Newspaper Page Text
THE A1UZ0NA KEI'UBLI CAN, THUifSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1U15. PAGE NINE Lost and Found !.( 1ST -lliwin fur neck scarf on road from Cianite llecf to lngleside, reward nil', led. Tie-turn to. 1i;jt X. Center or Phone L'iii'. m The Cow Boy Commercial Corral Th. 10H3. The Largest Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Van Buren & Gr. Ave.; Have Sheds for men, rigs, horses & an iron house for Ladies. E. A. STARR Prop. Phone 10&S tf ESTliAYS taken up in town of Chandler: One light hay mare, three white feet, blazed face, branded with w 1 1 ; i 1 on left hip; one bay horse brand ed J. I. T. 15. on left hip. One brown mare colt, not branded, hind feet White. Held in Chandler city pound. Inquire of W. 1!. Pleasant. 1-bl Eusiness Chances UCSIXKSS CHAXCES C.Jld will. 1 in nil in-'' and lease of rooming; hoi me. '. iitral loc-ati..ii. House is beautifully decorated, furniture practically new, house always full. This is a money seller and will pay to investigate, loceue .vi CriH'on. in 7 X. Central Ave. r s.mai.1. .i a ' r I'AcTr ru X( i i:rsi- . NESS, wholesale and retail trade: spictnUl opportunity for man and wife: S 1 To will handle. Il.ix livCll Re puidicci!. p w a x f k iT"to mkF:tp.vutv wit h incus to develop land and water pro ! " i t i. in. This is a chance to make money and regain health .if lost. State win re you can be seen. liox 3s:ls lle p PHOTe ! UA PlfEUSEor Tale tent Kiuelio, located in one of best towns in Arizona. Rat-Rain, doing good business. GG33 care Republican. 1-p Id MX".; Koti.M and equipment for rein. Casa. l.oma Hotel. Tempe. n KOR SA1.K City Confectionery; pood business. Tempe. Ariz. l-bt Special Notlcei $10 KEVVAUD fur the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing the Ari zona Republican from the front yards of any of our subscribers. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN r.TC, BARGAIN Save S4,i)0 by taking ad vantage of Tile Republican's spcial period bargain offer. Cull year's subscription, in cluding the big Sunday issue for only SI. 00 Offer positive ly not goo, after January 3th. This offer is made but once a year. Don't overlook this. Arizona Republican. tf Auto Livery I'll! iKXIX Al'TO I.1VEI1Y Twelve i ity blocks 2c 2 passengers iiiiv pari cily, each. Country trips over i'" miles, Uc per m. Phone IMS tf Attorneys J. V. Crenshaw, lawyer Office 211 Fleming Bldg. tf Auto Painting Al.'lii J'AIXTIXG, estimates given. Phone 21"3. E. C. Higgins. all E. Slonme. tf Contractors and Builders V.'K DESIGN and build artistic homes. No contract too large, none too small. All kinds of jobbing promptly attended to. No charge for plans. W. II. Jones, general con tractor, 823 X. 7th Ave., Phone 8C5C. 1-bK Auto Time Table FIKE'S AUTO STAGE LIXE Phoenix-Tempe-Mesa-Chandler Cars leave Phoenix and Mesa every SO minutes from 7 A. M. until 6 P. M., and thereafter as follows: Leave Phoenix Leave Mesa 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:00 " 7:00 " 9:00 ' 8:00 " 10:30 " 9:00 " Leave Tempe about 30 minutes after leaving Phoenix. Leave Tempe about 20 minutes after leaving Mesa. Mesa-Chandler Division Leave Mesa Leave Chandler 8:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 9:30 " 12:00 " 11:30 " 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:00 " 3:30 " G:00 " 5:30 " Fi'jko's Auto Delivery Phone 414 tf Chiropodist CHIROPODIST, corns removed, 00 cents each; bunions, moles, warts, etc., removed by electricity. 33 East Adams, Frank Shirley phone 1704. tf BIG BARGAIN Save 4. tut by taking ad vantage of Tile Republican's special period bargain offer. Full year's subscription, in cluding the hg Sunday issue for only $.00 Offer positive ly not fcood after January 8th. This offer is made but once a Tear. Don't overlook this. Arizona Republican. tf " Cleaning and Pressing SPECIAL 20 DISCOUNT on all cleaning and pressing. Jones, Jones & Co.. Phone 3i:0. 1-bm Dressmaking GOWNS and Phone 3202. tailoring reasonable. 1-dp WE DO FANCY DRESSMAKING. Wo teach dressmaking:. The American College of Dressmaking, Room 12. Monihon Elds. tf Electric Carpet Cleaning "-''ijvBrniifniiriruijTw -j CARPETS CLEANED Telephone 733. Electric Carpet Cleaners. tf Graduate Masseuse Scientific body massage, Swedish movements. :i a. m. to 6 p. m.) Even ings by appointment. Miss Catherine Power, l.i'i X. ;th street. Phone ssn3. 2-k Hand Laundry ' r-y irwtrtr jyuyyuvum SANITARY HAND LAUNDRY, rough dry, 35c doz., no acid used; each bundle washed separate; first class ironing also. 502 West Adams. Phone 3540. tf Osteopath DR. A. C. GRAVES Osteopathic physician and surgeon, over McKee's, 1st Ave. and Adams St. Phone R35. If Public Accountant .'. P. REE. 'MV National Rank of Ari zona Building, Accounting:, Auditing, Systematizing. Will open and Close Books oC Account and make up Analy tical statements and reports. tf Turkish Baths TURKISH AND STEAM Baths, la dies' attendant, 11 W. Adams, Dono frio Bldg. tf Transfer and Storage r.iniiTxixc ike. tuanseeu co. We .store or haul anything. Plume ".fil ami IE:.;. 42 South Central. tf THE WOULD -MOVES so do we. Union Transfer. 2:1 South First Ave. Quicker than lightning that's our service. Phone 3531. tf LET YOl Tt MOVE BE OUR MOVE CHAMBERS TRANSFER CO. PHONE 122S-427. 25 S. 2ND AVE. OPP. COURT HOUSE. tf Undertaking andEmbalming EASTERL1NG & WHITNEY Un dertakers and Embalmcrs. 213 West Washington St., Phoenix,. Arizona. t MnHY lil-li'iil 1 ai i-o , ... u i.j.j. u n. .M.iu.i un dertakers, Emhalmers and Funeral Di rectors, 311 N. 1st Ave. tf UNDERTAKERS Moore & McLel lan; lady assistant, auto hearse. 329 West Adams St.. rhone 601. tf ORDINANCE NO. 33. WHEREAS, on the fltlr day of July. 1111, ;in ordiri;inre was passed by this Commission ami approved I y t lie Mayor, being ordinance No. IS, by which ordinance the divides of tiie ccn 1 r line of roadway on First Street tivm the noitli line of Adams Street to th,. south line of Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition to the City of Phoe nix was established: WHEREAS, it is desired that in the event First Street from the north line of Adams Street to the south line of Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition to the City of Phoenix be hereafter paved, that the grade a.s set forth in said ordinance No. 1 shall be the grade to which paving shall be laid. Now THEREFORE, I'.E IT ORDAINED BY THE COM MISSION OF THE CITY OF PHOE NIX AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That in the event l-iYst Street, from the north line of Adams Street to the south line of Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition to the City of Phoenix, is hereafter ordered to be paved, that the grade for said streets as siil forth and established in said ordinance No. is: shall be the grade to which .said paving shall be laid. Section 2. All rails of any street car line laid on paid street shall be elevated a maximum elevation of one-quarter e'il im h above the pavement' imme diately adjacent thereto. Section 3. That this ordinance shall not apply to the grade on said street between the south line of Van Buren and the north line of Polk street. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the pro visions of this ordinance are hereby re pealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days after its passage and approval by the Mayor, and publi cations as required by the charter of the City of Phoenix. PASSED by the Commission of the City of Phoenix, this 22" day of De cember. 11)14. APPROVED this 22" day of Decem ber, 114. GEO. U. YOUNG, Mayor, . Attest: FRANK THOMAS, City Clerk. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF GOLDEN STATE PORTLAND CEMENT COM PANY Pursuant to Article XIV of the By Laws, Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Golden State Portland Cement Company, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona, will be held In the office of said Corpora' ion and of J. W. Cren shaw, Room 211 Fleming Building, in the City of Phoenix, County of Mari copa, State of Arizona, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of February. Iftla, at the hour of 1 o'ciork P. M. of that day, for the purpose of electing directors of said Corporation for the ensuing year and of transacting any other business com ing before the said meeting. Dated this day of December, 1014. F. O. WYM AN, Tresiilcnt of said Corporation. C. W. RUSSEL, Secretary of said Corporation. o I cannot sing the old, old songs, In fiict, I c-nnnot hum. And if 1 smg a song at all, The "voiced'' is yet to come. Philadelphia Ledger. RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH SIDE NEWS HORACE B. GRIFFEN, JR., GENERAL SOUTHSIDE AGENT Refer to him Subscription Orders, Stops, Changes, as well as all Bss iness regarding Advertising and Job Printing. TEMPE OFFICE Casa Loma Hotel Bldg., Phone 53. Ttmpe Correspondent, H. B. Griffon, Jr. TEMPE TEMPE MILITIAMEN ASPIRE TO Captain Irish Putting New Life Into Organization Plans for Taking Crack Company to Camp In order that Conjpany C may be ful ly prepared for the approMching inspec tion. Captain F. M. Irish has requested that every member be present at H o'clock this evening for the regular weekly drill. The company is still in need of recruits to bring the (junta of men up to the standard and the ofti i ers are endeavoring to get all the live young men of Tempe enrolled. At the present time there is no Tempe organi zation that gets the young men to gether. This necessity will be obviated by the enlisting in the company. .Members of the Tempe military com pany not only have tne advantage of the military training, hut also have the benefits attendant upon affiliation with a civic club. Tin1 weekly meetings can imV fail to have a beneficial effect upon hot n the members and Jhe town as Well. "Military service i.s a patriotic duly which every American owes to bis count ry", so reads the. motto of the Na tional Guard of Arizona. Certainly he, who in time of peace sacrifices a little time to prepare himself for the coun try's defense, is serving his country just as truly as he who in the enthusiasm of a national crisis enlists for service in the field. A systematic course of instruction is being prepared which cannot fail to in terest the patriotic oung. or idd, and now is the time to join, while the course is in its elementary stages. A special order from the office of the ad jutant general has assigned to duty with Company C, First Lieutenant A. J. .Mullen, long identified with the Na tional Guard and the winner of many trophies in the national rifle matches at Camp Perry. Lieut. Mullen will have charge of the rifle practice of the company and his experience in this line of work is a guarantee of a good tar get practice- doling lftl."i. I 'apt. Stacey, the inspector instructor, has pr itnised the Tempe 1 s one of the wel' known Stacey relief maps, now being prepared at Florence. This will enable til company to work out in the armory all sorts of tactical prob lems in preparation for service in the maneuver camp next summer. The best company in the slate will be se lected to go to the Panama exposition. Company C has an equal chance with the other companies of the state and it is up to the members to make it the best company before next August. ADDIXGTON SCHOOL OF ARTS All materials free except canvas, oil. sepia and trench crayon Chemic al il for fabric china, lilue key and pas tel. Hours 2 to p. ni. .Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Adilington. graduate artist. West sth St. Adv. n UNIVERSITY PROF. HERE Prof. willLs of the University of Ari- zona, will iieliver an illustrated lecture on "The Scenic l!eautv of Arizona", Friday evening at Si o'clock in the audi torium of the high school. The pro fessor comes under the auspices of the Woman's club and the lecture is free, the public generally being invited and urged lo be present. FOR SALE As a whole or separate: One birds eye maple chiffonier and dresser, brass bed, silver laced Wyan dote -chickens. Call at Mrs. Claude BroWer ranch, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 20, Tempe. Geo. F. Miller. n IMPORTANT CLUB MEETING Important business w'ill be transact ed at the regular meeting of the Wo man'" club. Saturday at 3 p. m., in the Olive hotel. An amendment to the by laws that has been pending is to be voted upon. As this is the last meet ing T,f the club prior to the district and state federation meeting in Phoenix, Januarv 13-21, delegates will be ap pointed at this meeting and business concerning the state federation will be discussed. It is imperative that every member of the club be present. The board of directors will meet at 2:30, as usual. NEW TEMPE NOTARY Judge Chas. o. Austin has just been appuinted a notary public by the gov ernor and is prepared to do all kinds of notarial v.ork at his office in the city hall. Judge Austin has also re ceived hii commission as deputy game warden and is ready to issue hunting licenses at .'.'J cents each. MOVING TO PHOENIX Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Dunlap are spending a few days in the city prepar ing to move their household goods to Phoenix, where they will be located at loi; North Ninth street. Rev. Dun lap has been compelled to move his office t" Phoenix in order to properly handle his work as state secretary of the Arizona Christian Missionary So ciety. Incidentally they are calling oil their many friends in this section. i HERE FROM BUCKEYE ! I . H. McDonald and family are here from liutkeye to spend a'while on their ranc h near Tempe. IMPORTANT COUNCIL MEETING Some important business is sedied- tiled for the meeting of the city council when it convenes tonight. In addition to' the routine business, the ways and means of running all the sewer system I ihroupja tho aUcvs of tho city, instead f putting jin.v through the streets, will be discussed. In addition the matter of tho equalization of taxes and tax assessnnht wilt he under advisement. NEW OFFICERS INSTALED E. P. Carr was Tuesday night in stalled as chancellor commander of the Tempo Pythian lodge succeeding J. W. Arnold. Following the regular semi annual installation there was work in the second degree and plans made for the ensuing term. MULLEN AGAIN PRESIDENT C. P. .Mullen was again elected as head of the Arizona Cattle Growers' association in the convention this week at Douglas. Mr. Mullen is a Tempe man and has been honored several terms as president of the stateasso ciatlon. WILL BE SOLD SATURDAY A black horse eolt, about two years old, will be sold Saturday January II, at Biu-k's livery stable unless the owner shows up before that and pays for his keep. The horse was taken up some days ago and impounded at Puck's stable. RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE Master Joe Birchett was yesterday released from quarantine, having en tirely recovered from an attack of scarlet fever. The young gentleman bad a .rather mi'rt ease and is glad to be out again. ORDINANCE (Continued From Each additional three sockets or less. For each nint or generator of 1 h. p. or less. For each- motor or generator oi mure than 1 h. than h. p.. p. and not more l.o For each m nor or generator of more than r, p. p. and not more than l'i h. p. For 'each motor more than 1 h. than l'i b. i . For each motor more than 13 h. than 20 h. p.. generator of and not more .i generator of and not more 1.50 2 on For each additional 10 h. p. over 20 h. p., .'.ft 1.2". For each rectifier, other current or voltage regulat ing devices, each, .2,", All devices consuming an excess of MO watts will take the same fee as mo tors of the same wattage or current consumption. Provided however, that the minimum amount of any bill of fees to be charged shall not be less than 7"iC for any job where the cost of labor and material exceeds $2.00 and not less than 2."ic where the cost of labor and mater ial is less than $2.00. Each Such corporation, copartnership, association or individual, or agent thereof, before commencing the plac ing or installing of any electrical w ires, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment in or about any building or other structure within the City of vj'hoenix, and at or prior to the time of securing a permit for the placing or installing thereof, shall deposit with the Cily Inspector of Buildings such sum of money a s the said City Inspec tor of Buildings shall estimate as suf ficient to cover the total amount of fees to become clue to the City hereun der for such contemplated work. How ever, in no event shall such sum so to be deposited be less than the sum of Two Dollars. And upon completion of such placing and installing, and after inspection and passing thereof by the City Inspector of Buildings, the fees due to the City under section 2 hereof shall be deducted from such sum of money, and the remainder, if any, shall be returned to the corporation, copartnership, association or individual so depositing the same, together with the' certificate of inspection of said placing or installation. The duties herein required to be performed by the City Inspector of Buildings may be performed by the said City Inspector of Buildings, or by assistants authorized thereto by the City Commission by ordinance or reso lution. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and only to the extent that they are in con flict herewith, and hereby repealed. Sec1. 4. Whereas, the immediate op eration of this ordinance , is necessary for the public peace, health and safety of the City, an emergency is hereby declaivd to exist, and this ordinance is hereby exempted from the referendum clause of the State Constitution and the City Charter, and shall be in full lorce and effect from and after its pas sage by the Commission of the City of Phoenix and approval by the Mayor, and shall be published as required by the (.'ity Charter. PASSED by the Commission of the City of Phoenix this 22nd day of De cember, PU4. APPROVED this 22nd day of Decem ber, I14. GEO. V. YOUNG, Mayor. Attest: FRANK THOMAS City Clerk. . Buy Your Groceries and Meats at the Harry Lukin CASH STORE Phone 7 E. 8th St. Tempe MESA OFFICE With Everybody's Drug Store, Phone 6 or 55 Mesa Correspondent Chas. F. Jones UEIA MESA CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REGULAR MEET Heard Number of Ciaims Relative to the Quarterly License Law Street Signs Being Put Up The regular meeting of the city council was held, in the town ball Tues day ctening with a full attendance of members. The claims against the cily were allowed. On account of the adde d duties ef the city clerk and treasurer as well as the collector of the water board and tax collec tor and adding ma chine was purchased at a cost of $27."i.OO. The machine has been used for the past several -months on trial and it was tne opinion of the clerks who have been using it that it has come to be indispensible. A number of the restaurant owners protested against the hamburger stand wbichb as been in operation on the G rover corner for some time. The mat ter w,is laid over and the hamburger stand will be alb. wed to operate in the meantime. On petition trom a number of the residents of Robson street between First a.-i'iiue anil First street to the ef-fe-ct that the fire water pressure was ilisufri -ient. It was decided by the water board to install a main four inches in diameter along Robson street which will furnish adeipiate fire pro- lOOti'lll. Tiie Fikes Stag., line appeared through represi ntalii'e to get their lice nse lowereel. They claimed that the charge of T.r.o per car per epiarter was too much. "However, the amount was not lowe re d. The street supervisor reported on the puiiiror op of the posts which are t support the street signs. The street signs are to have a blue black ground with white lettering and will soon be put in idace. The owners of pool halls appeared and ask. d that their quarterly license be lowered to that of the soil.-r foun tains. Th. matter was re-fcrred to the eit - atiorney. Sanfi rd Burrows appeared and asked that tiie license for holding an auction be changid l' in ?17, per day to S2.r.e per da. i. The matter of the Commercial club nsicg the city hall for a meeting place am) as an exhibit room was brought up and it was cH-cided that the council room was already crowded and that it should not be usr.l f..r an exhibit room. The privilege of holding meetings was granted in thai, the council room has always been e.i en for such meetings. CHICKEN FANCIERS MEET A meeting of the raisers of blooded fowls was held last night in the Com mercial dub rooms. The chicken fan ciers propose to organize and put on a show sometime this spring. The meet ing was an e-ntbusiastic one and the attendan'. o was very satisfactory. AUTOMOBILE IN CANAL Tiie auto truck used by the Gem City Market in delivering meat from the slaughter house to the shop in the city, ran into the Consolidated canal at a point near the company slaughter house Tuesday. Mr. North was in charge at the time the truck beaded towards the canal but he be ioTv..the lean wsmade and thus es caped injury. It is not believed that the alleged statement that nnu-h liquor was being laid in on account of the going into effect of the dry law, bad anything to do with the accident. Mr. North has stated that he will issue in vitations for an auto raising elay and invite in a number of the friends and neighbors lo assist in the excavation. NURSERYMAN HERE F. G. Sheffer of the Phoenix Rose Garden Nursery, was a Mesa visitor yesterday. Mr. Sheffer is of the opin ion that Mesa is the coming orange center and he is anxious to become ae quaintcil with the prospective growers. He went from here to ('handler. WILL HOLD DELINQUENT COURT Deliniuent court will be held at the armorv on Saturday evening, tbe regu lar drill night for Company D, the local militia. The delinquent officer will sit as judge and hear the complaints. In structor Inspector Captain Stacy will also be present at the drill. I-ast Sat urday night there were over 2.r. mem uers pre sent for eirill. The armory has been fitted up for the convenience of the mcmhe-rs with all old property marked ami lunch new property in stalled. In addition to the convenience that is cxteinlo.l there is also a plan on foot to make the next annual encamp ment at the fair at San Francisco. The best drilled men in the company will be given preference in making the trip. The members are taking mue-h interest in the drills and are looking forward to the encampment w ith much interest. MISSIONARY MEETING The Woman's Missionary Society of the -Methodist Episcopal church will hold its J-anuary meet ins on Friday. January S, at the church. On this oc casion there will be a shower of fine needles and blade nnd white thread of all sizes for use in the Spanish-American schools supported by this society. WOODMEN CIRCLE INSTALLATION The Woodmen Circle installation of officers was held in the Knifrht.s of Pythias ball Tuesday evening. Tbe in stallation was very well attended, th husbands of the members beinp; invited to witness the ceremonies. Fairbanks-Morse Engines Schieren's Duxbak Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pumps, Etc ARIZONA HARDWARE STJPPY CO. 3rd Ave. and Jackion "We Have the Stock" Phoenli Phoenix Automobiles ' Garages ' Accessories Ai Ai Ai PACKARD Arizona Motor Company, inc. Arizona Vulcanizing Works BUICK W. W. CATLIN COMPANY, State Agnti Garage and Salesrooms 313 North Central Avenue. Phone 1450 REPUBLIC TIRES Reliable Rubber Works 30 North REO Official A. A. 108 North Karl CAPITAL AUTO SUPPLY CO. Ford Motor Car Master FRANKLIN lhlJ ft ft rC SOUTHWESTERN CARBURETOR CU Wctl UUKtUfb 309.315 North Centra, Avenue MAXWELL r 1850 F. O. B. Phoenix CooeJyear T'rea Auto Accessories Gray & Davia Starter-6-28-30 N. Central Phon. 681 Huntsman-Hotchkis3 Overland Co. 227-229 North Center Phone 1916 ANNUAL The inniiid : the S;dt rtiver the directors r noon. The in l;tst yen- was sequence that eeive.i l,y th.' of diree tors va BANK MEETING stockholders nieetinr of Valley bank was bel.l in on Tuesday aft.-r-. in busine-s.s fe.r a matter of much con wits very favorably re tookholders. The board' s unchanKed as was tb- ..I'tic-ers of ttie ci.inniencey an.'; institution. The bank itber year with a splen- did outlook condition.-'. 1 under very i.roniisiiiH ORDINANCE NO. 31 AX (UcJlI.VANCK T.i l-MlOMOTK EOi.Xd.MY IX THE AD.MIXISTItA TI)X i- THE CITY Gi i VKK.VM EXT. Ill-: IT ORDAINED T. THE t'oM MISSIOX ()!' THE CITY OF PHOK XIX, in follows: Sec. 1. That the City Manascr is authorizel and empowered, whenever i.nel so Ions ca in his judgment the best interests of the (.'ity and of the citi zens thereof w ill be subserved or pro moted thereby, to consolidate any of the offices, as.sistantships and employ ments created and provided for, or which may be hereafter created anil provided lor. by any ordinance of the i 'ity of Phoenix, with any other office, lissistantship en- employment whie-h is or may be created and provided for by cily ordinance, or which is created ind provided for by the terms of the City Charter of the City of Phoenix; and he is hereby authorized and empowered to direct and reeiuire that such offices, assistantsbips or employments so con solidated shall be filled by one and the .same person, and that the duties and services pertaining or to pertain to such offices, essistantships or employ ments shall be performed and rendered by one and the same person. MMmmmammmmmmiwmwiwmmmiwwwwwmvnm A Great Bargain In a Grape Fruit Grove and one in an Alfalfa Farm. Must be sold. Price way down. Let us tell you about it. lj tub, Lands in All Parts of the Valley. Orange and Grape Fruit Lands a Specialty Directory! Official TOURING GARAGE McARTnUR BROS. JEFFERY DODGE AUTOMOBILES ETerjthlng for tie automobile carried In atock. FIRST AND VAN BUREN STREET! VULCANIZING OF ALL KINDS DONE PROMPT LY. WORK GUARANTEED. OUT OF TOWN WORK SOLICITED. 207 W. Washington St. Overland Phone t2( Transcontinental Garage 18 X. Second Ave. Arizona Distribui Phone K.Rl The only completely equipped vulcanizing plant In the city. All work ab solutely guaranteed. Central Avenue. A. Transcontinental Garage. Second Avenue. Phone IjSI Hi-own, Shop Foreman MOTOR, CARS. W. A. Horrell 521 N. Central. Phone 122J Expert Service Men ACCESSORIES U. S. TIRES, OILS, GREASE Everything But the Auto 517 N. Central Ave. Phone 1071 THE EASIEST RIDING CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY GEO. HAGEMAN, Distributor for Arizona Corner Second and Adams Streeta 5-Paitenger, $565. Runabout, $511 EDWARD RUDOLPH, Agent 308-310 E. Adamt St. Maricopa County Agent for Fireston Tires Mora Mileage, Mora Speed, More Power, Guaranteed O'NEILL AUTO 4 SUPPLY CO. B. Trent, Manager. Automobile Repairing FEDERAL TIRES Sec. 2. Whenever any offices, as sistantsiiips or employments are or ii. ay be consolidated with any other of fice, assistantsbip or employment h. re uniior. the person appointed to fill the sai.l consolidated offices, assistantships or oniplt.N meats, before entering upon the perfoi mance of the duties thereof, shall make and file his official bond, conditioned as requireil by law, in an amount to be fixed by the City Mnn a.W and at least equal to the largest bond required by law for either one eit' said office-s, assistantships or employ ments so consolidated: and the eom-pe-i:sauoii lo be paid to the incumbent the-reof shall be the salary or compen sation provided by law for the highest Falaricd of tbe offices, assistantships or employments so consolidated, until the Commission of the City of Phoenix shall by ordinance or resolution other wise provide. Sec. 3. Whereas, this ordinance re quires early operation in oieler to pre serve the public peace, health and safe ty, and in order to more economically and efficiently conduct and administer the government and affairs of the City proval by the Mayor, and is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall be- in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Commis sion of the City of Phoenix nnd ap proved by the Mayor, and is h.-reby exempted from the operation of the referendum provisions of the City Charter. PASSED BY THE COM. MISSION' of the City of phoenix this Tlnd day of Dec ember, ml 4. APPHOYED this 22nd day of Decem ber. 1HU. CEO. V. Yorxn. Mayor. Attest: 1T.AXK THOMAS City Clerk. cAHAi.niv.-ii" . aw. Investment Securities Phoenix Trust Co. 16 West Adams Street r3 i - I i