Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1913 PAGE TWELVE LUNKENHEIR1ER G ti-lliii tUNKEMitiMEft I- 1 T.-. . IT r - 1 - run jiT V. i . t it impossible for steam to reach the j. aits tog-th-r. We carry Lunkenheim I'liwk v:tls ill sizes from Vi inch to reliable ami satisfactory valves on large assortment f Lunkt nheimer lien Engine Cylinder Oilers. PRATT-GILBERT COMPANY Auctions AUCTIOX SALE Pat's Corral, cor. 5th Ave. and W. "Washington. Satur day August 23rd, l'.H?.. Commencing at 2 I. M. we are selling 12 head horses, 1 pair black mares, weigh 1200, a good work team; 1 pair horses, wagon and harness, a complete outfit; driving horses, saddle horses, 2 saddles, 3 sets double harness, 4 set single harness, 1 wagon, 3 buggies, 1 lot furniture, 1 0 chickens, 1 family water filter and other articles not mentioned. If you have anything you want the money for, list it with the clerk at the corral early. - Cash sale, money as soon as sale is over. Hales every Saturday. "We sell anything of value. C. O. Mc Murtry, Auctioneer; J. P. Hannan, Clerk. dg TAYLOR Tf IK AUCTIONEER Has been selling stock at auction for twenty years; a good talker, a judge of stock, and knows his business. lie wants good sales. See him. 47 "W. Jefferson Phone 1349 tf J. F. BIE11L, AUCTIONEER Has sold the Valley Furniture Co., at 235 E. Washington and will be glad to meet all friends at former place. Bargain Auction House, 24 W. Jefferson. tf A UCTION S A L E Taylor's Aucti on House, corner 1st Ave. and Jefferson St. Every Saturday 1:00 P. M. Fur niture, cooking utensils, stoves, dishes, wagons, buggies, harness, horses, chickens, guns. Bring your goods to us, the one place in town where the big ciowds come to buy. We sell your goods, you get the cash, we sell it all. Every Saturday. We sell under can vass, plenty of ie water. Taylor the Auctioneer. Phone 1341). It For Sale Real Estate GOVT LAND and difficult Hd. and Dt. entries patented with bona fide scrip, $3.00 per acre. Ideal lands list ed, plenty of water for irrigation, plats $1.00 to $4.00. E. R. C. Ilickey, 203 Fleming Bldg. tf TW .AND ONE-HALF acres one and one-half miles from Phoenix: tine, sandy loam soil, fenced; $300 pel acre. See Walker Realty Co. tf FOR SALE 120 acres fine alfalfa land. Stock implements and water right all goes with the price of $75.00 per acre, or will trade some for South ern California property or acreage close to Phoenix. Two relinquishments cheap. Exclusively Union Realty Co., See McCabe, 11 East Adams St. tf CENTRAL AVENUE, NORTH 2 acres, 8 -room modern brick, garage, engine, water tank; shade, lawn, 5 min utes drive to city. $2500 cash, balance easy terms. Price $8500 if you want something good. See Johnston, 17 W. Adams. tf REDUCE ONE ITEM OF COST Buy a laundry coupon book for cash and get $5 worth of laundry for $4.7f. Every little bit helps. I REGRINDING VALVES Lunkenheimer valves have always been the standard of the engineering world and to day Lunkenheimer valves are better than ever before. One of these valves once installed is a fixture of the most eco nomical permanency not a valve that will need frequent replacing of parts or com plete renewal. When worn Lunkenheimer Globe valves can be made as good as new by regrinding. The per fect shoulder on the stem, and seat on the bottom of stuffing box make an abso lutely steam-tight fit with the valve wide open under high pressure. The Lunken heimer way of fastening the hub to the body has never been equaled for adding ri gidity, this method also forming a joint which makes union thread and corrode the ir Olobe, Oate, and Horizontal 2 inches. They are the most 1 j t! ie market. We also carrv a Oil Cups', Grease Cups, and Gaso- For Sale Real Estate LOT 21 Block 1, Los Palmas, 70x165, $1000.00. Terms M. P. DeWitt. SO N. 2nd Ave. tf SOME SNAPS. SO acre relinquish ment, 30 acres under water, $500.00. OV2 acres with 5 -room brick, near In dian School car line, only $3100.00, terms. 12 acres, 7 acres in deciduous fruit, 5 acres truck land, house, etc., $6000.00, terms. Houses and house keeping rooms for rent. List with us. Moore Kennedy Realty Co., 301 N. 1st Ave. Tel. 10S3. tf FOR SALE Improved city property 1 i blocks new school building, will trade for vacant lot, north. 1132 E. Gar field. Phone 2155. dl ARE YOU INTERESTED ? Doyou want to buy a lot. Best residence sec tion in Phoenix. Walking distance and near car line. Restrictions $4500. (10. Ideal location for beautiful home. Size Gr,xl40. Price $1175. Terms. Address Box 45S9 Republican. dp 2Vz ACRES Just orr McDowell bou levard, which is now being paved, fine shade and Page fence, easy terms. Sid Henry. 15 North First Avenue. tf FOR SALE Three lots 45x1372 feet. University Ad, 9th Ave. and McKin ley St. Phone C12. 326 So. 2nd Ave. dn TWO SNAPS Four-room house, frame, modern; stable; lot lOOx 137 Vs ; price, $1750. Five-room house, frame, bath; lot 75x250; lawn; rose garden; chicken yard; price, $2100. Terms. New State Realty Co., 314 Fleming ink.. Phone 1064. tf BARGAINS In residences. Ranch and business property, Improved or unimproved. Houses to rent. W. K. JAMES, 27 N. Center St. tf TEN YEARS TIME 80 acre ranch, near Glendale, A water, fine soil, 70 al falfa, small orchard, fine Improvements Ideal for dairy. 10 per cent down, bal ance like rent. Box 4709 Republican. tf NICE SHADY CORNER Close in, north of High School, 6 -room modern brick, all city improvements made, $700 cash. Price $3100. See Johnston. 17 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE Casa Grande relin quishment, $1.00 per acre. 209 South Second ave. dd A SIX ROOM MODERN BRICK house on a 125 foot, north front, corner lot on West Adams St., this is a fine investment, price $4300, $1200 cash, 50 feet can be sold off the corner and is worth $2000. A dandy 4 room modern 1 brick house, north front, in Germania j for $1750, you can handle this. We I have customers waiting for 4 or 5-room j furnished and unfurnished house to 'rent; have you one vacant? let us rent it for you. The Arizona Inv. & Land Co., Tel 1121. tf SIXTEEN ACRES North of Phoe nix, good soil, fine alfalfa, excellent water, wind mill, tank, house, shade, etc., good terms. Also 20 acres on Grand Avenue. Right price. WAL KER REALTY COMPANY. tf CHICKEN RANCH One acre Just outside the city limits, nicely located for chicken ranch or gardening, good soil, can be made self-supporting; price only $600, $25 cash, balance $10 per month. See us exclusively for this. H. C. THOMAS R. E. & INV. CO.. 43 W. Adams St. tf BUY A 70x145 LOT IN KENIL WORTH. WALKING DISTANCE. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 WEST ADAMS STREET. tf For Sale Houses FOR SALE Cool, completely mod ern cottage; garden specially arrang ed for fancy chicken raising; fruit j and shade trees; 15 minutes' walk from postoffice; $2000, $900 cash, balance like rent. Write P. O. Box 649 City. dm FOR SALE Lots. Before you buy. see Galpin &. Hart about Grand View addition. 33 North First ave. tf 1 F i E D For Sale Houses FOR SALE Direct from owner, 5 room new, modern brick house, with lull screen porch across rear. Lawn, shade, also good big shed, highest point in Phoenix. See Owner, 1006 East WH letta. dk HAVE SEVERAL LOTSin differ ent parts of the city, I can build on to suit, my prices and terms will inter est you. C. II. Johnson, contractor. Phone 15C6. tf FOR SALE New mdern buigalow; very complete with 10 or 20 acres of improved land. Fine country home. Very cheap. Phoenix Trust Company, 16 West Adams St. tf FOR SALE 7-room house, plenty of shade, barn. 810 N. 4th St. dg For Sale Miscellaneous PASTURE 30 acres ripe alfalfa, standing, will clump off cheap if taken at once. Also hay baler cheap and finest span driving mules in country. Howard, C miles north on Cave Creek road. P. O. Box 638. dk WHY COOK these warm days? First ave. and Jefferson barbecue stand has choice meats always. Phone 1549. Saves you time and money. 9-ds USE TIP ToP SOAP, the purest anil best soap made; we ask you just try it; it is wonderful, mineral base, no tainted animal fats used; splendid for skin; a true health soap; plant 1505 West Filmore. tf TENTS, AWNINGS Hay covers roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, sleeping porch curtain, anything In canvass. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. 130 E. Monroe, both phones 411. tf SEASON Fruits for canning and tomatoes, all kinds of produce. Lowest prices In town. Phoenix Fruit & Pro duce Co., 119 W. Jefferson St. Phone 1402. tf AUGUST. Plant This Month. Peas Beans Cabbage Seed Millet Carrots Cowpeas Beets Potatoes Celery Seed Cauliflower Lettuce Cucumbers Eucalyptus. ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue. Phoenix, Ariz. Eb FOR SALE Or will trade 40 h. p. touting car and 2-cylinder Indian mo torcycle, for live stock. Apply at the Goodman-Murphy Hay Co., 33 West Jefferson. tf FOR SALE Several second-hand motorcycles at prices to suit. Phoe nix Cycle Co.. 133 N. Central Ave. tf FOR SALE At reduced price, one $108.00 scholarship in the Arizona School of Music. Address L. K. Jones, Wickenburg, Arizona. dk BLATCI I FORDS CALF MEAL 100 pounds make 100 gallons perfect milk substitute, guaranteed by Sturges Hay & Grain Co., 125 E. Jefferson St. tf FOR SALE Three pool tables, and one billiard table; with all furnish ings for business, at 345 East Wash ington st. tf FOR SALE Gilt edge first mortg age securities. C. H. Johnson, Phone 1566. tf "FOR S .ALE 100 shares Republic Trust of Phoenix at $8.00, paying 8 per cent dividends, book value over $13 00, total assets over two million. Address Post Office Box 1233, Phoenix. tf GET GIBBS good prices on new and used house furnishings, stoves, etc. 322 West Washington st. 9bs WHY PAY MORE When you can buy at these prices: 3 10c. loaves bread. 25c. ;3 lbs. Hills Blue coffee, $1.00; 7 bars good laundry soap, 25c; 5 gal. kerosene oil. 85c-. ; 5 gal. gasoline, $1.05, 3 C flakes for 25cts. Money saved money made, so come trade where you will save. Arizona Grocery Co., 331 E. Washington St., l'hone 455. tf FOR SALE A fine 2-year-old par rot, price $10.00. Phone 8636. dk For Sale Live Stock FOR RENT OR SALE or service: 75 Perserlno buck or lea. Address Pomeroy Realty Co. Mesa Ariz tf WANTED TO BUY Two more cars of horses and mares, will be at Higley Horse & Mule Market till Aug." 26th. J. D. Faught. dl For Sale Eggs and Poultry POULTRY Alive or dressed to or der, ready for the oven; guaranteed fresh eggs, one day old; we deliver to all Phoenix. Phone 1003. Poultry Breeders' Supply House. tf FEED AND SEED BUY YOUR From Sturges Hay and Grain Co. 125 Jast Jefferson St. Prompt Delivery. Phone 1067. tf FOR SALE Milo maize in head, sacked $1.20 per hundred. Sturges Hay & Grain Co. tf For Sale or Exchange EXCHANGE H. P. 22 Cal. Savage, for good bicycle Racycle preferred, ask for Stanley Madison Hotel. dk FOR SALE OR TRADE Automobile in first-class condition, apply Scotes Vehicle and Harness Co., Five Points. Phone 718. dp FOR-ONEfTO FIVE ACRES, close to Glendale car, will trade pretty close in six-room residence, give good trade. Nunneley, Erdmans office. Board of Trade Bldg., or Phone 652. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Phoenix city or country, a $4500.00 home In Santa Barbara, Cal. Address Owner. 1121 Canal Ct., Santa Barbara, Cal. dn lTw Tod Mr. Business Man: Mr. Professional Man: ARE YOU HOMELESS? If you don't own a home, BUY THIS. 2li acres in highly restricted subdi vision north 8 room brick house thoroughly modern screened porches fruit trees roses grape arbors fine lawns windmill tank water piped to house, chicken yards and pasture. IV2 ACRES ALFALFA. This acreage will be city lots in NEAR future. Price $7000. $1000 Will handle. See Mr. Elias. BEAUTIFUL 20 ACRE RANCH ON CAR LINE 10 acres alfalfa, fine stand 10 acres young orchard new 4 room frame house price for this little "GEM of a place" $5500. $2250 will handle. This lays north and is in the immediate vicinity of $400 acreage. See Mr. Wikoff. SO ACRES NEAR CASHION $5600. close to railroad station 40 acres in fine alfalfa 40 acres in brush as level as a floor small young orchard fine cottonwood shade small house well water assessment paid. Price $70 per acre. Will accept Phoenix property to the extent of $3000 as part payment. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS 320 ACRES OF PASTURE FOR 2200 HEAD OF SHEEP. Can you accomodate him? If so, see Mr. Cameron. THREE LIVE OFFERINGS IN PHOE NIX RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. No. 1 6 room house brick (pebble dashed) modern N. E. part of city on car line "a little daisy" says Mr. Bigley. Price $2400. $500 handles. No. 2 5 room house brand new brick (pebble dashed) N. W. part of city. Price $2750. $300 cash balance like rent at $20 per month. No. 3 Beautiful modern 7 room house brick (pebble dashed) has large store room in rear garage fine stone driveway fin 70 ft. lot 4 block of car line palm bordered driveway in front ce ment walks all around house. This property can be sold at $1000 less than cost and that makes it $5600. $1000 handles. ARIZONA SECURITIES AND IN VESTMENT COMPANY, INC. 107 North Center Street PHOENIX. ARIZONA Thone 1755. dk For Sale or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres, 4 miles from town, good soil for city property. See J. B. Heyne Realty Co., 10 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Watch Phoenix Grow. 7-room beautiful house, stucco, hardwood fl.iors, 20 acres of fine garden land, auto and buggy, house and garage, elaborately furnished. 5 head of stock, 300 ducks, 300 chickens, 11 acres in alfalfa, near car, in best resi lience district, all for $15,000.00. will take $7000.00 in trade, balance to suit. 20 acres, 5-room house, new, 1000 or ange trees, 6 acres in alfalfa and fine garden land worth $8000.00 will take $5000.00 in trade. 20 acres. 900 orange trees, cross fenced and fine garden land, $6000.00, will take in trade. M. H. Shelton. 215 W. Washington. Phone 495. tf WANTED TO EXCHANGE Nice city lot for carpenter work. Box 4577 Republican. dg For Rent Houses FOR RENT The building in the rear of 219 N. First street. This is 25x50 and suitable for garage or repair shop. 420 Fleming Bldg. dl SIX-ROOM Brick cottage for rent. Apply 414 N. 7th Avenue. dk FOR RENT Strictly modern apart ments. Three rooms and sleeping room. 605 N. 4 Ave. Phone 570. dl NINE-ROOM HOUSE Modern, suitable for rooming house, close in, easy terms, a bargain. Good location, new pebble dash house; 5 rooms, strict ly modern, $2750, $250 cash, balance $30.00 per month, see this. What have you in. city or ranch property to trade for Los Angeles property. See us for Phoenix business property, if you want to do good for yourself. Patton & Keafer. T. M. Burroughs. Real Estate Office. 14 West Adams. tf HOUSES FOR RENT Kinney & Thrift. 35 E. Adams. tf FURNISHED and unfurnished houses for sent. See Boon about It. 15 E. Adams. tf UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment, modern, garage. 1230 N. 3rd St. dg For Rent Furnlihed Houses FAST siDK of double house, furn ished, with screen sleeping room, close to car line, $21.00 per month, water paid. 1227 East Adams. Phone owner 8084. tf THREE-ROOM Furnished house, modern conveniences, sleeping porch by week or month. 740 East Portland. 9-b For Rent Furnished Rooms SPLENDIDLY VENTILATED Front room, summer rates. 350 North 1st Ave. dk NEWLY FURNISHED Front room, adjoining bath, private entrance. 510 East Adams St. dk BEAUTIFUL Furnished front room, close In. 376 N. 3rd Ave. dk FOR RENT Modern. 4-room, brick house; completely furnished; close in; near two carllnes. Apply 127 North Ninth ave. dm WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 No. 1st street, new, modern, no sick taken, tf For Rent Furniihed Rooms FURNISHED ROOM In private family, for lady or gentleman. 1010 N. 2nd St. Phone 8727. 11 THE IVON First class, coolest rooms in city, summer ratea. Corner 6 Ave. and McKinley. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished, front room, walking distance. Call 61 N. 3rd St. tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping suite. $15.00, bath, hot and cold water. Ap ply 1603 W. Washington. FOR RENT Suite-of two rooms with bath and screen room. ievi furnished for light housekeeping. On car line. 757 E. Pierce. FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms. 234 W. Monroe. MARSH FLATS Furnished, no sick and no children taken. 347 N. 4th Ave. 9-bd FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 810 N. 4th St. dg Wanted Situations Male EXPERIENCED Colored cook seeks position. Address Box 420 Citv. ilm l'hone 1389 For Experienced Stenographers First class Accountants and Book keepers All kinds of office help at salaries tc suit the job. Notary Public in office at all times McCausland Business Exchange 8 West Adams Street dm Wanted Situations Female JAPANESE CLUB Most reliable agency for any help. Especial cooks and waiters. 215 S. 4 Ave. Phone G38. tf WANTED Position as r.tenov'.raphe'-, experience! l""hone 13S9 or 2338. dg Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Three furnished rooms, with bath. 2 ladies in business, will be permanent. Must be close in. Box 78. dl WANTED TO BUY Horse and spring wagon, cheap for cash. Plione 8458. dg WANTED To buy one or two lots, in or near University or Brill adtli tions. or on Indian school car line. Address X. O. P. care Republican, gs WANTED General work at your home, 25 cents an hour. 1527 West Jackson st. gs FOR SEWING l'hone 8486. 1510 West Jackson. 9ds WANTED Contracts to haul hay, grain or plow. P. O. Box 32, City. dl WANTED, SEWING Childrens' school clothes and baby's layettes. Prices reasonable. Phone 8845. 049 North 16th St. dl WANTED 3-room apartment with bath; furnished; close in. Address R. H. L. Republican. tf HIGHEST PRICES paid for old rubber and scrap metals; out of town business solicited; phone 1832; ware house Tenth st. & Jackson. Harry Effron. Box 101. Phoenix. tf WANTED The demand for good houses for rent is increasing. List your houses with us now. Galpin & Hart. 33 North First ave. IF YOU HAVE CHICKENS to sell, Phone 788 or 7S9. We pay cash, tf PHONE 1737 For all kinds of bar becued meats. Free delivery. Also served in lunch room at 426 East Jef ferson St. 8-dm $10 REWARD for the arreat and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front yard of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. tf P. H. WILLIAMSON Painting, old and repair work a specialty. Phone 730. 121 N. 5th St. tf MONEY WANTED Wanted $2,000 on 160 acre ranch. Hill & Claflln. Cen ter St., cor. Washington. (Down stairs) tf HORSES AND RIGS Of all kinds, bought and sold. See Fields and" Mor rison care "OK" Corral at Five Points. . 9: ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY Gc p'd. All hand work. Called for and delivered, 805 S. 4 Ave. Phone 8901. 9-b WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA peo ple have sent me money to invest. If you want to sell submit to me any pro position you have. As this money must be invested in property here. J. W. Stacey. 129 N. 1st Ave. tf W A N T E DT O BUY Two more cars if horses and mares, will be at Higley Hcrse & Mule Market till August 26th. J. D. Faught. dl WANTED Two boarders tn private family; good home cooking; reason able rates: 604 East Arfams St. tf WANTED By a healthy young man, room and board, with screen sleeping porch, shade and nice surroundings about a mile from post office. Private family preferred. Address W. L. care Republican. tl Wanted Help Male AGENTS WANTED For each town in Arizona, can easily make from $4.00 to $10.00 a day, best health insurance on the market, a sure seller. Address P. O. Box 802 El Paso, Texas. dk WANTED An experienced soda dis penser, today. Salary $18.00 per week. McCausland Business Exchange, 8 West Adams. dg WANTED Good man to lay and scrape floors. Box 4577, Republican. dg BARGAINS IN HOUSES AVe have some bargains in houses, new and nearly new. Prices range from Three Thousand on up. We can give you your choice of any location in town and can make terms that will he satisfactory. These are worth looking into. E. J. BENNITT & CO. Phoenix, Arizona Wanted Help Male AVANTED Three healthy men to pick peaches at Camel Back Peach Orchard. John M. Burgess. dg GOOD First-class milker wanted in a nice clean dairy, would prefer mar ried man and wife to board, few men. Address Box 4587 Republican. dn Wanted Help Female GIRL WANTED To take care of baby and do housework. Apply 372 N. 5 Ave. dl WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework, no washing. Apply 768 E. Portland or Phone 1795. dl Wanted Help Male and Female LET US FIGURE WITH YOU on your work, artesian wells, water wells, blast holes and prospect work. Irri gation plants, gasoline engines, wind mills, tanks and pumps installed, all work guaranteed. Lloyd & Kennady. 1111 East Van Buren St., Phoenix, Ariz. Phone 1379. 9-m Money to Loan $20,000 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on improved ranch or city prop erty; no delay. E. A. Marshall, Lew is Bhlg. tf PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN. RANCH OR CITY 5 YEARS OR LESS. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING A IN VESTMENT CO. 17 West Adams Street, Insurance. Loans. Real Eatate. tf MONEY TO LOAN On good im proved real estate at lowest rates. E. E. Pascoe. 110 North Center street, tf BORROW MONEY $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, pianos, etc., confidential; nothing removed. Mut ual Loan Co., Lewis Bldg., Central and Adams, Phone 1396. tf Lost and Found STRAYED From ranch S. W. of town, one sorrel pacing horse, bald face, 8 year old, weight about 1100. Re ward. H. J. Sherrick, P. O. dr FOUND Bay horse, about 2 years old, party can have horse by paying for pasture and ad. Jonas Haskell. N. Central Ave., one mile above Indian School Central Ave. dl Business Chances FOR SALE 9 room rooming house; also furnished rooms for rent. 137 S. 2 St. dl FOR SALE Bankrupt stock of gro ceries and fixture. Good location, -small investment. See J. G. Ingels. Trustee 40S Goodrich Bldg. dr FOR SALE The Phoenix (Live Wire) Employment Agency, No. 37 S Central Ave. Phone 702. g-d FOR RENT Bassler Hotel dining room. 546 W. Adams. dl Special Notices $10 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing The Arizona Republican from the front yards of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. tf ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING WORKS Now prepared to clean your carpets. Delivery, Phone 733 Works 618 So. Center. SHOE RE P AI RI N (3 N e atty" done. Ben Queen, 44 W. Adams St. 9-bm CASA G R AN DEFor information regarding this rapidly growing pro gressive section of Arizona, address Bulletin Publicity Co., Casa Grande, Ariz. tf PHONE of N. A. Morford. real es tate is 1094. tf Complete Home Sacrificed Owner suddenly called east. New house complete ly furnished, below cost. Five-room brick, modern throughout. Cement basement. Cement porch md steps. Furniture new. No sick. Large? lot, completely fenced. Good horse and buggy. Chickens. Barn for horse and buggy. Chicken house. Also small servant's tent house. The whole to go at $3700. Terms, $700 down. Party buying must be responsible. GREENE & GRIFFIN, 127 North Central Avenue 1618 N, Center Street Phone 482 Special Notices FIRE IS BAD Insure now, don't buy afterward. H. C. Thomas Real Estate & Inv. Co. THE FIRE BELL RINGS It is too late then. Insure now. J. H. Kinney. Uk FIRE, FIRE Don't be sorry. Insure now, reliable companies. Southwest ern Building & Inv. Co. dk MAN WITH attractive mineral pros pect wishes to nu-et gentleman or lady who can assist ti:iaiiei;tl!y Address 4588 Republican STOKK Your household goods, fur niture, automobiles, etc., la our new concrete fire proof warehouse for the summer. Lightning Delivery Co. Phones 594; 1756. f 11-25 PER WORD inserts classi fied Ads in thirty-six leading papers In United States; eend for list. The Dake Advertising Agency, 427 South Main St., Los Angeles, or 12 Geary at , San Francisco. Cal. tf Stobleg and Corrali GOOD HORSES AND RIGS For hire and for sale at Corral prices. Commercial Corral, E. A. Starr A Co., Props. Phone 1708. tf Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican offiee. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. Auto Livery. TRIP TO ROOSEVELT DAM $8 00 each, 5 and 7-passenger cars at all hours. Phone 8342. tf WANTED Parties for picnics, 20 passenger auto, reasonable rates, good time assured. Phone 211R5. 9-bl AUTO SERVICE Day and night stand. Washington and Second St. Phone 528 Jose Castelan & Co. 9-m Lodge Notices Phoenix Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias, meets 1: 30 p. m. every Friday. Visiting members invited. V. A. Thompson. C. C. Phone office 567, Resi deuce 2153. W. C. Powell, K. R. a S tf PHOENIX LODGE o. 708 Loyal Order of loose. Meetings every ruesday, I. O. O. F. lall. Visiting broth rs invited. Walter J. layt, Dictator; Walter i. Van Tyne, Secre ary. Professional and Business Cards EXPERT TYPIST Looking for night work. Anytime after six; can furnish own typewriter. Fast, accurate. Phone 2S75. tf Professional and Business Cards 1NSTR. IN CHINA, water colors and oils. Phone 8564. 310 N. Central Ave. gb Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. CHIROPODIST Corns removed, DO cts. JA each; bunions, moles. warts, etc., removed by electricity. 39 East Adams FRANK SHIRLEY Phone 1704. HATS RENOVATED nost reliable placa In town. Mra 24 N. 2nd St. Phone 456 Phoenix Hat M'fg. Co. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING EASTERLING & WHITNEY Un dertakers and Embalmers. 213 West Washington st.. IiAjzoitf MOHN. DR1SCOLL & MAUS, Un dertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. 118 North Central ave.. Phoenix. tf