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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
TIIE 'ARIZONA REPUBLICAN SALT RIVER VALLEY EDITION. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 23, 1915 PAGE SEVEN Hogs And Goats Revel And Thrive In The Valley Of The Sunshine Alfalfa Fed Hog Is Big Mortgage Lifter In Arizona I inoculate against is not a .sickly j neither Iwl.i there 1 sickness since wi cholera, an.l there jii.lj on the plai-c, lin'ti a il-ath from lii-can oporat :i;i. (By CHARLES H. McARTHUR.) It is n iiii ill to a carei'lll I'Krvi r that tin- SU River Valley is .Ic-iin..! lo he a t r. ai. n. ions pro- '"' "1" pork. At present great in t :; is l(-iii taken iii tin- raisin: f .Mr. Hot-. ai:l no v. lu re can this it oi a hy that In timity el icy ;!.! -.n- a j.! i f ilc .lor. rly .'17: I i a: !: ieicj o t'.ot-iirt ifi per at re. -.:s".- It t-i:M set in rli-iks tin- oppor i.c Silt Kiv.r Vai ls, Imjrs, is miss bet. He i not on V- have si i will cnntiir.-i the cxccllenc forwaril to lil same to ,Io s. e of the shipping faiu-y pijrs :! a 1 i or. account of str-i'n, luit loo'; five htmtlrctl Iiojtk at I. as market. The here to stay, to tin- future to tne Valley 1 an.l v. viih a I.os A ni Ranch loo!; f .;-, ; vi at ileal I of - - Ik r A. Thcs? MAKING pigs, on the HOGS OF THEMSELVES McArthur ranch, were to3 busy to pose for the Camera Mar. pleasurable antit i aii. n. In lesi.lonee in Arizona. r come cnl husiasi ;e boosters section because w t- believe lots of inoi-ry to L.c niailo tin- busini'ss '.ii:-h ue lia tr.k n. Yours truly. r. Tt. r.RAMiirj. 1 i nil" sltoi-t ! :-vc tio- I r..r t:,i-:i tilt-!-!- is ' l-,-:-'- in i uniU-r- ' Kttif Itina n tlirivt! win it- tin' alfalfa !- 'louml. As a nioitKa-!iftt i-iaKir tin- hof; li:sim-s :.n.l. l-st of all. till- ii' ill to start thi- bii more than pa stu;vs art- hero, green r or money -l:as no e I'jal riinai invest iness may lie iniie sin. iii. A few aeres. a few pens, a lew l-roml sows and you're off uitli a "flyinsr start." Some iiKa of i tiie i-ossibiiies of the h--; as a money- i Kilitor maker an lie iiiineil fioin the folliw- i Tl:e it's: Suppose the future hoj? raiser ! in the makes Lis start with twenty aeres i r.i a ly f alfilla in the Salt Uiver Valley. I ri reei. fti r lie has propi rly fein t -I his laivl i pi opt rty la- l-uil'ts ten pens at small eost anil I ram- ll-el-lJ puis tell Ti t i I liroou sows. In liini- ay. less ih. iii four months th.-.e sevs will for no . T.iiri.v. an av. rae el six pips, Jialt , pt -f whieli are sn-.s. In eit;ht fn.m.hs i. m w ith pro: er fee.lin:; he will luivt? ; tmns Ample Water Is Aid To Success In Hog Culture May II, 11.".. Ilepuhlie.m: 'a!!-y Holj Company npera'ps S.i II Itiver Valley on the old ( r.N":l ranch on North Seventh V.'e hn e lit ell operating this for ahei'.t a year an.l a half, to this country ahout th.-.i an.l opene.l this liiis ranch th.-r reason tlian tlnre is a petua! sup) no! possihl 'a 1 If. rn i of water h- re vhicn in the irrisalnl sec- ha v" wh, I for- i a nn rly ii cessfu! r.'ita'.i!-.- i, i any si i:l !- r--.It I li iitv l arr.cvs v -i-,-!.:nf; two hn::!reil , f .r w f : iv ti he will receive ! JIJKi n. lie :-!sn lias thirl y new sows! -r fiuty sows in all. In the mean-' tune his original ten sows will have ; fo ar;ovi-:I asrain hriiM"n'C him sixty ih raw p'.iis, whi.h t this time wiil he ' p. riranc: il-r.-e la -nths oM. Now lie has forty . 1 oeause .-..iws and sixty t l-.ree-nionths" il;s:;-il-ii : I'.y the time tl,e sixty piu's p.;.,,. niaiket where they will,,,,, t).,. j the forty .;.vswill luivr I uisti rt d . While rai.- ir Mo.Vsto. has a. r I Isiv, ho--s i n. u. -'iter n. .-Id ,:-::. ;. ! i a.iy ft. J-M.ii; -;:lh-y hoc; the v.att-r o.iiiitnlile heen s.ic- e!si v.'hei e. our lom lill I look success iu use of i'ii supply an.l moans '-. Over 15000 Head Of Dairy Fed Cows In This Valley (By C. T. HIRST.) Tin-re are at the ,.r.-sc .: i.nii- ahout 15.iH!.i lit. ail of daily mas f d in aj f.'lfa pastuii.-; in the Sa't liiver Val ley. A larr,'e proportion of the.--.; tows are oracle 1 It.lsti ins, which secia to he the favorite breed iimim; the dairymen of the valley. However, there are also several ts'ooil sized herds of pure Molsteiiis, also sonic puie lired 1 uerrsevr.. nrewn Svviss. . i e: hii Unit Ii 1'eited a-id Jersey The comaion method of feediiii; these dairy is to pasture ih.-iii en alfilfa. 1-owever there are otlv-i' uietiioiis heir'-c use.l to le-Uer a. i vantage. Tiiere are sc.-:m1 sia.s m the valley wh.ieh ere being used very successful, also a considerable num ber of the dairymen are following tiie plan of ciiillim the ajfalfa and feediner it in rv-cks. 'n this manner, much less feed is waited, malinrr it JS r t 'i - ; if, ' t-1 - :. - .e. -V, A.7e ' 4 'C 1 " Ji1 "A I BIG LUTE US ARK THE KULK Clay Hockett of Gilbe-t furnished this convincing illustration of our statement. n ore economical and it is also more profitaoh.- in the end, for altho Hie dairy cow may do better Jit certain limes whin running on alfalfa pas- tare, when the pasture is fresh and. c,ie-. n, she will fcive a more steady: flow of milk instead of Ruin. up arid ' down acc-ording: to whether the feed is ;ood or bad, if fed from the rack ' thus KettiiiK uniform feed all the i time. There are a number of dairy--men in the valley who have tried this plan of feeding and say it is i unsuccessful, but l think Kern-rally : p.-a knar, if their methods were in- estimated, it would be found that they failed to fzive their cows all t'.icy could i at all of the time. There have bc-n some very inter-of-tingr experiments of feedintr eotlon sed meal in connection with al falfa, during th last year, and the . f..rrove.l two hirii'.re-l ar.-l forty i ius. He iio.v has his rin-'h: forty sow-;, sixty fat hois. two h.!ndred and f. rty pi"s an I he h is only been pro in: for six riionllis! .Vt this time tt-rty i state In- had liest si-;i five of his l-K.ot! sons which will brir.K about $li'i.'.". lie will have thirty- j fie sows that will brin'-r him annual ly about four hundred ami twenty ' hoes f--r the marktt. This number b-- raised on twenty acres of srt-otl alfalfa, if proper care is exer- ised. At seven cents per pound, i tin -e markt t hosts will be worth ! Jli eii p. r h.ea.l. Kivinsr tiie owner a I frross income of S.".s'ii.nO per year. The i-ost of raisins fat hoirs here amounts to approximately three and lie-half cents per ound. including J.ibor. makins? the four hundred and twenty h-.s eost $ J'.l4n.0i, the net profit 1 inn t'l'J '.'':'. This result can l-e att iimtl the si-coml yar and who tan 'iope to make more than JHT.O'J h i- a- r-- annually? The figures are the result of tin- writer's own experience and the s. n-e result can be obtained by anv careful farmer in this va!ley. Why this valley? Hecause it is only ben- that t h- fit ids are frreen for It", lve months in the year find the t lunate is mild er.ot'tth to nJiov the ln- raiser to do away with the e'nho-r.-tt" etpiipment necessary for the protection of hoirs in cold weather. 'hi- market conditions in this sec tion itre pood for Ii!.;'.-, T'hoenix b-ii- within easy r.-ach of the Pacific 'oast and Texas stock yards where the demand for fat hods has never Itet n sui.plitd. There is never a time when there are no hoi; buyers in the al!.v who pay Kood pri-es and in lirrte quantities. I.iki any other business, that of raising hoss r-'piirts ear. intelligent ar.' ami this wonderful district of fers extreme success to anyone with a little capital w ho w ill sive the raising of hoRs the proper attention. The writer started raising hoss tl-re years asii and this year wiil market about one thousand head from ft.rtv ai-rfs of jilfalfi. and at a pf of - hundred brood so-.v.; i. e. ail Puree Jerseys, re- capabie of h in reff.sie;-- Uil upon payment of t!ie fee, an.. ; there is no jne of the :-ix hundred i pias r.o-v runnins around which is not as .-.ire as its ni'.ll:r. They are nmstly of the Uilt strain. At ih- l-'air last year one of these took the rran'l championship prixe, weighing 3Tu pounds at spy." n months of ape. Her sister, weiiioj 412 pounds at the same aesv. We are raising hoss scientifically, have n- wet ho wallows, keen the pens ciea.ii and Cry antl c-ov ie.l. provide plenty of shade and alternate the lastures. We dip for lice and 1 i fit- s?; .-V j - Cl y few- if THE I?OSS OF THE lJAXGH. There are many imported as well as Valley-bred registered stallions 1 1 t r t r 4a it. i- K very Koorl. care is sriven to herd and proper the feeding ami selection, the re- ! 1 esults have been J When reasonable j the selection of a 1' ntion iven to 'care of them after i turns will average from J1.0O to $i!.!tn i-ow -er month for the entire 1 yp;'r. This a little more than pays i for the feel and care of the cow 'and leaves Ihe increase as a profit (to the farmer. i From a herd of 2." cows, one can j feasoi.ably fi-uie on raising 0 leaives; la heifer calves at a year old would be worth from $T,o to ' ?f.O per head n-vl In steer calves 'worth from :;n to ..4a per head, thus I 1-rinpiii in a fair net revenue to tilt farmer. A herd ef this size can b." handled on 4u acres of good alfalfa if reasonable care is taken of the J land and hay is put up durinx the , sprine; and summer to be used dur- iricr the winter i.nd srain is disced 'into the alfalfa in October, so that i t he maximum amount of preen feed can be produced. I It is a srooil plan to raise a few j Iimks to take care of the extra skim I milk, this 1-einp a source of con-' ' si.lerable profit. ! r. t. mnsT. ' -o- ANOTHER DAIRY ANIMAL. In the Valley are many herds of goats. The Swiss milk go.its do particu larly well here. This fine ewe is owned by A. E. Mason. R. F. D. 2. Phoeni. The largest statue in the world is hoinjf carved, in a Japanese quarry. The imafte will be 240 feet from head to foot, and longer, than the Sphinx in Ksypt. v a. H 3- - .. 4 -. f - U -ifi xA '-. ' T5- 1 1-i.', Sivitzerland Bested As Home For The Milch Goat i shine eacii of a ! by a fioat ; ; for if there e are that a goat year can be appreciated yes, even a "billy" goat. Is any one thins on earth enjoys more than every- YOUNG ' ' WJTIT E-EA 0 ES ' ' ON TIIE "B-II" Bartlctt-Hearo' HereforHs and Durhams are well known arrong Arizona Cattlemen. j (By A. E. MASON.) j in deterininine; the fitness j place for the breed in ir of any I of live stock for profit, tin r I three essential features which must 1 thing else, it is to have a clear sky jl-c taken into consideration, for they j above him and the dry ground be ! .il! largely determine the success or j neath. 'failure of tiie enterprise. These es- j It is hardly necessary to dwell jsentials in the order they present j upon the question, for it is j themselves to me are. first, a suit- j universally known that "everythins tilde ciirnate; second., an abundance under the sun" glows in the Salt jof forage, and third, a rea iy anil I Uiver valley. We have found that : remunerative market for the fin-j clean, sweet alfalfa hay with a Utile i ished product. i jfi.iin, produces a lar-?e flow of the ! The climate of the Salt Finer val-jvcry finest flavored milk, and the , iey has Ion?? been noted for ils in- supplementary feeds are without j viiroratlng and beneficial effect upon I number, the human family, and in no less a j Generous feediair, combined with decree is tiie same good ffect noted j favorable climatic conditions, have I upon t lie livestock. The dry, h:i hny ' p' uduced a marked effect upon our .desert air that we enjoy the whole gnats. "Princess I-'rliu" '.'4?., a. pure I year through is just as stimulating ! Swiss Saam-n doe raised in.the valley jas the gentle breezes that float over j at a year old was as larse as her 'the highlands of Switzerland for a I dam. and at sixteen months of age 1 few months only each summer, and ! was producing: three and one-half have gained for that country a (quarts of milk daily without ever world -wide i Our three pu tat ion. hundred days of Ih.ninir been bred. As to the market goat products, I will say that so far as we have devoted most of our time to raising young stock, not hav ing been favorably located for dis posing of the milk; hut since moving to phoenix we expect in the near future to establish a milk route and we anticipate a good business in the city as well as among the several health camps nearby. R. F. D. 2. NEY TO LOAN oil improved property, amounts suit. ranch m to LA, MARSHALL Mortal ire in vestments antl Fire Insui-ancc Lewis 'Ildp. 5 Adams HE GREAT ROOSEVELT DAM IS FULL AND RUNNING OVER Lands under this project are assured a full supply o!' water tor all time to come; there will never atrain he an opportunity to huy ranch hinds in the Salt River Valley at tin; prices of todav. Our list of ranch hracps all parts oi terms are ri"ht. lands is complete the vallev. The and cm- prices a no E. J. Bennitt & Co. KJ-18 X. Center. Phoenix. Ariz. son in agents for a half section nin-resident which will he estate, and this piece of property ahso- of land sold to We aw owned ! close up i ii .I. ii can he : mrenascu so rnar, vo-u wouui in lutely ceitaJn to make a rofit of five thou sand (loii.Ms inside or one vear. oi- it wanted one of Yalle, Sri ii ai;e it to winter siieeii or Ihe finest Ifu-a.tions in rcttiu'r artle a person on, it lias Svst'.'m. the Salt River water f'l'om the Roosevelt If interested please call or Write STATES LAND TITLE & LEGACY CO. Uv S. Henrv, President TE for goats and Two Million Doll cent ast 12-3 years. nas oeen loaneo. uv lis Without Loss of a dollar of either principal or interest. afety First our first iu making loans, sold most of the hitrhest ciass ad- ilas lieen, is ikav and always will h J nrii:t;1 this time Ave have subdivided and ditions in Phoenix, and its suburbs. Five years ago Ve organized Home Builders and have built For Them 150 HOUSES All high class residences. The assets of Home Rudders in this short time have grown to over 500,000.00 Dollars Our Ion: accurate experience enables us to give information in regard to anv intending purchasers reliable investment contemplated in and the River Valley "Write Us for Information Reference Anv Bank iu Phoenix. Greene Griffin Co 127 Xorth Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona.