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PACE EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914 1 Stat! c ASSI WANT ADVERTISING One Cent a Word Auctions fublic sale thursday, sept. 10, 1014. one-half mile west of Cartwright st hool house, or four miles and one half west of Alhambra on the Maricopa fad. commencing at 10:30 sharp. Hav ing decided to (piit ranching, I will sell at auction on the above date all of my personal property. 12 Head of Horses, consisting of S h ad work horses, range from 4 to 8 cars old, weight from 1000 to 1100; 4 draft colts. Ur. Laying Hens, Rhode Island and Urwn Leghorns: ducks. Farming Implements: 1 Van Bunt liril!, Oassidy high lift plow, walking plow, disc harrow, spring tooth har row, Fresno scraper, go-devil, 2 mow ers. 2 hay rakes, hay derrick, McCor mii k header, 3 header beds, farm wa gon, spring wagon, buggy, 1 S-horse-pnwer gasoline engine mounted, 1 24 inch all around threshing machine, 3 .sets double work harness, single buggy harness, saddle, 1 looo-gallon tank and fittings, 1 12-foot tower, 1 Meyers pump jack, 3 milk cans, stack alfalfa hay, Mai k bundle wheat and hundreds of i. tiicr articU s too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon for Everybody TERMS CASH J. r. MILLER, Owner C. O. McMI'RTRY, Auctioneer C. A. WHITFIELD, Clerk 1.1 N. FIRST AVE. rHONE 661 It TAYLOR & BIEHL Auction House REGULAR SALES tvery Wednesday and Saturday If you want to sell your goods bring them to us TATLOR A BIEHL, AUCTIONEERS 47 WEST JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 1349 tf PUBLIC SALE Thursday, Sept. 10, 1914. One-half mile west of Cartwright S l.ool House, or four miles and one half west of Alhambra, on the Mari copa road, commencing at 10:30 sharp. Having decided to quit ranching, I will sell at Auction on the above date all of my personal property: 12 head of Horses. 2 milk cows, 2 calves. 121 laying hens, Rhode Island and Brown Leghorns, Ducks. Farming Implements. Free lunch at noon for everybody. Terms cash. J. t. MILLER. Owner. C. O. McMURTRY, Auct. C. A. WHITFIELD, Clerk, bs For Sale Real Estate DPS in the Salt River Valley to make money farming. On the old Bartlett-Heard ranch, 3V4 to 5 miles from the center of Phoenix, are a. few 5 to 20 acre tracts with very old water rights, to be sold off at a low price. This is the last opportunity to buy close-in farm land chca p. LAND IN GRAIN $85 AN ACRE, LAND IN ALFALFA $125 AN' ACRE. IT IS ALL FINE COTTON LAND. Easy terms, small payment i-ash, balance 10 years time at i per cent. This land cultivated to cotton can bo- made to pay out the second or third year, say the men who grow cotton there. Investigate this opportunity. Real Estate bd FOR SALE 40, 80 or 160 acres on easy terms. F. G. Wolfe, 3 miles north and miles west of Tolleson. bs FOR SALE Long list desirable city and valley property. See Morford, 15 E. Adams St. tf .. FOR SALE Well improved 6 acres, bungalow, fruit and alfalfa, sacrifice price, Thompson, 16 N. 1st Ave. tf Here is a separtor that will pay for have been THE RENFREW CREAM SEPARATOR READ THIS LETTER IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY The Renfrew Machinery Co., Ltd., e Renfrew, Out. Gentlemen: We have been using a "RENFREW" Cream Separator twice a day for nearly two years, and must say it 1ms Riven us entire satisfaction. It is well worth twice the money paid as compared with other makes. I consider it the best machine on the market. For close-skimming, easy running and little worry, it surpasses any I ever saw, and there are all kinds and makes around here. (Signed) ARCHIE 'DAVIDSON. PRATT-GILBERT distributors of the Renfrew Separator South Central Ave., Phoenix ED) For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Five acres, improved 2!i miles from l'hoenix, reasonable price. Lysander Cassidy, Administra tor. t)d FOR SALE Lot on north side; choice, built up residence section, ce ment sidewalk, building restrictions, not too fat out, but close car line; one block from paved street; lots adjoining selling $100 to $200 higher, price $550 and on your own terms. Can you beat this? Address 5745 Republi can, tf BARGAINS in residences; ranch and business property, improved or unim proved; houses to rent. W. K. JAMES, 40 North First St. tf FOR SALE BY OWNER Small pay ment down, cash or clear property, bal ance like rent, 80 acre dairy and hog ranch, fine Improvements, near Glen dale, on car line. Alfalfa tracts from 1 to 40 acres adjoining above. DR. JOHN A. LENTZ Cor. 1st Ave. & Adams St. tf FOR RAISING CHICKENS or gar den truck, secure this tract of 1 acres south of the capitol. Box 53G7 Repub lican, tf GALPIN & HAST ftEAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN ft HART tl North First Ave LOANS EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN New 3-room and 2-screen modern brick; close in; good location: $2250; $300 down, $2.1 a month. See Rehbein with Rarn'.iavd & Clement, 129-131 North First Ave.; phone 1121. tf For SALE Modern home m Chel sea Place, $5250.00. rhone 669. tf STOP RENT $100.00 Will Buy a dandy Home. 4 Room Pebble Dash House with Large Lot. All fenced. Good Chicken Park and Barn. Good part of town and only Block from car line. Better see this it once. Price $1200.00, $100.00 Down and $15.00 per Month. FRED JACOBS Empress Theater Bid., 40 E. Adams tt FOR SALE Desert relinquishment. R. D. 5 A. Mesa, tf ATTENTION, Mr. Speculator 40 acres alfalfa, 1 mile from city lim its; good house, fine well of water; just the place and just the time and just the location to divide into 2'4 nd 5 acre tracts, and just what you have been looking for. You can buy this at a price that will give jou the margin. Just drop in and talk it over. Exclusively with HEALY, CONRAD & CO. 37 South Central Ave. tf CHANCE FOR HOMESEEKERS to get a ranch with nothing to pay the first two or three years except taxes, interest, and prorata share irrigation water. A few tracts will be sold to experienced cotton or fruit growers on above easy terms. You are dealing with owner direct and there is only limited amount of land for sale. Write at once for full particulars. W. H. Reed, Avondale, Arizona. bg FOR SALE Small house, large lot, shade, 2 doz. chickens, 15 turkeys; price $1750.00. Reese Vaughn, care Natl. Bank of Ariz. 10-bs FIVE-ROOM MODERN BRICK house, almost new for $2800.00; also nice residence lots at reasonable pricm. Apply to owner at 837 N. 8th Ave. bm BY OWNER, 2 story cement block rooming house. 1320 on Indian School car line. 9-dd For Sale Houses WE HAVE SOME FINE MODERN HOUSES belonging to one interest which can be bought at auction prices. Easy terms if desired. Property Is in process of liquidation. See BUR ROUGHS. 42 W. Adams St. tf A GOOD BUY A fine home, close in on North 4th avenue, brick, modern, must be sold, monthly payments if de sired. See Burroughs. 42 W. Adams. tf itself by what it saves that you throwing away. COMPANY " For Sale Houses Selling realty our Specialty. Dwlght B. Heard's office. Central and Adams. tf FOR SALE A new five-room mod ern brick house, very close in, excel lent location, built-in features, a bar gain, small payment down and balance monthly. E. E. Pascoe, 302 North Cen tral avenue. tf FOR SALE Four room house. Two lots Near Eastlake Park. Terms or cheap for cash. Phone 2373. tf FURNITURE and lease of 8-room rooming house for sale. 122 N. 3rd st. bd HAVE YOU $2350.00 CASH TO IN VEST in a first class modern house on one of the Avenues north? Good shade and fruit, worth looking into. No agents. D. W. Davies, 320 North 5th Ave. bs FOR SALE Six-room modern brick, close to high and Monroe schools. If you want a bargain, see owner at 744 East Polk St. bg FOR SALE BY OWNER My. home, all furnished, lot 70x190, fine driving horse, buggy and harness thrown in, all for $1550.00. Why pay high rent when you can get a bargain like this. Phone 8377. It NEW BUNGALOWS That you will enjoy seeing. We take pleasure in showing them. H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams tf For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Wood and coal range with hot water tank; all nearly new. 1105 North Second St. Phone 1393. bb FOR SALE Standing flesk and chair: cheap. Phone 1093, or 4 West Adams. bb FOR SALK Gas range, first-class condition. 617 N. Second St., rear, bg BARGAIN in 2 h. p. motor, electric pulleys and shafting, belting, saddle, shoe cases and anything in otiv line; call and see us. Phoenix F'urniture Co., 327 West Washington St. tf COTTON PICK SACKS Get the right kind and the right prices at home; tents and camp outfits for rent Phoenix Tent & Awning Co., Cor. First and Monroe streets. Phone 1411. tf A BIG BARGAIN S'tudcbaker 30, 1913 model for sale. Car in excellent condition. S. Z. Earle, Mesa. tf FOR SALE 8x12 Job Press. A bargain Write or see Republican Job Shop ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE Phoenix, Arizona. tf AN HONEST DEAL In Buggies, Harness and Saddles Is why we sell so many. See us for second hand vehicles. COLLINGS VEH. & HAR. CO. 22-34 East Adams St. tf WE SELL YOU ANYTHING YOU NEED in the house or kitchen cheap for the cash; we also rent housekeeping, outfits or sell on easy terms; we want to buy, men's second-hand suits and shoes, etc. ARIZONA SUPPLY COMPANY 325-327 E. Washington St Phone 1476 tf NEW WHITE SEWING MACHINES cheap, $35.00 each, while they last; Style No. 35, rotary. Address Box 5708 Republican. dr Griswold's patent for leaky tires, 25c. ID JEasil Adkiaag Si FOR SALE Several second-hand motorcycles at prices to suit Phoe nix Cycle Co., 133 North Central Ave. tf FOR SALE CHEAP Golden oak buffet, childs high chair, childs pony saddle. Apply at 808 W. Jefferson St bs RUBBER STAMPS, 15c up. Phoenix Stamp Works, Irvine Blk. bs PEARS PEARS We have 3 car loads of the best can ning pears in the valley, 2 cents per lb. at ranch, 2c delivered in Phoenix after September 15th. We are booking orders for future delivery. HALL BROS. 5' miles S. W. of Phoenix bs "See Marvin First" HINZE PLAYER PIANO, $550.00 Marvin's Music House. 2nd Ave, and, Washington,. tf For Sale Miscellaneous yWWWMAs . , A STORE WITH A CONSCIENCE We Invite You to Let Us Prove It. Economical Buyer Will Save Here. X X X X KITCHEN CABINETS, with glass toiis, from $10 to $35. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Trunks in town, from $2.50 to $20. NEW NO. 7 COOK STOVES, from $7 to $14. NO. 8 COOK STOVES, f.'ora $8 to $20 RANGES, from $13 to $75. COFFEE URN, Platform Scales, Na tional Cash Register. LARGE REFRIGERATOR, suitable for hotel or store. PIANO, regular $450; our price $175; good as new. rLAYER PIANO, good as new; ori ginal price $800, music $50; our price J450. 7-PIKCE ALUMINUM SET, consist ing of Tea Kettle, Rice Boiler, a six cup Coffee Pe.-colator, a Berlin Kettle, two Stew Kettles with drip per, Special price, $8.50. STANDARD FURNITURE CO. A 237-239 W. WASH. ST. PHONE 1551 X X X X It FOR SALE Nice piano, party leav ing town. Phone 8849. bd FOR SALE Whitemountain refrige rator, body Brussels rug, iron bed and cots. Call 706 North Fifth St. bb FOR SALE 8-ft. refrigerator show case for grocery or meat market. T. J. Coston. Creighton BIdg., Phone 1181. tf RIVERSIDE PARK and FOR HIRE auto signs for sale at Republican of fice, tf FOR SALE Room and meals, in fine close in San Diego Hotel at liberal discount See A. G. Smith, 331 E. Wash. tf FOR SALE A Ford taxicab, in first class condition; has been run only S months. Apply 1017 E. Culver St t( FOR SALE At big discount ac comodation, room, or housekeeping apartment in close in Los Angeles Hotel, high class. Phone Pierson at 4 p. m. any day. Phone 422. tf FOR MANURE FOR LAWNS call 8554. tf FOR SALE Auto trucks. Two sec ond-hand auto trucks very cheap, both of one thousand pound capacity. M. L. Naquin, state agent Velie automo bile, 326-328-330 North Central Ave. FOR SALE Studebaker 35 auto with electric light and starter, late model, just like new, used very little, will sac rifice for $800 cash. Address P. O. Box tf TALBOTS ANT EXTERMINATOR .25 .50 $1.00 Guaranteed by PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. Jefferson St tf PART OF SET of carpenter's tools for sale. 755 E. Adams. bs FOR SALE CHEAP A Long's pop corn crispette machine complete. Add. A. C. Huff. P. O. Box 133. bs FRUITS AND PRODUCTS sold heap, handle poultry, grain and hay. Phoenix Fruit & Produce Co., 119-123 W. Jefferson St. Tel 1402. tf FOR SALE Ford touring car, in first-class condition. Box 5784 Repub lican. " bb For SALE Feterita in the head. Phone Armstrong 211J11. Tip FIVE-PASSENGER STUDEBAKER or sale, good condition, at reduced irice for quick sale. Phone 2113 or call 423 West Fillmore. bb Vnn KAT.F 40 H P Ruffle touring car, $350.00. Box 603 P. O. City. bb In first class condition. If you want a good car see this. PHONE 1039. Amh Sosppflj C 226 North Seventh Avenue. tf SEPTEMBER Plant this Month Wheat Peas Onion Sets Barley Beets Lettuce Rye Potatoes Spinach Onion Seed Oats Turnips Grass Seed Carrots Radish Cabbage Seed Beans Cauliflower Seed Celery Plants ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. tf For Sale Live Stock AN EXTRA GOOD BURRO. Call 28J3. lbd FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. In quire corner Tempe road and Asylum road. bd FOR SALE Two Holstein bulls, 1 registered, 1 grade. Bicknell Dairy. bd FOR SALE Thoroughbreds English Fox Terriers, five months old; also thoroughbred Bloodhound pups. Cor. 7th Ave and McDowell Road. bb FOR SALE Two cows, been fresh short time, first class dairy stock. Jess Hunter, R. F. D. No. 6, 3 miles north of Alhambra Brick Yard. bb FOR SALE At a sacrifice, about 1000 head of Angora goats well bred up and an abundance of good range and plenty of water. I. L. Jackson, Prescott, Ari zona. 9-bd FOR PALE Very fine dairy cows. Phone Rural 118J4. tf FOR SALE Span matched mules, cheap for cash. R. D. 5 A. Mesa, tf FOR SALE Dairy cows In numbers to suit, 35 young heifers; also milk route and wagon. Phone 2553. Nov inger rncb tf For Sale Live Stock RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf FOR SALE Young bay team, weight 2500 pounds. Phil Mets, Mesa. tf For Sale Eggs and Poultry FOR SALE 2 dozen Barred Rock pullets and 2 Barred Rock cocks. We buy and sell poultry of all kinds, alive and dressed. Poultry Supply House, 446 W. Washington. Phone 1003. tf For Sale or Exchange FOR TRADE Corner lot 50x140 tf., close in, to trade for 5-passenger au tomobile. Call 21 N. 1st Ave. bb WANTED TO TRADE good work mare weight 1200 to 1300 for saddle horse or young unbroken horse and milch cow. Phone 8565 or 2155 N. Central Ave. bb FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acre proven up ranch in the heart of Paradise valley, perfectly level and the best soil under the sun, new 4-room frame house, stable and chicken cor ral, 20 acres under cultivation; will trade for house and lot in Phoenix. Exclusive with Fred A. Dibble, Sid Henry's office. 15 N. 1st Ave. tf WE BUY, SELL & EXCHANGE anything, anywhere. McCausland Business Exchange 130 N. Central Ave. tf WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for my equity of $170.00 on 3-room house with good wire fence. Price $800.00, rented to permanent tenant; will trade stock. Call early morning or afternoon. 1016 Grand Ave. hd FOR TRADE Two-year-old drau colt for milk cow; a Telan D. colt for house painting. M. H. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. Horses can be seen at Acre City, 3 miles Van Buren road, tf FOR EXCHANGE Two five-acre tracts, both well improved, orchard, modern houses, barns, etc., will ex change for dwellings in town. Forty acres all in alfalfa, four miles out, for houses and lots in city. Twenty-five acres close in, for house and lot. Two houses well located, modern for unimproved acre age. Seven A 1 vacant lots for twenty to forty acres, im proved. Twelve lots for small ranch, or will consider one acre, must be well improved. $13,500 industrial property for modern residence property. Choice fruit ranches in Colo rado for stock or hog ranch in valley. Wanted to rent six or seven room house. ST. CLAIR REALTY CO. 18 South Central Ave. Phone 1138 tf For Rent Houses 5-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnisheJ with garage, on North Central Ave., close to the Annex. Will give lease to healthy adults if wanted. Remember you don't get it every day. See Bal sum. 33 West Washington. p THREE-ROOM HOUSE, new and modern conveniences. Apply 607 S. 2nd St. bb TWO-ROOMED, gas, electricity, bath, free water, $10 monthly. 912 Grand Ave. 10-r FOR RENT New modern 4-room pebble dashed house, bath, electricity, with range, on Brill St., block from car line. Phone 8311 J. T. Bowles. bk FOR RENT Five-room house, part ly furnished, gas, bath, shade. 740 E. Portland St. bb MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, 2 screen porches: can be used as double bouse, good shade, barn. 310 N. 5th Ave. Phone 8661. tf FOR RENT Cottage; also house, good shade. Phone 8193. 10-g TOURISTS We have that house you want McCausland Business Exchange 130 N. Central Ave. tf FOR RENT Five-room in Univers ity Addition. Call at 15 E. Washington St. tf NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, with all built-in features, very desir able; health adults only. Inquire 346 N. 4 th Ave. tf FOR RENT A desirable 4-room cot tage. 917 E. McKinley. bs FIVE-ROOM HOUSE on North Sec ond street, just north of Republican office; $25 per month. Inquire at Re publican office. tf THE BIDE-A-WEE COTTAGES, having been thoroughly overhauled and improved are now open for tenants. The shadiest and most delightful tour ist resort in vicinity of Fhoenix. Park road or 16th St., near Roosevelt. Phone 8K45. tf For Sale Groceries Altai P10SPECTO1S Friend FiGmiifa If you want to save money buy your groceries at Fmmk reM IIS W. Washington St Phone 1501 Vfrgs wante J U For $2500.00 We can sell you a new, thoroughly home near the beautiful Capitol Grounds. A small payment down is all that is required to give vou possession of this home, and the rest like rent. 'At the end of a year you will have something beside rent receipts. E J. Bennitt & Co. Phone For Rent Furnished Houses "i-'Sv,yvv-w,vv-MrrruAJ NEW HOUSE, elegantly furnished, large screen bed room and porch. Phone 1236. bm NICE TWO-ROOM COTTAGE, screen sleeping room, suitable for 2; no sick taken. 1401 E. Washington. bm FOR RENT Six-room brick, all fur nished, $35.00. Call 1510 W. Pierce. bm ONE-ROOM TENT HOUSE, furn ished. 218 E. Adams. i)d FOR RENT Elegantly furnishe'd, modern house, 6 rooms; also 2 screen rooms. 85 W. Willetta St., $75.00 per month. - jr SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, screen porch, $35.00 for summer, $40.00 for winter. Apply 1812 W. Monroe. Phone 1127 Box 5761 Republican. bb 4-ROOM furnisher! rnltapp- nn cir.L- or children taken. 612 N. Third ave. bd FOR RENT Good Houses for Rent. Furnished and Unfurnished at Reasonable Rents See JOHNSTON 17 West Adams. tf Rooms and Board GOOD BOARD and room for $6.00 per week at 613 North Central. bg Apartments SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT in new house. 1229 East Adams St., one block from car line. Phone 8071. bk THREE LARGE ROOM APART MENT, modern, $16.00. Apply 717 East Washington. tid STACY HOTEL Modern apartments and rooms, every convenience. Cor. 2nd Ave. and W. Jefferson Sts. tf THE ARIZONA The modern and up-to-date apartments in the city at the most reasonable price. 1001 N. 3rd St. Cor. Roosevelt. 10 p FOR RENT Furnished three and four-room apartments, with screened porches at 623 W. Adams St. Phone 668. ' tf THE BLENHEIM APARTMENTS New, modern high class apartments, completely furnished. Hot and cold water, steam heat; janitor service; private screen porches and private telephones. Apartments to accommo date two, four or six people. 911 N. Central Ave. Phone 92; ask for Branch 55. tf THE GRIMSHAW Apartments, 390 N. 4th Ave. Just completed; in finest location; 4-room apartments, unfur nished, with bath, solar heater, hot and cold water, steam heat Strictly up-to-date. 10-m FOR RENT Houses, apartment1?, rooms; furnished and unfurnished; ev ery size, every' price. H. H. Major, 18 W. Adams. tf THE MARSH APARTMENTS Close in, the finest location. Most completely furnished apartments and single room. Rates as reasonable as any in the city. Fine shade, screen ed porches, no sick, no children. Phone 2726. W. A. Reed, 341-347 N. 4th Ave. tf HARTMAN APARTMENTS, furn ished and unfurnished, exclusive in ev ery respect, every room an outside room; ideal location. 605 N. 4th Ave. bl CLOSE-IN, modern, furnished house keeping apartments. 316 East Van Bu ren. bb Rooms and Board THE NEW WOODFORD HOTEL and dining room, furnished new and up-to-date. Popular rates. Mrs. Fred UUman, Prop., 333 North 2nd Ave. tf THE BOWER First-class rooms and board, screen rooms. 621 B. Mon roe, tf For Rent Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Large front room, fur- nished, bath adjoining, private en- trance. 423 West Fillmore. bb $1600 To Loan On improved real estate, City or Country. GREENE & GRIFFIN Phone 709 127 N. Central Ave. 1618 N. Center Street 481 For Rent Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Nicely furnished screen room, no sick. 519 N. 3rd St tf FOR-RENT 3 furnished roims $15.00 2 " " $11.00 2 " " $15.00 2 " " $18.00 3 " " $20.00 3 " " $14.00 3 " " $18.00 3 furnished house $12.00 4 " " $15.00 2 " " $14.00 3 " " $16.00 2 " " $15. no 11 room house unfurnished $40 00 4 " " " $15.00 4 " , " $15.00 5 " " " $30.00 4 " " " $15.00 2 " " $12.00 6 " " " $30.00 HEALY', CONRAD CO. 37 S. Central Ave. tt WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 North 1st street new, modern, no sick taken. tf Union Hotel. 618 W. Wash, Rms. 50. tf FOR RENT Daintily furnished front room in private family, all mod ern conveniences, close in. 702 North First street. tf SPLENDID ROOM in splendid lo cation, no sick. 361 N. 1st Ave. tf THE ADALADE South 5th street, at Washington: just built, furnished new, large reading room, screen porch, running water, rooms for bridal couples, open on street; low rates. Weeklv $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up. dg NICELY FURNISHED front room, walking distance. Gentleman only. Phone 2648 after 6 P. M. bb SWELL FURNISHED ROOMS, ideal location; also light housekeeping suite. 508 North Central Ave. Phone 8335. tf BEAUTIFUL ROOMS with screen sleeping rooms. 368 North First Ave. tr WEST END HOTEL All new rooms 50 ents and up, cots 25c. special rates by week or month. Cor. 7th Ave. and Washington St tf ST. FRANCIS HOTEL Nicely fur nished rooms, modern 27 E. Monroe. 10-p FOR RENT EVERYTHING THAT IS FOR RENT. A CAR READY' TO TAKE Y'OU TO IT. H. H. MAJOR. 18 W. Adams. Phone 1504. tf STORE ROOM, 20x30, with 3 living rooms and bath in the rear: next to Adams street school. 710 W. Adams. Phone S611. tf ELEGANTLY FURNISHED front room, connected with bath; private entrance; close in; cool and comfort able; just the place for a busy man who must be close to business dis trict; only $20.00. 367 North First Ave. tf NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, in shady place, close in and reasonable. 341 West Adams St. tf ALTURAS HOTEL. 233 E. Wash ington; cleanest, coolest, most rea sonable rooms in city; 50c, 75c, $1 day; $2.50, $3. $3.50 week. tf LODGING ROOMS, for men only, no sick. 320 N. 4th Ave. tt THE Y'AVAPAI Furnished rooms, large and cool, rates reasonable. 376 N. 3 Ave. 10-g FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, near high school; block from Monroe school. 139 N. 6th st. Phone SS03. 10-m For Rent Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Four modern house keeping rooms and screen sleeping porch, well furnished; no sick or chil dren. 705 N. First St. bg THREE NICE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, electricity, gas. Dam, etc. Screened sleeping room, porch. 421 N. 6 St. tt Hire a little salesman at The Re- publican office. A Want Ad will see more customers than you can.