an-.-j.--fl n-s, ij,lii(,,N.i.iLiiigMr I fllnrmrUdtlHWiM !-. hMHHkiMWHIH lltiMi is li iWfii ' n- . . .,... ri -- I, iiinii i aiif- , PAGE SIX i7 THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 WHY NOT HAVE NORMAL SIGHT? Less . headaches and no eye strain by having us examine your eyear and supplying- correctly fit ting glasses. Northrup Optical Co. i .Successor to SWIGERT BROS. Optometrists & Opticians . 9 Bast Adams St. Prescription lenses ground in our own shop. Rooms Papered or calcimlned, J4 and up. We carry our own stock. CAVILEER & CO. The Decorators 108 East Adams. Phone 1829 SALT RIVER VALLEY MONU MENTAL WORKS V. E. Lindsay, Prop. 409 West Washington St. Arizona granite as well as all other granite used. Phone 1323 for prices Lodge Notices LOYAL ORDER OF . MOOSE - Phoenix Lodge, No. 708 ; Meetings every Tuesday, Moose home 28 S.. Center. ..Visit ing brothers invited. George N. MacBean, Dictator; Walter R. Van Tyne. Secretary. AUTOMOBILE TIME TABLE CLOBE-PHOENIX STAGE Quicker, and cheaper than train fare. Globe, $15; J25 round trip. Leaves ; daily at 8 a. m.; arrives Roosevelt 2 p. m.; Globe and Miami, t:30 p. m. Passengers collected from any part of the; city. " Tickets - at Adams and Ford Hotels and Shaw's Smoke House. W. A. Hill, Prop., 28 M. Second Ave. Favorita Talcum Powder in handsome "shaker top cans" of one pound each 25c in Rose, Violet and Wistaria Odors W. R. Wayland, Mgr. Phone 591 Pile a Minute If it's' aa emergency call, our". ' - inotoi'cycle . will , get what .'von 'need to you in a jit'fy. ".PJione 592 ' '. ;.v; TUVnilttiW tlOTOKCVCLC PCUUCRV- liT Kit. fcACAHl WHEN YOU HAVE ANY PRINTING DONE SEE THAT THIS Is on It or that It Is done b7 : one of the firms below, who are entitled to use it: ARIZONA REPUBLICAN ARIZONA GAZETTE ARIZONA STATE PRESS CAPITOL PRINTING CO. MESA TRIBUNE WATKINS PRINTING CO. SOCIALIST BULLETIN THE QUALITY PRESS (Signed) Label Committee For Picture Framing go to BALKE'3 The Big Curio on Adams Street Of Local Interest STORED. WATER SUPPLY Water service department report for September 2: Elevation of water in reservoir feet 119.85 Contents of reservoir, acre ft. 197,93 Gain preceding .24 hours, acre feet 4,393 Xormal flow of Salt and Verde rivers at Granite Reef dam, M. I. .... . 179,460 Normal How water for lands : up to year ..Excess Amount of water used 'for irri gation, north side, M. 1 37,750 Amount of water used for irri gation, south side, M. 1 19,790 . , o i . LOCAL WEATHER YESTERDAY 6 a.m. 6p.m. Temperature, degrees - ....68 98 Sensible temperature .. 54 65 Humidity, per . cent 40 ,14 Wind direction ...SE N Wind velocity, miles 6 5 Rainfall ' 0 0 Weather . . . . : , . . . : Clear Clear Highest temperature 101 Lowest temperature ..........-.... 64 Mean- relative humidity .J" 27 Total rainfall 0 Deficiency in temperature yester day,, degrees. Deficiency, in. temperature since first of month, 9 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since January 1, 314 degrees. Deficiency in rainfall yesterday, .02 inch. '. ' Deficiency in rainfall since first of month, .04 -inch. 'Accumulated deficiency in rainfall since January 1, 2.41 inches. Data for Tucson Highest temperature "yesterday 96 Rainfall yesterday 0 ROBERT R. BRIGGS, Section Director. FITCH TO PRESCOTT C. H. Fitch, project manager of the Salt River valley project, went to Pres cott yesterday morning to take a short rest in the Arizona Switzerland. BACK FROM PRESCOTT The Misses Lucile and Ruth Tisdale, daughteVs of Mr. and Mrs. George Tisdale of 622 North First street, re turned home last night from Pres- cott. OUT AGAIN "The Busy South west," the house organ of the Mc Neil company, made its fourth ap-. peafance' yesterday, 'it - is "an ' inter esting number, the big feature, be ing the center "double spread" ' car rying illustrations of twelve, .hand some young ladies employed in vari ous departments of the concern. RETURN OF MISS WHITFIELD Miss Sara Whitfield, progressive candidate for county school superin tendent, has returned from her va cation and is preparing to engage in active work in behalf of her candi dacy. She found that her friends had not been idle in her absence and that a strong and growing sentiment, in her favor was already' under way. LITTLE STRANGER. ARRIVES A. L. Jones, assistant county school superintendent, is the happiest man Just nbw, for; lie is the fond father of a seven-pound girl who came to his home yesterday. The anxious times are past', yet Mr. Jones was all anxiety as he kept at bis duties yesterday, to get back and -make friends with the little stranger. CANDIDATES' EDITION READY TO CLOSE An effort is being made to "clcse copy" on the candidates' edition of The Republican tonight o." early Friday morning. ' A number -of candidates have not been seen, and there are several desirable spaces left and those who wish to place their candidacy : before the -voters' of the state, should telephone Jo Conners at 422 today, and to insure there being space left. It should be done early. ON BUSINESS BENT Election campaigning, has evacuated the, of fices of the court house. .. Yesjerdajf three automobiles carried away an other crowd to join the rally at Buckeye, in the cause of vote catching. In . the party were' Clerk of the' Board of Supervisors James Miller, . Jr., who .went, to Join. -W.,rA, Moeur and Frank Luke; J. E. Me Clain, George A. Macdonald, Sheriff Jeff D. Adams, J. A. R. Irvine and O. S. Stapley, BIGLEY'S BROTHER-IN-LAW Leo Bigley, the well known young man '. about"' town received informa tion, yesterday of", the marriage ."of his youngest sister. Miss Vera Bigley, of this city, to Frederics Mott,-of Gallup, N. M. --The wedding took place in New -Mexico's ' black diamond town Monday, Aug. 31. Mr. Mott , is avery popular young man in Gallup, -where he Is the manager of one of " the leading stores. Mrs. Mott is well known here as a most charming girl. Leo Bigley never has seen and does not know his new brother-in-law. o See WAR IS HELL at Lion; four reels hand colored. It '' o .. ; 1 200 boxes best Bellefleur apples, $1.25 per Box. McKEE'S Advertisement, g o ' . Big Aeroplane . Fight in WAR IS HELL at the Lion Theater today.; 14 ; 0 -. , , BATHING SUITS. ' Pinner ' Ro binson. (Advertisement.) AMERICAN KITCHEN . - V Regular Meals, r 35 Centi. ; Short Orders All Night. 33 North . Center, Phoenix. NEW NOTARY A notarial com mission was issued yesterday at the office of the secretary of state to P. C. "Anderson of Safford. VISITING MESA Mrs. J. L. Gass and Mrs. Charles P. Gass are the guests of the latters sister, Mrs. E. P. Stultz at Mesa,- for a few days. FIRST MAYOR OF DOUGLAS M. W. Adamsn, the first mayor of the city of Douglas, was among the visi tors to Phoenix yesterday. HOME FROM DENVER Miss Lily Wilson of North Second avenue returned home last evening after spending the summer at Denver. UNDELIVERED TELEGRAMS There, are telegrams at the Western Union for: J. R. Rankin, J. H. Layman, Frank Marek, Stephen A. Goodman. KEEGAN GOES HOME J. J. Kee gan, president of the Arizona state fair commission, left yesterday for his home in Globe after attending the ses sions of the commission in Phoenix, Mondav ar:d Tuesday. ZANJERO'S HOUSES The recla mation service is now ready to receive bids upon the specifications and plans for the houses of the zanjeros of the project. The plans are at the Water Users' building and can be seen by any interested parties. SMALL BLAZE The fire depart ment was called out shortly before one o'clock this morning by a blaze at Seventh avenue and Grant street. The fire, which was in a small un-occupied house, was extinguished before serious damage was done. The origin of the tire is unknown. MATRIMONIAL Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Samuel Preston Graham and Louise Bige low, both of Maricopa county; Si meon Herbert Rucker and Eula Lee Smith, of Maricopa county; and to David H. Hughes and Floy Ogletree, both of Pima county. LEAVES FOR IDAHO Mrs. J. Walter Boyd, accompanies! by her mother, Mrs. Ella Books Sanders, departed Tuesday evening for Ros well, Idaho, where Rev. Boyd has ac cepted the pastorate of the Baptist church. Mr. Boyd preceded the ladies to their new home several days ago. DOGS WANT HOMES J. W. Can ning, the Humane officer cannot find dogs enough to supply the latent de mand. But he does not like to keep them long on hand. He has now a nice white and brown dog, a good play mate for a boy; also a white and black small female dog? young and particu larly smart and handsome. MINERAL SURVEY APPROVED The surveyor general has approved mineral survey No. 3129, Ophir, Cal ifornia, Black Prince, Black Queen, Hayes, Eureka, Bisbee, Western Slope, Filmore, Lincoln, Hobo's Dream, Iron Mask, Crown King lode mining claims, situated in the Cali fornia mining district and claimed by George H. Crosby. SCHOOL PHYSICIAN ON DUTY Beginning -next Monday, Dr. C. B. Palmer, city school physician, will be in attendance at the new Monroe street school to examine children who expect to attend the Phoenix public schools this fall and winter. His hours for the. week will be from 10 o'clock until 12 o'clock each morning. LETTUCE GROWERS ATTENTION To further foster the growing of let tuce in the valley on a large scale, the Phoenix Lettuce Growers' association have called a meeting for 10 a. m. on Saturday in the rooms of the board of trade. The object of the meeting will lie to complete the organization and to sign up acreage for all interested in the growing of lettuce on an extensive scale in the vicinity of Phoenix. - TO MAKE PHOENIX HO ME M's. Josephine Roething, who has been residing at 920 East Pierce street during the summer, left this week for San Diego, her former home. She is so well impressed with Phoe nix, that it is her intention to dis pose - of her property interests in San Diego, and as soon as this is accomplished, to return to Phoenix and make her permanent home heve. W. C. T. U. MEETING The Women's- Christian Temperance union Will hold the first regular fall meeting j this afternoon at the headquarters j on West Monroe street,' beginning at j 2:15 o'clock. The topic for the aft-j emoon is "Evangelistic Work." G. F. Rhinehart of the state temperance j federation will address the meeting, which will be led by Mrs. A. J. Bell. The devotional exercises will be in charge of Mrs. Jordan. Strangers are .-cordially - invited to attend the meeting. BACK FROM THE COAST M. C. McDougall, vice president of the Phoe nix National Bank, returned yesterday from Santa Barbara and other coast points where he has been spending the vacation with his family. He reports that business men on the coast, while unavoidably affected by the conditions brought about by the European . war, are hot looking for anything more than a temporary depression, and expect that conditions ' will rapidly adjust themselves. Bumper crops and the op ening of the Panama canal have both had a marked effect in producing a feeling of optimism among the coast bankers, and, with the opening oppor tunity for American trade with soutn America tend to strengthen business conditions at home. ' MANY WOMEN WILL VOTE Those people who think the women of Arizona are not going .-to take part ' in ' the ' primavy are : badly mis taken,-according to Irene IJllis Saun ders, who is - managing Jo Conners campaign for the legislature. "Wom en .are taking a great interest in the coming contest, and in many cases they are better informed regarding the issues than the men. Many have read the statutes carefully, are the oughly informed regarding the pres ent laws and those needed, and are interested in seeing capable men se lected for the different 'offices. My prediction- is that there will be a large number of women in the legis lature which convenes in January of 1917 and-they will acquit themselves with credit"' The- speaker having acted as attache at several leglsia tures and in the same capacity in the constitutional convention, knows something about politics. 200 boxes best Bellefleur apples, $1.25 per Box. McKEE'S Advertisement, g "WAR IS HELL" is a great picture. BIG LABOR DAY PARADE PLAN Order of Formation for the Cavalcade of Trades Un ionists Next Monday Winners of Last Night Prize Waltzes The finals in the series of p.'ize waltzes that has been going on . at Riverside park will be held in the dancing pavilion there tonight. There have been four preliminary contests and the silver medal winners in these have been Mr. Jack Waters and Miss K. Staples; Mr. and Mrs. Biss ell;; Mr. G. Gomez and Miss Helen Kirkpatriek, and David Porter and Miss Gladys Renders. Tonight these four couples will . meet in the final contest and the winners will receive gold medals emblematic of the cham pionship. It will be a contest that will require the greatest skill of the contestants, one of the conditions re quiring the couple to dance up and down and reverse on a space sixteen inches wide and thirty-two feet long. Labor Day Entries for the Labor Day races are coming in thick and fast and they promise to be' the best events in the sport line that have taken place this season. F.-om all over the state word is being received that delegations are coming and the ex cursion from Hayden will bring a very large number of 'enthusiastic rooters. Plans just have been com pleted for a big surprise event in the evening and it will undoubtedly prove a tremendous attraction for thousands of people. Every local in Phoenix is wo'.-kin? hard and the big parade in the morning will be a hummer. The line of march will be from the hall at 238 East Washington, west on Wash ington street to Second avenue, north on Second to Adams, East on Ad ams to Central and south on central to Jefferson, where the parade will disband and the marchers take autos fov Riverside. Bert Davis, president of the Phoenix Trades Council, will be the grand marshal and the Pioneer band will furnish the music. The Trades Council will lead, forming In front of the hall at 238 East Wash ington. The locals will form as fol lows: 1. Carpenters, Fourth street north of Washington. 2. Lathers, Fourth street north of Adams. 3. Barbe.-s, Fourth . street, south of Washington. 4. Cooks and Waiters, Fourth street south of Jefferson. 5. Electricians, Third street, north of Washington. 6 Musicians,;'Third street, north of Adams. 7. Painters, Third street, south of Washington. 8. Plasterers, Third street, south of Jefferson, i 9. Plumbers, Second street, north of Washington. 10. Pressmen, Second street, north of Adams. 11. Tailors, Second street above pressmen. 12. Theatrical Protective Associa tion, Second street, south of Wash ington. 13. Typographical, Second street, south of Jefferson. The Bricklayers will be provided a place if they decide to march, and othe-.- organizations of laborers will be given a position in line if they so desire. The Message of the Sea Manager Cavaness has arranged an exceptionally good program for his patrons today. . His leading feature is a Gaumont special than which there are none better entitled "The Message of the Sea", while he. also has a splen did Vitagraph single reel called ."Buf falo Jim", a picture that took the east by storm for the time that It was run ning. The last reel on the program is a stirring story of police and politics 'Let No Man Escape", from the Es- sanay studios at Chicago, in '.-which Francis X. Bushman and Bryant Washburn- take prominent parts. . o No advance in prices to see WAR IS HELL at Lion Theater. It GUNS for rent.: Plnney A Robin son. Advertisement V ... ; : .0 '''". Wonderful spectacular picture, WAR IS HELL at Lion today. .. o 200 boxes best Bellefleur apples, $1.25 per Box. McKEE'S Advertisement, g PENSLAR EYE TONE For Smarting, Watering ... .. 'Eyes. A safe, good tonic, with our recommendation. 25c The Busy Drag Store The San-Tox Store 550 Phone 660 $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00, Trousers A special line of two-piece summer suits, in values up to $30.00 $10 McDougall and Cassou The "New Way" Men's Shop BUNION SHOE Made of soft Glazed Kid with plain toe, low, broad heel and medium weight sole. Here's a shoe that affords real comfort for the man with tender feet. It is especially designed for feet with bunions or enlarged joints Made with extra width across the ball and giving abso lute comfort from the start. H. A. Diehl Shoe Co. 8 W. Wash. Have you tried Nature's Remedy Tablets? 25c, 50c and $1.00 If you want a sample call in. We are special agents for Phoenix. Elvey &: Hulett Quality Druggist Never Substitute. O'Neil Building, Northwest corner Adams and First Ave., Phoenix. Phones 411 and 441. Butter-Nut. Bread Pure as .the Drifted Snow Since 1881 Phoenix Bakery 7 W. Washington St. E. S. WAKELIN CO. WHOLESALE Hot Weather SPECIALS Roast Veal, Roast Pork, Roast Mutton, Chipped Beef ,; Boiled Ham, . Pick led Lamb Tongue, Pickled Pig's Feet, Cooker Corn Beef. Tribolet's Market Opposite City Hall, 114 E, Wash ington. St. . . . t ' . - ' Phones: -O 7S,-789 Political Announcements I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination to the office of SHERIFF OF MARICOPA COUNTY Subject to the action of the Democratic Primarlea JEFF D. ADAMS 1 Viiimwifif SAM F. WEBB Candidate for State Senator Subject to the Democratic Primary September 8, 1914. Meridian Precinct Cashion P. O., Arizona. Graduate of Maricopa County Schools and Tempe Normal. Ten years a teacher ORRIN L. STANDAGE Candidate for County School Su perintendent. Democratic primary Sept. 8. R. F. GARNETT ! announces that he Is a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to democratic primaries ; to be held on September 8, 1914. ANTHRACITE COAL FUEL OIL Best Lump Coal and Wood PHOENIX WOOD & COAL CO. South Third St. and Jackson 8t Phone 1235 California Restaurant Under new management Give us a trial! MACHINERY Machinery of all kinds built, re built or repaired. Best equipped shop in state. Only expert me chanics. Work guaranteed. OVERLAND AUTO COMPANY 326-328-330 N. Central . Garden City Besturant New Location 21-23 East Adams St. 5 gals. Zerolene $2.85 5 gals. Vacuum Mobile Oils.. $3.50 5 pounds Arctic Cup Grease.. .85 and Only Red Crown Gasoline. PHOEXIX OIL. CO. Phone 1330 221 W. Jeff. St. HAIR GOODS FOR SALE Ladies' Toilet Parlor, Shampooing, Manicuring and Facial Massage, Hair Dressing; Expert Chiropodists, all foot troubles removed. Moles and warts removed by electricity. SHIRLEY & SHIRLEY Phone 1704 39 East Adams Street REDEWILL MUSIC CO. Established in 1881 224 West Washington St. INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED Pianos Rebuilt and Refinished COAL--COAL--COAL Let us fill your bin now at summer, pi'ioes. For the balanee of the month of September we will make a price of $9.00 per ton. Place yom order now so we can protect you. ,' - j";'.- Constable Ice & Coal Co. Success or Regrets Which will be yours? Better start rijht by open ing chat bank aceount The National Bank of Arizona ). "Old Reliable" .; One GOOD term deserves another State Senator H. A. DAVIS Candidate for renomination Subject to the Democratic Primary September 8. - E. E. JACK announces himself as a candidate for the office of SUPERVISOR ;.QF MARICOPA 10UNTY, subject to democratic primaries, September 8, 1914. ; 1 ' W. H. WJLKY Candidate for Sheriff - j of vJarieopa County Subject Jo democratic primaries, September 8, 1914. '. FRANK H. LYMAN Candidate' for Nomination COUNTY ATTORNEY, Maricopa County, Democratic Pri mary, September 8. Wm. E. Thomas, having filled the position- o Clerk of Superior Court for past.tvo years, announces that he is a candidate for renomination at the Democratic Primaries, Sep tember 8, li4. ' I., hereby, .'announce myself as a candidate for Judge of the super ior ; court f ef Maricopa county at the Republican Primary, Sept. 8, 1914. ' PAUL RENAU, INGLES ', ' JAMES 'T.: MURPHY East Side Candidate for "I CONSTABLE Subject to Democratic Primary, Sept. 8, 1914. , J. . W.. WEATHERFORD Democratic Candidate for CORPORATION. COMMISSIONER At the primarj4 Sept. S, 1914 S" H O'E-S and Hosiery That's all. Harry A., Drachman Shoe Co. 22 West Adams St. BENNETT, LUMBER COMPANY Everything ' In Lumber k M I at OFFER A GLASS OF ICED TEA to your guest if you would give real pleasure, and make if from our spe cial tea if you want a refreshment far superior to ordinary iced tea. Try some of our dainty crackers or bis cuits, too. They are delicious and with the tea make a thoroughly satis factory refreshment. McLean's grocery 130 n. first ave. phone 1375 3 4 J 1 Yee Sing, Proprietor. at Lion Theater today. : It