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PAGE FOUR THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN SALT RIVER VALLEY EDITION. SUNDAY MORNING", MAY 23, 1915 Geographical Location Gives Summer Climate The Year Around -t- Climate Of Valley Leaves Nothing To Be Desired (By Section Director R. R. Briggs) Without te confines of the stale ....... .v.. ,. . ,., .v. J.7 Z. 7- , ..m nun ;m-jr cu-ii pioiiiioiy Dm f treated by the introduction of rome prefatory remark upon the cli- matie characteristics of Arizona, ly- . mg wholly witn;n tne area, popularly; iiow-r; ils the "Arid Kouthwpst.' Without the confines of the statu it is far from a matter of common how?ver. a"J t" resulting cooling tors that have given its climate wide-i-.nowled.fe that Arizona possesses cli-; effeet from ra,lid evaporation, the , spread and justifiable fame as bene inatio f.atuies more diversified than temperature actually felt by animal : 'icia! in pulmonary, asthmatic, and .inv other seeiion ..f the count ,Ire is many degrees lower. As In ' rheumatic affec tions. At Phoenix, xcepting Southern California, whose interior valleys are but a continua- 1 if in of Soiithwe? tern Arizona, In . . . . considerable portion of the actual tM,A of the stare little realize v . .. . .... I. 11 ltT IJT- AiriV IW1 lllilt Miiauiuiimrjf range in Climate ...t . .,.1.1 1, ,,.ri.i v... .. men! th-it rMir .:ifferenn vita . . ".. . " t.een me mean annual temperature lM;trh,f11, ' or Fhgstaff and that of either Yuma, !U,'hUul- . Phoenix, or Tucson, than between Thls- to- ,s tlle reion of "ast l oston and Jacksonville Chicago :rnd;rainfa11- the annual average being be- - . . . low five inches The nnn:i tirocir.t.- urieans. or i-oriiana, tire., and S.i n Uiego. This great diversity is due both to!,Uude' e"ftwarI 8"J northward, av i?eKraphical location and to varied topography. Geographically, the stat. IWs well to the south and without tht region .f storm tracks; in alti- . n ii laiiErs iiom a tew teet aoove ea level to habitable plateaus hav ing an elevation of more than 7,000 tet, topped by mountain peaks sev--tal thousand feet higher, and in tersected by innumerable short moun tain ranges over its entire extent. The abrupt and decided changes in i mperatures common to the eastern and the more northerly western sec tions are infrequent occurrence, and, relatively, the temperature advances and recedes gradually with the pro gress of the seasons. For the state as a whole, altitude is the most im-1-ortan factor affecting both the tem peratures and the precipitation of the various localities. To further emphasize the effect of topographv lon the climate within narrow areas it might be cited that the Weather Kureau maintains two stations at the Grand Canyon not two miles apart and have nearly as much dif f rence in temperature as that be tween New York City and Jackson ville. Fla. Again, the flora will fre eiuently furnish mute testimony to these marked differences within sur prisingly small distances. At var ious points in the southern halt of the state, within from 15 to 30 minutes- drive by automobile, one can lass from the region of the sub trophiial mesquite and giant cactus to the oaks and pines of the tem-1-erate zone. t. T h e s Offers , Over the lowlands of the extreme southwestern section, but little above ' .. ...,.i ..... .. .,...: , """e ."- Jfiaiuina appriir I'M i mi in t-naracier, often during: the hottest months rtaching a maximum of from 100 to 'Iy for long periods, while ex-, of nn -,i . - . , not urn t-quriii, owing iu me re- lative dryness of the atmosphere, tativ dryness of the atmospher . aU ariJ stions. radiation is rapid, ;reRltlttncr in fin uvuuiva i r r.. , fremes nnl fnf tnia rcautn ..-.. , i - i ,he hottest weather, the nights are f"ally comfortable. A daily rang, in temuerature nt 4(t decrees or more . ; . : not unusual. in inia section tne temperature seldom falls below the 'freezing n.i .he t . .. . . I tation increases with increase of al- eraging from 11 to 17 inches over the southwestern conntieH f.nil nuti-n 0 inches at the higher levels of the east-central and northern districts. In the southeastern counties the j . . . . . niiiiiiiier iieai is not no intense, anu the winter art, r..,)..r Cut tittle Know fullo in -wfntor ov,.or upon the higher peaks, and the low - est temperatures are well above zero, T , l, i ,. : . , .: in iiuiiiinaiu, in inc iiiiiiiiio-iii; regions of the central portion of the state, the summers are still cool- er, the winter extremes freouently fall below zero, and heavy snowfall occurs at times. Still farther nortli : -Ji v '-iUr: .' 1 1 in lirlL1J"1 nrwMt'fciiiitiiiii'tirtMfc'iiaMTr'Ti-if ri'f r In". Thwiait'iMt nrnf-it'a fii" "Vn MODETJX 'FJGTITEiiS OF FI!H The Auto truck Fire Department of Phoenix answering an alarm. In the backqround is "Korrick's," a new de partment store building, also the Dorris-Hey man building. Jos ARIZONA F i n est All that modern exact surgery requires is found in iiie 'construction and equipment of the operating rooms of .St. Josevii"s. These rooms and all pertaining thereto are in charge of Sisters. The great success attending the operations performed in this' . hospital are in no small" measure due to the conditions under which they are carried, on, for it is here that nothing .that science' and forethought, care and' skill can do is neglected. Every Advantage and Care to the Health Seeker ... ' - ... , Located in the choicest section of Phoenix where scenery .and surroundings are unique and beautiful throughout the entire season. "-. 1 and east, in portions of Coconino, Navajo and Apache counties, at still higher elevations, the summers are ' cool, frosts have been known to oc- cur in every month of the -year heavy snow lies on the ground much of th -it..r , i from 15 to 20 degrees below zero e unusual. i Moderated by an elevation aver- f agin& approximately 1,100 feet, in ! elimate the S-ilf pir valley is intermediate i.,Vi.., o, vtm- southwestern and the southeastern ' sections. In common with the greater i.rt of tbo mt it .. r von,vc ?.iiiir,iiiiie an" extremely low relative humidity, the essential fac- , centrally located in the valley, the ll'jffioi.'ll record SihlUVQ tlmt tlnl till'- . . 'matelv St4 neree' nt of the amount . possible that there is an annual av- erage of 1C1 days with loo percent sunshine. 2B7 (lavs with SO nercent ' . " . . "r nioie, it uays wnn less man percent, and an average of only four davs in the venr when the doeo 1 ' ' ' i V,-t ' , ' inter days most,v br,nt an1 sunny, and the temperature at night Infreouentlv reaches the freezing ... ..... . .... " point. The history of the few re- ! latively cold spells that nave occur red shows that but one has been Vnown in wtaieh the t emoi.r:i t lire fell below 20 degrees and that in about . half of the years the lowest winter extreme is above 25 degrees. In most , cases, aiso, rreezmg temperatures arc i of lieh etmi't ilnr'ilinn in flirt mi.t-n- I ini lion,- oa nut in nml-irnvdi- li 'staple agricultural and horticultural! products of the valley. ai. n .K ..... ...!. iiiiiiriii-: i uic auiuiiiii, wiiii'i, itn'i spping months are delightful. There i are occasional spells it disagreeable 1 ! weather, but it would be difficult to point out any other locality with so high a percentage of pleasant days : . - -.7. Ope rat a n j as obtains in those sections of the I ' interior southwest of which the Salt j 1 River Valley is representative. ! It will be noticed that no allusion j jWiVs -u-st m:l,Ii to the summer months j i whose, T1 dtaytime temperatures, heraldeS abroad in terms of h ' 'f ,figus and t " do,'bt ror oy an wno have not passed a summer here. The omission was intentional and to the end that an account of them may be pre luled by ,ne admissions that the . T, t tbMOer'tre mMv that the afternoon extremes may reach 100 degrees or more for days or even weeks at a time. With this, the worst is said, for, surprising as it may .seem, one. pursues bis way during tries;' hot months with as little heed and discomfort as attends the average summer day in the middle west or upon the Atlantic seaboard. I Furthermore, the sleepless nights and attending lassitude or the utter cx- IMlUtKIII -in. ,.f voi , L. ,...1 'It.t. ..V- u x wh(.n .ver th(x t(.nip(.rature r,t the temperature 1 l " 'rale "u,nl" stciions mourns lo a nnr.ixiin.i r elv nft rlm-ivps f..r a i . w I u'w coiiiseetu I e (i::vs are nei e ju ac- 1,1 u".mioii. r.snuuing me au- tumn and spring, one can find many 'litre who actually prefer the sum- mJ to th S st3 u !,t ; eta te humidity 1JI IeJaine iiuiixiunj. sensible temperature, and the range readily show why the seemingly ap palling maximum temperatures com- j UI" ' ioe as endliraide as those of from 13 ; 20 degrees lower in more humid re- i gions roposi'd, however, to de;il with iu-tual data. Th" ! S ' ,:ir 1 U gl I story of the climate can well be told j by sun'e a'.'coimt of how we live and 11"' lull we B. ..i.iLt-- mcut that overcoats are never the rule upon the streets and are little worn except in driving; that there j ,tre many here who neiher possess (Continued on Page Six) CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF N 1. ? .f "?L. Jr. -"- " -. . ..-.-,s- . . - - - 1 ' -- - Rooms ; , " sir ' X One of I Why Not Phoenix As Leading Winter Resort Of Country? (By nOEEHT PAUL HOLLIDAY) Iliof-nix as a winter resort ? Yea why not phoenix as the leading win ter home town in the United btates. Where else can a city boast of a winter climate that produces barely one day during that s. ason, in which the sun does not shine. True there 'iro Uays when it i's not much in evidence, but it is a most ex ceptional day when a few hours of warmth givii'g lays do not glad den the valley. With an avenge temperature in Ho winter time of 69.4. the absence ot damaging frosts, and a tropical verdure, coupled with green lawns throughout the winter season. Phoe nix indeed is the -Mecca of the wan dering nilsrim searching for the ideal spot in which to escape the rigors of a northern winter. Every v. inter, the thousands of tourists flocking to the valley testify MERCY - -.; fy. - ; -- - i .. Sn the of 0 HA I - m ?jsi ST. MAlf.Y' CirriKCII Arizona's finest church edifices. It cost to the Inability of those acquainted with the wonders of he Salt River Valley, to withstand the call of warmth, sunshine a vitalizing air and a hospitality that is the evfr eonspkMiis feature of the Southwest. Nowhere in -the West, can more beautiful homes be found than in Phoenix. The California bungalow, considered the acme of home comfort has been excelled, and the essentials enlarged upon. For the family desire to make this city their home for Cue winter, these bungalows are to be rented fuliy furnished nt a moderate price. For those preferring hoteis or an apartment home, the accommodations offered could hardly be equalled in a city twice as large. The city schools of Phoenix, are said to he the most up-to-date in the west. Only a few (lays ago, a noted lecturer of the Kast, said in an address before an .audience Phoenix I i A I 1 1 Ism Bui Southwest ! AT f"- $125,000. of Phoenix citizens, "That the sight of the wonderful schools you have ( reeled throughout your city, makes one want to come back and entrust the education of his children lo them. "The corps of well paid and satisfied teachers, devote their ef forts to the upbuilding, and the phy sical education of their pupils as well as to the mental. The wandering tourist seeking en vironment, different from any to b found in the old eastern states, or in Europe or Asia, will be sure to be satisfied. A few hours ride in either direction from the city will take one to the desert, to 'the Apache reser vation, with its wonderful colony, its great variety of semi-tropical growth and its marvelous mountain back-groumi. Social life in phoenix in the winter time is of the gayest order. Enter tainment is to be obtained at any time of the day or night at a mini mum effort. Theatres are to be found throughout the downtown dis trict. The formation of a Drama League insures that during the com ing season, drama of a high order will be presented in Phoenix. (Continued on Page Eight) i . i . i