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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1914 PAGE THREE NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS IN THE REPUBLICAN'S CLASSI FIED COLUMNS There has been frequent demand for display type in classified adver tisements. Heretofore there was no rate for this, the rule being that classified advertisements must be kept in 8 point light face type that is, the regular reading type of the newspaper and not black face. From this date on the following rule must apply: For any adver tisement containing any black face type or any type larger than 8 point or our regular body type, there shall be a charge for the en tire advertisement of ten cents per inch additional to regular rates paid for classified advertising by the advertiser. Center Street Bargains 28 TO 153 FEET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, SOUTH OF ARIZONA School of Music. This has a depth of 145 feet and can be had at a very attractive figure (which would sell in parcels if can arrange to sell all), one-third cash. THE N. E. CORNER OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND McKINLEY, 3 lots 150 feet on Central and 135 feet on McKinley. Owner of this will sell cheap, but wants cash. E. J. BENNITT & CO. 1618 N. Center Street Tht Oldest R. E. Agency in Phoenix The Schmeiser Portable Derrick Will do the hardest part of your haying and is the most efficient hay tool ever invented. It will stack your hay smooth and flat and top the stack so that rain will not injure the hay. This Derrick is also used for lifting heavy wagons and machinery, excavating cellars, wells, etc., loading baled hay into wagons and on cars; taking hay from stack to wagons, raising tanks and building materials, etc. If you raise Hay you need a Schmeiser Derrick. Write us for more information. Pratt-Gilbert Co. II Distributors of M'CORMICK IMPLEMENTS CLASSIFIED WANT ADVERTISING One Cent: a Word Auctions AUCTION SALE At 1111 West Adams st., on Thursday, March 19, tit 1:30 p. m. On above date we will sell the high grade iuinumc a. 7-room cottage, consisting of 1 ma hogany dresser, 1 mahogany ladies dressing table, 1 mahogany bedstead. 2 leather davenports, 1 secretary and book case, 2 library tables, 6 parlor chairs, 2 Royal Wilton rugs 16x2 1. 1 electric lamp, 1 white enameled bed complete, 1 white enameled chif fonier, 1 chair, 8 bedroom rugs, bird's eye maple dresser, birds eye table, 1 rocker, 2 chairs, 1 white enameled crib, 1 Perfection oil stove, 1 Wheel er & Wilson sewing machine, 1 white enameled breakfast table, 4 chairs to match, dishes, cooking utensils, 1 Victor Victrola, 30 records, many other things too numerous to men tion. Don't miss this sale; owner leaving the city; goods must sell. Mrs. Dixon, owner; Taylor & Biehl. Auctioneers, phone 1349. f br AUCTION SALE Wednesday, March 25, 2 miles east of Center St., on the McDowell Rd., and mile north on the Asylum Road. Commences at 10:30. 150 Head of Cattle. 20 HEAD of Duroc Hogs. 8 Head of Horses and Mules. Terms cash. L. E. HEWINS, Owner C. O. McMURTRT AUCTIONEER 15 N. 1st Ave PUBLIC SALE . WEDNESRAY MARCH 18. 5 miles northwest of Phoenix. Arizona, or one and one half miles west of Alhambra on the Grand Canal, commencing at i 10:30. Being overstocked. I have de- j AN ACRE OF LAND, with good im cided to sell at Public Auction on my provements, that you can buy for $250 ranch, the following personal property. ' down, is a mighty lucky "find". Here 400 head stock, consisting of is one with good six rooms, frame 100 head steers, 6 months to 2 years old. house, good well, lots of shade and all 25 head heifers, 3 to 6 months old. j ready to move into. Just outside city 25 head heifers, long yearlings from the limits, north of town. tf best dairy herd in the valley. 2 thoroughbred Holstein bulls. I 20 head horses and mules consisting of i 2 spans large work mules. 2 yearling mules. 1 pair 3-year-old Percheron geldings. 1 pair 5-year-old work horses. 1 Leland D. colt, 3-year-old. 4 brood mares. 150 head stock hogs, all sizes and ages. Farming Implements. 3 mowing machines, 2 hay rakes, 2 disc cultivators, springtooth harrow, farm wagon goo-d as new, spring wagon, bug gy, 2 riding plows, 2 walking plows, hay stacker, cable and all complete; large churn and butter worker complete, large refrigetator, set scales. Sharp less cream separator, 2 Petaluma brooders; all the above stock and im plements in first class shape. Big Free Lunch at noon for everybody Terms of sale: Cash. FRANK COOPER, Owner. C. O. McMURTRY, Auctioneer, Office 15 North 1st Ave. Phone 661 C. A. WHITFIELD, Clerk, bp BIG AUCTION REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE TUESDAY. MARCH 24 1 MILES SOUTHWEST OF CASHION STATION Automobiles will meet Buckeye train at Cashion station. Train leaves Phoe nix on regular schedule. FREE CAFETERIA LUNCH AT NOON Finding It necessary to develop some valuable mining property, I have found it necessary to sell all my registered and high grade Jersey milch cows, about 60 head, including four registered males; certificates furnished. This is an especially selected herd for high test and quantity of milk, and is sold only because I cannot give them atten tion. Will also sell some good work and driving horses, farm implements, cream separators, etc. For terms see circulars. SAM F. WEBB. Owner B. W. GETSINGER, Auctioneer 16 E. ADAMS bn J Auctions AUCTION SALE Registered Jersey cows, largest and most carefully selected herd of Jerseys in the valley; more than 30 selected cows with papers and 40 high grade Jerseys will be sold to the highest bid der on Tuesday, March 24, at Hon. Sam S. Webbs' ranch, southwest of Cashion station. Terms, 6 moaths; bankable note, 2 per cent, discount for all cash. B. W. GETSINGER, 16 E. Adams St. tf For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE BT OWNER Five-room brick, .good cellar, substantially built, well finished, built-in features, prac tically new; leased till Oct. at $25 monthly, located 1937 W. Washington, $2,400 on fair terms. Liberal reduction lor heavy payment by June. Address T. F. Inscho, Palo Verde, Ariz. hp FIVE ACRES All seedless grapes, easy from car line. in Thompson terms, Yt mile VESTMENT CO. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN- 17 W. Adams. tf GALPIN & HART REAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN & HART 83 N. First Ave. LOANS U ARIZ. 121 INV. & LAND CO. North First Ave. OWN YOUR OWN PUMPING PLANT Here is a chance to buy 160 acres j of deeded land north of Avondale at ! $25 per acre. Small house, 40 acres cleared, leveled and plowed, extra good sandy soil, well, engine and full equipment. Including farming implements,. $1000 will handle. See Kellogg with Arizona Irrigated Land Co., 39 West Adams. tf 20 ACRES. $3250 Close to Scottsdale fine fruit land was in milo maize last summer; small house, shed, well, corral, all fenced, water paid for 1914. This is a bargain. $500 will handle. See Kellogg with Arizona Irrigated Land Co., 39 West Adams. tf TWENTY ACRES of very best land in Scottsdale district. Was in rriilo maize last year. This is best fruit sec tion in valley and land adjoining, in fruit, is selling for $500 per acre. This plere is going to sell for $3,250. You can handle it with $500. Ariz. Inv. ft Land Co., 129-131 N. 1st Ave. tf FIVE ACRES, all seedless grapes, easy In Thompson's terms, mile from car line. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams tf BUY A 70x145 LOT IN KENIL WORTH. WALKING DISTANCE. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING St IN VESTMENT CO. 17 WEST ADAMS STREET, tf FIVE ACRES OF LAND, near Mc Dowell and 16th Street; has frontage on three streets and could be subdi vided into 24 lots; price $350 per acre, terms $500 cash, and balance on or be fore 4 years. See Mr. McCarthy, Com mercial Hotel. . tf For Sale Real Estate FoTTSALE Below market price, 80 acres, 4 miles west of Buckeye, in fin est farming section, all in wheat and alfalfa, well improved, full water right. Inquire 401-2 Fleming Block. ds TWO LOTS on Grand Avenue, $700 cash for the 2 lots. See Johnston, 17 W. Adams. tf DANDY ONE ACRE CHICKEN RANCH, with water piped to it This place can be made absolutely self sup porting, a snap at only $600.00, 25.00 cash, balance $10.00 monthly. H. S. Thomas, Real Estate & Inv., Co., 41 W. Adams St. tf I WANT TO BUT 5 ACRES, all in alfalfa; state price and terms; what improvements, etc. Box 3565 Repub lican, tf BARGAINS in residence. Hanch and business property, Improved or unimproved. Houses to rent W. K. JAMES. 40 N. First St tf SNAPS THAT AM 80 acres, 4-room house, $125.00 per acre; 80 acres grain and alfalfa, $100.00 per acre; 160-acre relinquishment, 2 miles north of Ari zona canal, $600 cash. Exclusively, Union Realty Co., 11 East Adams St. tf FOR CASH ONLY Choice building lot In restricted subdivision, $225.00 cash, must be sold In next few days. Address, p. O. Box 522. tf FOR SALE The best quarter sec tion for the mony in the valley; well improved, and old water right; good terms, cheap price. See Thompson, 15 N. 1st Ave. tf FIVE ACRES, $1,750.00, all In al falfa, A water, easy terms. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN- VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf If you are looking for close in subdivision See BURROUGHS If you are looking for ranch property of any kind, see BURROUGHS If you are looking for city residences or vacant lots, see BURROUGHS at 42 West Adams St. tf TEN ACRES, $2,500.00, good house and well, $500 cash, balance easy terms. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE Relinquishment near Higley, center of pumping district. House on land. Box 252, Mesa. ds FIVE ACRES, $1,750.00, all in al falfa, A water, easy terms. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE 112 acres fine alfalfa, 4-room house, Tempe water, cheap. N. A. Morford, 15 E. Adams St tf FARM LANDS 20 acres in grain, near Alhambra, $125.00 per acre, $1,000 will handle this. 40 acres, all alfalfa, good well, close in, $150 per acre, northeast of city. 80 acres, south of Glendale, all in alfalfa: fine for dairy farm; price $125 per acre, easy terms. J. S. GRIFFIN ALONE 4 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE 40 or 80 acres good land near Chandler, away below market price, if sold at once; easy terms; no agents. Box 5028 Repub lican. It $100 FOR $175 option in fine mod ern house; three years' insurance paid. Box 5122, Republican. br ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS must sell my relinquishment 160 acres, un der St. John ditch. Address James Shoit, Cashion, Ariz. db -0 ACRES Of land, about 7 acres of which is now in A No. 1 wheat, Which should produce enough to make the first payment on the land, and 3 acres of which is fine sandy loam suitable for truck, berries, grapes and other fruit. This is located within 3 miles from the center of Phoenix in a direct line. Has a very old water right Price $110 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance exceedingly easy, payments at only 7 per cent interest. For Sale Only By DWIGHT B. HEARD Real Estate, Loans & Insurance Central & Adams ds FOR SALE 200 acre relinquishment In Casa Grande Valley. Close to rail road and a good school; will sell very cheap if taken at once. Call 331 East Washington Street. tf New Today WHILE YOU'RE RESTING just scan j this "home place" BARGAIN OF THE HOUR of- fering. $2000 BUYS THIS j I i i ALMOST 28 acres I close to State fair grounds all in alfalfa 4 room house, barn plenty fruit, plenty shade good well good soil Price $6800 $2000 handles. Balance easy Do we show vou this today? I ! ARIZONA SECURITIES AND IN - I VESTMENT COMPANY, INC, 107 N. Center Street, I Adams Hotel Bldg. I It For Sale Real Estate TWO AND ONE-HALF ACRES close to citv limits, north; price. $875; terms, $175 cash and balance at $15 per month; you can make 12 lots out of this plot. This is a rare op portunity to acquire a piece of close in acreage at a sacrifice pi ice. For further particulars address P. O. Box 1342, City. It TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, close in, on Christy road, all in grain and alfalfa, house, barn, well, fruit, surrounding land selling at $350.00 per acre; this is going to be sold this week for $250.00 per acre, terms very reasonable. We have a five-room brick house, modern in every way, good big lot, right on car line, northeast part of town, that owner says, sell, you can buy this for a short time for $2,250 and $300 cash will handle, come and lets go look at this. Arizona Inv. & Land Co., 129 N. 1st Ave. tf F YOU DON'T GRAB THIS, you will be sorry, 2V2 acres on Central Ave., east front, close in, covered with fruit trees and berry vines. The greatest snap of the valley, $2,500.00. Call Bowles 8311. bn FOR SALE Relinquishment, north of Glendale, 160 acres, 20 acres clear ed. House on property cost $150, party going east, Box 920, City P. O. db TEN ACRES, $2,500.00, good house and well, $500 cash, balance easy terms, SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17' W. Adams. 1 tf WE CAN SELL IT your ranch or city property. If you have a desirable piece of property to sell at a reasonable price WE CAN SELL IT JNO. L. IRVIN 11 N. 1st Ave. tf THIRTY ACRES, South 15 avenue, mortgage $3800, 6 per cent interest, t years; god house; A water. Exchange for home close In north side. Address 911 W. Washington or Phone 1548. tf FOR SALE Lease on 40 acres, 15 in alfalfa, good house and well, good orchard. Add. C. H. Box 151R2. bn For Sale Houses WANT TO BUY Five acres, 5 or C, room house, within two or three miles of Washington Street. Address Box 3567 Republican. tf LOOK! LISTEN! what have you to offer In cash or trade for 6-room mod ern house on E. Portland, $2000, small cash payment will handle. H. C. Groom. Noll Bldg. tf FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN RESI DENCE WITH PROFITABLE BUSI NESS COMBINED. Located right on car line, 5 cent fare, has beautiful 6 room brick house, modern in every particular, with absolutely soft water piped to it; 50 bearing fruit trees, also 4 varieties grapes and blackberries; also about 75 rose bushes of all kinds; good barn and garage; also concrete incubator house including 3 large ca pacity incubators; also 20 modern poultry houses with wired-in yards for same; also over 200 head of high-grade poultry; also large pigeon and squab house with enclosed wire runs; also between 500 and 600 head of imported Belgian Carneaux pigeons, the greatest squab producers known. Our stock. both in poultry and pigeons, have won numerous prizes at all the late poultry shows. We have a well-established and ever increasing trade. This is the most up-to-date and modern equipped poultry and squab plant as well as one of the most beau tiful suburban residences near Phoenix, and is a money maker. Other business only reason for selling, $3,000.00 cash, will handle or might con sider trade for business or ranch prop erty. Address Owner, P. O. Box 522. It For Sale Houses FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ments. 124 North Seventeenth ave. br MODERN HOMES FOH SALE We have a number of modem, up-to-the-minute residences in choice sections of Phoenix for sale at bar gain prices. You can live in your own home by paying from $100 to $250 cash; balance like rent. See Kellogg with Arizona Irrigated Land Co., 39 West Adams. t FOR SALE Four-room house owned by California party, we are instructed to sell for highest bid; if you want a home, look this up. Two new 4-room plastered houses. on lot 100x137, 1 block from car line; we are waiting for an offer. Here's another real spring bargain: 6-room frame house and large new 4- room brick house, on one lot, the two will rent for $35.00 per month the year round, the price is so low, we are ashamed to publish it, come and see us. HEALY CONRAD & CO. 37 S. Center St. tf DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOUSE, lots or land? We have them at prices the lowest. Our" motto A square deal to all comers. NEW STATE REALTY CO.. 314 Fleming Blk. Phone 1064. tf FOR SALE by owner for $2850.00 cash or about one-half cash, a new 5 -room modern brick, large front porch, two screen porches with young fruit and shade trees, poultry house and yard. Apply at 837 N. 8th Ave. 3-dr RING 414 for reliable messenger f service. TWO AND ONE-HALF ACRES close to city limits, north: price. $875; tetms, $175 cash and balance at $15 per month; you can make 12 lots out of this plot; this is a rare op portunity to acquire a piece of close- in acreage at a sacrifice price. For further particulars address P. O. Box 1342, City. It WILL RELINQUISH 40 acres of choice, class "C" land inside of new project limits, $20.00 per acre. Box 27 Republican. bn $1,000.00 BUYS A HOUSE in Kenil- worth, $45.00 per month pays for it. Best residence section in Phoenix; all modern conveniences. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf $1,000 BUYS A HOUSE in Kenil worth, $45.00 per month pays for it. Best residence section in Phoenix. All modern conveniences. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf WE MUST SELL AT ONCE a 6-room brick house, nearly new, strictly modern; you can have this at yofjr own price, if your offer is anywhere in reason; small payment and easy terms will handle. This is no hot air, give us an offer. The location is in one of the best re stricted districts. Exclusively with Fred Dibble, Sid Henry's office, 15 N. First Ave. . tf ATTRACTIVE, new 5-room modern, splatter dashed bungalow, hardwood floors, built-in features, all strictly first class, garage, chicken yards, etc. E. Evergreen Addition. See owner, B. H. Dodt, 520 E. Moreland or Phoenix Sav ings Bank. tf SIX LARGE ROOMS; splendidly cool; 32 -foot gallery, facing east; shade, lawn; hardwood floors; close In; $3800; good terms; call any time. Owner, 610 North Sixth ave. tf $150 FOR A HOME $150 New four-room brick house; mod ern; right by the state capitol; for only $1800; possession at once, and balance like rent; better see this. Fred Jacobs, Empress Theater Bldg., 40 East Adams St. tf FOR SALE 3-room frame, fur nished; bam, chicken yard, shade, fruit trees, lot 42xl50; near car line, north side; price $1000; $450 cash, balance $10 per month. J. B. Heyne Realty Co., 18 W. Adams, tf For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE, CANARIES Hartz Mountain strain, twenty birds; will sell singly or in pairs, or in one lot; also nice hens for sale. Phone8511 or 1016 E. Polk Street. 2t FOR SALE Good second-hand safe. Ford Garage. 308 E. Adams. bn FOR SALE Ford roadster, $185.00; Flanders, 1912 special roadster, $285.00; Howns, $175.00; 1911 Cadillac, $650.00; light truck, $150.00. Ottestad & Wold, 227 N. Center St. Terms to honest people. If VEHICLE BARGAINS! The best bus in Arizona $500 McCabe-Powers ambulance $500 U. S. Hack $300 Miller Hack $200 Cunningham Hack $200 These vehicles will be sold for cash or exchanged for real estate of equal value. For information see Jack Gibson, Phoenix, or communi cate with H. H. McDonald, Ray, Ariz. tf FOR SALE One twin Excelsior mo torcycle. Inquire Arizona Alfalfa Mills. Phone 1265. bp RING 414 for reliable messenger service g For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Columbus surrey, very cheap. Central Ave. Dairy. Phone 1Ci7 ' tf FOR SALE 6 month's Bcnolursnip to Lamson's. Phone 216R3. tf FOR SALE One show case, 1 roll er top desk; 1 cash register, 1 coun ter scale, set double harness, large ice box suitable for butcher shop or restaurant; hand made. Phoenix Furniture Co., 301 West Washington. br FOR SALE Confectionery news stand, and pool hall at a bargain; no competition, doing good business, gooa reason for selling. Address Box 48, Humboldt, Ariz. dl SOUTHWESTERN STOCK, best stock investment in the Southwest. Shares $1;05. Buy now. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf LARGE SHIPMENT of tires, re ceived by Griswold the bicycle man; vou'd better see them. tf TENTS. AWNINGS Hay covers, roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, Bleeping porch curtains, anything in canvass. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. 1st St. and Monroe. Phone tf FRUIT TREES of all kinds, at the I Rlde-a-wee Nursery: Cuthbert rasp berries a success; dewberries; now Is the time to plant Call ma see our stock. Phone 8645. tf AN HONEST DEAL In Buggies, Harness ana Saddles ts why we sell so many. S9 us for second hand vehicles. COLLINGS VEH. & HAR. CO. 22-34 East Adams st tf FOR SALE Beautiful new bunga low, near Capitol, two hundred dollars less than list price. Easy terms. Tel ephone 2120. bp FOR SALE Two valuable old vio lins, Marvin Wakefield Piano Co., Phone 586; 201 West Washington Street. tf FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room house, $300.00; house for rent $35.00 per month. 12 West Van Buren Street. bn BARGAIN Motorcycle Bargain to day, at Griswold's. 25 E. Adams St. It will be sold. tf NEW UNDERWOOD typewriter, for sale or trade. Call at 375 N. 6th Ave. tf EXPERIENCED GARDNER -and horticulturist pancy, cabbage and cau liflower plants for sale. Phone 427. Fred Pochon, 430 W. Washington St tf SPECIAL BARGAINS We buy and sell. ARIZONA SUPPLY CO. PHONE 1476. tf FOR SALE 1913 4-passenger. Over land, in A-l condition; owner leaving for California; a bargain if taken im mediately. Can be seen at the Buick Garage, 313 N. Center. tf $300 WENTWORTH PIANO, cheap, make cash offer. Tavaner Piano Co, 213 West Washington. tf BOOST FOR PHOENIX Use Tip Top, the best hard water soap made anywhere. Trial size 15c per cake, 2 for 25c. You get it at The City Drug Store. W. S. Lawson, prop rietor. First ave. and West Adams St. Phone 452. tf ATTENTION ORANGE GROWERS We have the best Washington Navel and Marsh Seedless grapefruit trees ever grown in Arizona. If vou see them you will buy no others. We ire quoting either variety as long as they last balled trees F. O. B. Mesr. s follows: and up. $1.00; to 85c; 94 to 75c. The Mesa Citr Nursery; Paul Baxter Beville, Prop.; Fhone 42, Mesa. tf FOR SALE Overland auto $1350, 1913 model, electric li?ht and self- starter, 5-passenger, at a sacrifice if taken at once, as I must leave the country. Address Republican Box 3576, Phoenix, Arizona. bn IRISH SETTER PUP, 3 months old. S. W. Pescay, R. No. 4. Phone 216J3. tf FOR SALE A five-passenger car, cost $1500, first class condition, owner leaving, make an offer. Phone 1296. tf Headowbrook Near the Indian School ON THE CAR LINE Acre tracts, on easy terms. Best water in the val ley. A roomy place for the home. Will douhle in value. GREENE & GRIFFIN, 127 North Central Ave. "T-ater In Mundane. ater clean, no foul seeds, ater pure and wholesome. makss and keeps. The finest land and the best ml cheapest irrigation system. $100 per acre; easy terms; low Interest ARIZONA IRRIGATED LAND CO, 39 West Adams Phoanix. Ariz. For Sale Miscellaneous THE WATKINS MAN is coming when you tell him to by card. Our goods are yours when you want them. 1747 East Madison, Phoenix. dg 1'UU SALU Several second-hand motorcycles at prices to suit Phoe nix Cycle Co.. 133 N. Central Ave. tf WE PAY MORE THAN ANYBODY FOR OLD RUBBER AND METALS. PHONE 1832 OR WRITE EFFRON & CO., BOX 101, PHOENIX, ARIZ. SPE CIAL PRICES ON OUT-OF-TOWN BUSINESS. tf FOR SALE AUTO 1913 Overland, cheap, fully equipped, would consider trade for lot. Just been overhauled. 226 W. Wash. St. tf MARCH PLANTING CARD Alfalfa Beans Eucalyptus Peanuts Cucumber Wheat Peas Lettuce Spinach Pumpkin Barley Beets Onion Sets Indian Corn Cotton Rye Carots Radish Tomato Plants Melons Oats Parsnip Squashes Citron Asparagus Plants Fruit Trees Grass Seed ARIZONA SEED COMPANY, 137 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. 3-gb RIVERSIDE NURSERY NUMBER ONE STOCK OF OLIVES, ORANGES, POMELOES, ROSE BUSHES, FRUIT TREES. UMBREL LAS, PALMS, ETC. SOUTH CEN TER. PHONE 1568. tf FOR SALE at 10 W. Van Buren, dining room and the furniture, 8 rooms. dl CAR LOAD oranges, must be sold at once, very low prices short time only; buy them by the box. Phoenix Fruit & Produce Co., 119 W. Jefferson St. tf RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf SOUTHWESTERN stock investment in STOCK, best the Southwest. Shares $1.05. Buy now. SOUTHWESTERN BUILDING & IN- I VESTMENT CO. 17 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE Kissel Kar, six-passenger, 1st class condition. lOg E. Adams. tf tMltttfUtlfil MONEY IS SAVED in buying tires of Griswold the bicycle man. 25-27 E. Adams St., and you will save in buying wheels. tt STUDEBAKER roadster, first class condition; fully equipped; at a bar gain. 127 East Van Buren. dk FOR SALE Player Piano. Excellent condition; standard make, mahogany case, slightly used, only $425.00; easy terms. The Marvln-Wakefleld Piano Co. tf Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will sea more customers than vou can. w