Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 191? PAGE NINE ! SOUTH SIDE NEWS HORACE B. GRIFFEN, JR., GENERAL 60UTH8IDE AGENT. Refer to him Subscription Orders, Stop, Changes, as wall as all business regarding Advertising and Job Printing.- -w TEMPE OFFICE With Butterbaugh & Carr, Phone 53. Temps Correspondent, H. B. Griffen, Jr. MESA OFFICE With Everybody's Drug Store, Phone 6 Mesa Correspondent, J. R. Rountree shipments to that point. W. A. PARR IN MESA W. A. Parr of Winslow has been spending several days In Mesa boost ing himself for -the nomination for the office of state treasurer. J - TEMPS BAND CONCERT AND FEED EXCEPTIONAL SUCCESS EAT COOL KEEP COOL Tsmpe Folks Turn out in Larqe Num bers at Thursday flight's Festicat Close to one thousand people from Tempe and vicinity enjoyed thp pro gram on the city hall plaza here Thurs day evening as the guests of the Mer chants' band. The affair was a mast brilliant success; everybody present enjoyed themselves to the limit, and the band realized a neat little sum of cash from the venture which will come in handy in the purchase of new instru ments and music. Long before the band boys assembled for their concert the plaza was alive with folks. From early evening until late, the tables suited to accommodate ninety at one time, were continually in use by the guests who consumed the greater part of a hundred watermelons and many goilons of ice cream and sherbet. The concert by the band boys was excellent, far surpassing anything they have ever offered before. Each and every rendition was loudly applauded. In instances the applause was an swered with encore numbers. Espec ially was this true in the case of the cornet solo by Francisco Rodriguez and also in the concert duet by the Rod riguez brothers. rinanciaiiv pretty well rixed now as well as having some extra good ma terial on hand, the Merchants' band is due to continue its rapid strides of im provement. Several new instruments are to be purchased as well as a quan tity of the most up to date music to be had. Interest among the band members is high, the efforts of everyone tending towards better organization. even though the one in existence here to day, has any band that Tempe ever supported, well equalled. The next concert will be given Thursday evening of next week. I y As a suggestion desserts and; tas tics flavored with MAPLEINE that delicately dif ferent flavoring. Try it in whipped cream, ices. Ice cream and all cooling summer desserts. 1-oz. bottle 20c, 2 oz. 35c. Get it fiom your grocer or write MESA $1,000 HOTEL m ISA CITY Chandler Court to Be Made Site of Modern Hostelry. Picturesque Location Gem City Long in Need of Such TONTO PEOPLE THROUGH O. O. Fuel; Jim Walters and Alf Packard passed through Mesa Fri day, returning to their home in Tonto basin after spending several days In Phoenix. OFF TO WHITE MOUNTAINS E. F. Jones, Jesse Kelley and F. K. Lane are to leave next week to spend a while hunting and camping in the White Mountains. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, - Wn, Send 2c stamp for Recipe Book. A hundred thousand dollar hotel, with every modern convenience, and located on one of the really pic turesque spots of Mesa, was the plan determined upon Thursday night, when the Commercial club met to discuss the needs of Mesa. The ac complishment of "the Ideal" will not 1 be such a difficult problem as It at . . 'fiist blush appears, for much of the morning to V mkleman near where he necessary cash had been 8Ubscril)ed and his father, D. A. Murchison. arc prjor tQ the meetjng A subscrlp now successfully working a fruit farm. J Uon Qf about mo(j wi bfi aU that inr niui"vmK...Ur,.vu ,( necessary to effect residents or lempe lor many jeais. IRON SPRINGS the consum- TOCR MEALS Get them at Mrs. Henry Sandoz. 806 Mill Ave., Tempe. Rates made to regular boarders. Ad vertisement, tf JOHN NUTT LEAVING John Xutt. captain and catcher fur the Tempe Bears since his arrival here from Kansas two months ago. expects to leave this morning for Globe. Globp has been after him for months, and now that there is a temporary split in the organization of a local club, Xutt has concluded to try the miners out. He is going by means of auto stage, arriving in Glob!, tonight in time for the regular weekly Globe-Miami con test tomorrow afternoon. Tempe folks hate to see Xutt leaving, and it is only with the promise that he will be hack for the winter, that he is getting off so easily. mation of the plans. The announcement that the South ern Pacific railroad would rout mariy eastern tourists to the San Fran cisco fair, via. Globe, Mesa and " j Phoenix, started an agitation that The rhoenix train was thirty min- soon took concrete expression and utes late Sunday afternoon, giving '"a hundred thousand dollar hotel for the returning husbands a half hour Mesa" became the all absorbing pur hr.ger with their families. Those I pose of every Mesans' life. A meet- it aving camp were James S. Gviffin, i ing of the Commercial club was call John O Malley, R. X. Craig. Dr. John ed to discuss ways and means and Dennett. Jr.. E. M. Lamson and the, arouse enthusiasm. This meeting latter's daughter, Mrs. Bone. The camp was treated to a smart shower accompanied by a little hail during the night Sunday. Pianos are an innovation in camp this year. If we keep on we will soon have "all the comforts of home" in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lewis and was had Thursday night. When President M. J. Dougherty of the club called the meeting to or der and stated its objects there was something doing at once. Plans, pre viously proposed, and plans recently devised were gone into, but the one that finally was considered and ac tion proposed was by Mr. Loftus TO VISIT ALASKA Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Spangler left today for Los Angeles, where they will embark for a visit to Skagway, Sitka and other points in Alaska. Mr. soaneler is cashier of the Mesa City Bank and is taking a well earned vacation. TELEPHONE EMPLOYES JOY RIDE Some nine or ten of the employes of the Mesa and Chandler telephone exchanges (manager, wire chief, con struction men, operators ana omce boy) motored over to Phoenix Fri day afternoon and met employes of other exchanges nearby, and went to Riverside for a real good evenings snort The "hello" folks surely had a good time in every particular. ENTERTAINS PRESIDENCY A L Clark was Thursday night host to the presidency and deacons' quorums of the L. D. S. cnuron or hi stake. The party was royally entertained at Mr. Clark's home on East Second avenue and tne evening uniH- enent in readings, gen- Yvnn ii...h.. , eral discussion ana gooa ume. ie,. Cious refreshments were served and thoroughly enjoyed. TO THE MOUNTAINS A. L. Clark and P. F. Tregeskes left with their families yesterday for a vacation in the mountains. Miss Ruth Jessop took a horseback i representing tne interests or Dr. a. trip to Prescott Wednesday. -- Chandler, D. B. Heard and n . H. , Messrs. Jay Alkire and Lyman . Code, in thft Chandler court property". Bennett started early Monday morn-1 Briefly stated the proposition is to ing to motor to Phoenix. Ibuy the present Chandler court prop-' Ex-Mayor Lloyd B. Christy took;"y at J70.000 giving ten annual the 4 o'clock train Monday morning, . bonds at fi per cent per annum in having spent but a few hours in Payment for same. This allows, ten' camp this trip. years for settling for the property. E. J. Bennitt, Dr. H. J. Jessop, W. A the cost of $45,000 a second story K. James, E. T. Collings and H. M. " h added to the present . build Kennedv left for Phoenix Monday. '"8 that will meet all the requlre- Dr. Williams was a passenger on ments t a most modern, up-to-date the edrly morning train Tuesday, i hotel. Everything was definite and M. Struckmeyer and family iovMhese figures cover practically the experiencing the joys of Iron Springs rpal a"i ltaI cost and include the for the first time. They are located , ver' beFt Possible hotel building, in the Plath cottage. J ln a Previous campaign for a ho- Dwight B. Heard, who spent the teI some 35,000 was subscribed. This week-end in camp, was so delighted win stand sood and some of the with the possibilities of a cool, rest- heaviest subscribers have agreed to ful. summer in Iron Springs that he do better. A committee composed of S E. Douglas brought in some real watermelons Friday and left them on exhibition at the Commercial club. The melons were grown near Gilbert and watered by pump-irrigation system. One melon measured 27 inches in length. Hibbert and Davis of the O. K. MphI Market, yesterday bought fif teen head of fine beef cattle from Clayton Hockett of Phoenix. Mr and Mrs. Emery Riggins mo tored' over to Cartwright. Thursday afternoon, with Miss Mary jyx who has been visiting them week or so. o LEGAL NOTICE for MOVIES TONIGHT The regular run of four thousand feet, including one double and two single reel pictures, will be shown at the Goodwin Airdome tonight. The Bison people are the producers of the two reel feature entitled "The Black Mask." A Mexican romance, "TTie Greater Devotion." and a comedy "What -Happened to Freckles," are also included in the program. WEEK-END GUEST Miss Eva Bobbins of 1307 Xorth Cen tral avenue. Phoenix is spending the week-end in Tempe as the guest of Miss Ruby Lukln. WILL THRESH HERE Henry Sandoz returned to Tempe Wednesday with his threshing outfit which he was operating in the Buck eye country during the grain season. The trip home was all of a pleasant one, one difficulty after another being met with in moving the outfit Tcmpe ward. The thresher has been placed in the shop to be thoroughly overhauled. Work will then be started on the al falfa seed threshing. Buckeye people are already engaged In making their harvest of the seed, in that a majority of them chose the third crop Instead of the fourth to thresh, as practically all the southside farmers did. The Sun doz thresher will operate near Chandler. made several tentative locations, and promised to return later in the sea son with Mrs. Heard. Their f.iends are delighted over the prospect of having them as members of the club and are hoping . Mrs. Heard will be as well pleased with the situation. Station Agent and Mrs. Theroux had guests from Prescott on Sunday whom they entertained with a picnic supper on City Hill. Those enjoy ing their hospitality were Miss Camp tell Jones. Mr. and Mvs. Leo Mc Mahan and William Lloyd. Mvs. E. T. Collings entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Anderson. Hearts was the game for the af ternoon at which Miss Ruth Ains worth was the prize winner. The guests were Mesdames Carson. Stapley. C. A. Baldwin, C. F. Brack ets C. Diehl. D. Kleinman and Geo Johnson was appointed to" solicit funds and repoit at an early date. The meeting was a rousing and en thusiastic one and discussion was full and free. The men taking the principal part were J. G. Spangler. Ernest Crismon, O. S. Stapley and Geo. A. Johnson. There seemed to be a general re cognition on the part of all present that the proposition of Chandler. Heard and Code in turning in the ! Chandler court property at the price and terms mention was an exception ally public spirited one and when it was announced that the same gen tlemen would take J2300 stock in the new hotel portion it was felt they had gone a long way towards WHEEL STOLEN Right from under the electric lights of the Laird & Dines drug store, a blue frame bicycle, belonging to Seleslino Vrbano of Tempe was sto'en Th irsday evening. Who could have taken it or . when he did it is a mystery. The wheel has large handle bars and a large scat. The number is 35922. RETURNED TO RANCH Clyde Murchison returned yesterday ALL LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MEN'S v , . ' ... i making the hotel proposition and as- f.,r,.ld..Cre'Bh'0n..a"dMiSSe8 RuthUred success. The active efforts of "7"'" "" ' To , Mr- Lrftu of handler in helping on Miss Alice Adams, of P.escott, is . , . . ' .,. to be the guest of Miss Ruth Jessop appret.lated bv Mesaites generally, tnis week. I tv, DnuA4 ... . u i. ,. , . , , . i no sue octet iru is ijic ium tuwni Miss Helen Armstrong, who hasl,nrnor Bt ,,,, , oi been the guest of Mrs. Willard ; nTlrt MnniH tret. i. isiwn? Smith and Mrs A. H. Marshall left fept ,g the property knoVvn as for hnmfk Ttioniu ovpnintr I ... " J " I tup ( nanrtlpr rnnrt nrrtnriv " in - Miss Margaret Isaacs, of Phoenix. cludin(? store and office buildings, on is a guest in camp. I three sides of a green court. It will "" oi in i.aie ia me sural uiw. .,i;. j Mrs. Emory Kays. Improvements still continue to be the' order of the day. Red Bird cot tage, the home of Mr. and Mrs. convenient building if carried to completion. KILL 210 WHITE WINGS The six crack shots of the Mesa r.oiiK AiKire, nas received a new . n iv, Tk..j.. shingle roof. Mrs. Willard Smith has gunnlng below Chandler. They re- ..mue miprovemems in me imerior turne(J in dlle geaBOn eacn with of her cottage. A screen sleeping! thirtv-five white wings which each porch is in course of construction on had snot witn thirty-five shots. These the Dennett house and Mrs. Pembor ton Is adding a screen porch to her cot ta ire. men are such expert shots and so seldom miss that the oply problem with them Is, "how long before an miss i.ucy Jenkins, or prescott. Is , other bird will come along for me the guest of Mrs. J. Elliott Walker to 1)ootr Having killed all the and Miss Edith Evans. birds that the law allowed, they The Tuesday night dance, while 'calmly returned home as they are not as largely attended as on Satur- ftll peaceful and law abiding citizens, day. was very enjoyable. Among .jn the partv were James Miller. Jr.. those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hu I w. a. Burton, W. 3. LeBaron, B. M. lett, Mrs. E. T. Collings. Mrs. Ander-1 Le Baron, D. A. LeBaron and Don son, Mrs. h. i. unanaier, Mrs. Atna, ; l6 Baron Mrs. Ned Creighton, Mrs. T. W. Pern Low Shoes GOING AT 25 Off Whila Th.y Last WHITE CANVAS SHOES Selling at Evan Better Reductions. THE TEMPE TOGGERY TEMPE, ARIZ. berton. Mrs. T. W. Pemberton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker, Mrs. C. H. Davidson, Mrs. John O'Malley, JUDGE HAWKINS HERE Hon. A. S. Hawkins of Phoenix spent Friday In Mesa looking out I Mrs. Gibbons, Miss Gibbons, Mra. .for nis candidacy for nomination as j Nellie G. Squier, Mrs. Ancil Martin, judge 0f the superior court of Marf ; Mrs. R. A. Craig, Miss Ruth Ains-jcopa county. Judge Hawkins Is a worth, Miss Jessop, Walter Martin, native of Texas and has had twenty- Glenn Patton, Harold Davidson, Miri- f jve year8 experience before the bar. am Davidson, Ruth Burtis. Edith He has most complimentary" endorse- Burtis, Angela Marshall, Vernon ( ments of his ability and character I Kennedy, Harry Kennedy, D. H. Bur- and ia using them effectively in his i tis, Jr. Orme Lewis, Miss Edith Ev j ans. Miss Lucy Jenkins, Mrs. II. J. . Jessop, Mary Josephine Collings, El eanor Hulett, Miss Brack, the Miss es Chandler, Mr. Thom Francis. campaign. PEACHES FOR GLOBE The Mesa Produce Company yes and Mr. terdav shinned a truck load of Al- IhaMlUfl berta peaches to Globe. The peaches ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ' PHOENIX PUBLIC MARKET COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we. rrea M- Sears and James Westervelt. citizens and residents of Maricopa County, ln the State of Arizona, desiring to form a corporation under the laws of said stale, for the purposes and un der the conditions hereinatier sei forth, do adopt. ordain and publish these Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE L The name of the proposed corpora tion is and shall be PHOENIX PUB L1C MARKET COMPANY and its principal place of business shall - be in the Citv of - Phoenix, County of Maricopa, and State of Arizona. The names, residences and post office addresses of the incorporators ato as 'follows Fred H Sears, Phoenix. Arizona. 517 X. Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona, James Westervelt, Phoenix, Arizo na, Fleming Building, Phoenix, Ari zona ARTICLE II. The general nature of the business proposed to be transacted is as fol lows : (a) To purchase or otherwise ac quire, lease, hold, occupy and oper ate premises suitable for use as a public market and to sublet the same or any part thereof to producers, re tailers or other sub-tenants from time to time and upon such terms as shall seem advisable for use for market purposes or for any other lawful business. b) To buy, or otherwise ae-; quire, to manufacture, market, pre pare for market sell, deal in and deal with, import and export food and , food products of every class and de scription, fresh, canned or preserved a. otherwise, and aU food and other preparations; To engage in any business, wheth er manufacturing or otherwise, which may seem advantageous or useful in connection therewith, and to manufacture, market or prepure for market any article or thing which the company- may use in connection with its business; To purchase all kinds of fmit, vegetables and grains and manufac ture and sell extracts and food prod ucts from' the same, or any article of commerce of allied nature, or pertaining . to the business of pre serving, canning and preparing for the market fruit, vegetables and grain products. In connection ' with the foregoing. to manufacture, market and prepare for market, buy, sell, deal in and deal with, import and export tin, and any products of tin, glassware, and any article of glassware, or any other article, receptacle, package or tHing which may ' be useful in con net tion with the manufacture or marketing, vending or shipping of the products of the company, or like products. (c) To buy, sell, import, export and generally deal in fruits and fruit products. To buy, sell, lease, or otherwise acquire- mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose : of real estate to any amount except as limited by law; - To enguge In the cultivation, plant ing and production of fruits and ag ricultural products. To prepare and manufacture fruit and vegetable products and kindred goods of every class and description. (d) To purchase, sell as owners or consignees, mortgage, pledge and generally to deal in, poultry, horses, cows, swine, sneep ana an oiner kinds and species of live stock, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, milk, butter, eggs, vegetables and fruit of everj' name and nature, and all oth er products of the farm and dairy, all articles, goods and merchandise produced, prepared or manufactured from any of the above named prod ucts and live stock; to acquire by purchase or otherwise, lease, sell, build and equip with furnishings, ap paratus and machinery, and operate (for the handling, reception, storage on commission, or as owners, of all agricultural or other products and merchandise, and all kinds and spe cies of livestock above referred to) warehouses for general use or for cold storage with power to issue pro per receipts and certificates, business blocks, shops, factories, stockyards, grain elevators and appliances in cidental to the operation of any of the same, and also to acquire by lease, purchase or otherwise, and to operate any and all means and meth ods of transportation by vehicles or by vessels, but not to operate a railroad. (e) To acquire to the same ex tent as natural persons and without limit as to amount, by purchase, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise, lands, improved or unimproved, ten ements, heriditaments, chattels, real or personal, or any interest therein; tc erect and construct houses, buildings, sewers, drains or works of every description on any land of the company or upon other lands; to rebuild, enlarge, alter or improve ex isting houses, buildings or works thereon; to sub-divide, improve and develop lands for purposes of sale or otherwise; and to do and perform all things needful and lawful for the development and improvement of the same for any lawful purpose, and generally to deal with and improve the property of the company and of other parties; to own, hold and main tain any property acquired by the company; to sell, convey, lease, re lease, let, exchange, mortgage or otherwise encumber or dispose of the lands, houses, buildings, heredita ments, appurtenances, leases, chat tels and other property of the com-r-any; to equip, furnish, conduct, op erate, manage, lease and maintain any kind of building for dwelling, amusement, vecreation, charitable, re ligious or business purposes; to un dertake or direct the management and sale or disposition of the pro perty of the company, real and per sonal; to sell, assign, release, hold or satisfy mortgages which may be come the property of the company; to loan on bond or mortgage or oth erwise, or to advance money to, and to enter into contracts and arrange ments of all kinds with contractors, laborers, skilled or otherwise, build trs, property owners and others; to carry on in all their respective branches the business of builders or contractors; to make, enter into, per torm, carry out or cancel contracts for constructing, demolishing, alter ing, decorating, equipping, fitting up and improving buildings of every de scription; to do a general real estate business on commission or other wise, and to transact all such busi ness as may be incidental thereto or arise therefrom, the same as an in dividual or natural person. (f ) To lend money for itself or at agent, on notes or bonds secured by mortgages on real estate or upon personal property, or to lend money and make advances from time to time on bunds secured by mortgages for future advances on real estate or upon personal property. (But not to do anv business under Chapter VIII of Title 9 of the Civil Code, R. S. Arizona, 101?.) ... . (a) : To purchase, acquire, hold, sell, assign, transfer. mortgage, fledge, exchange, or otherwise dis pose of, in the ordinary course of business (but not to sell or offer for sale under Chapter IX of Title 9 of j the Civil Code. R. S. Ariz.. 1913), shares of the capital stock of any other corporation or corporations created under the laws of this state, or of any other state or country, and to exercise while the owner of such stock all the rights, powers and privilege, including the right to vol thereon, which natural persons, being the owners of such stock, might, could. or would exercise, and to issue in exchange therefor its own stock, bonds and other obligations. (h) To acquire, complete or dis pose of contracts or agreements re lating to or" connected with the ac quiring, buying, selling, leasing, let ting, disposing of or mortgaging real estate or buildings and improvements in connection therewith; to negotiate and make, either as principal or broker or agent, contracts or.- other agreements relating to the making, taking or placing of building and other loans in connection with real estate, and with improvements there on or to be placed thereon. (i) To do and transact all acts, business and things incident to, or relating to. or convenient in, the above things, as principals, agents, or contractors, and by or through agents, and either alone or in con junction with others. (j) To do and perform any or all of the aforesaid acts and things and transact any or all of the aforeesid businesses, objects, or purposes ln any part of ; the world where the same may be lawfully transacted as fully and freely, and with like effect as the same may or might be done or transacted by a natural person. " ARTICLE 1IL The amount of the capital stock authorized is four hundred thousand ($400,000) Dollars, all of which shall be common stock. All shares shall be of the par value of one hundred (f 100.00) Dollars, each. At least "two hundred and fifty (250) shares of the total par value of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) Dol lars shall be paid in before the com mencement of business and the re mainder may be paid in and the certificates therefor issued at any time or times thereafter in the die cretion of the directors and any of said capital stock may be issued In exchange for any property, contract, cash ov services worth the par value of the stock so issued; and the judg merit of the directors or a majority thereof as to the value of any pro perty, contract, or service received by the corporation in payment for any such stock, shall, in the absence of actual fraud, be conclusive. ARTICLE IV. The time of the commencement of the corporation shall be the date of the receipt of its license to do busi ness from the Arizona Corporation Commission, and the date of its ter mination shall be twenty-tive years thereafter. ARTICLE V The officers by whom the affairs of the corporation are to be conduct ed shall be a Board of not less than three nor more than seven directors! The directors shall choose a presi denl, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and such other officers or agents as the By-laws may prescribe. The president and vice president shall be members of the Board on Directors. Any two offices except president and vice president may be filled by one and the same person. A majority of the directors in office shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Directors may create from its own number an Executive Committee, to consist of two or more of the Directors. Such executive committee shall have, when the Board is not in session, all the powers of the Board of Directors. All directors shall be elected by the stockholders at the annual meeting which shall be held at the ofliees of the corporation in the City of Phoe nix aforesaid, on the second Monday in July in each and every year at two' o'clock P. M. But vacancies aris ing or created by or from any cause. ' including failure of the stockholders to elect the full number, may be fill- I ed by the remaining director or di- f rectors in office, though less than a quorum. All directors shall hold of- R ficc until the next annual meeting & find until their successors are elected li and qualified. j ARTICLE VI. The hiRhost amount of indebted i ncss to K ich the corporation may at any time subject itself is two S hundred and sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six ($-66,606) ! Dollars. ARTICLE '. VII. The private property of stockhold ers shall be at all times exempt from any and all corporate debts and lia bilities. IN' WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this day of , 1914. State of Arizona . County of Maricopa, ss. f- Before . me, , g a Xotary Public in and for the $. County of Maricopa, State of Ari- H zona, r.n this day personally appeared jji . Fred 11. Sears, and James Westervelt, jr. severally known to me to be the !, persons whose names are subscribed Y to the foregoing instrument, and sev- :' erally acknowledged to me that they I 'i executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, t Given under my hand and seal of f s Office, this day of , 1914. V ,", Mv Xotary Public, commission expires: Fairbanks-Morse Engines . Nestor Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, Etc. ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPY CO. 3rd Ave. and Jackson "We Have the Stock" Phoenix Cotton Growers, Attention Buy your cotton field H machinery at Kunz Bros. & Messmger and save money. Let us show vou. Phoenix Directory Automobiles ' Garages ' Accessories Auto Tire Repair Co. Firestone tires Vulcanizing of AH Kinds rs i. Li Arizona Motor gyk bompany, inc. ; AUTOMOBILES Everything fr tHa r automobile carried In stock I IRST AND VAN BUREN STREETS - VULCANIZING OF ALL KINDS DONE PROMPT LY. WORK GUARANTEED. - OUT -OF-TOWN WORK SOLICITED. Vulcanizing Works m0Srs.'t Arizona BUICK W. W. CATLIN COMPANY, State Agenti Garage and Salesrooms 313 North Central Avenue. Phone 1450 Diamond Tires 110 N. Central Ave., Phone 414. M. L. BUCKLEY, JR. COLE The Standardized Car. Chata Motor Truck.. COLE MOTOR COMPANY. General Repair Work. 4th and Washington Sta. Phone 1221 MOTOR CARS W. A HorreU 521 N. Central Phone 1223 Expert Service Men f. TRANSCONTINENTAL GARAGE 108-110 N. Second Ave. Storage, Repairs and Gen- ( eral Machine Work. Work 1 guaranteed. CAPITAL ACCESSORIES U. 8. TIRES, OIL8, GREASE Euanrfhina R..t thai 4,... AUTO SUPPLY CO. 517 N. Central Ave. Phone 1071 UaaJ 2 A n SCAR IRVIN, AGENT $1700.00 F. 0. B. PHOENIX Garage 229 E. Adams St. Phone 539 or 596 Arizona Auto Company, 308 North Cen tral Avenue. Phone 1241. State agente for Moreland and "Little Giant" Motor Truck. CAS E P A CK ARDMc ARTHUR BROS 821 N. CENTER STREET FRANKLIN THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Diatributor for Arizona Corner Second and Adama Streeta Ford Motor Car 6-peeenger $625. Runaoout S7I EDWARD . RUDOLPH, Agent 308-310 E. Adamo 8t Maricopa County Agent tor Hendrla Tlrea Master Carburetors More Mileage. More Speed. More Power, Guaranteed SOUTHWESTERN CARBURETOR CO, 309-315 North Central Avenue MAXWELL The Car you ought to bvj Gates & Tremaine 221 North First Street Overland Beet Equipped Machine Shop in Southwest Complete Stock of Aceeieoriea OVERLAND AUTO CO Phone 886. 326 N. Central Ave. RADIATORS Repaired and Rebuilt. We repair lamps, wind shields and fenders. We also replace glassei ln windshields and lamps, and do coppersmith work. 233 North Center St. m r J A1 1 IPaI,. b JTlcaSUrO Vala allU vuiuiuutuu uwuo ; oervice station eio-io-ou n. vnui. mvnv , M. L. NAQUIN, DUtributoi