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PAGE SIX . W THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1914 "S- You need our service when you need glasses. SWIGERT BROS. D. D. NORTHRUP Optical Specialist 9 East Adams St. Prescription lenses ground in our own shop. A pure New Orleans Mo lasses, made by a pri vate grower and guar anteed the purest ever shipped to Arizona, can ....35c, 65c, $1.25 Nistamal, a ground cereal for making Tamales or Tortillos; no experience necessary; large pack age 25c Peroxide Toilet Soap, the newest and best thing on the market. Cooked Foods in a few days. New department of good things to eat. McKee's Hilderbran's Jewelers and Opticians I Patterson a Lfj llUIUIUUVUiJ ijj IE LE Buy the best; we do. ffi $2.00 to $7.50 MASSIE AND SONS 1 14-1 it Wm Wuh.ntoi Sbttt 114 W. Washington A delightful odor, delicious ly different is our exclusive Bouquet Jeanice Read about it in the Saturday Evening Post . This Week. We offer it in Extract, Toilet Water, Complexion Powder, Sachet, Soap and Talcum Powder. . HJllii T Si For Picture Framing go to BALKE'S The Big Curio on Adams Street Of Local Interest STORED WATER SUPPLY Water service department report for March 16: Elevation of water in reservoir. feet 143.42 Contents of reservoir, acre ft. 352,561 Gain preceding 24 hours, acre feet 641 Elevation of water in reservoir, one year ago today, feet 159.07 Contents of reservoir one year ago today, acre feet 486,926 rivers, at Granite Reef dam. Normal flow of Salt and Verde miners inches 69,602 Verde flood water for all lands. Amount of water used for irri gation, north side, M. 1 36,046 Amount of water used for irri gation, south side, M. 1 18,320 LOCAL WEATHER YESTERDAY 6 a.m. 6 p.m. Temperature, degrees 51 86 Sensibletemperature 44 57 Humidity, per cent 54 12 Wind, direction E W Wind, velocity, miles 8 6 Rainfall 0 0 Weather clear clear Highest temperature 88 Lowest temperature 50 Mean relative humidity 33 Total rainfall o Excess in temperature yesterday, 9 degrees. Excess in temperature since first of month, 92 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since January 1. 264 degrees. Deficiency in rainfall yesterday, 02 inches. Deficiency in rainfall since first of month, .33 inches. Accumulated deficiency in rainfall since January 1, 1.17 inches. ROBERT R. BRIGGS, Section Director. PHOENIX MARKET For valley products Prices paid today by WALTER HILL CO., wholesale. Eggs 17c Butter, dairy 25c Cheese 13c to 14c Hens, doz :...J6.00 to ..6.50 Chickens, doz $5.00 to $6.00 Turkeys 17c to 18c NEW NOTARY Governor Hunt yesterday appointed Robert Ross of Mesa a notary public. TAX COMMISSIONERS MOVING Word from the members of the state tax commission yesterday was to the effect that they were in Greenlee Coun ty assisting Assessor Kirby in a num ber of intricate problems. WINSOR BACK SOON Hon. Mul ford Winsor, chairman of the state land commission, who has been throughout the southwestern part of the state on business is expected to return to his office in the state house in a few days. CRESSWELL IN TOMBSTONE O. X. Cresswell, state inspector of weights and measures is now in Co chise County conducting his quarterly inspections. Tombstone, the county seat was under the eye of the inspec tor yesterday. JACOBS ON HOMEWARD SWING Louis B. Jacobs wired his local rep resentatives Art Rick and Fritz Fields yesterday that he will spend today in Houston, Texas, and go thencet o San Antonio. The end of this week or the beginning of next will find him back in Phoenix. , ADMITTED FROM CALIFORNIA Clay F. Leonard, clerk of the Supreme Court of the state, yesterday adminis tered the oath of admission to practice to Thomas D. Dery, upon his certifi cate from California. Mr. Dery will locate at Florence for the practice of his profession. COTTON SEED SHIPMENT J. A. Burton at Glendale has received a car load of cotton seed. This Is a car or dered by joint arrangement of valley cotton growers, who for convenience had the shipment come in the name of Mr. Burton. Those who were in on the original agreement have been notified to come and collect their shares of the seed, which are being held for a short time only at Glendale . ON VOCATIONAL TRAINING Under the auspices of the civics edu cation department, Mrs. B. A. Fowler, chairman, a program on "Vocational Training and Guidance" will be given at the Woman's club this afternoon. Mrs. Fowler will discuss the subject In general and with a few brief re marks will introduce the speakers on the following subject: "In What Re spect the Various Educational In stitutions Furnish Vocational Train ing." At the close of the meeting the art and literature department will meet to elect a chairman. HERE FROM INDIANA S. K. Blair, of Fort Wayne, Ind., recently re tired division superintendent of the Nickle Plate, with his wife and son Kent, arirved in the Salt River Valley lately, and will remain some time. Yes terday Mr. Blair returned to the east to attend to financial matters, but his son and wife remained here. Kent will probably return at an early date. The family are much pleased with Phoenix and the Salt River Valley. They have known C. M. Gandy, assistant district attorney and his wife for some time. Here they were the guests of the Gan dy's in their visits about the city. WANTED Every deaf person to visit the Owl Drug Co. and see and hear the demonstration of the fam ous Gem Ear Phone. See advertise ment on page, one, section two1. Ad vertisement. It o FISHING TACKLE Plnney & Robinson. Advertisement, WITH ONE BILL instead of Several as Be fore Planned Draft of Bill is Presented to the 1 'res idei it Wilson's 8 u g gestions ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH! WASHINGTON. March 16. One trust regulation bill, instead of sev eral as originally proposed, has been determined upon by the senate sub committee on interstate commerce as the policy the administration should adopt in peifecting proposed legisla tion to supplant the Sherman law. i This announcement was made to f.ny after the introduction in the house of a revised bill to create an interstate trade commission, a bill over which conflict of opinion has developed among democratic leaders. Although the new house bill has the approval of President Wilson and Attorney General McReynokl, mem bers of the senate committee on in terstate commerce did not hesitate to assert today that hey had completed a measure to create a trade commis sion with broader powers, and that they would urge the acceptance of the principles of their bill in any legislation to provide for the trade commission. The senate bill, it is said, wouli empower the proposed commission to institute investigations on its own initiative as to whether corporations operate in violation of the Sherman act, and its champions declare the elimination of the initiative in the house bill would rob the proposed commission of its effectiveness. President Wilson at a conference tonight with the house judiciary sub committee on trusts, put the stamp of administration approval on the substance of the four bills to amend the anti-trust laws which the sub committee submitted in a virtually final form. The bills will probably be reported to the house within a fortnight. The president indicated his belief that it will be better to consolidate all bills into one in order to expedite legislation. This prob ably will be done. j The president made a number of I suggestions to the sub-committee, v hich is comprised of Representa tives Clayton of Alabama, Carlin of Florida and Floyd of Arkansas, and he insisted that the personal guilt of individuals in control of corpora tions should be prescribed in every bill in order to break up evils that have grown up under the present anti-trust laws. The committee will revise the bill with this in view and talk with the president again before submitting the measure to the full committee and to the house. The draft of the holding corpora tions bill had been completed just before the conference. The measure would make unlawful those holding companies that combine stock of cor porations so as to lessen competition, but would not affect companies which hold the stock of corporations that form essential parts of their business. Holding companies that are entirely for investment and not for business directly are not prohib ited. This would permit companies like the big insurance concerns to hold stock of corporations which arc not competitors. The committeemen pointed out to the president that the bill would save to industrial business the investor who buys stocks and bonds of var ious corporations, but it will not en gage in the business of operating any of them. The bill applies to railroad holding corporations, but not to sub sidiaries. COUNCIL MEETING The common council will meet this evening in regu lar session. There is considerable busi ness to come before the city fathers and a long session is anticipated. HERE FROM KANSAS Ben Cum mings, of Hutchinson, Kansas, has ar rived in Phoenix and will be the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cummings, of Tempe, for several days. WADSWORTH HERE C. F. Wads worth, resident manager of the West ern Newspaper Union, with headquar ters in Denver, arrived in Phoenix yes terday and will cover this section in the interests of his concern. HAS A PARTNER N. C. Stebbins, formerly of the firm of Humphrey & Stebbins. yesterday acquired an inter est In the City Cleaning Works, 19 East Adams Street. The firm will hereafter be known as Loveitt & Steb bins, Frank Loveitt being the senior partner. The concern will broaden its scope with the advent of Stebbins and will continue the high standard already attained by this house. o WANTED Every (leaf person to visit the Owl Drug Co. and see and hear the demonstration of the fam ous Gem Ear Phone. See advertise-' ment on page one, section two. Ad vertisement, it See Griswold, 25 E. Adams St., for all kinds of tires, money saved. Ad vertisement. 3t Dr. P. J. Ritchie, whose office was formerly in the Goodrich building, wishes to announce to his patrons that he has established himself In new quarters at 11 West Adams. bn Eat With CHOP HOUSE Open Day and Night The best meal for the least money 9 North Central Avenue SOME STORY THIS WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 11 George Pirash and Stanley Wil liamson have done the greatest trick in automobile history. They did it when they went to Roosevelt early Sunday morning, and "it" was sure "it." Retuining on their journey and about twelve miles the other side ot the Fish Creek station, they hit a nail and got a puncture. So Wil liamson got out the inner tube while Pirash got out the stickum, which li-tter he spilled all over Williamson and the road. By the time William son had gotten free from the stuff, with the combined help of the whole party, the calamity which detained them from returning to Phoenix for a full thirty-six hours had taken piace. The stickum in the road had taken hold, and glued the machine tight to the rocks of the hill. There was nothing to do but wait. They could not dig the machine loose as there was no way of getting the rocks out of the hill of rock. They could not cut the tires loose, as they had but one set. And they cculd not apply a fire to the stuff and melt them loose, as that would have meant the possible loss of the whole car. They waited till the sun came out, (limbed up over the old shoulder of Superstition, warmed the gooey sub stance, melted away the tires from the rocks, and permitted the party to return homeward. The trip had been planned for six teen hours. It took the whole of two days, and oh, how much work and patience!. P. S. There was no swearing as company would not permit that. BACK FROM FORI GRANT Will Remain in Phoenix Few Days Be fore Proceeding to Public Investi gation of School State Auditor Callaghan has return ed from Fort Grant the site of the state Industrial school, where he went to conduct an inquiry into the methods and management of the institution. He spent most of last week there obtain ing evidence upon which to base the public investigation when the same shall be called. Yesterday the auditor said that he would in all likelihood remain in Phoe nix for a day or so before going back. He refused, however, to say what the testimony was he had obtained, al though he did say that when the steno grapher was refused him he took the rest of his testimony in longhand. ESCORT TEAM BALL The Escort Team of the Fraternal Brotherhood this evening will give a St. Patrick's ball in Patrick hall, that promises to be the social fraternal event of the season. The music will be furnished by the Fraternal Brotherhood orchestra, augu mented for the occasion. Appropriate favors in green wil be distributed to each of the dancers. CASE IS ROBBED Some sneak thief by prying open the door of the show case at the front of the store of McDougall & Cassou sometime early Sunday morning secured three excel lent pairs of Edwin Clapp shoes. The robbery was discovered by Mr. Cas sou when he visited his place of busi ness Sunday forenoon. The police are at work but have failed to secure a single clue upon which to work. GOVERNOR HUNT BACK Gov ernor Hunt returned Sunday night from his three day trip to Florence where he went on Friday to attend the sessions of the board of com missioners for paroled prisoners. A great deal of routine business had piled up since the first meeting, and although neither the attorney gen eral, absent in Washington, or the state auditor in Fort Grant at the time, were present the work was transacted just the same. o I. O. O. F. NOTICE Members of the order are requested to attend the funeral services of Brother Thomas Wilson, from funer al parlors of Mohn, Driscoll & Mans cn Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o clock, March 18, 1914. H. B. CLAKLIN, N. A. II (puauwstjjeAPY) Jk Ariz. Lodge No. 2, F. and A. J? M' ui" conIer inp second de r3ree tonight: hour of open.ns, 7:30 p. m. C. F. LEOXAPD. Worshipful Master. (Advertisement.) It "Doc Bird Says" No matter where vou live ioc. if you have to have it in a hurry phone 550 or 660 The Busy Drug Store 550 Phone 660 ARE YOU IRISH? Then our light-weight Irish homespun suits ought to touch the .sentimental side of your nature. "Breeze catchers" for the warm days coining. Plenty of at tractive suits in the other weaves, too. Aren't you going to deco rate yourself with an emer ald cravat in honor of St. Patrick? ''The proudest moment of my life was when my mother told me 1 was born an Irishman." McDougall & Cassou The New Way Men's Shop 411-441 WIN PRIZES WORTH $20.00 $10.00. First person naming-correctly, Store of above phone num ber, street number, year started, present business and why the best one to do your trading with, $7.50 to second, $2.50 to third. Leave answers in sealed envelope, date and put in at Repub- lican Office. Contest ends St. Patrick's Day, 6 p. m., March 17. A favorable Impres sion and a lasting one, always results from a purchase of a pair of SQUARE DIEHL SHOES. Many distinctive styles for your selection. 449 Patent Pump Tailored Bow French Boot Heel Other Square Diehl Models $2.50 to $7.00 H. A. Diehl Shoe Co. 8 W. Washington St. LIKE THE SHAMROCK If any loyal Irishman is lacking the bit of green that is needed to indicate his na tionality, Goldbergs' promise today to fill that want. The Washington Street Men's Furnishing house has received a large shipment of green silk shamrocks that wil be distributed to all who call at the store. am o Socialists of Xorth Dakota met in Grand Forks recently and nominated a full state ticket to be submitted to the voters at the general primaries to be held in June. ST. ELMO Billiard Parlor "The Best Yet" 40 West Adams St. Phone Your Ads to The Republican Telephone your Classif ie Ads to The Republican when it is more conven ient to do so, and collec tion will be made at your house, or you can call and pay at The Republican of fice. Phone 422. No. I "gMMtMllui,er IIIKJEJ Blip g Complete Facilities The Phoenix Savings Bank & Trust Company acts in all trust capacities, such as F.xccutor. Administrator, Guard ian, etc. It receives Savings in any amount and pays 4 per cent, interest on Term Savings Accounts which under ordinary conditions may be withdrawn at any time. We cordially invite you to let this strong bank serve you in any way. You will find it to your advantage to make this your banking home. INTEREST 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED The Arizona Titls Guarantee & Trust Go. guarantees you safety in real estate transactions and loans Unlimited Certificates of Title guarantee against loss by reason of faulty titles T ' Mortgage Guarantee Policies Guarantees THE ARIZONA TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 134 WEST WASHINGTON STREET HAIR GOODS FOR SALE Ladies' Toilet Parlor, Shampooing, Manicuring and Facial Massage, Hair Dressing; Expert Chiropodists, all foot troubles removed. Moles and warts removed by electricity. SHIRLEY & SHIRLEY Phone 1704 39 East Adams Street Rooms Papered or cahnimined SI and up. We carry our own stock CAVILEER & CO., The Decorators 108 East Adams. Phone 1S29. WANTED Contract f.r heavy long distanco hauling with Four Wheel Drivu Truck. J. A. EBERLEIN Phoenix P. t. Iiox, 1072 REDEWILL MUSIC CO. Established in 1881 224 West Washington St. INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED Pianos Rebuilt and Refinished We have just received straighte'st, CEDAR POSTS that were ever used in a fence. Average 4 inches at top. If you want especially fine posts, hurry. iennett Lumber Busiest because Second and Jackson Capital, Surplus and "The Old The National safety in Loans Bread -For The Hot Weather A natural food and a mild laxative is an unusual combina tion. This is what our bran and buttermilk in bread form will mean to you during the summer months a natural lax ative. You'll be surprised at the mild, natural manner of its ac tion. The freedom from such troubles as the hot weather is wont to cause. Try a loaf of this bread and feel better. PHOENIX BAKERY 7 W. Washington St. fie Need ho lonn Lot Sabsmen or Best Proposition ADCfress Western Subdivision Company cox lOS - rhoenix Am PLUMBING D. H. BURTIS 15 E. Washington St. ii-"tVirir"iiJyv'iVM'Vy- TWO CARLOADS of the cleanest, soundest Best and Biggest Phone 1247 Individual Profits. Reliable" Bank of Arizona J Co.