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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
' . PAGE NINE "Important Announcement" The attention of the eonsuininr public is called to the famous "IRI and QUAIL BRANDS PURE FOOD PRODUCTS" STRICTLY FOR PEOPLE OF GOOD TASTE DISAPPOINTMENT NOT PUT UP UNDER THESE LABELS AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS MANUFACTURED BY aas, Baruch .& Co Goldman and Company DISTRI BUTORS WHY Put up Expressly for Fine.Trale and is acknowledged to he the finest flavored of nnv Coffee on the Market. Goldman and Company DISTRIBUTORS A oman o Is Perfect aking That is why "Old Home stead" Flour is used in 80 per cent of the homes of this section of the southwest today HUNG & EM I KANSAS HARD WHEAT; I EVE The enormous increase in our sales in Arizona durih.-r the past year on "Old Homestead" is sufficient evidence that the costumer favors this brand. One Trial will make you a perm anent user of FLOUR RY SACK GUARANTEEtg ODGE CITY, KANSAS iter Old Homestead GOLDMAN AMD COIV1PANY DISTRIBUTORS MORE THAN A GENERATION OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE IN THE SOUTHWEST IS THE RECORD ATTAINED BY THE STUDEBAKER VEHICLES STUDEBAKER WAGONS AND BUGGIES ARE THE EEST StTQ The workmanship on the SttKlcI.nkor Wasons am! Busbies is the lipt that the Company can oMnin. In every resjwt the Quality is hii?h trr-atle. whilo t!ir numlic r nf i mpnivem.'iils i.n them that no alhei s havi-, puts them n; a ilass heart snci shoulders abeve all i oir.petitiou. W? arp pseud to rfcommcinl tho St uuVhaKer to our customers. Write- for Information antl GOLD MAM and COM PA NY DISTRl BUTORS YSTAL WHIT IS THE SOAP OF QUALITY It gives your Clothes a Tone of Freshness, tSieanliness. It has put all brands of Cheap Soap off the Market Ask your Grocer for CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP Manufactured By : , Peet Brothers Mfg. Co. Goldman 8c Kansas City, Kansas Company, Distributors GOLDMAN a COMPANY WHOLESALERS IN GROCERIES, HARDWARE, VEHICLES, IMPLEMENTS, MINING SUPPLIES PHOENIX, ARIZONA