Newspaper Page Text
vauk i:icht THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1915 EBER No doubt you have heen looking for your old fav orite wagon, the Weber. We have them in various sizes. it's ;t wagon with a fifth wheel, an extra long sleeve skin, all tires are set hot by lndraulie sin-inkers, insuring a permanent set. all felloes are of select oak. axles are of the best grade of hjekory and st raped with iron front skin to skin. Call in and let us explain more fully the make up of this wagon. EZRA W. THAYER. Everything in Hardware 12 MHO E. Washington Street. 127-133 E. Adams THEN TAKE THE Golden State Limited Premier Train of the Southwest Via THE DIRECT LINE OF LOWEST ALTITUDES A-izona Eastern Railroad Southern Pacific Company El Paso & Southwestern System Rock Island Lines Unexcelled for COMFORT SPEED GARNETT KING, General Passenger Agent, El Fuso. Texas. ORDINANCE NC. 33. WHEREAS, un the 9th (lay (if July. 1114, an ordinance was passed by this 'nmnii.Ksiun and approved by the Mayor, ticing Ordinance No. 18, by which iri'.iinance the grades of the cen ter line of mail way nn First Street from tiie north line of Adams Street to the sii ah line nf Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition to the City of Phoe nix was established: WHEREAS, it is desired that in the event Firsl Street from the north line of Adams Street to the south line of Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition .PRESS MONDAY AND TUESDAY Splendid program includes the three-reel film Cross Nurse Why not go to the Empress where you can see good pictures? What is better than the General Film Co. which includes the Vita graph, Lubin, Edison, Pathe, Es sanay, Selig, Kalem, Broadway Star feature, Biograph, Columbus and George Kleine. UnHer new management. Popular prices 10 and 15 cents. The Re Amusements ARIZONA COLISEUM Two Shows Nightly 7:10 and 8:40 10 and 20c. EMPRESS LMARA Geo, Regale WAGONS Going East? -SAFETY to the City of rhoenix be hereafter paved, that the grade as set forth In said ordinance No. 18 shall be the grade to which paving shall he laid. NOW THEREFORE, UK IT. ORDAINED BY THE COM MISSION OF THE CITY OF PHOE NIX AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That in the event Firs Street, from the north line of Adams Street to the south line of Roosevelt Street in Churchill Addition to the City of Phoenix, is hereafter ordered to be paved, that the grade for said streets as set forth and established in said ordinance JCo. is shall be the grade to which .said paving shall be laid. Section 2. All rails of any street car line laid on said street shall be elevated a maximum elevation of one-quarter P4) inch above the pavement imme diately adjacent thereto. Section 3. That this ordinance shall not apply to the grade on said street between the south line of Van liuren I anil the north line of Polk street. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the pro visions of this ordinance are hereby re pealed. This ordinance shall be In full force and effect thirty days after its passage land approval by the Mayor, and publi- cations as required by the charter of i the City of Phoenix. PASSED by the Commission of the City of Phoenix, this 22" day of De cember, 1914. APPROVED this 22" day of Decem ber, 1914. GEO. U. YOUNGS, Attest: Mayor, FRANK THOMAS, . City Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual riieeting of the stock holders of Home Builders will be held at its office in Phoenix, Arizona, at 127 North Central Avenue, Wednesday, January 13th, nt 7:00 P. M., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and trans act such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. Dated January 10, 1915. J. F. TRACY, Secretary. Sunday and Mondav "WHEN BROADWAY WAS A TRAIL" Three Big Acts of VAUDEVILLE. High Class Pictures. MONDAY AND TUESDAY 3-Reel Film "THE RED CROSS NURSE" Coming Klein's Great Production of "JULIUS CAESAR" Today. .(Jan. 10.) "The Line Rider," 2-Reel Western featuring Edna Payne & Robert Frazer, "Jane's Lovers" Joker Comedy and 'A Miner's Romance." Prices 5c and 10c. IN FOB PUBLIC SCHOOLS Total Enrollment to -Amounts to 3553 - Date - En rollment for Month 3125, of Which 1600 Are Boys and 1525 Are Girls The report of the Phoenix public schools for the month of December, just made public, shows a total en rollment of :;125, of which 1C0 are boys and 152!) are girls. The average daily attendance for the month was 2t;C8, a percentage of 91. Seventy-five new pupils were enrolled during the month. The total enrollment to date The lows: honor roll for the month fol- MONROE SCHOOL Departmental Grades Eighth Grade, Class A Thalheimer, Miriam Yaggy. Jackson, Gladys Sanders, Sampson. Eighth tirade, Class II Kennedy, Ruth Iiurtis, Ethel Joseph Malie Arthur Vernon Holsin- Ker. Seventh Grade, Class A Albert Mc Govvan, Stella Hardy. Sixth Grade, Class B Miss Mc Comas. teacher: Lucy Rodriguez. Fifth Grade, Class 1) Miss Quinn, teacher: Esther Carpenter, Edwin Pryor, Mary Louise Wliitson. Fourth Grade, (Mass A Miss Reid, teacher: Arthur Baldwin, Thelma Carr, Louise White. Fourth Grade, Class B Miss Ge radehand, teacher: Eugene Bradford, Francis Buirca, Norman Cress, Agnes Hess, Harry Lawrence, Marie Wort man, Sarita Davis, Ernesto Lorona, Emile Lyall, Anna Farish, Thaddeus Robinson, George Simpson, Hubert Yates. Fourth Grade, Class B Miss Laird, teacher: Elizabeth Langford, Helen Rittenhouse, Lucille Wright. Third Grade, Class A Miss Cal houn, teacher: Doris Davis, John D. Loper, Elsie Horstman, Thaddeus Sewell. ADAMS SCHOOL Departmental Grades Eighth Grade, Class A Fern Haw kins,' Esther Keith, Dorothy Marine, George, Kahrs, Victor Norton, Zita Pisel, Carrie Yelton. Eighth Grade, Class R I la Shar man, Guy Burris, William Miller, Wal ter Stoltze, Albert Winship, Dewey Manker. " Seventh Grade, Class A Iva Haw kins. Mildred Johnson, Hazel Steele. Seventh Grade, Class B Gertrude Buntman, Doris Cleveland, Frederic Hough, Hazel Tuckey, Ellen White. Seventh Grade. Class I? Mary Tice, Veima Priehard, Helen Morrcll, Viola Shearer, Virgina Stoneman. Sixth Grade, Class A John Norton, Viola Lucas, Mary iglesby, Robert Wilkerson. Sixth Grade, Class B Miss King, teacher: Robert Fulton, Morgan Pen nington, Madeline Hubbard, Mary Hu lett, Josayle Jacobs, Lyla Diebold, Geraldine Pinching. Sixth Grade, Class B Miss Shan non, teacher: Lorraine Birdno, Ixiuise Conner, Gladys Roberts, Robert Thompson, Allie Fulton. Fifth Grade, Class A Miss Behn. teacher: Clarke Duncan, Martha Kessler, Chester Martin. Fifth Grade, Class 15 Miss Daggs, teacher: Winefred Alden, Opal Jen kins. Fourth Grade, Class A Miss Hobbs, teacher: Edna Brown, Paul Keith, Mary Malvina Oglesby, Bessie Smith, Clessie Smith. Fourth Grade, Class B Miss Thiers, teacher: Vclroa Belt, Nona Miller, Ida Van Tieren. Third Grade, Classes A and B Miss Bone, teacher: Magdalena Mandosa, Ruth Thomas. Second Grade, Classes A and B Miss Oruce, teacher: T,ouise Hender son, Miriam Davies, William Hancock, Dorothy Bond, Willaril Hart. Mor ton Jenkins, George Barklev. First Grade. Classes A and B Miss Pawline, teacher: .losie Anipy. M. D. Bell, W. R. Bond. Joe Codec, Blanche Hanson, Evcrct Tompkinson, Leslie Word en. Central School Sixth Grade, Class A Mr. Matthews, teacher: Raymond Blount. Kathe rine Dunn, Northrutt Ely, Royce Hamriok. Sixth Grade, Class B Miss Perry, teacher: Walter Colze, Harriette ITei ner. Marine Margaret. Patricia Thar aldson, Mildred Welsh. Fifth Grade, Class B Miss Pickles, teacher: Barney Brown, Hazel Crad dock. Senie Fuqua. Fifth Grade, Class B Miss Ross, teacher: Grace Baldwin, Theordore Coleman, Wills Lyon. Katherine Me Oowan, Winona Seip, Joaquin Tiz nado, Eleanor Wilkinson. Fourth Grade, Class B Miss Shan- SIX REELS TODAY Including the 15th episode of the Million Dollar Mysterv and a funny KEYSTONE COMEDY LI O THEATER III VHEATER Marie Chavez, Clarence Stevenson. Washington School Second Grade, Class A Miss La Chance, teacher: Maurice Arnold. Second Grade, Class B Miss Mc Comas, teacher: Saxton Bradford. First grade, class A, Miss Bryant, teacher Paul Barr, Virginia Brown, Edwin Files, Gertie Holmes, Harold Lindnar, Louis Morrell, Esther Mur phy, Isabel Moseley, James Power. First grade, class B, Miss Foushee, teacher Florence Cisney, Corrine Holmes, Lyford Lyall, Freddie Lepker, Ronald Myhand, Merritt Parker, Nina Reuter, William Robinson, Edith Tor no, Virginia Walker. First grade, class A, Miss Creighton, teacher Mike Corrillo, Marie Esquel, Aurora Gnote, Enrique Navarrette, Suzenna Orosco, Concha Quintanni, Bernardo Rico, Adleia Rico, Refugio Rodriguez, Nettie Romley, Eddie Rom ley Anita Valenzuela. First grade, class B, Miss Greene, teacher Ralph Alvarado, Hortensia Gregoyen, Monreal Elisa, Amelia Rico., Renaldo Varella. Kindergarten, Miss Jones,, teacher Arnold Byron, Lola Cartwright, At lanta Georgia Gammel, Henry Mar tinez, Elias Romley. Grant School Third grade, class A, Miss Keland, teacher Frank Caruthers, Louisa Val dez, Theodore Villalobos. ' Second grade, class A, Miss Good fellow, teacher Francis Taylor. Second grade, class B. Miss Wil liams, teacher Angelita Fuentes. First grade, class A, Miss Braun, teacher Esther Orabuena, Magdaleiyi Orozco, Arthur Zuniga, Mary Valencia, Placidita Valencia. First grade, class B. Miss Thurs ton, teacher Lucas Perez. First grade, class B, Miss Johnson, teacher Esther Othon. Kindergarten, Miss Ballard, teacher Rudolph Coralez. McKinley School Third grade, class B, Miss Marshall, teacher Virgil Dunlevy. Second grade, class A, Miss Sans, teacher Emma Katherine Edwards, Ellwood Johnson, Mary Virginia Moore, Mary Young. Second grade, class B, Mrs. Shel don, teacher Johnnie Gibbs, Boyd Lamber, Marshall Walton. First grade, class A, Miss Flynn, teacher Ralph Bayless, Helen Deal, Guy Habecker, Lee Horstman, Alvin Luitjens, Teddy Smtih, Stella Welty, Helen Young. First grade, class U, Miss Hunt, teacher Dorothea Edrnondson, For rest L. Gibbs, Wayne Cole Foster, Stanley Gilbert, Sharlot Hayes, Wil bur Horn, Grace Moore, Ruth Par rish, Albert Pike, Nellie Stephen, Glen Williams. First grade, class B, Miss Pollock, teacher Truth Dunbar, Elizabeth Fennemore, Helena Fowler, Wallace Green, Katheleen Jones, Billy Kim ball, Helen Lewis, Margaret Loper, Thomas Sine, Louis Tisdale, fred Tuft, Tom Walton. Kindergarten, morning, Miss Wini-Crum- by, teacher Vernita Fowler, Green, William Harris. Mabel Nell Jones, James Mcintosh, lnaline Wollpert. Kindergarten, afternoon, Miss God frey, teacher Wilbert Gibson, Elea nor Jones. Garfield School Third grade, classes A and B, Miss Humphrey, teacher Loraine Gould, Clinton McKellips, Gladys Brown, Carlton Fidler, Clifford McKellips, Paul Amstutz, Hazel Morgan, Clara Snell, Clarence Snell. First grade, class A, Miss Garnett, teacher Evelyn Crouch, Milburn Crouch, Geneva Groom, David Holmes, Valeria Morehead, Lowell White. First grade, class B, Miss McDaniel, teacher John Cheek, Milton Green wold, Leroy Merkle, Willie Neill. Fillmore School Third grade, class B, Miss Duval, teacher Naomi Miller, Mabel Rei ber. 1 Second grade, class B, Miss teacher Ernest Chambers, Dicus, Albert Kelley . A Second and B Third Miss Wiatt, teacher Anne Rita Rate. Winifred Dysart, Marlar, Eunice grades. Alkire, Esther Fulton, Ethel Fritz, Annavaard Pen nington. Neal Malone, Francis g lesby, George Torance, Bernice White, Hollis Clark, Standford Roper. First grade, classes A and B, Miss Oglesby, teacher Leslie McRae, Al len Nye, Hazel Bassett, Thomas Edens, Marguerite Felts, Vinita Felts, Cozine Sexton, Lily Thomas Kindergarten, Miss Norris, teacher Herman Brown. Harry Bostwick, Dorothy Kelley, Lela McRae. Capitol School Fourth grade, class B, Miss Clark, teacher Robert Bagley, Howard To vrea. ' Third grade, class A, "Miss Payne, teacher Mary Fulton. Third grade, class B. Miss Tullock, teacher Rex Conger, Helen Whitt lesey. . Second grade, class A, Miss St. Clair, teacher Marguerite Bridges, Isabelle Loch. Second grade, class B, Miss Lyall, teacher Lawrence Mower, Kenneth Vickrey. First grade, class A, Miss Graden, teacher John Armer, Esther Crane, Elma MacM HiA,nlmtMb&WG.h(.Es Elma MacMillan, Alma Patrick, Os car Temple, Lacy Tice. First grade, class B, Miss Holmes, teacher-MJIen, McMurty, Wade Mose ley, Gertrude Whittlesey. Kindergarten, Miss Burns, teacher Susan Curry, Lucile Erdmans, Mar jorie Ferry, Franklin Lamb, Alta May Moseley, Harold Vickrey.' Lincoln School Third grade, classes A and B, Miss Crumby, teacher Joseph Contreras, Carlos Gonzales, Leila Ham, Ernes tine Martinez, Gilberto Martinez, Mil dred Martinez, utnantuan tanu nunn dred Segbrecht, Henry Teran, Joseph McCormick, Mary McCormlck, Fred erick Mussey, Frank Meeks, Domi tila Ochoa, Manuel Snider. Second grade, classes A and B, Miss Newcomer, teacher Chonita Contreras, Richard Kilpatrick, Esther Lea, Effie McBroom, Mary McGowan, Roberto Riesgo, Carmen Ruiz, Edgar Williams. First grade, class A, Miss Bowman, teacher Edward Lea. Jewel Smith, Edward Salinas, Mike Snider, Mike Teran. non, teacher: Victor Stewart PROSECUTORS 10 ORGANIZE County Attorneys of State to Meet at .Arizona Club Today to Form Associa- tion and Discuss New and Old Laws To form an organization for mutual benefit Jnd to consider some of the problems presented In the enforce ment of recently enacted legislation, the county attorneys of the state will meet in conference this naming at the Arizona club. With but two or three exceptions, all the ' attorneys have arranged to be here for the meeting. Although the enforcement of some of the new laws, including the pro hibition amendment, will come up for discussion, the primary of the conference is to form such an as sociation of county attorneys as ex ists in many other states. These or ganizations, which serve to bring the members together for the solution of common problems, have been found to be beneficial in many ways. "I do not know whether any action relative to the newly-enacted laws will be taken at this meeting, or not," said County Attorney C. B. Wilson of Coconino county last evening. "That will be fur the attorneys to 'deter mine. There are, however, certain problems connected with some of the old laws, as well as the new ones, which will probably come up for dis cussion at this time. Those of us who have felt the need of such an association considered this an auspic ious time for the newly-elected offi cials to get together and organize." Just what stand the county attor neys will take on (he proposal made by Goernor Hunt to create the office of state defender, which is to come before this session of the legislature, is another matter that may he dis cussed today. A measure providing for such an official was introduced at the last session, but failed of adop tion. SPECIAL SERVICES tf THE NAZARENE CHURCH A series of meetings of special in terest will open this week at the Nazarene church, i:nder the direction of Rev. W. C. Wilson, district super intendent of the Pentecostal church of the Nazarene. The first meeting will be held Thursday evening. It is the purpose of Supt. Wilson, who will conduct the meetings, to present the old-time gospel message, and an invitation is extended to all to attend. The services will be held at 7::i0 o'clock each evening, with two meetings on Sundays. The church is at the corner of Jefferson street and Fourth avenue. RIGHT-OF-WAY BOARD OTVlsiTDfiS GRATEFUL TO PRESS That the charity ball recently given by the board of visitors of St. Luke's home was one of the most success ful affairs of its kind ever held in the city is the information conveyed in an expression of thanks from the board of visitors to The Republican. The assistance of the press and the generous response of the public, "lie committee's letter states, made it possible to turn over to the treas ury of the institution $400. First grade, class B, Miss Lea veil, teacher Kenneth Conoway, Manuel Henderson, Rita Jeffrey. Ernestine Williams. Euginio Leon, Bonita per, Leontina Redondo. Sherman School Primary grades. Miss Forsyth, teacher Di ilores Ballesteros. "BUNCOMBE" It Don't Always Pay to be Skeptical. When a newspaper writer and proof reader that works nights can feed himself out of dyspepsia, which most all that class suffer with, it is worth while to know the kind of food used. This man says: "Being a newspaper writer and proof reader, also a graduate in medicine as well, though not practicing, makes a combination that would produce a skeptic on the subject if anything would. "Day after day I read the proof on the Grape-Nuts advertisements with the feeling that they were all 'bun combe.' All this time I was suffer ing from dyspepsia from the improper food I was eating at the restaurant: "One day I saw a package of Grape-Nuts at the restaurant and tried some with cream. The food took my fancy at once. After a few lunches on it at midnight I noted an improvement in my feelings, and was able to work with less fatigue. "I have used Grape-Nuts as a re gular diet since then, and have im proved greatly. The old dyspepsia and bad feelings that I thought were necessary adjuncts to night work dis appeared, and I am able to do much more and better work with less effort than ever before. "I was nearly ready to give up and seek health in some other walk in life but thanks to my change in diet I am now all right." "There's a Rea son. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in pkgs. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville." Ever read the above letter. A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. THE BEST For Lowest 1 'rices FRANK Phone 1508 m JMMMM,MMMMMwtMMfc"''B ................. vrtvivwmy STATE OF ARIZONA OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA COR PORATION COMMISSION United States of America, State 'if Arizona, ss. The Arizona Corporation Commis sion does hereby certify that the an nexed is a true and complete trans cript of the Articles" of Incorpora tion of the Central Bank of Phoenix, I which were filed in the office of! said Arizona Corporation Commis sion op the 4th day of January, A.' I)., HUG. at 10::!0 o'clock, A. M., as I provided by law. j In testimony whereof, The Arizona Corporation Commission, by its I Chairman, has hereunto set its hand ' and affixed its Official Seal. Done at the city of Phoenix, the Capitol, this 4th day of January, A. D., 1915. Arizona Corporation Commission, (Seal) W. P. GEARY Chairman. Attest: FRANK DESOUZA. Sec. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, do here by associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corpora tion under the laws of the State of Arizona; and we do hereby certify: 1. That the names, residences and post office addresses of the under signed corporators are as follows: Geo. S. Lewis, Oak Park, III., 323 Wesley Avenue; Ignaz Schwinn, Chi cago, III., 2128 Humboldt Blvd.; F. A. Crandall, Oak Park. 111., 474 No. Oak Park Ave.; p. K. Lewis, Wichi ta, Kan.; J. W. Cheney, Wichita, Kan. II. That the name of this corporation is The Central Bank of Phoenix, and Its principal place of transacting bu siness shall be at Phoenix, Marico pa County, State of Arizona. Ill The general nature of the business proposed to tie transacted by the cor poration shall be that of banking; and to that end it shall have the power to receive, as banker, as de positors or otherwise, checks, drafts. bills of exchange, currency, specie or other forms of money or means of payment thereof, and to hold the same or collect and hold the same; to pay out monies or credits upon checks or drafts signed by its depo sitors, or otherwise, to provide by its By-laws or by contract or otherwise whether interest shall be paid upon any funds depos ited with it and upon what conditions and upon what terms, if any, any funds deposited with it shall draw interest; to make, sign, execute and deliver, or issue, or cause to be made, signed, executed and delivered, or issued, any ' and all kinds of checks, drafts or bills of exchange against any funds belonging to it or its deposi tors or otherwise; to deposit its funds or redeposit its depositors' funds in or with any other bank or banks, any. banker or bankers, trust company or companies, whether charging interest or not, or other wise; to loan money upon stocks, bonds, real estate or chattel mort gages, or other securities, and upon notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness; to sell hypothecate or pledge notes, bills of exchange, or other evidences of indebtedness own ed, used or held by it; to construct, purchase, hire, lease or otherwise ac quire safe deposit vaults, and op erate the same by sub-leasing spare therein or otherwise, and generally to make any and all contracts and to do anil perform, all and sundry the acts and things necessary and proper to be done and performed in the carrying out of any of the pur poses hereinbefore set forth; and also to do and perform all and sun dry, the acts and things, whether or not they be herein specifically enum erated, that pertain to the general business of banking; to purchase, or otherwise -acquire, hire, own, use, pledge, mortgage, operate, sell, or otherwise dispose of any real estate and of any personal property of any kind or character as it may con sider necessary in the conduct of its said business to the extent that mav be permissable under the laws of Arizona. IV. That the amount of the capital stock of this corporation which is authorized is the sum of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), divided into One Thousand (1000) shares of the par value of One Hun dred Dollars ($100.00) each; and that of this amount the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) Dollars is to be subscribed at the date here of and is to be paid for in cash at the par value thereof on or before the 1st day of January, 1915, or be fore this corporation shall apply for a license to engage in the business for which it is organized; the amount of the capital stock not thus sub scribed and paid for shall remain unissued until such time or times as the corporation shall direct, through a regular meeting of the stockhold ers, or a special meeting called for that purpose, provided, such author ization shall receive the vote of the majority of stock as shown by the records of the corporation. V That the time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the date of the filing of its articles of incorpora tion in the office of the Corporation Commission of the State, and the time of Its termination or expiration shall be Twenty-five (25) years thereafter. VT. That the affairs of this corporation are to be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than Five (5) or more than Nine (9) members, each - Groceries GRIEBEL 218 W. Washington Street of whom phall be a stockholder of the corporation. The above named corporatois shall constitute the Board of Directors until the first annual meeting of the Stockholders as here inafter provided for, and until other wise ordered by- the Stockholders or by the Board of Directors, as here inafter provided, the number of di lectors sholl be Five (5). The stock holders at any annual meeting there of, or the Board of Directors by re solution at any meeting thereof call ed for that purpose, may increase the number of Directors from Five (5) to any number not exceeding Nine (9), and. elect sin?h additional mem bers. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors 'shall be filled by the remaining Directors. Each mem ber of the Board shall hold office from the time of his election and qualification until the next annual meeting of the Stockholders and un til his successor is elected and qual ified, except he be removed for cause as hereinafter provided. The annual meeting of the Stockholders shall be held as the By-Laws may direct on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January of each year. The Board of Directors shall annually elect a President and one or more Vice-Presidents of the corporation from their number, and a Cashier who may or may not he a Director of the corporation. The Board of Di rector. may provide for other offi cers than those above mentioned, who may or may not be stockholders of the company as the Board of Direc tors may determine. The duties of the officers shall be such as usually appertain to such offices subject to such limitations as may be provided for in the By-Laws of the corpora tion. By-Iiws for the government of the corporation may be adopted at any annual meeting of the Stockholders or at any special meeting called for the purpose, or may be adopted oy the Board of Directors, and likewise may be repealed or amended. Any officer or director may be removed from office by .the Stockholders at any special meeting thereof called for that purpose, and his successor elected at such meeting. Any vac ancy occurring in any office of the corporation shall be filled by ths Board of Directors. At all meetings of the Stockholders a majority of the outstanding stock shall consti tute .1 quorum and each stock holder shall have one vote for each share of stock standing in his name upon the books of the company. vn. That the highest amount of in debtedness or liability direct or con tingent, except such as may be creat ed by the receiving of deposits and the issue of certificates of deposits, checks, and bills of exchange, or oy re-discounting its paper or which may otherwise be created in the transaction of its business of bank ing as hereinbefore set forth, to which the corporation is at any tlmo to subject itself be two-thirds of the amount of its outstanding capital stock. vnr. Except as provided by "existing law in the case of a banking corporation, the private property of the Stock holders of this corporation is to be exempt from corporate debts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seais this 2Sth day of December, One Thousand Nine Hundred Fourteen. (Signed). GEORGE S. LEWIS. IGNAZ SCHWINN. F. A. CRANDALL, P. K. LEWIS, Ji W. CHENEY. State' of Illinois, County of Cook, ss. This instrument was acknowledged before me, Melvin A. Drew, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Cook, State of Illinois, by George Lewis, Ignaz Schwinn, F. A. Cran dall, each of whom is personally known to me to be the individual who executed and is described in the foregoing instrument and who ac knowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and con sideration therein expressed. MELVIN A. DREW, Notary Public. My Commission Expires March, 1917. State of Kansas, County of Sedg wick, ss. This instrument was acknowledged before me, B. I. Taylor, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Sedgwick, State of Kansas, by P. K. Lewis and J. W. Cheney, each of whom is personally known to me to be the individual who executed and is described in the foregoing instru ment and who acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein ex pressed. B. I. TAYLOR, Notary Public. My Commission expires Dec. 23, 1917. Filed in the office of the Arizona Corporation Commission this 4th day of Jan., A. D., 1915, at 10:30 A. M., at request of Sloan and Westervelt, whose post office address is rhoenix, Arizona. TIIE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION. Ky W. P. GEARY. Chairman. STOCKHOLDERS to-EETING The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Phoenix National Bank will be held in its office in Phoenix, Ariz., on Tuesday January 12th, 1915, at 3 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. II. D. MARSHALL, Cashier