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EAGE THKEE RESULT UNCERTAIN IrJ MYWCABiy GO FEDDERSON IN BAD WITH KARLS n,tiy..T.v,'Jtr,..rT,i?aM7a BMLE Fans Look for Corking Good Fight and Big Crowd Will Be On Har.d. A great ( ,1 i.f fight fans is ex pected .it tile Kiks ; 1 : 1 house- t:.i.ill to witness the ten i-'umil g, between 1'ete Ialy :ind To::;i.iy .! . 'a rt as wt ll as to tln-e corking pre liminaries' liJiv' been arrunge-d 1 -1" tli- i -1 1 i n r . h-orge Memsic will ii IVlci- the bouts which is enough to the aVfr:i.!;i' fans and is a guarantee that the fights will he there. With tin ir wurk for the bout dme, and e-ve-rything in n -ad i in 'ss fur the clanK o! the gong f.jr the main ..out tiie fighters rested last night. Tin training periods of riuli has pr id u ed all that lias lieerj e-xpeett d from ! Ill men. Iaiy is in hctt-r shape if any thing than lie was when he ln.i!; ten rounds of gruel i i mi from cergo .!i.iii-sie- feeetitly. .M i 'a.'i y never looks as if he eould fight. On'y his --e-ord Pears out that assertion. J I - appears to he mor.- iike Kiii McCoy than ;ny other fighter that has shown here. -!e 'art y looks as if he v re just about to l.e Sent to hid for .1 l-'Ilg se-ige of something. This is '.xa.lly as MiCiy u:ed to ,;. I'pon mi' oe-casion Dan Creed"!!, one of tile best of his weight ami ir: lies ol' his luue. refused to fight the Kid when they Hot in the rim-; because the Kid I-io-ced .so white and sickly. It is recorded that the Kid stuffed ihose remarks down C'ri'Cilun's throat before the bout IJiothcrs-in-Law Belittle Kadi Other's Prowess as Hunters and Jack M" .Morris Putts, in With Challenge to Both was over. Tickets are sei:,i'.; fast coming e-ngu gement. It is l liv Daly's trends that their i win or lie will lose prestige. must w in or h a e I he country, the size of t!ie situation. This there will he some fight. The b" s w ill we igh in this lioon uneb-r the Clarke- and Co weighing in will of the Democrat for the c ig'lixed all rnusl M' i 'arty . Til U' m-a n nce upon a time Robert Fedderson, well known by his friends, nury have? been an expert at bringing down white wings. Hob still claims that distinc tion. In this connection it might by said that a certain Captain Smith, the Htm What Am man, lays similar chums to his prowess as a dead shot when tile feathered tribe are in Ins vi cinity. This little prelude briny's the story to the point of recentness. . tiny or two asii i- e-tlderson ami Smith went out white wing- hunting I hey returned to l'hoenix rather late Aoi,oiy saw them depart because it was before daylight and nobodv saw liiem return because it was after night fail. Yesterday each was dairying to have brought down the limits for a day's shooting, being thirty-live birds Word of these monstrous claims reach d the ears of Fred Kai ls, broth er-in-law of Fedderson, and be imine chately raised a doubt as to the authen ticity of tiie story Fedderson was till ing. He didn't tackle the narrative ir; 1.,' i-rvisioii of Mcmsic. lone in the a 1 1 r Uric The oft ice 00HER1Y OVER KINDNESS OF PHOENIX Engineer of Max Delta Mine Been Here Several Weeks. Has C I I. DohettV, Max Delia mini bad the luisl a few we-':s big mogul gas and who was treatment so has So far it be aide to ho ih. w ii :he the engineer of mar l'rescoit, 'i tune to break iiis a'-ro while stalling ..line engine at the mini brought to 'Ilnrli! lot on alter the accident covered his health as t bble aioimd on e-ruP- u-s. nored with Fh"e wifdies his work indf inttely. This of 'the kindness at tile hands Mr. Doherty is e n.i nix ar.d says that h. would keep him here wish is tile result that he has received the Phoenix people during his He says that people . who strangers to him would drop the afternoon and do their best lieve the deadly monotony ta. ks all who are i ilea padta ted liess. He has also receive bouquets of people of F a conspiracy suffering that Mr. Doherty the world of minim ll'mss. w en m in io n In that nt :,v i 1 1 also received many flowers and he says tin hoe-nix have entered into c. lighten the hours of he has experienced. Pas traveled all o'er while working at his blacksmith and he says that never has he met such a La of oeoole that h-e has 'in I The accident that t a used his occurred while he was starting gine at the mine. The is used for the purpose engine was temporarily mission and he stood wheel to force the start. The engine backfired and threw him to the floor breaking his leg and fracturing the small bones of the foot. The healing of the fractures has -progressed so nicely that ne ex pects to be able to return to the mine within a few weeks, carrying with him many pleasant reminiscences of the kindness' of the people of l'hoenix. kindly il'X. Illness th" m- air pump mat of starting the out of corn on tli-.' fly ji-no: 'ij. ckane of " i 'o. ; il Smith closely because lie wasn't really laminar with what Smith might have been able to do with a gun. Of con ne na.-i ms Mounts about Kmi h. es pecially after Jack McMorris reminded him of the time Smith was held up in inkelman atter selling half a carload of grape juice and receiving the cash for it. I5ut that was in. the days before Louis Garesehe quit the Armour com pany ami sm ako.l oil to Arlington to become a millionaire. n-!. . t . .-.i , . ... i i.e upsuoi oi me w nolo tinng was that yesterday Kalis and McMorris posted fifty dollars, more or less, to bo donated to the snowshovelers' union of l'hoenix, in the event they cannot in dividually or collectively outshot either Fedderson or Smith in a fair, nut-in-the open bird killing contest anywhere within a thousand miles of l'hoenix. And lure's where a secret is about to be divulged. McMorris and Karls yesterday contracted with Tom Foyle, custodian of the city hall plaza and all the appurtenances thereto, for the '.oan of the big cannot that stands just off tile port bows of the police statioti. They will rig the muzzle of the cannon with a gravel screen and load the old Civil War veteran with grape an.l can nister, whatever that is, ami with the aid of the automobile (?) running tan dem of l'ill Wedenhofer rind Cite ai..-.i er in Weights and Measures Mealey, will drag the big weapon down to the bird country and demonstrate to Fed derson just how' White winrs tune b.. brought down. Karls and McMorris agree not to kill more than seventy birds at a shot, the credit to be ,ii-;,ia jually among the two men reouireit to operate the irun. And as for Mr. Fedderson, his broth er-in-law anil that man McMnn-lc t distinctly understood that he hadn't better go about the streets again bragging about the- number of white wings he can bring down in a single day. They contend that the number lie can secure? is limite.l onl.. i ii... length of Ii is purse and his abilitv in finding a bunch of bovs who h iu br a days sport and dassnt their birds home. o tak. !, !-:( I'M ' :i !,": "Civs. '...-A Sd RENO" RING FOR DIVORCEE Gold Band for Thot Whn t-l,, Achieved Separation. A divorce ring has been invented! Those Who have need of some emblem show that they have crossed one f the "great divides" say that it will fill a long felt want. Fp to now there has been no way to distinguish the divorcee. If she clung to senti ment and memories and still wore her wedding ring on its accustomed finger folks took it for granted that she was married. If she discarded the wedding ring .altogether and wore no other symbol of her state people decided that she still wore "Miss" before her name, which, on occasion, proved ev-n more embarrassing. The poor divorce had no way of denoting t-r state1 matrimonially. The divorce ring will solve all of the problems of the divorcee, as far s establishing her state of unmar- lage goes. it is lirst aid to the in quisitive, and does away with all awkward questions. The divorce ring was invented by n Xt-w York woman. It proved so pop ular that almost simultaneously -it was seen iqion the fair fingers of a dozen popular divorcees. None of them will take the honor, for its discovery, but all agree that it is "the best ever" in the way of rings. It has been nick named the "Ilcnn ring," and not even the latest laws concerning divorcees and Reno will have any effect upon the name of the Reno ring. For many generations a small gold hand worn upon the third finger of the left hand has signified matri mony. All ne wly married women dis played this finger conspicuously ami self-consciously as well. F.ut it is the right hand that in the future will receive the first scrutiny. That is where the Reno ring is to be worn. The fad has already reached Chicago. The Reno ring is just the wedding ring, the plain little band of gold slipped on the other hand. It is still worn on the third finger, but it is the right hand"? third finger instead. There is a great deal of discussion as to the design for the new Reno ring. Manv divorcees believe that the divorce ring should' have an entirely new design of its own, something sig nificant as wdl as novel, so that one may tell it at a glance and not mix it with its modest little predecessor. Other divorcees want to keep the de sign as it is now, just a band of gold. This emblem of renewed freedom is Special xtra. Q x 12 Double Faced Jute Rugs These are lull S hy.lii iVet in size rich, ;iiin colorings, in handsome Oriental designs a ru that will ive i-ol service -reversihle, can use hnth sides. Only ahout one dozen It ft. Save a .r'-1.0U hill on these l'eiiular VALUE NOW 50 Lace Ourtans .")() pairs fine Nottingham Lace Curtains in ecru and white, measuring full :j yards long, wide width., in handsome floral and conventional de signs. These are all douhle thread niesh with 'pearl hound edes our regular $1.50 QO sellers, per pail OC ONE-FOURTH OFF on all Laundry Bags, fancy Cushion Tops, Tahle Covers, ' Dresser Scarfs, Doilies and Squares, hoth plain and fanev. ar gains OIL CLOTH best quality Meritas Table nil Cloth, both plain white and fancy the 1 fin kind you pay L!ae a yard for 1 Vl MADRAS - best quality yard wide shirting Madras, white . grounds v.ilh swell pencil stripes, colors absolutely fast- r'gu- I r lar i:i- quality I OL CRASH TOWELING "IMxie" c,a-h. full bleached, absorbent toweling. Id indies f" wide, a 7Cc value, per yard i)C ROLLER TOWELING full bleached bird's eye pattern with woven Jacquard borders a most excellent crash - regular 1 ."c value, t (r p.-r yard 1 UC TURKISH TOWELS- half bl.-ieh, ,I. measur ing I.'! by "C inches, worth lieiibh: but J otir price, each tJt BATH MATS heavy quality Terry in Delft Clue and White, l:un;;alow size, b .:'.! inches Wolth double, btu our 70 price, each, only wxt-t 75c PILLOWS covered wilh good heavy tick ing, weighing LMj lbs, of sanitary STO feathers a great value cadi OW $1.25 PILLOWS weighing full :, lbs., best quality sanitary feathers, cove r-d with fOn dow n-proof t ick ing ext ra value, cat Ii . . . Ov Any Man's Suit in the House w what it want you to j;eT this thoroughly in your mind realize means to vou vour choice 'of our regular S25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 hih-dass, superior custom-made Suits for one-half and less. Anion;;" the lot you will find the classy (J revs, the stylish Uiowns, the nohhy Scotch Tweeds and the genteel Mixtures every size in stock and, rcniemher the pri'-t anv Suit it) H,.. imiK(; only Twelve-fifty. Shoes Shoes We have taken from our immense stock of .Ladies Low Shoes a numher of hroken lines and sizes of some of our reg ular $3.00, $3.50 raid $1.00 lii-h-i;iade Low Shoes. In tli is lot you will find a numher of Wehstcr's heiich-made -fl.OO Pumps, in Tan, L'ussia Calf and lilaek Yelour Calf, also a numher of (J rev Suedes. Patent Kids, "i-i Kids in Strap Sandals. Oxford Ties, and Pumps; also a numher of fine Kid House Slippers. Your choice of any of these shoes, while t hey last, per pair Quo argatns TABLE DAMASK "Imperial'' loom damask, silver bleached, union line-n full OS inohe-s wiele, exce-llent wearing epaality i-xtra spe- 'J f LyVj c-ial, yard SUN made light each BONNETS re gul of fast e-olored I1 and dark colors, ir : ere: '',c and .' lies ami ."e qualities, Cham brays. TORCHON LACE with insertions and to match, pure linen, a genuine li)e lace-, spec-ial, p-r yard . . . . I5c Lands Ac 75c NIGHT GOWNS made of gotwl quality cambric cut long and full, high neck and Jong sieeves, nice-ly trimmed in embroidery and tucks a gooel 75c value, now each. .49c $1.75 GOWNS made in slipover style of ex ceptional quality fine nainsook, trimmed in fine linen torchon lace fine needlework em broidery and hand-embroidered vokes always sold at fl.7." each, n"w 98c $1.50 COMBINATIONS Drawers and cover, made- of very fine cambric and Cri pe, daintily trimmed in fine? linen lace, an exceptional $1.50 garment, now. WAIST FRONTS heavy embroidery on Very sheer nainsook and batiste, ;,ae- fronts, now your choice, t-Jili i corset Frf nth 98c ilesigns regular .25c Our KYmnant Sale has created a furore anion1;" economical selling we have added a irreat numher of excellent lengths Dress (Joods: also ;i numher of short lengths of ( I inii'liam? 1 )resses. numhei oi ice 'oui ( ( 'lieviots. lent lis suitahle Dresses, Aprons and Pndcri;arments. Dress Linens, ('oiue in look them for children's School Also a over ta huveis. For Fridav and Saturdav 0 of Series, Cashmeres and Woolen Percales. Madras, White (Joods and men's Shirts, hoys' Waists, House lenuths of -Tahle Linens. Crashes and hoice at JL PRICE One-Haff tsoe PRICE Clean -Sweep Sale Grows Better Dahond s, Bro.GPhoenlKzJIrizon 201 219 East iVoshlnc Clean-Sweep Sale Grows Better llke-ly t'i le the forerunner of many things in elivbrce fads. Taking into consideration the hundreds of di VoTees that are issncil each day the divorcee is .".1 le to do almost anything she wishes in the way of establishing new customs and fails. ''It won't be Very b ng," said one of the prominent wearers of the Reno ring, "before eve-ry one will know that a ring on the third finge r of the right hand, a wedding ring now, but late-r some- other design perhaps, means a elivorce. It will save luindreds of fool ish questions. People whom you haven't seen for years won't rush in and ask questions about the husband tiiat was. As long as the-re is elivorce there etught to be senne way of indi cating it." The Reno ring will perhaps always be just the wedding ring "one-e remov ed." There are several reasons for lo'ivmc ir in this form. Kirst of all; there is sentiment. There is some thins about a first wedding ring that makes the- wearer hate to part with if Xo matter what has happened i. with n new if sentiment her wedding s elivorced at ' twist I . I is took p!ae- tin when will it il- since the r.arnage memory of what is meant a.'t,c first oh-ced in position wnvs remain with the wearer. First lov and the first wedding ring. The first may disappear, .but it is epiite possible to retain the second as a memento of it. P.nt in spite- of sentiment, the di-yorce-e iiiv not want to wear the weeTHing ring on the hand where it was placed on the "day e.f days." She wants to .v-ar it, though. lle-nce the shift to the right hand. Ami on tho right hand it becomes the lieno ring. an e-ntire-ly different thin meaning. The- unman has be e n able to . kt c ; ring and show that she the sa me t hue . When tli'1 wedding ring lias ln-.-n made- into lie-no ring by a "sinipU1 f the wrist," the wedding finj-t r f course, free- again. S i the lieno ring ha a ilouble sign if ica nee. It seems to say: "If I can't sueoe'ed at first I'll be. willing to try again." A suitor neeil i:t despair of winning a elivorcee if she wears a Ueno ring. So watt h the "right hand" finger i afte-r this. If it is encircled by a sh-n- j de-r hand of gold you'll know thai its j wearer has be-on marrietl but wouldn't mind taking another e hance, perhaps. The ministers are taking sides eci the lieno ring. Some think it is too frivolous for ee-nsiderat ion. Some think that it is a "de-grading use ef Still others believe.1 all divorcees it will to the- number of occurring every day. a good method of making folks think twice- be fore taking the important steps of both marriage and divorce-. New York World. , Hire; a little- Salesman at The Ite taibliean .office. A Want Ad will see more customers yn:i e-an. o at .iM.Ti'T.T-i-. in 1!U1, according to W. C. Piiale-n of the l"nite-el States g't j logical survey. The sulphur came j from Louisiana, .V ada ami Wyoni I ing, the in-otluetioii of L.e.nisiana be j ing the dominant factor in the domes- t io sul phu r ind efM ry. i I.uring the twelve year-3 the ! glow tli of the sulphur industry in the j I'niied States has he-en phenomenal. arid the last seven years has s"c u J the- det hi'i'iieim-nt of Sicily from the j dominating position she so long held I in the world's sulphur market. With in this period the United States has advane-eel from the po-diion of an unimportant producer to onei of the leading sulphur producers of the world, owing entirely to the develop ment of the sulphur de-posits in Loui siana. In li'OO the sulphur production of the United 'States amounted to "147 tuns; the imports during that year were lf.7.Vt) ton., (f which Ii56. Sl'" tons were- classified as crude sulphur, chiefly from Sicily. Thus the domestic production in 1900 amounted to not quite two per cent of tVie-" sulphur consumed. During T.H2 the' domestic productiein con stituted more than !U per cent of the consumption, ami the- imports were less than nine per cent. Moreover, the imports of sulphur from Italy were only S.7 per cent of the total importation, anel Japan was the lead ing exporter of sulphur into the United States, !1 per cent of the for eign sulphur admitted having come from that country. It seems safe to predict that with the- completion of the Panama canal United States sul phur may practically displace foreign .sulphur on the Pacific coast. o Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. the wedding ring, that if worn by wake the pe-ople-divorces that are? anel will prove SULPHUR PRODUCTION IN UNITED STATES The product ion of sulphur in thci United States in H1l' was :;o.'.47" long tons, value-. 1 tit $.",:; r.i I, l''', com pared with 2cir,t;04 long tons, vai'ue-J Under Auspices of The Phoenix MAIN EVENT:- vs. Tomm Phoenix A. C. Of 'Frisco 145 Pounds at 3 o'clock Ten Rounds Elks' Theatre Friday E ve. 8 p. m. AUG. Athletic Club Pete Dal? McCarthy SEMI-FINALS Jack Williams vs. Young Stewart 6 Hounds Lightweights Young liill Rivers vs. Kid Lango 4 Rounds Featherweights " . Jack Ryan and Tommy Williams 4 'Rounds Reserved seats on sale at Anheuser Cigar Stand, Oemnelley's Cigar Stand and Uoyle's Cigar Stand.