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PAGE THREE JED LLOYD .THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1914 STRONG FOR A . NATIONAL PARK BELLAMY ON PLAYGROUNDS SCRIBES WILL WU LEAVES III NEW WORK Today Is Our 95 c Bargain Day Six Pounds Best Mixed Nuts ; Worth $1.50 for ; 95c ARIZONA GROCERY CO. FETE EDITOR Robert E. Lee, the Man Who Conquered Defeat, Subject of Effort , of Fa mous Chieagoan at Wom an's Club Tonight. Frank II. Parker Outlines Some Advantages of Re serve for Phoenix-Koose-. velt-Globe Section; Many Support It Rotary Club Entertained at Luncheon By Addresses from Famous Educator, Attorney Flynn; 11. W. Kramer and A. H. Powers Thomas Drier of Associated Advertising Magazine to be (Juest at Luncheon; May Make Trip to Koose velt Later. Jenkin Lloyd Jones will lecture at the Woman's t'lnli this afternoon on "Kubei-t E. I,cp, the Man "Who Con quered lVlVat.'' There is not a club in the south west that has made a more deter mined effort to give its members pro grams of merit than the Woman's Club and in securing the distinguished lecturer, author and preacher it has added another to its list of success ful achievements. Mr. Jones is not only a man' of wonderfully interesting personality, hut a forceful and pleas ing speaker. It has often been said of hini, that he possesses one of the greatest minds of the generation. "He can make every nerve of mind and soul tingle," declared a reveiwer at one of his recent lectures, "lie is a great man and keeps his hearers un der a spell from start to finish. Not the least of his success is due to his sense of humor. He impresses one as being like (diver Wendell Holmes, who said be did not dare be as funny iis he could. But along with this humorous sense, he is scholarly and thoughtful, and often profound." There are many men and women who are eager to hear Mr. Jones, and while it is the regular weekly pro gram of the club, nevertheless anyone may attend on payment of twenty-five cents. Members will be admitted on presentation of membership card. The lecture will begin promptly at two fifteen o'clock. Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than vou can. A SKIN Or BEAUTY IS A JOY FOHCVFR Dr. T. FELIX GGURAUD'S Oriental Cream C3 MAGICAL BEAUTiFiER i u RmnoTBS Tan, Pinp'te", r reek lt .Vuiti r;UrUt)N, KacU ii"t hkin Pineasff, and tvery blemish on beauty, aud tlff.snt de tection. It hm Htod,! ttu'let-t nffifi years. on! itt tin harmless we tante it to t.e K-iro tt is pro perly made- Accept do counterfeit of B;niiUr name- Dr. L A. Shj r said to a la-'y 01 tl;e hautton (a patient)" 'As you la.ti- will uo them. I rcouiminl 'Gouraud's Cream' AH the Iwwt harmful of all the rkm warMiou." At nrmrffitn.l Impertinent Ferd '.Hopkins & Son, Prep: , 37 G cat Jo.ies St., !Y. C. Mark the Dctc on Your Calendar PHOENIX Thursday, April 2nd RESERVED SEATS ON SALE THE BUSY DRUG STORE AT 70 pa e 2 Performances Daily Matinee. 2 Night 8 o'clock Doors open one hour earlier Free Street Parade 10:30 in the morning Buffalo Bill, his In dians, Ranch Girls, Cowboys, want to see all the hoys ami girls. Sells-Floto want you to see the new Wild Beasts in open ilens. Its splendid new Tab leaux COO people of all Nations 4T,0 horses 9 hands COME DOWN TOWN! CIRCUS PARADE 2 1 MILES LONG! LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring Back its Color With Grandma's Tea Recipe. and Lustre Sage Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant; remove every bit of dan druff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur at home, though, is trouble some. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no . one can tell, because it does it so na turally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all Rray hairs have disap peared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. (Advertisement.) r "n r tooriat"' - Bui "We're for a Roosevelt national Iark!" The exclamation tame from Frank II. Parker, who was the man to whom Irrigation Supervisor I. D. (J'Uonnell broached the subject while or. his recent visit here. Parker is so strong for that national reserve that he is taking steps to look into the possibilities, with the sole idea of conserving that great scenic patch between here and Globe for the people of Arizona. Here ale some of his reasons believing that the act creating park can be squeezed through for the the this national legislative bodies at session: The jiark has these advantages It will attract tourists Give Arizona publicity Provide for the road upkeep lias the greatest scenery of any present national park Raymond-W'hitcomb tours company now selling coast-to-coast tickets in cluding trip, by automobile ; from Globe to Phoenix. " The park has these people support ing it Phoenix Arizona Legislators who want to do some thing for their people Secretary Lane, who will be lined up by O'Donnell The hoard of trade is expected to line itself up behind the other workers in this matter. Resolutions calling upon the lawmakers for ac tion will be the first step. Then will come personal communications from constituents to representatives at Washington. WOLF & WOLF MAILING SUITS 8Y PARCELS POST One Price Suit House Installs State Wide Department Believing there is an inborn desire upon the part of the people of Arizona generally to patronize home concerns, whenever those concerns are in a po sition to meet the competition of the larger mail order houses of Chicago and Eastern cities. Wolf & Wolf, the Adams Street one price clothiers, have added a mail order department to be operated in conjunction with their local custom. Through the medium of the parcels post, this concern now proposes to send suits and trousers to any part of Ari zona, in fact anywhere where the United States mail service reaches. With the end in view of making the mail order department one of the most important of the concern. Wolf & Wolf have prepared a circular letter, that presents almost as effectively as a personal talk, the advantages of deal ing with an Arizona concern, and indi cating how easily correct fitting gar ments may be secured without the ne cessity of a personal visit. Accompanying the letter, is a meas urement slip by means of which any man with a little care, can take his own measure as effectively as a tailor. These letters and slips are being sent broadcast over Arizona. Wolf & Wolf have demonstrated the value of adver tising in the local papers in the suc cess of their business and now they plan an even more extensive advertis ing campaign in the papers of the state. And thus Phoenix is being placed a lit tle more firmly upon the map. Adver tisement. Walker Whiteside will play "Mr. Wu" in New York next month. Muffins By In'rs. Janet McKenzie Hill, Editor of (he Boston Cooking School Magazine. When muffins are on the breakfast table, nobody cares for meat or eggs and they would be served more often if this meal were not prepared so hurriedly that there is no time to make them. If K C, the double-raise baking powder is used, the batter may be stirred up the night before, put in the pan ready for baking and noth ing to do in the morning but bake them. One-Egg Muffins S cups flour; 2 slightly rounded tea spoonfuls K C Baking Powder; 1 tea spoonful salt; i cup sugar; i cup melted butterorlard; 1 egg; 1 cupwater or milk. Sift dry ingredients together three times. Add to this the unbeaten egg, melted shortening and water or milk. Then beat all together until perfectly smooth. Oil muffin or gem pans and have oven slow until the muffins cams to the top of the pan, men increase me neat to take eTS'S. vti nnH l.rmvn fl. m(T.o Tl.:. W-Tii recipe makes 12 large muffins. Raisins or currants may be added if desired. Graham Muffins 1 cup graham flour; 1 cup pastry flour- 2 level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Powder; ltoZ level tablespoonfuls sugar; i teaspoon Jul salt; J egg; li cups milk or water; 2 toS tablespoonfuls melted but ter; mix and bake as One-Egg Muffins. Graham batter should always be quitr soft to insure light and moist muffins. To get 88 other recipes as pood as these, send us the certificate packed in every 25 cent can of K C Baking Powder, and we will send you "The Cook's Book" by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Mill. Handsomely illus Uittfd. Jjijues Mfg. Co., Chicago. fieorge A. Bellamy was the bright particular star in the firmament of an excellent Rotarian program at the Arizona club yesterday. "Play gsounds," the subject on which he is an authority of world-wide reputa tion, was the theme on which he enlarged. Illustrating his remarks w tih apt citations, he drew his hear ers into the belief that the play ground's the things for all cities, to be fostered and cared for with the same attention paid the schools. In- t'ted, the schools are the bases oi the playground, and should co-operate. No one but Bellamy has such a fund of information on playgrounds. He. could tell the names and cases of boys who had been, saved from tuin by . the influence of the play ground. He recited details of play ground influence that made it plain that no city is -quite a la. mode with out an efficient system, of public rol licking places. United States Attorney Thomas A. Flynn was another notable speaker. His topic was "Co-operation," a sub ject that cannot be exhausted no matter how well it is expanded or how often. He attributed the suc cess of federal judiciary departments to the fact that all branches operate under a close co-operation system. Xot corporation, but co-operation. Itobert Kramer, Flynn's private sec retary, made one of the preliminary addresses, paving the way for the remarks of the attorney. Aaron H. Powers, who calls Pres- cott his home, told about Prescott. He is a new adventurer in the field of magazine ownership, having crossed the horizon from mere con tributory journalism. Powers is the man who helped put the last Frontier day on the front pages of the news papers. He is the special corre spondent for prominent New York and San Francisco papers. More Luncheons Bellamy will be the guest of honor at a second luncheon this noon. The directors of the board of trade, the city council and the mayor and commissioners-elect and the boards of trustees of the high and city schools will also be guests, or hosts. The affair will take place at the Arizona club. Although he has announced he would not be able to speak in pub lic, Mr. Bellamy will make several addresses before small bodies of heaiers. He spoke before Superin tendent of City Schools John D. l.o per. Principal A. K .Stabler of the high school and some members of the high school faculty last night. INSPECTING NORTHERN LODGES OF B. P. 0. ELKS Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Leaves for Trip Through Chilly Por tion of the State Hon. W. Paul fteary, chairman of the Arizona corporation commission, and deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elks of the state, left last evening over the Santa Fe for Prescott, King man, Flagstaff, Williams, Winslow and Holbrook for the purpose of in specting the lodges of Elks that are in these growing towns. The trip will in all probability take the whole of the week as it wjll be necessary for Mr. Geary to meet the orders in the lodge rooms, at which time doubtless he will con vey a message to the members from the headquarters which he represents. In addition to this he will carry in vitations from the local committee on the Elks' state reunion, which gathers here in April, to send big delegations all. ' The deputy grand exalted ruler has just returned from a trip to Tucson where he Inspected the lodge there. Under the rules of the grand lodge of Elks which he represents official ly, it is necessary for him to inspect each lodge in the state once each year. , LIKES THE LOOKS OF PHOENIX AND VALLEY El Pasoan Picks This City for Perma nent Residence on Account of That T. W. Nealon, who for the past ten years has been a prominent business man of El Paso, arrived in Phoenix yesterday from EI Paso for the pur pose of making Phoenix his perma nent home. He was attracted to this section first by the wonderful tales of the city and climate told by his brother Joseph M Nealon, district at torney of El Paso county, who spent two winters in Phoenix for the bene fit of his health and found the place all he could desire. On account of Mrs. Nealon's health, T., W.has for some time considered the advisability of coming here, and yesterday he landed. That was enough. He immediately fell in love with Phoe nix and announced that this is the spot for him. After a while as soon as he finds a location he will bring the family over. Mr. Nealon is originally from Geor gia. He is prominent in lodge circles in El Paso, belonging to both the Elks and Knights of Columbus as well as many others. Dinner, that occasion peculiarly fit ted to the transfer of valuable thought from one human being to an other, will be the form of entertain ment provided for Thomas Drier, edi tor of "Associated Advertising" who is arrived in Phoenix last evening. The newspapermen of the city will be the ones in whose hands the care of the visitor has been entrusted and the fraternity will endeavor to place him at his ease and make him feel that his surroundings are homelike while he is here. Mr. Drier arrived last evening with Governor Hunt in the state car, after a profitable, not to say pleasant stop in the historic little town of Flor ence. Needless to say, the prison was submitted to a rigid inspection. And Drier liked it. He says that penitentiary is most famous in the ast, and is one of the reasons for j his trip to Arizona. "Arizona? Oh, yes. That's where the penitentiary is." Imagine an easterner saying that! On visiting the Republican office in company with Harry Welch last evening, Mr. Drier spoke Interesting ly on ad clubs. He told how the idea had started with the service of homes, which is the aim of all ad vertised goods. More than 10,000 buyers and sellers of advertising are members of the ad clubs, and these clubs are affiliated nationally. Project Manager Fitch will take the visiting editor to the Roosevelt dam this morning. They return ei ther this evening or tomorrow, as it proves most convenient. Tomorrow evening the scribes of the city will entertain Mr. Drier at c. dinner at the Arizona club. A committee composed of Ira Huggett and Chapin Hall will take charge of the affair. A trip to the dam is in prospect for Mr. Drier. Representatives of news papers and magazines here will take charge of this also. Until Mr. Drier arrives and expresses his views on the matter, it will not be possible to de cide when or whether the Roosevelt ride will occur. While in Phoenix, the editor of the magazine that is devoted to all the admen and their doings, will look at things with a writer's eye, listen with the ear of a transcriber of conditions. and inscribe thoughts for a fancy article on the resources of the Salt River Valley. In fact his whole pur pose in visiting the southwest is to gather material for special articles. YET HOW DID HE KNOW? Servant Why hay you put colored water with a strong taste of mint into your brandy, sir? Such lack of con fidence offends me. Pele Mele. y. M. C. A. FROM THREE STATES Tucson Will Be the Meeting Place Next Fall (Special Correspondence) TUCSON, March 22. A conference of representatives of Young Men's Christian associations in Arizona, New Mexico and Western Texas will be held In Tucson in the fall, if the plans of G. S. liilheimer and G. D. McDill, secretaries of the executive committee of the international com mittee of the Y. M. C. A., who are here from Uisbee on a general trip of visitation, counsel and assistance of the Y. M. C. A. organization in the southwest, are carried out. According to Mr. Bilheimer, the growth of the country and the rapid development of association work re quire closer supervision for Arizona and New Mexico and it is proposed to hold the conference at Tucson to decide whether the plan shall be put into effect and a man chosen for this purpose. The accessibility of Tucson to the territory which it is proposed to include In this district, makes it probable that the conference will be held here. Mr. Bilheimer and Mr. McDill call ed on the members of the board of trustees of the Tucson Y. M C. A., which is erecting a $75,000 building. SWAGGER STICK WITH INTERESTING ANNALS Part of Hazel Wainwright's Costume at Fashion Show That twenty-two-inch piece of silver-tipped rosewood which Hazel Wainwright carried in the Savoy fashion show last night has a bit of interesting history attached to it. It is Art Rrick's, and pretty near ev erything Rick has, possesses annals of the fascinating sort. The "swagger stick" is a present from that Captain Robert T. Camp bell, who was one of the latest of the army aviators to be killed in a flying accident. Campbell fell to his death in San Diego bay some months ago. It happened that Jo E. Rickards was the publicity man for the Glenn H. Curtiss aviators a few years back, when that daring birdman was first piling on the honors. They were all having a flying meet at Salt Lake city, when Rick noticed a magnifi cent silver-headed stick in the pos Supervising Engineer of Southern Division Will Spend Ten Days (letting Acquainted at His New Office; Then Returns. For the first time, Frank W. Hanna sits in his office as supervising engi neer of the Southern Reclamation District of the United States. After passing several months in Phoenix as head of the survey board which placed the limit on the project, he left for Los Angeles to assume his new duties as successor to Louis C. Hill. Hanna is the "handy man" of the reclamation service. Born and raised a farmer, he has tried a half a dozen times to return to that loved occupa tion. But he slipped up once, and fell into the work of reclaiming deserts, using some knowledge and training he acquired in a technical cn'.ge of engineering. Since then he has been hauled forth at every emergency to go and see about it for the U. S. R. S. Now he is saddled with the job of supervising engineer of the biggest and most important district in the United States, and he will find it dif ficult to let go again for that dear old Iowa farm. He will not tarry long in the of fices of the district at Los Angeles. The Utah projects are calling him, and he will have to spend some time there. In about ten days he will drop into his usual chair in the board room of the Water Users' Association in Phoenix, Arizona, between the seats of Frank H. Parker and W. A. Farish, and resume his work on the project limits. Before leaving he told a Republican man that the reason he was devoting so much of his time to this project was because; "I consider the Salt River project the most important as well as the largest under my care. Its success will be my chief aim. I have even more interest in It now that I am transferred to the southwest than I did when I was simply a member of the survey board. There is a good deal of business for me here right at the start. Although I am perfectly familiar with the workings, I want to stay on for a while and assure myself that everything is working all right before I start in to learn any of the other six projects in this division. session of Campbell, who had ac quired it In India, where such things ire a necessary part of the parade equipment of all smart officers. Rick admired the thing, and Campbell modestly accepted his praises. A few days later, while driving through Omaha, Neb., Rick received a parcel from Campbell, containing this stick ami a letter asking him to accept one just like Campbell's for his services in connection with the puff depart ment of the flying corporation. Eu gene Ely, who was killed at Macon, Ga., in an aviation accident, and Richard Young, another birdman, re ceived sticks at the same time. The silver head is engraved with the words, "Robert N. Campbell to Jo Rickards with compliments. In appreciation of his work with the publicity department of Glenn . H. Curtiss." Therefore Rick is proud of that short hunk of polished wood, and therefore Hazel Wainwright toted some stick. COST OF A CIRCUS What does a circus cost? Well, the announcements of the Sells-Floto circus and Buffalo Bill (himself) which is coming here April 2, display very plainly that it costs 25 cents. But that's for you to see it. It's what the circus costs itself that counts. For instance, perhaps you didn't know that it takes nearly $5,000 a day to keep the Sclls-Floi -Buffalo Bill circus alive and going. And when you figure it out, that's a good deal of money. However, here are some of the figures: Salaries, for instance, range from $30 to $500 a week. Capt. Dutch Re cardo, the "man who trains lions with a buggy whip," gets enough sal ary in a week to keep the average workingman six months. And besides Resinol for unsightly skin eruptions PIMPLES, blackheads, rashes, ring worm and, worst of all, that red, itching, scaly torment, eczema, van ish when you use Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. Even though your skin is so unsightly with eruption that you shun your friends and your friends shun you, Resinol is almost sure to make it clear and healthy, quickly, easily and at trifl ing cost. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap have been prescribed for nineteen years for just such skin troubles as yours. Wherever drugs are sold you can get Resinol Ointmeut and ltesiuol tSoap. For trial free, write to Dept. 4(i-S, Resmol, Baltimore, Md. Avoid substitutes, they are NOT "juetangood." Phone 4-5-5 "Life's Bitter Dregs" An Idyllic Story of Love and Sacrifice In Four Full Films Four Thousand Feet The Greatest Imported Film Ever Shown in Phoenix The Lamara Theatre Today and Tomorrow No Advance in Prices salaries, there are other expenses and many of them. It costs a quarter of a million dol lars to outfit a menagerie like that of the Sells-Floto circus. Changes are being made constantly, and whenever animal dies or is killed through accidents, it means the loss of from $200 to $5,000. The railroad equip ment of the show cost more than $200,000, while the horses and their decorations cost as much more. Then there is the cost of feeding. The animals themselves eat four or five tons of hay a day, 200 bushels of oats. 150 bushels of corn, one and Redewill's 'Stallment Plan of purchasing a piano or player piano makes it pos sible for the small wage-earner to own a fine. in strument. This is Something Entirely New AND ORIGINAL, the Terms, the Conditions, and Accommodations, will appeal to Everyone. Get that piano today! Call and select the instru ment of your choice, and let us show you how easy it will be to pay for it. "The Firm That Made Arizona Musical" 224 West Washington. SPECIAL Big added feature. No raise in prices 4 REELS 4 and The Ozorfs MME. OJEE, the world's famous miudreader. PROF. OZORF, slight of hand. The Biggest Hit of the Season DON'T MISS THIS The Regale : 210-12 East Washington Street 329-331 E. Washington one-half carcasses of beef for the carnivorous animals, and 700 pounds of vegetables for the others. Five tons of straw are needed for bedding. For the performers themselves are needed 200 pounds of beef, 150 pounds of mutton, 100 pounds of pork, 800 loaves of bread, 72 cases of eggs, 1.000 pounds of butter, 25 bushels of apples and other incidental items. So, you see, it costs a good many dollars to bring a circus to your city. And when the Sells-Floto cir cus and Buffalo Bill (himself) cornea here it will bring all the features which make it a $5,000 a day circus. Established 1881 1