THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1911 PAGE FOUB I Ill ill Arizona Republican's Editorial Page llu jj The Arizona Republican Published by ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Only Paper in Arizona Published Every Day In the Tear. Only Morning Paper in Phoenix. Dwight B. Heard President and Manager Charles A. Stauffer Business Manager Garth W. Cate Assistant Business Manager J. W. Spear ...Editor Ira H. S. Huggett City Editor Exclusive Morning Associated Press Dispatches. Office. Corner Second and Adams Streets. Entered at the Postofflce at Phoenix, Arizona, aa Mall Matter of the Second Class. Address all communications to THE ARIZONA REPUB LICAN. Phoenix. Arizona. TELEPHONES: Business Office 421 City Editor 433 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Pally, one month, in advance .75 Dally, three months. In advance 2.00 Dally, six months, in advance 4.00 Dally, one year, in advance 8.00 Sundays only, by maii 2.60 THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 War, he sung, is toil and trouble; Honour, but an empty bubble. rohn Dry den. The Water at Roosevelt The Roosevelt dam is steadily gaining- and has been doing so for the past week. The Verde has kept up its flow well, and altogethher the situation is a very satisfactory one. The situation is prac tically the same as it was a year ago, with this added advantage to water users: they have learned that they had formerly used much more water than they needed; much more than was good for crops, and that conservation may be as profitably prac ticed by a judicious use of the water as by the storing of it in the first instance. There is an advantage, not only to farmers, but to all citizens in having learned that the highways are not helped by being irrigated, flooded and ren dered impassable. In many ways we have been taught the value of water, and, consequently, the proper use of water. A year ago some farmers were slightly uneasy. Though, as it turned out, there was plenty of water, some feared there might not be. The result has given us a greater degree of optimism and that is worth a whole lot of water and money. A Month of War The European war, that is, the war exclusive of the operations between Austria and Servia and the military preparations of Russia, began one month ago yesterday. On August 2, the German invasion of France was begun on the border between those two countries and which now appears to have been a feint rather than attack. Great Britain was not yet in the war, but was slipping, as the Germans plainly Expected it would slip. The neutrality of Belgium had already been disregarded, as Germany explained, because across it lay the easiest and most direct route to the heart of France. It is now quite ap parent that that route was chosen, not with Paris as the first objective, but because it afforded the most direct means of controlling the north of France, shutting off British reinforcements, for although Great Britain was not involved, Germany knew that it would be, and intended that it should be. A comparison may be made between the progress the Germans have made within a month and that made by them in 1S70, though the comparison in volves different lines. They have advanced no less rapidly from the Franco-German border than they did forty-four years ago and then they were aim ing directly at Paris. The route the main army took then has been occupied only by the extreme left wing in this war. In one month after the beginning of the war of 1870, following the battles aboyt Metz, the Ger mans were at Vionville, about 145 miles from Paris. To reach that point they had to fight through Lor raine, then French territory. In the present war they have had to do some fighting in the same ter ritory to reach a point a very little nearer Paris on the same route, than they were a month after the war of 1870 began. But as the battle line, conceiving the whole Ger man front for nearly 300 miles to be one' battle line, extends to the north, it has been moved farther and farther westward until now the right wing of the army is in the vicinity of La Fere, only sixty miles northeast of Paris, with an extension of this wing thrown still farther to the northwest, almost to Amiens, the latter point being about sixty miles north and slightly west of Paris. Just where the German left wing is, is not clear. Some days ago it had captured Luneville, about 160 miles east and slightly south of Paris. Paris dis patches have stated that the French were, at least, holding their own in the Vosg'es, but at the same time they described fighting with great violence at Neafchateau, lying between Paris and the Vosges. From all that can be learned of the locality of the German left wing, the battle front Is the arc of a great circle whose chord would more nearly lie east and west than north and south. The left wing seems to have been used more for a pivotal than a pro gressive movement, and the purpose of the Germans when they invaded Belgium, to control as quickly as possible the north coast of France, becomes clearer. It may be seen that their direct westward movement has been made at practically the same rate they made In 1870, while the flanking move ment to the northwest has been surprisingly rapid. Where the Blame Lies The search for the cause of war prices has led the investigators to the lair of the middleman, con cerning whom there was some suspicion when we were wondering about the then high, but (compared with present war prices) Really low cost of living. The investigation has so- far shown that there is a. changed relation between supply and demand, and that the "relation had been steadily changing for a long period before the breaking out of the war. It was the sudden great and not readily explicable change that took place on the first declaration of war that called for the inquiry which has developed that prices' were not raised by producers, and that there was not such an increased demand as to war rant the new prices. Since the prices were not a result of the operation of the law of supply and de mand, and since they covered so wide a chasm be tween the price the producer could get for his prod ucts and the price the consumer had to pay for them, the inquiry lay in a broad field between the consumer and the producer, a field densely pop ulated by middlemen, a great many more of them than seem necessary to the greatest good to the greatest number of our citizens. As the greatest good to the greatest number is the ultimate object of all government. It may be expected that the government win further explore the field of middlemen with the object of ascertain ing whether it cannot be weeded out, cultivated and restrained to the popular advantage. Politicians in the past have concealed the real cause of the high cost of living. They attracted the attention of the people away from its vicinity. They screened the lair of the middlemen. Democrats and republicans charged one another with the crime of making living high. The democrats laid it at the door of the protective tariff. Republicans laid it at the door of characteristic democratic inefficiency. Sensible citizens might have seen that the tariff had nothing to do with it; that politics were passively to blame in part; that both parties were guilty of neg lect. It has now for the first time been pretty plainly pointed out, and quite generally admitted, what the cause of war prices is. The next thing is to apply the remedy, not for temporary relief, or to meet a present exigency, but a remedy which will be at the same time a preventive. The Republican acknowledges the receipt of an invitation from the Tucson Citizen to be present at its house-warming. Unfortunately the invitation arrived after the close of the festivities. The czar may call his capital Petergrad or Petrograd, or what he pleases, but he will have a hard time keeping the rest of us from saying St. Petersburg or Petersburg. Secretary McAdoo manifests a disposition to resent the Anglo-French advice to us "where to head in" in the matter of acquiring a merchant marine. The Germans, we notice, are being steadily driven back toward Paris. EUROPEAN WAR SITUATION (The Kansas City Star.) As we understand it a Servian socialist who was partly sane when sober, gof drunk and killed an Austrian noble and his noble consort. Austria observing the unseemly incident, addressed herself to Servia sternly, as follows: "See here, kid, no rough stuff. I propose to be a father to you. Come into the woodshed." "Hold on," says Russia, "don't you dare lay a hand on that kid, Austy. He's my kid and anyhow you'd make a fine father for any one. I don't think," he says. "Think again, you hig slob," says Austria. "If you can think twice in one day," he says. "And while you're thinking what I'm telling you," he says, "I don't like the color of your eye, and jour nose offends me and your feet don't track. Besides," says he, "I can lick you," he says, "and I will, too." "Good boy, Austy," sings out Wilhclm. "I can lick him myself. I can lick anybody; why can't I lick everybody," says Wilhelm. "We'll take him on together and show him," says he. So Germany starts for France and slips up incidentally, landing with both feet in the middle of Belgium. "Get off my stummick," wails Belgium, "or I'll bite your leg off," says he. "Ouch; be patient, Belgy," says Wilhelm. "Beg pardon, I'll get off when I have to," says he. "Excuse me, or I'll soak you," he says. "Now, watch me while I soak Gaston one." "No fair," says France. "I wasn't looking, any how," says he. "Take that," says he, slipping Wilhelm a hot one. "I hate to fight," says England, "but I can bust the jaw of anyone what slaps my dear friend Gaston, who I never did like anyhow. But I will defend him till death," says he. "You don't hate it any worser than me," says Japan, standing back for an opening. "Anyhow you started it," says Wilhelm to Nicholas. "You started It yourself," yells everybody to everybody else, sticking out their tongues. Then they all clinch and the little fellows dance around watching for a chance to get in a punch and run. Moral: If you want to fight all you have to do is to say so. o . BELGIUM If it is true that Belgium is to receive $100,000,000 from England and France as a solace for the losses incurred through her brave resistance of the invaders the world will feel that the gift is well bestowed. "Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae" (Of all these the bravest are the Belgians) writes Caesar in his "Commentaries"' of the tribe which inhabited the northwestern part of Gaul. There was no Liege in his day, but the identical site of Namur was oc cupied T?y Aduaticum, which gave him a resistance of many days after his defeat of the Nervil. The Belgians, who once occupied the land north of the Seine almost to the banks of the Rhine, have preserved their name as a people from that day to this, but their name as a nation, obliterated by Cae sar, was not revived until 18.10, when the present kingdom was founded. AH through the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and even through the Napoleonic period, their country's identity was merged in that of the Nietherlands. Sixteen years after the defense of Quatre Bras by the Belgians, the kingdom which united the people with Holland collapsed and the Belgians asserted their indepen dence as a nation. New York Times. SPOILED HIS CHANCE "Why don't you. propose to that girl? You like her and I'm sure she would have you." "All true, but there is an insuperable obstacle between us." "All family or religious objections can be over come." "Nothing like that. I got a little too gay when I first met her and told her I was getting $50. a week whereas I am getting only $25." Louisville Courier-Journal. HER POST Margaret How does your friend, Mrs. Brown, stand on the suffrage question? Anna She's doing picket duty. Margaret Doing picket duty what, for suf frage? Anna Oh, no; she's' on the fence Christian Register. DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS, i ' ; BANK HAS A MODERN SAFE ! CARING FOR A WOUNDED GERMAN DEPOSIT SYSTEM THAT ' IS AT YOUR SERVICE. f y 4. Y, ANY SIZE BOX. RENT ' J MODERATE i ( VALLEYEBANK P Escrows mM P - : security mtW K : Puts You at Ease : iSf, yV By escrowing your land or : r",'NN - W " , Ijy real estate deals through our ' . well organized and experi- : (c) Underwood & Underwood. enced office, every detail will ; Here is the ambulance division of the German army, ready to care foi get Correct attention, and yOU the wounded as tiy ere brought from the field of battle. A woundea mi e t s I, J , German soldier wiia a Oar.dagtd head is seen in the picture. . Will leel Sale in all the years to come. Consult with us. . 1 Phoenix Title Napoleon By WALT MASON If great Napoleon's shade looks down from some red star, on mighty hosts arrayed for stern, de cisive war. he'll see so many traps unheard .of in his day, that he will groan, perhaps, and heave a sigh, and say: "Great Scott! Had I possessed such implements as those, how quickly galley west I should have knocked my foes! Ah, those quick firing guns magnificent, sublime! They scatter tons and tons of hardware at a time! And see those soldiers fly, on boiler metal wings! They soar up to the sky, and drop their bombs, by jings! Alas, in all my wars I rode a spavined steed, but now, in motor cars, the generals proceed. When messages I sent, a soldier bore the same, and foe men, as he went, shot fragments from his frame: but now this wireless scheme sends messages afar; it all seems like a dream, and not a bit like war. My soldiers used to slay, with sword and spear they ' hewed; but now in half a day, they kill a multi tude. Alas, I think with tears, of my brave, trusty ones, who fought with rusty spears and muzzle loading guns. The modern fighter knows no weary toil, I ween; he sizes up his foes and kills them by machine. Had I been thus equipped for but one single hour, I surely should have stripped all cap tains of their power." UHLANS ARE CAREFULLY CHOSEN The Uhlan, the cavalry arm of the Gorman army, has had his full share of fighting at Liege and at other places on the long line of battle now raging. Splendid efficiency is the reputation which the Uhlan enjoys both at home and in the camps of the enemy. This high standing was won mainly during tho Franco-Prussian war, when they did wonderful scout service and were no mean factor in beating down the opposition of the French in the field. The Uhlan huzzar was borrowed from the Polish military system. Uhlan meant simply lancer. Huz zar is a word that comes from the language of the Hungarians, meaning twenty. It commemorates the time when every group of twenty men in the king dom was required to furnish one cavalryman. So it means the representative of twenty men. The word dates from tho time of Mathias Corvinus, when in national Hungarian levies, every twenty men had to furnish one fully equipped horseman, who, in accordance with the fact, was called "huz zar." So efficient was the Uhlan in the war of forty-four years ago that he was called the '"ubiquitous Uhlan." The lance is the distinguishing arm of the Uhlan. It was the Polish lancers, the finest regi ments of light horse in the Austrian service, that made the arm popular in all the armies of Europe. Part of its success is owing to the great care taken in forming the regiments. They are divided in groups of one hundred or less, and only men of like habits of mind are admitted to a group. The of ficer in charge must understand each man inti mately in character, physical strength and temper, for horse and man must be matched with the ut most care and Judgment if the best that each is capable of is to be attained. Brooklyn Eagle. OLD STUFF A few .days ago we ran across the ghost of old Doc Homer, the well known (among five or six) sport historian of ancient Greece. "Say," he said in well modulated accents, "can you slip me a coupon to this next world seriesV" "Sure," we answered, remembering that the fellow once had some talent, even if we never cared a lot for his stuff., "Who," asked the ancient bard, "will probably work the opening game?" "It will probably be Matty against Plank," we replied. "Then never mind the ticket," he came back' with a poorly suppressed yawn.- "I saw enough cf those two guys in a world series when , 'I was sporting editor of the Grecian Bugle four thousand years ago. I ll drop around about 1960 when there's some new stuff on the program." Grantland Rice in Collier's Weekly. t7- 1 ana Trust u. Austria XT By george fitch 18 North First Avenue. Author of "At Good Old Si wash" Austria is an inrcntion of European statesman ship which is maintained for the purpose of keep ing the Slav3, Teutons and Turks from rubbing elbows too vigorously. It is a polyglot purgatory, composed of frag ments of a score of races in a violent altercation. And yet Austria is a vast improvement over what was there before it For many centuries this section of Europe was a hell in which various races met to settle their little hatreds, far from civilization and a referee "who could keep them from biting in the clinches. 1 . W.- I."'. "Austria has a parliament in which her various nationalities debate with ink bottle and furniture." Austria has 240,000 square miles, or somewhat fewer than Texas. Into this territory are stuffed 4,"1,000,000 people, including 17,000,000 Huns, who hate the Germans; 11,000,000 Germans who despise the Serbs; several million Serbs who go out of their way to swat a Magyar, and 6,000,000 Bohemi ans, who hate the whole crowd. Further irritations are produced by Moravians, Ruthenians, Slavonians, Croatians, Bulgarians, Poles, Roumanians, and vari ous other nations and races, who sit up nights to hate each other. When we consider that all this ill feeling is contained peaceably in a country small er than Texas, which can scarcely contain the democratic party without an armed guard, we are filled with awe over the statesmanship of Austria. The Romans used the Austrian territory for an exercise ground in which to fight Huns and Goths. Later on it was fought over by Tartars, Moslems, Russians, Teutons, and unattached entries. In the thirteenth century the Hapsburg brothers got hold of it and made a kingdom out of it. Since then Austria lias produced incredible amounts of history. Vut it does not produce as much manufactured The Phoenix goods as Chicago nor as much farm products as Iowa and Illinois. And yet 45,000,000 people have to live on them. This explains why the steerage department of ships arriving in this country are always overloaded with Austrians. Austria has a parliament in which its various nationalities debate with ink bottles and furniture. It has a fine old emperor, Franz Joseph, who has served as peacemaker for half a century. It has the handsomest capital in Europe Vienna and many great scholars, artists and musicians. It also had a navy at the moment at which this was written. Austria's two greatest visitors have been Napo leon and T. Roosevelt, the latter having been re ceived with much more hospitality than the former. EXPORT NEEDS CREATED BY THE WAR M. A. Oudin, manager of the foreign depart ment of the Qeneral Electric Company, in an in--terview with a representative of the Electrical World, declared that the opportunity before Ameri can manufacturers as a result of the curtailment of European production is one that concerns all irdustries. Oudin pointed out that while the stoppage of European supplies of all kinds is a factor favorable to a great extension of American trade, there, are two adverse factors which have a very important bearing upon the magnitude of the trade that may be obtained. The first adverse fac tor is the financial disturbance which has existed throughout the world for over a year. This eco nomic depression, particularly in South America, has been made much worse by the war in Europe. The second adverse factor, which is of a tempor ary character, is the dislocation of transportation facilities which now exists. In the beginning American manufacturers should make up their minds to spend a large amount in investigation of foreign conditions, particularly in South America. They should expect no return for the first year or two. The difficulties of the language, the different customs and different busi ness practices, and the entire difference in racial characteristics, are not perhaps, fully appreciated bv those who do a little export business with La tin America, and not at all by tlrbse who have no acquaintance with the Latin -American people. It is worse than useless to send the American type of drummer to South America. Oudin's familiarity, with conditions convinces him that the present concentrated attention upon our foreign business is in itself a potential factor making for a very large foreign trade, and that it must give rise to the element of permanency which has been conspicuously absent from our efforts in the past. National Bank H. J. McClung, President M.C. McDougall, Vice-Pres. T. E. Pollock, Vice-Pres. H. D. Marshall, Cashier H. M. Galliver, Asst. Cashier ' G. G. Fuller, Asst. Cashier , - :' I !