Newspaper Page Text
. S' K .Jf .aril iii'.- THE 'ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 25," 1914 PAGE SEVEN; . ; Attention Men! 1 ? Buys Any Suit- J ! ; f Clothes I vjl jj f! In The Boston --Store... jj I $2G, $22.5, $25, . Ms V lv . $27SO, $30 Values MiyX I ' f l : Here is without a doubt the greatest clothing opportunity ' AKJM A " - !' of the year think of it your unrestricted choice of every ... f&fjgf I r ' suit of clothe in our big stock for ,l2.tQ: .'Suits that sold . . " .t If Bill. x 1& I' '" up to $20.00 and embracing the very newest styles, cuts and fJ j , A Bel I Eff jl colors. Clothes for Young Men, clothes for Men of more v5 B jff Jlfij af I t ! f sombre taste, and Clothes for the Slim, Regular or Stout KmWl'l ' I 9 I " men Norfolk and Semi-English models and suits made fff I JS I p- !' , ;' from the season's classiest fabrics, including the nobby if il I I g I YMt ' :'' E mixtures in greys, soft tans, fancy browns, the nifty pencil flV I I II I vAft w; f and salt mixtures. English worsted, neat pencil stripes I R I I H ... !' and botany wool, navy blue serges. Suits built upon I II I Si ' If iTTTlfC I i '', honor, correct in every detail and manufactured to retail It J$ il OkJkJllUC p, J -J at from $25.00 to $30.00. ,. III & I gj. i , . i . . DO.VT PROCRASTINATE I I 1 S 7' 2 Half -Hose Bargains" jl 11 Disc'n- f: IV WlHIl Your choice of pi, f- . 16 2-3C 38C - U 1 I embracingT'fine Men's Sox, made of Fibre Men's Pure Silk Sox in II 11 I I Assortment of i . . OM, ' . lflack. Tan, White, Orey I II Serges and Flan- ty f , - in Tan or Grey. Pos- antl oth(.r Keguiar 1 I I nelsMn White, ; itively worth 25c to 35c. 50c qualities. I I I Palm Beach , fj 1 II One-Fourth Re- . Men's Shirts . " '' 1 Juctiun- I l: 250 SAMPLE SHIRTS Made in both Golf and I ' I f Negligee styles of best quality French Cam- ' I I . brie, English Madras, Repp Oxfords and fine - jj S I I jtk T&t K i' Chambrays Shirts actually worth $1.50 and ' f" H I I 3 1 ' f'' , -'T.M: 7Sc AfyRw fa)L A" I H jRCfeifi u n 1 KSQ&rw- 1 -Mr ww'r jwa I iipiHia.irv- t.i . TW Tl HV ? TPS ll ii'.'l K . men s rurrasranp mmi Lowness-of Prices Has Never Been Equalled Take Heed Act Quickly IV!'. r ... nui'ili J..' T in pursuance tf the usual custom of this store not to carry merchandise over from one. season to another, Wfl tlTV'Sent Olir TVtid-SlimniPV CWenvn-noa Sq1 wili iha lrloo in mind n nlisnlnfpl v rlpan 111 fill MiiiMiiifiv Ifop. ' J . - ' n -. .j v A w.VMJWWVV. F-'MAS., , , 1 111 IJV. Vt.U 1JX IV. 1 t m WWW A 1 V It 1 1 X I. ' ' r Mil 11111. 1 .1 ... i elianaise, regardless or Joss or protit or tormer cost. The Price reductions will apply to every Department iM-ntioned in this advertisement, and no matter what vour choice mav be. if we have it. vou mav be sure of a sub- . Every thrifty housekeeper, in fact, everv man or woman, will show good business judgment in taking advantage v. Tfie customary' rJoston Store Money-Back Policy, aleguard every shopper. The prices noted are posi uunng tiie year. Take advantage ot this sale. TON STORE aterlals Are Offered Now at a Vast Saving in Price lis fi kJ ;tnd i1 Sic i h in . et I Be , 'Vitl 33c Iff in 17c RATINR in solid colors and two-toned effects A material much used nqw and worth in the regular way 33c Special INDIAN HEAD SUITINGS This is a favorite Material and comes in all leading colors 32 inches uiiie and worth 20c a yard 3)1 n -special r'.J-lXCH MADRAS White ground with colored vtripes and figures for Shirts, Waists and Dresses worth up to 2Dc a yard 51 O) 1 Special JLC rxH'BUO FOLD : PRESS GINGHAM About 20 pieces, ill small checks only splendid 12c and 15c ;ualities, and priced especially at nAI.ATEA CLOTH A quality .that sells usually for 2"c a yard comes in stripes and figures and is a standard material 5 4) 1 n Special , lfe2C MERCERIZED LINEN SUITIXGS In all the new and up-to-date colorings, all Tub and Sunproof, special soft finish, regular 40c values 0lLf Sale price, per yard mTsI NATURAL LINEN All pure flax, full 36-inches wide, ideal for waists, House and Street Dresses, Children's Dresses a good 25c value Sale price, yard , UNION LINEN Natural color, heavy weight, suitable for Suits, Separate Skirts, Boys' Suits and Children's Dresses, regularly selling at 22V4c yard Sale price, per yard JL IMPORTED RATINES The handsomest of English, French, German and American made dress Ratines, In solid colors, such as Wisteria, Old Rose, Lavender, White, Navy. Green, Copenhagen, Pink, Tartan Plaids, Self Plaids and Black and Whites. Also Epone Cloth In fancy colors actual values from A ff re 1.19 to J1.75 Sale price, per yard nrOC 90 Inch Linen Sheeting S7c LINEN SHEETING Full 90 inches wide and Bleached white. This is the standard fl.00 quality. 12Kc YARD WIDE PAJAMA CHECKS Both large and small checks regular 20c quality and will wear and wash well. w High-Grade Table Linens atched Sets, Mapkins, Etc e-thir.i ff the regular price, we offer our entire stock of Imported Table Damask, Linen Sets and Napkins. Many. I'jn.:.: U Patterns come with Napkins to match a large variety of designs to choose from all at 33 1-3 Discount. Pm! Moslin Underwear at a Discount of in sanitary factories and consisting of a complete assortment of Night Gowns", Princess Slips, Petti i.'ii Suits, Drawers, Knickers, etc. Highest qualities in materials and beautifully trimmed with laces i:i Vi-donvear is all made in full size and splendidly finished. ONE-FOURTH OFF THE REGULAR 5 $1.25 o - : nu!y COMBINATIONS in corset covers and drawers, llch made of fine Nainsook, nicely trimmed in fine :h slnrt embroidery and lace; most excellently well made; I till sizes; values up to J 1.25. I- to wwih SL2S. S1.S0 Closing out all Summer Open Mesh Corsets R. & 3. make high or low bust all sizes and worth '"1.25 to $1.50. Best Corset value of the season.- $1.25 UiadleirsMirfts (S Undermuslins 98c Made of special quality Cambric and Nain sook. Cut in the new style garments, trimmed with wide embroidery flounces; values up to $1.25. Extra value garments, made by one of the largest manufac turers in the United States, consisting of Gowns. Skirts, Drawers, Combinations and Princess Slip. These are all choice garments regularly retailing up to $1.39 each. I I. in )d Embroideries Hih Grade Embroideries and pretty Shadow Laces the variety -ists of a magnificent array of fine imported match sets and .urn and up to 45-inch flouncings made of Batistes, Voile and acs are wonderful in variety of designs and quality. All of these c original prices, making an offering of exceptional value. V 72 Price Underpriced 10c EMBROIDERIES Consisting of edgings, bands and Insertions good needlework on extra quality Cambrics ; . 2f Sale price . , 15c EMBROIDERIES Widewidth edgings, ; band and insertions excep tionally good values, sightly patterns Extra ' F5 special sale price ' O C lOc EMBROIDERIES Extra value embroideries In edgings, bands and insertions, wide widths, all widths to match (Chrf Sale price . (Q'vC 27-INCH FLOUNCINGS Demi-flouncings so much used 'this season. These are showy, sightly designs In a large variety of patterns embroid eries that would be cheap at 35c Extra special f1 Sale price JL 43-INCII FLOUNCINGS Exceedingly pretty patterns, made on special quality Swiss and Nainsook also heavily embroidered fine Voiles good 75c value embroideries Sale price........' 72 PRICE Tour choice of all Neckwear, including Stocks, Jabots, Gimps and Yokes in white, . ecru 'and black beautiful collection to choose from and, all at Half Price. . Italian Silk--Un,wear33 Union Suits, Tights, Tango Pants and Princess Slips TPki (airfe'inifl pink. Hue and white all made of pure Italian silk JL'JL9L flJllL skeeoers Take Advantage of These The wise housekeeper will see the saving and act quick on these Household, Specials. The prices are beyond comparison and the values remarkable. HUCK TOWELS the right sizes for rooming houses, etc.; white with red borders worth regularly 12 l-2c each special sale yFT price 0 L LARGE HUCK TOWELS white with ted border same quality as above ex cept In large size worth 20c each in the regular way special Q)f sale price .. JB't BED SPREADS Three-quarter bed size, bleached Bed Spreads, Honeycomb Quilt, soft in finish, hard in wear, fringed, cut corners, tf (Qv Extra Special p JL o JL BALBOA QUILTS The best cot bedspread va'.oe, comes in assorted patterns and full cot size. No dinkey spread, worth $1.25 each. (Qttif Special SJO COLORED QUILTS In pinks and blues, fast colored, extra special weight and quality, hemmed ends Extra special value at, : HONEYCOMB QUILTS Showing Marseilles pattern, full double bed size, hemmed ends, an exceptional wearing quilt, 1 WOODBORO QUILTS The best medium priced quilt made, full double bed size, attractive patterns, hemmed ends, a $2.25 value, Q) Pillow Cases Sheets Now Is the time- for rooming house All good quality ' Sheetings, torn and and hotels to reptenish their holdings hemmed, ready for use, actually cheap- for the warm weather season. Never er than muslins by the yard.- Sizes again will they be so cheap. Special 54x90, each i 37 Quality Linen finish. 72x9o each 39 42x36, each 9e 63x90, each ' 59 42x36, each 14 81x90, each .-6J)? .25c SEERSUCKER 'PETTICOATS Made of striped washable Seer sucker well made-i-deep flounce, and worth anywhere 45c, Sc Yard 36-INCH BLEACHED MUSLIN Soft finish, special weight, good 8 l-3c quality, 20-yard limit. 7Mc 10c BLEACHED MUSLIN Full yard wide, spring water bleach ed, good weight and quality. LONSDALE MUSLINS Too well known to need any comment, the good 12c grade, 20-yard limit. . MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS Made coat style, laun dered cuffs, neat stripes, fast colored fabrics: all sizes a good dollar Shirt Special NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Made of fast colored Ma dras in neat stripes and effects; collar at tached, patch pocket; all sizes extra' values $1.50 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Made of Self Bro cade Cream Madras, a most excellent- wearing Shirt, collar attached; all sizes extra special MEN'S SOX In Black and Tan a come in all colors and one of the best values ever offered, at, pair. .12V MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS White, hemstitched, soft and well finished best Handkerchief bargain of the year Tid" UNION SUITS Full bleached fine Jersey, gauze, tailor made, both ankle and knee length drawers, all sizes, per suit -59 js in WILSON , BROS.' UNION SUITS Made of open mesh, gauze weight, the suit for warm weather, three styles, athletic, ankle and knee lengths, all sizes, regularly selling at $1.25 suit extra special 69? BOYS' UNION SUITS Made of open mesh. Just the thing for warm weather wear. All sizes, knee lengths, per suit 23 MEN'S SOX In Black and Tan a regular 10c quality and a good wearing sox Special sale price, pair QVaC PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS You know the kind. 50c values the country over light and dark colors, at..33? BOYS' WAISTS Regular 63c and 75c values, including Imperial and Moth er's Friend Waists, sizes 6 to 15 years your choice 390 FAMILY CAMBRIC Full yard wide, used for children's wear and undermuslins, soft finish, extra value CHILDIUE'N'S SOCKS White, with fancy plaid tops you never bought such value in your life for such a little price. LADIES' SILK HOSE 25c A nice quality of Ladies' Silk Hose in black only. This qual ity is sometimes, specialed at 39c and is a rare bargain at our sales price. 1 , 1 201219' East WasKmgioSt zr nwr v ni i n i Great Sale f Rugs ancil Art bquar A cleaning out of every 'Art Square and Rug now' in stock. Out they go, regardless of cost or value- sacrifice of every-day usefuls-Rugs for the bedrooms-Rugs -for the dining-rooms-Rugs sleeping porches and tent liuusk. .These values aw positively the greatest cm olieiea. LOG CABIN RUGS ' "" SMYRNA RUGS V KEYSTONE RUGS 'V Size worth ,1.00. for Sixe 6 worth ,8,5. for..f5.9. SI,e -th for . .Sl.3f) 1 lXX" size 27x54. worth ,1.50. for 98 e SxW. worth ,10.00. ..$7.44 Size 36x, worth $3.00, "-2.1 S e 7x9 rth $1,0 .for. wrth 1 50 for..$549 Size 30x40, worth ,2.00, for... $1.39 Size 9x12, worth $12.00. for.. $8.95 S'ze 9x12, worth $1.,00, for... $8.69 6x9, worth $d.,0, for. . . Vto. 09