Newspaper Page Text
PAGE NINE Fairbanks-Morse Engines Nestor Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, Etc. ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPY CO. 3rd Ave. and Jackson "We Have the Stock" Phoenix Lost and Pound' STRAYED Bay horse, branded O on left hip. Finder return to 915 W. Had ley; suitable reward. 9-b Transfer and Storage GERMAN CITY FROM WHICH KAISER AND STAFF DIRECT ARMIES Lightning Delivery Co. Pioneer Transfer Co. ANY KIND OP HAULING "Quick as a Flash 42 South Central Ave. Phones 594 and 112$ A. A. Betts, V. P. LOST Raycycle bicycie, pacemaker model, large hanger. No. 10858, mall handle bars, roller chain; return to 405 EL Madison; receive reward, tf f'''''''''''''''' tf Cotton Growers, Attention Buy your cotton field machinery at Kunx Bros. & If essinger and save money. RING 414 for reliable messenger sen-fee. tf T.F.T vnTTT? MftVE T!R OTTR MOVE .Let us snow you. CHAMBERS TRANSFER CO. PHONE LOST Between Tempe and Mesa; ritual Loyal Order, of Moose; return to Moose Lodge. tf 1228-427. 26 S. 2ND AVE. OFF COURT HOUSE. tf THE ARIZONA" REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, Mi 1 s .Let us snow you. s iiJJ""'"''"m'"'"'"'''i"'"Wiflrri 1 Special Notices $10 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of .anyone stealing the Ari ona Republican, from. the front yards of any of our. subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. 35 East Adams; Overland 670. tf 1 DESIRE TO NOTIFY THE PUB LIC that I have purchased from George R. McBean-all his-right, title and in terest in and to the Valley Ice Cream rompany of this city and am now the sole owner thereof and will not be re sponsible for any debts' the said George R. MoRean may ierea,fter incur. This he 2th day of August 1914. E. J. DIETRICH, . Phoenix, Arizona. It Professional and Business Cards HAND LAUNDRY SANITARY hand laundry, rough dry 3 doz.; each bundle washed separately, ironing also. Phone 2876. tf NORFLEET AND CRONE, contract drillers, Maricopa, Ariz.; drilling in all its branches; water wells; - air holes for mines; . prospect drilling; estimates furnished; drilling any place; any time. 9g CHIROPODIST, corns removed, DO cents each; bunions, moles, warts,-etc., reinoved'by electricity. 39 East Adams, Frank Shirley, phone 1704. tf NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Phoenix, Arizona, Aug. 17th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Board of Supervisors of Marico pa County, in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, until eleven o'clock A. M. Wednesday, , September Ninth, 1914 for grading the approaches to the Wickenburg Bridge across the Has sayampa River at Wickenburg, Ari zona, , First. A fill or embankment to be made at the east end of said Bridge, extending on an even grade (of about three and five-tenths per cent) from the grade at the end of the Bridge to the surface of the ground about two hundred feet easterly therefrom. This fill to be made in part from river gravel, but to be finished or surfaced, with material hauled from the cut at the west end of the Bridge.' Second. A fill or embankment to tie made at the west end . of said Eridge and also a cut, the two to gether to form an even grade (of about one and eight-tenths pe.- cent) from the grade at the end of the Undertaking and Embalming EASTERLING & WHITNEY Un dertakers and Embalmers. 213 "West Washington St., Phoenix, Arizona. tf MOHN, DRISCOLD & MAUS Un dertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Di rectors, 311 N. 1st Ave. tf UNDERTAKERS Moore & McLel lan: lady assistant, auto hearse. 329 West Adams St., Phone 601. tf ICE CREAM WONDERFULLY RICH, PURE VELVET ICE CREAM, order from us, use phone. Sanichas. Phone 697. tf C. . P. LEE successor to Lee and Plunkett 30S National Bank of Ari zona Building, Accounting, Audi Systematizing. Will open and close Books of Account and make up Analytical Statements and reports, tf Eridge tQ a gra(Je Etal-e in the road about two hundred forty -five feet west therefrom, at which point i cut of about twelve inches is re quired. Third. Two small adobe Buildings at west end ' of Bridge to be torn down and removed. The material from the cut is to be used in making the embankment at the west end of said Bridge and to finish or su'.-face the embankment at the east end of said Bridge. None of the material removed from the cut is to be wasted. The said fills shall be eighteen feet in width at grade, with side slopes cf one, and one-half to one, and to gether with the cut shall be finish ed so as to make a smooth, firm and satisfactory roadway. Forms for submitting bids and copy of proposed contract may be obtained at the office of the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for One Hundred Dollars drawn payable to the Treas urer of Maricopa County. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened by the said Loard at its office in the city of Phoenix on Wednesday, September 9th, at eleven o'clock A. M. and thereafter considered All bids must be sealed and ad dressed: James Miller, Jr., Clerk Board of Supervisors, Phoenix, Ari zona, and marked "Bid on Wicken burg Bridge Approaches." By Order of Board of Supervisors. James Miller, Jr., Clerk. o E LECTRIC C A RPET CL EANER CARPETS CLEANED. Telephone 733, Electric Carpet Cieanera. tf PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT C. P. Lee, Successor to Lee . & Plunkett, 309 National Bank of Ari zona Building, Accounting, Auditing, Systematizing. Will open and Close Books of Account and make up Analy tical statements and report. tf PASTURES FOR RENT WANTED Honses to pasture, well water, shade. Chas. R. Barnes, Grand Canal and Ave. 17. Phone 118R3. . tf AUTO TIME TABLE KIKE'S AUTO STAGE LINK Phoenlx-Tempe-Mesa-Chandler Leave Phoenix Leave Men 7.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m. .00 " t.00 - .00 " .00 - 10.00 " 10.00 " 11.00 " 11.00 " 13.00 " 12.00 " 1.00 p. m. 1.00 p. m. 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " . 4.00 ". 4.00 " 6.00 - B.00 " .0O " .00 " 7.00 - 7.00 " .0 . $.00 " 10.30 M . .00 Mesa-Chandler Division Leave Mesa Leave Chandler 8.00 a.m. 7.30 a. in. 10.00 - t.30 " 12.00 11.30 " 2.00 p. m. " p. m. 4.00 " 1.30 - .00. "7 -,ut '7,1 '2,. - S.30 " Flke'a Auto Livery Phone 414 . . - -T-- - M PKBklP.-rT-1!?RAP.l1E-R- LEARN STENOGRAPHY The best stepping stone to success in the business,, world. Expert and personal Instpuction by teacher of 25 years experience Evening classes be gin September 1st, 3 lessons weekly. Those who wish to begin with the private class, see MRS. E. G. KET CHUM any evening at 1728 W. Mon roe St. 2 blocks north of Capitol. 9d " "s- iHJ Su--1 Phoenix Directory Automobiles ' Garages 'Accessories Arizona Motor Company, Inc. AUTOMOBILES Everything for the automobile carried in stock. FIRST AND VAN BUREN STREETS VULCAIMI7INR nr Al I WlUnfc nMucr nnnn n-r- Ari7fnn LY WORK GUARANTEED. OUT OF TOWN lW WORK SOLICITED. Vulcanizing Works 210 West Washington St Overland Phone 626 BUICK W. W. CATLIN COMPANY, .State Agents Garage and Salesrooms 313 North Central Avenue. Phone 1450 COLE The Standardized Car. Chat Motor Trucks. COLE MOTOR COMPANY. General Repair Work. 4th and Washington Sts. Phone 1228 MOTOR CARS. W. A. Horrell 521 N. Central. Phone 1223 Expert Service Men- CAPITAL ACCESSORIES U. S. TIRES, OILS, GREASE tr..-. . l.: .. o... it-, a.. a. AUTO SUPPLY CO. 517 n. ceXr aV" l"" Ph.n. tori Mainz, Germany. In this German city of Mainz, north of Metz, Emperor William hasgatherad about him his entire general staff. From here the armies of Germany now pressing against the allies are being directed. , TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP THE ARIZONA HERCULES COPPER ! COMPANY: 1 Notice is hereby given that the Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the ARIZONA HERCULES COP PER COMPANY, will be held at the office of J. M. Jamison. Fleming Block, in the City of Phoenix, Ari zona, on the 1st day of September, 1914, at the hour of 11:00 A. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of five Directors to serve during the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated: Los Angeles, Cal., Au gust 14, 1914. W. "P. DUNHAM. President E. G. THOMAS, Secretary, o NOTICE NOTICE OP INTENTION of the Board of Supervisors to grant to the Phoenix Railway Company of Arizona permission to extend Its line of street railway from the present terminus of what is known as the Brill line at the intersection of Tenth and Brill Streets in Brill Addition to the City of Phoe nix, crossing all intersecting roads north on Tenth Street, thence contin uing north over private right of way MISS WILSON Public Stenograph er. Notary Public. Will call for dicta- Corner Fourth Ave. tlon. 14 west Adams, mont i&m. u D. D. HORNING For Sale Lands in small or large acreage, also city property. -INSURANCE AND LOANS RENTALS, COLLECTIONS Office 411 West Monroe St. Phoenix pecial V' ' 8" fit I Acres alfalfa, new five room brick, near Center street 10 Acres planted, to grape fruit, near car line. 20 Acres with cottage adjoining Glendala. 6 to 20 Acres alfalfa on car Una , !. ; . 40 Acres alfalfa at $150 per acre. ' 1,000 Acres fine fruit land close to Phoenix. " Will make'prices that will sell. .. Will discount price for one-half cash. " rr Phoenix Trust Co. If West Adams Street crossing all intersecting roads to Sher idan Street in Syndicate Place. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN, in pursuance of the Statutes of Arizona in such cases made and pro vided, that the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, State of Arizona in tends at a meeting of said board to be held August 31st, 1914, at- ten o'clock A. M., in the Court House in the City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, to grant to the Phoenix Rail way Company of Arizona permission to extend its line of street railway from the present terminus of what is known as the Brill line at the intersection of Tenth and Brill Streets in Brill Addi tion to tlie City of Phoenix, north on Tenth Street crossing all intersecting roads to the Little Maricopa Canal, thence continuing north over -private right of way crossing all intersecting roads to Sheridan Street in Syndicate Place located in Section 33, Township 2 north, Range 3 east of the G. & S. R. B. & M. PROVIDED, however, That, if on or before the time above set more than 50 of the qualified electors of Maricopa County,' State of Arizona, shall petition said Board of Supervisors to deny such privilege to the Phoenix Railway Company of Ari zona such privilege shall be denied. By Order of the Board of Supervis ors, Maricopa County. JAMES MILLER, JR. Clerk. o IN THE SUPERIOR COURT . Of the County; of Maricopa, State of i Arizona Charles A. "Stauffer, Plaintiff, "vs. Josephine Recum and J. D. Lor raine, Defendants. Action- brought in the Superior Court of the County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, and the complaint filed in said County of Maricopa in the office of the Clerk of said Su perior Court. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP ARIZONA, TO Josephine Recum and J. D. Lorraine, Defendants, GREETING: YOUARE HEREBY SUMMONED And required to' appear in an action brought against you by- the above named plaintiff in the ' Superior Court of the County of Maricoiwi, State of Arizona, and answer the Complaint therein filed with the Clerk of this said Court, at Phoenix, in said County, within twenty , days after the service upon you of this Summons, . if served in this said LCounty, or , in all other cases within thirty days thereafter, the times above mentioned being exclusive o the day of service, or judgment by default will be' taken against you. Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the County of Maricopa, State of Arizona,- his 17th dayof August, 1914. WM. E. THOMAS, 1 Clerk of said Superior Court. ' : , ! By L. D. OLDHAM, (Seal) Deputy Clerk. ' -o IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE' STATE OF ARIZONA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA ANOTHER PERILS OF PAULINE IN PHOENIX The tenth installment of the "Perils of Pauline" is now at the Lion theater and will be run again today. Yesterday the "perils" attracted the usual large and interested audience. This install ment is very interesting for Pearl White, who is Pauline, makes a sensa tional get-away from a lighthouse in a life saver, the sort used by life saving crews in B"'nS the passengers off of wrecked boats. The ride is thrilling in the extreme. Pauline gets into the bouy unaided and Harry pulls her to the other shore. In the journey she has numerous duckings but comes out all right in the end. . the said George Henry Newsholme who, said petitioner alleges, is de ceased, and that letters of administra tion with said will and codicil issue thereon to said petitioner, and that same will be heard on Saturday .he 29th day of August A. D. 1914. at 9;30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said Court, in the Court House, in the City of Phoenix, County of Maricopa, State of Arizon and all persons interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if "tiny they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated July 27th, 1914. - WM. E. THOMAS, ' ". ' Clerk. By W. S. WILSON, ' Deputy Clerk. In the Matter . of the Estate of GEORGE HENRY NEWSHOLME, Deceased. NOTICE OP HEARING . PETITION Notice is hereby given tltat Walter Bennett, has filed in this Court cer tain documents purporting to be the last will . and testament of George Henry , Newsholme . and codicil thereto together with his petition praying that said documents be ad mitted to probate in this Court as the LEGAL NOTICE - - TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE RAY DEVELOPMENT COM PANY: , Notice is hereby given that the an nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the RAY DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, will be held at the office of J. M. Jamison, Fleming Block, In the City of Phoenix, Arizona, on the 1st day of September, 1914, at 'the hour of 10:00 A. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of three Directors to serve during . the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may .properly come before said meeting. Pated: u Los Angeles, Cal., August 14. 1914. W.' P. DUNHAM, President. . E. G. THOMAS, Secretary.. CASE PACKARD McARTHUR BROS 321 N. CENTER STREET Diamond Tires 110 N. Central Ave. Phone 414 M. L. BUCKLEY, JR. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION "OF THE PHOENIX HARD WARE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, J. B-. Long and J. W. Long, of Maricopa County, Arizona, desiring to incorporate ourselves and become incorporated under the pro visions of the laws of the Territory of Arizona, for the purpose of en gaging In the lawful enterprises, busi ness and occupation hereinafter, spe cified, do make adopt, sign and ac knowledge according to law these Ar ticles of Incorporation. , ARTICLE I. The names of the incorporators are J. B. Long and J. W. Long. The name adopted by this corpora tion and by which It shall be known in all of its affairs is the . "PHOENIX HARDWARE CO." and its principal place of transacting business is and shall be the City of Phoenix, in the County and Territory last will and testament and codicil of .;atoresaia, out .m,e luc rlslll totransact its business in such other place or places in said Territory as the Board of Directors may here after from time to time designate. ' - . ARTICLE II. ; . The general nature of the business proposed to be transacted by this corporation and in which it is to en gage is that of doing a general hard ware and implement -business, buying and selling all kinds of merchandise and real and personal property of every kind and character and descrip tion; borrowing money and contract ing tb pay the same at such time or. times and at such rate of interest as its Board of Directors may deem ad visable, and to secure the payment of the same by mortgage, pledge, or otherwise, on any or all of the prop erty of the corporation; and to trans act any and all kinds of business that may be transacted by a natural person ARTICLE III. The amount of the capital stock authorized by this corporation is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). It shall be divided Into five hundred (500) shares and the par value of each share 'shall be One Hundred Dollars (J100). The times when and the conditions upon which it shall be paid are as follows: The whole thereof within thirty (30) days after the same has been subscribed for, provided that the Board of Directors of said Company may accept mer chantable hardware at such prices as they may deem proper in part or full payment for any subscription to the stock of this corporation. ARTICLE IV. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall bo the 19th day of March, 1907, and it shall endure for a period of twenty-five (25) years thereafter. And said corporation shall commence the transaction of the business for which it is incorporated as soon as ten per cent of the capital stock has been subscribed for. ARTICLE V. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of three stockholders who shall be elected annually by the stock holders from among their number at the annual election thereof to be held in the office of the Company, at Phoenix, Arizona, on the first Tues day in November in each year here after at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; and until the first annual meeting ol said stockholders, the following nam ed persons who are subscribers : to the capital stock of this corporation shall constitute the Board of Direc tors, namely: J. B. Long, J. W. Long and M. West. ; ARTICLE VI. The officers of this ' Corporation shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as may be p-ovided for by the by-laws, The President ehall be elected by the Board of Directors from among their number' annually immediately after the annual meeting of the stockhold ers. The otner otneers snail oe elect ed by the Board at such time and place as they shall designate, but such other officers need .not be mem bers of the Board of Directors. The Directors and officers of this corporation shall hold their respective offices for one year from the date or their election and until their success ors are elected and qualified unless such- director or officer shall cease to be a stockholder in the corporation. arid in any such case such director or officer shall cease to be a director or officer in the corporation from the date he ceased to be a stockholder therein; provided, that all officers whe are appointed by the Board may be removed by them at their pleasure, FRANKLIN THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Distributor for Arizona Corner 'Second and Adams Streets Ford Motor Car 5-PaseengA-, $565. Runabout, $515 EDWARD RUDOLPH, Agent 308-310 E. Adams St. Maricopa County Agent for Hendrie Tires HAYNES 4-48 Electric Gear Shift $1950 PHOENIX GEO. W. CAMPBELL Phone 646. 18 Wall Street Uii4on d in OSCAR IRVIN, AGENT nUaSOn O-HAJ Garage 229 E. Adams St. $1700.00 F. O. B. PHOENIX Phone 539 or 596 Arizona Auto Company, 308 North Cen tral Avenue. Phone 1241. Stat agents for Moreland and "Little Giant"' Motor Trucks. Master Carburetors More Mileage, More Speed, More Power, Guaranteed SOUTHWESTERN CARBURETOR CO. 309-315 North Central Avenue MAXWELL Overland The Car you ought to buy Gates & Tremaine 221 North First Street -r- Best Equipped Machine Shop in Southwest Complete Stock of Accessories OVERLAND AUTO CO. -Phone 686 326 N. Central Ave. RADIATORS Repaired and Rebuilt. We repair lamps, wind shields and fenders. We also replace glasses in windshields and lamps, and do coppersmith work. 233 North Center St. TRANSCONTINENTAL GARAGE 108-110 N. Second Ave. Storage, Repairs and Gen eral Machine Work. Work guaranteed. Pleasure Cars and Commercial Trucks Service Station 326-28-30 N. Central. Phone 686 M. L. NAQUIN, Distributors AH vacancies in the Boardi of Direc tors or officers of this corporation shall be filled for the remainer of the term by the remaining members of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII. The Board of Directors of this cor poration shall have the power to es tablish by-laws and make all rules and regulations deemed advisable for the management of the affairs of this corporation and its officers not in consistent with law. The majority of such Directors shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VIIL The highest amount of indebtedness or liability, direct or contingent, to whift this corporation is. at any time to be subject or subject itself is Thirty-two Thousand Dollars ($32,- 000). ARTICLE IX. The stockholders of this corporation and their private property, shall be exempt from the corporate debts of this corporation. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set .our hands and seals this 19th day of March, 1907. J. B. LONG. J. W. LQNO. Territory of Arizona, County of Maricopa, ss. Before me, W. J. Kingsbury, a No tary Public in and for the County of Maricopa, Territory of Arizona, on this day personally appeared J. K Long and J. W. Long, known to me to be the persons whose names &re subscribed td the foregoing instru ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the pur pose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seel of office this 13th day of March, A. D. 1907. . (NOTARIAL SEAL) W. J. KING SBURY, Notary Public : My Commission expires April 21. 1908. Territory of Arizona, County : of. Maricopa, ss. I, C. F. Leonard, County Recorder in and for the County and Territory aforesaid, hereby certify tnat 1 hSve compared the foregoing copy with the original Articles of Incorporation of. the "Phoenix Hardware Company'' filed and recorded in my office on tlie 19th day of March, ISfiT, in Book No. of Incorporations,, at Page , and that . the same is a full, true and correct copy of such original and of v the whole thereof. Witness my hand and seal of office, this 19th day of March, 1907. (SEAL) C. F. LEONARD. County Recorder. ; By V. L. VAUGHN, Deputy. Filed in the office Of the Territo riarAuditor of . the Territory of Ari zona this 19th day of Mach, A. D. 1907, at. 2 P. M., at request of Phoe nix Hardware Company, whose post office address is Phoenix, Arizona. JOHN H. PAGE, Territorial Auditor. .-'',.i.W