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PAGE TWO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORXIXG, MATiClI 17, 19U i : pa 1 .there once was a man named Revert . Who stood on the I'm! f a pier. Ho got a queer notion . To jump in the ocean The foam made him think it was beer. New York Mail. Scrape! scrape! scrape! Each morning 1 have to shave. Anil then with a tonic to coax the hair The top of my head 1 lave. And this is the song I spin While Riving the blade a shove: ''Why can't 1 be bald upon my chin And have whiskers that grow above?'' Boston Globe. Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see Inure customers than you can. IN THE SUPERIOR OO'JRT THE STATE OF ARIZONA, AND FOR THE COUNTY MARICOPA. OF IN OF t j furnish surety bond to deliver complete installation and furnish equipment for the Fire Alarm Signal System for the City ot' Phoenix, in accordance with the specifications on file as aforesaid, and within months from award of contract, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Phoenix, Arizona, March Jlth, li14. FRANK THOMAS, City Recorder, City of Phoenix, Ari zona. of Be In the Matter o: the Estate WOLF SACHS, Deceased. Order to Show Cause Why Order Sale of Real Estate Should -Not Made, IT APPEARING TO THIS COURT By the petition this day presented iind filed by A. S. Her.berg. Admin istrator of the estate of Wolf Sachs, eleoer.sed. that it is necessary to sell the whole or some portion ot the real estate of said decedent to pay the debts of decedent and the ex penses and charges of administra tion, and the family allowance and for the reasons given in said peti tion, reference to which is hereby made, it appearing that it would be lor the advantage, benefit and best interests for said estate that said real estate be sold; i IT IS THEREroilE ORDERED BY THIS COURT: That all per sons interested in the estate of deceased appear before the said perior Court on Tuesday, the day of March A. D., 1914, at hour of ! : MO o'clock A. M. of day, at the Court Room of Court, at the Court House in City of. Phoenix, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, to show cause why an order should not be granted to said A. S. Horzbcrg, Administrator, to sell so much of the said real es tate as shall be necessary and that a copy of this order be published four successive weeks in The Ari zona Republican, a' newspaper pub lished in the said County of Mari copa. Dated February 20, A. D., 1914. JOHN C. PHILLIPS, Judge of the Superior Court. o NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James H. Ray, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned Administratrix of the Es tate of James H. Ray, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased. to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administratrix at 311 Fleming Building, Phoenix, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the said County of Mari an).!. SARAH E. RAY, Administratrix of the Estate of James H. Ray, deceased. Dated this r,th day of March, 1914. said the said said the LEGAL NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS Estate of THOMPSON BROWN, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned Garland W. Couch, Exe cutor of the Will of Thompson Brown, deceased, to the creditors of nd all persons having claims against the said deceased; to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Executor at the office of his Attor neys, Stanford Walton & Townsend, 415-41$ National Rank of Aiizona Building, Phoenix, Arizona, the same being the l'lace for the transaction of the business of said estate, in said County of Maricopa. (Signed) GARLAND B. POUCH, Executor of the Will of Thompson Brown, deceased. Dated Phoenix Ariz., this 27th day of February, A. D., 1914. The Common Council of the City of Phoenix will receive sealed pro posals or bids to construct two one st uy brick Fire Houses, one to be built on the Northeast corner of Ninth and Van Buren Streets, and one to be built on the East end of City property at Five' Points, each to be located ai-coiding to surveys and stakes locating . the corners of said building: expense of such surveys to lie borne by the City; each building to be built according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Building Inspector. The bids are to be for construction of one. with privilege of constructing both, or for one building without reference to tile other. Sealed bids are to be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the City of Phoenix for 10 of the amount of bid, addiessed to the Citv Recorder. City of Phoenix, and en- I lioi sod "Fire House Bids." Sit id bids will be received up to the hour of five o'clock P. M., March -1st. 1914. to be opened at a Coun cil meeting ti be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on said day, at the Council chamber, City Hall, City of Phoenix. Successful bidder will be required to furnish surety bond to complete construction of said building or buildings within one hundred days from date of award of contract, and the Common Council reserves the light to reject any and- all bids. Dated Phoenix, Arizona, March 11th, 1914. FRANK THOMAS, City Recorder, City of Phoenix, Arizona. Department, at City Hall, Phoenix, Arizona. Sealed bids are to be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the City of Phoenix, for 10','c of the amount of bid, addressed to the City Recorder, City of Phoenix, and en dorsed "Automobile, Fire Depart ment." Said bids will be received up to the hour of five o'clock P. M., March 21st, 1911, to be opened at a Coun cil Meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock 1. M. on said day. fMk-cessIul bidder will be required to a surety bond to deliver said automobile within forty (40) days from date of award of contract. ami me i ommon Council reserves the right lo reject any and all bids. Hated Phoenix, Arizona, March !lth. 1914. FRANK THOMAS, City Recorder, City of Phoenix, Ari zona. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is heu-by given by the un dersigned, Charles U:mbertz, that on the Pith da;- of February. 1914, he was duly appointed Assignee for the benefit of the Creditors of John Provos, of Phoenix. Maricopa Coun ty, Arizona; and that all creditors having claims affuinst the said John Provos must file with the said Charles Larnbertz, Assignee, a state ment of tile nature and amount of their claims as required by law with in four months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Phoenix. Arizona. March 5. 1914. CHARLES LA.; BERTZ, Assignee. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Bids will be received until March 17, 1914, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. for the following work on the. iiorth and east sides of the block occupied by the Postoffice Building and the Water Users' Building: QUANTITIES 175 lin. ft. Gutter 3 Gutter Inlets 2 Manholes 332 lin. ft. 12" Pipe 20' 10" Pipe including 2 Y's and 3 running traps. S' of 12" C. I. Pipe All bids must be accompanied by ii certified ilvck for ten per cent (Wc) of the amount of the bid. and must be endorsed "Proposal for Making Improvements on the North and East .sides of Block Ninety Three (93), Phoenix." Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. FRANK THOMAS, Pity Recorder. ' CALL FOR BIDS The Common Council of the City if Phoenix will leceive sealed pro posals or bids' to furnish three motor 1 ropellcd Combination Chemical En gines and Hose Wagons; also one motor propelled Combination Pump ing Engine and Hose Wagon for its Fire Department, each of said Com b'nation . Engines and Hose Wagons to -conform to the specif ications on f ie in -the office of the City Re i order of the City of Phoenix, Ari zona. Sailed bids are to be accompanied 1 y a certified check made payable to the City of Phoenix for 10- of the amount of hid. addressed to the City Recorder, City of Phoenix, and en dorsed "Fire Apparatus."' Slid bids will be received up to the hour of five o'clock P. M. March 21ft. 1914. to be opened at a Council Meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock en said date at the Council Chamber, City Hall, City of Phoenix. Successful bidder will be required to furnish surety bond to deliver said Combination Engines and Hose Wag ins within tne time hereinafter fixed hy said Common Council, and the C mmon Council reserves the ri-lit to lejeft II11V and HH bids ORDINANCE NO. 584 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING PLANS FDR THE IMPROVEMENT CF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK TWEN- il-MUR D F THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF PHOENIX. THE "COMMON COUNCIL OF PHOENIX DO ORDAIN AS FOL LOWS: Section 1. That the plans prepared by the City Engineer for the im provement of the alley in Block Twenty-four (24) of the original tounsitc of Phoenix, and on file in tile office of the City Engineer in Book ( n of Street Improvement Plans on Pages 172 and 173, are hereby adopted as the official plans lor the improvement of said alley. The grades shall be at the eleva tions shown on these plans. The width and location of the roadways shall be as shown on these plans. isectioii 2. A duplicate copy of these plans shall be filed with the City Recorder and kept on file in ids office. Section 3. This Ordinance shail take effect and be in force from and after its publication as by law re quired. Section 4. All ordinances or parts or ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are here by repealed. PASSiCD by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix this JOlli dav of March, 1914. LLOYD B. CHRISTY, Attest: Mayor. FRANK THOMAS, City Recorder. LEGAL NOTICE Arizona, March Dated Phoenix, 11th, 1914. FRANK THOMAS. . City Recorder, city of Phoenix, Arizona. LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR BIDS The Common Council of the City of Phoenix will receive sealed pro posals or bids to furnish complete in stallation and equipment of a Fire Alarm Signal System for the City of Phoenix, Arizona, according to the specifications therefor on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City. Sealed bids are to be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the City of Phoenix, for liVy of the amount of bid. addressed pi the Citv Recorder. "City of Phoenix, and en dorsed, '"Fire Alarm System." Said bids will be received up to the hour of five o'clock P. M., March 21st. 1911. to be opened at a Coun cil Meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on said day. Successful bidder will he required ORDINANCE NO. 583 An ordinance Adopting Plans for the Improvement of Certain Portions or Jefferson Street, Second Street, Third Street and Intersecting Streets in the City of Phoenix. The Common Council of Phoenix do ordain as follows: Section 1. That plans prepared by the ( sty Engineer for the proposed improvements on Jefferson Street and Second Street nnd Third Street are hereby adopted as the official plans for said work. The grades shall be at elevations shown on the plans. The width and location of the roadways shall be as shown on these plans. Section 2. A duplicate copy of these plans shall be filed with the City Recorder and kept on file in his office. Section' 3. This Ordinance shall effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as required by law. fection 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions or this Ordinan hereby repealed. PASSED by the ('ommon Council of the City of Phoenix this 10th day of March, 1914. LLOYD B. CHRISTY. Attest: Mayor. FRANK THOMAS. City Recorder. are CALL FOR BIDS The Common Council of the of Phoenix will receive sealed posals or bids to furnish one passenger Automobile, not less 30 h. . p., for the use of the City Chief ORDINANCE NO. 582. An Ordinance Designating and Es tablishing Voting Precincts In The City of Phoenix. Be It Ordained By The Common Council of the City of Phoenix: Section 1. That in order to facili tate and expedite the ''oting at elec tions in the City of Phoenix, the fol lowing precincts are hereby estab lished, to-wit: First Ward. Precinct No. 1. shall embrace all that portion of the City of Phoenix lying North of Washing ton Street, East of Cential Avenue and West of Fifth Street. First Ward. Precinct No. 2 shall embrace all that portion of the City of Phoenix lying North of Washing ton Street and East of Fifth Street. Second Ward, Piecinct No. 1 shall embrace all that portion of the City ot Phoenix lying North of Washing ton Street. West of Central Avenue :d East of Seventh Avenue. Second Ward. Piecinct No. 2 shall embrace all that portion of the City of Phoenix lying North of Washing ton Street and West of Seventh j Avenue. Third Ward shall embrace all that portion of the City of Phoenix lying South of Washington Street and West of Central Avenue. Fourth Ward .shall embrace all that portion of the City of Phoenix lying South of Washington Street and East of Central Avenue. Section 2. Whereas public con venience requires the creation of new voting precincts in the City of Phoe nix, and in order to preserve the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to ex ist, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, its approval bv the .Major and publication as by law re quired, and is hereby exempt from the operation of the Referendum pro vision of the Charter of the City of Phoenix. PASSED by the Common Council 'rf the City of Phoenix this 4th day of March. 1914. APPROVED this 4th day of March. 1914. LLOYD B. CHRISTY. Attest: Mayor. FRANK THOMAS. City Recorder. o LEGAL NOTICE MMAMAAAMAM"MMMMMVIMMIIIMWVM tor a Commission to consist of a Mayor and four other members, which election will be held on the 19th day of March. 1914, between the hours of six o'clock A. M. and six o'clock P. M., and the names of the persons hereinabove set forth will constitute the names of all persons whose names will be printed upon the ballots for such election, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for The Common Council of the City of Phoe nix to designate and appoint election officers and polling places for said election of March 19th, 1914. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED BY THE COMMON COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF PHOENIX: That the following places in the several wards of the City of Phoenix are hereby designated by The Com mon Council of the City of Phoenix, as the polling places where said elec tion shall be held in said City, to wit: FIRST WARD. First Precinct, polling place at No. 221 North 1st Stieet. Second Precinct, polling place at Basement. High School Building, ' untl alKO "n Corner Seventh and Van Buren ' fml(l power Streets. SECOND WARD First Precinct, polling place at Board of Trade BuiWing, Second Avenue & Adams St. Second Precinct, polling place at No. 719 Grand Avenue. THIRD WARD place at No. 17 South First Polling Avenue. FOURTH WARD Polling place at Citv Hall. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the following persons are here by designated and appointed by the faid The Common Council of the City of Phoenix, who shall conduct said election at said polling places, to-wit: FIRST WARD First Precinct. Inspector H. B. Kersting. Judges, P. H. Hayes, Joseph McCoy. Clerks. Charles Corrigan, Mrs. Rosa Boido. Ed O'Malley, Harry Shedd. Marshal, L. L. Plank. FIRST WARD Second Precinct. Inspector Charles J. McElroy. Judges, Charles Smurthwaite, James Shott. t Merks, Mrs. Kate C. Perry. Mrs. E. J Bess, Miss Giace Coker. Marshal, J. L. Wolf. SECOND WARD. First Precinct. Inspector Dan McDermitt. i Judges, E. P. Conway, J. c. C. II. Boone. Clerks. Miss Amanda Chingrcn. Bus Noll. Miss Coonan. Marshal. N. A. Morford. SECOND WARD. Second Precinct. Inspector Neri 0burn. Judges, Mont Anderson, W. L. rinnev. Clerks, Oliver Creech, Ned Creighton A. u. Baldwin. Marshal, H. D. McDonald. THIRD WARD. Inspector Elmer Warren. Judges. Hugh Daggs, George Christy. Clerks. .Mary Jtydenburg. J. G. Simpson, Ii. II. Brooks. Frank Smith. Marshal. Wm. M. Fiekas. Sr. FOURTH WARD. Inspector Claud W. Cisney. Judges, R. L. Hayes, C. M. Sturges. Clerks, Lou Morgan. Mrs. Laura Billups. Mrs. Imogen LaChance, S. E. Price, Marshal, S. M. Bailey. , BE IT FURTHER That, whereas, an earlv this resolution i serve the public jection o the proposal: Is it deemed advisable to install 21 additional pumping plants in order to care for additional acreage within the boundaries of the project, the Board of Governors having approved the same provided it can be done at a reasonable cost to be later de'ter mined and then submitted to' the shareholders for final action. Also for the ratification or rejec tion of the proposal: Is it deemed advisable to construct the Hoiseshoe dam and reservoir on the Verde River so that the acreage under the Salt River Project can be increased to 211,000 acres, the Board cf Governors having approved the same provided it can be done at a reasonable cost to oe later deter mined and then submitted to the shareholders for final action. Also for the ratification or rejec tion of a proposal to levy an assess ment tor an amount sufficient to complete the present power plants in course of construction, in accordance with the agreement of the United States under date of August 30, 1910 amount sufficient to re assessments paid by owners of land which will ultimately receive no reservoir benefits, amount ing for both purposes to approxi mately $200,000.00. The said terms of said several of ficers to begin on the first Monday in May. 1914. The said President and Vice-President to be elected by the electors of the reservoir district. Members of the' Council and of the Board of Governors are to be elected by the electors of the reservoir dis trict who are qualified to vote in the several council districts, respect ively, for members of the council and of the Board of Governors. The proposal for the levy of an assessment to be voted on by the electors of the reservoir district. Chas. A. Van der Veer Secretary Salt River Valley Walei Users' Association first publication Mar. 8, 1914. LEGAL NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. 670 A Resolution of the Common Coun cil of tlie City of Phoenix Declar ing Their Intention to Improve Certain Portions of Jefferson Street, Second Street and Third Street in Said City, and Deter mining That Bonds Shall Be Is sued to Represent the Costs and Expenses Thereof, and Declaring the Work or Improvement to be of More Than Local or Ordinary Pub lic Benefit and That the Costs and 'water through Mrs RESOLVED, operation of required to pre peace. health and the safety, an emergency is hereby de ciard to exist, and this resolution .'hall take effect and he in force from and after its passage, and is nereoy. exempt from the operation of me reterendum provisions of City Charter. PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix this 2nd dav of Match, A. D. 1914. LLOYD B. CHRISTY, Major. Attest: FRANK THOMAS, City Recorder. RESOLUTION NO. 669 R E S O L U T I O N DESIGXAT1 NG POLLING PLACES AND APPOINT ING OFFICERS FDR ELECTION TO BE HELD IX THE CITY 'OF PHOENIX, MARCH 19th, 1914. t the Fire Department of said City. Specifications will be furnished upon request, by Chief of t.e Firo WHEREAS, a Primary Election was held in the City of Phoenix, in the County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, on the 11th day of Febru ary, 1914, for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for a Commission consisting of a Mayor and four oth er members, and WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Phoenix, did, or. the teilowing Tuesday, to-wit, on the 17th day of February. 1914, meet in the City Hall in the City of Phoenix, County and State aforesaid, and canvass the vote cast at said Primary Election, and did find and openly declare the following named persons as the persons receiving the highest number of votes for said of fices, to-wit:, MAYOR Ernest W. Lewis. Gorge U. Young. COMMISSIONERS Joseph Cope. Peter Corpstein, L. D. Dameron, Harry A. Diehl, M. J. Fo ley, George Norman MacBean, Victor R. Norris. Frank Woods. AND WHEREAS, An election - has leretofore been called by the said The Common Council of the City of Phoenix, for the purpose of voting LEGAL NOTIP.F NOTICE OF ELECTION SALT RIVER VALLEY WATER USERS' . ASSOCIATION. Notice is heieby given that under the provisions of the Articles of In corporation and of the By-Laws of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association, and in pursuance there of, an election by the qualified elect ors of said Association will be held en Tuesday. April Seventh (7th), 1914, from S o'clock A. M. of said cay to i o'clock P. M. of said day at the various polling places to be hereafter designated oy resolution of the Board of Governors of said As sociation, for the election of the fol lowing officers of said Association, that is to say: A president and Vice-President for the term of two years. One member of the Council in each of the ten council districts into which the reservoir district is di vided, for the term of three yeais. One member of the Council in the j first District to fill term of two year's. one member of the Ninth District to fill term of one year. one member of the Tenth District to fill reim ot two years. One member of the Board of Gov ernors from each of the said ten Council districts. Also for the ratification or re- an unexpired Council in the an unexpired Council in the an unexpired Expenses of Said Work Shall Be Assessed Upon a District and Pro viding That the Proposed Work or Improvement Shall be Done Under the Piovisions of the Improvement Act of 1912, and Subsequent Amend ments. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Com mon Council of the City of Phoenix: Section 1. That the public interest ind convenience require and that it is the intention of the Common Council of the City of Phoenix to order the following work to be done, to-wit: 1. That the roadway of Jefferson Street in said city from the easterly line of First Street to the westerly line of Seventh Street, including all intersections of streets and alleys, and including also private drives wherever shown on the plans herein after referred to, and including also such portions of intersecting streets as is necessary to form an easy ap proach to the pavement hereinafter described, and excepting that portion jt the roadway of Jefferson Street from the easterly line of First Street to the center line of Second Street lying north of the center line of Jef ferson Street, and excepting also that portion of said roadway which is occupied by a scale on the south erly side of Jefferson Street ap proximately ninety feet (90) east of the easterly line of First Street, and the roadway of Third Street in said city from the northerly- line of Jef ferson Street to the southerly line of Washington Street, be graded and paved with bitulithic pavement. That that portion of the roadway of Jefferson Street from the easterly line of First Street to the center line of Second Street lying north of the center line of Jefferson Street, in cluding such drives as are shown on the plans hereinafter referred to, be graded and paved with a cement con crete pavement. i. That a combined ' concrete curb and glitter be built along both sides of the roadway of Jefferson Street from the easterly line of First Street to the westerly line of Seventh Street except along the northerly side of Jefferson Street from First Street to Second Street, and along both sides of the roadway of Third Street from the northerly line or Jefferson Street to the southerly line of Washington Street, excepting at the ' intersection of streets and alleys and private drives and the approaches thereto, and excepting also where a concrete curb has already been built and is in satisfactory condition as shown by the plans hereinafter referred to, where a gutter only shall be built, and excepting also along the south erly line of the roadway of Jefferson Mroet from a point approximately seventy-five feet (75') east of the easterly line of First Street to a point approximately one hundred and eleven feet (111') east of the easterly line of First Street. 3. That a cement concrete curb be built along the edges of the pave ment at street and alley intersections and the approaches thereto, and pri vate drives on Jefferson Street from the easterly line of First Street to the westerly line of Seventh Street and on Third Street from the north erly line of Jefferson Street, to the southerly line of Washington Street and along the southerly line of the mainviiy oi jerrerson Street from a point approximately seventy-five feet (75') east of the easterly line of First Street to a point approximately one hundred and eleven feet (111') east of the easterly line of First Street. 4. That a cement concrete gutter be built across the intersections of all alleys anil private drives along Jefferson Street from the easterly line of First Street to the westerly line of Seventh Street and along Third Street from the northerly line of Jefferson Street to the southerly line of Washington Street. 5. That a ditch be dug in the parking on both sides of Jefferson Street from the easterly line of Fourth Street to the westerly line of Seventh Street, excepting at the in tersections of streets and private drives and the approaches thereto. 6. That corrugated iron pipes ten inches (10") in diameter be laid crossing Jefferson Street on both sides of Second Street near the edges of the roadway of Second Street and that corrugated iron pipes ten inches (10") in diameter 'be laid along the edges of the roadway of Jefferson Street from the westerly line of Second Street easterly to an inter section with the pipe on the westerly side of Second Street, and from the easterly line of Second Street wester ly to an intersection with the pipe on the easterly side of Second Street. That corrugated Iron pipes ten inches (10") in diameter be laid crossing Jefferson Street on both sides of Third Street near the edges of the roadway of Third Street, and that corrugated iron pipes ten inches ?10") in diameter be laid along the edges of the roadway of Jefferson Street from the westerly line of Third Street easterly to an intersec tion with the pipe on the westerly side of Third Street, and from the easterly line of Third Street westerly to an intersection Willi the pipe on the easterly side of Third Street. That a corrugated iron pipe eigh teen inches (IS") in diameter be laid crossing the roadway of Jefferson Street on the westerly side of Fourth Street. That corrugated iron pipes twelve inches (12") in diameter be laid crossing the roadway of Jeffer son Street on the easterly side of Fifth Street and Sixth Street and crossing the roadways of Fourth Street on both sides of Jefferson Street and crossing the roadways of Fifth Street and Sixth Street on the northerly side of Jefferson Street and crossing all private drives along Jeffersun Street between Fourth Street and Seventh Street. 7. That cement concrete stand pipes be built at the ends of the aforementioned corrugated iron pipes being located as follows: At Fourth Street and Jefferson Street, four (4): at Fifth Street and Jefferson Street. Four (4); and at Sixth Street and Jefferson Street, Four (4), and that sheet metal gates be set in said standpipes to control the flow of lid standpipes N. That concrete pipes of the sizes corresponding to the sizes of the corrugated iron pipes be laid along both sides of Jefferson Street and along both sides of Fourth Street, Fifth Street and Sixth Street from the aforementioned standpipes to a point approximately six feet (6') be yond the corresponding property line of the streets along which they run. 9. That a cement concrete pipe twenty-two inches (22") in diameter be laid along tlie roadway of Jeffer son Street from a point approximate ly ten feet (l'O west of the west erly line of Fourth Street to a point approximately ten feet (10') enst of the center line of Third Street. That a cement concrete pipe eight ion inches (IS") in diameter be laid along the roadway of Jefferson Street from a point approximately ten feet 1U") east of the center line of Third Stieet to a point approximately ten ieet (10 ) west of the center line of Second Street. That a cement pipe twelve inches (12") in diameter be laid from the end of the aforementioned pipe north-westerly to a point approxi mutely eight feet (S ) north of the northerly line of Jefferson Street and between the cmb and sidewalk on the westerly side of Second Street thence northerly between said side walk and curb to a point approxi match- ten feet (10) south of the southerly line of Washington Street thi nee northeasterly approximately eighty-five feet (S3'). That a cement concrete pipe six teen inches (hi") in diameter be laid along the roadway of Third Street from the aforementioned pipe on Jefferson Street to a point approxi mately twenty feet (20) north of the center line of Washington Street That a cement concrete pipe twen ty-two inches (22") in diameter be laid along the roadway of Jefferson Street from a point approximately ten feet (10') west of the westerly line of Fourth Street to a point ap proximately ten feet (10') east of the center line of Fifth Street. That a cement concrete pipe tven ty inches (20") in diameter be laid along the roadway of Jefferson Street from a point approximately ten feet (10) east of the center line of Fifth Street to a point approximately ten feet (10) east of the center line of Sixth Street. That a cement concrete pipe eight een inches (IS") in diameter be laid from a point approximately ten feet (10 ) east of the center line of Sixth Street to a point approximately five feet (5') west of the westerly line of Seventh Street. 10. That manholes be built to fur bish access to the aforementioned pipes at the following locations: At Jefferson Street and Second Street. Two (2); At JeffiTson Street and Third Street. One (1); At Jefferson Street and Fifth Street, One (1): At Jefferson Street and Sixth Street. One (I): At Washington Street and Second Street. Two (2); At Wash ington street and Third Street One (1). 11. That inlets be built in the gutters at the following locations: .t asmngton Street and Second Street, Two (2); At Washington fireet and Third Street, Four (4); At Jefferson Street and First Street. One (1); At Jefferson Street and Second Street, Six (6V; At Jefferson Slreet uml Third Utri c:: .. . i, ci. ioi; At jeiiei.-siui jMi-eet ann Fourth Street. Two (2); At Jefferson Street and Filth Street. Eight (8); At Jefferson Street and Sixth Street. Eight (8); At Jefferson Street and Seventh Street, Two (2); and that inlets be connected with the aforementioned pipes with ten inch (10") cement pipes. 12. That sheet metal Kates be set teaching through the curb at the aforementioned inlets, and that saiil gates he connected with the pipes mentioned in Section S with ten inch (10") cement pipes. 13. That the roadway of intersect ing streets be giaded from the edge of the aforementioned pavement on ;i crade of not to exceed ten percent (10';) until it meets the original sur face of the street. All of the above work to be done in accordance with that certain set of plans approved and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix on the 10th day of March, 1911, and on file in the office of the City Engineer in Book Two of Street Improvement Plans on Pages One to Eighteen, and in further accordance with Specifications Nos. 19, 20, 21. 22, 24, 28 and 29 on file in the office of the City Recorder of said city, and which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to for a more particular description of the said work and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the said contem plated work or improvement in the opinion of the Common Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and that said Common Coun cil hereby makes the costs and ex pense of said improvement charge able upon a district and hereby de clares that the district in said City of Phoenix benefitted by the said v ork or improvement, and to be assessed to pay the costs and ex penses thereof is described as fol lows: All that portion or said city in cluded within the following exjerior boundary lines, to-wit: Beginning at the north-east corner ef Jefferson Street and First Street, running thence northerly along the easterly line of First Slice '. a point midway between the southerly line of Washington Street and tin northerly line of Jefferson Street, thence easterly along the line mid way between the southeily line of Washington Street and the northerly line of Jeffersem Street to a point midway between the easterly line of First Street and the westerly line of Second Street, thence northerly along the line midway between the easterly line of First Street and the westerly line of Second Street to a point mid--way between the northerly line of Washington Street and the southerly line of Adams Street, thence easter ly along the line midway between the northerly line of Washington Street and the southerly line of Adams Street to a point midway between the easterly line of Third Street and the westerly line of Fourth Street, thence southerly along the line mid way between the easterly line or Thin Street and the westerly line of Fourth Street to a point midway be tween the southerly line of Washing ton Street and the northerly line of Jefferson Street; thence easterly along the line midway between the southerly line of Washington Street and the northerly line of Jefferson Street to the westerly line of Sev enth Street, thence southerly along the wcsteily line of Seventh Street lo a point midway between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Madison Street, thence westerly along the line mid way between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Madison Street to the easterly' line of First Street, thence northerly along the easteily line of First Street to the point of beginning, EXCEPT ING THEREFROM, any portion of any public street or alley which may be included- in the above district. Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to make a diagram .'f the district described hereinabove in Section 2 of this Resolution of Intention, to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof. Such diagram shall show each separate lot, piece or parcel of land in said dis trict and the relative location of the same to the work proposed to be done. Section 4. The said Common Coun cil finds that public convenience re quires that serial bonds shall be is sued to represent the costs and ex penses of such work or improvement, and said Common Council determines that serial bonds shall be issued to represent each assessment of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or more for the costs and expenses of said work or impiovement. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending nine (9) years from and afte-r the second day of January next succeeil- the date of said bonds, and an even annual proportion of the prin cipal sum thereof shall be payable ry coupon on the second day of January everv vear after their date until all is paid and the interest shall be payable semi-annually by coupon on the second day of January and July, icspectively. of each year, at the rate of six percent ( ii' 1 1 per an num on all sums unpaid until the whole of said principal sum and in terest are paid. Section 5. The serial bonds here n mentioned shall be issued in ac cordance with the piovisions of an ct of tlie Legislature of the Stale of Arizona, known and designated as tile "Improvement Act of 1912." ap proved May 17. 1912, and all the pro- eeilings in the aforementioned im rovements shall also be taken under the said "Impiovement Act of 1912." mil subsequent amendments. Section 0. The City Recorder shall ertify to the passage of this Resoln on of Intention, and shall cause the aril" to be published ten (10) timer in the Arizona Republican, a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of PhoetiTx and hereby , designated for that purpose. Section 7. The Superintendent of Streets of the City of Phoenix shall post notice of said proposed improve ment as required by law. and in said notices shall refer to this Resolution of Intention. Reference is hereby made to the Bitulithic Mixture License Agreement of Warren Brothers Company of Boston Mass.. dated March 4. 1914. on file in the office of the City Re corder of the City of Phoenix. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution- No. 670. was duly passed by the Common Council of the City of Phoenix at a meeting held March 10th. 1914. and that a quorum was present thereat. FRANK THOMAS. City Recorder.