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rAGE TEN THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MORNING,. JULX piUx CLASSIFIED WANT ADVERTISING One Cent a Word Auctions AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, July 24, 1914 1 Mile South of Tempe and Mile West Commencing at 1:30 P. M. Sharp. Having decided to leave, I will sell my personal property at auction on the date. in Al HAIRY COWS, Durham, Hol stein, Jersey; 10 calves, 3 to 6 months old. 1 4-TEAR-OLD MARE, works single or drnible. 1 FARM WAGON, 2 buggies, 2 sets double work harness; household goods, dressers, beds, mattresses, springs, fireless cooker, and hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH J. SlN'GLETON, Owner C. O. McMVRTRT, Auctioneer 15 N. 1st Ave. Phone 661 r. A. WHITFIELD. Clerk . dk TAYLOR & PILiIL Auction House REGULAR SALES Every Wednesday and Saturday If you want to sell your goods bring them to us TAYLOR & BIEHL. AUCTIONEERS 47 WEST JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 1349. tf For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER Small payment down, cash or clear property, balance like rsnt; 80 acre dairy and lig ranch, fine improvements, near Glendale. on car line; 5 40-acre alfalfa tracts, adjoining above; 5-room bun galow, lot S0x200, fine location, $4,000; 4-room frame, lot 50x130, near Capitol, 11.400; lots near Indian car line. 50x136, $4'0; lot near Indian car line, 50x330, $:if0. Dr. John A. Lentz, cor. 1st Ave. nd Adams St tf FOR SALE $45.00 equity in $375 biiilding lot for $30.00. Box 5330 Re publican. , dn KING 414 for reliable messenger ervire. M GALPIN & HART r.EAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN ft HART S3 North First Ave LOANS FOR QUICK SALE Will take 1900.00 for 2 lots, 100x177 on 9th ttreet Pert cash. BEE MR JEFFRIE, 128 N. 1st Ave. tf FOR SALE Four room house. Two lota. Near Eastlake Park. Terms or cheap for cash. Phone 2373. tf & ACRES CLOSE IN Fine small ranch in northwest district, in alfalfa, some fruit, 5-room frame house, good well, chicken house and 225 chickens, fine Jersey cow, good horse and' rub ber tired buggy, all fenced and cross fenced. $3200 takes it all. See Barn hard and Clement. 129-131 N. 1st ave nue. Phone 1121. tf AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY quarter sCtlan, . canal Tempe water rights. -128 acres in cotton, balance pasture. ---. SEE BURROUGHS i 42 ,W. Adams tf BARGAINS In residences; ranch and business property. Improved or unimproved; houses to rent V-W. K. JAMES. . 41 North First St RING 414 (or reliable messenger nrtc t FOR SALE Well improved 5 acres, bungalow, fruit ' and alfalfa, sacrifice price, j Thompson. 15 N. 1st Ave. tf PROMPT MESSENGER SERVICE Phone 702. 8-bk FOR SALE Several good 'invest ments: 4 lots 50x219 feet each, close to Bella Vista. $800, part cash;-. 6 lots, northeast, $1300, part cash; 8 lots close to Center, street, $1200, half cash; lfa acres, all In fruit, good four-room frame house, close to Osborne school, $1750.' part cash; these are "air money making Investments, see Dibble,' Sid Henry's office, 15 N. 1st Ave. dk Hire ft little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see inore "customers -'than you, can. WHEN YOU THINK 66 FENCING Because LION fencing 'is the best, according to., reports from many.' users. The LION KNOT is the envy of all other Fence: Makers, because it ' is the KNOT that- CANNOT slip and does not, cut the stiay wires, no mat ter hbw tightly the Fence is stretch- -ed. We carry LION FENCING for all purposes and will be glad to send vou a little hooklet telling about -ION PERFECTION. Write for it. Wo Do Not Close on Thursdays PRATT-GILBERT CO. SOUTH CENTRAL For Sale Houses THE PRETTIEST new close-in 6 room brick residence in Phoenix, b!g lot, choice N. E., built for private home, hardwood floors and best of work, forced to sacrifice this for $3000, $700 cash. Address before Monday, Box 428 Postoffice. tim SPECIAL SUMMER SNAP Party leaving city and' raunt sell his beautiful home in the north part of PHOENIX. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BRICK with out buildings. FINE OLD SHADE, TALMS AND ROSES, beau if ul GRAPE arbor, lot 90x300 ft. Price for a few days, $3,685.00. Terms, $700.00 cash, balance to suit. FRED JACOBS Empress Theater Building, 40 E. Adams tf FOR SALE Watch Phoenix G-'ow Some buys that are money doub lers: 14-room house, coming busi ness property, $7500. terms. . to suit; 4 modern brick houses, semi-business property, $12,000. $4,000 cash, bal. to suit; 6-room modern house, hard wood floors, $3000, $150 cash, bal. $.'J0 per month; 6 room, fine shade, $1700, $150 cash, $20 per month. M. M. Shelton, 215 West Washington, tf FOR SALE Horse pasture; close in, good feed; smooth wire, well water and shade. Phone 5R5. dk For Sale Miscellaneous PEACHES 2 He per lb. and up at Hall Bros. dp FOR SALE One Jackson truck, $.585.00. Geo. Hageman. , tf AN HONEST DEAL In Buggies, Harness and Saddles Is why we sell so many. See us for second hand vehicles. COLLINGS VEH. & HAR. CO. 22-34 East Adams SL ' tf TENTS, AWNINGS Hay covers, roll curtains, frame covers, tappoons, sleeping porch curtains, anything In canvass. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co. 1st St. and Monroe. Phone 1141. tf FOR SALE Hamilton piano, excel lent condition, cash or terms. Apply 12 West Washington. 8-bp Talbols Ant Exterminator .25 .50 $1.00 Guaranteed by Fhoenix Seed & Feed Co. 125 E. Jefferson St, tf OUR CANVAS DEPARTMENT Is complete. We manufacture Stack Covers, Wagon Covers, Drop., Cur tains, Awnings, Tarpoons and Tar paulins, and anything else you want In canvas, from first class goods; at prices which our competitors don't try to meet. BARROWS-FOOSHEE FURN. - CO. Corner First & Jefferson Sts. tf FOR SALE 100 acres of first class alfalfa pasture, with or without .300 tens of hay in stack. Phone 32R5. dp FOR SALE "BROWNIE" NO. 2 SNAP SHOT; IN GOOD CONDI TION; ALMOST NEW; BARGAIN. BOX 5322 REPUBLICAN. dl WILL BE AT 202 No-.-th Ninth St. Saturday next with wagdri load of honey; sell at 6 cents per pound, dk FOR SALE Bathroom outfit, bowl and toilet; used three months; a bargain. Address Box 5321 Repub lican, dr FOR SALE New furniture of six room house; also piano; half of house more than pays rent; lawni fruit and shade;' three minutes' walk. Box 5331 1 Republican. ' . dp LARGE ICE BOX for sale. 1411 East Adams. dm NEW CONWAY- piano," used but six months,' -at fun 25 discount; owner leaving city. City address, 319 North Tenth ave. , dl FOR SALE Roadster auto, modern and In good condition; must be sold, owner leaving city. 1335 East Monroe. . dk - OF FENCE YOU SHOULD THINK OF JON 99 AVENUE. 71 PHOENIX For Sale Miscellaneous WELL DRILLING OUTFIT complete for large or small work, a great bar gain. KINNEY and THRIFT i 35 East Adams St. dm .PEACHES 2 He per lb. and up at Hall Bros. dp FOR .. SALE Automobile roadster, standard make, fully equipped, prac tically, new, for a bargait.. Address Roadster, care Republican. dm REMOVAL SALE Bargains con tinue on ice boxes, refrigerators, show cases, electric fans, kitchen cabinets, office cabinets, filing cases, gas ranges, and all other goods. Our new location is the Patrick Bid. No. WTest Wash ington, tf FOR SALE Auto trucks. Two second-hand auto trucks very cheap, both of one thousand pound capacity. M. L. Naquin, state agent Velie automo bile, 326-328-330 North Central Ave. tf FOR SALE 8x12 Job Press. A bargain. Write or see Republican Job Shop ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE Phoenix, Arizona, ' tf GOOD BUGGY for sale cheap. Phone 12R3. dk THOMPSON SEEDLESS and jelly grapes, River Side NuTsery. Phone 43J2. dp RIVERSIDE PARK and FOR HIRE auto signs for sale at Republican of fice, tf SWINGING SEATS and porch furni ture, made to order at the Blde-A-Wee Mission Furniture Shop. Phone 8445, 16th St tf MONEY SAVED ON TOMATOES and other products come see us. Phoenix Fruit And Produce Co 119 W. Jefferson. tf FOR SALE Second hand goods at second hand prices NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. .$30.00 LARGE LUNCH COUNTER $15.00 1-8 FT. FLOOR SHOW CASE. . .$25.00 1 LARGE PLATFORM SCALE. .$18.00 1 LARGE ICE BOX $12.00 Dishes, glassware, and cooking utensils, suitable for restaurant. WE EXCHANGE FURNITURE STANDARD FURNITURE COMPANY 237 West Washington It JULY , Plant this month' Milo Maize Millet Sorghum Pumpkin Feterlta Squashes Shallu Field Corn Sweet Corn Kaffir Corn Cowpeaa Melons Soybeans ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona. tf FOR SALE Mendelssohn piano, $65.00; - Kimbal piano, little used, $250.00. Marvlna Music House, (see Marvin first). 2nd Ave. ' Waahlng ton.; tf - PROMPT MESSENGER SERVICE. Phone 702. 8-bft FOR SALE Three H. p. gas engine, good shape, no reasonable offer refused. Gee.' A.' Threlkaeld. CaU J li t, tf Grurwoid'a patent for leaky Urea, lEe. FOR SALE Several ; second -band motorcycle at prices to suit Phoe nix' Cycle Co HI "North Central ave. . , ' .... tf WIPING CLOTHES CHEAP Second-hand flour bags. Fifty pound saoks at $2.0U per . 100. Twenty-five pound sacks at -$1.25 per 100. Alfred J. Peters & Co.,; Tempe. tf "For Sale Live Stock . FOR '- SALE Two . . good heifers, coming A fresh;' can. be. seen . at Mr. McCrary's place. Nineteenth Ave. .and Buckeye Road. C.'.W. Lapham, Com mercial hotel. . -dl FOR SALE Dairy cows- In numbers to suit,' 35 young heifers; ,. also milk route and wagon Phone 2563, ;Not- inger ranch. . tjrt FOR PALE Fine Durham cow, fresh.; nlsn other cows and weaned calves. J. H. Rhoads, Phone 13J2. DO mm For Sale Live Stock aVj'WWVMVrfiWMVM'VVa1 FOR SALE Surrey, harness and horse, cheap. Box 5335. dm FOR EALE Very fine dairy cows. Phone Rural 118J4, tf For Sale Eggs and Poultry FOR SALEExtra fine black Orp ingtons, seven hens and 1 cock, a bar gain for this fine stock. POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE 446 West Washington. -' tf For Sale or Exchange A TEXAS EXCHANGE Between Houston and Galveston, two of Texas' best towns, we have either ranches, dwelling properties, city lots, or business income property, to trade for Salt Rjver Valley holdings. Call on Mr. Stevens at office of . DWIGHT B. HEARD Real Estate, Insurance & Loans, Cor. Central & Adams. dm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Es tablished real estate .business making $300 to $600 per month, will sell 3 year lease, furniture, maps, listings and good will for $500. . Rent .only $25. Address Box 1509 Republican. ' dm THE BOWER First-class rooms and board, screen rooms. 521 E. Mon roe, tf TO TRADE Small ranches for residences. Relin quishment for sale- H. H. Major , V ' Real Estate 18 W. Adams " ' Phone i'504 ' . : ... tf EXCHANGEIt is our business to sell, or exchange your property for what you want. Let your wants be known. Wm. M. Costley, 17 N. 1st Ave. " tf 160 ACRES land to trade for auto mobile. See Hill, basement Goodrich Bldg. ' dl FOR SALE OR LEASE -Twenty acres of land close in one mile from city, well Im proved, good water, crop sowed, etc Terms. See E. R. Powell at Republican Office. if EXCHANGE Piano or player piano for new or slightly used auto, will pay difference cash. 1322 West Monroe. dl GOOD CLOSE IN RESIDENCE in Kansas City, Mo., to exchange for Phoenix residence equity or clear , va ant of equal value. Box 5308 Republi can. ". f GOOD CLOSE IN RESIDENT LOT in Kansas City, Mo., to exchange for Phoenix resident equity or clear va cant of equal value. Box 5308 Republi can, tf TRADE Desirable City Residence for twenty acres " H. H. Major Real Estate 18 West Adams. Phone 1504 '. tf WANTED Southern California property for 40 acre alfalfa near Glen dale; Long Beach, Cal property for 160 acres "C" land near Phoenix. See N. A. Morford, 15 E. Adams St. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Splash -dash brick, W. Washington St., living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, screen sleeping room, large screen porch, bath, pantry, hall, built-in buffet and bookcases, window seats, fireplace. . 3-large closets; also linen and medlcTne closets, fine electric fixtures, large cement front porch. This fine home on lot 50x140 for only , $4,000.00 ; Will take city lots or small acreage In trade. ,.. , San Diego lot, clear for 20 or 40 acre ranch. . ... . , ." -. Five-passenger Chalmers for lot 4x5 camera for bicycle. See Kalfus for trades . . .; ... with J. S. GRIFFIN "ALONE" .. Phone 1093 4 W Adams. -: ., : - dk FOR SALE OR TRADE One Ware and buggy. Apply 8. F. HockehsthHh, Mesa, Ariz. gb 40 ACRES Class A land, 6 miles from Tempe, all In cultivation, good Im provements. Want 10 or 15 acres near Phoenix. A good trade for some one. Union Realty Co., 11 E. Adams St. Phone 746. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 or 160 acres, class A land, well Improved at $68 75:n acrd, part cah;f better see this at nnce If you want a bargain." 3. W. Stacy, 12D N. 1st Ave. tf . PROMPT MESSENGER SERVICE". Phone 702. 8-Mc For Rent Houses FQR RENT Two. six-roomed hous es at Five Points, at $2.0,00 per month. Apply at 755 W. Woodlawn Ave. gs FOR RENT Half brfck house, five rooms, and 6-robm ' modern brick cottage. Apply-,414 North Seventh Avenue. ' v8b FOR RENT Two modern houses. Apply 817, South Third ave.; phone 8221. , dl FOR RENT; TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE, all modern with 10 acres of ground, wind mill and well, good shade and fruit, 2 miles; north of city." Address 108 North Central Ave." PHOENIX TOWNSITE CO. . Phope 1492 " ' ' dk FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, ohicken yardarable, good neighborhood, $10.00. Joe JoTllWm, No. 17 W. Adajjns. - - : tf COTTAGES for rent, cheap. Phone 8193.. .... .... , l-W I For Rent Houses - p FOR RENT Four-room ' brick cot tage, screen kitchen and bed roortv gas, electricity, $15.00 per month, no tu berulbsis, 1 block from Brill car line. Inquire at 1104 E. McKinley St. tf ' TO'. RENT FURNITURE Sell on installments or cheap for the' cash. Ice boxes, hose. Stoves, etc, etc., etc. Arizona Supply Co., 325-7 - E. Wash. St Phone 147C ,.w tf : ron rent best close in houses, summer rates. SEE BURROUGHS ! 42 West Adams. tf FOR RENT Six-room modern house on North 3rd Ave., $25.00 per month, unfurnished. H. C. Thomas, R. E. & I. Co., :43 W. Adams. tf For Rent Furnished Houses FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Neat two-room apartment, close in on North 1st street, at $2Q per month. New stucco 3-room house, entirely modern, on North 6th Ave., at $20 per month. v Five-room house on West Washing ton St., modern, on yearly .lease. Complete 7-room hquse, on East Washington and 24th St., 3 bed rooms and generous shade at $40 per month. DWIGHT B. HEARD , . : City Real Estate : . Central & Adams Sts. .dl NICELY FURNISHED 3 -room mo dern apartment, 615 North First St., with screen sleeping room; gas and electricity furnished and only $18; also nice furnished front room, $10. Phone 8273. dk SIX-ROOM furnished house for sum mer or longer, no children. 1656 W. Jackson. tf : Rooms and Board THE NEW WOODFORD HOTEL and . dining room, furnished new and up-to-date. Popular rates.' Mm Fred Ullman, Prop., 133 North 2nd Ave. tf FOR RENT One furnished room with,' sleeping porch and board if de sired. 628 N. 2nd Ave. gs THE COPELAND HOUSE, rooma with sleeping porches, First-class board. 368 N. 2nd Ave. Phone 1592. tf For Rent Furnished ' Rooms vF0R RENT Screen sleeping room furnished, for one or two men, $5 month. 1506 E. Adams St. ds NICE COOL SLEEPING ROOMS by day, week or month; also Toof garden to sleep on. Hotel Edmonds, cor. Cen ter and Washington Sts. tf Union Hotel, (18 W. Wash,.Rma. 60. tf , WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 North 1st street, new, modern, no alck taken. tf FOR RENT Rooms at the club house at Iron Springs. ' Can put two beds in some of the rooms to accom modate. For particulars address Iron Springs Store, Iron Springs, Arizona. tf ALTURAS HOTEL, 233 E. Wash ington; cleanest, coolest, most rea sonable rooms in city; 50c, 75c $1 day; $2.50. $3. $3.50 week. . tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished screen room, no sick. S19 N. 3rd St tf BEAUTIFUL ROOMS with screen sleeping rooms. 368 N. First Ave. tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Newly furnished desir able rooms with screen sleeping room. Running water and lavatory in room. 1501 West Washington. . . tf CpOL FRONT ROOM for housekeep ing. 218 E. Adams. dm '. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $15.00 per month. 127 East Van Buren. . dr HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT For well people, thoroughly furnished, gas; electricity, bath, porches, etc. 357 N. 3rd Ave. tf 5 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 722 N. 2nd' St. ' dk FOR RENT One apartment rooms one dollar week, board and room, five sleeping porches, meals 25 cts, coolest porch In town; dinner parties by ap pointment. 502 N. 1st St. . tf THE BLENHEIM APARTMENTS ; Furnished modern apartments, pri vate screen sleeping rooms, electric fans, summer rates. - 911 N. Central Ava, Phone 1258. tf . CLOSli INi modern apartments, completely furnished, from two to five rooms, sleeping porch. Apply 235 E. Monroe. . . tf FURNISH BB" APARTMENT FLATS can be leased, 3 rooms In each with private iath. and private screen, roam, all new and nodem. T 440 West "Wash ington St Phone 446. tf -THREE BEUTIFUL ROOMS, com pletely furnished, with screen sleeping room-.'-.368 N. 1st Ave. . tf - PROMPT MESSENGER SERVICE. Phone 702, " . 'v.-'- 8-bk : ONE - VERY DESIRABLE 4-roora furnished apartment, including screen room. In new house, 1239 East Adam St., one block , from car line. Owner 1227. East A,dams st. Phone 8071. tf . . For Rent Lands FOR CASH RENT 55 acres on 19th Ave., plenty of water. Call Phone 2$53. For Rent Store and Offices STORE ROOM FOR RENT. 24 E. Washington-. Apply. 715 p. Adams. S. Bland. Phone 2256. 'i : dm FOR RENTBusiness-. locations? dividing, furnished and unfurnished; little ranches; ten city hits for rent, can- nut nn tent or nortable. See Johnston, 17 West Adams; Phone Bargains in Lots East. Evergreen lot, 70x190 ggg On West Madison, south of capitol, 50x140..... ' j 450 N. W. Cor. Van Buren & 14th, 60x130 !"!!!!$ 650 On Willetta, just east of Central, 65x180 !$1350 75 foot corner, facing Capitol grounds !.$1600 On Virginia Ave., near Indian school line, 60x309 ft. only 800 On Polk St., facing University Park $ 525 On West Adams, 2 blocks East of Capitol, 65x149..... $1200 On N. Central, 112x196 !j1500 E. J. Bennitt & Co. Phone For Rent Miscellaneous uuviAfini-vii"i' a-wvwww, FOR RENT Large light basement under Gass Bros.' Chop House. Suit able for office or salesroom. Apply Gass Bros.. tf Wanted Situations Male AAflAnAlWOIViV " - - - WANTED A high-class silk and dress goOds salesman with buyers ex perience would like to associate him self with some first-class dry goods firm in Arizona, 16 years giltedge San Francisco, Kansas City and Chicago references. Box 5336 Republican, dl EXPERIENCED milker wants job; call Box 5332 Republican. dk POSITION Wanted by capable ac curate stenographer of several yoars experience in railroad and commercial work. Am also a good general office man and telegraph operator. Good hea'th. Box Republican 5324. dk WHO WANTS a cook, farm hand, nurse girl, have several good ones look ing for location. City Fre Employ ment Bureau, 130 N. Central Ave. Phone 1183. tf WANTED A position by a nw;hr.i'; thoroughly experienced in n'am and electricity in or out of Ph'r.z. t!4 E. Fillmore. i RING 414 tor reliable m service. WANTED Position as for-r.-n vr ranch by single man; hav gy.S erence. Box 5325 Rpubiiran. Wanted Situations, Female FIRST-CLASS WOMAN COOK wants position. Box 5329 Republican. fik GIRL 15 wants to assist with house work with the privilege of school. Box 5323 Republican. dk CAPABLE WOMAN would like to keep house for men, city or country. Call at 915 East Taylor. City. c". Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Lot with emai-i h-; southeast pan. Box 511 Rjiil:a." WANTED TO F..EXT 0-.tix.. :i four to six n:n-.s. : Iii-ia :Si:i:i district, near cir L;n; r;im:n:i.!;i'' rent; furnished !u? pro-r-mf will consider ur.firn:i-?-i '-.r desirable. Address Box ;."5 lican. il WANTED TO RENT Eight or good dairy cows. C. G. Coy. J.rst ranch east of insane asylum. dn WASHING and ironing. Phone 21S0. S-bm Edna M. Wilson General Stenographic Work 14 West Adams Street, "phone 1114 WANTED SEVERAL 4 or 5 roomed houses to rent for $20.00 to $35.00 per month. Have permanent tenants. McCAUSLAND BUSINESS EX CHANGE 130 North Central Ave. tf PROMPT MESSENGER SERVICE. Phone 702. 8-bk WANTED Te make your new awnings; repair the old onea; da your upholstering, refinishlng and repair work. Dorria-Heyman Furni ture Co. tf WANTED Good empty gasoline and coal oil cans, ten cents paid. Phoenix Oil Co. tf $25.00 EACH for names of prospec tive builder. Address P. O. Box 231. tf Wanted Help, Male WANTED Ten carpenters at the Mesa grammar school. Apply with tools. Wages $4.50 per day. J. A. Steele. tf TENANT WANTED for an interest in cotton crop to finish and pick. Lincoln Fowle, 208 Natl. Bank of Arizona Bldg. dr WANTED Experienced driver on Ford car, with reference. Phone 211R5. dk RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf WE HAVE several good fields open for active canvassers, on liberal com mission basis. Our men are making as high as $150 a week. Good record and reference required. Write Oregon Nur sery Company, Orcnco, Oregon. 8-bb iriomnnnrviAnnnnnnonoononn nnn iuiji rinrrrrii"iiniiMiii-iririi- ' ..-...----- Business Opening We want, you to outer the business field of Phoenix, and we have one of the hest propositions for a wide awake person that was ever offered. SPLENDID LOCATION .Will stand closest investigation. r- $5,000 will handle the deal. Holmes or Ross with :" GREENE & GRIFFIN Phone. 709. 127 Central Ave. 1618 N. Center Street 482 J Wanted TTelTv Main . . 1 V king 414 for reliable maasanger service. . . . Wanted-Help, Female WOMAN' to cook for five ranch hands; steady Work. Call Sunday at 722 North Second St. dn Money to Loan on choice city residence property In Phoenix. We have on hand over $15,000 to loan on city property ex clusively. See Mr. Lllley Real Estate, Insurance & Loans Cenafixafl Adusag tt K'J.'VK' TO LOAN $1500.00, on ; rji-r. ir city property. P. O- Box 1 '.;. Kr.ix. Ariz. dl j "iJONET TO LOAN I have the fol- lvwitg amounts to loan on Improved ;rr,)' at 8 per cent $400, $600. XltOO, :i:2'. tiVA. $2500, $3000. 000. E. E. Ptaoe, 2'.'2 North Center St tf 1 '.'.'.'.'.' TO LOAN on real estate. J'..-.j3 T. Erjiilap. dk GET THE MONEY $10 to $100 on your riano, furniture, horses, cows, etc, confidential, no delay. Mutual Loan Co, 5 Lewis Bldg. Phone 1396. tf RING 414 for reliable meeaeager aervlce. tf Lost and Found $500.00 TO LOAN KINNEY and THRIFT J5 East Adams Street. tf 1 S L'7 Raycycle bicycle, pacemaker larg hanger. No. 10858, small ':.h- t-i. ro'.Iar chain; return to 405 E. Uhja: receive reward. tf AillS-JX 4i3 ' Fleming Block has TL:c-iT :an on real estate security. tf LO-ST m Phoenix on Adams St., :' Aiirss hotel. Ford touring Tar. IK--s No. 31S7, factory No. 3-5:14'; rresto light tank. Fifty dol - Urs reard for information - leading to recovery of same. W. J. Clemans. Tentpe. Arizona. tf LOST Between Tempe and Mesa; ritual Loyal Order of Moose; return to Moose Lodge. tf LOST SET CUFF BUT TONS: SOLID GOLtr EN GRAVED, B. FINDER PLEASE RETURN TO RE PUBLICAN OFFICE AND RECEIVE REWARD tf LOST . LOST ON YUMA ROAD July 20th. 1914 5x35 Nobby Tread Casing ON DEMOUNTABLE RIM RETURN to the FIVE POINTS SUPPLY CO. AND GET REWARD ' tt Business Chances FOR SALE Small store. Inquire 547 East Washington. Rs THE FINEST boarding and rooming house proposition in Phoenix. Address Owner Fred W. Bassler, 344 N. 2nd Ave. dl BUSINESS CHANCE for sale in Los Angeles, Cal., Part Interest in well established hardware and grocery busi ness; a snap: for quick sale, require $4600.00 to handle. Inquire at the Re publican office. - - ' ' tf GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP The largest and best equipped in town, for sale; machine shop at tached. John Ahlquist, Tempe, Ariz. tf FOR SALE-Confectionery and cigar stand, a bargain. Call 2 to 4 P; m.. 131 N. Central Ave. ... dk PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT C. P. Lee, Successor to Lee & Plunkett, 309 National Bank of Ari zona Building, Accounting, Auditing, Systematizing. Will open and Close Books of Account and make up Analy tical statements and report. tf