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PAGE EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1914 3 CLASSIFIED WANT ADVERTISING One Cent a Word Auctions IVIMWVWVVVAAfAAArMAM AUCTION" SALE at rat's Corral, Saturday, Aug. 15, 1914. I will sell horses, wagons, buggies, harness, 200 White Leghorn hens; and bring in any thing you want sold. C. O. MiML'R TKY, Auctioneer. It TAYLOR & BIEHL Auction House REGULAR SALES Every Wednesday and Saturday If you want to sell your good bring them to us TAYLOR & RIEHL, AUCTIONEERS 47 WEST JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 1349. tf 'For Sale Real Estate mvwyifwvYWW'i" -1-1- ---------. FOR SALE 60 acres of land near SCOTTSDALE at $30.00 per acre ad joining land selling as high as $600.00 per acre; this is a bargain. J. W. STACY 129 N. 1st Ave. . tf FOR SALE Two lots 00x137, to gether with 3-room house, separate screen room, furnished. A snap. See Johnson, 11C N. Center. bp FOR SALE Two east front lots, just south of S22 N. 9th Ave. (near Roose velt St.) $l"i00 restrictions, walking distance of Post Office, cash price $600 each. Address Daniel Marsh, 912 Union Oil B'ld'g., Los Angeles, Cal. bl aii Am Here is a quarter section, guaranteed as high class ranch --west of Phoenix at $100 per acre. Such a price only because the owner must cut down his holdings. On cash bases, the . terms are absurdly easy, $1500 down. Or, owner will consider Phoenix property in part pay and balance on long time A heavy grain crop just tak en off Ranch now plowed and ready for alfalfa "A" water ' rights. An absolute bargain If In 1 terested at all in a large ranch " 80 or 1G0 acres don't failon this. , . DwnM B Heard Country Realty a Specialty bn $110 PER ACRE will buy 152 acres "A" land, in crop, near Peoria; half cash, balance buyers time. See N. A. Morford, 15 E. Adams St tf FOR SALE BY OWNER Small pay ment down, cash or clear property, bal ance like rent, 80 acre dairy and hog ranch, fine improvements, near Glen dale, on car line. Alfalfa tracts from 154 to 40 acres adjoining above. DR. JOHN A. LENTZ Cor. 1st Ave. & Adams St tf GALPIN & HART REAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN ft HART - - : . 13 North First Ave LOANS RING 414 for reliable messenger ervlce. tf FOR SALE Well improved 6 acres. bungalow, fruit and alfalfa, sacrifice price. Thompson. 15 N. 1st Ave. tf BARGAINS In residences; rancb and business property. Improved or unimproved; house to rent. W. K. JAMES." " ' 40 North First St . tt Ell Mum For Sale Real Estate I MR. HOMESEEKER Look into I this, nothing to pay Uncle Sam, canal owned by water users; best system in 'all Southwest, Buckeye canal, for sale: 180 acres improved, close to school. church and store, good soft water ,a bagain fo quick sale. Wm. Walton, Palo Verde, Ariz. tf WE CAN SHOW YOU Retter than we can tell you ahout a B acre place on Tempe road with such improvements as would inspire you with a desire to possess and live on it. Near enough to work in town. For sale or exchange. H. H. MAJOR IS W. Adams tf FOR SALE Four room house. Two lot. Near Eastlake Park. Terms or cheap for cash. Phone 2373. tf FOR RAISING CHICKENS or gar den truck, secure this tract of 1 acres south of the capltol. Box 5367 Repub 'ican. tf Selling realty our Specialty. Dwight E. Heard's office. Central and Adams. tf F( R SALE Desert relinquishment. R. D. 5 A. Mesa. tf For Sale Houses SNAP FOR INVESTMENT A beau tiful home in the northeast part of the city, 5-room brick, modern with fine shade, lawn and roses, grapes and fruit; large chicken park with 4 of the best residence lots in town, this place must be sold in ten days. Price $3675.00, good terms, a chance to make money. Fred Jacobs, Empress Theater Bid. 40 E. Adams. tf $31100 is $100(1 BELOW VALUE for this modern fi-room brick, well located, must be sold. Address Owner, Box 231 City. bn FOR SALE A modern six-room brick house at 1554 W. Monroe St. Hardwood floors, built-in book cases, writing desk, window-seat, mirror door, China closet, and plenty of cupboard room, fire place, cellar. dumb waiter to drop down in cellar from the kitchen. Price $3400, Terms. This house was built by day labor. For particulate address, A. II. Mar shall. Iron Springs. Arizona. tf A GOOD BUY A fine home, close in on North 4 til avenue, ' brick, modern, must be sold, monthly payments if de sired. See Burroughs. 42 W. Adams. tf WE HAVE SOME FINE MODERN HOUSES belonging to one Interest which can be bought at auction prices. Easy terms if desired. Property is in process of liquidation. See BUR ROUGHS. 42 W. Adams St. tf LARGE HOUSE 75ft. lot, 6 blocks from court house, suitable for apart ments. Phone Owner, 8221. 8-dr For Sale Miscellaneous s FOR SALE 8x11 Job Press. A bargain. Write or Bee Republican Job Shop ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE Phoenix, Arizona, tf 150 QUARTS home canned fruit in glass Jars, jellies, preserves, etc. Call at 502 E. Culver St. bl FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car, A No. 1 condition, $450.00. Pritchett 13th Ave. and Sherman St. bl FOR SALE The complete furnish ings and one year's lease of a dandy close in, twelve-room rooming house, just the thing for a couple who want? to do well and take it easy at the same time. Ask Dibble about this, Sid Hen ry's of flee, "15 N. 1st Ave. tf BLACK MISSION GRAPES, 2 cents. Phone 210R2. ds LET THE WIND WATFR FAR mi mi Wll Get a SAMSON Windmill and have puro, fresh water for your stock all the time. Hun pipes to the house and have fresh running water in the house for the bath, toilet and kitchen. A SAMSON will develop the most power in the lightest winds and when properly set up is almost Immune from trouble. The Samson is double geared which does away with all side strain something other types of jnills can't do. The Samson has to be oiled only once in two or three months and is fitted with a governor which is positive and governs just as accur ately as a steam engine. Afijust this governor to your pre vailing wind anil no matter how much faster the wind may blow, though it increases to a gale, the Samson . will continue pumping without 5 per cent variation. There are many other reasons why the Samson is best but which can't be even briefly mentioned here. Come in and see the machine, examine it, then compare with other mills on the market. WE DO NOT CLOSE ON THURSDAYS PRATT-GILBERT COMPANY South Central Ave. For Sale Miscellaneous --ya'VV-w-vjnr-urruTjTruv OUR CANVAS DEPARTMENT Is complete, We manufacture Stack Covers, Wagon ' Covers, Drop Cur tains, Awnings, Tarpoons and Tar paulins, and anything else you want in canvas, from first class goods; at prices which our competitors don't try to meet. BARROWS-FOOSHEE FURN. CO. Corner First & Jefferson Sts. tt SWINGING SKATS and porch furni ture, made to order at the Blde-A-Wee Mission Furniture Shop. Phene 46, lth St tf WIPING CLOTHES CHEAP Second-hand flour bags. Fifty pound sacks at $2.00 per 100. Twenty-five pound sacks at $1.25 per 100. Alfred J. Peters ft Co., Tempe. tf TALBOTS ANT EXTERMINATOR .25 .50 $1.00 Guaranteed by PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. Jefferson St. tf FRESH COW 4 Mile House, Tempe Road. ds COTTON PICK SACKS Get the right kind and the right prices at home; tents and camp outfits for rent. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co., Cor. First and Monroe streets. Phone '1411. tf PHONE 1183 See us for bargains WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Anything, anywhere M'CAUSLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE 130 North Center tf RING 414 for reliable messenger service, tf FOR RALE JHEAP GALVANIZED IRON BUILDING in the rear of 219 N. 1st St. See CAPITOL SAVINGS & INV. CO. Phone 773 17 N. 2nd Ave. bl FOR SALE Wheatland and Elberta peaches, 2'i cts. per lb., none delivered. 355 North 21st Ave. bl FOR SALE Twin Indian 2-speed motorcycle, with tandem, speedometer and electric equipments, run 1000 miles; owner leaving town. The Franklin Ho tel, bm LARGE PURPLE FIGS, 4c. Phone 210R2. ds Grlswold's patent for leaky Urea, ISe. RIVERSIDE PARK-and FOR HIRE auto signs for sale at Republican of fice, tf ONION SETS WHITE BERMUDA HILL'S SEED HOUSE INC. 126 N. CENTRAL AVE. tf FOR BALE Several second-hand motorcycles at prices to suit Phoe nix Cycle Co., lit North Central ave. . tf MONEY SAVED ON TOMATOES and other products come see us. Phoenix Fruit And Produce Co., 119 W. Jefferson. tf FOR - BALE Mendelssohn lano, $65.00; Klmbal piano, little used, $250.00. Marvins Music House, (see Marvin first). Ind Ave. & Washing ton, tf FOR SALE Auto trucks. Two second-hand auto trucks very cheap, both of one thousand pound capacity. M. L. Naquln, state agent Velle automo bile, 326-328-330 North Central Ave. AN HONEST DEAL In Buggies, Harness and Saddles Is why we sell so many. Be us for second hand vehicles. COLLINGS VEIL ft HAR. CO. 22-34 East Adams St tf REMOVAL SALE Bargains con tinue on ice boxes, refrigerators, show cases, electric fans, kitchen cabinets, office cabinets, filing cases, gas ranges, and all other goods. Our new location Is the PATRICK BLDO., . , PHOENIX. FURNITURE CO No. 327 West Washington. tf DO mm PUMP YOUR i NflTHINR 1) 11V I IIII1U "On the Way to the Depot" For Sale Miscellaneous AUGUST Plant this month Peas Millet Eucalyptus Seed Beets Cauliflower Seed Lettuoe Beans Carrots Potatoes Cowpeas Celery Seed Cucumbers Cabbage Seed ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue Phoenix. Arizona. tf FOR SALE Yale motorcycle. Fall engine and magneto in good shape, $50.00. Call at 1125 E. Washington. bm FOR SALE Seven good stands of bees making honey now, or will ex change for calves, pigs or chickens. . A. G. Hargrave, Route 2. bm FOR SALE Lease and furniture of ten-room house for sale on credit. easy terms of payment; light house keeping, good location. Address 1075 Republican. bn FOR SALE Small store and fixtures cheap, can be moved. P. O. Box 842. db LAST CALL FOR JELLY GRAPES. Will deliver lots of twenty-five pounds or more at two cents, Tuesday. Phone 2R3. bm For Sale Live Stock iwwwyi "u-tfwuwww FIVE YOUNG HEIFERS and a. few cows, coming fresh. Inquire of Phil C. Emigs, Phone 2033, 358 Coronado road. bn F iR SALE A good burro. Box 1074 Republican. bm FOR SALE At a sacrifice, about 1000 head of Angora goats well bred up and an abundance of good range and plenty or water. I. L. Jackson, Prescott, Ari zona. O.hrJ TWELVE FINE ANGORA BUCKS for sale at a bargain. Oregon blood. Address P. O. Box 173. tf FOR SALE Horse and bucev sen- erately or together. Five Point Drug btore. dm FOR SALE; Dairy cows In numbers to suit, 35 young heifers; also milk route and wagon. Phone 2563. Nov lnger ranch. tf FOR TALE Very fine dairy cows. Phone Rural 118J4, tf FOR SALE Span matched mules. cheap for cash. R. D. 5 A. Mesa. tf A BAND OF HEAVY SHEARING ANGORA GOATS for sale, a bargain if taken at once. For particulars in quire of Jack Arnold, 1416 E, Washing ton St., Phoenix, Ariz. bn For Sale Eggs and Poultry r rtVrVlfVVVvvvVvvvvyvvvvvvvx WANTED Young White and Brown Leghorn hens and pullets. Poultry Supply House. . 446 West Washington. tf For Sale or Exchange WILL TRADE 22 automatic Win chester rifle in first class condition for gents bicycle, j Address 5371 Republi can. I bm TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. We have 5 acres east, close in, all in fruit, good house, etc $4200; 10 acres northeast, in alfalfa, small frame house, $3000; 5 acres with 5-room bungalow, good orchard, nursery etc, $4500; what have you to trade In the city?. Barn hard & Clenjent, 129-131 N. 1st Ave. Phone 1121. tf WILL SELL OR TRADE for cows or heifers: Fine mare work anywhere, Two colts 2 and 3 years old, make fine team. "Weber" west of Indian School Phone 1003 or 213J2 bl FOR SALE OR TRADE NICE FLAT Good income property, modern; 26 rooms. See McMURTRY, 15 N. 1st Ave. tf WANT TO SELL OR EXCHANGE 7 Dwight B. Heard's Office. Central and Adams. ' tf For Rent Houses MODERN HOUSE 710 S. 1st Ave. bl COTTAGES for. rent, cheap. Phone 8193. -bl FOR RENT Four-room brick coti tage, screen kitchen and bed room, ens, electricity, $16.00 per month, no tu berulosis, 1 block, from Brill car line. Inquire at 1104 K. McKinley St tf For Rent Houses TO RENT Six-room brick house, modern, $20 month. MOORE ft HAYES 34 North Center. , bn FOR RENT Six-room modern house on North 3rd Ave., $25.00 per month, unfurnished. H. C. Thomas, R. E. ft I. Co.. 43 W. Adam. . tf For Sale Groceries lAfCMElS WEES PlOSFECfOlS If you want to save mosey buy your groceries at tlS W. Washington St Phone 1501 Eggs wanted tt For Rent Furnished Houses FOR RENT Two and 3-room house, partly furnished, gas, shade and bath. 740 E. Portland St. bin FOR SALE By owner, new house, furnished with new stulf, modern in every respect, lights, gas, water, bath, nice lawn, big porch, 5 rooms and bath, pebble dash, cement porch, small pay ment down and easy terms. Write or call at 2146 West Adams, Phoenix, br FOR RENT WATCH PHOENIX GROW 2-ROOM house furnished $1250 6-ROOM house, furnished $2500 5-ROOM house at ACRE CITY.. $1500 HOUSES FOR SALE LIKE RENT M. H. SH ELTON 215 West Washington OPEN SUNDAY tf RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf Rooms and Board THE NEW WOODFORD HOTEL and dining room, furnished new and up-to-date. Popular rates. Mrs. Fred Ullman. Prop. 133 North 2nd Ave. tf THE COPELAND HOUSE, rooms with sleeping porches. First-class board. 368 N. 2nd Ave. Phone 1592. tf THE BOWER First-class rooms and board, screen rooms. 621 E. Mon roe, tf For Rent Furniihed Rooms NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for 2 ladies preferred; also 2 screen sleeping rooms. 506 E. Adams. ds SCREEN ROOM for rent cheap. 352 N. 3rd Ave. bl ONE FURNISHED ROOM in new house with private family. 1610 West Jackson. bn FOR RENT Nice front room with shady porch, modern conveniences; no sick. 348 North Third Avenue. bn FOR RENT Furnished room for light housekeeping at 129 W. Adams. bm SLEEPING ROOM, $2.25 to $3.00 per week. 127 East Van Buren. tf WEST END HOTEL All new rooms 50 ents and up, cots 25c. special rates by week or month. Cor. 7th Ave. and Washington St. tf NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, In shady place, close In and reasonable. 341 West Adams St. tf WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 North 1st street new, modern, no sick taken. tf Union Hotel, 118 W. Wash, Rms. 0. tf ALTURAS HOTEL, 233 E. Wash ington; cleanest coolest, most rea sonable rooms In city; 60c, 75c $1 day; $2.50, $3, $3.50 week. tf SOMETHING FINE Newly furnished room with bath attached. In nice shady place close In on E. Fillmove street. RENT VERY REASONABLE. 311 East Fillmore St. tf THE FRANKLIN HOTEL, Second St. & Washington; cool rooms with large screen sleeping porch; strictly modern; rooms reasonable; no sick taken. 9g FOR RENT Nicely furnished screen room, no sick. 619 N. 3rd St tf BEAUTIFUL ROOMS with screen sleeping rooms. 368 North First Ave. tf FRONT ROOM And screen porch for rent, man preferred. Call today. 367 N. 1st Ave. tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms HALCYON COURT Clean, artistic, elegant, exclusive, one-half house, fur nished, private street entrances. Cor ner screen bed room. Phone owner, 1296. - db FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, light, gas, bath and screen room, $35.00. 230 South 1 Ave. bl RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf FOR RENT Single and house keeping rooms; screened sleeping porches; all my roomers are welcome to my large screened parlor;. I want them to be homelike. Phone 2975; Mrs. M P. McDonough, 440 West Washington. 9g ONE- VERY DESIRABLE 4-room furnished apartment, Including screen room. In new house, 1229 East Adams St., one block from car line. Owner 1227 East Adams St Phone 8071 tt Me IWWII,WWII,W, Best Buy on Central Ave. Lot 112x196, reasonably close in. Roses, shade and ornamental trees all growing. An ideal place for a home. Price $1500 L J. Bennitt & Co. Phone MAtAAAAAAAA For Rent Housekeeping Rooms CLOSE IN, modern apartments, completely furnished, from two to five rooms, sleeping porch. Apply 33S E. Monroe. tf THREE BEUTIFUL ROOMS, com pletely furnished, with screen sleeping room. 368 North First Ave. tf THE BLENHEIM APARTMENTS Furnished modem apartments, pri vate screen sleeping rooms, electric fans, summer rates. 911 N. Central Ave., Phone 125. tf For Rent Miscellaneous FOR RENT Large light basement under Gass B?os." Chop House. Suit able for office or salesroom. Apply Gass Bros. tt For Rent Lands QUARTER SECTION for giin. Phone 8198. tf Wanted Situations Male A YOUNG JAPANESE housework boy wants a position at small family, town or country, wages $35 or $40. Phone 538. J. Imaki. bm HOUSE C LEA N ING, yard work, lawn mowing. 25c hour. Phone 2085. bl WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper, references furnished. Phone 1720. bl PHOENIX B'REE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU has moved to 111 S. 1st street Phone 1775 SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOR HELP tf WANTED By capable, sober mar ried man, position as foreman of ranch, thoroughly experienced. Phone 579. bm PHONE 11 S3 FOR PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Notarv Public 130 North Center tf RING 414 for reliable messenger service. Wanted Situations, Female WOMAN with 2 children, age 10and 8, wants work, go anywhere, good cook. 1235 East Van Buren. bm Wanted Miscellaneous GENTLEMAN seeking rest wants cool sleeping room, with board and lots of shade, state full particulars. Ad dress Box 5370 Republican. It WANTED Second hand rolltop desk, cheap for cash. Fauber, 227 North Central. bl WANTED TO RENT By Sept. 1st, small modern houte, good locality. Box 4984 Republican. bm LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us We have buyers for 10 acres. , PHOENIX TOWNSITE COMPANY 10S N. Center St. Fhone 1492. bl WANTED Plain and fancy sewing. Cull 120 N. Sixth street. br WANTED TO BUY Five-passenger Ford car, must be in good condition, reasonable price. Phone 2113. bk WANT Slightly used Ford motor car, must be bargain. 706 N. 1st street. bl $25.00 EACH for names of prospec tive builder. Address P. a Box 231. tf WANTED T make your new swnlngs; repair the old ones; de your upholstering, reflnlsblns and repair work. Dbrrls-Heyman Furni ture Co. tf WASHING and Ironing. Phone 2190. S-bm WANTED TO RENT Double house or house suitable for two families; must be furnished and within walking distance of business district; parties permanently em ployed in Phoenix. Address P. O. Box 943. City. tf You furnish the property, we furnish the buyer. Dwight B. Heard's Office. Central and Adams. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1200 Buys the stock, lease and fixtures, good-will, etc., of good business, centrally located and earning $200 a month. Owner's illness compels this sacrifice. For particulars, se ROSS or HOLMES with GREENE & URIFFIN, 127 N. Central Ave. n n.-.aan.wiarinnj-uJi 1618 N. Center Street 482 - - - - - - vs-vf-innruartnrunjuvxA Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE on or before Oct. 1st., 40 or 80 arce ranch, with good alfa.fa with improvement, near Phoenix, will care for ranch prop erly and pay handsome rent J. B. An derson, Glendale, Ariz. db WANTED Good empty gasoline and coal oil cans, ten cents paid. Phoenix Oil Co. tt List your property for sale. Dwight B. Heard's Office, Central and Adams. tf Wanted Help, Male WANTED Local agent in Phoenix, for Carterear automobile S. S. Badger State Representative, Douglas, Ariz. bm WANTED An experienced young man to manage pool room cigar store, in one of the Hvest mining camps in Arizona; owner engaged in other business and will sell one-half interest to a live man and guaran tee same to eavn $175.00 per month; no competition. Address Box No. 4996 Republican office. bp A MAN who has had experience with, roller gins and an oil mill or either. Arizona Egyptian Cotton Co. ds WANTED Man with team horses to take half interest in good .lease for gardening proposition"" near Phoenix. Call for Burns, Phone 1342. bg SALESMEN We desire a forceful and agressive salesman for a high class calendar, leather and novelty line to represent us in Phoenix, .ilso for sev eral count! 2s in Arizona. Will consider applications only from men of reliacla character and real selling ability. Thos. J. Beckman Co., 827 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa, bp WANTED Druggist, young man, single, state salary expected; first class reference required. Hayden Drug Co. tf Wanted Help, Female RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf WOMAN To do general housework for family of 2 and take care of young baby. Apply, room 2.4,. St. Josephs Hospital. bl COUPLE WANTS ROOM where lady will care for baby during day, good pay. Address Box 4974 Repub lican, bg RING 414 for reliable messenxelr service. tf Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will sea more customers than you can. RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf Money to Loan WANTED TO LOAN, from $1000 to $3000 dollars on guilt edge city real estate, will divide to suit applicant E. E. PASCOE 302 N. Cental Ave. dl GET THE MONEY $10 to $1U0 on your piano, furniture, horses, cows, etc confidential, no delay. Mutual Loan Co.. 5 Lewis Bldg. Phone 139. tf JAMISON 403 Fleming Block has money to loan on real estate security. tf RXNQ 414 for reliable Be service, tf Lost and Found ririnnririririi-inrii-iririi-i- - -- ------ - - -- -- -- LOST Dog, 4 months old, English pointer, white, brown, spotted. Phone 8123. bn LOST Seven-monibs-old brindla bull puppie, cropped ears and tail. Re- ward. Return to 361 N. 1st Ave. Phone 8764. tf LOST Boston Bull Bitch brindle white anchor on chest. Answers to name of Mitlgie.' If found return to Police station and receive reward. 3t RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf LOST Between Tempe and Mesa;i ritual Loyal Order of Moose; return to Moose Lodge". tf LOST Raycycle bicycle, pacemaker model, large hanger, No. 10858, small handle bars, roller chain; return to 405 E. Madison; receive reward. tf Hire a little salesman at The Re publican office. A Want Ad will sea more customers than you can. i t