on the Kike auto. Sam Mall is back from an extended trip to southern Texas. Sam says the next time he icnes to Texas he wants a bundle of affidavits as t the Cotton in th.e Mesa section, for h is sure those Ti xa - farmers thou.uht that he was telling it pretf. stroriif when he claimed over a bah to the acre for Mesa. ONE SOLID HASH TEMPE i I Horace ii. Griff in, agent for ! 'JVmpe will care for news, sub- j serfptions advertising in ! the V part men t. Office 1 vvith A. iS'R's.m V- Co. ESCAPES FROTfl STOCKADE ISfiE APPREHENDED Tvo Dc-partures Frcun Government Works ci on Monday are no go. Convicts Returned to State Pen. X '! In a: i ps. ! and 'hy I'.ariett. tile .nariies , : j he 1 . i ! s .ak.e.e who a . , .Men' lay a I'ivfn "!). are area ai'lle lieii.'lld til. L.'II'S nf ilie s ! a t e l'i"ison at I'h.ri nee ! . ! !"a aa tiair iai tai e this .-id" ..1" Fort .Mai i.e., ell jasi t r:i . '-!'.' i i' !.".!!.- ,,i:ei- disa p earing j so sudd. n!y fr.'in the L ea! works. A I th"'' a-h .-.'.-it-eh . is ia.ii!,. in ey.'rv i j lection friaa T'-aipc ja-t as s..o!! as lr ea p.- Was learned, a i 1 . ! ilea Ih . ,n 1 tail ! la-y H'el"e ..-ii. n ... .Mi I ) i el I. . i i i l a ; !1 t . a! details ..:" u .aids fnan the Slock. look lip the tl'ail of ipes l . il 1. 1 i t ;i"in tip till- Salt KiV !' Ill til" i illlii"!, "I' tile V.-l',!. . I". j W. Tin iier. "iie i L till y iiards. made I da . at iia 1 ... i .M. ! a-v. !1. 1 L i e lie en i iis'e.i i lie :-a i ii .. -' ,,f three Indian ; Mac. 's and S',i:'o saddle ia.iaas. I.niv I in- 'la LiiAi'Mii i!ii!i .--in t ion. Tuner and U' 1 1 111 toidv lie l'l .. I d V, ll i e t lie . r ira'lei s Lro in h. d i .11' :.. a scc- "b I !i i : way. Ainj t raih-s this side of Me- I I'-u II Turin. -:.. i he Indian ,-pi. d NERVOUS PROSTRATION Severe Case of a Philadelphia Woman Her Symptoms. Philadelphia, Pa. ' I hat! a severe f-fLse of nervous prostration, with palpi- . . :. a Tatiori ui n:e neui l, MltiiilJ:! r-onst ion. head- , , : . .. .1 l, . 'ia.s!h.'- -"i.-wv ; reh, s ilizinpss. itrwr 'i- i S 1 111 III V fill 9. li'SS I la' 1 1 n go anu ' I read in the pa- Vtfcetablo Cf-mpound so I threw away the meHcines the doctor left me and be pan taking the C'otajiound. Before I had taken, half a bottle I was able to sit up and in a short time 1 was able to do ali my work. Your medicine has proved ksc'f abb? to do all you say it vvill and I have recommended it in every household I have visited. "Mrs. Mauy Johnston, 210 Sivgtd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Iad Case. Ephrata, Pa. "About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. I was ps'.e and weak and would have hys teric ppeli.s, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder-blade. I was ! under the care of different doctors but j did not improve. I was so weak I could j hardly stand long enough to do my dishes, j 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com i pound has mad? me well and happy and j I have begun to gain in weight and my face looks healthy now. Mrs. J. vv. Hornbergkk, Ii- No. 3, Ephrata, Pa. If you witiit special advice write to Lydia 11. Pinkliain Jledicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn,3Iass. Your letter M ill be opened, read and answered hy a woniaa and held in strict confidence. Dining Car? ifi iirano J(pani$ iiMCl. jt, ;-.!( IJ11 fii. 3 lied ii&ryay HI ;iiJ i il ' il i: it- aiiilS r :i xn.'-S ify )H sic. plossness mk. mi j!. i Ffr whero a young woman had been W$W(Mw cured of the same WAf(:i troubles by taking; ,F .' L ,;a E I.inkham.g fl u I I'll 1 asaacaKBeatMLWir vrmf)a& hi II a ii;, life:: il j i i til' thi ir men troddins wearily along toward- them. li 'On sis-lit of their cap tors the convicts ma'de an attempt at escape for a second time and one of theni was the promoter of a modified marathon race. P.nt it all turned out h K. With the two men in charge. Turner and the Indian returned to the 1-V.rt and shortly after left for the stockade via an a u1 omobile. Hoth of the convicts were addressed in civilian clothes at the time of their apprehension. While it was thought by the guards that the escapes had en listed outside aid, the latter firmly deny the suspicion. They claim that their clothes were picked tip from an old trash pile which they ran across short ly after leaving the stockade. Captain of the ;uard Joe Push, in charge ;" the two escapes, left yester day morning for the slate penitentiary at Florence to place the men once more in absolute safe keeping', this time to remain there until the end of their sentence, one f. r five years and the other from five to fifteen years. Thompson and P.arrett made their cseapo .Monday afternoon from Tempo taking to the hushes when they were tssigned to a wood chopping detail which was at work on the banks: of the river some distance from the -tocka.le. Xorhing more was seen of th. m after their departure from the sb.ekado until their apprehensi m Tues day afternoon, just about twenty-four hoars later. They had cvered the en tire distance to the V.-rde on foot, making a greater part "f it Monday night. REMAINS LAID TO REST. la tii" pre since of over a hundred s friends, the remains of the late Charles Alexander were lai'I in their final resting place at the Double Putte cemetery here at eleven o'clock yesterday morning. Funeral - rva es were held from the Congrega tional church, the liev. Charles K. Dains. officiating. Music was rendered, at the services by a quartette composed "f Mrs. C. ;. Steele, Miss Irma Schmidt. Joe Cosrier and C. C Cash. At the cemetery only the commitment praer was rendered as the body was li-Wer-d to its final resting place. Pall bearers '.veiv: County School Superin tendent liiggins, A. M. Harmer, W. S. .Johnston, w. 1 1. Wessel, T. J. Parry and F. J. Sullivan. ICE CREAM SOCIAL. 'or the b.-iiefit of the free rending ia of Tempo, the ladies in charge of public reading resort, will give an th. cream social on tile city hall lawn iday vening. The ladies are having easy task in making ends meet to p the reading room in proper shape 1 are deserving of a big patronage in !!' effort t" raise the required funds carry the resort through another m. !;, i a n tin to 1 1 r CHARLES BAUER DEAD. hales Pauer, for ten years proprie tor of the Vienna Pakery c-tablishment in Ti-iiii i', departed this life at 11:45 o'eloej- vest, rday morning. Charles I!: ! was born in Deckend'.rf. Bavaria. kingdom, (iermany, the 11th of Octo ber lv"4. The late sixties found him a wealthy business man in lys Angeles, California where he resided until his l iiioval to Tempo t n years ago. Since coming to the I'nit.d States Mr. Bauer has !' turned twice to i.i-; native land once in 1 -nTi' and again in lvS. At one time the deceased was known up and down the Pacific cast as the "Dia iiiond King of I.oS Angeles". There for a number ..f years he managed two of the city's most up-to-date saloons dur ing that time being the sole agent of the Anhcuscr Push Pi. wing company in that city. He was also a personal acquaintance of Adolphus Push, the pi e-id nt of t'ne company, who has for many years Lacked Mr. Bauer in his business dealings. The deceased is survived by his wife, three sons and ne daughter, the oldest only eighteen Vi ill's of age, all of whom reside in Tempo, also one brother in Montana. Funeral services will be held tomor row morning at ten o'clock from St. Mar.'. 's church here, interment to be made at a oe;,l burial grounds. WILL ATTEND THROOP. rs. Amanda. Pichards and son Boy, last ev ning for Pasadena, Califor w In re they will locate for the next years. Boy will take up work in Throop Polytechnic institute, tak- emrses leading to ;i degree as elec- il engineer. Boy and Harry Mey another local young man who left sday for the same place will work thcr at Throop studying through thcir attendance there practically same course. M left nia, few tide; els, Tue tog' on t the A SHORT VACATION. William Painter and wife left Tues day night for a short vacation on the coast. Principally their time will be spent with friends at San Francisco, but practically all of the more promin ent California coast towns will come in for a share of their time. They will be gone about three weeks. . o Mr. W. S. Cunsalus, a farmer liv ing near Fleming. Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemetly in his family for fourteen years, and that he lias found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in recomme-nding it. . For vale by all druggists. Ad vertisement. o . EIGHT CARS SHIPPED. Kight care of cattle left Tempe last evening: for Los Angeles. They were purchased by Harry Jones for the Cu day Pill-king company of Dos Angeles from W. J. Clemnns of Tempo. The shipment was accompanied to the coast town by Sam Gregg. MEXICAN TRIAL POSTPONED. The trial of Alberto Lopez, charged with the theft of a horse has been post poned until sometime tomorrow. Lo pez was given a preliminary hearing before Judge K. I. Carr a Week ago but circumstances were such that they would not warrant any action at that time. Consequently the case was scheduled to come up for a second con sideration again yesterday, but other business caused another postponement. Lopi'7. is being hedd in the county jail at Phoenix pending court action. fei'' Il Watch for Specials in tomorrow morning's Republican. Three bic; specials from the many offered in our big seven day specials, beginning Saturday morn iog. August 23rd. BARROWS-FOOSHEE FURNITURE CO. 4th Ave and Washington Read This Simple Advice MOTHERS, INVALIDS AND THE WELL Colds, Sleeplessness, Anaemia WHITBREAD This is a Pimple novice, for which you would pay if you eoasuit' d tl.e b.-.-t Kiuv iish docto'S, wh.o l I'l-i nun, ud to those suf IV ring from poor Lioe.d. run-down condi tio:), sleeplessness, etc.. the famous Whit bread Faigli'-a. Ale or ' la-noun-rd Stout (Halt KMraati, made from the finest barley, malt and hops to be ob tained, and matured oaiy in tia- bottle?, by W'hitbread in Ihigiand and si nt direct to America. V hilbiond lias n most wonder ful effect upon tl.e system, and for mothers, invalids and those in a run down eonditinn it is invaluable. It has brought comfort to thousands of suffo lng women. 1 lectors, clergymen and pro fessional men have taken Whitbri ad Ale or Whitbi tad Stout for no: vousness, due ST JAMES IMPORTING CO hoenix Automobiles, Garages and Accessories Arizona lietor Company, foe. Arizona Vulcan izing? Works BUCK orth Center GARAGE larr loior Company Ceilings Vehicle otor Gars Wesley A. Hi otor Trucks Williams Rubber dard tires. Now they cost but an CASE Ford i CADILLAC CENTRAL GARAGE Motor Supply Go Overland Gar Reo U MOTORCYCLES Harley-D avidson II the Green Ta'j to overwork, and to build up the system Temperate people drink Whitbread Ale be cause it is nut only a delicious beverage, hut a tonic and blood giver. A glass oj Whitbread Ale or Whitbread Stout al nh'ht time and with meais will give that rest; al sleep. Whit bread Ale or Stout are different from) al! other Ales or Stouts, being matured hi bottb-s and contains only natural gas ( noi o;irbon:tted ), and most easily digested 4 in fact a wonderful tonic for the Ktomacbl I io rot ac-ce-jjt any substitute for WlilM bread, as there are no others like it. A trial from your local dealer will eonvincj you of the wonderful effect of Wl.llt,iea.J Ale or Stout. For sale by 273 WEST B'DWY.. N. Y. CITY Oirectory AUTOMOBILES Everything for the aub'inobi'e carried in stock. First and Van Buren Streets Vulcanizing of all kinds don promptly, work guaranteed out of town work solicited. 210 West Washington Street Overland Phone 2 SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO., R. D. ROPER, Proprietor St. STATE AGENCY AND REPAIR SHOP HUDSON, MIGHTY MICHIGAN "40" AND REO THE FIFTH AGENCY Successors to Arizona Motor Co. anil Transcontinental Auto Co. Repairing, machine work, supplies, and storage. 10S-310 North Second Ave. Telephone 1581 2 .Models 30 and 40 All Styles of Bodies CHARLES H. McARTHUR Phoenix Garag 319 C' Jtral Avenue Co. Agents for the I. H. C. Com mercial Truck, Next te Hotel Adams. THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Distributor for Arizona Corner Second and Adams Street 5-passenger. $625. Runabout, $575. EDWARD RUDOLPH 308-310 E. Adams St. Agent for Maricopa county agent tor Firestone Tires 229 E. Adams Street W. A. HORRELL Expert Cadillac Service Man Overhauling our specialty. Expert Repairing. Thomason & King, Props. 227 N. Central Ave. Goodrich Tires and Tubes. Mono gram Oils and Greases. Tires and tubes vulcanized. Overland 1103 Cons. Main 461. 315-317 North Central Avenue The best car on earth OVERLAND AUTO CO. Over. (ESQ. 32f)-28-30 N. Central II Agent for KISSEL KAR, FEDERAL TRUCK I REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AUTO HIRE. I Garage 233-235 W. Washington Street, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. f-TON, f50; 2'zi-TON, 2200, Complete, delivered In Phoenix. WALTER HILL CO, Ariz. Agents. Second Ave. and Jefferson Street Goodyear No Rim Cut Tires 1 These 10 per cent oversize tires cost, until lately, one fifth more than other staa- equal price. Accessories and Supplies. MOTORCYCLE Rides man. The silent gray PHOENIX CYCLE CO, Like a Pull- fellow. 131 N. Ceittea Co.