Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1914 PAGE TWO SOUTH SIDE NEWS HORACE B. GRIFFEN, JR., GENERAL SOUTHSIDE AGENT. . Refer to him Subscription Orders, Stops, Changes, -as well business regarding Advertising and Job Printing, -w as all TEMPE OFFICE With Butterbaugh & Carr, Phone 53. Tempe Correspondent, H. B. Griffen, Jr. MESA OFFICE With Everybody's Drug Store, Phone 6 Mesa Correspondent, Charles F. Jones. I TEMPE WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAYS GREATLY APPRECIATED Business Men and Clerks All Find Time to Commemorate the Day in Profitable Manner As the Tveekn go on and the weath er still continues warm when not varmcr. the hnlf-holid;iys afforded the loeal husiness men and their !erks during the afternoon of each Thursday are being more and more fippreeiatrd. It is the day that all took forwa-d to for the major item RUSSELL & HAYES and BLACK & BLACK will be at the GOODWIN AIRDOME in Tempe to night in orig'nal acts of singing, talking, dancing, etc. Also four reels best photo plays. i : MESA thunder find lightning played no In significant parts. The precipitation was fairly heavy throughout, though not enough to do any damage to crops. There was some damage to hay east of Mesa, where several hundred acres had recently been cut, but even this will not be ser.-ious. The cantaloupe crop was not injured and unless considerably more water should faH, nobody will have any kick coming. The rain was at least heavy enough to settle the dust and pack several of the roads tliat re cently have been worked. Altogeth er the shower was most refreshing and the source of much joy and rejoicing. MESA'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE NEWS OF THE DAY USE STRENUOUS MEANS T. K. Partridge, commercial agent for the Orient lines, and Agent Sparks, of the Arizona Easlevn rail road, clothed in overalls and jumpers and minus suit cases and change of clothing, mounted the caboose of the cantaloupe freight train that left here Thursday morning at 2 o'clock for the east. Messrs. Partridge and anything the tourists meet up with on their trip. Preseott was designat ed as stopping place number one. Throughout, the route will be travel- I led leisurely, the tourists having lit K '.. ' sparks left as personal tracers to expedition. Two or three weeks will " . , - V.n 4..ln .... ...i.l, t-!r. .f their week's amusement, some en- 1C" u" l"c "'" iv picnic parties, many s white wing hunting and many seek out the baseball attraction in the valley as their choice. Practically every per son in Tempe afforded an afternoon off by reason of the Thursday clos ing, enjoys the occasion in some well spent manner. The weekly dosing through the summer months this year has 'been much more of a success than in times past. There we-e years when the merchants failed to get together on the proposition and in conse quence there was only a partial ob servance of the holiday: this summer there is not a business house in Tempe to be found with its doors open on the day signified for closing. Hunting and baseball seem to be the chief attraction to the off-shift Ic ks. Early afternoon yesterday saw several parties being made up for a trip to Kyrene and vicinity where a few short hours were spent in search of white wing. Early afternoon like wise saw many a clerk bound for Phoenix to vtejv the Phoenix-Tempe contest at Riverside park. The Boars have followers here that follow, rain r shine: they are at every game, no matter when or where. And a g'K)d majority -of this exceptional class of fans are to he found dis tributed about the business houses of Tempe, employed at their various vocations. PASSED THROUGH Walter Nash, sheriff at Hayden, Arizona, spent Wednesday evening in Tempe between trains. He is en route to San Francisco for a ten days' vacation from official duties VISITED IN PHOENIX Rev. ami M'.s. Charles 11. Dains were visitors ' in rhoenix yesterday afternoon. TONIGHT'S SPECIAL Vaudeville is the program for the entertainment of the patrons of the Goodwin Airdome this evening. In connection with the -regular program consisting of 4,000 feet of motion pic tures will be seen the harmonious banjo spankers, Russell and Hayes, in their act of mirth and music. Blafk and Black are also coming In several acts of dancing, singing and talking. All of the work by the TEMPE'S SHARE Tempe received a full share and then some of the rain that fell in the valley on Wednesday night and yesterday morning. The heavy tluin der storm and brilliant lightning dis play of night before last brought forth a rain that even left the streets slightly muddy yesterday movning. To the east and west of Tempe the precipitation seemed not quite so heavy, though most every where it was apparently ample to settle the dust. o CHANDLER l accompany the shipment as tar as Alpine, Texas, over the Southern Pacific, where the shipment will be transferred to the Orient lines. This is the first shipment that has been routed that way and the com mercial agents go along with the avowed intention of breaking a rec ord. They intend personally to see that there is no "hitch," and to prove to shippers here that they have ! something good to offer. There were twenety-one cars of cantaloupes in the train and the best possible schedule was promised, with every chance at the right-of-way. Shipments were not hurt by Wed nesday's rain. POSTING ELECTION NOTICES Sheriff Jeff Adams was in this city Thursday with notices of the prima-.'y election to be held on the eighth of September. Sheriff Adams persuaded Deputy Sheriff Burton, of Mesa, to take the necessary number of notices out to Chandler, Higley, Gilbert, Lehi and other points near here. A complication over printing the notices caused the necessity for rushing them through via auto in stead of mailing them to the various districts. Incidentally the sheriff was "building a few bridges" and looking after his interests political. The sheriff Is counting upon being rominated this year. He has a good following in this section. hereby designated as "meal service license." Sec. 5. Any wholesale liquor deal er, -retail liquor dealer of any class, or saloon keeper, may engage in and carry on one or more or sucn businesses or classes of such Busi nesses at the same time and nlace by securing a separate license for each of such businesses or classes of such businesses, and by paying therefor the license tax hereinbefore required to be paid therefor respectively. Sec. 6. Each wholesale liquor dealer, retail liquor dealer of the first class, retail liquor dealer of the second class and saloon keeper, and each person, firm, association or cor poration first desiring or first ap plying for a license to conduct any such business or businesses shall make application in writing to the City Clerk therefore, which application shall r. ,. I. Ik. noma nf tho rtOParin OCl L II . 11 . l.l . 1. V, . . . v. 1 " I . .-. , . . l,, firm, association or corporation pro- anu are in cuiiiot iicicHuu, nuvcwj Quite a little activity has been man ifested in the Chandler district lately. A number of persons have been looking over the country with a view to lo cating here next winter and are very much surprised to find such a well planned city. Mrs. Gibbons and daugh- INITIATE MELON MAN The Mesa lodge of the Cantaloupe Gridiron club, Wednesday night, as sisted B. 1. Dawson, of Dawson Bros., of Denver, to celebrate his seventieth birthday, by initiating him into all the mysteries and rites of the club. The club is an organization of can taloupe buyers, and has a represen tation in this city of eight hustlers. Mr. Dawson, who is a comparative newcomer to this field, had not pre iously been inducted into the "can taloupe patch" of the Gridiron club, though elected to that honor some time ago. The delay was caused b"y a desire to properly celebrate his birthday, which they did. Thursday he was' able to be out and about his business, declaring that it was the greatest moment of his life, etc., even though he had been thrown into COMPLETE ORGANIZATION Walter L. Hayt, of Phoenix, state organizer of the Moose lodge, was in Mesa Wednesday night and com pleted the organization of the local Moose lodge, which was commenced Wednesday night of last week. One new candidate bucked the Moose at the session and was duly initiated into the mysteries of the order. The Moose start out here with a splen did following. VISIT ON THE DESERT Messrs. L. W. Stilwell and family and Omer McC'oIiongh and family motored over to tho Higley district yesterday afternoon and spent the evening with the Tice family, who have a veritable oasis in the desert. RAILROAD MAN HERE '" A. C. Lawson, traveling freight agent for the New York Central rail road, spent Thursday in Mesa in the interest of the shipping interests of his company. cense, retail liquor dealer's license of the first class, retail liquor deal er's license of the second class or saloon keeper's license shall hereaf ter be issued or renewed to any per son who has theretofore held a li quor dealer's license of any kind, character or class, and which has been revoked for cause, nor to any firm, association or corporation in which such person is or may be di Vectly or indirectly interested, and where such license has been or may be issued to any person, firm, asso ciation or corporation In which such person whose liquor license has been revoked for cause shall thereafter become directly ov indirectly inter ested, such license shall be forth with revoked and all moneys paid thereon for license fees or taxes shall be forfeited to the city. Sec. 10. All ordinances and parts l of ordinances in conflict herewith, troupe this evening is original, af-I enjoy the lovely drive with an evening ter of Kentucky who motored out for the canal, deprived of his clothing lunch at the San Marcos Hotel on j and furnished an old tar barrel with Monday were so well pleased that they j instructions to "go home." All this are planning on spending several weeks j was but a part of a ridiculous initia at the hotel betore the summer is tion, following a banquet provided over. The lobby of the hotel is so much cooler than the outside that many people find it a pleasant place- to spend the afternoon or have tea on the veranda. The hotel is only twenty-two miles from Phoenix and motor parties fording an entirely new program for p local audience. THEY GOT AWAY A. J. Ahlquist and Price Wick liffe effected their departure for the northern part of Arizona Wednesday morning bright and early. The old "Red Streak," the 1910 Overland be ing used on the trip, was loaded to the guards, but it is a safe bet that the machine will pull through by the neophyte. The cantaloupe men have considerable fun along with their strenuous work. OFF TO THE COAST Mrs. J. T. Lesueur and son, Mr. Harvey Lesueur, left this morning to visit friends in San Bernardino, where they will remain for several weeks, after which they will go to San Francisco to visit Mrs. Lesueur's on the roof garden. Mr. Manhannett is displaying his motion pictures on the roof on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday commencing this week in stead of the usual Friday program. The t daughter, Mrs. W. A. MacDonald. subjects for this Thursday are "A Dash for Liberty" by Lubin and an excellent comedy "The Lost Switch" and others. Mr. Joe Gray dropped into town yes terday to spend the night. He had been up to Preseott to spend the Fourth and reported a. good time, but Joe Gray always has a good time and has be come a great booster for the Salt River valley. o LEGAL NOTICE SUMMER TOURIST RATES To Atchison, Kan t 55.00 Baltimore, Md 102.60 Boston, Mass 10S.60 Chicago, 111 17.50 Colorado Springs, CoL 46.00 Council Bluffs, Iowa 65.00 Denver, Col 4S.00 Duluth, Minn 75.J0 Kansas City, Mo 65.00 Leavenworth, Kan 65.00 Memphis, Tenn 65.00 Minneapolis, Minn. 70.70 Montreal, Quebec 103.50 New York, N. T 103.60 Omaha, Nebr. 65.00 Philadelphia, Fa. 103.50 Portland. Me. '. 108.60 Pueblo, CoL 45.0 Quebec, P. Q 1U.M 61 Joseph. Ms 65.00 St Louis, Mo 6.0 Bt Paul. Minn 70.70 Toronto. Ont 0.70 Washington, D. C. 102.50 Tickets on : Sale July 10. 11. 14. 15. 16, 17. 20. 21,; 25, 27, 2g, 29, 30, SI. August S, 4, 11, 12, 17, 18, " 20, 21, 25, 2ti, 27, 28, 2!). Sept.. 4, 5,.?, in, 11. Final Return Limit Three Month From Data of Sals but Not to Ex ceed October 31st Diverse Routes Liberal Stopoveri Insist on Having your Tickets Routed via the K. P. and S. W. In connec tion with the GOLDEN STATE LIMITED Through Without Change To Kansas City Chicago St. Louis For Information regarding routes, Pullman reservations, etc.. Inquire of Agent, Arizona Eastern Railroad, Phoenix, Arizona, or Address GARNETf KING, Gen. Pass. Agt, El Paso, Tex. ORDINANCE NO. 13. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND REG ULATION OF THE SALE AND DISPOSITION OF INTOXCATING LIQUORS WITHIN THE CITY OF PHOENIX. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM MISSION OF THE CITY OF PHOE NIX, as follows: Sec. 1, Each person, firm, associ ation or corporation that shall offer for sale, sell, deal in or dispose of any vinous, distilled, malt or intox icating liquors, or that shall engage in the business of offering for sale, selling, dealing in or disposing of any vinous, distilled, malt or intoxicating liquors, is hereby designated and de clared to be a liquor dealer for the purposes and within the meaning of this ordinance; and liquor dealers are hereby classified as and divided into "wholesale liquor dealers," "re tail liquor dealers" and "saloon keep ers." Sec. 2. Each person, firm, associ ation or corporation that shall offer for sale, sell, deal in or dispose of, or that shall engage in the business of offering for sale, selling, dealing In or disposing of, any vinous, dis tilled. malt or intoxicating liquors, in quantities of not less than two gal lons at any one tme, and not to be drunk or used upon the premises where so sold, offered for sale, dealt in or disposed of, shall be deemed to be, and is hereby declared to be. a wholesale liquor dealer, and shall pay a license tax, per quarter-an num. of $125. Sec. 3. Each person, firm, associa tion or corporation that shall offer for sale, sell, deal in or dispose of, or that shall engage in the business of offering for sale, selling, dealing in or disposing of, any vinous, dis tilled, malt or intoxicating liquors, In quantities of not more than two gallons at any one time, except sa loon keepers as hereinafter defined, shall be deemed to be, and is hereby designated, a retail liquor dealer. Retail liquor dealers are hereby di vided into two classes, to -wit: "retail liquor dealers of the first class" and "etall liquor . dealers of the second class." (a) Retail liquor dealers of the first class shall include and embrace MESA BOY HONORED Walter Lesueur has recently been elected mayor of Pinecrest, the city established near San Bernardino bv the Boy Scouts of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Lesueur went to the coast but a short while ago and soon thereafter joined the Boy Scouts. The scout vjrnt for a hike to the mountains and established a city, according to the plans of the general movement. A hot political campaign was inaug urated with the result that Mr. Le sueur was elected the first mayor of Pinecrest. FORMER BENSON MAN HERE J. H. Hyde, former athletic direc tor at Benson, is visiting in Mesa with a view to locating here. HEAVY RAINS IN THIS SECTION The youthside was pretty generally visited by heavy rain storms during Wednesday night in which wind. SPENT AFTERNOON IN PHOENIX Mrs. E. F. Blake and daughter. Miss Dorothy, spent Wednesday af ternoon in Phoenix shopping. BUYS FORD TOURING CAR Alderman W. A. Riggs is the latest addition to the fraternity "of automo bile drivers, having yesterday pur chased a new Ford touring car from the Doc Trimble Auto company. Mr. Riggs. who is manager of the Light ning Transfer company, decided that he needed an auto in his business. Incidentally the Ford agency here continues to maintain its reputation for hustling and selling cars. INSTALL VULCANIZING PLANT The M. D. Coffman company has opened a complete vulcanizing plant and Thursday installed as new and up-to-date a vulcanizing outfit as can be found in the state. The new firm is located on First avenue, adjoining the Bcyerle machine shop. OFF TO THE MOUNTAINS Dr. R. F. Palmer and family left this morning for the mountains where they will spend a vacation of a month or more. During his absence Dr. Palmer's practice will be looked after by his associate, Dr. W. F. Greer. REFRIGERATOR MAN HERE E. A. Coons, manager of the Pac ific Food Express, of Los Angeles, spent Thursday in Mesa looking af ter the interests of the shippers and others, who are receiving refrigerat ing cars, etc., from his companyy. The Pacific Food Express is hand ling the refrigeratimr cars out of Mesa and looking after the care of the cantaloupe shipments. WATER USERS ENGINEER HERE W. IT. Elliott, engineer of the Wat er Users' association, of Phoenix, was a Mesa visitor Thursday, looking af ter matters connected with the as sociation in this section. VISITING IN PHOENIX Mr. and Mrs. Smizer are vlsiitng friends in the Capital city. all. persons, firms, associations and corporations that shall offer for sale, sell, deal in or dispose of vinous, dis tilled, malt or intoxicating liquors, or that shall engage in the business of offering for sale, selling, dealing lp or disposing of such liquors, in seal ed, corked or closed bottles or pack ages, and in quantities of not less than one half-pint nor more than two gallons, and not to be drunk or used on the premises where sold or disposed of; provided, that they may sell at any one salo a case of bottled beer containing not to exceed twen ty-four quarts. Each retail liquor dealer of the first class shall pay a license tax, per quarter-annum of 1125. (b) Retail liquor dealers of the second class shall include and em brace all persons, firms, associations and corporations owning, controlling, conducting or operating a hotel hav ing fifty or more bed rooms, that shall offer for sale, sell, deal in or dispose of, or that shall engage in the business of selling, offering for sale, dealing in or disposing of, any vinous, malt, distilled or intoxicating liquors, for use or consumption with in the premises owned, controlled, conducted or operated as such hotel. by the glass, in vessels, bottles or packages, in quantities of not more than one gallon; provided, that they may sell bottled beer in quantities not to exceed twelve quart bottles at any one time. And such liquors may be sold only between the hours of five o'clock a. m. and twelve o'clock midnight upon week days, and between the hours of six-thirty o'clock a. m. and nine o'clock p. m. upon Sundays: provided that the sale or disposition of such liquors on bona, fide, registered, transient guests of such hotel, and may be served to such guests only in the rooms assigned to and occupied by them in such hotel; and also in the dining room or rooms of such hotel during regular meal hours as a part of any bona fide meal, and not oth erwise. The term "bona' fide meal tor the purposes and within the meaning of this ordinance is defined to be such a class and quantity of food as ordinarily is served for con sumption in dining rooms or hotels maintained exclusively for the pur pose of serving meals for compensa tion. Eeach retail liquor dealer of the second class shall pay a license tax cf J300 per quarter-annum. Sec. 4. Each person, firm, associa tion or corporation that shall offer for sale,, sell, deal in or dispose of. or that shall engage in the business of selling, offering for sale, dealing in or disposing of, any vinous, malt dis tilled or intoxicating liquors, by the glass, in vessels, bottles or packages, in quantities of not more than one gallon of liquor other than beer and rot more than twelve quart bottles of beer at any one time, shall be deemed, and is hereby designated and declared to be, a saloon keeper. Each saloon keeper shall pay a li cense tax per quarter-annum of 1250. Provided, that where a saloon keeper sells or serves vinous, malt, distilled or intoxicating liquors for consumption with meals (except free lunches), in the regular room occu pied and used by him for saloon pur poses or in an adjacent or separate room therefrom, in that case such saloon keeper so selling or serving such liquors shall pay an additional license tax per quarter -annum, of posing to carry on such business, the place where such business is to be carried on or conducted, giving the block, street and number of the oc cupancy; and which saia application shall have the Indorsement thereon of the names of the propeuy owners of at least sixty per cent of the lineal frontage of the block facing the street in which any such busi ness is to be carried on, as well as the names of the property owners of at least fifty per cent of- the lineal frontage of the block facing the street oposite the place where such business is to be carried on, con senting that such business may be carried on at such place in such ap plication designated, and certifying that the said applicant is a proper and fit person, firm association or corporation to conduct such liquor business, as the case may be. And no such license shall be granted or issued until the Commission shall be satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person,' firm, assoclatiotn or corporation to have and receive such license, and that the place where such business is to be carried on or conducted Is a fit and proper place for the ca-rying on or conduct of such business; and shall by res olution so determine, and may grant such license and order the issuance thereof. This section does not apply to persons, firms association or cor poration now engaged in the liquor business. Sec. 7. No wholesale ltquor dealer, retail liquo- dealer of the first class. retail liquor dealer of the second class or saloon .keeper shall serve, sell, give away or dispose of any vinous, malt, distilled or intoxicating liquors in any room or place other than the regular room err place or premises occupied and used by such liquor dealer or saloon keeper for and in connection with the conduct and carrying on of such liquor business, except as in this ordinance otherwise provided. Sec. 8. No person, firm, associa tion or corporation shall offer for sale, sell, serve, give away or dispose of any vinous, malt, distilled or in toxicating liquors between the hours of midnight and five o'clock a. m. of any week day; nor shall any person, firm, association or corporation of fer for sale, sell, serve, give away or dispose of any vinous, malt dis tilled or intoxicating liquors upon or during any Sunday, except as in this ordinance otherwise provided; but no provision of this ordinance shall be construed to prevent any person in the private residence, home, apart ment or rooms occupied by him for dwelling purposes from giving away and serving any liquors therein to members of his immediate family and his invited guests. - Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, associ ation or corporation to offer for sale, sell, serve, give away or dispose of, any vinous, malt, distilled or intoxi cating liquors without having first procured and paid for the particu lar license therefor required by this ordinance, or to offer for sale, sell, serve or give away, or dispose of, any vinous, malt, distilled or intox icating liquors, except in strict con formity to and compliance with all the provisions of this and of all oth er opdinances and resolutions of the City of Phoenix relating to or reg ulating the offering for sale, selling. serving, giving away or disposing of any vinous, malt, distilled or intoxi cating liauors. Each and every sale, offer for sale, service, gift or disposition of any vinous, malt, distilled or intoxicating liquors within the corporate limits of the City of Phoenix, without hav ing first procured and paid for the particular license or licenses requir ed therefor, shall constitute a viola tion of this ordinance, and each per son or persons, firm, association or corporation so violating any provis ion of this or any other ordinance or resolution of the city regulating or relating to the sale or disposition of vinous, malt, distilled or intoxi eating liquors, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding three hundred dol lars or by imprisonment in the city Jail for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and any license or li censes, if any, issued and outstand ing to such person, firm, association or corporation to conduct the busi ness of wholesale liquor dealer, re tail liquor dealer of the first class, retail liquor dealer of the second class, or saloon keeper, or any one or more of them, upon such convic tion, or upon proper complaint, may be revoked, and all moneys thereto fore paid upon such license fees or taxes therefor shall be forfeited to the city. The Commission may also revoke any such license whenever the holder or holders of the same, or any of his, their, or its, servants. agents, or employes, shall violate or neglect, fail or refuse to observe and obey any provisions of any ordinance or resolution' of the City of Phoenix relative to the sale or disposition of vinous, malt, distilled or intoxicating liquors, or whenever the holder of such license shall be convicted of any felony or be guilty of any act of moral turpitude, or of any other act or conduct which the Commission may or shall deem to be injurious, detrimental or a menace to the pub lic health, morals or safety. repealed; provided, however, that no license fee or tax due or owing, and no fine, forfeiture or penalty under existing ordinances at the time when this ordinance takes effect, shall be affected hereby; but the punishment of violations and the recovery of li cense fees, taxes, fines and forfei tures shall remain and take place in the same manner and to the same extent ns if the ordinances or parts of ordinances repealed hereby had continued or remained in force; and in every case where an offense is committed prior to the time this or dinance takes effect, the offender shall be tried under the ordinance in force when the offense -was com mitted, and if convicted, punished under such ordinance, and all ex isting rights and remedies for the collection or recovery of such license tax or fee shall continue in like manner as if this ordinance had not been passed, .and the provisions of the existing ordinance or ordinances as to punishment to be inflicted or the mode of trial or the manner oC determining the penalty for the of fense committed before this ordi nance takes effect and the provisions of the existing ordinance or ordi nances as to the. collection or recov ery of license fees or taxes shall not be affected by such repeal of any existing ordinance or ordinances. Sec. 11. Whereas, the-proper reg ulation of the sale and disposit'on o intoxicating liquors is essential to the preservation of the public peace. health and safety, and it is neces sary that this ordinance take Imme diate effect, an emergency is heieby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Cora mission and approval by the Mayor, and is hereby exempted from the op eration of the referendum provision of the City Charter. PASSED by the Commission of the City of Phoenix this 29th day of June. 1914. APPROVED this 2Dth day of June, 1914. GEO. U. YOUNG. Attest: Mayor. FRANK THOMAS. Citv Clerk. July l-10t. Fairbanks-Morse Engines Nestor Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, Etc. ' ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPY CO. 3rd Ave. and Jackson "We Have the Stock' 'Phoenix Cotton Growers, Attention Buy your cotton field machinery at Kunz Bros. & Messinger and save money. Let us show vou. Phoenix Directory Automobiles Garages Accessories Auto Tire Repair Co. Firestone tires Vulcanizing of All Kinds Kept in Stock 134 N. Center St. Arizona Motor uompany, inc. ;; AUTOMOBILES Everything for the automobile carried in stock RST AND VAN BUREN 8TREET8 Arizona Vulcanizing Works VULCANIZING OF ALL KINDS DONE PROMPT LY. WORK GUARANTEED. OUT OF TOWN WORK SOLICITED. 110 W. 'Washington St. Overland Phone 121 BU1CK W. W. CATLIN COMPANY, State Agenta Garage and Salesrooms 313 North Central Avenue. Phone 1450 Diamond Tires 110 K Central Ave., Phone 414. M. L. BUCKLEY, JR. COLE The Standardized Car. Chase Motor Trucki. COLE MOTOR COMPANY. General Repair Work. 4th and Washington Sts. Phone 1228 MOTOR CARS W. A. Horr&U 521 N. Central Phone 1223 Expert Service Men TRANSCONTINENTAL GARAGE 108-110 N. Second Ave. Storage, Repairs and Gen eral Machine Work. Work guaranteed. CAPITAL ACCESSORIES U. S. TIRES, OIL8, GREASE ruftrvlklnil Rut tUm &ii4a AUTO SUPPLY CO. 517 N. Central Ave. Phone 1071 UnWcAnA-AnOSCAS IRVIN, AGENT i m vi i w rw $1700.00 F. O. B. PHOENIX Garage 229 E. Adams St. Phone 539 or 596 Arizona Auto Company, 308 North Can- tral Avenue. Phone 1241. State agenta for Moreland and "Little Giant" Motor Trucks. CASE PACKARD McARTHUR BROS FRANKLIN 321 N. CENTER STREET - - THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Distributor for Arizona Corner Second and Adams Streets Ford Motor Car 6-passengar $625. Runaoouf 575 EDWARD RUDOLPH, Agent 308-310 E. Adams St Maricopa County Agent for Hendrla Tires Master Carburetors More Mileage. More Speed. Mora Power, Guaranteed SOUTHWESTERN CARBURETOR CO, 309-315 North Central Avenue MAXWELL The Car you ought to buy Gates & Tremaine 221 North First Street Overland Beat Equipped Machine Shop in Southwest Complete Stock of Accessories OVERLAND AUTO CO., Phone 686. 326 N. Central Ave. RADIATORS Repaired and Rebuilt. We repair lamps, wind shields and fenders. We also replace glasses In windshields and lamps, and do coppersmith work. 233 North Center St. J Sundays ehall be confined to actual, 50, which said additional license is No wholesale liquor dealer's II- Pleasure Cars and Commercial Trucki Service Station 826-28-30 N. Central. Phono Ml M. L. NAQUIN, Dirtributof