The Dairyman Finds Good Profit And Real Pleasure In His Work
Dairying Is The Irrigated Land
Salt River Valley
Ranks As One Of
Queen Of Valley's
Is Paradise For
Many Industries
Festive Mrs. Hen l
Nature's Successes
r. -k airs? j rx, f. "w si-&u.- , -
(By J. B. COOK.)
vins ef crops in
Rn-r !'
i the Salt
ami the
lustries is
The Sail River Valley is one of nit
re's best efforts. Hire is a soil
untold riches, :i climate of such
1h. T prop,
eu-'try has
auto ir-icks
but to t;i kc a trip out or
road to realize the marti
ni ins that this great u-.-
assune-.l. See the hup:
. loaiiei "high in the ait
plants anil ani- I
for !
!a its
.a s
1.1 1
sideboards, ' ley
of liquid foods
;it:-l cM. n iir.g oxer
!.aulirig That greatest
n::tk. in the Pacific Creamery i 'o.'s
i iii ns- il milk factory, there to lie
apor it--!, oann-d and shipped as
far t ast as ia'.veston, Texas; or
North-west to San Francisco.
man of the Suit River
the most favorable con
any place in America.
in t.i laise his stock; to seeur-
t seasons of the vear;
n.! tlie a -s nam e of at all times
eii.i-sr a high price for his pro-
t n it'n a steadily increasing market.
T;k - for i:iance increased mar
ts. In less than nine years the
ndeiised nvlk business of the T'a-
Kditor Republican:
Prof. F. D. Churn, in hii boo
on alfalfa, says:
"An irrigated alfu'.fa srowins !
country, is a miik cow's paradiise.' I
So. also, is such a country for Mrs !
Hen, a country where there are no!
severe storms, snow or ice, very lit
tle iiost. surly to her liking, i-iu h j (u! !ure in its finest estate, an un
are the conditions in Salt River val- ! fai'in water v.-...- i.oi, -,,-
Inishcd here by the cunning of man's
needs no expensive j endeavor through the Roosevelt dam.
protection to keep her Far 1:0 in a rock can von of Arizona's
mililn. ss tn
ma Is have
their best
The on
t treis.
fie kindest invitation
mil fullest development,
lacking element to agri
Here, one
houses or
waim; in fact, one
roost out doors the
you see no frosted
There is nothing
of money invested
as much clear
half of
entire ;
IOWiS , mountains flows Illire water- fnr hmt
ear here j thirstv desert land, and magically
r frozen makes our favored vallev what it is
j a land of rich soil, unsurpassed
for the amount climate and pure water an alluring;
that will return combination for the dn irvnmn
much clear profit as the hen. One cm travel in the most famed
nunuretl Hollars invested in hens I sections of the
1 will produce
world, where dairy-
! 'c r. arnery
st If six times
!d:i;e; fair to
casts or
of Lily
i;in fi
l:.'lst 1
! nrizei
i t.ncer.t
t niit al. flavor.
I- en "--eetircd
This standard.
Co. has multiplied ,
with the year 1915 :
show an out-nut of
si;n cans of the larpe '
.Milk a day. ',
s show i ha t more canned
tio.v 1 in. nseil in the cities :
t sh milk. First: F.ecause it
e sterile and has been pas- j
; second; Because of its j
iti il form it is more peon- !
easier handled and has a uni- j
Wonderful results have j
by raising children on i
milk. This is why i
more clear profit than i ins has lifted countries from alii,.: i
oiM- ..mourn lmesteu in mile: j poverty to lands of plenty and
ions. our markers are pood, the j In Denmark 'whore the
iajSe mining camps taking our pro- salvation of the
oiiets. me average price for egss cades
Tor the year is about 27 cents ithan!;
fryers, roosters, old hens and roost- testing
rs find a ready market at fair Sous. In
priei s.
It has always been a strange
to me why any one should
common poultry when the
makes monev while the
cow means
Dane, who a few de-
past, faced starvation, now
to co-operation and the cow
association, is most prosper-
Ilolland, where the rieh
The up-to-the-minute plant of the Pacific Creamery Company at Temre, "Lily Milk" is prepared by the most modern and scientific machinery in
America. This excellent evaporated milk is one of the best known products of the Salt River Valley and has done much to advertise the
local dairy industry.
meadows are always covered with
the spotted cows, by p.itienL labor
paying rents on land at seemingly
impossible rates: or Devon's verdant
conditions, do we find dairying in j their
the Salt River Valley so much less j came
profitable than in these other coun
tries, and how may we equal or excel
them? First, we have hordes of un
profitable cows, cows that are board
ers, paying but little or nothing
above their toll in feed and care.
much to the
It means
.duet and d
e rer!
milk business means
farmers of this val
the taking of their
sposing of it where
diaHe butt-rs, etc
liiiiut ev--n be shipped.
Fr-er fr.rn disease than any other
tai'e- in America, tht? cows of the
River Valley are as shown by
. tat 1st its ."cured from state officials
I;1,.ut the country, to be Wr,
,",; h- r showing but 1 disease
: ;nt an average of f,.W'(. of other and states.
The farmers paradise in.ieed.
I'l-rty of water, wonderful crops,
ai .1 Tlorio'is sunshine all go to pro
line ( ver increasing records in milk
1 rod .tct ion. Then the silo can be
ns. d to the most economical ad-
1 .1! . C..r.r.l,.in . f : . t.
Md'ltlll .tiirt. t. llil
a wonderful appetizer, affording a j fork of experts, under government 1 in
gl?- r -y f ; -'. iV(,;. ,U J' " J. . -ry- fjvfh
- ' . t .. .-t 'Sfc .... -iji--.t-. .... "... ... .. . ... . .. ........ :
t'' "J i'
Jt J .
natural elements, until the cow
&t last for their redemption.
He who keeps good cows and
bleeds better ones is laying up
treasures for posterity. Let us have
more and better cows and prove to
the world, what is more true than
in any other section of God's foot
stool, that we have the cow para
dies of them all.
Exterior view of the sanitary dairy owned by Dr. J. C. Ncton cf Phoenix, whose Red Polled Milkers are among the
Valley"s Finest Stock.
common fowl:
It is not a 111
i hardly pay their keep, j
testion of argument, tho ;
southland where
sptlls prosperity
well I
an-! a
over 1
fields in England's
rich clotted cream
in rural endeavor.
ineed food snpplv at times, snpi rvislon have proved the com- 1 her.'ver we wandfr m earth's preventative against the j mon lien lays about eighty egga ' most favored spot, none can com
iting of green feed. per year, or about 6'-j dozen. The are with this wonderland of our
lowing herds of the Salt I thoroughbred hen will lay 111 or! great southwest. I like to call it the
Valley are numerous. Picture j twelve dozen. The laying contests dairyman's Paradise,
reenter of fields: see the cattle throughout the country show a bet-1 Why. with such perfect elementary
y - ' - - t -, - ' V -r ; I"
r , i - - l a - i i-r.' J--: . Si--2 -r-f
- - - . .... .
Everything about the Norton Dairy is sanitary, scientific, complete. One of the show places of tlie Salt River Valley.
grazing up to their knes in green
alfalfa, or resting tinder the shady
cottonwool or ash trees so abundant
in this section: hear the rushing of
a neighboring canal, the singing of
the birds and the call of the squirrel
add a cloudless sky with a glorious
sun and you cannot but sa "This
is indeed the dairyman's Paradise."
ter average than this,
between the common
thoroughbred is aoout $1.50 per year.
Here in Maricopa county we have
excellent representatives of all the
standard breeds. One can take his
choice. A visit to our State Fair
or Poultry Shows would convince one
tof this fact. The Mediterraneans
The difference J seem better adapted to our climate
hen and the 1
consequently are more profitable.
There are several commercial
hatcheries in the county during the
hatching season, January to May, and
they are taxed to their fullest ca
pacity to fill orders.
Mesa, Arizona.
W. S
1 f
j! !
t4" -it
v.- . . : "Sj3wP(?(!
i.- -1
R I 1
Jr'E'; i xi
.. a: x tr.w? i r..-.:
. A i
2 , f?ri
This modern, completely equipped plant is located in Phcenix. Its daily butter output is over 2,000 pounds and it
operates a fieet of six cream gathering auto trucks.
These should be detected and seat
to the butcher. Have the Babcock
test eliminate such animals. This
i.r best ace implished by co-operative
cow-test associations, by the
introduction of pure bred bulls of
guaranteed butter fat ancestry, and
as one is able, by the purchase of
pure bred cows. Secondly, by sur
rounding our heids with a continu
ous succession of those feeds best
adapted to a large and persistent
n.ilk flow, by supplying pure drink
ing water, proper shelter from th?
sweltering summer sun and the cold
rains and frosty nights
and January. Thirdlv.
cil methods of handling
milking sheds, a place
milk screened fr tm the
fly, thus producing for the creameries
a milk fitted for sweet butter, high
grade cream and wholesome cheese.
This results in a higher prioe for the
creamery ami. in turn, for the pro
ducer. Lastly, by doing one's own
dairy work, or employing help who
will make kindness and faithful, re
gular attention to man's best friend,
the cow, their greatest work. The
key to success with the cow is based
upon the above mentioned facts.
Other branches of agricultural ef
fort, such as cotton, hay, sugar cane,
and. cantaloupe is growing in appeal
to many formers; but the dairy cow is
the natural channel through which
the poor m:.n, especially if aided by
a family of children, will find the
surest and most satisfactory oath-
Twenty Thousand
Bee Colonies In
Maricopa County
Few people realize the extent of
the beekeeping industry in our state.
The report of the State Apiary In
spector for 1914 registers over twenty-six
thousand colonies. Nearly
twenty thousand of these are i:i
Maricopa county alone. At a con
servative estimate, th?se twenty-six
thousand colonies probably produced,
during the year, as much as a mil
lion and a quarter pounds of honey,
or six hundred twenty-five tons.
Few people realize just how sweet 1
state Arizona is.
The problem of the unemployed
never worries the commonwealth of
Deodorn. All through the bloom sea
son, from daylight to dark, they are
busy. Scarcely a species of bloom
i that does not make their acquain
I tance. The vast fields of alfalfa,
H. C. Mann Type Of The
Successful Small Farmer
Mav 6. 1915.
Editor Arizona Republican:
Herewith I give you for publica
tion, my first year with the dairy
In October 181.1, I purchased 18
cows and heifers and 1 registered
Holstein bull for $2070. Some of the
cows were fresh, others dry. At the
end of one year, or in November,
1914, the monthly statement from
the Maricopa creamery, footed up
for butter fat $1,200.
The average number of cows
milked during the year, sixteen, made
I credit per head, $ 7r.(i0. The pro
iduct from separated milk fed to
young stock as follows:
8 yearling Holstein hei
fers, worth $fi00.00
6 heifer calves, high
grades 200.00
Young bull calves sold 305.00
Skim milk pigs 4 mos.
Sale of butter fat.
Some of my cows were extra good
-some were "star boarders."
The cream test averaged better
(Continued on Page Nine)
, For two years Thackery did all his
.writing with one pen. Oliver Wendell
Holmes used a gold pen for 30 years,
'. during which he wrote twelve million
i words.
than 40 per cent fat.
The only feed for cows was al
falfa pasture, disced to barley in
the fall, and in stormy weather, al
falfa hay in the feed lot for night
and morning. My alfalfa fields are
cividod into smail pastures, so cows
may be changed to fresh feed every
few days.
The present year, 12 acres alfalfa
will be plowed under and planted in
corn. Then if 1 can manage, build
a silo, fill it with corn, store first
class alfalfa hay in the barn and
build a good dairy barn for the
milk cows, I venture the statement
the cream check for the year will
show $100 per cow, where now it is
only T5.
Deduct $500 for hired help for the
year, and $200 for interest paid,
making a total of $700, leaves a bal
ance of $1905, on investment of $2,
070 and the dairy herd on hand.
My six brood sows and breeding
hog have thrived on alfalfa an I
skimmed milk no grain excepting
when nursing pigs.
The successful dairyman must wear
overalls and not be afraid of hard
My twenty-six years of sunshine
and shadow in the Salt River Valley
all spent on the farm, finds me and
mine true and loyal Arizonians.
Peoria, Ariz.
of December
by improv
milk, proper
to keep the
ever present
way to prosperity.
I have alluded to the great fertility!
of our soil, but no place on earth j
is so rich that continual cropping
and selling the harvest, in grain or '
cotton, will not in the end impoverish I
the tiller of the soil. One ton of
butter fat sold from the ranch takes
away only fifty cents worth of fer
tility, while grain removes, never to
return again, nearly twenty-five
times as much. j
We laugh at soil improvement in
our great valley, but so have others'
in other virgin valleys, where the '
dairy cow was unknown. However, ;
they have seen their soil sapped of i
r ! V fKn-rffrurz nrffs, , i '-j COME OVER. TOM
it tit j Vw
-: ' z m 4f 1 K- 'Wm
and PROMPTLY COOLED to below 40 deg. F. and bottled in STERILIZED BOTTLES, there is no
use of going to the extra expense of furnishing this special cap to protect milk from dust and infec
tion while being delivered.
Norton Dairy does comply with all these requirements for clean, uninfected milk and furnishes the
cap also. These i eqvirements greatly increase the cost of production over common methods but the
consumer now is only asked to pay a trifle more than regular prices.
Prices of Milk to all lOcts. per quart, 6 1-4c per pint. Cream 10c per half pint, Whipping Cream 20c
per half pint. Special Milk for Babies or Invalids extra. 10 p?r cent discount allowed on all regular
orders equivalent to four quarts milk per day.
You are invited to visit our plant just north of State Fair Grounds. Phone Orders to Norton Dairy
Office 201 Fleming Block, Phone 777, Night Phone 767.
The Central
Our Business Is BA!MKING--Our Banking Is BUSINESS