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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 PAGE SEVEN LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 23 AN ORDINANCE FOR LICENS ING THE CARRYING ON OP CER TAIN PROFESSIONS. TRADES CALLINGS, BUSINESSES AND OC CUPATIONS CARRIED ON WITH IN" THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PHOENIX. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PHOENIX, as follows: Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons," whether as member or members. ' agent or agents, clerk or clerks, employe or employes, either for themselves or for any other person or persons, firms, associations or bodies corpor ate, or otherwise, or as officers of any corporation, to carry on anv trade, calling, profession, business or occupation in this ordinance specified, without having first procured a li cense from the city so to do. and each and every day or fractional part of a day that such trade, call ing, profession, business or occupa tion in this ordinance specified is . conducted or carried on without such license shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Any such person or persons, agent or agents, clerk or clerks, employe or employes, who shall, for themselves or for any oth er person or persons, firm, associa tion or body corporate or otherwise, or as officers of any corporation, conduct or carry on any trade, call ing, profession or occupation afore said, without having first procured a license therefor, shall for each vio lation of this ordinance be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof by any court hav ing competent jurisdiction thereof, except in cases where a different punishment is prescribed by this or dinance, shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dol lars, or imprisonment in the city Jail for a term of not more than two hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment: and the amount of such license fee shall be deemed a debt to the city of Phoenix, and such person, agent, clerk, employe, firm, association and body corporate, or either of them, shall also be lia Me to an action in the name of the city of Phoenix in any court of com petent jurisdiction for the amount of the license fee of such trade, call ing, profession, business or occupa tion as he or they shall or may be engaged in, together with all costs of suit. The language used in this ordin ance -shall be defined as follows: (a) The term "merchant" shall in clude all persons, firms, associations or corporations not otherwise, speci fically licensed in this ordinance, who, at any fixed place of business, manufacture, buy, sell or deal in any goods, wares or merchandise, and shall also include bakeries, butcher shops and meat markets, flour and grist mills, the grinding of grains and manufacture or sale of grain products, ice factories, each general agency for any life insurance com pany or companies, the manufacture or sale of petroleum, crude or re fined, and petroleum products,' pub lishing, printing and binding busi nesses, places or establishments, plumbing including the manufacture r sale of plumbing or heating sup plies, pipes, tools, fixtures, appli ances and devices, sanitariums or sanitoriums. manufacturing or re pairing boots, shoes or footwear, tin Fhops, sheet metal shops, tin or sheet metal dealers, upholstering of fur niture, automobiles and other ve hicles, and shall also include all con tractors, electrical and otherwise. Merchants are divided into eight 8 classes, as follows: Class 1, those whose quarterly sales do not exceed the sum of 11.500. Class 2, those whose quarterly sales exceed the sum of $1,500. but do not exceed the sum of $5,000. Class 3, those whose quarterly pales exceed the sum o $5,000, but do not exceed the sum of $10,000. Class 4, those whose quarterly tales exceed the sum of $10,000. but do not exceed the sum of $15,000. Class 5, those whose quarterly pales exceed the sum of $15,000. but do not exceed the sum of- $20,000. . Class 6, those whose quarterly sales exceed the sum of $20,000, but do not exceed the sum of $30,000. Class 7, those whose quarterly sales exceed the sum of $30,000 but do not exceed the sum of $40,000. Class S, those Whose quarterly sales exceed the sum of $40,000. (b) A "transient merchant" with in the meaning of this ordinance shall include: (1) Every person, firm, associa tion or corporation, who either in person or by agent, sells or offers to sell, at some fixed place of busi ness, 'any goods, wares or merchan dise in this city without any mani fest intention of permanently con tinuing In business. (2) Every person who, not for or in connection with a business duly licensed under this ordinance, so licits orders from house to house for future delivery of goods, or who shall deliver goods previously solicited by a solicitor, at retail, or an order for future delivery. (c) As used in this ordinance, the term, "peddlers" shall include so licitors and other vendors not hav ing a permanent place of business in Phoenix and not herein- otherwise specifically licensed to sell any class of goods whatsoever. (d) As used in this ordinancs i',e term "street vendor" includes all persons engaged in soliciting orders for, or in . selling or distributing from house to house or in or upon the streets, alleys or vacant grounds within the city, any goods, wares, merchandise or articles, including photographs, and also includes all persons engaged in conducting upon the streets, alleys or vacant grounds of the city "any ring, knife or similar game, or any "faker" business, game or device. -;. (e) As used in this ordinance, the term "transfer; . business" ...includes every person, firm, association or corporation operating any dray or drays, truck or trucks, and all other vehicles carrying baggage, freight, express or the like, for hire. Trans- fer businesses are divided into four (4) classes, as follows: -iass 1, those whose gross receipts are more than $6,000 per quarter annum; Class 2, those whose gross receipts are more than $3,500 and less than $6,000 per quarter-annum; Class 3, those whose gross receipfs are more than $1,750 and less than $3,500 per quarter-annum; Class 4, those whose gross receipts are less than $1,500 per quarter- annum. Sec. 2. Application for license to conduct or carry on any trade, call - ing, profession, business or occupa- tion for which license is herein or may hereafter be, required shall be made in writing to the city collector, which said application shall be ac- companied by such affidavit or af- fidavits and such bonds as are here- in, or may hereafter be, required. jln whole or in part, he may corn See. 3. All licenses issued under mPnce an action against said appli the provisions of this ordinance shall eant for the recovery of the amount state the person to whom issued, the ' license fee which he believes to business, calling, occupation, vocation, ne ('ue the citv from said applicant profession or trade to be followed or before any court of competent jur carried on, and the place or places isdiction in the said City of Phoenix, at which the same is to be conduct- and summon said applicant into ed or carried on, and the amount of sa!d court, together with all books, the license tax or fee therefor, and records and files of the said appli shall be in a form to be prescribed cant's business for which license is by the City Attorney, subject to ap- sought to be issued, or for the pur proval by the Commission. Thev nos.e of ascertaining the truth of shall be signed by the Citv Manager iinu me uuy cierK, and delivered to the City Collector, who shall make ''cense he is to pay. If, on hearing, delivery thereof upon receipt by him the ' court finds that the statement of the license tax therein shown, made by the applicant is false in Duplicates of each original license who'e or in part, then the court issued shall also be made, and each shall render a judgment against the applicant receiving an original li- .applicant for double the amount of cense shall receipt therefor upon said '. tne license fee due the city, to duplicate, and the City Collector ffethor with all costs and expenses shall, at the close of business of each of tne action. day, deliver to the City Clerk the This section shall apply to all receipted duplicate of all licenses de- lines of business in which the amount livered by him during the course of of license fee is based upon the the day, together with the applica- 'amount of business done in the Hons made therefor and the affi davits and bonds, if any, accompany ing same; and shall also keep a full and accurate record and account of! all licenses delivered by him and to whom issued and the amount receiv ed therefor, in a separate book or file kept for that purpose. No li cense issued hereunder shall be as signed or transferred, and any at tempted assignment or transfer thereof shall be void, and shall work a forfeiture of such license and of all license fees and taxes paid there for. Sec. 4. All licenses shall be paid for in advance in legal money of the United States at the office of the City Collector; and except as otherwise provided, a separate li cense shall be procured for each j furnishing written abstracts of title branch, establishment or separate to real or personal property, or pre piace of business, which license au- paring or issuing guaranties or as thorizes the person, firm, association surances of title to real or personal or body corporate obtaining it to ' property, per quarter-annum, $25.00. carry on, pursue or conduct only that j Sec. 10. Each public accountant trade, calling, profession, business or land each person, firm, association occupation described in such license, jor corporation engaged in the busi and only at the location or place of ness of public accounting, per quar- business which is indicated thereby except as hereinafter provided. Provided, however, that whenever any duly licensed merchant shall conduct any other trade, calling, or business for which a license fee or tax is hereby required, at the same place, in connection with, and as a part of the said business as mer chant, no additional fee or tax other than the license tax as a merchant shall be required therefor. The license in this ordinance pro vided for single performances or parades or for single days shall be 'due and payable to the city on the(on which building permits are issued morning or such show, performance or parade. The monthly license in this ordin ance provided, or hereafter required, shall be due and payable to the city on the first day of each calendar month in advance for all persons, agents, firms, associations or cor porations who have for the previous month been licensed to carry on such trade, calling, profession, busi ness or occupation, and for all per sons, agents, firms, associations or corporations who have not been li censed for the previous calendar month for the same trade, calling, profession or occupation the license shall be due and payable and must be procured by such persons before carrying on such trade, calling profession, business or occupation. The quarterly (quarterly-yearly) license in this ordinance provided, or that may hereafter be required, shall be due and payable to the city on the first days of January, April, July and October, and all such quarterly licenses shall end with the last days of March, June, September and De cember, respectively, of each year. No greater or less amounts of money shall be charged or received for licenses issued than is in this ordinance, or may hereafter be, pre scribed, and no license shall be sold or issued for any period of time oth er tlian is herein, or may hereafter be provided. No extra license shall be charged for the reason that a merchant man ufactures all- or any part of the goods he sells, and no special license shall be required for different branches of the same business, ex cepting licenses for regulation. Sec. 5. Every person, firm, asso ciation or corporation having a li cense under the provisions of this ordinance, or of any ordinance here after adopted, shall place or exhibit I ill KrifiiH ml mi luiitra wiiiiir in I'nvc in some conspicuous place of his, her. sort, per quarter-annum, $&.ou. their or its place of business and I Sec. 18. Each person, firm asso shall produce or exhibit the same elation or corporation doing an ad when applying for a renewal thereof ivertising business, by means of hill or when requested so to do by any boards, bill posting, show cards, police officer or by any person street car advertising or sign paint charged with the issuance of licenses ing. or otherwise, or the distribution or the collection of license taxes or fees. Every peddler or hawker of goods, wares or merchandise, while engaged in peddling or hawking shall carry his license and exhibit it when re quested by any police officer or by any officer charged with the issu ance of licenses or the collection of license fees or taxes. - Every person driving or having control of any vehicle on and for which, a license -is. required -by this ordinance shall exhibit his license therefor whenever required so to do by any police officer or by any of ficer charged with the issuance of . licenses or the collection of license i fees or taxes, and shall also give jhis name and place of business, or ir ne have no place of business, then his place of residence, upon the in quiry of any person. Sec. 6. Each person, f'rra, asso- cltion or corporation doing business m tne sa'd City of Phoenix as a , erchant as herein defined shall, on tne last day of eacn fiscal quarter ,fil witn tne City Clerk an applica- . tion for a merchant's license for the tnen succeeding quarter, and shall I file with said application a sworn statement showing the amount of j s:llcs made during the quarter next Preceding that for which license ap- Plication is made, and must pay the fee Provided for the class to which ,he applicant belongs; and, provided, further, that if the City Manager nas reason t believe that the statc- ment made by the applicant is false tne statement made under oath by lne applicant, to iix tne amount or quarter preceding the quarter for which license is issued. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of all police officers to report at once all business operating without a license that may come to their knowledge. Sec. 8. The amount of the license taxes or fees for the trades, callings, professions, vocations and businesses hereinafter named shall be, and the Same are hereby, established for and within the City of Phoenix, and the same shall be paid by all per sons engaged in such trades,' callings, professions, vocations and businesses, as follows, to-wit: Sec. 9. Each person, firm, associa tion or corporation keeping or main taining abstract books or books show ing transfers of title, or preparing or ter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 11.- Each auctioneer not own ing, or maintaining or conducting an auction house, place of business or establishment, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 12. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting an auction house, establishment or place of bus iness, per quarter-annum, $15.00 Sec. 13. Each architect or archi tectural firm, or other person or per sons preparing or furnishing plans and specifications, or either of them, or construction carried on, per quar ter annum, $5.00. Sec. 14. Each architect or archi tectural f(rm, or other person or persons who shall represent a non resident principal preparing or fur nishing plans and specifications or either of them, on which building permits are issued or construction carried on, per job, $25.00. Sec. 15. Each person engaged in the -practice of law as attorney, so licitor, counselor or advocate, or who shall practice in or before the United States Court, any of the State Courts, or the City Court, or the United States Land Office, or before any board, commission or commissionej", or other office or officer created by law, as follows: Those whose quarterly receipts are less than $500.00, per quarter-annum, $3.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $500.00, but not more than $1500.00, per quarter-annum, $6.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $1500.00 per quarter-an num, $10.00. Provided that no license shall be required of any non-resident per son who may appear before any such court, tribunal, board, commissioner or commission, officer or office, in connection with a particular case or in particular cases or in his own behalf, and who shall not have a regular office er place of business within the city. Sec. 16. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation operating or conducting a place or shop for the repairs of automobiles, motorcycles or motor vehicles, and from whom no other license tax or fee is required under the provisions of this ordi nance, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 17. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation operating or conducting for hire or gain, any amusement park or like place or re- of handbills, per quarter-annum, $25.00. Sec. 19. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation engaged in writing advertisements for newspa pers, periodicals or booklets, or en gaged in any advertising business not herein otherwise enumerated, per quarter annum, $5.00. Sec. 20. Each athletic, boxing or wrestling exhibition, where admit tance is charged, per exhibition. $25.00. Sec. 21. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation manufacturing or dealing in brick, tile or kindred Products, or acting as agent for, or soliciting business for out ot town manufacturers of or dealers in brick, tile or kindred products, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 22. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation operating or controlling a bank or doing a ' gen eral banking business, as follows: (1) Those having a capital' stock of $25,000 or less, per quarter-annum, $10.00. (2) Those having a capital stock of not less than $25,000, but not to exceed $50,000, per quarter-annum, $15.00. (3) Those having a capital stock of not less than $50,000, but not to exceed $100,000, per quarter-annum, $25.00. (4) Those having a capital stock of more than $100,000, per quarter annum, $40.00. Sec. 23. Each person, firm, asso ciatio nor corporation owning, con ducting or operating a bowling alley or a pin alley, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 24. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, con ducting or operating a barber shop, for each chair, per quarter-annum, $1.00. Sec. 25. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation manufacturing non-alcoholic beverages, or bottling, selling or distributing non-alcoholic beverages, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 26. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, con ducting or operating a billiard hall or room, or a pool hall or room, or keeping or having in his, their or its possession pool or billiard tables for hire, for each table up to five tables, per quarter annum, $2. each additional table, per quarter annum, $1.00. Sec. 27. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation soliciting busi ness for, or acting as agent of, any bonding or surety company, for each company represented, when not run in connection with any other li censed business, per quartev-annum, $5.00. Sec. 28. Each clairvoyant, astrolo ger, seer, palmist, soothsayer, fortune teller, spiritualist or spirit medium, charging or receiving fees, rewards or anything of value, per quarter- i annum, $100.00. Sec. 29. Each chiropodist, and each person, firm, association or corpora tion maintaining or conducting a chiropodist's parlor or establishment j or practicing chiropody for fee or 1 reward, per quarter-annum, $10.00. I Sec. 30. Each person, firm, asso ciation, or corporation owning, main- tcning or conducting a carnival, for each tent or exhibit for which an admission fee is charged or receiv ed, per day. $50.00. Sec. 31. For each person, firm, as sociation or corporation owning, maintaining or conducting a circus or menagerie, for which an admission fee Is charged or received, except as herein otherwise provided, per day. $500.00. Sec. 32. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting any dog or pony show or exhibition, or any show of trained animals exclusively, per day, $50.00; and in addition thereto, for each side show, for which separate admission is charged or received, $15.00. Sec. 33. Each person, firm, asso ciation or -corporation owning, main taining or conducting a circus, men agerie, or any show, exhibition or attraction outside of the corporate limits of the city and parading or having any parade upon the streets of the city, for each parade, $500.00. Sec. 34. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a public corral or feed yard, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 35. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a livery or feed stable, and having or using less than six vehicles therewith and therein, per quarter-annum, $10.00, and having or using six or more ve hicles therewith and therein, per quarter-annum, $15. Sec. 36. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a commission or broker:ige house or establishment for buying, selling or handling stocks, bonds or other personal property for or upon commission, per quarter-annum, $25.00. Sec. 37. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a creamery, cheese factory or establithment, or place for manufacture of milk pro ducts, per quarter-annum, $20.00. Sec. 38. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation engaged in or conducting the business of cleaning carpets, per q'uarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 39. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation manufacturing cigars, cigarettes or other tobacco articles or products, per qual ter-an num, $10.00. Sec. 40. Each person, llrm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a public dance hall or ball room, or hall or room for public dancing, pet quarter-an num, $25.00. Sec. 41. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a dyeing, clean ing or pressing house or establish ment or business, exclusively, per quarter-annum, $10.00. If a sub- agency is conducted in connection With said business, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 42. Each dentist or person practicing dentistry, or acting as agent or solicitor for any dentist or firm of dentists, as follows: Those whose quarterly receipts nre less than $500.00 per quarter-annum, $3.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $500, and not more than $1500.00, per quarter annum, $6. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $1500.00, per :uarter-n-num, $10.00. Sec. 43. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, oper ating or conducting any private de tective agency, bureau or business, per quarter-annum, $25.00. Sec. 44. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting an engraving establishment or business, per quarter-annum. $10.00. Sec. 45 Each person, firm, asso-1 ciation or corporation manufacturing generating or distributing 'electric or hydro-electric energy, gas' or either of them for manufacturing mechani cal, heating, lighting or power pur poses, per quarter-annum. $100.00. Sec. 46. Each person, f rm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting an epress or forwarding establishment or business, in receiving packages in this city from persons in the city and trans mitting the same by express from this city, within the state, to persons and places within this state, and re ceiving in his city packages by ex press, transmitted within the state. from persons and places in this state, to persons within this city, and de livering the same to persons In this city, excepting the receipt, transmis sion and delivery of any such pack ages to and from any department, agency or agent of the United States, and excepting the receipt, transmis sion and delivery of any such pack ages which are Inter-State Com merce; the business and occupation of receiving, transmitting and de livering all the packages herein ex cepted not being taxed hereby, per quarter-annum, $30.00. Sec. 47. Every person, firm, asso ciation or corporation, owning, main taining or conducting an employment bureau agency or establishment for gain or reward, per quarter-annum, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). Provided that no employment agency shall charge, demand or receive any fee or compensation in excess of One Dollar ($1.00), for any position offered or secured by it for any la borer, and that no employment agency shall charge, demand, or receive any fee or compensation in excess of ten (10) per cent of the first Month's salary thereof, for any position offer ed or secured by or through it for any position other than that of labor er. Any violation" of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, the offender shall be pun ished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment for not exceeding One Hundred (100) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and in addition thereto the license of such offender shall be revoked or cancelled, and no further license to conduct such business shall be issued to him. Sec. 48. TRANSFER BUSINESS: First class, $40.00 per quarter-an-ni tr. Second class, $25.00 per quarter an n"i; Third class, $12.50 per quarter-an- liirn Fourth class, $5.00 per quarter-annum Provided, that each of said carts, wagons, trucks, drays and vehide3 so used shall be designated by a r. mbei to be furnished by the City Collector, which number stia'l be pceu by such person, firm, assoei- rtion or corporation upon such ve hicle in such a manner that the num ber can be plainly distinguished at all times. Sec. 49. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation, owning, main taining or operating a hack, coach, car riage, omnibus or other vehicle, for the carriage of passengers, for hire, for each such hack, coach, omnibus, carriage or other vehicle, operated or propelled by horse or animal pow er, and not used in connection with a duly licensed livery business, per quarter-annum, $5.00, and for each such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle operated by gas, gas oline, electricity or other motive pow er, other than animal power, per annum, $60, and for each such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle operated by gas, gasoline, electricity or other motive power, other than animal power, and which is maintained and used exclusively as a stage for the carriage of passengers or freight, or both, between the City of Phoenix and other towns and ci ties within the State of Arizona, per annum, $15.00. Each such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle used for the carriage of passengers for hire shall have kept conspicuously posted there in a schedule of rates or charges, which shall not exceed the maximum rates or charges provided by city ordinance or resolution; and until further provided by city ordinance or resolution, the following rates or charges are hereby fixed as the max imum rates or charges to be collected or received for any such carriage of passengers; between the hours of six o'clock a. m. and twelve o'clock mid night, fifty cents per passenger be tween points in the city limits, not to exceed a distance of eighteen blocks, and three dollars per hour where the hack, coach, carriage, om nibus or other vehicle is chartered or hired by a party of passengers numbering no more than four per sons, and four dollars per hour whore such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle is chartered or hired for a party numbering more than four persons; between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and six o'clock a. nj., seventy-five cents per passenger between points within the city limits, not to exceed a distance of eighteen blocks, and four dollars per hour where such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle is chartered or hired by a party of not more than four persons, and five dollars per hour where such coach, hack, carriage, omnibus or other ve hicle is chartered or hired by parties containing more than four persons. Each such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or vehicle used and operated for the carriage of passengers for hire shall be allotted by the City Man ager a particular place or ocation upon the streets or alleys, which shall" not in any case exceed four stands between any two street in tersections, which said locations shall not be within fifty feet of any street corner or fire plug, and each per son, firm, association or corporation desiring or requesting suc' allott ment or place or stand shall secure the consent and permission in writ ing of the owner or lessee of the property immediately adjacent there to, and no such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle shall be allowed or permitted to stand or be at any one particular place or loca tion upon the streets or alleys of the viv.j, vwi-fiiL tti nucu imi ucuiur allott ed place or stand, more than thirty minutes at any one time. Each such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or vehicle shall be desig nated by a number furnished by the City Collector, which shall be issued for one certain vehicle, and shall only be transferred from one vehicle to an other after first obtaining the per mission of the City Manager there for, which transfer shall be noted on the books of the City Collector. Each such hack, coach, carriage, om nibus or vehicle shall carry at least two lamps, one on each side of such vehicle, with its designated number painted thereon, and any one driv ing, handling or controlling the same or permitting the same to be handl ed, driven or controlled by any per son who is in any wise under the influence of intoxicating liquor shall forfeit his, their or its license. No such hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or vehicle shall be allowed or per mitted to be used or occupied by passengers in excess of its seating capacity, and no person shall be al lowed or permitted to stand or ride upon the running board or steps thereof. Each such person, firm, assocition or corporation shall also, before li cense is issued under this section, give to the city a bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to be ap proved by the City Manager, in a sum amounting to One Thousand Dollars for oach and every hack, coach, carriage, omnibus or otier ve hicle owned, maintained or operated by him, which said bond shall be conditioned that if license to carry on such business is issued to the said applicant, the said applicant shall well and truly observe, obey and perform all and singular the du ties, requirements, restrictions and obligations which are or may be im posed upon or required of him in the management and conduct of such business by the City Charter or by ordinance or resolution of the Com mission, and will further promptly pay any judgment or judgments which may be recovered againat him ir. any court f competent juris dioticn by reason of any in jury or damage sustained by any person by or through the fault or negligence of said applicant, his servants or employes, in the con duct of such business, and which said bond may be sued upon by any person suffering -any damage by rea son of any such fault or negligence. Sec. 50. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a foundry, iron or metal works, or a place or estab lishment for the smelting, casting, moulding or working of metals, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 51. Each person, firm, asso ciation or coporation packing, dis tributing, handling, hawking .or ped dling any fruit or fruits, except at the place, in the course of and in connection with a business for which I a merchant's license, as herein de fined, is provided, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 52. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation manuracturing, producing, distributing or exchang ing picture or moving picture films, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 5.1. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation buying, selling', renting, handling or dealing in horses, mules or other live stock except in connection with and as a part of some other licensed business, per quarter-annum, $25.00. Sec. 54. Each hawker, peddler, or street vender for whom no license is otherwise herein provided, per month, $100.00. Sec. 55. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a hotel or lodging house having more than ten rooms used for rooming, lodginp, sleeping or living purposes for hire, for each room used for such room ing, lodging, sleeping or living pur poses, per quarter-annum, 20c. Sec. 56. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a business or establishment for blocking or cleaning hats, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 57. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a business of, or place or establishment for the dressing of hair, or for the manu facture, preparation or sale of hair or hair goods or hair articles, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 58. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting the business of moving houses, buildings or struc tures, or of wrecking houses, build ings or structures, per quarter-an num, $10.00. Sec. 59. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation engaged in car rying on or conducting an incorpor ating business or business of incor porating companies and acting as statutory agent therefor, as follows: Those whose quarterly receipts are less than $500.00, per quarter-annum, $4.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $500.00, and not more than $1500.00, per quarter-annum, $7.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $1500.00, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 60. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a loan or in vestment business, exclusively, per quarter-annum. $10.00. Sec. 61. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation ow.ning, main taining or conducting a job printing shop, establishment or business, ex clusively, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 62. Each building and loan, or building or loan company or as sociation, per quarter-annum, $20.00. Sec. 63. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a steam laun dry, per quarter-annum, $15.00. Sec. 64. Each person, firm, asso ciation cr corporation owning, main taining or conducting a laundry, other than steam, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Provided that this section shall not be construed to apply to persons do ing washing in their own homes where no help outside the immediate family is employed in the conduct ot such business. Sec. 65- Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation acting as man ufacturer's agent, or representing any manufacturer, or selling any goods, wares or merchandise directly from manufacturer to consumer, from house to house, or soliciting orders from consumers directly, for any goods, wares or merchandise, for any manufactory, per quarter-annum, $100.00. Provided, that this section shall not apply to any person, firm, asso- j ciation or corporation licensed under any of the other provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 66. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting any mercan tile agency or any rating or informa tion bureau for profit, per quarter annum, $15.00. Sec. 67. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting the business of merchant tailor, win manufactures goods in such establishment, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 6S. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or operating a merry-go-round, per month, $50.00. Sec. 69. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation manufacturing or dealing in monuments, tombstones, headstones or footstones or acting as agent for, or soliciting orders for any manufacturer or dealer in monu ments, tombstones, headstones or footstones, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 70. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting any lathe or machine shop, establishment or busi- ness, per quarter-annum,, $10.00. Sec. 71. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a messenger service or a business of furnishing or supplying messengers for hire, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 72. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a nursery or selling, handling or dealing in tm, shrubbery, plants or seeds, or act ing as agent or solicitor for any nurseryman, or tree, plant, shrubbery or seed dealer, per quarter-annum. $1.0. Sec. 73. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a news agency, or collecting or distributing news and news items for hire, gain or reward, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 74. Each peirson, firm, asso ciation or corporation acting or prac ticing as an optician, or who shall manufacture, handle, sell or deal in spectacles, eyeglasses, optical instru ments or optical supplies, or who shall practice a.i optometrist, ophthalmologist, oculist or eye spe cialist, at a fixed establishement or place of business, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 75. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation that shall hawk, peddle or sell peanuts, nuts, popcorn, confectionery, sandwiches, tamales, pastries,, ice cream or non alcoholic beverages, from any stand, wagon, cart, vehicle, basket, pail or receptacle, per quarter-annum, $5.00. Sec. 76. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting any public baths, bath rooms, or bathing fa cilities for hire or reward, except tub baths in connection with harbor shops, per quarter-annum, $5.00. See. 77. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting anv pawnbrok er's business or establishment or loan ing money on pawns or pledges, per quarter-annum, $50.00. Sec 78. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation buying, selling, storing, distributing, handling or deal ing in hide'), pells, or wool, per quarter-annum, $10.00. Sec. 79. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a photograph gallery, parlor, shop or establishment, or selling, distributing, handling or dealing in cameras, dates, films, aria photographic supplies, or developing photographic films or. plates, per quarter-annum, $5.0". Sec. 80. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or operating a planing mill. box, show case or cabinet factory, saw or scroll works, or place for the working or finishing of wood or man ufacturing of wooden articles, per quarter-annum, $10.00. s Sec. 81. Each person" practicing medicine, surgery, osteopathy, mental healing, or any other system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted, for hire, gain or reward, as follows: Those whose quarterly receipts are less than $500.00, per quarter-annum. $3.00. Those whose eiuarterly receipts are more than $500.00, but not more than $1500.00, per quarter-annum, $6.00. Those whose quarterly receipts are more than $1500.00, per quarter an num, $10.00. Provided, that, no such license tux or fee shall be required of any com missioned or either medical officer in the United States army, navy, or public health service in the discharge of his official duties, nor of any li censed dentist engaged exclusively in the practice of dentistry, nor of any-out-of-town practitioner in consulta tion with a licensed practitioner of the city in, upon or about a particular case or cases. Sec. 82. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or conducting a paving busi ness or engaged in or carrying on paving of any kind, character or des cription, per quarter-annum, $lo.on. Sec. 83. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning or con ducting a painting, paper-hanging or exterior or interior decorating busi ness, or establishment, per eiuarter annum, $5.00. Sec. 84. Each person, firm, asso ciation or corporation owning, main taining or operating a steam, electric . or other class of railway or railroad, except street railways, per quarter annum, $100.00. Sec. 85. Every person who shall solicit others to rent, buy, se!l. or exchange real estate, or who shall, as agent or broker, lend money on real estate, or who shall advertise or otherwise give notice that ne or she will buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or loan money on real estate. (Continued on Page Nine) T