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a; THE ARIZONA. REPUBLICAN, AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL t. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR 10'PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1914 10 PAS VOL. XXV. NO. 177 3 GERMANS STILL HURL THEIR FORCES AGAINST FRONT OF Undeterred bv the Wintry Weather and Floods, Ef fort is Still Being Made i to Break Down Defense of Franco-British Troops ARTILLERY DUEL IS CONTINUOUS From Allies' Point of View Probably Most Important Operations Are Those South of Verdun Against the Bis Fortresses J tSSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH ' ' LONDON, Nov. 17. Undeterred by the wintry weather and floods, the Hermans are still making an effort to break down the allies' defense along the Franco-Belgian frontier. Although the Herlin official statement refers to the day as a quiet one, there was an almost continuous artillery duel, with occasional infantry attacks, but r.ppar ently without cither side making prog-.j ress. The line from the' coast to Nicu liort, which has been receiving less at- 1 tention since the Germans began the attempt to get the British out of Ypres, was again subjected to a bom bardment described as violent, while to the south of Dixmude the Germans have been trying, under the fire of the allies' cannon, to build works to check the flood which compelled them 'to evacuate part of the trenches and at other points the big guns have again been busy. Rheims was subjected to another rajn of shells. From the allies' point of view, prob ably the most important operations were those south of Verdun, where the French troops for some time have been trying to relieve the pressure which the Hermans have be$n exerting on the fortress. They at last succeeded, ac cording to a French official statement ;ind besides making some progress on the heights of Meuse, have advanced nn St. Mihiel. the only point on the left bank of the Meusc which the Ger mans have been successful in holding. Another big battle is developing in Poland, where the Russian advance has been met by large forces of Germans coming from Thorn. The GeTmnn plan seems to be to attack the Russian cen ter In the hope of drawing their wings trom Fast Prussia and Cracow. Tn the former region the Russians report further advance toward the Gumbin-ncn-Argerburg line to the north, but they have not been able to dislodge the Germans from their passages in the Mazurian Lakes. In Galicia the troops of Emperor Nicholas are driving the Austrians southward and to the west ward have engaged their rear guards at Dukla, at the foot of the Carpathian mountains. An unofficial report that Cracow is burning has not been con firmed. The action of the steamer Berlin, a former North German Lloyd liner, which has been converted into a crui ser, in deliberately entering the har bor of Trondhjem, Norway and intern ing, is something of a mystery here. It is presumed she was acting as a con voy for the German submarines, arid was being watched by the allies- war ships. Enemy Renews Attacks PARIS, Nov. 17. Tonight's official statement says: 'According to the latest advices the enemy has renewed attacks to the (Continued on Page Seven) HOW RUSS HOPE TO f" T y 7 V?n f ? v A .koln 1 ; A.WTRTA 'w X--'' J I 10 SO MO ' . j it ' ' STAlfc Vfltf.iT ' J How the Russians have possibly opened a way for a inarch on Berlin; is Bhown in the above map., It is based on official and unofficial report from Petrograd, Berlin dispatches having given little information of events ion this front for three weeks, except brief admissions of the retirement of the Kaiser's forces. THE ALLIES Carranza Still Ready To Quit Villa Does N ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Delayed dispatches received from the American consular agents at Aguas Calientes and Mexicw City confirmed the earlier re ports that Carranza had agreed to re sign, provided Villa similarly retired. Gutierrez, who is a close friend of Villa, has approved Carranza's conditions, and tonight it seemed that unless Villa himself upset the armistice, peace in Mexico is assured. In accepting Carranza's conditions, it is presumed by the American consular agents that 'Gutierrez spoke on behalf, after consultation, of Villa. The latter had previously made a public announce ment that he placed his own destiny in the hands of Gutierrez and would do w hatever the latter requested. No word has come yet from George 'arothcr.s, American consular agent ac companying Villa, saying what the-general's plan would be. There is some doubt in well informed quarters here whether either Villa or Carranza wtll actually leave Mexico. It is thought the convention on re-assembling will ask that both remain, out of consider ation to their services In the revolu tion against Huerta. Carranza's proposal which was ac cepted by Gutierrez, provided that a first chief would deliver his executive power on the following conditions: "First That Carranza relinquish his command in the constitutionalist army to Gen. Pablo Gonzales, commander of the division of the east. "Second That Villa would retire as commander of the division of the north, placing his troops under the orders of Genera! Gutierrez. "Third That both Villa and Carran za should leave the country and should give evidence of that fact by appearing .it Havana, Cuba, on or before Novem ber 25." Villa Still Aggressive EL PASO, Nov. 17. Villa's troops, supporting the convention of the chief tains, have begun an aggressive move ment against the Carranza forces, dis regarding any further attempts to ad just peacefully the disagreement of the constitutionalist factions. This is re ported in press and official messages from Aguas Calientes. The convention troops took without opposition, the town of Leon, it is reported. Later advices rumored the occupa tion of Queretaro, where General Pablo Gonzales. Carranza's principal leader, had established a base. A proposition from Carranza that he and Villa exile themselves from Mexico and meet in Havana on November 25 is regarded by local Villa officials merely as a final attempt of the deposed constitutionalist commander-in-chief to delay the at tack from a division of the north. A communication was received by Car ranza officials here from the Rafael Zubaran company, constitutionalist agent at Washington, in which he called upon all loyal elements to assist In waging war- on Villa. The letter, however, was mailed several days ago. METAL MARKET r ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH! NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Silver Electrolytic. $11.87 to $12. 49; MARCH ON BERLIN YEARLY WAR TO COST ENGLAND David Lloyd George, Chan cellor of Exchequer, Gives . House of Commons Esti mate of Probable Cost of Immediate Expenditure TO DOUBLE THE INCOME TAX Mow 'ever. Collection Would Be Made on Basis of One third of Present Income, Beer and Tea Paving Their Share ASSOCIATED press dispatch LONDON, Nov. 17. David Lloyd George, chancellor of the exchequer, in the house of commons, estimated ! tVln ln.l nf tVi .,.. r... ........ -.. ! England to be $2,230,000,000, the largest amount England ever spent for war and more than twice what was spent for the four years' con flict in South Africa. To pay the enormous bills of the government it was decided. It was said, to raise a loan of $1,750,000,000 which will be issued at 95, to bear interest at 3 1-2 per cent, redeemable at par on March 1, 1928. The chancellor proposed and the house unanimously supported him, that the income tax be doubled, hilt only collected on one-third of the income of this year; and that the ex tra half penny (one cent) per half pint be levied on beers and the ex tra three pence (six cents) per pound on tea. He explained that the expen diture on the British troops would be higher in proportion than that of any other country in the world, as the pay and cost of the army and navy arc greater; there are separate allowances to the men and their fa milies and pension are on a greater stale. Already 2,900,000 are serving, and another million are in the course of enlistment. I Five hundred million dollars of the new British war loan of $1.7."0,000,0"0 have already been taken by one firm, i it was'announced today in the house of commons by David Lloyd George. The country, said Mr. Lloyd George, 1 is fighting an enemy that would not, without a smashing defeat, give in to any terms which Britain could prudently offer. J Whether the war is long or short it will be necessary to settle once and for all the great question which has so long been the cause of irritation in Europe. After the war there would be a period w hen ' an enormous de mand would be made upon the manu facturing resources of thi. country which will be followed by one of the most critical industrial situations the nation has ever confronted. It is therefore desirable that as much money as is possible should be raised by taxation during the period of in flation, so as to reduce the per manent burden of the country. He would be committing an unpardon able blunder, he said, if fie did not take the earliest opportunity to en able people who could not fight to contribute towards carrying on the war. This war will fail in one of its chief purposes if it did not lead to an all around reduction of the inflat ed cost of armament. The govern ment proposed to levy no taxes that interfered with any productive in dustry. Mr. Lloyd George said the govern ment had also decided for the pres ent not to tax the wages of the class es not paying an income tax. He said it was scarcely realized that 2,000,000 men are now serving the country under arms and he confident ly expected this number ' would be increased in the next few months to 3,000,000 men, which, he added, would entail the payment of separation allowances amounting to $375,000,000 this year. Incidentally, the chancellor of the exchequer estimated that the full year of the war cost at least $2,250, 000,000. This is infinitely greater than the cost of any war in which Great Britain has ever engaged. The largest amount ever before spent on a war In a single year was $350,000, 000. Mr.. Lloyd George refused to specu late as to the length of the war. It might be shortened or lengthened, he said, by accident, but he was bound as the prudent chancellor or the ex chequer to estimate for a longer period. He emphasized the statement that the nation should raise as much money as possible. The chancellor told his hearers that this was a time of sacrifice. o RELIEF SHIP ARRIVES ' ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH THE HAGUE, Nov. 17 The steam er Tremorvah, the first Belgium relief ship from the American continent, ar rived at Rotterdam. The Tremorvah sailed from Halifax October 28, car rying 3500 tons of flour, potatoes, cheese, "and canned goods, the gift of the people of Nova Scotia. Dis tribution will be started tomorrow by the American commission. MA T ML FEDERAL GRAND JURY TO INVESTIGATE ARKANSAS f rllKE . - J- i i t mW lNi x--;. . : i."''fs. J f f , rdf-'t.Vt.e iS-i sy& iMW . - . . . . i i . r.' Burns of No. 4 mine, Prairie Creek, Ark., destroyed by strikers; Roger B. Hull (left) and Judge frank A. Youmans. Fiousra I; 10 STOUT MINING MEETi ! Full Program Issued by As- sistant Secretary K. L. Waletitt Gives Idea of Importance o Session Here Next Month - Most famous of mining authorities, recognized heads of their lines of science, chiefs of the big companies, editors of mining journals, directors of federal bureaus these are some of the men who will be heard discussing the large topics of the d.iy at the fourteenth annual session of the American Mining Congress here between December 7 ifhd 11- Assistant Secretary E. L; Waleott of the congress, issued yesterday a copy of his provisional program, which is as follows: MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH Afternoon Session Opening session called to order by chairman of local committee. Invocation. Address of welcome: Hon. Geo. Y. P. Hunt, governor of Arizona. Address of welcome: Hon. Geo. V. Young, mayor of phoenix. Response by Mr. Carl Scholz, pres ident. Five minute responses by represen tatives from, the several states. Evening Session Reception to the president and diree- rtio M-Tiifh the "net toirpfllpr" snirit will' prevail as a preparation for theifrvv millions' worth of commercial pa more serious work of the convention. TUESDAY, DECEMER 8TH Morning Session Report of the committee on metalli ferous mine taxation. Hon. D. L. Webb, chairman. Denver, Colo. Open discussion under five-minute rule of the general subject of mine tax ation. 1. Should the taxes be so applied as to prevent the holding of mining claims, patented or unpatented, with out substantial development work? 2. Should all unworked claims he assessed at a valuation equal to the price nsked by the owner? 3. Should the state's power to tax be used to prevent the holding of min ing claims for purely speculation pur poses? . Afternoon Session Address: "Why Optimism", pr. Geo. Otis Smith, director of the United States geological survey. 1 "The Needs of the Zinc Mining In dustry," Mr. Otto Ruhl, Joplin, Mo. Address: "Mining in New Mexico," Dr. Fayette A. Jones, Socorro, X. M. Report of committee on miningin vestments. Hon. W. R. Allen, chairman, Hutte, Mont., lieutenant governor of Montana. . Address: E. G. Reinert, Denver, Colo., editor Mining Science. t General discussion under five-minute rule. Evening Session Annual meeting of members, followed by address by Dr. Joseph A. Holmes. (Continued on Page Ten) BRYAN, JUNIOR, ON BOARD OF REGENTS TUCSON, Nov. 17. William Jen- ning.s Bryan, Jr., a resident of Tuc- j son and son of the secretary of j state of the United States, has as- oeptcAl a position on the board of regents of the University of Ari- ; zona, vacated by the resignation ef Rev. Logan AV. Wheatley." Mr. Wheatley has gone to his new church at Orovillc, Calif. Mr. Brv- ! ! an is an attorney here and was a I member of the chuss of 1912 of the University of Arizona and has a J I degree of Master of Arts at 29 j years of age. I I Vast Sums Are Shifted Without Any Big Hitch ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH , WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. How $170,000,000 In gold, lawful money, was shifted without a hitch yester day from the banks. which were mem bers of the federal reserve system to their reserve banks was told in to day's reports to the federal reserve board. Of this a total of about $137, was n gold or gold certlfi- cntes, the rest other forms of mopev. t ' According to estimates, between seventy and eighty millions are yet to be tiansf erred from the member banks to the reserve banks to meet the present reserve requirements. Tile first day of the twelve reserve lianks was apparently devoted largely to courting money and to the usual ceremonies accompanying tiie launch ing of a new organization. Only a per was re-discounted. Officials watching the operations of the banks predicted l irge amounts of rediscounts in the near future. At present there is close to a. $300,- O'iO.OOO emergency currency and possi- bly a $l(Mi,000,ooo clearing house loan certificated outstanding or in the hands of the banks. The emergency currency is subject to a tax by the government of three per cent for the first time months and an increase after that perjod until it reaches six per cent. Clearing house certificates were also put out at high Interest rates. Both emergency currency and certificates are secured by paper whith the officials believe in most instance:: v.-ill be subject to a redis count by the federal reserve banks. RECEIVE VETERAN'S BODY ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHl FOLKESTONE, Nov. 17. The body of Field Marshal Lord Roberts, which arrived tonight from Boulogne, was received by a large contingent of of ficers from Shorncliff camp, the mayor of Folkestone and other offi cials. The waiting room of the rail way statioji was converted into a mortuary chamber. The coffin was bTne there by non-commissioned army officers. It was laden with a number of wreaths. In the procession from the boat to the railway station marched a. delegation of British, French and Indian officers. A guard was posted about the coffin. Roger B. Hull, special repres3iita tive of the U. S. department of jus tice, has been sent to Arkansas to conduct a special grand jury investi gation of the strike at the mine3 near Fort Smith. In the meantime Frank A. Youmans, U. S. judge for the western district of Arkansas, has been provided with a special body guard, as his life has-been threaten- ed by the striking miners. -.Among the damage done by the strikers has been the destruction of the Coronado Coal Company's plant at Prairie Creek IN LEWIS CASE Elderly Juvenile Reform Worker Takes Own Life father Than Face the Charges of !"-Year-Old (Jirl Despite Operation ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH J LOS ANGKLLS, Nov. 17. Poison, not a habeas corpus proceeding, re lieved Herbert W. Lewis, an elderly juvenile reform worker, arrested here Sunday, from going to San Francisco in custody to answer a charge pre ferred against him by Ida Nilcs. a fifteen year old ward of the Children's ' Home Society, of which he is superiri- tenaent. lie was iouna aeau in uie park, where the children, believing him asleep, played about his body. Identi fication was made w hile attorneys and friends waited for him to appear in court for a "hearing of his petition for release. To the girl who accused 'him, Lewis had applied a bit of Kipling "A rag, a bone, a hank of hair little vampire who appeared to be twice her age, but who had the "wisdom of a woman foClr times her years." Yesterday after his release on ball, he said: "My innocence will be established easily in court. But charges such as these are always fatal." Lewis left his home at 1 o'clock this afternoon, after kissing his wife goo3 bye. He had spent the morning in his office at home where he wrote his will in longhand, leaving it in the desk addressed to an attorney. No final message in explanation of his action has been found. He regard ed the accusation as one of the haz ards of his work. He told his wife he would hurry to the court room where the hearing was to be held .at 2:30 o'clock. Soon afterwards attorneys telephoned his wife, asking that he hurry as he was delaying the case. Fill BEATS HABEAS CORPUS The Valley Bank Matter Is Progressing Rapidly And Well The condition of the reorganization of the Valley bank and its probable im mediate consumation was the question under discussion at a meeting of the directors of the institution with the members of the policy holders commit tee yesterday. The committee is com posed of Dr. J. C. Norton, Col. C. W. Johnstone, A. L. Moore, Francis S. Ve lie. Rev. H. M. Campbell, Frank T. Al kire and Clay F. Leonard. After the meeting the committee gave out the following statement for publication: "This morning the directors of the Valley bank met with the depositors' committee in a lengthy conference that went deeply into the affairs of the in stitution. The directors have been working night and day toward.straight- U SEES BRIGHT FUTURE With Promise of Best of Things, is the Way Wil son Sums Up His Views of Business Conditions in the Nation WliOXGS ARE TO BE RIGHTED President Also Refers to the New Tariff Law. Cur rency Law and Trade Commission Law as Erad icating the Monopolies associated press dispatch WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. "The fu ture is clear and bright with a pro mise of the hest things," was the way the president summed up his view of the business prospect tonight in a letter to Secretary McAdoo of the treasury department, congratulat ing him upon the opening of the fed eral reserve bank system. "Fundamental wrongs once righted. as they may now easily and quickly be," wrote the president, "all the dif ferences will clear away. " We are all in the same boat, though apparently we have forgotten it. We now know the port for which we are bound. We have and shall have more and more as our new understandings ripen, the common discipline of a patriotic pur pose. AVe shall advance and advance together with a new spirit, new en thusiasm and new cordiality of spirit ed co-operation. It is an inspiring prospect." Mr. Wilson referred to the new tar. iff law, the new currency law, the new trade commission law, and labor provisions of the new anti-trust law as a means through which "the soil which has everywhere been laid bare and out of which monopoly will slow ly be eradicated." He added that "undoubtedly the means by which credit has been set is at the heart of all these things; is the key piece of the whole struc ture." Referring to the "opportunities" of the currency law the president said, "the war which has Involved the whole heart of Europe has made it necessary for the United Stated to mobilize its resources in the most ef fective way possible. "He spoke of the difficulty of mar keting the cotton crop of the country, and added that "no doubt in the light of . the new day, with, its new un derstandings, problems of the rail roads are also to be met and dealt with in a spirit of candor and jus tice." The president's letter said in part: "I do not know that any special credit belongs to me for the part I have been privileged to play in the establishment of the new sys tem of which we confidently hope so much. In it are the labor, knowledge, forethought, political experience and the sagacity of the many men em bodied and who co-operated with un usual wisdom and admirable public spirit. None of them, I am sure, will be jealous of a distribution of praise for the great piece of legislation upon which the new system rests: they only rejoice unselfishly to see the thing accomplished, and its ac complishment is of the deepest signifi cance, both because of the things it has done away with and - because of the things it has supplied that the country has lacked and long needed. (Continued on Page Beven) Lewis handed his wife a roll of banTt notes before he left. When she counted them afterwards, she found nearly $1,000. In his will, after disposing of his property, he concluded: "I one no man any debt except that of gratitude for inestimable friendship and the wise counsel of friends." Julius Brown, president of the Child ren's Home Society, who undertook the defense of the accused man, said the record of the California Hospital here proved that an operation waB performed on Lewis three years ago which made it impossible that the charges could be true. ening cut the affairs of the bank. They have just completed a careful appraise ment of assets and their statement, as presented to the committee, was more favorable than had been expected. "The completion of this appraise ment now makes it possible to talk in telligently with outside capital looking toward reopening the bank. The de lwisitors' meeting is working hand in hand with the officers of the bank to prevent a receivership anil it is confi dently expected that negotiations now in progress will result in the speedy reopening of the bank without the loss of a dollar to any depositor. The de positors' committee, as fast as war ranted, will give through the press to the depositors and the public all pos sible information of interest." FUR COUNTRY ; i i ft I