OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, January 12, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. XXV. NO. 232
Sims Is Elected President and Irooks Chairman, All
According to the Schedule Laid Out in Caucuses; Com
mittee Appointments in Senate Filled ly Midnight,
Rut House Committees Are Delayed by Fact Most of
Legislators Are New; House's First Vote Is to Down
The gentle, humanizing and refining
influence of woman upon public life in
Arizona was early manifested after the
assembling of the house of the second
state legislature yesterday, when Mrs.
Rachael Berry of Apache county, off
ered a resolution against smoking on
the floor of the house during "all" ses
sions of the legislature, and the resolu
tion further instructed the sergeant at
arms to see that the same rule should
be enforced in the lobby, whatever or
whever that may be. With the consent
of Mrs. Perry, the clause relating to the
lobby was stricken out and then the
resolution was passed by a majority of
more than two to one. As the reso
lution stands, smok'r.y is not forbidden
at some sessions of lb" house" only
members may not smoke at all o lou
At the other end o'. the capitoi, Mrs.
Frances L- Mund. the only wtma,
member of the senate said that see h id
no objection to indulgence by hrr col
leagues in the weed which was sn''h a:',
annoying vegetable ti little R.ibr.
The Beginning
In compliance with custom and the
statutes, the legislature assembled at
noon. An hour before that time all the
members were in their respective hous
es and the galleries were bright with all
the flashing hues of the rainbow. The
members presented a fine appearance.
To the casual observer the legislature
in both branches was an improvement
upon any of its predecessors. There
was an air of business and seriousness
that has not usually receded the open
ing of legislative sessions in Arizona.
To none of them did it appear that the
session was to be a junketing occasion.
What happened at the organization
of each house caused no surprise to the
readers of The Republican for the
whole proceedings had been accurately
outlined in the stories of Sunday and
Monday morning. Everything was
done that it had been announced would
be done and nothing else was done.
The House
The house was called to order by
Hon. W. L. Cook of Cochise county and
Hon. John Christy of Greenlee moved
that L. F. Sweeting of his county be
made acting chief clerk. That was
done and on a motion by John J. Swee
ney of Yavapai, a committee on cre
dentials was appointed, composed of
Mr. Sweeney, Richard Farrell of Santa
Cruz. A. G. Austin of Maricopa, S. F.
I.angford of Greenlee and Mrs. Rachael
Kerry of Apache. It was an hour and
a quarter later that the committee re
ported the list of members entitled to
seats, that appeared in The Republican
yesterday morning to which was ad
ded the name of Hon. J. S. Merrill of
Cochise which had meen omitted from
The Republican's list.
When the report had been approved.
Messrs Mahoney of Mohave and J. B.
Flannigan of Yuma, were appoipnted a
committee to wait upon Chief Justice
Ross and ask him to administer the
oath to the members. Meanwhile Hon.
William K. Brooks of Gila was unani
mously elected speaker. When the
oath had been administered, Mr. Ed
wards of Yuma moved a vote of thar.ks
to the chief Justice who replied in a
felicitous address. The nomination tor
speaker was called for and here. Chair
man Cook suffered some embarrass
ment when he addressed the house as
"gentlemen" adding as an afterthought
"and Honorable Lady". William E.
Brooks of Gila was nominated for
speakr and elected without a dissent
ing vote and with ananimous applause
from the floor and the gallery.
The appointment of Mr. Sweeting as
chief clerk was made permament and
R. E. Leach of Pima was made ser
geant at arms. Committees were then
appointed to notify the senate and the
governor that the house was organized.
It was resolved that the rules of the
first session be continued In the pres
ent one.
It was then that Mrs. Berry's anti
smoking resolution was offered and
was opposed by- Mr. Christy of Green
lee who said that its enforcement would
deprive his constituents of his best ef
forts in their behalf. Mr. Lee of Gra
ham defended the resolution, saying
that if the atmcsphere of the house
were vitiated by tobacco smoke his
constituents would be deprived of his
best efforts. James C. Goodwin also
Would Create Naval Titles
For Panama Canal Cruise
associated prebb dispatch
WASHINGTON, Jun. 11 The Cre
ation of the grades of admiral of the
fleet and vice admiral to be he'd
temporarily by the commander-in-chief,
and second in rank, respecti
vely, of the Atlantic, Pacific and ,
Asiatic fleets was proposed in anj
amendment to the naval appropria
tion bill adopted by the house naval ;
committee. The navy department
wanted these titles held permanently'
by the' men gaining them, but the
committee decided that the rank and
pay above the grade of rear-admiral,
should be granted only for the period
an officer serves as commander or
second in e'ommand of the fleet. I
The department has urged prompt
defended the resolution which was fin
ally adopted.
Organization of the Senate
Long before this the senate was
ready lor business and had adjourned
pending the completion of the organi
zation in the house. The senate had
been called to order by George H.
Chase of Greenlee and Oscar Cole of
Pima was made temporary secretary.
A. DoSaulos "was made acting sergeant
at arms and a credentials committee
was appointed, consisting of Messrs
Kinney, Goldwater and McMilleri. It
was resolved to retain the rules of the
former legislature, pending the intro
duction of new rules by a committed
consisting of Messrs. Webb, Bacon and
President Sims who had just been
unanimously elected. After the admin
istration of the oath of office and the
permanent appointment of Mr. Cole as
secretary and Con F. Cronin as assist
ant secretary a resolution was adopted
fixing the hour of adjournment to ten
o'clock in the morning.
Presiih-nt Sims was presented with a
gavel made from the wood of the first
stale capitoi building and a handsome
carved vase of the same wood was pre
sented to Mrs. Munds.
Senator Goldwater introduced the
following resolution:
"Resolved, that as a particular mark
of respect to the memory of Michael G.
Cunniff, president of the senate of the
first state legislature of Arizona, and
in recognition of his eminent abilities
and of his services to the state, the
senate, at the close of any remarks
may desire to make, shall stand ad
journed. "Resolved, that the secretary send a
copy of this resolution to the house and
to the family of the deceased."
Mr. Goldwater spoke feelingly of the
high qualities of Mr. Cuniff and trib
ute was paid his memory by Messrs.
Webb, Colter and Lovin. An adjourn
ment was then taken to three o'clock,
awaiting the completion of organiza
tion in the house.
The legislature had not entered upon
its work without spiritual preparation.
In he ho,ise. Divine blessing had been
invoiced by "Rev. Seaborn Crutorifitdd,
who had performed that office for the
senate of the first legislature and pre
viously for the constitutional conven
tion. In the house. Rev. H. M. Camp
bell of the Presbyterian church offi
ciated. The Joint Session
Roth houses re-assembled, each in
its own chamber at three o'clock to
arrange for the joint session for the
reception of the message of the gov
ernor who it had been announced
would read it in person. After the dis
charge of their duties by the various
notification committees the members
of the senate took their places in the
house and the governor escorted by a
committee, soon after appeared and be
gan the reading of his message.
The Message
The governor's message was a vol
uminous document of. ninety-six type
written pages, containing more than
30,01)0 words, and dealing with the de
partments of government, the indus
tries of the state and various proposi
tions for reform. It advised economy
in the conduct of the government and
at the same time warned the legislature
against parsimony, and directed atten
tion to the growing institutions of the
state and their increasing needs.
The message describes the improved
situStion along the border and the
ASEOC'IATED press dispatch
WASHINGTON", Jan. II. Urging
in open senate today the early rati
fication of the pending treaty wi'n
Colombia under which the United
States would pay $25,000,000 for the
Panama, canal strip. Senator Ransdell
declared that the United States couid
not afford to reject the treaty from
provision for the promotion of fleet
commanders so the American officers
will not be outranked by visiting
foreigners when the international
fleet gathers for the Panama canal
cruise. The committee also adopted
an amendment to abolish the naval
"plucking board," and to authorize
the president to restore officers re
tired by the board to active duty.
The naval reserve plan, under
which Secretary Daniels hopes to
build up a reserve of twenty-five
thousand men was adopted as report
ed by the sub-committee, as were
amendments to add officers to the
marine corps. All amendments to
increase the number of enlisted men
in the navy were voted down.
Chairmen of Senate Committees
Finance: .Bacon of Gila.
Labor: Chase of Greenlee.
Mines: .McMillen of Pinal.
Appropriations: Stapley of Mari
copa. Banking and Insurance: Drach-
man of Pima.
Corporations: Martin of Pima.
Constitutional Mandates: Kinney
of Gila.
Constitutional Amendments: Cla-
ridge of Graham.
Suffrage and Elections: Garvin
of Yuma.
Education and Public Institu
tions: Munds of Yavapai.
Agriculture and Irrigation: Karns
of Santa. Cruz.
Live Stock: Coulter of Apache.
County .and .County .Affairs:
Campbell of Coconino.
Militia and Public Defense: Lovin
of Mohave.
Public Health and Statistics:
Bacon of Gila.
State Accounting: Stapley of
Enrolling and Engrossing: Uracil -mar.
of Pima.
Style, Revision and Compilation:
Sims of Cochise.
Printing and Clerks: Webb of
Public Lands: Probably Iliggs
of Cochise.
Judiciary: Morris Goldwater of
Ydva pai.
I House Committees Delayed I
Speaker Wm. E. Brooks of the
house announced at midnight that
almost continuous conferences I
I during the evening had failed to '
line up the bouse committees.
I They will be announced today.
growth of the live stock industry and
agricultural development. The bank
ing situation affords a fine reflection
of the prosperity-of the state. Many
new and promising industries have
been instituted.
The labor problem is dealt with in
several sections and the message rec
ommends the creation of a state em
ployment bureau and the creation of a i
public works fund. . '
Though the eighty per cent law is not
mentioned by name, the governor al
ludes, with a touch of bitterness, to the
decision by a United States tribunal
declaring it to be invalid; He criticis
es, the large employers of labor for
having created the condition in this
state that drove the voters to endeavor
to protect themselves against alien la
bor. Regarding the public lands, though
no definite land policy is outlined in
the message, the governor issues warn
ing against the dissipation of the lands
and recommends the retention of the
land commission until the selections
under the enabling act have been made.
The governor speaks of the excellent
work clone by the state historian under
an insufficient appropriation.
The message argues against any pro
posal to abolish the system of direct
legislation because certain defects ITave
been disclosed. What is needed is to
arouse the greater interest of the peo
ple in public questions and that In the
opinion of the governor may best be
done by a system of publicity, not
through newspapers controlled by self
ish interests but through the agency of
the government. A legislative refer
ence bureau is recommended.
Reverting to the subject of nwspap
ers, the message advises publicity of
facts relating to their ownership in
order that the people may be apprised
of the interests behind them.
Among the recommendations are a
unicameral legislative body and public
defenders. The message devotes a great
(Continued on Page Six)
the standpoint of either justice or
When the Louisiana senator began
the discussion in open session Sen
ator Jones suggested that treaties
usually were considered executively.
"Until Colombia's grievance is re
moved,'" said Senator Ransdell, "there
can be no cordial relation and peace
with the Latin-American world." He
insisted that the paramount matter
to be considered was not what the
people of the United States thought
about the treaty, but what the Latin
Americans thought of it.
Most of the nations of South and
Central America, in his opinion, sym
pathized with Colombia and were in
clined to look upon the United States
with ill feeling as long as the treaty
negotiated at Bogota remained un
raitfied. To further delay ratification of the
pending trpaty. he declared, "would
put a barrier across the path of the
movement to win for the United
States that part of the trade of
Latin-American countries which Eu
rope is losing because of the war."
"Colombia is weak," the senator
continued, "and believes we have
grievously wronged her. Can we af
ford to reject this treaty even if the
justice of Colombia's claim be de
nied? Kvery principle of justice, of
sound business and wise stalesniMii
ship demands Unit this treaty lie
ratified at once."
" f : T V
These photos, which have just reached America, were taken within the French lines. Upper picture shows
French officers behind their snow-covered barbed-wire barricades, following the movements of an advance party
of Germans in the Argonne district. Lower photo shows a French dirigible flying over a fleet of French planes
in Alsace before the latter started cn their recent visit to Metz, where they dropped bombs.
Unless Rouuianin and Italv
Enter War Little Likeli-j
hood of Change in Situa
tion I'nitl Weather Con-,
ditious Improve. j
LONDON, Jan. 11. Only a change
in the weather or the entrance of
Roumunia and Itaiy or both into the
war, is likely to accomplish any
marked change for some time. The
weather is uncertain, but the belief
is growing among .the allies that
Roumania, with her well trained
army of 40otoo0 nv-n, will enter the
conflict soon. This would link the
Roumanian army with the Russian
extreme left now forcing its way
through liukowina into Hungary.
Along with the Servians and Monte
negrins this would form a line men
acing Austria-Hungary from Russia
to the Adriatic'.
Meanwhile the field armies in the
east and west are virtually do;id -locked.
In Alsace the French con
tinue attempts to force nearer the
Rhine, but there is snow in the Yo.--ges
and neither side claims progress.
Desperate fighting continues in the
center northeast of Soissons," around
Perthes and Beausejour. The bom
bardment of Soissons threatens to
make it another Rheims. From
Beausejour the allies are trying to
reach the railway cutting an impor
tant line of (ierman communication.
The Hermans and allies disagree cm
the outcome of this fighting.
Neither Fast Prussia or Poland
furnishes a change in the gener.'d
situation. The Russians are appar
ently stationary in the expected in
vasion of Hungary through I'.uko
wina. It is conceded the Russians
hold practically the whole of Ruko
wina, and it is reported that thous
ands of refugees are crossing the
Rumanian bolder. Interest centers in
the developments of the occupation
of Bukowina as it is believed to be
influencing the Rumanian situation.
There is little information about the
Turkish army in the Cauea.su.-, which
Russia battered. Italy is reported
sending troops to her islands in the
Aegean Sea off Asia Minor preparing
for eventualities. Turkey is reported
to have abandoned the proposed
camel invasion of Fgypt fearing dis
embarkation of troops in Syria
threatening her line of communica
tion. Aeroplanes Head for Paris
PARIS. Jan. 11. Two German
aeroplanes heading for Paris were
sighted yesterday by the French nlr
patrols who now cruise over the re
gion considerably to the north of
Paris. One German machine , was
rear Pontoise and the other was
(Continued on Page Seven)
I COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 11.
The inaugural ceremonies of Gov.
i Frank B. Willis were marred this
afternoon by the explosion of a
balloon bomb which caused pro-
bable fatal injury to Col. Geo.
P. Zwerner, state arsenal keeper.
The bomb exploded prematurely.
I one side of Col. Kwerner's face
! was mutilated.
TUCSON, Jan. 11. The trial
of Louie Gherna, the test case of
I the saloonkeeper charged with
i selling a pint of whiskey on Jan-
uary 1, was held here in the su
l perior court today. E. s. Ives
i and John R. Wright appeared for ;
, the defendant, and George Hil-
i zinger. county attorney, and Wil- i
cv Jones, attorney general, for !
I the prosecution. Judge Cooper
! will give his decision on Tuesday
! morning. Wiley Junes made an j
I urgent plea for a decision today j
I so that he could return to the ,
i legislature, but Judge Cooper re- I
! fused.
: ;
Merry Fight For '
Seats In The
Utah Legislature
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 11. When
ihe republican members were in final
oiucus just before noon today, the
progressive, democratic and socialist
members of the lower house of the
legislature took their oaths of office
before the county clerk, entered their
chamber at noon and organized the
When the republicans appeared the
opposition chairman, I). R. Shields,
of Salt Lake, declined to recognize
them as they had not taken the
oatb of office. The attorney gen
eral of the state has been summoned
ljy the republicans to advise then:.
The opposition announces that the
seat of W. L. Alarnick, republican
or Utah county, will be challenger!
on the ground that he was a mem
ber of the Idaho legislature two
years ago and the Utah law requires
that a representative must have been
a citizen of the state three years
prior to his election.
The house is evenly divided be
tween the republicans and the op
position. CIVIL ARMY TO
LONDON, Jan. 11. "The civil Srmy
we have to feed is greater tfian the
Rritish and French armies combined.
Yet we can scrape through on about
86.230,000 worth of food each month."
This was declared by Emil Franqui, a
prominent B elgian banker, on a brief
visit -to London in connection with the
relief work of Belgium.
"In all the history of the world," he
said, "here is no parallel for a com
munity of seven million souls being
faced with starvation and denied by
the belligerents of every possible means
of self-preservation. We, indeed, are
the Ishmael of Europe.
"You in England say you cannot
trade with us because to do so would
be to trade with the enemy. You say
you cannot open the port of Antwerp,
our door of relief, because it would be
an advantage to the Germans. You
say you cannot even send us money
because it might reach your enemy.
"Thus the Germans. French, and
I'ritish have a ring of steel around our
territory through which none may en
ter and none may depart without per
mission from the belligerents."
Franqui said Belgium is at the mer
cy of, the world and if mercy is not ac
corded, Belgium cannot longer exist.
While the belligerents are arguing
over Belgium, Franqui added, wven
million persons are confronted 'with
Chief of. Stuff Siu-cessfnlly
Concludes Negotiations
for Agreement Elimina
ting Factional Warfare
. Along. S.onora Barder. -
NACO. Jan. 11. Gen. Scott tonight
successfully concluded negotiations for
peace along the border. Both Mayto
reno and Calles, who succeeded Hill,
signed tne agreement eliminating fac
tional warfare along the Sonora bor
der. The only change of importance in the
terms 's the added provision that May
torena will move his Villa troops now
before Agua Prieta south of Fronteras
until the occupation of Agua Prieta by
The Maytorena troops outside of Na.
co will retire to Cananea. Calles will
than take his troops overland to Agua
Prieta. sending his wounded and his
women and baggage through the Unit
ed States in bond.
Carranza Forces Defeated
EL PASO, Jan. 11. Confirmation of
the reported defeat of Carranza forces
;n the fighting about Saitillo, capita! of
the state of Coahuila. has been received
from Villa, now at Chihuahua. He
stated that millions of cartridges, much
ammunition and fourteen military
trains with ample provisions were cap
tured. General Dozal Captured
actual starvation. Only by the forma
tion of the American relief commission
were obstacles in the way of minister
ing to the wants of the Belgians being
overcome, shipments of food being per
mitted to enter Belgium by the way of
Rotterdam." This relief could not be
i given, he said, except under the auspic
t es of a neutral commission.
Lines Drawn For Suffrage
Fight In The House Today
I WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Lines
! were drawn for a battle in the house
! tomorrow on the .Mondell resolution
! proposing an amendment to the fede
ral constitution guaranteeing the
rights to vote to all citizens regard
less of sex. The resolution will be
voted upon before the house adjourns
tomorrow. Anti-suffragettes claim
the resolution will not fail to re
ceive a two-thirds vote of heiuse nec
essary for its submission . to the
states, but that it would get only
about one-third of the votes in the
body. The suffragists, however,
nlqim trt hnva nlinnt o mainrilv nf
the house behind the measure.
Comparison Is Made Be
tween Six Months Under
Managerial Form and Six
Months Under City Coun:
cil Regime.
Twenty Per Cent Reduction
in City Water Rates Is
Recommended and Desire
Expressed It Become Ef
fective Forthwith.
Not since the- commission-managerial
form of government became ef
fective nearly a yaer ago has a more
comprehensive report been made by
Manager W. A. Farish than that pre
sented to the commission at its meet
ting yesterday mornning. Not only
does the report indicate decided eco
nomies and that the city for tho
first time in its history is upon a
strictly cash basis, but it also carries
the recommendation that the city
water rates be reduced twenty per
cent forthwith.
Comparison is made for the first
six months of the fiscal year begin
ning July 1. 1914, with the closing
six months of 1913. It is shown that
w-ith the exception, of December, w hen
heavy interest payments became due.
there had been a reduction in monthly
expenses. If the interest payments
made in December were deducted,
there would have been a saving in
that month of about J5.000 instead of
an increased expenditure of $19,411.31!.
This Interest was upon bonds is
sued by the old city council, of which
bonds, the amount of J125.O00 is rep
resented in the funding bonds issued
to take care of outstanding warrants
and other debts contracted previous
to the commission taking office and
to meet which there were no funds.
The report is herewith reproduced
in full:
To te Honorable Mayor and Commis
sion of the City of Phoenix
At the meeting of the Commission
held December 31, 1914, I was asked if
I could make a statement of the condi
tion of the City of Phoenix in reference
to its receipts and expenditures under
the present Commission-Manager form
of government in comparison with the
receipts and expenditures under the old
form of government.
In compliance with that request. I
have prepared the following report,
which I now submit.
The limited time which the Commission-Manager
form of government
has been in operation in this city makes
any extended comparison impractic
able: and, moreover, the records of the
administration of the affairs of the
city under the old form of government
are in such confusion as to detail that
I have been unable to collect them, as
yet, under proper heads for comparison
(Continued on Page Four)
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 11. General Juan
Dozal, Carranza governor for the stale
of Tepic, was overhauled at sea while ,
fleeing to San Diego, taken back to Ma
zatlan and there courtmartialed last
Saturday. Wireless reports today car
rying this news to Rear-Admiral How
ard in command of the Pacific fleet,
said that the sentence of the court had
been withheld from, publication.
Carranza Holds Monterey
LAREDO, Jan. 11. Monterey is held
by Carranza troops, according to re
ports tonight. These said that Gen.
Herrera arrived there with a large
force. When Herrera's troops appeared
at Monterey the citizens mistook them
for Villa troops and for a while pan
demonium reigned. Banks and busi
ness houses were closed, telegraph of
fices were deserted and there was a
genral flight from th city. Herrera hur
riedly informed the fleeing populace by
I scouts of their mistake. Tonight the
j conditions are nearly normal. Reports
j of Villa's capture of Victoria are con
WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 11.
Arizona: Fair.
Under an agreement reached today
the house will meet at eleven to
morrow instead of at noon. There
will be six hours discussion of the
resolution. Large delegations of both
supporters and opponents of the suf
frage are in Washington. Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw, president of the
National American Woman's Suffrage
association; Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt, president of the International
Woman's Suffrage Alliance, and the
Congressional Committee of the Na
tional association are preparing to
night for the suffrage side of the
fight. They conferred also with sup
porters of the amendment among
(Continued on Page Five.)

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