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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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THE "ARIZONA .REPUBLICAN SALT RIVER VALLEY EDITION. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 23, -1915 PAGE FIVE No End Of Pleasures Await Busy Man In The Recreation Hour c 1 I I i i I Eod fa City 3Y MAITLAND DAVIES) I n winUT or summer l;ie amusc hi scck-r in Piiovnix m-vd ncvor k ('v i lainunnt. It is theiv i i ii:;int.ti s aiul varied forms. 1 .t the Kivor of the theatre there ;itc in .iiv tilings to i house from. Til" il.iaite. an old c.vtaldNhed tuni i m.iti-n pr. i a home for I'o ai:d ti.-ivtlin;; tympanies ui their w:!j- to an 1 from l.os Anjreks .Hid Sin l"r.- ncisco and during e.ic'.i m .isoii 1 1 tol r 1st, to May ls-t. many id ttii- most prominent artists in lie Mintry aii'iir tiicre. In fact 1 !:--ii.x lias the ro;utation of heiiv-i in,- of tho !,. st "unc idgiit stand la the Wist." A nin.liTn anil well ctmuipped stocic lii'iisp is the homo of an excellent ..m:itic comp.tnv which srives a re It loirc of plays, rot old hut the most k.i i t stock n Ua-cs. Anothrr house s:i i'1'.cs ni:iMal comedy in tabloid fi'im aiul of movie theatres there ;:rc a ercat number. These offer iittr.utions running from the straight i n.nicri ial service programs" to the li.ost ihiborati- feature films before fie pKHie. Probably no city of its .-..c has more movie theatres or of fers a better cl;i-s of pictures than s 1'lnit id. I hiring the sprinK. summer and t.irly autumn Riverside Park is the mecca for the amusement seeker. .-Mt'iaiod within a short dislau.c of the center of tin- city, this gre u playt;! ou:ul if fifty aeics, has the Uit'sosl artificial swimmin;; pool in the courtly, a miniature lake, sup plied with e'ear pumped water which flows through it at ti:e rale oT more tt'.Hii a thousand sallons eai ii min ctc. An open air thtatre. a zoo liiat is v ii storkcil with a wide vaiiety of animals, birds 'and reptiles, n large oven air i!;inciiig pavilion, water slit'cs, many little streams and waterfall.'-, i-n abundance of shade, all the ust:al side attractions anil accoairi meats of an i-.musenient park, and an ever present coolinji breezf that never fails o-.i the hottest days of summer, mean much to an "all-the-year round' resident of l'hocnix. l-r lovers of music there are ample oportunities for study and en joyment. The climate is pal tietila rly suited to simers and many famous artists come here from time to time. Many have made their homes here. In addition to a number of vocal and pianoforte stc.dios where one may receive instruction from teachers ,,f note. There is a school of music, that- would be pretentious in a city n-.ueli la riser than l'hocnix. Here there is a faculty of most able in structors and all branches of music. elocution and expression are taught. I 'lux-nix has a symphony orchestra, throe bands, and a number of musi cal organizations and clubs, includ ins a chon.l society, a male glee club and a womans' chorus. There are a number of dancing academies and John Murray Ander son, iiivcilid to be the foremost authority on ami one of the leading ixpouents of modern dam-ins in Ani rriia. sprues a (art of each winter h're unitiiHx a studio. Mr. Anderson is the tiailur of many of the mist exclusive society Iadie:i in New York. I'hih-delphia nnd Newport, and not i ven the irrcat .coast cities have the a'l vaiitac ? ot Phoenix in I. us t icii la r Vine. While Phoenix has been well vided with amusements heretofore, there .. ore a number of enterprises now under wav which should make the rnmir.K season the most notable in its history. o New Comers In Valley Succeed In Dairv Business Arizona Insurance Local Pride In j Company Succeeds School Of Music i .ar- ro- May 5. 11115. Kditor pildicui.: We nave been in the dairy business more or less ever since we came to the Salt l'iver Valley about seven years atto, and believe for the new comer in the vail: y that dairying offers the safest and best pavincr r5fy?y,o- 1 L.J The ' Arizona Tin- Insi.iance (.a-i'i-I'iiny illustrates '.he succest possible in Arixi n i. and I'hoeni:., particularly, of bis local companies. The Arizona lire I.'isurance company is a local iRaniZation of Arizona men that commence'' business m September, 19111. Its success and prowlh is ::!ioivn by the fact that their premium ineoinc- is now over a quarter of a million '.'ollarf a year. It has as sets of almost one half million dol lars. Its operations are now ex tended in thirteen of the states and the province- of Britisn Columbia. The com puny has already invested over four thousand dollars in real e si rite mortgages and .municipal and S'-hooI bonds in this locality. Thus will b- seen that this is one ave nue in which money ia brought from eastern and central states to Phoe nix for investment. investment one can make. There are a number of other industries that will pay here after one has be come familiar with the country, cli mate and conditions but these things all take time and in the meantime a man and his family must have a living and the dairy cow is one thing on which he can rely. We have retailed milk, sold cream to the creameries and made butter. Retailing the milk of course pas the best if one has enough help at home to do the work: selling the cream to the creameries is the least work, but for a moderate amount of work making butter probably pays the best. In the fall of 1012. we milked 28 head of cows, most of which cam:; tresh along in September and Oc tober and kept account of what these cows brought in up to the first of March, the following year, and they averaged $i7t per month for the tcr. supplied seven of us at ifinch with all the milk, cream butter we wished for the table raised 30 head of fine calves, ef the cows having twins. At weant ir.ff time the calves would be worth not less than $25 per head on an average. This was just an ordinary herd of untested cows and no doubt the ineome on a herd that size could be materially increased by testing si ml Wei-ding out the poor cows and ktci ing on!f the best. A. IT! A N'K COOPER. Glendale, Ariz. l'hocnix probably smallest with an the ! city in the United States I institution dedicated exclusively to j music and arts. The Arizona school of music building ! of Phoenix is owned by Mrs. Shirley ' Christy, the founder and the director I of the institution. Phoenicians al- nays point with pride to this beauti j ful ouilding and the institutions' j t work of artistic Oevclopnient. The school was founded in October, IS'I, and maintains the highest sUind 'j.'iid of efficiency in its special educa tional field, with departments of I inusic, expression, dramatic art, physi- cul culture, dancing and languages. I The- building contains an auditorium with a seating capacity of six hun dred. From the stn of the auditorium the school has presented such operas as "The Bohemian Girl,"' by ftalfe; "Stradella," by Vlotow, and Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Sorcerer." Among the plays are "Ksmeralda" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, 'A Rose O' Plym jouth Town," by Renin h Marie Dix and Evelyn Oreenleaf Southerland, and Oscar Wilde's "The Importanc-e of i Being Earnest." ! . - T 4 , -v j(t JV -vA -' s r " . - A ' ij&e&w'' " ' 5 ! A ARIZONA SWIOOL OF MUSIC private school, favorably known for its carefully-selected faculty and wide range of courses offered j healthful i onditions of living and the; A majority of the executive conimit ! very evident public spirit of your peo- tee ot the Texas Cattle Growers' Asso ! tdc. It wiulc! .'cem tnat nothing hm- i ciation lia e recommended Governor sihle can stop your constant remark- ! I'crguison to remove the quarantine able development." against Mexican, cattle. Famous Magazine Editor Enthuses Over This Valley but-th- and and two -o- THE TEMPE CITY HALL Tempe. the "Butte City," is the home of the State Normal Schcol. tt also ha s a very fins $70,000 High School and because, of .its .many pretty, homes is knrv.n as one of the most attraitive cities in the southwest. ! A branch of the Arizona Farm Im jprovement Arsociation has bt-en form ' ed a.t Sin Simon with the following j of filers: President. Guy Sison: first i vice president. II. W. Harnett; second , vice president, A. S. McKenney; sec j rctary-treasurer, Mrs. I.. K. Stan 1 berry. . When S. S. McClure, publisher of .McClurc'fi magazine and largely inter ested in other publications, came to Phoenix in Xovember of last year, he was taken for a trip through the north portion of the valley. When Interviewed as to his impres sion of the Salt River Valley, Mr. McClure made the following1 state ment. "I believe that you here the most remarkable combination of the resources of men. coupled with great opportunity, which I have seen in ray travels. In fact in my judgment, you have an .inncrallcled opportunity for making an ideal co-operative com munity. Your suburban development is spiendid and in my judgment is jrt in its beginning. "You have here ideal conditions for perfect community organization here in this place ef self contained island, or as you mhrht say, a marvelous Kden. here you cn show the great achievement for community develop ment; in other words I believe that you have here the idi al experimental station in the nation, with your un eqraled opportunities for- production, your immense diversity of crops, the n fs i?s pa b a a' aaTr n TEMPE gfa ARIZONA If. you wan) to t-o iiilo business in T'Mjc; or lend money on first niort a'cs: tit- :uv a fariii; or rent a store room, then write to ns; we will lie', you. W. J. KINGSBURY PRESIDENT I Crystal aiad Cold Stora Co. (WHOLESALE ONLY) H. W. ASBURY, Manager Pure Crystal Ice AND Double Distilled Aerated Water Local Delivery By City Ice Delivery Co. Phone ())( AV. Lount, Igr. J O Redwood, Oregon Pine and Arizona Lumber. Cement, Plaster, Sash and Doors, Iron Roof ing and Builders' Hardware EVERYTHING HANDLED COMPLETE TO MAKE A BUILDING ANY SIZE. PROMPT SERVICE COURTEOUS TREATMENT flKLTHOIP KOOFBNG We can furnish your Roofing and lay it on the roof. Largest Stock of Prepared Roofing Carried in Arizona. . J. Do HaSsf ea dlurBib 5 Points Phoenix er Co. Phone 1608