Newspaper Page Text
-AS "0. Vk- THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1914. PAGE NINE Lost and Found LOST On North Central Ave., Sun day night, camera in carrying case. Re ward for return to Room 263 Federal Bldg. dr LOST Badge pin, for ten years faithful service as recorder in Royal Neighbors of America; reward. Leave at Republican offioe. dr LOST Raycycle bicycle, pacemaker model, large hanger. No. 10858, small handle bars, roller chain; return to 405 K. Madison; receive reward. tf STRAYED From Arizona Eastern Shop Grounds at Phoenix, Thursday, July 23rd, 1 mouse colored and 1 black mule, both branded "P" on right shoul der, weight about 1600 lbs. Anyone seeing or knowing of their where abouts, please notify Geo. Tisdale, 622 North 1st Avenue, or Phone 8046. Suitable reward. tf LOST in Phoenix on Adams St., south of Adams hotel. Ford touring car, license No. 3187, factory No. 331269; presto light tank. Fifty dol lars reward for information leading to recovery of same. W. J. Clemans, Tempe, Arizona. tf LOST Between Tempo and Mesa; ritual Loyal Order of Moose; return to Moose Lodge. tf LOST SET CUFF BUT TONS; SOLID GOLD EN GRAVED, B. FINDER PLEASE RETURN TO RE PUBLICAN OFFICE AND RECEIVE REWARD tf STRAYED OR STOLEN A blue roan horse, weight 850 lbs., branded TVX on left hip, finder notify C. E. Hazelton. Phone 8145. 8-b LOST Dark brindle bull pup, an swering to name of "Billie". Six months old. Phone 209J11. dp STRAYED From Arizona Eastern shops grounds Tuesday night, 1 mouse colored mule and one black mule weight 1600 lbs., 1 mule wearing a hal ttr; any information please Phone 1626 or notify Supt. Arizona Eastern R. R. tf Business Chances BUSINESS, cold drinks for sale, do ing over $100.00 week, $1100.00. Box 6346 Republican. dr GARAGE FOR SALE Best location In city, fully equipped with tools, wash ing pit. etc; price reasonable. Address Box 1234 care of this office. 8-g FOR SALE Small store. 547 East Washington. Inquire gs BUSINESS CHANCE for sale in Los Angeles. Cal., Part interest in well established hardware and grocery busi ness; a snap for quick sale, require 14600.00 to handle. Inquire at the Re publican office. tf GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP The - largest and best equipped In town, for sale; machine shop at tached. John Ahlquist, Tempe, Ariz. tf DRESSMAKING FASHIONABLE dressmaking ladies' tailor Phone 2849. and tf AUTO TIME TABLE FIKE'S AUTO STAGE LINE Phoenlx-Tempe-Mesa-Chandler Leave Phoenix 7.00 a. m. 8.00 " 9.00 " 10.00 " 11.00 " 12.00 - 1.00 p. m. 2.00 " roo 4.00 " 5.00 1.00 " 7.00 " .00 " 10.30 ' Leave Mesa 7.00 a. m. 8.00 " 9.00 " 10.00 " 11.00 " 12.00 " 1.00 p. m. 2.00 " a.oo 4.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 . 8.00 9.00 Mesa-Chandler Division Leave Mesa 8.00 a. m. 10.00 " 12.00 " 2.00 p. m. 4.00 M 00 " Fike'a Auto Leave Chandler 7.30 a. m. 9.30 " 11.30 " 1.30 p. m. 1.30 " 6.30 " Livery Phone 414 tf HAND LAUNDRY SANITARY hand laundry, rough dry. 35 doz.. Ironing our specialty. 706 N st St. Phone 2876. tf PASTURES FOR RENT WANTED Horses to pasture. mooth wire, well -water, shade. Chas R Barnes. Grand Canal and Ave. 17 Thone 118R3. tf PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT C. P. Lee, Successor to Lee & Plunkett, 309 National Bank of Ari zona Building, Accounting, Auditing, Systematizing. Will open and Close Books of Account and make up Analy tical statements and report. tf AUTOS TO HIRE )gVVVVVYV'iiifiiiir mmmmmm mmtmm PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE for hire OWNER. DRIVER, will go anywhere For Sunday engagements call Sat before 6 P. M. Phone 596. 8-dl Special Notices L"aAju-irriririii-i- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -m tm REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front jaids of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MISS WILSON Public Stenograph er, Notary Public. Will call for dicta tion. 14 West Adams. Phone 1584. tf ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANER CARPETS CLEANED Telephone 733, Electric Carpet Cleanera. tf Undertaking and Embalming EASTERLING & WHITNEY Un dertakers and Embalmers. 213 West Washington St, Phoenix, Arizona, tf MOHN, DRISCOLL & MAUS Un dertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Di rectors, 311 N. 1st Ave. tf UNDERTAKERS Moore & McCleN lan; lady assistant auto hearse. 329 West Adams St- Phone 601. tf " ICE CREAM TjMirMVrMw-Ynriri"i"riri i"i "" - -- -- -- ---- VELVET ICE CREAM, 25 cU. quart at factory or packed and delivered 65 cts half eal-. U-20 Factory trd and Madison. Phone 697. tf Transfer and Storaoe Lightning Delivery Co. Pioneer Transfer Co. ANT KIND OF HAULING "Quick as a Flash' 42 South Central Ave. Phones 594 and 1121 A. A. BetU. V. P. tf LET YOUR MOVE BE OUR MOVE. CHAMBERS TRANSFER CO. PHONE 1228-427. 28 S. 2ND AVE. OPP. COTTRT HOUSE. ' tf NOTARY PUBLIC and expert male stenographer. Phone 1088; National Bank of Arizona Bldg.; room 404. 8dg Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING & WEST RAY COPPER CO Pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the West Ray Copper Company passed at a meeting held on the 16th day of July 1914, a special meeting of the stockholders of said West Ray Copper Company is hereby called, to convene at the office of J. M. Jamison, at Phoenix, Arizona, at two o'clock in the after noon, on Monday the 10th day of August, 1914, to consider and pass upon the question of ratification of the action of the Board of Directors in disposing of all of the property of the Company, and to consider the question of dissolving the corpora tion. , By order of the Board of Directors. E. J. JONES, Secretary. Dated July. 16, 1914. o HAMLET WITHOUT THE DANE A couple fo summer girls were ex changing views. "What I like is a moonlight night." "Me, too; when there is no moon light." Louisville Courier-Journal. D. D. HORNING For Sale Lands in small or large acreage: also city property. INSURANCE AND LOANS RENTALS, COLLECTIONS Office 411 West Monroe St Corner Fourth Ave. Phoenix NOTICE County Budget ESTIMATE FOR COUNTY PURPOSES OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, MARICOPA COUNTY. STATE OF ARIZONA Phoenix, July 17th, 1914. The Board resumed session at ten o'clock a, m., Friday, July 17th 1914, and there were present: W. A. Moeur, Chairman, Frank Luke, Member, and James Miller, Jr., Clerk. Absent and excused: Lin B. Orme, Member. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. ESTIMATE FOR COUNTY PURPOSES. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, Title XLIX, Civil Code, Re vised Statutes of Arizona, 1913, entitled "Revenue," the Board proceeded to estimate the different amounts required to meet the public expense for the ensuing year for public improvement, for the maintenance of public buildings, structures or institutions, th salary of each public official or em ploye, the maintenance of public highways, roads, and bridges, and the con struction, operation and maintenance of each public utility, also to esti mate the receipts for the previous and ensuing year from sources other than direct property taxation, and the amount proposed to be raised by taxation upon the real and personal property in Maricopa County, Arizona, the said estimate being as follows: ESTIMATE OF PUBLIC EXPENSE. 1 Board of Supervisors. Salaries Chairman $ 1,500.00 Two Members '. 2,400.00 Clerk 1,800.00 Assistant 1,500.00 Printing and Stationery 600.00 Publishing ' 1,800.00 Postage 200.00 Official Bond 50.00 Duplicate Roll 1,000.00 Expense and Transportation 1.000.00 $11,750.00 Sheriff. Salaries Sheriff $ 4,000.00 Under Sheriff 2.100.00 Eight Deputies 10,260.00 Chauffeur 1,500.00 Ranger Deputy 750.Q0 Expense and Transportation 9,500.00 Maintenance of Prisoners 6,000.00 Special Deputies and Detectives 2,500.00 $36,610.00 County Attorney. Salaries ' Attorney $ 2.700.00 Assistant 2.000.00 Expense 2,500.00 $7,200.00 Treasurer. Salaries Treasurer $ 3,000.00 Deputy 1.800.00 Assistants 1,200.00 Official Bond 300.00 Printing and Stationery ; 1,000.00 $7,300.00 Recorder. Salaries Recorder $ 2.400.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Eight Copyists 9,600.00 Books, Stationery and Supplies 2,000.00 $15,500.00 Assessor. Salaries Assessor $ 2,400.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Deputy for six months 750.00 Extra Deputies 2,300.00 Books, Stationery and Supplies 2,000.00 $8,950.00 Superior Court Salaries Judge $ 2,000.00 Clerk 2,400.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Four Assistants , 4,800.00 Court Reporter 2,000.00 Probation Officer 1,200.00 Printing and Stationery 600.00 Bailiffs 1,200.00 Reporters, Expense and Transcripts 1,200.00 Jury 12,000.00 Juvenile Court Expense 4,500.00 Law Library 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Expense , 600.00 $35,400.00 County Surveyor and Engineer. Salary $ 3,000.00 Expense 500.00 $3,500.00 Court House and Park Maintenance. Janitor $ 1,200.00 Gardener .'. . . 1,200.00 Fuel 450.00 Water 750.00 Lights 1,250.00 Ice .... 225.00 Telephone . 1.300.00 Clocks 100.00 , . Insurance 1,000.00 Repairs and Maintenance 2,000.00 $9,475.00 Miscellaneous County Expense Immigration Commissioner (Salary) $ 600.00 Expense of Commissioner 2,500.00 County and State Fair 1.500.00 Bounty 4,500.00 $9,100.00 Health Department Superintendent of Public Health $ 1,600.00 . , H Quarantine 3,500.00 "County Farm 11,000.00 - ' 2. . - Tuberculosis Hospital 5,000.00 Physicians 3.000.00 Out Door Relief 10,000.00 Transportation of Indigent 2,500.00 Burial of Indigent 1,000.00 Coroners Expense 600.00 Examination of Insane 300.00 $38,300.00 Election. . Elections $ 1.000.00 . $1,000.00 Justice Courts, S Phoenix Justices 3,600.00 Office Rent 500.00 Office Expense 600.00 Mesa Justice $ 1,000.00 Expense SO-00 Tempe Justice I 1,000.00 Expense 60.00 Chandler , . Justice 600.00 Expense 60.00 Glendale Justice ' i $ " 800.00 Expense 60.00 Buckeye : r- Justice 600.00 Expense 60.00 Wickenburg Justice 300.00 Expense 60.00 Vulture Justice . 200.00 Expense 60.00 Gila Bend Justice $ 200.00 Expense 60.00 Agua Caliente Justice $ 200.00 Expense 60.00 Constables. Phoenix Constables $ 3,600.00 Expense 250.00 Mesa Constable I 1.000.00 Expense 150.00 Tempe Constable $ 1.000.00 Expense 150.00 Chandler ... Constable - $ 600.00 Expense 60.00 Glendale Constable ' $ 600.00 Expense .. 150.00 Buckeye Constable 600.00 Expense 60.00 Wickenburg Constable $ 300.00 Expense 60.00 Vulture Constable ; $ 200.00 Expense 60.00 Gila Bend Constable $ 200.00 Expense , 60.00 Agua Caliente Constable $ 200.00 ' Expense 60.00 Highways. Highways, Roads and Bridges $110,000.00 $9,650.00 i v $9,200.00 $110,000.00 $312,935.00 Total Amounts Proposed to be Expended From Each Separate Fund. Salary Fund $ 93.260.00 Expense Fund : 109,675.00 Road Fund 110,000.00 Total Amount of Public Expense $312,935.00 Estimate of Receipts. Previous Year Recorder's Fees $24,979.25 Superior Court Fees 13.023.80 Sheriffs Fees 4.346.16 License Fees 11,530.65 Board for U. S. Prisoners 4,04 L40 Justice Fees 1,499.10 Constable's Fees , 625.10 Forest Fund 851.61 Road Tax 3.371.00 Interest on County Deposit 6,549.20 Delinquent Interest 6,481.98 Transient Tax i.j. 471.13 Poor Farm 1,547.30 Sale of Hides 226.00 Sundires 649.26 Ensuing Year $24,000.00 11.000.00 4,000.00 9,000.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 500.00 800.00 3,000.00 B.000.00 l 6,000.00 400.00 1,000.00 200.00 600.00 Totals $79,092.84 Total Expense From Sources other than Property Tax $69,600.00 $312,935.00 69.600.00 Amount Proposed to be raised by taxation upon the real and Personal Property of Maricopa County $243,335.00 ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Board of Supervisors of Mar icopa County, Stat of Arizona, will meet on Monday the Tenth day of August, 1914, at the office of the Board of Supervisors in the. Court House of Maricopa County, State of Arizona, at Nine o'clock In the forenoon of said day, for the purpose of making tax levies, as set forth in the above estimates. And the Clerk of this Board le hereby directed to cause the above estimate and Notice, together with the Estimate for 1913. to be published in the Arizona Republican, the official newspaper of Maricopa County, for at least two consecutive weeks as provided by law. Done by the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, State of Art zona, this 17th day of July, A. D., 1914. . W. A. MOEUR, 1 ' Chairman Board of Super visors, Maricopa County, - - t . Arizona, Attest: JAMES MILLER. Jr., Clerk. ESTIMATE FOR COUNTY PURP08ES FOR 1913. Board of Supervisors Salaries Chairman $ 1,500.00 Two Members 2,400.00 Clerk ' 1.800.00 Assistant 1.500.00 Printing and Stationery 500.00 Publishing 1.200.00 Postage 126.00 Official Bonds 60.00 Duplicate Roll 1.200.00 Expense and Transportation 900.00 $11,175.00 Sheriff. Salaries Sheriff . Under Sheriff Five Deputies Ranger Deputy '.. Expense and Transportation ... Maintenance of Prisoners Special Deputies and Detectives SPECIAL BARGAINS 10 acres with modern 5-room house, just off Central Avenue, near car line. 5 acres alfalfa, on car line, $1,000; $350 cash. 20 acres in Glendale; city water; 4-room house; im proved. A bargain. 10 acres planted to grape fruit, near car line. w Phoenix Trust Co. If West Adami Street .$ 4.000.00 . 2.100.00 . 7,500.00 . 1,500.00 . 9,000.00 . 6,000.00 . 2,000.00 County Attorney. Salaries Attorney Assistant Expense - . . . . .$ 2.400.00 . 2,000.00 . 1,800.00 $32,100.00 6,200.00 Treasurer. Salaries Treasurer Deputy Assistants Official Bond Printing and Stationery .$ 3,000.00 . 1,800.00 . 1,300.00 300.00 . 1,006.00 Recorder. Salaries Recorder $ 2,400.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Seven Copyists 8.400.00 Books, Stationery and Supplies 2,000.00 Assessor. Salaries Assessor $ 2,400.00 Deputy 1,500.00 Deputy for 6 Months 750.00 Extra Deputies 1,900.00 Books, Stationery and Supplies 1,000.00 Superior Court 1 Salaries Judge $ 2.000.00 Clerk 2.400.00 Deputy 1.500.00 . Three Assistants 3,600.00 Printing and Stationery 700.00 Reporter (salary) 2,000.00 Expense of Reporter 100.00 Interpreters 200.00 Jury 13,000.00 Bailiffs 1,500.00 Probation Officer 1,200.00 Juvenile Court Expense 2,500.00 Law Library 1.000.00 Miscellaneous Expense 600.00 Court House and Park Maintenance. Janitor $ 1.200.00 Gardener 1,200.00 Fuel 450.00 Water 875.00 Lights 1.300.00 Ice 125.00 Telephones 1,100.00 Clocks 100.00 Insurance 1,000.00 Repairs and Maintenance 2.000.00 Miscellaneous Expense. Immigration Commissioner $ 600.00 Expense of Commissioner 2,500.00 Bounty 1,700.00 County and State Fair 1,500.00 , Health Department. Superintendent of Public Health $ 2.500.00 Quarantine 1,500.00 County Farm 12,000.00 Tuberculosis Hospital 7,000.06 Physicians 2,500.00 Out Door Relief 7,000.00 Transportation of Indigent 1,200.04 Burial of Indigent 1,000.00 Coroners Expense 500.00 Examination of Insane 250.00 Elections Registration $ 2.000.00 Printing 1,500.00 Election Officers i 2.500.00 Miscellaneous 600.00 Justice Courts. Phoenix Justice and Coroner $ 1,800.00 Justice 1,600.00 $14,300.00 $7,550.00 . $32,200.00 $9,160.00 $6,300.00 $35.450 00 $6.500 00 480.00 600.00 800.00 25.00 ... 800.00 25.00 600.00 25.00 480.00 ... 480.00 180.00 20.00 Interpreters 1.500.00 Constables, Phoenix Two Constables $ 3.000.00 Expense 250.00 Tempe Constable 750.00 Expense 100.00 Mesa Constable 750.00 . Office Rent Expense . . . Tempe Justice Expense . . . Mesa Justice Expense . . . Glendale Justice Expense . . . Wickenburg Justice Buckeye Justice . . . 4 . .Gila Bend-Justice Expense $9.31500 Expense Glendale Constable Expense Wickenburg Constable Expense Buckeye Constable Expense Highways. Highways. Roads and Bridges ....$60,000.00 Wickenburg Bridge (Act 3rd SpecialSession, First Legislature, approved April 18, 1913.) 10,000.00 Deficiency. Accumulated Deficiency $39,900.00 100.00 600.00 60.00 300.00 50.00 300.00 60.00 Total $6,300.00 $70,000.00 $39,900.00 $294,040.00 Amounts Proposed to be Expended From Each Separate Fund. Salary Fund $ 81,290.00 Expense Fund ' 142,750.00 Road Fund 70,000.00 Total Amount of Public Expense $294,040.00 $7,400.00 Estimate of Receipts. Recorder's Fees $23, Superior Court Fees 11, Sheriffs Fees 4, Justice of Peace Fees 1 Constables' Fees License Fees 10, Board of U. S. Prisoners 3, Interest on County Deposit 2, Delinquent Interest 5, Sundry Items 3, Forest Reserve Fund Road Tax 3, 1913 $23,000.00 11,000.00. 4,000.09 1,200.00 700.00 9,000.00 3,000.00 1.000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 400.00 3,000.00 Totals $71,899.34 $60,300.00 Amoui.t proposed to be raised by taxation upon the Real and Personal Propert- of Maricopa County for 1913, $233,740.00 JAMES MILLER, Jr., Clerk Board of Supervisor i..iiS.i: .21: l i4LSICJ . Maricopa County. J 1912 ,302.37 ,116.40 ,652.06 ,395.65 744.05 979.50 ,469.85 ,576.42 ,918.08 ,589.10 421.86 ,734.00