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PAGE SIX THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1014 I 4 i 4 I i Have Your Eyes Examined Glasesa fitted and lenses ground all in our establish ment. A SWIGERT BROf . f 9 East Adams t DR. D. D. NORTHRUP Optometrist Rooms Papered or calclmlned $4 and up. We carry our own stock. CAVILEER & CO. The Decorators 101 Bast Adams. Phons 1I2 SALT RIVER VALLEY MONU MENTAL WORKS V. E. Lindsay, Prop. B West Washington Bt Arizona Granite as well u all other granite used. Phone 1321 for prices GE0IIEE BENNETT LUMBEB COMPANY Everything In Lumber AUTOMOBILE III TABLE GLOBE-PHOENIX STAGS Quicker and cheaper than train fare. Globe. (15; $25 round trip. Leaves daily at 8 a. m.; arrives Roosevelt 2 p. m.; Globe and Miami, 4:30 p. m. Passengers collected from any part of the city. Tickets at Adams and Ford Hotels and Shaw's Smoke House. W, A, Hill; Prop., 28 N. Second Ave REDEWILL MUSIC CO. Established in 111 Z24 West Washington St INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED Pianos Rebuilt and ffefinisheet TOM & SINO'S AMERICAN KITCHEN Regular Meals, 35 Cents Short Orders All Night 26 North Center, Phoenix 1 t Lodge Notices LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Phoenix Lodge, No. 708: Meetings every Tuesday, Moose Home 28 S. Center. Visit ing brothers invited. George N. MacBean, Dictator; Walter R. Van Tyne. Secretary. WANTED Every man to know that "J. & J." shav ing cream gives the velvet shave. It really does soften the stiffest beard. Sold by Owl Drug Co. WANTED 1000's of peo ple to find the way to the Owl Drug Co., 2nd and Adams, where there is a real guarantee in every purchase. WHEN YOU HAVE ANY DONE SEE THAT THIS la on it or that it la done by one of the firms below who are entitled to use H. ARIZONA REPUBLICAN ARIZONA GAZETTE ARIZONA 8TATE PRESS CAPITOL PRINTING CO. MESA TRIBUNE MORRIS PRINTING CO, R. A. W ATKINS PRINTING, CO. SOCIALIST BULLETIN THE QUALITY PRESS (Signed) Label Committee PRINTING For Picture Framing go to BALKE'S The Big Curio on Adams Street Of Local Interest STORED WATER SUPPLY Water service department report for Aug. 14: Elevation of water in reservoir, feet 117.58 Contents of reservoir, acre ft.l8o,G85 Loss preceding 24 hours, acre feet 2,108 Normal flow of Salt and Verde rivers at Granite Reef dam, M. 1 29.5S0 Amount of water used for irri gation, north side, M. 1 39,000 Amount of water used for irri gation, south side, M. 1 30,195 LOCAL WEATHER YESTERDAY 6 a.m. 8 p. m. Temperature, degrees 78 104 Sensible temperature . ...K7 75 Humidity per cent 55 24 Wind direction E XW Wind velocity, miles 4 4 Rainfall 0 n Weather Clear Pt.Cldy Highest temperature 104 Lowest temperature 77 Mean relative humidity 40 Departure in temperature yester day. 0. Excess in temperature since first of tnonth. 15 degrees. Accumulated excess in tempera ture since January 1, 326 degrees. Deficiency in rainfall yesterday, .03 inch. Deficiency in rainfall since first of month, .47 inch. Accumulated deficiency in rainfall since January 1, 2.18 inches. Data for Tucson Highest temperature yesterday ..102 Rainfall yesterday 0 ROBERT R. BRIGGS. Section Director. PHOENIX MARKET For valley products Prices paid today by WALTER HILL CO., wholesale: Eggs 20c Butter, dairy 25c Cheese 12c Hens, doz $8.00 to $7.00 Chickens, doz $5.00 to $6.00 TO EXTEND BRILL LINE The application of the Phoenix Railway company for permission to extend the Brill line north on Tenth street, will be heard before the corporation com mission on August 21. The extension planned is to Sheridan avenue in Syn dicate place. LAND SELECTION APPROVED The state land commission yesterday received from the general land office a patent to 6.008.75 acres of land in Sul phur Springs valley selected for the benefit of the state penitentiary. This brings the total of approvals for the penitentiary fund up to 35,564.84 acres, and of approvals for all purposes to 191,766.37 acres. The total of selec tions for the penitentiary fund to date amounts to 60,058.85 acres, thus leav ing 24.492.01 acres pending in the gen eral land office. o BATHING SUITS. Pinney & Ro binson. (Advertisement.) POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I I R. F. GARNETT announces that he is a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to democratic primaries to be held on September 8, 1914. HUBERT W. CLARK announces; his candidacy for the office of ', SUPERIOR JUDGE OF MARI COPA COUNTY, subject to the' action of the Democratic Primary. FRANK H, LYMAN Candidate for Nomination COUNTY ATTORNEY, Maricopa County, Democratic Pri mary, September 8. Wm. E. Thomas, having filled the position of Clerk of Superior Court for past two years, announces that he is a candidate for renomination at the Democratic Primaries, Sep tember 8, 1914. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for judge of the super ior court of Maricopa county at the Republican Primary, Sept. 8, 1914. PAUL RENAU INGLES ; I hereby announce myself a candi ! date for nomination to the office of SHERIFF OF MARICOPA COUNTY ; Subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries JEFF D. ADAMS i LEROY CIVILLE, JR. Word has been received in Phoenix of the ar rival at the home of Leroy H. Ci ville, formevly of this city but now of Los Angeles, of a handsome son who has been named for his father. MOOSE AT KERN FUNERAL Members of the Loyal Order of Moose are requested to be at the undertaking parlors of Moore and MoLellan on West Adams street at 9:30 this morning to attend the fun eral of W. D. Kern. GAS FOR WINSLOW The Wlnslow Gas company, a new corporation which proposes to supply the Santa Fe di vision point with gas, has filed an ap plication with the corporation commis sion for permission to issue bonds for the new plant The matter comes up for hearing August 21. ON THEIR HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Louis Witton, of New York, who have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. X. Friedman, have gone to Tucson to visit relatives and friends. Later they will retuvn to Xew York. The young couple are on their honey moon. The Mittons bought property in Phoenix and expect to return here later and make their home. DR. BEAUCH AMP IMPROVING A letter was received from Mrs. H. K. Beauchamp yesterday, conveying the information that Dr. Beauchamp, who has been sick in a hospital at Cleveland, was last reported as being very seriously sick. His many friends here, however, will he delighted at the turn for the better. The doctor wili be out in a few days, it is said. JOLLY PICNIC W. E. Thomas, clerk of the superior court, was the "jolly good fellow"' of a convivial gathering at Riverside park the other evening. . In all about fifteen mem bers made up the party, which in cluded the clerks in the office of the superior court, Mr. Thomas' family and other good friends. After fath ering the whole party in the swim ming pool Mr. Thomas "stood" sup per for 'the crowd. OLIVES BOUND OVER Manuel Olives, who was set fre3 by Juage Parker of a cha'.-ge of threatening bodily harm on the person of Alma Martin, on his promise to leave the country, was again before the court yesterday on a second complaint filed by Alma Martin the day after his discharge, he having persisted in molesting her in complete disregard cf the orders of Julre Pa"ker. This time the man was held to answer before the superior eirrt i;ond being fixed in the sum of $500. This he was unable to furnish. DEATH OF WILLIAM D. KERN William D. Kern, a member of a number of the local fraternal or ders, died at his home. 755 East Ad ams street, yesterday. He will be buried from the undertaking parlors of Mooie & McLellan at 9:30 o'clock tins morning, trie funeval being con ducted by the Loyal Order of Moose, of which the deceased was a mem ber. Deceased has resided in Ari zona for about eight years, some of which time was spent at Wioken burg. He was a member of the Tagles and Redmen and the Inter national Barkeepers' union. He is survived by a wife. MORE NOMINATIONS Nine pe titions of nomination were filed yes terday with the clerk of the board of supervisors. The petitions com prised those of P. P. Parker, demo crat, for the office of justice of the peace for the east Phoenix pvecinrt : Paul R. Ineles. republican, for judge of the superior court: C. W. John stone, for justice of the peace for tile west Phoenix precinct; Maynard A. Frazier, democrat, for member of the house of representatives: Earl S. Curtis, republican, for county attor ney: George Kirkland, republican, for elerk of the superior court: Fred Ja cobs, republican, for county record er; c. C. Thompson, democrat, for Olendale committeeman, and A. E Egly, republican, for constable, west Phoenix precinct. o TEMPERANCE MEETING AT THE COURT HOUSE PLAZA The temperance meeting at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of ;he W. C. T. I., will be held on the east side of the court house plaza instead of the city hall plaza. Rev. X. D. Myers, of the Kvee Methodist church. Is expected to give the address. Note thei change in the place of meeting court house instead of the city hall. o SATURDAYS SPECIALS. Choice Bellflower and Skinner's Seed ling Apples, 4 lbs. for 25c, per box $1.75. JVelchs Grape Juice, pts. 25c, 2 for 45c. Lily Milk, 3 for 25c. Grape Nuts, 2 for 25c. Hydro Pura, Large Size, 19c. Hundreds of others, see us. McKEE'S CASH STORE (Advertisement) bl GUNS for rent. Pinney & Robin son. Advertisement. This is the time of the year you appreciate a delightful Soap for the Toilet. We offer vou tMTmroiuTo u urn JasSKirkSCirav ' Phone us for it. The Busy Drug Store The San-Tox Store 550 Phone 660 111 WINS FIRST BLOOD Judge Smith Sustains De murrer to the Complaint Against Putting Gila! County Division on Gen-T oral Ballot Will Appeal The contenders for Miami county won the first skirmish in the courts yesterday when Judge F. O. Smith of Yavapai county sustained the demurrer to the complaint and application for injunction filed by the attorney gen eral in the superior court of this coun ty, and dismissed the case. The im mediate proposition at issue was plac ing the measure initiated by petition upon the ballot at the general election next November. This bill provides for the erection of a county of Miami with Miami as the county seat. Its extent is to make the county a veritable vest pocket affair, although the greater part of the wealth of the present Gila county and a woeful minority of the people will be within its borders. Sometime back the attorney general upon the relation of Johnson and Hill, attorneys of Gila county filed the ap plication for an injunction restraining the secretary of state from placing the proposed measure on the ballot. A temporary restraining order was grant ed by Judge Phillips and the order made returnable yesterday. Judge Smith came down from his home in Prescott to hear the case. Sloan and Westervelt appeared for the respondent, the secretary of state while Leslie T. Hardy and Johnson and Hill appeared for the state and Gila county, and the argument was on. The demurrer filed by the respondent set out that the complaint and application filed by the attorney general did not set out sufficient facts to constitute a cause of action and this point was the cause of the clash. The state insisted that the facts as set forth in the bill of complaint which told how small Miami county would be. how it would take the majority of the wealth from Gila coun ty, how it contained the minority of the people, and further how the matter is purely a local one and ought not to be placed before the people of the state for decision, but the respondents in sisted that the bill had been initiated, there were more than enough signa tures upon it to place it upon the bal lot as according to law, and that more than three counties had participated therein. The arguments were completed shortly before noon and the court took the case under advisement announcing that he would decide the case at 4:30 in the afternoon. At the given time the parties assembled and the judge hand ed down his decision sustaining the demurrer. The state then asked for a new trial which was overruled and im mediately gave notice of an appeal. As soon as a majority of the judges of the supreme court are present in Ari zona the case will lie taken before that tribunal for final decision. o BACK FROM CAMP CREEK Mr. and Mrs. f. A. Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Karish have returned from their camping trip to Camp Creek, where they have had a most en joyable time. BACK FROM COAST Russell Free man of the Uerryhill company returned yesterday morning from Long Beach where he went to spend a well earned vacation. He returns well rested and says he enjoyed his trip exceedingly. Y. W. C. A. GIRLS DINNER The girls of the Y. W. ('. A .were the guests at a little dinner given yesterday by Dr. Monica! and a few friends. All enjoyed themselves Immensely and they appreciate the good will of the gentle man who gave the dinner. EN ROUTE TO COAST Otis Hall, a. prominent dairyman of El Paso, Texas, and a property owner in this valley, who has been in Phoenix for a few days en route to the coast, left last night oxer the Southern Pacific. He will probably return through here in the course of a month. PHOENIX WAS THERE When the convention of agents for the Jeffreys cars Was held in Detroit recently, it was scarcely expected that Phoenix would be represented. However, B. E. Van Swearingen was in that vicinity and he went right to Detroit so that Phoenix and Arizona should be known among the live wires. Mr., Van Swear ingen Is a member of the force of Mc Arthur brothers, Arizona agents for the Jeffreys automobiles. He and Mrs: Van Swearingen were east visiting rel atives and taking a vacation at the time. They were absent two months and have quite recently returned. CUTTING CASE HELD OVER Jose Verdugo. a man out on parole from the penitentiary, where he was serving a term for passing a bad check, was before Judge Parker yes terday, with Jose Lopez, on a charge of assault. The affray occurred on the night of the 27th July. As two Mexicans were leaving the wedding celebration of a friend they were Bet upon by the two defendants and seriously wounded by cutting. Judge Parker bound over Verdugo, fixing bond at $400, whilst he discharged Lopez, the evidence not showing that he took an active part in the affair. 0 The Oriole "Remnants," as Jack Dunn's Baltimore team is known, are still making n game fight to keep up in the International League race. After Dunn had disposed of his stars, including Derrick, Ruth, Shore. Egan, Thombley, Daniels, Midkiff and Cottrell, it was generally pre dicted that the Orioles would sink out of sight. Fancy California spuds, 12 lbs for 25c. Fancy California Onions, 7 lbs. for 25c ARIZONA OROCERT CO 331 E. Washington. (Advertisement) bl 0 ' Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office, A Want Ad will see Are You Ready ALL GARMENTS ARE HERE AT A DIS TINCT FALL IN PRICES 25 Reduction on TROUSERS 25 Reduction on I SUITS off on STRAW HATS OXFORDS Are reduced also McDougall and Cassou "New Way Men's Shop" Friday and Saturday AUG. 14 AND 15 Your choice of any man's or woman's canvas low shoes $1.00 Pair Values $2.00 to $4.00 No dollar shoes exchanged Our "Clean-up Sale" closes Saturday Aug. 15, 1914. night, H. A. Diefil Shoe Co. 8 W. Washington St. Elvey & Hulett Quality Druggists Never Substitute O'Neil Building, N. W. Cor. Adams and First Avenue, Phoenix Phones 411 and 441 Brush Your Hair Big sale on Hair Brushes Just now at our drug store One-third off on all hair brushes over $2.a0. We have them all. See our big First avenue window it's brist ling with Bristle bargains. MACHINERY Machinery of all kinds hallt, re built or repaired. Beat equipped shop In state. Only expert ana chanlcs. Work guaranteed. OVERLAND AUTO COMPANY torn no 3.n ki . w earn a fair profit and be se cureput it in a savings account in this bank. 4 per cent compounded semi-annually. Any experienced investor will tell you the same thing. THE PHOENIX SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY HAIR GOODS FOR SALE Ladies' Toilet Parlor, Shampooing. Manicuring and Facial Massage, Hair Dressing; Expert Chiropodists, all foot troubles removed. Moles and warts removed by electricity. 8HIRLEY & SHIRLEY Phone 1704 8! East Adame Street Garden City Restaurant New Location 21-23 East Adami St. n i n i , in iinwm gals. Zerolene $2.85 5 gals. Vacuum Mobile Oils.. $3.50 E pounds Arctic Cup Grease ....85 and Only Red Crown Gasoline. PHOENIX OIL CO. Phone 1330 221 W. Jeff. St S-H-O-E-S and Hosiery That's all Harry A. Drachman Shoe Co. 22 WEST ADAMS 8T. California Restaurant Under new management .Give ub a trial 1 E. S. WAKELZN CO. WHOLESALE GROCER! Butter-Nut Bread Pure as the Drifted Snow Since 1881 Phoenix Bakery 7 W. Washington St. i ' . . VACATIONS S.P. IN AUGUST ARE BEST CALIFORNIA OFFERS YOU REST Round frJr 'P Rates Tickets on Sale Daily. Final Limit November 30th, 1914. Liberal Stopover Privileges. Phone 1615 Southern Pacific f The Road to Commences with the depositing department. The National Bank of Arizona "Old Reliable" Alluring Promises of large profits generally prove promises. If you want a good, safe invest ment where your money will mmfi Hot Weather SPECIALS Roast .Veal, Roast Pork, Roast Mutton, Chipped Beef, Boiled Ham, Pickl ed Lamb Tongue, Pickled Pig's Feet, Cooker Corn Beef. Tribolet's Market Opposite City Hall, 114 . Wash ington Street. Phones: O 788, 781. ANTHRACITE COAL FUEL OIL Best Lump Coal and Wood PHOENIX WOOD & COAL CO., South Third St. and Jackson St. Phone 1235 1 A"AA"AAAWWWWW Adogram The highway to business success is smoothly aspha 1 1 e d with judicious news paper advertising. Run your eye over (he ad vertisements in today's Re publican. Are not the names written there the names of firms who have won good rating, because they have won the good will of our rea Jers? Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can. S.P. Sau Diego Los Angeles And Its Beaches $26.25 San Francisco Cool Climate Beautiiul Park And Exposition Buildings $41.-55 Lake Tahoe Delightful Climate Boating. Hunting and Fishing. $51.25 Phone 474 Prosperity of savings in our interest-paying B J I. i. , more customers than you can.