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PAGE EIGHT TnE,AIONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY fORXTXG, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914 I iLJL J J j J) S if II ' j 5 CLASSiriED WANT ADVERTISING One Gent a Word Auctions TAYLOR & BIEHL Auction Hou REGULAR SALES B.very Wednesday and Saturday If you want to sell your good bring them to us TATLOR A BIEHL, AUCTIONEERS 47 WEST JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 1349 ' tf AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, SEPT. 17. 4 miles west of Phoenix on the lower Buckeye mad, half mile west of Hall Brns. truit ranch. Having decided to leave the valley, I will sell on the above date all of my personal property and st-M'k. commencing at 10:30 sharp. 100 head ( stock, 14 head Al dairy cows, Holstein, Durham and Jerseys, fresh and coming fresh: 23 head calves, 2 to 6 months old, .well marked Holsteins; 35 head 2 and 3-year old steers, all de horned, extra good; 17 head Holstein heifers, IS months to 2-year-old, com ing fresh; 1 Holstein high bred bull, 3-yonr-old; 1 fwiir bay- mares, weight 2100,' 6-year-old with colts by side; 1 4-year-oM gelding, good single and double: 1 sorrel horse, 9 years old, all rurpose animal; 50 laying hens, 50 tur keys. 5 pullets; Beatrice cream sep arator, good as new, 900 capacity; 2 sets d-mble work harness, 2 sets single harness, stock feeding wagon, two wheeled cart; household goods, beds, dressers, commodes, table, chairs, rockers, couches, stove, carpets, kitchen utensils and hundreds of oth-t-r nrtielii?.' too numerous to mention. Free lunch'iat noon for everybody. Terms of sale. cash. ..-.:..r I...ZALINSKY, Owner C. O. McMURTRY, Auctioneer. - C. A. WHITFIELD, Clerk. 13 N. 1st Ave. Phone 661 ' ' " bn ..AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, Sept. 18 2. miles north of Phoenix on 7th Ave. on the J. W. Dorris ranch. Commenc ing at 1:30 sharp: I will sell the fol lowing property at auction; 1 hay baler, horse power press; 1 hay baler. gasoline press, complete, good as iew, 1 farm wagon, buggy, 2 mowing ma chines, 2 bay rakes, 2 plows drags, discs, 3 sets work harness, gang plow, starker, 2 scrapers, scales, 12 forks, tappons, 2 buck rakes, spring tooth cul tivator, and all kinds of small tools; 50 tons . alfalfa hay;' chickens and turkeys. TERMS CASH. J. W. DORRIS, Owner C. O. McMURTRY, Auctioneer. . . bp FURNITURE SALE Having sold my house and lot at No. 34.r N. 5th Ave. I will sell at auction Thursday Sept. 17th at 1:30 o'clock, the contents of a -room house and other furniture to be sent in; everything good as new, all to go without limit. B. W. GETSINGER 16 E. Adams bn For Sale Real Estate feet, near car line, worth $1000, located owner offers this lot 10 days only. Get Loans and Ins. SUSfilS br FOR SALE Desert relinquishment R. D. E A. Mesa. tf FOR SALE-iT-North of Phoenix 10 or 20 acres in alfalfa," also acre tract with 4-roomed house, near car line, also 20 or 40 acre ranch near Peoria. Box 5732, Republican. I: bn FOR RAISING CHICKENS or gar den truck, secure this tract of m acres south of the capltoL Box 6367 Repub lican, tf FOR SALE Relinquishment on 320 acres level land, with fine bored and cased well of soft water. Ten miles from railroad, Situated In big level valley, ideal stock range; price $2000.00. Address 702 N. 7th Ave., PJjoenlx. br .100x177 $750 cash, northeast; at price busy! Real Estate A man wants the best he 'eari 6'iiy for his money That's why we say,, buy'" ' '' LION FENCING STRONG DURABLE' ft'UST PROOF SAG PROOF:: rt.iii. Fage LION Fencing is made for every Fencing Purpose, and one -of , the biggest things in favor of' JUQU-tJClkG is the KNOT that WON'T . SHE.-r.,lf constructed so as to hold the ..wifas .without cutting and is the reason fqr- long service of LION FENCING. We have this Fencing for every fencing need. Write us for descriptive cir cular. ... STOCK CORRAL FENCING HOG FENC ING POULTRY FENCING BARB WIRE, ETC. PRATT-GILBERT CO. DISTRIBUTORS. PHOENIX. For Sale Real Estate BARGAINS in residences; ranch and business property, Improved or unim proved; bouses to rent. W. K. JAMES. 40 North First St. tf Buy Kenilworth lots for your future home. Best location. ( Easy Terms S. W. B. & I. CO. 17 W. Adams St. bn , FOR SALE Five, acres on north Central avenue, small house, good well, all in alfalfa. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Sid -Henry's office, 15 N. First Ave. tf SMALL COW-RANGE with fine body of about five hundred acres rich bottom land suitable for irrigation, plenty of water either by gravity or pump. More than sufficient wood on bottom land to pay for clearing and improving. Eighteen miles from rail road. Ideal stock ranch. Address C. W. M. McKee's Cash Store. br 4 AC! Cleat Mafa Northeast of Phoenix, fenced in 5 fields, 4-room frame bun galow with two screen porches, well of good water 102 feet deep. Gasoline Engine and all farming implements in cluded. Price $10,000 will ex change, equity of $3000 for other property or property in Denver or California. PwbIM B, Heard Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ratal mi AdluiMg bp A NICE DAIRY RANCH OF 20 ACRES, part in alfalfa, fenced and cross fenced, 4 miles from Phoe nix; 3 small houses, large barn, good well of water; class A land; with the following Items: 1 team of 6-year-old mares 1 wagon. 2 sets of harness, 1 plow, 1 cultivator, 1 new milk separa ton 2 fillies, 1 bay gelding, 1 harrow, 1 disc harrow, a few chickens, 2 hogs. milk cans, palls, a lot of small tools. Price of land with the above mentioned items, $4400, $1900 cash, balance 2 years with 6 per cent interest. There are 24 milch cows that are rented go with this place. Exclusively with HEALEY -CONRAD & CO. 37 S. Center tf BARGAIN HUNTERS take notice. 20 acres, A class land, 4 miles north, $3600, $2100 cash, balance 3 years. See Johnston, 17 West Adams. tf FOR SALE Lot on north side; choice, built up residence section, ce ment sldewaw, building restrictions, not too far out, but close car line; one' block from paved street; lots adjoining selling $100 to $200 higher, price $550 and on your own terms. Can you beat this? Address 5745 Republi can. - . tf GALPIN ft HART REAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN A HART It North First Ar LOAMS 1 iWSMW' W m For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE CHEAP By owner, lot 50 by 185, good shade, water, electricity, near Indian School, only 2 blocks from 2 car lines. Box 5787 Republican, tf For Sale Houses FOR SALE BY OWNER Seven room house, close in and good part of city. Snap for somebody; must be sold within a week. H. K. Thompson, 347 N. 5 Ave. bp ' FOR SALE Small house, large lot, shade, 2 doz. chickens, 15 turkeys; price $1750.00. Reese Vaughn, care Natl. Bank of Ariz. 10-bs FOR SALE Watch Phoenix Grow, room house, garage, chicken corral. large lot 61x139, partly furnished, $800 takes, will make terms; 14-room brick house, furnished, coming business property, 7500, will take some in trade, acre lots In Acre City with alfalfa, $500, $25 cash, $10 per month;-any one pay ing $150 cash, we will build for them. M. H. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. tf FOR SALE 811 N. 5th St., five- room house; 810 N. 6th St., 6-room house; 818 N. 6th St., 5-room house; all brick splatter dash, new and strictly modern, within 8 minutes walk of the post office, small cash payment, bal ance easy terms. See Owner, A. H. Callison, 1219 W. Monroe St. tf FOR SALE! A new ftve-room mod ern brick house, very close in, excel lent location, built-in features, a bar gain, small payment down and balance monthly. E. E. Pascoe, 302 North Cen tral avenue. tf WE HAVE SOME FINE MODERN HOUSES belonging to one interest which can be bought at auction prices. Easy terms if desired. Property is In process of liquidation. See BUR ROUGHS. 42 W. Adams St tf A GOOD BUY A fine home, close In on North 4th avenue, brick, modern, must be sold, monthly payments If de sired. See Burroughs. 42 W. Adams. tf FOR SALE Four room house. Two lots' Near Eastlake Park. Terms or che-ip for cash. Fhone 2373. tf FOR SALE Our beautiful new 5 room brick home built with all of the latest improvements, located 720 East McKinley; I will sell this place or. a small payment and at a sacri fice; if you are in the mavket and want a bargain, don't wait; call to day, tf SMALL HOMES with lot or acreage. Special inducement in close-in acres where we build to suit buyer. H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams. tf MAKE YOUR HOME BUY ITSELF We have for sale a two family house, the other family's rent will pay your's and all expenses. Exceptional bargain on 100 ft. corner lot, well located, northeast. $2750 Easy terms BARNHARD & CLEMENT Phone 1121 129-131 N. 1st Ave. tf BY OWNER, rooming house, car line. 2 story cement block 1320 on Indian School -dd FOR SALE Modern nome in Chel sea Place, $5250.00. Phone 669. tf A BARGAIN SEE IT 4-Room Modern "New" Bath, Gas, Electricity, China Closet Kitchen Cabinet, Garage, Well Fenced North, Near Good School and Car Line Lot Facing Two Streets Can Build Another House $1500, Cash $300, Balance Easy Ask for "Egg Gates" Phone 1093 With J. S.. Griffin, 4 W; Adams ' bp Owner Wants to Sell. Listen to Me "4-Room Gray Pressed Brick Full Front Porch, North Near School and Car Line New ?iever occupied Hard yood Efloors, Bath and -I Ejleqtricity. Built-in Bfcok Case, China Closet, Fire Place ' Kitchen Cabinet Laundry Tubs Quick Sale $1800, Cash $200 'V Balance $20 Month. See It iApk for Egg Gates, Phone 1093 w iltt J. S. Griffin No. 4 West Adams V, :-bP For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE: One rubber tired buggy and harness, co $225. New now for $75.00. See it Call at 327 West Washington St. tf RIVERSIDE PARK and FOR HIRE auto signs for sale at Republican of fice., tf FOR SALE At big discount ac comodation, room, or housekeeping apartment in close In Los Angeles Hotel, high class. Phone Pierson at p. m. py day. Phone 422, For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Between 30 and 40 tons first class hay in the stack. 7 miles northeast. J. Q. A. King, Phone 3 R 4. bp FOR SALE) Gang plow, almost new, or wilt trade. O. J.- Thrift. Phone 15 R 2. . i fls FOR SALE: Ford touring car, In ex cellent condition, used only few months. Address Box 614. bn OFFICE FURNITURE, typewriter. Phone 1798, mornings. br FOR SALE DeLaval separator; also oil stove, both good as new. A. B. Perry ranch near Alhambra. bn SURREY AND HARNESS CHEAP. Address Box 5791 Republican. bn FOR SALE: Room and meals. In fine close in San Diego Hotel at liberal discount See A. O. Smith, 331 E. Wash. tf SINGER SEWING MACHINE for sale cheap. 367 North 1st Ave. . tf AUTO TRUCK,.- light high wheels, solid tires engine all right; cheap. 1618 E. Washington. br FOR SALE Five-passenger Molme good condition; price $400.00. Phone 8311. ds FOR SALE A Ford taxicab, In first class condition; has been run only S months. Apply 1017 E. Culver St tt FRUITS AND PRODUCTS sold cheap, handle poultry, grain and hay. Phoenix Fruit & Produce Co., 119-123 W. Jefferson St. Tel. 1402. tf "See Marvin First" HINZE PLAYER PIANO, $550.00 Marvin's Music House. 2nd Ave. and Washington. tf NEW ROTOSPEED, duplicating ma chine for sale at a bargain; also No. 4 Oliver typewriter. McCausland Busi ness Exchange. 130 N. Central Ave. tf FOR MANURE FOR LAWNS call 8554. tf FOR SALE Studebakcr 35 auto with electric light and starter, late model, Just like new, used very little, will sac rifice for $800 cash. Address P. O. Box 522 tf FOR SALE Auto trucks. Two second-hand auto trucks very cheap, both of one thousand pound capacity. M. L. Naquin, state agent Velie automo bile, 326-328-330 North Central Ave, TALBOTS ANT EXTERMINATOR .25 .60 $1.00 Guaranteed by PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. Jefferson St tf FOR SALE Feterita in the head. Phone Armstrong 211J11. . bp In first class condition. If you want a good car see this. PHONE 1039. Fk Piisift AiS Sippty C. 226 North Seventh Avenue. tf SEPTEMBER Plant this Month Wneat Peas Onion Seta Barley Beets Lettuce Rye Potatoes Spinach Onion Seed Oats Turnips Grass Seed Carrots Radish Cabbage Seed . . Beans Cauliflower Seed Celery Plants ARIZONA SEED COMPANY 137 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. tf Griswold'a patent for leaky tires, 25c. IB lEast Adliw St. AN HONEST DEAL In Buggies, Harness and Saddles Is why we sell so mamy. See us for second hand vehicles. COLLINGS VEH. & HAR. CO. 22-34 East Adams St tf NEW WHITE SEWING MACHINES cheap, $35.00 each, while they last; Style No. 35, rotary. Address Box 6708 Republican. dr COTTON PICK SACKS Get the right kind and - the right prices at home; tents and camp outfits for rent Phoenix Tent & Awning Co., Cor. First and Monroe streets. Phone 1411. tf FOR BALE 1x12 Job Press. A bargain Write or see Republican Job Shoo ARIZONA REPUBLICAN OFFICE Phoenix, Arizona. tf o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o o o "ALWAYS THE BEST" o o "ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST" o o IF WE CAN'T PROVE IT o o YOU DON'T NEED TO BUY o Oooooo. 0000 Just received two carloads of dressers, chiffoniers, wash stands,, solid oak with French bevel mirrors. We had to buy this quantity to get the price and reduction In freight rates. Dressers from $7.50 up Chiffoniers from $7.50 up Washstands $5.50. Large Arm Rockers with cobbler seats and cane seats, $3.00. - " ' i Sideboards from $8.00 up. 1 Kitchen Cabinets with glass tops, from $10 up. . Every other article for the .home. , . Phone 1551 237-239 W. Washington 0 0 o o 0 i o o 0 0 0 THE STANDARD FURNITURE o o COMPANY o "As the Name Implies" o The Standard of Quality, Work- o o manship and Modernism o In; Every Article In Our Store o 0 o o o 0-0 o o DO mm W For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE1 Several aecond-hand motorcycles at prices to suit Phoe nix Cycle Co., 133 North Central Ave. tf : For Sale Live Stock - TWO GOOD MILK COWS 7 miles northeast J. Q. A. King, Phone 3R4. - . bp . FOR SALE; Young well bred driv ing horse. Cheap for cash. Box 5796 Republican. ' dd FIVE THOROUGHBRED DURAC Jersey gilts, size and age to breed now; priced right. M. E. Wood, 1 mile southwest Glendale. Phone 423. br : FOR SALE: Dairy cows In numbers to suit 35 young heifers; also milk route and wagon. Phone 2B5S. Nov Inger ranch. tf FOR SALE; Cattle and range. See Morford, 15 East Adams St. ' tf j RING 414 for reliable messenger service. tf GOOD GENTLE MARE for sae', suitable for surrey, weight 1300 lbs. 101 West Jefferson. bp FOR FALE Very fine dairy cows. Phone Rural 118J4. tf FOR SALE Span matched mules, cheap for cash. R.D.EA. Mesa. tf For Sale Eggs and Poultry FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Buff Rock Cockerels. 817 N. 8th Ave.: bp WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of poultry, both live and dressed. Give us your orders for future delivery on day old chicks. Poultry Supply House. 446 W. Washington. Phone 1003. tf WANTED Fryers, Thursday and Friday. 1030 East Moreland. Phone 8997. bp For Sale or Exchange BUSINESS PROPERTY $40 a month income Leased for 2 years $3000 clear Will trade for Improved 10 acres See Kalfus for Trades with -' J. S. GRIFFIN ALONE Phcne 1093 4 W. Adams bn WANTED TO EXCHANGE Two modern bungalows in an OKLA HOMA town of about 11.000 for PHOE NIX RESIDENCE. Phone 1859. bn FOR EXCHANGE Equity in pro perty; suitable for residence or ren tal. Phone 713. tf I HAVE GOT 4 LOTS TO TRADE for span of mules or team of horses, or cows. ' See Barnard ST. CLAIRE REALTY CO. 28 S. Center tf AVE HAVE 40 acres of the best soil with improvements to exchange for 10 acres improved. Phoenix Trust Com pany, 16 West Adams street. bp FOR EXCHANGE Five-room brick house well loated, for small ranch. Box 648 Republican. dd FOR TRADE Two-year-old draft colt for milk cow; a Telan D. colt for house painting. M. H. Shelton, 215 W. Washington. Horses can be seen at Acre City, 3 miles Van Buren road, tf FOR EXCHANGE Seven year lease and furniture. ONE OF THE BEST APARTMENT HOUSES In San Diego, California FOR Improved or unimproved farm land FRED JACOBS Empress Theater Building, 40 East Adams tf HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLE, good as new. See Steward, 17 W. Adams St. bn FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 8 acres, good 4-room house, bearing orchard, shade, farming implements, team mules, harness, cow, chickens. furniture. Will consider good house and lot well located. ST. CLAIR REALTY CO. 18 South Center tf For Sale Grocerier MKE1S ' P10SPECT01S If you want to savs moisy fcuy your gTocsrtci at Firiiilk reiiM lit W. Washington St . Phone 1501 legs wanted tl For Rent Houses FIVE ROOM HOUSE Sleeping porch partly furnished $15. Inquire East Washington, bp WE HAVE Phoenix City and Country property to trade for Long Beach or San Pedro property E J. Bennitt & Co. Phone For Rent Houses W r I FOR RENT A six-room flat, very close in with front rooms, suitable for doctors office or studio; can sublet rooms conveniently; strictly modern in every respect and is only one block from postoffice. 235 W. Monroe St. br FOR RENT Four-room house, good shade $12 Tel. 8877. bp BRICK HOUSE St. -331 W. Buchanan bn NEW ITVE-ROOMED unfurnished bungalow, built-in features, most up-to-date in the city; healthy adults only. 350 N. 4 th Ave. tf TWO-ROOMED, gas, electricity, bath, free water, $10 monthly. 912 Grand Ave. 10-r FOR RENT Five-room in Univers ity Addition. Call at 15 E. Washington St tf . FURNISHED and unfurnished houses for rent. KINNEY & THRIFT, 35 E. Adams. tf 4- Room Frame, W. Jackson, $15 per m. 5- Room Bungalow, N. 7th St, $35 per m. DR. JOHN A. LENTZ Cor. 1st Ave. & Adams St tf UNFURNISHED 3-ROOM HOUSE, new and modern conveniences. Apply 607 South 2nd St. bn FIVE-ROOM HOUSE on North Sec ond street, Just north of Republican office; $25 per month. Inquire at Re publican office. tf FOR RENT Cottage; also house, good shade. Phone 8193. 10-g THE B1DE-A-WEE COTTAGES, having been thoroughly overhauled and improved are now open for tenants. The shadiest and most delightful tour ist resort in vicinity of Phoenix. Park road or 16th St., near Roosevelt Phone 8645. tf Apartments HARTMAN APARTMENTS Strict ly modern; for rooms and bath unfurn ished, reasonable rent, including phone, water and gas range with all built-Fn features; ideal location. 605 North 4th Ave. dg FOR RENT Modern apartment, private bath and screen sleeping porch. 440 W. Washington. dg THREE ROOMS One block of post office, modern, 353 North First Ave. bp FOR RENT An ideal 3-room apart ment, nicely furnished and modern at 615 North First street. No sick nor children. bn FOR RENT Completely furnished modern, three-room apartments, bath, hot water, screened sleeping porch. Inquire 222 W. Adams. tf FURNISHED APARTMENT. 4 large rooms, bath, gas, and electricity; very reasonable rates. 903 West Madison. bn THE GRIMSHAW Apartments, 390 N. 4th Ave. Just completed; in finest location; 4-room apartments, unfur nished, with bath, solar heater, hot and cold water, steam heat Strictly up-to-date. 19-m THE ARIZONA The modern and nn-to-data apartments in the citv at the most reasonable price. 1001 N. 3rd St. Cor. Roosevelt See owner 128 W. Adams. 10-P FOR RENT Furnished three and four-room apartments, with screened porches at 623 W. Adams St Phone 668. tf THE BLENHEIM APARTMENTS New, modern high class apartments, completely furnished. Hot and cold water, steam heat; janitor service; private screen porches and private telephones. Apartments to accommo date two, four or six people. 911 N. Central Ave. Phone 92; ask for Branch 55. tf For Rent Furnished Houses 3-ROOM HOUSE Furnished elec tricity, and gas, 755 East Adams, tf BIG BUYS FOR Vz ACRES close to town. Fine stand of alfalfa. $100 down, balance to suit. Price $600. $750 BARGAIN. Three room well-built adobe house and lot, fine shade. $150 down, $15 month. NEW HOUSE. Just finished. One of the few houses that has high grade work ond good material in its construction. Corner . lot on the car line. Cement walks, steps and porch. Modern bath room. Solar heat er. Brick plaster finish. Price $2500. Terms, $250 down, $25 month. 100x245. On the car line and all in alfalfa. Price $500. Terms, $50 down and $15 per month. Phone 709. Greene & 1618 N. Center Street 481 For Rent Furnished Houses SIX and TWO ROOM Bungalows Furnished. Near Car Line, 209 Vir ginia avenue. Phone 1298. ds ONE OF THE MOST ELEGANT homes in the city, completely furnished H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams tf 3-ROOM FURNISHED No sick, 723 East Washington. br 6-ROOM HOUSE nicely furnished. Modern near high school also 3-room furnished house. Apply 401 East Washington. Phone 1744. bn NEW HOUSE and new half house; close in; elegantly and newly furn ished, every convenience. Phone 1296. db FOP. RENT Three rooms, nicely furnished; good location and shade. Call 9 South 13th avenue. br ONE-ROOM TENT HOUSE, ished. 218 E. Adams. furn bp FURNISHED HOUSE; also apart ment and bed room. Phone 2698. p FOR RENT Elegantly furnishe'd, modern house, 6 rooms; also 2 screen rooms. 85 W. Willetta St., $75.00 per month. tf FOR RENT Good Houses for Rent. Furnished and Unfurnished at Reasonable Rents See JOHNSTON 17 West Adams. tf Rooms and Board ROOMS FOR RENT With or with out board. Good home cooking; prices very reasonable; rooms new and mod ern; bath, hot and cold water. 715 W. Taylor St. Phone 1841. ; ''' It WANTED Three young .men to. oc cupy rooms in private family, no other roomers. May have breakfast if de sired. Phone 2301. ' !; br TEACHERS ATTENTION Couple desiring company for wife, while hus band is away, would make reasonable terms to two teachers for room and breakfast if desired. Within one block of Monroe street school and within two blocks of the high school. - Address teacher, care of Republican. .- br FOR FOUR GIRLS School teachers or business girls sleeping porch. Call Mrs. Lewey Annex Hotel, ' " bp IVON HOTEL Under new management, first-class room and board, dining room opens Monday Sept. 14. 650 N. 6 Ave. tf THE NEW WOODFORD HOTEL and dining room, furnished new and up-to-date. Popular rates.' Mrs. Fred Ullman, Prop., 333 North 2nd Ave. tf THE BOWER First-class rooms and board, screen rooms. 621 E. Mon roe, tf WANTED Table boarders, first class meals, good service; also nicely furnished rooms. Mrs. Wilson, 600 North 2nd Ave. 10-bd MESQUITE CAMP, now open for health seekers, new cottages with screen porches, (on the desert) and within two blocks of East Washington car line; automobile will meet you at depot or call at any address. Phone 1811 or address Williams Box 992. br For Rent Furnished Rooms LARGE FRONT PRIVATE ROOM. close in, just the thing for 2 girls, priv ilege of washing and use of electric iron. Phone 2161. bp FOR RENT Nicely funished room, convenient to car line. Inquire 815 N. 10th Ave. ds FURNISHED ROOM for rent, close in, bath, pivate entrance, no sick. 615 N. 2nd Ave. ds WHARTON HOUSE 38 N. Central Ave. -Rooms 50c up, 10-hn FOR RENT Modern furnished front room, with bath; suitable for two gen tlemen; with screen porches if desired. 624 N. 3rd St. dS FOR RENT Modern, newly furn ished front room, with bath. 616 N. 3rd St. Suitable for two gentlemen, dg FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, terms reasonable. Apply to 500 West Monroe St I" LITTLE MONEY $600 LOT. Fine location for a ' choice home. Lot 60x145, ce ment curb and walks in. Four teen new homes now under contract. Oakland", two blocks north of the State Capitol. $50 down, $15 month. 40 ACRES. Solid alfalfa. This splendid land at $160 per acre, should appeal to a dairyman. It's a money maker. Owner will give good terms to a live man. Class A land. OWNER LEAVING. Will sell his new brick mission finished home. It'B close to N. Central avenue, has cement porch, ' steps, walks, gas and all con veniences. Large lot, rear fenced, $3850. Good terms to responsible buyer. Griffin 127 N. Central Av. n v.;-. I r-. I, 1