Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNIXtS, MARCH 17, 1914 If YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT, HERE IT IS PAGE FOUR For Sale Live Stock F'OR SALE Clydsdale stallion and a team of large mules. Lightning Del. Co. bn FOR SALE Fine grade 3-year-oM , stallion and Kcveral fine 3-year-old ! mates; priced reasonable. Telephone 11R5, or call at B. F. Savior, Tempe It FOR SALE 90 head dairy stock, cows and heifers. J. W. Moundy, two miles south of Ten Mile store. dg IF YOU HVEANT HIDES OR SHEEP PELTS PHONE 1832 AND WE WILL CALL FOR THEM. EF KROX & CO., 1009 E. MADISON. tf RING service. 414 for reliable messenger tf TEN MULES for sale, from 3 to 10 Vears OKI, Jo.UU to JJUll.uu a ayau. -'i. . ... - . .. 4 ' II. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. ci FOR SALE Ten head of good milch cows. Central Ave. Dairy. Phone 1847. tf FOR SALE Two 4-year-old stand ard bred mares, extra good travelers; also one 1100 pound mare and one sad dle pony. Central Ave. Dairy. Phone 1847. tf FOR SALE Good team of young brood mares, weight 2750. Address P. O. Box 643. 3-dn For Sale Eggs and Poultry EGGS FOR HATCH ING, $1.50 PER SET TING, also day old chicks. Buff and Barred Plymouth Rocks. We took 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, also sweepstakes meda! at late fair and poul try show. UTILITY POULTRY & PIGEON CO., Seventh Street and Glendale Car Line Phone 20SJ2 FOR SALE Full blood Rhode Isl and Red eggs for hatching; $1.00 per setting. Call 1314 North Third St., or phone 2795. bp THOROUGHBRED Ancona eggs for hatching; $1.00 for 15; winter layers. Phone 2219. lk KING 414 for reliable messenger Blk. Phone 1064. tf service. tf FOR RENT New, modern bungalow, 3ZZZ ' " on car line, fine district. Dr. John A. FOR SALE 175 egg X-Ray ' In- Lentz, Cor. 1st Ave, and Adams. tf cubator, like new, $18.00. Thomas. 43 RING 414 for reliable messenger V. Adams St. tf service. tf , HOUSES, furnished and untiirnish- IF YOU HAVE spring chickens lor ed Kinney & Thrift, 35 E. Adams, ale, call 788 or 789. tf tf FOR SALE Buff and Barred Ply- p TPT1 Furnished mouth Rock cockrels; fine stock; also iteilt J! UTZUSHeU eggs for hatching. Utility Poultry & HOUSeS Pigeon Co., 43 W. Adams St. tf - - -BTBY-CHICKSTiratchiSgls-nd REXT-One two-, oom house breed. Phone 213J2. Weber's White fished; also four rooms bhd. Leghorn Ranch, west of Indian school. improvements. 1020 Ea.n McKu - tf Uy st- II ORDER YOUR CHICKS and hatch ing eggs from thoroughbred White Leg horns. F. E. Cotton, R. No. 1. Phone 2171. tf BABY CHICKS, hatching eggs, lay ing hens, breeding cocks, cockhels and dressed poultry. Phone 1003, Poultry Breeders Supply House, 123 W. Jef ferson. . tf FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, first house west of Center St. on Camelback Road. tf Day Old Chicks Day Old Chicks We are now booking orders for day old chicks, March delivery; R. I. Reds, B. P. Rocks, White and Brown Leghorns, Buff Orpington, Aucona and Pekin Ducks. Eggs for hatching, et tlngs or Incubator lots. ' ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 North Central Ave. tf FOR SALE Thorougnbred barred rock eggs for hatching, $1.00 per doz. Phone 103R11. ' tf ""hATCHINOGGS Sehreck PouN try Farm, I HAVE FOR SALE four pairs of White Holland turkeys, those are blue ribbon stock. J. T. Whitney, No. 330 East Cornado road. . dr For Sale or Exchange FOR TRADE Well improved 20 ncrea, nil in alfalfa; close in; will trade for house and lot in Phoenix; this is your opportunity to get a rine Pome. Wm. M. Costley, 17 North ! First ave., Phone 603. br FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE-Relin- quishmcnt, 160 acres, 20 acres cleared, house cost $150.00, will exchange for citv property. Box 5087, Republican. Inished cottages, ddl. f The TKooBce with ( vjooldw't Be hawcim' f vjwatt C vjhY, gosm. it 3 TT .rrrS?' rurTO igs?Hs?7 lcT -) - ?L hd) v(ti ULl 7 I.HAM.HCICAKIONO. JT VOMAU GOT J G0tUS TO y0 IAME-WW7 . JfAM Mf i I l For Sale or Exchange FOR IMMEDIATE EXCHANGE 2 residence lots in CHICAGO and one lot in BL'RLINGAME. Cal. (lf milu,le from -Frisco"), all CLEAR, Ior i'nnix property. GALPIN & HART S3 North First Ave. It RING service. 414 for reliable messenger tf FOR SALE 17 shares of Southaid. Gas & Electric stock. Will exchange for real estate. 802 National Bank of Arizona. tf SPANISH JACK 850 lbs., 5 years old, "Black Diamond". Sure foal get ter, for sale or trade, $1000.00. Casa Grande Livery' Stable, Casa Grande, Arizona. 3-db For Sale Groceries PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY 20 lbs. sugar $1.00; 3 loaves bread 25c; 3 lbs. Hill's Coffee $1.00; 3 pkgs. corn flakes 25c; 3 pkgs. Argo Gloss Starch 25c; 6 bars Pearl White Soap 25c; 5 gal. coal oil 85c. Capitol City Grocery, 7th Ave. & Washington St. tf For Rent Houses HOUSE for rent. 929 East Buch anan. S ds FOR KENT Four-room house, in gc od condition; well located; V mile west from carline on Indian School read; price reasonable. Phone 6R2, C. E. Tannehill. br FOR RENT Furnisned house: One on North Twelfth st., close in, $25.00. See Boon, 15 East Adams st. tf ONE BRICK house on North Fifth ave.; $20.00. See Boon, 15 East Ad ams st . tf $10.00 PER MONTH, 3-room house,, 19th and Olive St. Owner at 1016 Grand Ave. bn FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, modern. 705 E. Washington. bn FOR RENT Houses, furnished and unfurnished from $20 up. NEW STATE REALTY CO., 314 Fleming FOR REXT Attractive four-room j modern bungalow, completely and tastefully furnished: three screen porches, lawn, flowers and barn; lo cated west of Capitol, block from j car line: will lease to responsible j nartr for six months: no less period considered. Phone 2265. tf j FOR .RENT Most beautiful and desirable summer apartment' in Phoenix, . 3 large rooms, new; . large screen room, private entrance, com pletely furnished; absolutely, the j also rooms with iub or shower bath, cleanest, coolest, and best located j hot water always; also cots. South apartment house in city, on West j west cor. 2nd Ave. and Jefferson St. Washington St., near Library and Phone 1337. 1-dn parks. Phone 1296 before 9 and after 6. - tf FOR RENT Room: ,30 Xorth First ave. Cad I close in. br FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, strictly modern, 3 rooms with l private bath and sleeping porch, newly furnished, no sick. Loux Apartments, 1214 W. Adams. ds TWO OR FOUR LARGE ROOMS, reasonable, 1014 South Second Ave: See Malin, Kunz Bros. & Messinger. tf FOR RENT Houses, furnished and unfurnished. M. F. DeWitt, 30 N 2nd Ave. tf RING 414 service. for reliable messenger tf . FOR RENT Houses, furnished and unfurnished. Capitol Savings & Inv. Co. 773. 200 W. Washington St. Phone tf j F'OR REXT- -Furnished and unf ur: cheap. Phone 8193 4-bk Mr. Rooms and Board HEALTH SEEKERS INVESTIGATE "The Phoenix Rest Home", a place to rest and get well, careful personal at tention to each one. Phone 18J5 and auto will call; rates reasonable. G. A. Roberts, Mgr. 3-ds EXCELLENT MEALS at the Ivon. 650 N. 6th Ave. Phone 1705. tf NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; also furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 341 W. Adams. tf For Rent Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. N. 4 th Ave. S76 tf FOR RENT Modern apartment, 4 rooms, well furnished, screened sleep ing poicb, summer rates; close in. Inquire 222 W. Adams. Phone 668. 3t A FURNISHED ROOM for rent, over Griswold Bicycle Shop. 25 E. Adams. tf ROOM with screen sleeping room; south side. 368 N. First Ave. tf NICE, CLEAN, comfortable room, with heating stove, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 352 N. 3rd Ave. tf WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 No. 1st street, new, modern, no sick tak en, tf ST. FRANCIS HOTEL, for rooms 27 East Monroe. tf UNION HOTEL 618 W Washing ton St. Rooms 50c. 1-bl ROOMS IN LOS ANGELES Single rooms and housekeeping rooms, at 1447 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, Cal. bp FOR REXT Nicely furnished front room with bath, 518 N. 6th St. bn PLEASANT furnished housekeep ing rooms, fine sleeping porch; mpd crn; no sick. Apply 124 Xorth 11th Ave bn FOR SALE Ten acre suburban heme, on car line, near Central ave.; modern home; well improved; price. $7000; $1000 will handle. Phone 121l" or address P. O. Box 521. br SCREEN' ROOMS with board; $25 per month; no sick. Phone FURNISHED ROOM with board; no sick. 520 West Jefferson. or THREE beautiful looms complete ly furnished. 3CS North First ave. tf FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, $15 month. 506 East Adams. tf IRVING HOTEL Nicely furnished rooms: also rooms for light housekeep ing, rates reasonable. 530 West Wash- , ineton ds I FOR RENT One large, light, new furnished room, lavatory with hot and cold water, furnace heat 1501 W. Washington. tf THREE FURNISHED rooms; mod em; large yard. Call at 143 South Thitd st. Also single rooms. dg rjuOM for gentleman only o4T Xorth Fourth ave. no sick, tf KING 414 for reliable messenger service. tt VERY LARGE upstairs bedroom, I w-ith private screen porch and bath.' hot and cold water, close in on 2nd Ave. north, to permanent gentleman, Apply 129 N. Central Ave., Room 3. If STAGY HOTEL Furnished housekeeping apartments, I FOR REXT Nicely furnished room, ! walking distance, good location. 322 West Roosevelt. i BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; ' blocks from business district; exclu : sive neighborhood; price, $15 to $30 j per month. 617 North Center; phone ; 1711. - tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT furnished housekeep ing rooms; modem; summer rates. 917 North Second st. bp HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Second st. F22 North ds I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with i screen sleeping porch, both adjoining; I v, bi,)Ck from carline. 206 East ' jjoreland st. bp XICE MODERN' apartment, near the Capitol. 1545 W. Jefferson. bn I THREE FURXISHED ROOMS for i light housekeeping and one single front i rnom' 1015 Woodland Ave. bn FURXISHED housekeeping rooms. ' 906 E. Pierce. Phone 2603. bn Dink Finds The Mysterious "Lamebrain" For Rent Furnished Rooms FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. ! with screen. 234 West Monroe. 4t LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 218 East Adams. bm j TVOCo6l, well-furnished rooms j for light housekeeping, private en- j trance, bath in connection; very de- sirable place. Inquire 801 North 2nd I Street. tf ONE VERY DESIRABLE 4-room , unfurnished apartment, including screen room, in new house. 1229 East Adams St., 1 block from car line, will furnish if desired. Phone 8084. tf For Rent Miscellaneous FOR RENT Corral and storage warehouse, corner First St. and Jack son. Inquire at McNulty's Pool Hall, 16 South Center St. bp For Rent Lands FOR RENT Eighty miles northeast. J. M. acres. .Six Republican. ds LAND RENT FREE To right party j WANTED Good grain sacks. Phoe who will put crop in at once will give njx w'ood and Coal Co. South 3 street two years rent free, water free first and Jackson. tf year 80 or 160 acres choice land; one I TOiTJTirnWa r, e.n rr mile from R. R. station, under Highline I canal. Will give five years lease. See H. W. Clark, 406 Natl. Bank of Ari zona, Bldg., Phoenix. ta TO REXT Alfalfa pasture, 25 acres at $18 per acre; 56 acres at $20 per' acre. St. See X. A. Morford, 15 E. Adams tf LAND FOR RENT 30 acres on North Central Avenue and Taft Drive, adjoining Campbell and Francis. Suit able for melons. Phone or call on D. H. Telford, Room 5, over Greene & Griffin. bn WATCII PHOENIX GROW For rent, 25 acres alfalfa, good stand, house, $37.50 a month. M. H. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. tf FOR REXT 320 acres cotton land at Avondale; no foul weeds to contend with; will furnish water, land and seed. Want parties that can handle 40 to 80 acres each. See ARIZONA IRRIGATED LAND CO. 39 W. ADAMS ST. tf QUARTER SECTION, for growing cotton. Phone 8198. v ' For Rent Store and Offices FOR REXT Elegant suite of two offices. Call at National Bank of Arizona. bn Wanted Situations Male WORK OX RANCH, or in town; can do most anything or would lent a small place. Phone 2085. bn JAPANESE CLUB Most reimuie j agency for any help. Especial cooks 1 and waiters. 214 S. 4th Ave. Phone 538. tf YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER, j with a knowledge of bookkeeping de j sires position. Has own new machine. I Republican Box 3635. dr BY INDIAN MEN Yardwork, etc. j "OLDEST AND RELIABLE" Phoe Phone Cook Bible School. 1873. 213J3. ' nix (Live wjre) Emp Agency Com. ldd mercial Hotel Building. No. 37 South . Central Ave. Phone 702. tf Wanted Situation, Female YOUNG LADY wishes position as ; A I office assistant or cashier. Box 512:' Republican. bp ; Wanted Miscellaneous . EXPERIENCED COTTON raiser I wants cotton crop on halves; healthy ! and small family; paity that called I Sunday night, please call again, j South Second ave.; phone 2151. 14.-, bp RESPONSIBLE young couple; heal thy; will act as caretakers of house for summer for rent free. Address Box 5124, Republican. br WANTED TO BORROW $700 on j good security. Address 330 Xorth ' I First ave. bp IX THE FOOTHILLS of Monrovia. California, a trained nurse win take a limited number of convalescing, tuber cular patients for. room and board. Her home is an attractive bungalow with open air houses. Special attention giv en to diet. Miss G. L. Stone, 225 East Avenue, Monrovia, Cal. bp EXCURSION to Granite Reef, $20.00, 20-passenger auto, special picnic rates, Phoenix Garage. Phone 519. tf Wanted MiscellaneqiM I WANTED Driving horse for his keep Good pasture and little use. P. O. Box 957. db WANTED Good second hand mo- torcycle. Address Box 1785 Republi- can. br WANTED TO BORROW $1,500.00 on residence property. P. O. Box 301. bn DOLLAR TO CLEAN and . . ... ... ... rouna tailor. 116 N. Center St. 4-k ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY, 5c per pound. S01 S. 9th Ave. Phone 2723. tf WE BUY, men's second-hand cloth- ing and shoes; cleaning and repairing i for women's apparel; splendid op at reasonable prices. I. Feldman, 237 p()rtunity for the right person. -Xew South Center. tf j oYrk Store. br P. H WILLIAMSON Papering and painting in every line. AH work guaranteed. Phone 730. 121 North 5th street. tf WANTS TO BUY Ten acres in al falfa with or without improvements: can make first payment of $1,000.0'J. Address Buyer, Box 3607 Republican. fresh ranch eggs. WALTER HILL CO., Second Ave. and Jefferson St. tf WASHINC Phone 8486 tf i WANTED To make your new ones; do awnings; repair the old your upholstering, rerinishing ana repair work. Dorris-Heyman Furni- ture Co. tf WANTED A deep well pumping outfit to lift water 115 ft. S. J. Clifford Hayden, Ariz. ds j WANTED Contracts by 4 first- class carpenters, to build houses; let .... . us figure your jobbing and screen work; also brick and cement work plans furnished. Best of references. Phone 8837 Wanted Help Kaie WANTED Tailor for alteration.-! on men's and women's apparel. Apply at New York Store. br WANTED Experienced salesman; steady position. New York Store. dry goods Apply at b: PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED Good live man or woman canvassers; bouse to house; good pay. Call 7 to 12 a. m. 129 South Second ave. G. Docon. " It YOUNG MAX, i few hours daily Mrs. Shaw, cater- for kitchen work. Mrs. Shaw, cater- DRS. WAHLENMAIER & WAH er, upstairs, Donofrio's Confectionery. LENMAIER. Chiropractic, Spinal Ad- CARPENTER WANTED who has ability to superintend factory mak ing portable tent and wood houses; must invest $500 or more in company to assure faithfulness to business. See Goodwin Co.. 316 North First st. 1 I WANTED A good milker; $40.0" J)pr m(mtn p B Rees, Wickenburg, F. O. Box. 936. db WANTED A man who can sell stock in a proposition that is gilt edge; one that is pay ing dividends. Give experience and reference. Box 3608 Re publican. tf WANTED Reliable man, good ref- erences as manager ot our Dusiness headquarters, phoenix investment re- I ! 1 .. t ! ' iuueu, one 01 itvo uiuuaiiiiu uouuis, large returns assured; splendid oppor tunity for the right man. Call for Mr. . Stowe, Adams Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 to 4 P. M. bn WANTED A man who can sell real estate. Box 3606 Re Publican. tf WANTED Two neat appearing young men to solicit for established ! company; good salaries made. Ap- plv between 9 and 10 a. m. Room 5S. Ford Hotel . it Is Bis Old Friend, Mr. Wanted Help Male Phone 1183 for PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS ' Deeds, mortgages, and other legal forms prepared. Depositions taken. Expert office help furnished. McCausIand Business Exchange. 319-20 Fleming Blk. tf WANTED A No. 1 printing solici tor, no other need apply. Address Box 1777 Republican. bp Wanted Help Female WANTED Experienced saleswom- j GIRL WANTED For general house work, two j family, call mornings, S4() xorth Second Avenue. bn i - H A.Mtu A woman to cook; must be experienced; or man and wife, man to garden. Apply J. W. Dorris Grocery. br ANY TWO OR THREE young la dies wishing to learn massage can ( apply by letter to Natural Waxoline Co., Phoenix. Position permanent; salary moderate; positions open for two days only. bp W ANTED Young lady stenographer for public work. Best location in city. Fine opportunity for right person. Ad dress Box 3672 Republican. tf Wanted Help Male and Female I ARIZONA EMPLOYMENT CO. j PHONE 1304 111 South First St.. PHOENIX HOTEL BLDG. SEE US FOR YOUR JOB. RELIABLE HELP WANTED and furnished, see Miss Kirksey at M. H ' C1...1 I T3nt:K1n C .nlnomnnt Arn.A.r xicnauio r,miu,uicui 6w 1 215 West Washington St. I Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAX See Boon about it. 15 East Adams. tf MOXEY TO LOAN in different amounts. Kinney & Thrift, 35 East Adams, tf BORROW $10 TO $100 on your Piano, furniture, horses, cattle, etc. Mutual Loan Co., Room 5, Lewis Bldg. Phone 1396. tf MONEY TO LOAN On good im proved real estate at lowest rates. E. E. Pascoe, 110 North Center Street. tf Professional and Business Cards 11 ' justors. The only Chiropractors In 1 Phoenix, holding a license issued by the State Medical Board of Arizona, 381 N. 2nd Ave. Phone 2765. tf CHIROPODIST I Corns (removed, 50 cts. I each; bunions, moles warts, etc., removed by . J electricity 39 East Adams FRANK SHIRLEY Phone 1704. Lost and Found LOST Gold scarf pin, set with saf fire and small diamond; return to 216 Noll Bidg: reward. . bp LOST Pair of solid gold spectacles, name of Dr. Keain on case; notify Re publican, suitable reward. bn SPECIAL Closing out land sales of two estates, nine tracts, all improved, 10 acres to 160 acres; 4 dwellings; no finer soil in the valley; one-fourth cash, balance terms. These lands must be sold. We arc authorized to make special discounts in order to close out prompt ly. Additional discounts for one-half cash. rm Gink 3 Lost and Found L ST, strayed or stolen, from my pasture thiee miles north of town. ( ne small bay ' mare, weight about 9"0 pounds; shod in front only; no brands. Notify County Recorder Vernon L. Vaughn and receive re ward, br LOST Gold locket, engraved with initials Y. S.; return to American Kitchen and receive reward. 3t STRAY STOCK Seven mules, 5 horses, owner may have same by pay ing charges. Chas. R. Barnes, Ave. 17 and Grand Canal. Phone 118R3. bp LOST OR STOLEN Wheel, No. 58446, gray mesquite tires; please re turn to Bryant & Co., tailor. 29 E. Adams St., Phoenix. tf FOUND Five miles west of Arling ton, Racycle motorcycle. Owner may have same by paying charges. Prove ownership by giving license number. Leslie Humphreys, Arlington, Arizona. bn WOMAN for cooking and general housework for three; p;.;t of laun dry; $30; fare refunded on condi tions. Mrs. Dan Hopkins, Jerome. dk Special Notices $10 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front yards of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. $1.25 PER WORD inserts classi fied Ads in thirty-six leading papers In United States; send for list The Dake Advertising Agency, 427 South Main St., Los Angeles, or 12 Geary SU San Francisco, Cal. tf Business Chances FOR SALE Cigar stand, best lo cation in city, large stock, fine fix tures, doing nice business. One thou sand cash will handle. Address. Box 5121, Republican. bn IF YOU HAVE $2000 to invest, you can get 2 per cent per month on your investment and a salary of $50 per month for two or three hours' work per day; this opportunity will not appear again. Answer in person at Room 12 Kimber House, between 1 and 3 p. m. bp WANTED Partner with $2,000, if you have the money, you ean not find a better proposition than I have; all your time required. Address 335 E. Lincoln St. bn CALTOX CHICK FOOD Xo waste. Hill's Seed House, Inc., 126 Central Ave. Xorth. Phone 1735. tf BUTCHER BUSINESS Doing a good business. I must sell this at once to take general management of the Ash Creek Mining Co. Address or call on J. H. Pool, Winkelman, Ariz. bn I CITRUS TREES FOR SALE Valen ! cia, Washington navel orange and Eu reka lemon trees. Sour orange seed bed stock. All first-class trees. Write for price now. F. Azuma, Box 215, Up land, Cal. dg YOUNG WIDOW wishes a position in bachelor or widowers home in the city, desires home more than salary, those wanting servant help need not apply. Call 1101 N. 10th St. bp AN ESTABLISHED agency for sale; something the small investor j can handle and make good money. J For full particulars, apply between 3 and 5 p. m.. Room 58, Ford hotel. If PHOENIX TRUST CO. 16 West Adams Street Phoenix