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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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PACE FOUR TIIE 'ARIZONA REPUBLICAN SALT RIVER VALLEY EDITION. SUNDAY MORNLNO, MAY 23, 1915 Prize Cattle Of Southwest In The Great Salt River Valley Herds 1 Farmer Has pjpF&miIi( INDEX Uosiuir passed Ejth Country! -s .;i SlJ'- aVw Smi "T5 (fi , - 't; MRi h rE K. If SECTION ON 13. ' ' Lamf f Promise Becomes Yerdint Land of Ideals Realized and Prophesies Fulfilled. Subject. Project - . -Association Intn-Jui tor TIi.' Roosedt W.t-r l'sera" Eggs Pay UVU Gasoline on ft - Public I'tilities D.ur inac Canning 'iir Milk .....-... Dair ing 4.... Poultry Successors Rusing Mules VifniM Kcd Hops Feeding Paivy Cows , .. Mil. h Goals - Results flora Bees Iloiiry ITodlavtioii Sanitary Met bods in Dairying Poultry Raisiaig Water Melons . Garden Results - . F. A. . . V. W. . . J. B. . . Kra ok . . C. VV. . . Jos si h . . Chus. . . C. T. . . A. E W"m. -. Win. . . Or. J. . M. E. Paga . . . 1 . . 3 Fy Whom --Dwight B. Heard .-Ernest XXiuglas --Chas. IL Van der Veer -. Jay Mount '! . - Staff :: J"ines 4 P. McConncll 4 Cook r Reed Sanders r. Alexander 0 Lovcll t; 1L MeArthur 7 Hirst 7 Mason 7 Ooner s lyossing s O. Norton ! Bern Is 10 . . Stf ff I. II. S. II uget t Id 10 Letters From Representative Fanners. Hot; Raising Poultry ns Dairying Poultry. Fruit and .Vegetables -O. "W. W H. AV. W. Bea mer 'arney Hood Mann Ferris SECTION TWO. "Rih Aeres Yield JJounteous Crops' Under Awakening Touch of Irrigation." Subject iHcidiious Fri'its and P.erries liiiik Gardening - Vim. Fruits , Alfalfa for Hay .. . Alt.t'ta as a Stock Feed . . r.irni'T's Co-operative MarkeLing . . .,. A Italia Seed - M-s Ti iit k Growing. 4 ,. . Gram Growing 4 1 tood Roads - Valley Land Titles - fanning Factory Possibilities Cuiit:ilouie Growing a. luie dive Industry Turkeys & Ducks Ivtan Growing Oitrus Tree Nurseries Practical Orange Growing Electricity on the Farm , organized Baseball in Phoenix Egyptian Long Staple Cotton Yields . Marketing Salt River Valley Cotton .. Cane and Beet Sugar Growing Farmer's Neighborhood Clubs t Me to Phoenix Belles Cotton Growing Conditions in S. R. V. I'ate Growing : Mines of Arizona Arizona Mining Chapter Phoenix Auto Road-race Center Valley Motoring Variety and Extent of Exiorts Oranges Page By Whom . . Ernest Hall : . . P. I. Edson 1 .Foster Rockwell 1 K. S. Townsend 1 . A. J. Chand'er L' . - Rudolph Kucliler 2 ..Marshall Humphrey 2 Horace U. Griffin. Jr.... 1' . W. S. Humbert :! . Peter Aepli :; . I. H. S. Huggett .: II. B. Wilkinson :: . Harry Welch r. . Lafayette Myers 0 . C. P. M unger fi . Mrs. Joo Lovell 1; . J no. Sehlalos t .C. J. Helm 7 . II. Lepiria 7 . W. B. Twitchell ? . Lyle Abbott 1 . H. B. Atha . W. S. Dor man . C. M. Culver -Mrs. K. S. Townsend . F. R B . E. W. Hudson . H. B. Griffin. Jr. .. . W. E. Defty . Ljlo Abbott . G. P. Billiard .Warren MeArthur -Harry Welch . Adam. Oilier .10 .11 .1 . .1U Letters From Representative Fanners. Alfalfa A Italia General Farming . Asparagus Truck Gardening Strawberries Hog Raising Calves and Bees Grapes Alfaita Potatoes Egyptian Cotton - Poultry Peaches iranses Garden Truck Stock Feeding . . . Oairying .Ralph J. Peck . 0. W. Forney . J. W. Baumgardner .Ernest Hall . Mrs. Frank Murr . Ernest Hall . C. C. Green . It. A. Hadsell . B. W. Pitts . E. G. Deubler .Alfred II. Oeltjen ... . George Vincent . . E. Draier . Fred Martin . J. E Price . A. S. Blount . J. C. Renaud . 7 .11 SECTION THREE. "Man Made Paradise Rises Where Once The Cactus and the Sage Brush (Lew." Subject Phoenix Public Buildings Phoenix Homes Paved Streets in Phoenix Roses in Phoenix Public Schools Phoenix Flower Gardens . Woiih n"s Clubs Parent -Teachers' Ass'n Glendali Vicinity Cattle Salt River Valley Climate Phoenix aj a W inter Resort Entertainment in Phoenix Famous Editor's Impression of Valley Arizona School of Music Financial Institutions Y. W. C. A Ijodccs Y. M. C. A Men's Clubs Phoenix Churches Hospitals and Sanitariums Phoenix Social Life Artichoke Raising Motion Picture Producing in Phoenix Tourist Resorts Arizona State Fair at Phoenix Chandler Vicinity Phoenix Hotels and Apartments The Community of Tempe Sheeo Feeding Holstein Friesian Cattle By Whom Pago . C, B. Wood 1 . C. J. McElroy 1 . ("has. A. Stai'ffer 1 .Mrs. McCiintock 1 . .1. D. l.o per 2 .Mrs. E. A. Marshall '1 . Mrs. B. A. Fowler 2 Mrs. J. C. Norton 2 .11. C. Reed . Sam B. Bradner t . R. It. Brigg.s 4 . Robert P. Holliduy 4 .Ma it land Davies 5 .Staff b . Staff 3 -J. C. Callaghan G .Mrs. Phillips ; . Jas. G. Simpson 0 . Harry Blair G .Jos. H. Kibbey 7 .Rev. William Scarlett 7 .Jas. G. Simpson , 7 .Sally Jacobs 7 . Sally Jacobs 8 . Republican Staff 8 . Will H. Robinson 10 .Thomas Shaughnessy . G. T. Peabody 10 .Henri Behoteguy 12 . H. B. Griffin, Jr 12 . R. P. Bowman 12 .Staff I- Letters From Representative Fanners. Dairying G. R. Moore Dairying A. Frank Cooper 5 Dairying Geo. H. Sturgeo 12 W. P. O'CONNtLL) I j (BY W j It must be accepted as a fad .that at the present tune e.s,ieciail. j in the great irrigated Soiiihwiv 1 at i fcund in the Salt Kier .il -, t!;. ) farmer b.-n a bolter o.pot 1 .1 t, i I I. I git ahead than he has I1.1 cof..i j enjoyed in his former home. What is more and b-lter ii loo!.: 1 eiat. I this , I 1 nun 1 lit., k s. Ti vho!l t i! 1 ( 1. ! 1 . w . li: I ; the tmiisilnU.Y fa -u iiieli ll e a il ill ie laiimn: is i"ii r..mi'!, In I'.. i -the i-ii. 1 1 ! - 1 1 1 le I ii.- ear v. it liout 1.1 i; I farmiiuc fi III. iy ,1 and ! till ilia y I lie in;;" Uir nt 1111 1 I fill lit e I for sin i 1 .is Some weluifl l.i,.'v :l-is t ianl it ami : I ov, i,f; ol itility of his farm instead! lietter oiiditions in the' e en a.-: gnoil, his ehaieisj s are constantly waning. 1 ier why faiineis who must he a fact will disre- 1 rontiiiue the eclusi-e ri a 11 for the ma 1 l;et, ' 1 V f 1 . ? S - i r-v-' ' f t ' f s It J ' 4 or a- .1 "3 " r i ,.5-..j Caf il J-V t "J. :aa !v iie; it the chief object f ; 1 1 mill The an-ver is oa; Iivr a:, i "i 1 1 i na i i I ' rii'K'' farm is nut . In' :! work. There their r is cassy. Dairy -done e.n the ;iv inly confinin:;, but is an absence of in I Sell! j lilt nt on h. not a in i-iaht. 'i'lie farmer f th.. , ,,.v will of his aires. it. a nd at ! with o ea.1 of liriary moei.y ina- feel maintain yet it of fails to 1 1 nous atla.-h is pro pi full mvineeil dial the fertility with him a. sit ion ami inipoi tani e si ITXEEDA niSfTlT. X. l"7.1'f; Her seven c!ay record is 671 ;?oun-!i ef milk. 2.'12 pounds Owned by H nry Fcnsu.i. of butter. and evo'yihiuo; iiai i.-a l--s tiiat ii ilustrial co;i' it ions ai'e lo (.inti..:i to prevail which v.ill pcrp-t itatc t! opportunities that now obtain. Aii to dr. Of course 1,, always be reeke I hing indii at es tions will irev: farming in tlv lucrative than it The reniil ions sesse.I a il.-LM-e. low heymii a tainty. The suh.H-cl water ti ueli o ( na.hies leaf. Ttii-re has nevei the earnimr i':i; a. were so fully and sured. As the pi i eif lands are aim by t lu ir i n rninic i slant and. assure.! ricultural rod nets nin; pe.l v, i;h. that l iil which fat lire lias I .el thai :.. I. in th no is; v. !-.mli- riak - i::iir.. pasl. .1 fat ni. r the term to the man ;d..ii..K and ii j I tut say i think of a i iii.erauly rci can urih i lain r I r.t'er t! vs waat ,s ucil. 'tal, what I'.-han' who warn -e to han-ile th. Id il.- kind lie may a load of grain to I town, get his cheek and in a few ; minutes . In is handling real money. ; II niaiti rs not what he does with) it, its the real thing and he feels ' good over the 1 1 a nsact ion. I It is true however that h? feels ! a wee Pit f;tiil!;' in the knowledge! that he is carrying around in his j pocket a fraction of the ferii'itv of his farm, which moans to him the same as the hankers bonds in lis safe. I. nt this is, not in his es-: lion sii. us enough to keep him ;e nigh!;-. Ho doesn't appreciate e.vs to the extent that makes fee! i vcii kind!;.- disposed toward i. lie doesn't become inteiested jin uieai t" the extent that lie funis ' pleasure in taking care of them. ; Oairying means drudgery to him, to tie boys, to the women folks and (the hived man is very sure it is an r;il !!c biisiaess. Xo one can hope to sneered in any ; industry that he does not like. The gi.i.d e,,w allied with the good dairy- M AREL i)E KOL N1KO. NO. ST-V.n. 730.5 pouncis milk, 30.316 pounds butter in seven ri.-iys. Owned by Henry Renaurl, Phoenix, Arizona. ably, we say without fear of sue- ' v. both itssl'iii cunt radietion let dairying sup- j started piemonled with the pig and hen hi ' to gel the main feature in vour farming!? operations and Miccess will surely crown your efforts. r dairying pays, right. Its just a: aarted right in hut get neeessa ry the dairy in I , any otliei posit ion t. start da irying his j. II, tile ilMir. won t is not up his H eng. i . 1 1 r. t ; n ere ;. it is a with the same feeling onto approach the dentists it you expect to succeed. It hurt you. Its a work that . dr.idgeiy if one just m ikes mind to have it otherwise.! : go i the best minds in tie-. it is an industry that means' nioi" people than any other,! with few test - lUsiness as If not ii tire hied cows, start with :i Don't, v.e bc 'i ei li you, take up i good common cows, have them thatjed, only keep those that will pay your grain. Keep time that vou are i .'imaging i:i an intporta.iit industry that las a" direct hearing upon th fertility of your sr.'.!. liny a pure l ied sue, don't be stingy here as this is your danger point. Get one back ed by good price fo mind ail lin a;i c: ed:i:sl.v interesting bu siness, none mote so on the farm ami ; on don't hae to produce less grain. Jest fe-. d the grain to the dairy cow', make your own market instead of hauling it to town and 1 fellow dictate the price receive. Th-n do a lit ami you won t liave lest t the .ither you are to ttle figuring a sic a ny one nest i w ll hei yea rs a tieipated back spent dee, , savi I c Yi ieh th. ,vs and 1! wl'l hotter In i-.l You will with pleasure ill developing persist cut heifers l'r build have in than ye likewise at tile a pri milking .m your nil your ua.iry peritv w. herd as which you 11 and is a few ii ;m- look yea 1 s fuahle at the. pros yours enjoy. itio -ti fa nil ; r v.-1 i l. ; b m in the is. I. i ipit. sal i- a tini. f our 'facloril ' and re il Hist be g.. ipaeiiy - the mi least sa feguards th 1 wh-.i lands l 111 alue I'll' .1 con- ! a-r- . z . 1 msk" - - is e- m t---. ,4 j S." . l& rtltn rr "V . . .. SSJe iHei i'ntm 4c insures increased values in lands. It must be conceded that this is a mighty good time for a young man to mal e up his mind to make farming his life work. It is nl.j a good time for the farmer who has felt discouraged to take on a new determination to get out of farm ing what he really should get. We feel to criticise the fellow who claims Hat the farmer is rolling in wealth or that profits in ordinary farming is easy money. .V man still has to work for what he g. ts out at a ra t'.A NEW ATTjITORI EM, DIXINO HALL AND KITCHEN AT TIIK Trstlicr a nil KiiiLfv A r-'hitei ARIZONA STATE TIOiSPJTAL. ts. i i; -st I fairly w handling pariso.i As th whi h he derived his grcat s, j:::.t because he could do 1! and make money without thai special line. The com -is scarcely strong enough, merchant might not be oinl will continue to pay farm mortgages than any i i on the farm, animate I t good I in the farm- i '- i" l- a ,,1"" Vc't; I R E( J 1 ST I- RED J E 1 J S E YN Among the 15.000 mi!ch cows in the Valley are many vei Alderneys and Ayrshires. y fine Jerseys, in;: of farming but its there if you will 1 pi dig for it. We however, wish to impress the reader with the fa'ls that when v.e refer to profits of the farm we do not mean inflated ones, which arelnot make the- progeny of our ov erv.orked i porta nt fi brains which needs a. rest from its I ei ations n farm labors. ' immediate hiS fe -it profi .ire nlil by n lino jiuiiei r the lie might feel that he would vse'.l in the future without it present. But the farmer wh handl goods. do as as at docs oairying a ature of his doing more profits. He strong im farming op than to lose is exhaust - man nas off more thing els. ilia iiimite. Good cows handled by ; dairyman who is interested most prosperous features of ir.g. Cows adapted to dairying hav- ing access to the marvelous alfalfa pastures found in the great South- ! west and farm mortgages may be safely classed as sworn enemies, and tiie cow will win out in the conflict every time if she is given half ti chance. She must not be expected ' to perform miracles but she can and will if she is given a fair chance, take care of the mortgages. j We would strongly urge every one j w ho is seeking a home, young or I old, male or female, to look forward, ' teeiiie while it may be had at rea- . sonahle prices and on favorable terms ! a few acres of irrigated land In the Valleys of the Southwest, where the. fertility is marvelous and the health and ciimatic conditions without a. j parallel. I We aro told that there is an ac-f cepied time, this we believe to tie the ideal time, get started right and tie future of vour prosperity is safe jTho filling to overflowing of the great Roosevelt dam, which supplies the Salt River Valley, the Nile of I America, with abundance of mois jture that means marvelous crops ! throughout the year, has rightly cre iated a whirlpool of enthusiasm. Kv I rryhody wears a smile and is happy in his assurance of prosperity. Notwithstanding our citrus and de ciduous fruits and all kinds of grain that grows abundantly and profit- Phoenix Is Well Served By Her Public Utilities (By wa tcr, lines, owned made The serv- v.- '.f ' 7 .'rjU'f1--- : r.r-"v-.' .. JILMIIM MitMBBsllMii'lVlllllsMI I III Til II sWT IrT1- TT -- -- - .a. , , - . r .a..:....... . F. A. JONES.) Phoenix is well served with gas, electricity and street car The water plant is municipally for which reason no reports arc to the State Commission. ice is ample and good, and it is un derstood city ownership has proven to be profitable and that net receipts have gone far toward financing exten sive additions. The Phoenix Railway company of Arizona invus - and operates the 2 miles of city and suburban electric street lines. There has. been a mark ed improvement in equipment and service since Commission regulations became effective. Population and traffic considered, the service and extension of lines are good. Electric. lighting and power and gas are, owned bv one operating com- i puny and affords nervice that is who!- ly satisfactory. Electric power is 1 hydro geneiated by the V. S. Keela- ' mat inn department, but distributed by j a private corporation. : Gas is the product of California ' Crude petroleum: is standard as to j natality and ample in iu;intity. Gas j is used for heating and cooking al- j most exclusively while electricity sup- ; plies the city with lights and power.: Phoenix in well served by railroads, i The Arizona Eastern connects with the parent Southern Pacific line at j Maricopa affording transcontinental service East and West. A branch to the Ray and Jiayden mining dis trict eastward, and another to and through the rich Buckeye Valley west ward. The Santa Fe north, east and west gives Phoenix in effect seven iinrs of railroad or rather lines ex tending in Mcvon directions. Tin- Tucson Fhocnix and Tidewater road project from Tucson to Phoenix was incorporated a year or so ago by resiionsil.le and practical people and would, no doubt, have been completed by this 1in:e had not the European war disarranged financial plans. It is generally believed that the project will be revived as soon as business conditions adjust themselves. The Mountain States Telephone a nil Telegraph Company supplies excel lent telephone service to Phoenix and . the ent're State. It supplemented two systems operated prior to two years ago in Phoenix. Ij supplies New Mexi-'o, I'lah, Colorado and other inter mountain states. Pr. A. I. Vinson, F.iocheinic-t of the Arizona Experiment station, presents some important facts and advice con cerning an important agricultural re source of .In. southwest, in a recent, publication Timely Hints for Farmers No. Kill. Guano deposits are possible only in semi-arid regions and we are particularly fortuncte in the souihwi-i;t in having considerable amounts of bat guano. , HOME OF J. J. CASEY ON CHRISTY ROAD. Residence of one of many sucr-ssf ul cattlemen who have made good in the Salt River Vailey. If You Want to Get the Best Results BUY HOT PROCESS COTTON SEED MEAL FOR YOUR STOCK The Only Hot Process Meal Sold in Arizona Manufactured by the PHOENIX COTTON OIL COMPANY Phoenix, Arizona