PAG I EIGHT THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATUKIUY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1915. THOMAS Are just a little different tlian any other rake made. They are made of the best and heaviest material obtainable. All cast parts being made of malleable iron and the head of angle steel. The teeth are extra heavy and are made from crucible steel, oil tempered. The dumping arrangement is unique. A letter, phone (.all or personal visit from you will give you a practical demon stration of this rake. PRATT-GILBERT CO. CLASSIFIED W PER WORD PIK DAT Auctions tf AUCTION SALE At Taylor's Auc tion House, 241 West Washington St. Saturday, April IT, l:im p. M. More goods, better furniture than ever, be fore; dressers, chiffoniers, china clos et, kitchen cabinets, dining tables, li brary tallies, oak and genuine leather davenport, Morris chair, dining chairs, some extra good rugs, 6 refrigerators, 4 ice boxes, some extra good rockers, stoves, ranges, gasoline stoves, oil sloven, beds, sewing machines, dishes, horses, wagons, buggies, harness, chickens, etc., one lot located in the beautiful suburb of Sunny Slope. Taylor the Auctioneer, Phone 1917. tf Al'CTHiN At Kit-Ill's auction house. 47 W. Jefferson St., Saturday, April 37th, 1:30 P. M. Furniture, tools, im plements, a consignment of Ostrich .feathers, made into plumes, stickups, bands and novelties, all new; 1 Im ported black stallion, known as "Col bert," registered papers delivered at pale. Some work horses; 1 Ford au tomobile in fine shape; 1 camp wagon harness and rigs. Some chickens; if you have anything to sell bring it in. Phone 1349. J. I". P.iohl, Auctioneer. It AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915 PAT'S CORRAL Cof. 5th Ave. and W. Washington St. COMMENCING AT 1:30 P. M. WE WILL SELL several draft, driv ing and saddle horses, mules wagons, buggies, harness, farm implements, chickens and other articles. Cash sale. List your property with the clerk at the corral early. Money as soon as sale is over; no wait. C. O. McMURTRY, Auctioneer J. P. HASSAN, Clerk. bn THE VALLEY'S WELL KNOWN LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER, C. O. McMURTRY 21 N. first' Aw. tf TUGLIC SALES Conducted by F. So BALDWIN Phone 18R3 Tempe. tf CATTLE SALES Conducted by Gctsinger bring' good prices and quick money. See him at 16 E. Adams St. tf Foi Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Most highly improved ranch in the valley. Address Box 848 city P. O. tf HAKUAINS In residences; ranch and business property, Improved or unim proved; houses to rent W. K. JAMES. 40 North First St. tf Bargains in Used Cars MITCHELL Roadster. Car in good running order. Tires in fine shape. Snap at $275. ,. FOTUcar, nearly new, without body. A good buy at $400. CADILLAC touring car, 1913 mod el. In good condition, Just been used here in the city. Price $950. Accessory Special Tennant holders, nickel plated, will attach to any car, very neat, regu lar price per pair $2.00. Special for Roosevelt week at 75c per pair. O'Neill Auto and Supply Company 328 N. Central Phone C86 Chalmers ftnd Maxwell Agents T. B. Trent, Mgr. RACES For Sale Real "Rstatfl ONE LOT For Sale chean. if taken fit once also some concrete blocks, in quire at 923 North Second St. br SEVERAL DECIDED BARGAINS in small acreage. H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams, tf FOR SALE 5 acres in crop, good house and outbuildings, near car line, 3 miles northeast; must be sold at once, will make easy terms or cash, big sacrifice. PRINCE & TUTTLE 14 West Adams St. bn GALPIN A HART REAL ESTATE INSURANCE GALPIN HART II North First Ave. LOANS tf 40 ACRES of the best soil in the val ley, irrigating water paid one year in advance. If sold at once will take 350 per acre, terms, phone Owner, 20R2. tf FOR SALE One of the best im proved and beet located country homes In the valley, a good chance to cut down the high cost of living. Property is handy to car line, has lots of good fruit and shade trees. Well fenced, good chicken house, yard and alfalfa; good house and garage. Write Owner, P. O. Box 297, Phoenix, Ariz. tf FOR SALE Improved 5-acre tract, bungalow; alfalfa; grapes and small fruit trees. $100 down' and easy terms on the balance. This is a snap. See Thompson, 15 North. First. Ave. . tf FOR SALE AT YOUR OWN PRICE; must sell 160 acres, class "A" land, well Improved, so will take first offer of cash or part cash. You can buy this cheaper than desert land, am leaving Phoenix and need money. Box S. W. J. Republican. tf FOR SALE Ranch and dairy cattle will self 40 or 80 acres fairly Improved, extra good alfalfa, "A' water, close to school, reamery and railroad station; also 2f to 50 head of choice young dairy cattle. John O'Malley, care O'Malley Lumber Co. tf For Sale Housei FOR SALE Watch Pnoenix Grow; 7 room house, 75 ft, front, close in, $2600, a really snap; $1500 cash, bal. to suit. 6 room, modern, fine shade, near High School, $2600, $500 cash, bal. to suit, this place is $1000 under va lue. 4 room, new, 1 acre, near Indian School, $1600, $11(0 cash, balance $15 per month. Houses for sale, like rent. M. .H. Shelton, 215 West Wash. tf ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM BUN GALOW. Lot 70x196. Abundant roses. Barn and chicken house. Good buy for those wanting small home in good neighborhood,' at low price. 546 Ea."U Portland. ds For Sale Miscellaneous xm-ij-r.-i.i-.. , .. ....ww.www .A. FOR SALE 3 Insurance companies doing a nice clean business; investi gate. Southwestern Building & In vestment Co., Five Points. br FOR SALE A Buck Range, practi cally new, used only a short time also a Kitchen Cabinet table in fine condition. Enquire at 54 Virginia ave. R. 2. bp FOR SALE Two horse spring wa gon and harness. 1139 East Monroe St. bp FOR SALE IHC automobile, cheap 1139 East Monroe St. - bp FOR SALE Camp wagon, excellent condition. 618 N. Sixth St. ds FOR SALE-200 lbs. of old barb wire. Osborn School. db FOR SALE 10 H. P. gas engine and Case belt power baler, cheap., I'hone 519. .. tf FOR SALE Ford car, $275. Groom. Phone 8089. db FOR SALE Three counter show cases three feet long, one grocery dis play counter has 21 bins, capacity 1500 pounds groceries, glass front; must be sold by April 20. Address Box 861 Re publican, bn FOUR two-cylinder Reos for sale cheap. Tempe Garage. Tempe. -'Ik WILKEY & WARTMAN OIL CO. For this week only. Red Crown Filtered Gasoline 16 cts. per gallon ' Phone 1887 143 W. Jefferson tf PURE BEES HONEY. gaL -60. Phone 8002. 622 8. Central. 4-dp DAIRYMEN TO FEED Cold Pressed Cotton Seed Cake. Greatest milk pro ducer In the world. Price lc a pound. Arizona Egyptian ""Company, foot of Fifth street. U For Sale Miscellaneous! GOOD Spring wagon and buggy for sale. Phone 8488. ' - ' br TWO MOWING MACHINES Sulky rake and three Buck rakes. Tel. 201 J5. J. Garnett Holmes, Tolleson, Ari zona. - tf FOR SALE Ford runabout, cheap with truck attached. Good condition. All new tires. Fine for delivery car. P. O. Box 127'. - bp FORSALE Hupmobile 32, fine eotT ditiori.' Cash. 'Marvin's Music House. tf LARGE TWIN INDIAN mo-tor cycle, just ' completely over hauled and placed in tip top shape; presto tank and light, and speedometer attached. New 28x3 casings on. both wheels. Will sell at a bargain for $150. See Griffen, Republican, Tem- pe. In afternoons. ' tf ARIZONA CHICK FEED BEST FOR ARIZONA CHICKS PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 1067 tf BARGAINS IN SAFES We have 3 second hand safes, one large, one me dium and one small size, all in abso lutely first class condition; all have inside burglar and fireproof chests. For sale at bargain prices. Arizona Hardware Supply Co. Pbont 1231, 3rd Ave. and Jackson. tf FRUITS AND PRODUCH Wholesale and Retail PHOENIX FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. 119 West Jefferson. tf For Sale Live Stock FOR SALE Span young horses; also one horse, express wagon and harness; cheap. Call 115 South Eighth street. bn FOR SALE Two large work horses. Two miles east from Center St. on Thomas Road. John Blenditiger. bn FOR' S A LE T earn of5 year ol d mules, well broken. Willis Warren. Phone 2941. bn FOR SALE About 200 ewes and lambs, cheap. Telford, Tempe. br YOUNG COLLIE, male, $5.00. 315 N. 13 St. bp FOR SALE Fresh cow. M. E. Wood VA mile South Glendale. tf FOR SALE 14 A No. 1 milk cows, fresh and coming fresh. 2 miles west of Laveen, Arizona. M. Hauser. db FOR SALE One A So. 1 milk cow. 2027 Wre3t Monroe. bn ONE SPAN MULES 1 Studebaker wagon, 1 set harness, same as new, will sell ata bargain. Van Buren Cor ral, ds FIVE FRESH HOLSTEIS HEIFERS 5-passenger 1915 model auto, nearly new Indian motorcycle, bicycle, new binder, gun, Universal tractor and plows or will trade for pigs, brood sows, young cattle or calves. Cleave land ranch; 44 miles South and 3 east of city. Phone 117R4. tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL for sale; also span young work mares, 4 and 5 years old. I'hone 15J11. bn BROOD SOWS and Gilts, heavy with pig: also feeders and weaned pigs. Valley Hog Co., Osborn Road and 7th St. tf PONY, wagon and harness. Van Buren Corral. tf For Sale Eggs and Poultry DAY OLD CHICKS Now ready, full blooded White Leghorns. Arizona Poultry Ranch, 7th Ave and Osborn road. Phone 6R11. br FOR SALE White and Brown Leg horns, Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rock chickens. 1000 White Leghorns for immediate delivery. Poultry Sup ply House, 446 W. Wash. Phone 1003. tf BUY YOUR HESS, fryers, ducks. turkeys, pigeons, squabs, rabbits and baby chicks from The Poultry Supply House. 446 West Washington. Phone 1003. tf ORDER BABY CHICKS from heavy laying Hoganized White Leghorns; other breeds also. Phone 213 J2. Web er's Hatchery, Indian School road, mile west of school. tf DAY OLD , CHICKS, Brown and White Leghorns, $10.00 per hundred; Rhode Island Reds, $15.00 per hundred. Agent for Jubilee Incubators. L. H. Senreennt. Route 6. Phnne 26.TB. tf CHICKS, R. I. Reds, $15.00 hundred; White Leghorns, $10.00 hundred. R. C. Herald, 37R3. Route 3. tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn chicks, $10 per hundred. Fred Cotton. Phone 2171. bn For Sale or Exchange TO EXCHANGE Lot for automo bile. Half block from car line. Box 864 Republican. . bn THIRTY ACRE RASCH. Box 202, Tempe. ' 5-bm HAVE CLEAN LOTS and some cash for home of 6 or 7 rooms, north, will assume a reasonable amount. Phone 1121 McDonald with Barnhard & Co. 129 N. 1st Ave. ' tf A COMPLETE LINE of exchanges. H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams tf WILL TRADE Good horse, buggy and harness for first class cow. See Lee Cuber at Ford Garage. bp 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOMES In El Centro, Cat, modern, up-to-date; 1. house, .7 rooms; 1 2 room house, 3 blocks from center of city", beautifully shaded. Wanted ranch or town prop erty. Address 25 West Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona. bp FOR TRADE A beautiful . and well located home in Long Beach. House nearly new, thoroughly mod ern, seven rooms, all modern built In effects. Stationery tubs, etc. 3 big bed rooms. Property worth $5500. My equity $3500, to trade for Phoe nix, property, prefer small Improved ranch north of phoenix or near Glendale. Address Box L. B., care Republican. . tf For Sale or Exchange --rii-ir-i nf ww'MWwrMymiTtt-i-fi $800 EQUITY In 2 1-2 acres close in, some improvements, want good wagon and team. Box 3684 Republi can, br , EAGLE HAY PRESS, horse power, self feed, sell cheap or traoe for good cow. Jerry Doyle, Grand Ave. Phone 1528. ...... 4-dl For Rent Houses FIVE-ROOM BRICK, with screen, modern, near Library, good shade. Phone 2858. ... . .. . . tf FOR RENT Five-room . house to man and wife,- $15 per month or free if lady will cook for 3. Owner at house Saturday and Sunday, other days at 6 p. m. Phone 2989. , . bn NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, complete, built-in features, fine shade. Healthy tenants, 350 N. 4th Ave. tf FOR RENT House, 4 rooms, brick, 2 screens. 417 North 3rd St, near Taylor. Inquire on premises, $20 per month. , tf SEVEN OR FOUR ROOMS 415 North First St. tf FOR RENT 1-2 of unfurnished house, 349 N. 3rd Avenue. br FOR RENT 2 room house, close in cheap. Water furnished. T. L. Weath erford, 129 . X. Center, Phone 1384. bn EVERYTHING IN RESTALS H. H. MAJOR, 18 W. Adams tf Apartments FOR REST Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. First class location. House new and modern. FrU vato : bath, ' sleeping "porch, summer rates, ho sick, ,no children. 814 S. 4th Avenue. bp HALCJOS .So different Superior, cool, clehh;" unobstructed ventilation. Screen bed-room that is a top-notcher close in, exclusive street entrance. El egantly furnished, summer rates. Phone 1296. tf FOR REST Apartment, 28 rooms, unfurnished for $50 per month; private baths. Solar heater, will make you money. 707 East Jefferson or Phone 8089. Groom. bn BUNGALOW APARTMENTS, cor ner 5th St. and Garfield, furnished or unfurnished, special rates by lease. Ap ply on premises. . if NEW 4 -room modern apartment; with large screen room; also house keeping rooms, furnished, phone 8071. tf DESIRABLE, completely furnished housekeeping apartment, close in. 235 East Monroe. tf FOR RENT Cheap, some nice fur nished apartments. 349 N. 2nd Ave. tf THE BLENHEIM, new, modern fur nished apartments, steam heat, til North Central Ave. ,L - . tf STACY HOTEL, only modern apts., right down town; also rooms; prices right. 2nd Ave. and Jefferson St. tf For Eent Furnished Houses oun.rirLn.rLanrinnrinrr-i-i- FOR REST Five room furnished house to man and wife, $15 per month or free if lady will cook for 3. Owner jt house Saturday and Sunday. Other days at 6 p. m. I'hone 2989. bp FOR REST Cool, neat, 4 room house, furnished, thoroughly modern. $20.00; 1150 E. Fillmore. ds Full KENT Four room, nicely fur nished house. Nice shade. ' Large yard, call at 914 South Second Ave. dg FINE SIX Rt7oMHOUSE Fur nished or unfurnished or will sell fur niture. Fruit and shade trees and five acres of land. Coolest place in town. Fine new $450 piano for $225, no sick. 325 Oleander avenue, second house east of Indian school car line. bp FOUR ROOM BRICK Modern, on car line, elegantly furnished. Phone 8579. - '- ' 'bp 4 ROOM Furnished cottage on N. Central Ave. Opposite Indian school. C. B. Williams. tf COOL HOUSE, hot price, 1101 E. Polk. bp FOR RENT Nice clean small cot tages with screen room, electric lights, gas, on car line, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00. 1409 E. Washington St. 6-n FURNISHED, half brick house, free water, $15.00. 920 E. Pierce. tf FOR RENT Cozy 3-room nicely furnished, modern house, close in; no sick or children. 359 N. 6th Ave. tf THE BET IN HOUSES and apart ments always found at PRINCB & TUTTLE! - 14 West Adams St tf Rooms and Board WANTED Young lady or gentleman for room and board, two blocks from Capitol. So sick. Phone 3329. br WOODFORD HOTEL, and dining room. 333 North 2 Ave. Mrs. D. J. Kennedy. Prop. tf PARKVIEW SANATORIUM, $10.00 to $13.00 per week. Physician, nurse, no extras. Dr. woodall. Phones 3539- 1311. tf FOR RENT Furnished room, with board if desired; also garage. S41 West Adams. tf For Rent Furnished Rooms HOTEL VENDOME Strictly mod ern, terms reasonable. 319 West Wash ington St. Phone 1248. a-aa FURNISH ED ROOM. 368"NTsecond Ave., $10 a month. Best in town. Cope land. tf ST. FRANCIS HOTEL for nicely furnished rooms: rates $2.50 to $7.00 per week; special monthly rates. 27 Rant Monroe. tf NICELY furnished front room running water, and ' very modern, and attractive. 1501 West Washington, tf " THECOOLEST and cheapest rooms and housekeeping rooms In town. 414 west Jefferson. - 6-k For Rent Furnished Rooms STACY HOTEL, Cleanest of rooms, with or without bath, hot water in ev ery room. 2nd Ave. and Jefferson St. tf WASHINGTON HOTEL 228 North 1st street, new, modern, no sick taken. tf RKAT.'TIFUL ROOMS, with screened sleeping room, summer rates. 368 N. First Ave. tf For Rent Housekeeping Rooms ljMXnjr--wiirr"i-i-'i mmmmt FURNISHED ROOM For light housekeeping. 1501 W. Jefferson St. It LARGE ROOM Extra well furnish ed. Kitchenette. $14.00. Phone 6486. br FOR REST Three rooms for light housekeeping, "price $12.00. See Mc Murtry, 21 N. 1st Ave. bn LARGICCOOL-Housekeeping rooms, $2 per week. Phone 8486. 3t ONE ROOM for light housekeeping, at 1612 V. Washington. Phone 8076 tf TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, new furniture, $10.00 per month. 715 N. 2nd street. bn HOUSEKEEPING North 2nd street. ROOMS. 802 tf TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with bath, furnished, $16; sleeping rooms $1.50 and up. 446 East Washing ton St. tf NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. 344 N. 4th Ave. tf FOR RENT Three furnished, light housekeeping rooms. $12.00. 1104 E. McKinley. tf Fopw RENT Three well furnished housekeeping rooms and screen sleep ing porch, with garage. 705 North 1st street. bp For Rent Store and Offices FINE SECOND-STORY corner of fice, with or without use of reception room. DR. JOHN A. LENTZ Cor. 2nd Ave. & Adams tf PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE. I'hone 3539 tf For Ilent Miscellaneous jy- -.n ......i , LAND Cleared and leveled or plow ed, all kinds of farm contract work. Teams for hire. Tel. 201-J5 J. Gar nett Holmes, Tolleson. Ariz. tf BEST PLACE IN PHOENIX to rent saddle horses, instructions given in riding. Palo Alto Stables. Phone 1573. 4-bn COWBOY CORRAL fo saddle hors es; also teaching riding lessons. Brat- ton. Phone 1063. 1-dd CORRA L 415 North First St. tf For Rent Pastures GOOD BERMUDA PASTURE Shade and water at one dollar per head monthly. P. O. Box 781, phone 219J4. dg FOR SALE 80 acres" of good barley pasture. B. H. Lee, Six Points. tf HUP.SE PASTURE Smooth woven Wire, well water. Alkire ranch. I'hone 37J2. tf GOOD PASTURAGE, cows $1 per month, other stock in proportion. 4 miles S. W. town. Phone 117R4. tf Wanted Situations, Male EXPERIENCED Correspondent, hm.kkeener and office man wishes em ployment. Can systematize your books of account, or carefully keep your nrosent records. Would accept tempor ary' or permanent position. References married and healthy. Address The Re- nult linun .. Df j.i..... ....... WASTED Position, bookkeeper, ex perienced, steady, healthy. Box 26, City. hT PHONE 1183 Public Stenographer Multigraph job work McCausland Business Exchange 130 North Central Ave. tf JAPANESE CLUB Most reliable agency for any help, especially cooks and waiters. 215 Soutn lounn . Phone 538. Jr Wanted Situations Female - - irnnnfinnniiiVi'rr - -- - a VTrn sifimtiun as cook or general housekeeper. City or country. Box 3691 Republican. bp COMPETENT CASHIER desires po- nitlnn Tfllpnhiinn f481. bn FXPERIF.NCEn NURSE Phone X105. Mrs. C. W. Hackett, 10th St. and Mnnnwrell 4-dl Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To purchase a rancn, i to 80 acres. Good section. All or pari in alfalfa. Must be reasonable. H. A. a : br WANTED Team of young mares worth about $400, will give Valley Bank stock in exchange. Answer with full description and where stock can be seen. Address Tavener G. W7ilson, Casa Grande, Arizona. bp WANTED TO LEASE OR RENT.. 40 to 160 acres in alfalfa, will pay cash rent. Republican Box 859 bn WANTED TO RENT Good cow for family use. Thomas and Park Roads. Phone 7R3. bn WASTED Second hand incubator; must be cheap. Phone 1311. bn WAST TO KENT 30 milk cows, Frank E. Hornback, Glendale, R. 1 Phone 152R4. bn WANTED Peddler's wagon. Har per Bros. Fish Market, Mesa. Phone 269. : : - . ' , bn WANTED To buy a . second hand Ford, must be in good running order and cheap: Address 2562 care Repub lican office. Jr WANTED The gentleman who made Cleaveland an offer on 5 heifers to eail Phone 117R. t Wanted Miscellaneoui WASTED Laundry work. Phone 2272. 4-dl WANTED TO RENT l to 20 or more cows. Box 5209 Republican. 4-dl WASTED Clean cotton rags. Re publican office. Wanted Help, Male WASTED A few extra selesmen. for today, apply 7 o'clock, Ballsun's Guaranteed Store, 33 West Wash. St. It I WASTED Boy to wash dishes. Do nofrio's Confectionery Store. br ! WASTED Orange Grove Manager, Experienced, up-to-date man, to take full charge of fifty acre orange grove. State age, experience, references, and salary expected. Address owner. Box 1385, City. bp WASTED Barber for country bar ber shop and one who can handle pool hall. Box 878 Republican. br WANTED Office man familiar with invoicing and bookkeeping, pre- fer stcnographer. State experience and salary expected, lican. Box 865 Repub bp WANTED Two Carpenters today. Floor. 719 West Washington. bn WANTED First class coat maker. Apply Gass Tailor Shop, Wrest Adams St. bn RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted. $75.00 month; pull unnecessary; write immediately for full particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dep't 11 D, Rochester, S. Y. 5-d Wanted Help, Female GOOD Counter Waitresses. Apply Hotel Adams Lunch Room. f WASTED Middle aged woman for eneral housework, must care for one child. 1531 West AVashington. br WANTED Girl to do housework mornings, ( all before noon, 719 r.ast McDowell road. bn WANTED Girl to do light general housework. Call on Mrs. Keith, 17th and Grand Avcs. tf WANTED Lady who can invest three to five thousand dollars in dry goods business to take complete charge of dry goods and ladies wear depart ment for mercantile concern of highest standing. Investment wanted to in sure permanency. Address Box No. 860 Republican. br WANTED Girl for general house work; no washing. Apply at 702 N. First street. tf Wanted Help, Male and Female WANTED Experienced sales peo ple, all departments, apply at once, Manager, Boston Store. It MEN, WOtar.N-I.earn the barber trade. WTe placed over 3000 in good positions last year; 8 weeks completes. Moler Barber School, 429 E. 5th St, or 122 E. 2nd St.. Los Angeles. tf Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN Dr. Wm. Lentz 215 National Bank of Ariz. Bldg. br A NEW LOAN CO. IN PHOENIX Plenty of money tor everybody in sums to suit on real estate or household goods, pianos, livestock, any other things of value; $5 to $50 loaned to salaried people on easy payments. If you are in need, we extend a helping hand at reasonable rates; notes bought. Open evenings until 8 P. M. USION LOAN COMPANY, NE. corner 3d St. and Adams. Phone 1937. It MONEY TO LOAN On improved ranch. or income city property. No de lay. PRINCE & TUTTLE 14 West Adams St. tf LOANS Kinney & Thrift, 35 Adams. East tf BORROW MONEY from the Mutual Loan Co.; $10 to $100 on your salary, furniture, piano, live stock, farming implements and other things of value, without removal, publicity or delay; lowest rates; plenty of funds; strictly confidential; fair, courteous treatment. ROOM 5 LEWIS BLDG., 5 W. ADAMS ST. PHONE 1396. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved city nrooertv. can be paid in monthly In stallments, like rent if desired. E. E. PASCOE 302 N. Central Ave. tf Lost and Found ru-iLni-LTi.ri.ri - -- -- -- - -------- LOST On Roosevelt road, huh cap for Locomobile, leave at Eddy Doyle's and get one dollar reward. br FoUND--Bay horse, branded SD on left thigh. C. M. Higgins, Laveen, Arizona. bp LOST OR STOLES Sorrel horse, wine glass brand on hip, short legs; reward. Joe Chisholm, Miami, Ari zona. ' bp At the COW BOY CORRAL Classy rigs; Trained drivers & Saddlers Riding & Driving taught E. A. STARR Prop. Ph. 1063 Van Buren & Grand Ave. tf Farmers, Attention 3 WEEKLY PRIZES Help us to show Phoenix and our visitors the supe rior products of Salt lliver Valley ranchers. Three prizes of .1.00 each will lie paid weekly for the best sample of home-grown products to be (lis layed in our window. Prizes this week will be paid for the largest and best specimens of Cauliflower, Lettuce and Aspara gus brought to this office before 11:0 Saturday morning. Phone 709 Greene & Griffin 127 N. Central Ave. Lost and Found LOST OR STOLES A Hersey bi cycle, black frame, no coaster brake; finder will please return to Popular Dry Goods Co., and receive suitable re ward, tf Business Chances SMALL COSFECTIOSERY And lunch; making money; suitable for man and wife; low rent. Telephone 1486. bp FOR SALE 3 Insurance companies doing a nice clean business; investi gate. Southwestern Building & In vestment Co., Five Points. ' br STATE AGENCY Of a high class, old line insurance company can be se cured by callable man. i'hone 285S after six p. m. bp AUTo BUS and TRANSFER for sale. Good business. Only transfer in lively town. See or write S. E. Wil cox, Hayden, Arizona. ds WASTED An exceptional oppor tunity is offered to a first class dry cleaning, pressing and alteration man from company having exclusive con cession from large mining company. Would prefer man who can put in his own plant or will put in plant for high class man. Address Box So. 863 Re publican, br WILL EXCHANGE good proposition for Phoenix, El Paso or Los Angeles property. Miss Ryan, 602 W. Van Buren. ds GROCERY STORE 1001 E. Roose velt. tf PRIVATE ROOMISG HOUSE 13 rooms, nearly all rented permanently; completely furnished, with piano; close In, on Washington St., bargain if taken before April 1. Box 381 Republican. tf Special Notices FOR SALE 3 Insurance companies doing a nice clean business; investi gate. Southwestern Building & In vestment Co.. Five Points. br Apple Cider PURE APPLE CIDER, 75c per gal Ion. 1C0 E. Adams. tf Auto Livery Phoenix Auto Livery 12 City Blocks, 25c Every Sunday Excursion to Roosevelt Dam, $6.50 R. T. tf Auto Painting AUTO PAINTING, estimates given. Phone 2133. E. C. Hlgglns. 611 E. Monroe, tf Auto Time Table FIKE'S AUTO STAGE LISE Phoenix-Tempe-Mesa-Chandler Cars leave Phoenix and Mesa every 30 minutes from 7 A. M. until 6 P. M., and thereafter as follows: Leave Phoenix Leave Mesa. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Leaves Tempe about 30 minutes af ter leaving Phoenix.. Leave Tempe about 30 minutes after leaving Mesa. Mesa-Chandler Division 8:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Fike's Auto Delivery Fhone 414 tf GLENDALE-PHUENIX AUTOS leave Berryhill's corner every half hour from 8:30 to 6. Round trip 50c. 4-db Awnings AWNING AND CAMPING season now on; we make everything known that will fool the sun. Phoenix Tent and Awning Co., Cor. 1st and Monroe Sts. Phone 1411. tf Cleaning and Pressing WANTED 100 suits to clean. Ariz. Cleaning 'Works. Mrs. L. Wilson. Phone 508. tf Cotton Seed SELECTED Durango Mebane and Egyptian seed. Phoenix Cotton Oil Co. 7th and Grant St. Phone 3521. 6-bl FOR SALE Select cotton seed for planting. Call at Glendale Cotton Gin, Glendale, Ariz. 4-br Corsetiere MRS. KUHLWILM, Spirella Corse tiere. 409 W. Jefferson St Phone 2950. -Dn Chiropodist uutruJTnni-inrii-ir,-,-i-i-i" - - -- 1 " CHIROPODY, corns removed pain less and bloodless, 60c each; bunions, moles, warts, etc.. removed. 19 East Adams. Frank Shirley. Phons 1704. tf