Newspaper Page Text
PAGE Mm THE ARIZONA RKPUBi .-.OAN, TIITHSDAY MORXCsYI, AUGUST 28, 1913 EYEGLASSES as we make them are rimless lenses held surely but comfort ably on the nose by inconspicu ous mountings. Let us examine your eyes and make your glasses. DR. NORTHRUP Optical Specialist Swigert Bros. 9 K. Adams St. Phone 690. When you need Rope or Twine give us a trial. Cotton Rope 30c lb Sisal Rope 15c lb We have a full line of cotton, flax and wool twines. Hilderbran' Jwelera & Opticians TALCUM POWDER For the delicate skin should be antiseptic, smooth as velvet, free from grit, soothing healing, cooling and delicate perfumed. That's our kind. MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY , r ADAt-Vi & TiRST ML. PHOnES. 692 - 59Z INSURANCE THAT INSURES German Alliance Insurance Company OF NEW YORK CAPITAL $400,000 x J. C. C. H. Resident Agent. Phone Overland 1094. 15 East Adams St. Phoenix, Ariz. To Our Friends We want to thank you for your past courtesy and want to say that we can give you as much now as ever for your money, and -sve think more. "We have a Higr Line of all kinds of beds, springs, eight kinds of mattresses, from $5.00 to $18.00. Big line of com forts and blankets. Rugs to make you smile. Pillows from $1.00 to $3..r0. The world renowned Na tional Steel Range. Kvery one guaranteed. None better. Nice dishes and graniteware. Dressers and chiffoniers. Ladies' Desks. Baby Buggies. See us for bargains. , Massie and Sons 114 West Washington W. R. WAYLAND, Mflr. GOODRICH BLOCK, Center and Washington. Open till midnight. Telephone 591 For Picture Framing go to BALKE'S The Big Curio on Adams Street Of Local Interest STORED WATER SUPPLY Water seivh-e department i jori ''or August 2. Lb-va t i 11 of water in reservoir, feet 1 1' i , r; 1 Contents of reservoir, aero f--. t '.4.or.o f. -ss preceding L' 1 hours, ..ere Jeet Kievatioii of water in reservoir, one v.-ar a tin today, feet.... Klo.L'" 'Ynttiits of I e -- r oir. one year arm today, a. re feet 4 '. 7,T:". Normal Cow Sri!; ami Verde nvcrs at Granite Reef dam, M. I L,:,7;t:: Amount ef water us., for irri gation, north side. M. I .:;.SPi Amount of water ust-.l for irri gation south side, M . 1 L'TJU'l LOCAL WEATHER YESTERDAY t; a. m. fi p. in. Temperature, decrees ....74 ;iX Sensible temperature ...'.: 7'.', Humidity per cent 7S .'!'. Wind direction K X Wind velocit.v, miles 4 .". Rainfall , u o . Weather Clear Clear Highest temperature ln;j Lowest temperature 73 Mean relative humidity M Total rainfall 0 Excess in temperature yesterday. 1 degree. "'"O"11-1 ienipeia.iuie since j first f month. K2 decrees. j Aecumulated deficiency in terns. er- j atnre since January 1. degrees. deficiency in rainfall yesterday, .03 ! incli. Deficiency in rainfall since first of month, if inch. Accumulated defic-iency in rainfall since January 1. .7.'! inch. Data for Tucson Highest temperature yesterday . .1"" Lowest temp.-rature yesterday... ' Rainfall ye.derdav C RfiUKR Tit. lllllCdS. Section liirector. KEELER IN TOWN Sheriff Kechr of Yavapai county arirved in town yes- j terday with a boy, Frank Rogers, for the reform school. Keeler says that although it is a little warmer here than at Prosoott, the weather is fine. SANTA FE SCRIP The Santa Fe railroad company is rapidly covering public land with scrip. One day this week irVue than sixty filings were made in the land office, mostly in Co chise county. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED The following parties were granted marriage licenses yesterday: Eikvanl Ros Sionor and Hazel Annahelie Stew art;: George C. Simon and Blanche C. Osburn; - all residents of Maricopa, county. THREE MORE CHAUFFEURS The fob ins ; i:r-e .-nst s to drive automobiles in the state of Arizona were is.sued yesterday y the office of the secretary of -state: .VI!. Ike Sykes. of Winkleiuan : ."',.".. Harris I'.rannama n. of Florence; "Ofl, C. P.. Hoffman, ef P'iToy.nan. WILL BE TAKEN BACK Deputy Sheriff Sliulte cf Globe, came t.c town yesterday for the purpose of taking Olive Fordyce. the girl that ran away from the Crittenton home, back to Globe. AVhen the girl gets back to Globe she will be given a hearing and will probably be sent to the reform school. WANT SOME ICE CREAM? The Woman's Missionary society of the Cartwright church are planning to give an ice cream social on the church grounds at Cartwright on Friday even ing. All those who want some ice cream that is the really truly kind are in vited to attend. The committee reports that there is ample parking space for autos and rigs. AUTOMOBILE LICENSES ISSUED The following automobile . licenses were issued from the office of se re tary of state yesterday: Pete Klachy. Phoenix; ?, 2 Ceo. W. Cay wood. Tucson; ?,1 P, ::i!ll. ?.2A2, In spiration Copper Company. Miami; 3243, S. P.. Moss, Kinkleman; r.2H, L. B. Ileatt. Tucson; ?, 1 ", P. A. Smith, Jr., Su fiord; :,2Ui. J. J Har ris, Phoenix; M -! 4 7 , C L. Hoffman. Kinema n. ADAMS ARRIVALS J. R. IlamT.ton, Cliftein; T. X. Flyn. Clifton; J. B. Jara leman, Varren; Win. Bwssle, city; M. A. Mantinold, Hoilo, Philippines; M. II. Arnold, Wichita, Kan.; I-'. (berime, Kansas City; R. R. Farhart, Xogalcs; P. D. Callahan, Decatur, III.; P. L. Presbrey, Providence, R. I.; II. F. Stewart, Cedar Rapids; J. H. Summers, Los Angeles; W. Jenkinson, Fort Wayne; R. K. Morrison. Present t; M. A. MeCratt, Los Angeles; J. Fowler and wife, Hayden. o That dirty carpet can be made look like new for a very small cost. Klec tric Carpet Cleaner, Phone 733, Works C18 S. Center. Advertisement. 9-d o DRINK HOP ALE. refreshing. (Adv.) Invigorating; tf The McNeil Co. "12C West Washington Street Agents for CORONA FOLDING TYPEWRITER OLIVER TYPEWRITER All makes for rent. Repair Work Guaranteed SECRETARY OF BOARD OF CONTROL SOON TO WED Be Married on September 3 at VVi Tucson to Miss E. E. Lait'd Thi' latest wedding to in; ' i a bene- da-t o"t of one of the unmarried j change for such stock." of the eapitol hunch will he that of j The :.,. of the corporations is to Lav. Charles II. Oshurn. who is o it- j i,P twenty-five years, hut its existence i.en member and secretary ef the j may he extended for a like term ac board of control, to Miss Km ma K. J .-rding to law. The affairs of the Land of Tucson. which will t ake c or pur, ; t ion are to lie conducted by a place at the Indian Mission church j board of five directors who shall be in Tucson on September '! next. The j stockholder ami the annual meeting Wedding will be a quiet one with shall be held the first .Monday in o?dy a few friends of the high en- j April of each year. I'ntil the first facting panics present. anneal elect ion Laurahel 1 lag. man, After the wedding .Mr. and Mrs j lorn- Wright, Cnae lYanklin. John R. :s!i!ini will spend a few days ii Tucson and then si to the Pacifie coast for a few weeks, which will he honeymoon ami vacation all in one to them, for both are very busy peo ple. M i -s Laird is one of the teachers- in the Mission school at Tucson and it was while acting in his cap acity of minister of the Captist church in Tucson that -Mr. isburn not he". MPs Laird is ori-r ' na 1 1 y f'-om Vancouver, !. ( '. I'ri v to taking his present posi tion as citizen member, Mr. fshum was a minister and served both in the Salt I'iver valley and in Tucson for several years. lie was appointed to his present position by Cei .! Hunt. In politics Mr. oslnirn dif fers from the n'lKTii'ir and is t'i" r.Iy member of the official family who is of the oppo-ite political faith, i .wept tlie i.rivate ; .-r tary. Mr i sbi!rn has been a hard-w..rkinii. conscientious ofi'i.-ial since takinsl up his official duties and has In i-n of .ureal value to the Ma!". He j.5 a. -ounti man of parts with a blight future before him. o THE EVENING CALL. rASW!TFn rTSTATril SAX Ffi AN 'ISCi i. A il;. 27 An- nouncement was made today that the pan Francisco Call. a. morning paper, ; n n ,-,,, n r ,,,, e.uieiiiher 1 a s a o even - ins paper. AT. II. Do Young, proprietor of the Chronicle, who bought the plant j of the morning paper, sold the equip ment with the exception of the color press to new owners who are announced as F. W. Kell"g. publisher and presi dent and J' hn I). Sprcckl.-s. form, rjy !.iroprictor of the Morning ("ail. . . o BAUGHAN HERE ". J B.iugha.a of Florence a. prominent Pinal eounty ittorney c-amo in from Tucson. -jt;ter- lay and left this morning for his bonv.-. RETURNED FROM VACATION Walter Wilson, chief clerk in the of fice of the receiver of the land off;, e has returned fr-m his vacation and plunged into contest work. UNCLE SAM WANTS A HORSE COCTOP The local board of civil serve,- .vamimrs yesterda v announc ed bv the- u.-ual means the in . :.-.!-tion that Fiu-le S.-.iii is badly in ju-ed f a horse .loop-r jn th.e i p; i r. .-. .- foil ion that i ,'iys twelve hundred .lobars per year to star! with. The ncancy at present is with the Ftnt.-.l States p :;a 1 1 r:ua -t er c-.rps. Persons tesiring mm in ' irma t i..n can obtain it by applying for form 2 and 'he manual f examinations for the fall of !!:. BRILLIANT ELECTRICAL STORM There was a brilliant elect ric.i I storm last night shortly after nin o'clock that was at first aoeompa n i 1 by a regular sand storm, and after wards by a good steady rain. The lightning flashes were, of the most sensa.t ional brilliancy and caus'vl many people down town to start hurriedly for Imme. A fall in the temperature was noticed after the storm. During the storm the lighUi we-nt out. at intervals after heavy particularly brilliant flash. ,s. TOOK MONEY FROM GIRLS The police- nre looking for a man giving the name of J. S. Katon. who js alleged to have been a frecpient visitor to a local employment agency and to have en countered two sisters, Who were Seek ing e-mploynieiit. He is said to have accepted $1.00 from one of the girls and fifty cents from the other promising to secure them positions. Wh-n the af fair !eak ,1 out Katon is said to have disappeared. It is claimed those arp not the only cases of the sort in which he may have been implicated. WHERE IS McCLAIN Chief of Po lice Moore is in receipt of a letter ask ing for information as to the win re abouts of Charles William MeLain, who left Kansas on May 2T, with the inten tion of coining to Arizona to engage in concrete construction work. He is sup posed to lie still cngaero.i in that busi ness somewhere- near phoenix, probably in the capacity of foreman. The letter states that the re are important papers to be delivered to him concerning some business affairs in which he and ). C. Dammast of Clay Ce nter, Nebraska, ire jointly interested. RUSHED. "Why di 1 you break into the house in t'le middle of the day'."' asked the ma gistrate. "Well." said' the accused, "I had sev eral others to cover that evening." London Fvening Standard. DRINK HOI ALT:. refreshing. (Adv.) o Invigorating; tf Griswolds "Do Good" litis proved itself to be all its ' name implies for "Leaky Tires." Advertisement. dm EAT WITH Open Day and Night Best Equipped and Sanitary Cftop House in the United States 11) North Central Ave. PLANS fiVELVE STORY (Continued from Pass One) I jdolhus each, and the saint- shall be I i ."- :x i j i i , hi ii subscribed ,ind paid fur I with ;a j it.-; :; mey, property or services at cj'hto, upon such rlir5 as :! i.:' directors shall make, .rit to d.-; in i no the value of '.rty nr service given in -x- jthe !. Ism-h h- ;;nv ;.n Scott and II. M . Iiavenport shall (institute the board of dilectors. The lushest amount of indebtedness or !i- abilitv direct or contingent the cor- j poration is at any time to subject it self is ?i;.;a, The articles of in- c-oi pora i ion ar.- signed by John II. Scoit and H. M. I)aenpoit as in orpor a tors. o . SHOT UP. THE SCENERY Mr and Mrs. kit ("arson have leturned to I'ho. ni, aiter a short vaoa'ion in I': csooit and viejnity. Kit w as m ."ii a I nr st continuous hunt ins trip v hiie there and he is ex,M-ctiiur Yav apai county to sue- him for uamui'.s ' r '!!' 't h)e ' p t he scenery. "(iriswold's reinforced tires are good tires." Advertisement. dm j EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN HIGH- GRADE FOOTWEAR Cleanup bale $6.00 Shoes $4.45 5.00 " 3.45 4.00 3.50 2.95 2.45 1.95 1.65 3. 2.50 H. A. Dieh! Shoe Co, REBEKAH LAWN SOCIAL Ari zona IP-be!-:. dl Lodge No. 1 I. (1. ). F. wit I giv a lawn social tonihi ! ' ginning at e-ight o'clock at the home of Miss Neliie Tf-tt. l!la Fa.-t Monro.- street, t which all local and visiting numbers and friends f the oi d -r a re invited. KINGS LEY'S RETURN Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Kingslcy and baby daughter, have returned from a month's vacation spent at Ocean Park and other coast resorts. Dr. Kingsi. y immediately re sumed his duties as superintendent of the Arizona State Hospital for th.e In aane. Dr. G. W. Stephens, assistant superintend' nt, who ac ted in Dr. Kingsl.w's place dining his absence, p. ft last evening frr the coast expecting to be gone about one month. AT THE COMrv.ERCIAL HOTEL I'ra.k Graham .Merti. n; Matt 'ava il n. N'aeo; I . li.-n '.tin. Lamar, ('.do ; J.-seph Rush. Fiag.-W.ff; F. L. Gris ham. I"i . Worth. Texas; P. C. Chamber.--, Mesa: F. '. Schfo-r. Oasa Gran ge: L. J F. I o g. r and wife, Tucson; c. G Mill, r, Tucs. n; Kaiph R Re.-d. Mesa; T. II. Sutton. Los Angeles: Will Hill. Kansas City; F.dw. liase, Kansas City; R. II. Myor, Atchison, Fas.: II. L. Mik.-ff: Geo. I). Smiteh- i s. I .a ilea st e r. I'a.; 1 . 1 ). Snyder, Mr. P.. S'anhope. Tempo; G. D. Zibj bicli, Wic!:. tibai g; J. A. Foster; o. J. Vaughn, Florence; Howard Wright. Clifton; Jaoh Hermes.-, Tempe; I!. D. Davenport and wife. Winkleman. A pleasant mild cathartic that will not cause a gripe or rumble, 1 0e, 125c, 50c a package. 10 very package guaranteed. BOEHMER THE BUSY DRUG STORE Phoenix Drug Co. Exclusive DRUNA Agent Phoenix. Phone 550-G60 a ti PROMPTERS r : ; We're showing the new "Edwin Clapp" Fall Shoes tlie same excellent fit" tini (jualitics. Hie same excellent val ues. The McDougall and Cassou Co. :()-::i W. Washinuton St. No Cobwebs On Our Phone She's ringing most every minute taking orders. Try 413 Phone When you want anything in tlio diug line. It's an easy number to ring. Hulett's Mosquito Knocker. Keep the Sleep Going Elvey & liulett Quality DruggUt 27 Est Washington St, Phoenix Never substitute Parcel poet orders go out everyday ! HAIR GOODS FOR SALE Ladies' Toilet Parlor, Shampooing,! Manicuring and Facial Massage, Hair j Dressing; Kxpert Chiropodists, all, foot troubles removed. Moles and j varts removed by electricity. -SHIRLEY & SHIRLEY j Phone 1704 ! S9 East Adams Street I STEELE iS DISCHARGED BUT MOB IS HELD Case Against Tempe Tailor. Fails Through. Companion Must Answer. F. C. Stee le and Harry C. Taylor, the two men who were e-harged with a ' tendont for the Sugar company with statutory otr-nso against a young girl stMion at Tempo was transacting busi wero given a hearing before Judge Cnrr . rless in Clemlale yesterday, at Tempe yesterday and Steele was (lis- ; Arnold who has just completed charged from custody while Taylor was ; his residence on West Washington held to answer to the superior court. i street, deiidaie, is having the house Stoeh- who has always borne a good wired for lights, ehara. t.r was charged with the offense' The electric, motor for the cotton gin upon the complaint of the girl and being erected in Gbndalo arived this when the case came to trial there was Wc--k and is now being installed, no e vidence offered that could connect ; Di Louis Dysart and Nat Dysart him with the crime. Steele was the re- his brother, are going into the stock cipient of many congratulations yes- ' business on cptite an extensive scale, terday from his friends who did not Last wee k they bought of John Norton believe the charges from the first. ; 300 head of cattle and from Messrs. De Taylor is not so well known .as Steele , lVver and Tinker 2S3 head of hogs. as he is a recent arrival in Tempe and 1 - 0 in view of the evidence offered Judge 1 Carr decided that the man had better; You save money in buying tires of face a trial in the superior court. j Oriswold and you also save money in BATHING SPITS, Finney & Kobin son. Advertisement. tf o Subscribers not receiving The Repub lican before 7 A. M. call up The Repub lican by Phone and immediate delivery will be made by the 414 Messinger ser vice, tf o GrLENDALE One of the largest Gila Monsters ever seen in this vicinity was caught by a ! Mexican in the City Park yesterday j afternoon. The find caused consider- able excitement on account of the size of the reptile, and also on account of finding it in this peculiar place. It is generally supposed that these reptile-s inhabit the most barren places imag inable, anil keep away from shrubbery and irrigation. The only solutron is that someone either placed it there as a scare for some one or else had cap tured it and it had gotten away after bringing it to town. The Walsh-Myers Produce company who have rented the old bank location on the corner of First avenue and Washington streets, are having the room remodeled and repainted. The lettering is already on the windows and when finished this will be one of the most attractive offices in Glendale. Mrs. J. M. Pearson who has been spending the past month at Ocean Park California, will return home next Sun day. Mrs. A. C. Ames and daughter Dor othy of San Francisco, are visiting with Mrs. Ames sister Miss Margaret Meagher at the Hotel Glenwooel. Clayton Prooks, cashier at the office of the Southwestern Sugar & Land company at this place left last even ing for a vacation at the different beach resorts. . Chas. II. Wraterhouse, field superin- Ambitious Young Men can do nothiui;' that will so surely hel them to enter business for themselves as to save and deposit their savings regularly in this bank at 1 ier cent iiileicst. .And there is really no ;ood reason why every voting man cannot open a savings account we receive anv sums down 1o 1. Prosperity Is Our Proof of good management in the banking dcung business with The National Bank of Arizona Old Reliable 7 THAT'S ALL Harry A. DrachmanShoeCo 29 WEST ADAMS ST. Wall Paper Paper Hanging Our Specialty CAVI LEER & CO., Phone 1829. Savoy Theater Bldg If you want a good and eiiaoie Grocer trade at rank mm s 21S W. Washington St. buying bicycles of him. Advertisement dm THE HAYDEN HOTEL Excellent Service Cafe open G a. in. to 7:30 p. m. Special attention ac corded transients. W. A. SMITH, Prop. HAYDEN LIVERY STABLE General transfer business. Bus meets all trains. Rigs and sad dle horses for rent. Prompt and courteous treatment our motto. A. A. LORONA, Prop. MACHINE MADE That's the why of our Ce ment Pipes' superiority. Let us figure with vou. CEMENT PIPE CO., 545 East Jackson Phone 1312 ARIZONA STATE FAIR. Nov. 3 to 8 !. PHOENIX, ARIZONA. A . Established 1881 PHOENIX BAKERY EDWARD EISFLE, Proprietor Wholesale. Retail. The Genuine BUTTERNUT BREAD (In Wrappers Only) 7 Wet Washington St., Phoenix PHONES: Overland 334. Con. Main 89 r j i 1 liar.- out Uce.'SS by PUREST CANDIES Chocolates rmt and fruit bars, that art- made in our own fac tories we know they are pure. DONOFRIO'S Phone 509. 19 E. Wash. t If you have a Perfection. Pevnnoc Florence Automatic or a Peerless oil stove, I have the oil that Is guaranteed una recommended by the manufacturers. PHOENIX OIL CO SEWER CONNECTING Done ritfht, price right, by D. H. BURTIS. Phone 1544 FORD RUNAEOUT FOR SALE in good condition. See or phone Evans & Creswell Phone 1213" Xo. 7 N. 3rd Ave. 1 Do your teeth acne? If so consult Dr. Pelt, the New System Dentist. All work absolutely painlesa. Loi Angeles prices. DR. BELT Phone C05 11 Monihon Hldg REDEWILL imsiii oo. Everything Musical Hire a little Salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. BENNETT LUMBER COMPANY Everything in Lumber Fa irbanks Morse Engines Nestor Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, etc. We have the stock. Arizona Hardware Supply Go, THIRD AVE. & JACKSON PHOENIX businc-v. J 1 Sjrfir ' 1 i5l Vat IK 73 t il m. " - T t V i