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Iffg ItlZoM E REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, 'AUGUST 31, 1913 ' ST page two; V ARIZONA REPUBLICAN SPORT PAGE Series-End Games Come Two In Row, Mesa Today And Tempe Here Tomorrow Phoenix to Undertake Giant's Task of Bringing Home Two Sets of Bacon from Camps of League-Leading Teams Monday Game With Tempe Excites Interest as to Local Pitching Possibilities League -Meeting Here Tonight for New Schedule Pow-Wow Pitcher Barngrover to Face Locals .Today Tn the last battle of the first year j of the war, the brave veterans of General Yates' division will strive against the equally brave veterans of the Mesaite horde led by General Brackett. And the field of carnage will be located at Grant park. Ow ing to st twist in the battle lines, the Maroons and Tempeites will not Hash on this, the most memorable day since the league began its strug gles 'way back in the dim beginnings ol baseballic time. While the Phoenicians and invading Highlanders are swinging on each others' jaws this afternoon, forty feet more of howling fans will be glom ming huge eyefuls of the gory sight. That is -to say, Yates has done mak ing a noise like a' hammer k-nocker jnd the addition to the grand stand ! is a fact accomplished. The new sec tion is on the east end of the north face, and will raise the seating cap acity of the park to twelve hundred. In addition to setting out after Mesa's nanny this afternoon, the Ritchie legions are going to try a fall with Tempe's sluggers on Mno day. This will mean two stiff games for Friend. ..Phoenix ball team in two days, and if both are local victories, there will be about ten or a dozen mighty good and tired ball players st.jjck moist uniforms Mondoy eve about the time the sun gets low in the west. But the dopesters are fig uring on Phoenix being weighty enough to swing both these games in one grand and glorious row. "We have it in us to grab something good now, and about two more victories to end the first round will taste mighty lickin' good." JIcDevitt is its name. It's a third, baseman and general utility man. It will be in a Phoenix uniform this day BUT it will loll upon the bench when the- first inning begins. Ors at Wastr'fhaC tfs headquarters dope last night. Mack is some third PHOENIX. Barton, If Reynolds, rf Tognerio, lb Clow cf Whitt, ss Ritchie, 3b McDevitt Gooch, 2b Cook, c Hall, p MESA. Williams, 3b Morris, c Mullins, rf Pomeroy, cf Jones, If Quickenstead, 2b Core, ss Bond, lb Barngrover, p Goodman, p Johnson, p Whittenberg, p baseman, it seems, being a Wiscon sin University man, and a once pow erful member of the Cincinnati team, "Vhas you eveh dere?" Aside from that, the Phoenix line up is just as it has been for some notches past. Hall, the monster Phoenician, will show his big frame and his infant' face, from the mound. His battery mate will be the ever-present Pep Cook, small of stature, but everlast ingly full of that said ginigar. Toggy Tognerio will stand at the first stop, facing the smiling circle composed of Gooch, Whitt and Cap Ritchie. ' Bar ton, Reynolds and Hap Clow will get sunburned in the fields, especially Clew, who ha3 been mighty lucky in not getting more joshed over the pre sent denuded condition of his pate. Who will hurl for "our boys" .to morrow? Well, sir, "durned if you know, for I don't." as the saying goes. Yates threatens to pitch Cap tain Ritchie, unless Hall wants to v.-rk overtime. The dearth of Phoe nix heavers at the present time is something scandalous. Something will have to be did about it, while didding is good. Still, Y'ates, in high spirits ami a gay mood says, "I should wor ry" in a Yiddisha accent and passes the troubles off like duck gets rid raindrops. League Meeting There will he a meeting of the Whole World Interested In Phoenix Motor Races Automobile and Motorcycle Events on Road and Track Catch Eyes of Nation Known. Drivers and many Will Be Here ROUTE TOWNS ARE ALL HELPING OUT Chug Bike Boys Particu larly Anxious to Get Good Start Announce Race Meet Program for Sep tember 12 To a man up a tree It looks like a good year for auto mobile and motorcycle races in the great southwest, or- more especially that portion of the southwest that lines the great travel lines east and west from Phoenix. The significance of three automo bile races, totalling in their courses nearly sixteen hundred miles, s gradually dawning on the community and people are beginning to realize what a tremendous advertising value lies in the scries of contests. The result of this awakening has been feverish activity all along the lines of the races. Ten cities work stronger than three so when all the towns along the race courses start in, there is just that much more as surance of success for the compe titions. . But the road races will be only the outside part of the program for the 1913 state fair. Track races for autos and motorcycles will form an other large part of the excitement. With drivers of national reputation struggling for speed supremacy on the fast Phoenix track, the eyes of the whole world will be turned upon this town on automobile day, the most popular of all the fair days. Motorbike Races The two-wheelers will occupy the stage also this fall, taking a much larger share in events than last. In fact, the motorcycle races will class up right alongside the automobile races for popularity. And the secret of ' that is, the club which has been dormant for years is now revived. BASE BALL GOODS Catalogue Fre PINNEY & ROBINSON 17 South Center just as the Maricopa auto club was revived, and its actions made to mean something. Already the club is making itself felt. Business-like arrangements are now being made for handling a preliminary motor cycle race meet on September 12, in order to raise part of the fund of five hundred dollars necessary to se cure a motorcycle road race from San Diego to Phoenix. The suggestion for the road race came from the San Diego Motor cycle club, whose members are fired by the preparations for the big brother races this fall. The proposal acted like an electric shock on the Phoenix club, which at once set out to make good at this end of the line. The chugbike race will start a day or so before the Los Angeles to Phoenix race is called. The riders vill have the advantage of the road work and the signs that are to be put up for the autoists on the last part of the Los Angeles-via-San Diego-to-rhoenix course. Some of the riders here, who are figuring on entering the desert grind say the race can be negotiated in less than fifteen hours, but others consider this entirely too optimistic and say if the machine that wins "can poke its nose through the sand, rock, gravel and mud in twenty hours, it will be a whole lot to the rider's credit. At any rate, the motorcycle race is likely to be fast for San Diego, going to win this event from all other entries promises to put in some mighty fast machines. Preliminary Race Data There has been a lot of talk around town something like this: I don't think I'll enter. , I never rode before, and I wouldn't stand a chance against some of those wise heads." In order to make the races more varied and better filled, the management has decided to use two events that will be limited strictly to amateur riders. One of these races will be for singles and one for twins, each with the recognized pis ton displacement - limit of 30.50, and 61 cubic inches for singles and twins respectively. Then there will bo two free for alls, and a handicap event. The lat ter will be handled by the committee, and handicaps once settled will not be changed. A fee of twenty-five cents will be charged for each event and riders must enter at the down town headquarters of the club, the whereabout of -which will be an nounced later. Entry to one race carries free admittance to the grounds, but the entrant must com pete. And That Parade In order to let folks know that there is such a thing as a motor cycle club in Phoenix, the members V : Barngrover He will wear a Mesa uniform thiB afternoon, but that's all right. Busted Mitt Bill is to try out former team mates at Grant rark. Salt River Valley league magnates this night in Phoenix, the outsiders the guests of the local managers, Castle and Yates. At this confab, the bosses will plan out another two or three weeks' schedule and make i:p a few laws about this thing and that. Mostly that. No serious ques tions are on the horizon, so the con ference tonight will have to be tagged 'League Meeting," or no one will know what it is, for it will be. so dif ferent. No National Cornish stuff here! o For renting or selling list with Creene and (iriflin, 127 Nrth Cen ter street. (Adv.) m o A I ELEVEN" FAST EVENTS j FOR CHUGBIKE MEET j The program of the Motorcycle j meet of September VI, complete ex- j cept for the one item of prizes I has been made up by the commit- I tee of the Phoenix Motorcycle club. j The classy list is as follows I Event 1. j j Five miles for singles ridden by j I novices. This will allow anyone to I enter who has never raced before. I Event 2 j I Five mile free-for-all for singles, j j Event 3 I Five miles for twins (61 cu. in.) j I ridden by novices. I Event 4 j Ten miles for twins in the 61 cu. j j in. class, free-for-all. j j Event 5 I Two-mile bicycle race, free-for- all. Messenger kids and newsies I especially invited. I Event 6 j Mile time trial for special twin, j I This is for track record, and will I be entered by one -specially built j I machine with ported cylinders. Rec- j I ord of 1:04 now held by Shorty j I Belding of Prescott will probably j I mark. I Event 7 I ' Fifteen-mile free-for-all handi I cap for club championship, carry- j ing prize medal. j I Event 8 j I Three-mile relay for singles and j I twins, changing machines at end of j I each miles. j I Event 9 j I Five-mile handicap for non-win- I ners. j I Event 10 Mile flying start time trial for I singles, medal as prize. j I Event 11 j Mile flying start time trial for twins, club medal as prize. j The time trials for stock singles j and twins w-ill be for the thirty, j fifty and sixty-one inch machines, but the special direct driven racer j j will be in a class by itself and without competition. This special j track record stunt will be probably I j the most interesting of the three j 1 '" a ne nuer ior me monster I will not be announced until the aft- j I ernoon of the race. j will parade on their machines the morning of the races. In this pro cession will be many machines of all sizes, years and makes. Every body owning a two wheeled gasoline propelled vehicle ,no matter what make or model is asked to be in that procession. The parade will be orderly withal, for it is the most insistent demand of the managing committee that the club and its friends make a good impression on the people of Phoenix. o For renting or selling list with Greene and Griffin, 127 North Cen ter street. (Adv.) m V STANDING OF THE CLUBS W ,f NATIONAL LEAGUE Club W. Li. Pet. New York 83 38 .686 Philadelphia 69 46 .600 Chicag 66 56 .541 Pittsburg 64 55 .538 Brooklyn- 52 66 .441 Boston 52 66 .441 Cincinnati 50 76 .397 St. Louis .1 46 78 .366 AMERICAN LEAGUE Club W. L. Pet. rhiledalphia 80 41 .662 Cleveland 74 49 .602 "Washington 69 52 .570 Chicago 65 60 .520 Boston 58 61 .488 Detroit 53 71 .427 St. Louis 48 80 .375 New York 42 76 .356 COAST LEAGUE ' Club "W. L. Tct. Portland 79 59 .572 Venice 75 74 .503 Sacramento 69 70 .497 San Francisco 72 76 .487 Los Angeles 70 76 .479 Oakland 69 79 .466 WHERE THEY. PLAY TODAY National League ' Pittsburg at Chicago. 1' St. Louis at Cincinati. If . r American League. Detroit at Chicago r Cleveland at St. Louis Coast League. r Sacramento at Portland. Oakland at Venice. Los Angeles at San Francisco. Western League Denver at Topeka. Lincoln at "Wichita. St. Joseph at Omaha. Des Moines at Sioux City. Salt River Valley League ' Mesa at Phoenix r f 1 I I NATIONAL LEAGUE. - I ' I fr ' At Brooklyn R. II. E. Brooklyn 0 3 7 Boston 13 14 0 Batteries Allen, Wagner. Pfeiffer and Miller, McCarty; Tyler and Bari den. Second game R. II. E. Brooklyn -. 1 9 4 Boston - 6 12 0 Batteries Ruelbach, Walker and Miller; Quinn and Whaling. At Pittsburg R. H. E. Pittsburg 3 8 2 Chicago 1 7 3 Batteries Robinson and Simon; Smith, Lavender and Archer. At Philadelphia R. II. E. Philadelphia 0 New York 9 Forfeited to New York In the ninth inning because the crowd overflowed the field. Score stood Philadelphia 8-12-4; New York 6-6-3. Batteries Al exander, Chalmers and Burns; Math ewson and Myers. At Cincinnati R. II. E. Cincinnati 7 12 4 S Louis 4 9 1 Batteries Ames, Clark, DoaTc and Perritt; Geyer and Roberts. 1 TT I AMERICAN LEAGUE I I "I , , , . At Boston R. H. E. Boston 1 7 2 Washington 4 10 0 Batteries Bedient, Leonard and Cady, Thomas; Engel and Henry. Second game R. II. E. Boston 0 10 1 Washington ' 4 10 1 Batteries Leonard and Carrlgan; Groom and Henry. At New York ' R. II. E. New York 5 8 4 Philadelphia 0 2 4 Batteries Caldwell and Sweeney; Shawkey, Houck and Schang. Second game R. IT. E. New York 6 9 2 Philadelphia 4 9 2 Bateries Fisher, Keating. Caldwell and Sweeney; Brown, Bush and Schang. Called in eighth inning on ac count of darkness. At St. Louis R. II. E. St. Louis 0 7 2 Cleveland ". 4 8 0 Batteries Weilman and McAllister; Blanding and O'Neil. At Chicago R. H. 35. Chicago 5 7 4 Detroit 8 10 5 Batteries Scott, White and Kuhn, Schalk; Dubuc and Stanage. 1 ? COAST LEAGUE I ; I Marathon Muddle LOS ANGELES, August 30. A brace of hits, one a three-bagger by Bayless in the fifteenth inning, broke up the longest game of the season today, Venice defeating Oakland 3 to 2. It was a wonderful contest throughout. For eleven innings it was a hotly contested pitchers' battle 51 fTTWe wish to call your attention to the big discounts we are making on m STRAW HATS, SUMMER TROUSERS, EARL and WILSON SILK Hi SHIRTS, etc. There's plenty of time left this season for you to wear a STRAW HAT, and there are no others offered in Phoenix that com pare with our Christy Straws. In Light trousers we have some dandy values, in various patterns. This is headquarters for hot-weather clothing, and just because it's Sep tember is no reason you shouldn't be comfortable during the rest of the warm weather. Take advantage of our Special Discounts treat yourself and your pocketbook right. I Summer Trousers J Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothing 1 - Where "It Pays to Pay Cash" 40 North Center CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY between Malarkey and Hitt, although the latter appeared to be weakening at that stage. He gave way to a. pinch hitter. Malarkey improved a-s the game went into extra innings, but he let down in the fifteenth. Koestner, who relieved Hitt, was a puzzle to the Oakland batters. Had not Kaylor allowed O'Rourke's pop fly to go through his hands in the eleventh, the game would have been an errorless one. Kaylor, how ever, starred at bat for Oakland, driving in the northerners' two tallies with a home run in the sixth. Dusk settled over the field as the winning run crossed the plate, ami it is probable that the game would have been called at the close of the fifteenth had it not been decided in that period. One of the Oakland, play ers started a bonfire and the game was delayed several minutes while the umpires tried to ascertain the identity of the mischief maker. Score R II E Venice 2 13 0 Oakland 2 8 1 Batteries: Hitt, Koestner and El liott; Malarkey and Rohrer, Mltze. Crabbe Crabs SAN FRANCISCO. August 30. Jesse Baker pitched a three hit game for San Francisco and his team mates supported him with errorless ball, and this brought about the defeat of Los Angeles, 3 to 0. Crabbe lost the game for the Angels in the first three innings, in which he allowed five hits that yielded the Seals their three runs. He was taken out in the third with one on base and one out. Greg ory pitched a good game after his retirement, but the game was already lost. Score R HE San Francisco 3 9 0 Los Angeles 0 3 3 Batteries: Baker and Schmidt; Crabbe, Gregory and Arbogast. Jew LaSl year we sold over million and a h gallons of The Standard Oil for Motor Cars This is one of the greatest recommendations ZEROLENE could have. It indicates that ZEROLENE has made good in the real test -the test of actual service. Sold by dealers everywhere and at all agencies of Standard Oil Company v CALIFORNIA) LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Win By Walk PORTLAND, August 30. With the game a tie in the tenth inning Kin sella pitching for Sacramento walked (Continued on Page Seven) Try a Republican Want Ad.